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I feel like my answer to your question hinges on the part where you said: >Her past is pretty gnarly and I hold myself to a high standard Can you explain that?


She probably had sex with like 2 other people before meeting OP šŸ˜‚


Yes. I am intrigued by this also.


Past ainā€™t got anything to do with your advice, you just nosy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lol yeah it does, Iā€™m trying to see if he has a valid reason for passing on the girl he already hit or if heā€™s just a dink. That affects how I answer


Valid reason: he doesnā€™t see a future vs instant sparks with roommate Sounds like basic lust vs love. Dude found girl 1 hot but is actually interested in girl 2. Valid enough? So 6ā€™4ā€ Mr handsome with abs that could shred cheese hits on you. But turns out Mr handsome is a player. And goes to bars and clubs very often. Something that you only occasionally part take in. Realize you arenā€™t very interested in this person but they are hot and interested in you plus they are nice and fun to talk to. Meanwhile guy b is much more compatible to you itā€™s just guy A introduced you Heā€™s only a dick if he doesnā€™t cut it off now he knows feelings are involved.


lol you donā€™t need to try to defend him bro. you donā€™t know the situation.


Yet you were very quick to judge also not knowing the situationā€¦. Edit: Tho what I just described to you was the situation


I have yet to pass any judgmentā€¦? I was only asking OP to explain what they meant.


Already calling him dink


Your reading comprehension isnā€™t too good is it? lol I didnā€™t call him a dink either. I said either his reasoning is valid or heā€™s a dink.


His reasoning: no spark, thinks sheā€™s hot vs spark and thinks sheā€™s hot So youā€™re asking why there is no spark? Edit: Youā€™re like walking on a line right now. Where you want to judge him for having consensual casual sex with someone he found very attractive but not want to date them because they party all the time. Is someone who goes to the bar for a few drink the same a someone who goes the bar every day from happy hour to close? No. Are those people fun to talk sometimes? Sure. But Iā€™m not introducing them to friends.




For someone with high standards you are pretty easy meat.


Hahaha I was taught to always bat out of my league. Iā€™ve found myself in the majors and Iā€™m just happy to be here


![gif](giphy|xT0GqlK9efNWRiKhQk|downsized) For someone with "high standards", you certainly don't mind possibly causing a rift between 2 friends/roommates. You know this is messy if you do anything with her. Normally I would say break off things with the first girl and then just stay in touch with the girl you actually like, but don't date or sleep together until they move out, but you sound like you would do it, so break it off with both girls and find someone else.


Itā€™s one of those things where me and the roommate are going to sleep together regardless of what happens. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m kinda freaking out. I foresee a shitstorm


Then theres not really a point to post on here if youre just gonna do it and ignore any people's advice. All I'll say is prepare to have one or both women hate you.


If you've already made up your mind, then do whatever you want and deal with any fallout like an adult.


I only came to terms with this fact after everyone unloaded on me in the comments. It has been enlightening. I am just going to ride out the storm, and might make an updated post in a few days to share the tea


What I donā€™t get is this: you say you hold yourself to a high standard, but - knowing about the supposed ā€˜gnarlyā€™ past, you did fuck her. So your standards arenā€™t so high as to pass on a random shag (knowing what you know about her), but too high to date her. Genuinely donā€™t get that, but thatā€™s by-the-by I guess. If you get with her roommate, youā€™ll fuck up their relationship. Thatā€™s a given. And so, on balance, itā€™s better not to go there. Particularly if you are the kinda fella where sparks often fly. However, if you really must, at least put the effort in to make it less shitty. Let the girl with the supposed gnarly past know that it was a one time only thing and wonā€™t be going anywhere. And if you do get with the roommate, just donā€™t rub the other girlā€™s face in it. But thereā€™s no way it wonā€™t be fucked up.


>Genuinely donā€™t get that, Really not that odd or confusing, people can have standards that they don't themselves match because you aren't trying to date yourself...you need to match the standards of the kind of partner you want not your own. A short girl doesn't need to match her standard of being tall to want a tall partner because dating preferences are asymmetric.


Thatā€™s not what I said. What I actually said is that the OPā€™s judgement, values, and - ultimately - his character are in question because of the way in which he views women (based on the above post).


That doesn't matter though unless the women he wants to date take exception to it, and that's on them to enforce as a boundary/dealbreaker if they so choose to...it's only a problem for OP if it cost him women and it doesn't appear to be the case...if thar changes then yes he would need to adapt to get better results.


Donā€™t do it! Really bad idea. Itā€™s her friend and roommate. You see already going to hurt the feelings of the girl you slept with immediately, why make it worse. Move on and find someone else.


You need to first end things with the girl you donā€™t see anything happening with. Donā€™t lead her on and make it clear that it was a one time thing and you donā€™t see it going past that. Sheā€™s caught feeling for you, so the sooner you let her down, the better. Once youā€™ve done that, then have a chat to the roommate and let her know how you feel. Your chances with her - assuming sheā€™s interested to begin with - will rest on how close they are and if she is willing to jeopardize their friendship, and potentially her living arrangements. Personally, I wouldnā€™t feel right putting someone in that position.


Donā€™t do it. Move on. Find someone else. This will not only mess with their friendship but also mess with their living situation. It would be extremely selfish of you to get in between that.


Your actions def donā€™t align with someone who ā€œholds themself to a high standardā€. Do both of these women a favor and spare them of the mess youā€™re attempting to start


How so? I have high physical standards, and high moral standards. Iā€™m allowed to have that, even if Iā€™m a solid 6 with a heavy past myself


High moral standards but youā€™re easily sleeping around? High moral standards but potentially ruining a friendship? Not the just a friendship but this could potentially create a toxic home environment. These things donā€™t align with ā€œhigh moral standardsā€. lol


You are correct in that you don't need to match your own standards, I'm really not sure why people keep bringing that up. You aren't trying to date yourself you need to match the standards of the type of partner you want not your own standard as you are trying to date them not yourself.


Seinfeld Season 6 Episode 11 watch it! You are referring to "The Switch" and it can't be done! LOL Better move on and find new girl.




Not really. Double standards exist. Iā€™m not the one who created them. The girl I originally slept with is not in the same tier as her roommate. Why would I settle for less


Thatā€™s ok. The girl you eventually lose your šŸ©· heart to isnā€™t going to settle for you either. Go have fun, but know itā€™s coming, hun


Iā€™m 26! Of course Iā€™ve had my heart broken before. Thatā€™s just part of life. It taught me what I deserved, so it only made my standards higher. I think at this age, we develop a birds-eye view of everything. This makes it all hurt less, and we simply see it as a series of learning experiences


Donā€™t worry about it. ā€œSheā€ is also learning to set her standards higher, and will know she deserves more ā€œthan your sketchy pastā€ as well.


It doesnā€™t get any better than this, baby




I honestly would say you should avoid both of them because it isnā€™t worth the stress, you can get someone else but then what do you mean by the other girls past is ā€œgnarlyā€ would you say wilder than yours?ā€¦ also I think you should try and hint to the girl you donā€™t want that it is just a friends with benefit and tell her you are interested in her friend but then her friend will probably reject you for her friendā€¦ probably but then she shouldnā€™t block her happiness but then how do you know she feels it as strongly, it is too multilayered, just leave it alone lol


The only important thing director Kevin Smith ever taught us was that someone is more than just their sexual past, so you shouldn't get hung up over that, especislly if the roomie may have a comparable past that you just don't know about. Ask yourself, which one would you be with if you didn't know either's past? If it's still the roomie, kindly let the OG know If you don't know, spend time with both, maybe even be respectful and upfront. You might lose both or you migbt find the right person and a good friend. Either way, if you act with integrity, they can't hate you too much, right?


Wow, this is the best answer by far. I do believe the Roomie would be more ā€œmy typeā€ even if they had comparable body counts. So the fact that she IS more modest and morally sound makes it a pretty easy pick for me. Iā€™m gonna let the roomie know that I actually want to pursue her, and hopefully we can work together to let the OG down easily.


The fact that you can meet a woman and sleep with her, and then imply that she isnā€™t ā€œmorally soundā€ because she sleeps with men, is indicative of a hilarious level of hypocrisy in the way you see women and sex. You should show this post to both OG and the roommate, and see if either of them is still interested in you afterwards. If the roommate is as modest and morally sound as you imply, why would she want to be with someone as morally unsound as you? Or is having casual sex only a moral failing when women do it?


Shouldnā€™t ruin their friendship if you end it immediately and wait an appropriate amount of time before seeing said roommate Iā€™d say a month before you sleep together




Full disclosure bro. Full disclosure. That's all you can honestly do.


Maybe the flat mate also has high standards and doesnā€™t want her friendā€™s sloppy seconds.


Time for a three way


It never works out like this, when one friend is upset


Def not a situation where something like that could happen hahahaha. But then again, Iā€™ve been surprised before


Youā€™re disgusting.


Itā€™s a cold world


Nah just you mate


Fuck them both at the same time !!! In the ass !!! Lol šŸ¤£ lmao šŸ˜‚


It's obvious... 3some!!


That is a easy answer


Iā€™d follow the roommate who you actually like - you literally got nothing to lose.


It was just a hookup in the end. If she's mature enough, she'll move on quickly and be glad that her friend found love because of her.


I hope these two 19/20 year olds have this much maturity lol. I will make an updated post in a few days when I settle this thing


Yoooo Flip a coin!


Youā€™re a fucking complete tool bag and a loser. If the roommate ACTUALLY goes on a date with you, you guys deserve one another. But she wonā€™t because you probably made this entire story up.


How do you hold yourself to a high standard when you are okay sleeping with someone you consider attractive or gnarly. If you are ready to fuck someone who apparently isn't good enough to be your girlfriend, doesn't that make your sexual standards 'loose'. I don't expect you to have any integrity about this, but you can do the girl you slept with a favour and actually tell her that you don't want to date her. She will be very hurt but hopefully this will lead her down the path of reclaiming her self-worth and establishing higher standards for herself. But yeah, just leave it at that. Nobody can stop you from pursuing whoever you want, I guess.


I think what you should first is letting the girl that you banged her that you are not interestedā€¦ so she doesnā€™t keep hoping. The rest is upon the roommate is she decide to date you. Just keep in mind that she might have to get another living situation if she wants to date you.