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People are bullshitting you here. It will 100% open up more doors for you. Nobody wants to say it because the whole "it's what's on the inside that counts" shit is the feel good way to go, but reality is a vast majority of women won't give a shit what's on the inside unless they already like what's on the outside. 


Spitting facts out right here . This is the best reply


Appropriate_film_661 Is rude and his comments are hurtful on many users post. He commented that anyone can do better than dating a single mom with kids. He doesn’t know what people go through. I can’t believe this user. Why do people need to feel satisfaction out of putting others down?


It is not profitable to spend time on another mans kids . I'm not talking just money I'm talking emotional as well . Any man that has been in a relationship with a single mom and it ended knows it is a fact we have a tendency to be attached to the kids as well . So best to not get in a relationship with a single mom unless you are a single dad . I raised two nieces with walking one down the aisle . I speak from experience not reading books or going to a class .


Its a combination of inside and outside. Being attractive physically can get you in the door, but if you have the personality of a soggy bag of mashed potatoes you arent going to get far. And even then, beauty is subjective. What one woman finds attractive isnt going to be the same as another.


But if you *look* like a soggy bag of mashed potatoes, that door won't open at all. That said I agree, beauty can be subjective to an extent. I have a type. But there are features most people can agree are attractive vs. unattractive. Like being fit, symmetrical, normal height, straight teeth, nice hair, clear skin - just signs of good health/good genes, really.


Unfortunately both my appearance and personality are a soggy bag of potatoes


I can relate, my friend... OTOH potatoes are yummy and nutritious.


Aesthetics is definitely one way to get interest. Absolutely personality is how you keep the interest. It is much more complex, though, because human beings (both males and females look for safe assumptions and ways to identify patterns that might indicate a partner has other desirable characteristics that they are looking for but might not be easy to get a sense of on a first or second date. 1. Good job. 2. Clean living space. 3. Healthy asthetic. 4. Kind natured. 5. Smart. Etc. Etc. Nobody is gonna have everything, we're humans and imperfect. But if you check off enough of the boxes, whoever you're talking to is likely (wrong or right) going to assume that the lifestyle you live reflects those characteristics. And if those characteristics are what the other person is looking for, then it is MUCH MUCH easier to talk to that person and establish a relationship. Summary: Getting in shape isn't easy at all, but it is absolutely possible. And people will recognize the hard work that goes into it. So if OP does, I guarantee it will not hurt him.


Women cry over tall hot fuckboys all the time. Only the outside matters, not personality


Am fat and losing tons of weight, thr more I lose, the more women look and smile . But yeah, it’s the inside




If you become lean and athletic you will notice a diff.




y e s


You don’t have to look like a gym bro. Just don’t be obese….your gonna have so many more options if you get in a healthy body weight.


Definitely depends on the person and what they’re attracted to. I’ve lost 93lbs and I’m not more attractive to anyone lol


im sure there are people that find you more attractive now, they just don’t wanna say or admit it


What? Why would that be? I got way more attention from men when I was at my highest weight


Reason men figure you are with someone . Women as men tend to let themselves go when in a relationship . And gain weight etc .


Men gave me more attention when I was at my highest weight because they thought I let myself go?


How much were you before, and how much are you now? If you’re fit, more men probably find you attractive than before. Also what’s the age gap between that weight loss? Many factors but I imagine more dudes like you now but are shy.




Thanks pal!


Congrats man! 93 lbs is an insane accomplishment, wow.


Thanks pal! Couldn’t have done it without ozempic. 95lbs down after this morning weigh in!


Yes!! My life is so different after getting jacked. They will like you they just wont say it to you directly. if you get a chance to go to different places you will notice the difference


It helps but it not guaranteed. Having a healthy lifestyle, confidence and the ability to hold a conversations goes a long way


It helps as having a hobby, getting fit and healthy is generally seen as quite attractive. It should help you build confidence and you'll feel better physically and mentally. But it needs to be more than that. Girls arent just going to flock to you as soon as you do this. You're going to have to step it up mentally too, ask more ladies out, get rejected more as well


I, 35f, do not need a man with a 6 pack by any means but I do not date men who are obese because I do not want to be a nursemaid to a future spouse. I want a partner who is committed to being healthy (but who will not ban sugar altogether) and encourages us to hold each other accountable. It was significantly easier in my 20s to be fit vs my 30s. I have to not eat many foods I enjoy because they’re just not worth the calories. Things I could eat regularly in my 20s are a couple times a year treat in my 30s. If being fit isn’t a value you have long term I think doing it to just date someone is a bad idea. A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle commitment. Everyone has different beliefs on what is healthy and what is not.


Short answer: Yes. More importany, it helps towards your overall health, quality of life, risk of disease and life expectancy.


You will 💯 not be disappointed by getting in shape. I've never heard a fit person say they wish they'd stayed fat. Now, being attractive...that comes from the inside. You have to like yourself, before anyone else will! There's no magic pill... Success and accomplishment leads to pride and self acceptance. That's what makes you attractive. Take your time


Staying fit and active is only a part of it. Hygiene, how you dress, confidence, and value are just as important as fitness.


Who cares? The gym helps with your mental and physical health. That’s what’s important.


while i do agree wholeheartedly, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be fit to become more attractive.


Yeah but if you’re going to the gym just to look good for women, your motivation may not last. If you’re doing it for yourself, long term success is more likely.


It can be a good starting motivator. I started going for that reason. Now I go because I genuinely want to be bigger and stronger. But it requires some self-discipline that a lot of our generation lacks.


People who want to be attractive care. 


Bro what the fuck are these questions on this sub? nah dude every single celebrity and male sex icon is obese so it couldn't be that. Look at any romance novel or which are nearly always exclusively used by women and you see just enormous men on the cover. Twilight? Yea they were all just fat as hell.


We like that. Idk what kind of question he’s asking 😂


People find health attractive. Nobody wants their significant other to drop dead or suffer illness.


Yes health matters


Broad shoulders tapering to a narrow waist


Getting fit is nice, but not that important to me. I'd rather guys went to therapy. Or at least worked on their whole being--mental health, personality, friendships, hobbies, and physical fitness instead of boiling it all down to being fit.


and how will you know that they do therapy?


She'll only figure out if they've gone to therapy if they're attractive enough to get to know in the first place lol. 


most likely that!


I mean it would definitely help, but remember it’s not all about looks too, hygiene and a good cologne paired with a decent haircut can also add to being fit


1000% yes


It helps yes


You don’t have to be a body builder (huge muscles will actually attract more men than women), but looking healthy will always make you more attractive to women.


I was 175lbs back in high school my senior year and through the first couple years after, it didn’t change a thing about attracting women. Heck even now at 26 I lost weight from 248lbs to 205lbs and still nothing. It’s about confidence and having money nowadays. Idk maybe it’s because I couldn’t get with the women I wanted and having to settle for average which is me as well.


Yes, next question.


Definitely have a read through OP’s profile


as a tall guy who is in shape, it doesnt help to get a girl. I am just as invisible to you. still should get in shape though for your own benefit


If you make it your whole personality, then it’s really unattractive to me. But you should be taking care of yourself for you. If you do it with just to sole purpose of dating, IMO that’s a toxic relationship with your body and mind.




It helps, but you need to be going for yourself. Use it to facilitate larger changes in your daily life instead of assimilating into toxic gym culture. It’s nice to have hobbies, but do not let the gym become your personality. Be yourself and have fun while you lose weight if that’s what you want. You do not have to hate yourself to go consistently.


not necessarily helps u get girls but losing weight and slimming down makes u feel better about urself and u have less of an issue talking to girls personally helped me a lot, i’m still fat but definitely not at my fattest


Hey i think you should go to gym for yourself not for some girls 🤗generally it helps to get more attention and gives you more chances. But that’s not everything! Everyone has different preferences,and I personally have seen overweight people date and have really good relationships! Closest example to me my uncle hehe he’s overweight tall and married now :) a wondeedul person


You know the answer. Why are you asking?


Being thin is extremely important. Some Muscle is usually a plus but thin is the most attractive thing.


Not a safe bet


Think about you and you, minus 10kg sitting next to each other at a bar. Which one are you taking home?


Yes, but It’s not only about losing the weight and getting healthier though, it’s about building confidence and discipline. Standing up straight with your shoulders back. 


Physically yeah sure. But more importantly you will become more confident and that will make you more outgoing and generally happier and that is what a woman will be most attracted to.


Yes, definitely, but having good qualities as a man and charisma style that sets you apart from other men will put you on their radar, so work on that too.


Physique is probably the first thing I look at, but it depends on if they’re obese too and their preferences


rizz charm $$ big dick energy


Imagine my surprise when I was in the best shape of my life and every other dating profile proclaimed their love for dad bods. I've stopped working out for laziness reasons and have been approached more as a regular skinny dude than when I was ripper-jacked. I think in general, women will tend to like closer to median builds. A beer belly and some chub seems to be endearing while full blown obesity is less attractive, due to cultural and health concern reasons. I suspect too thin or too muscley, like I was, also lead to less interest due to bell curves and statistical whatnots.


I’d suggest you get fit for yourself not to just get a girl.


Being fit then obese, I've noticed many people treat me differently especially women. If you don't notice you're better off for life anyway.


Your quality of life and confidence will improve being fit. That helps everything.


Getting fit will make women wanna Hawk Tua ya BUT being very introspective and a good person as well will get them to being open to dating you. ALL OF THIS combined doesn't guarantee any woman you want to fall for you. In the end its only a odd's game and you can only ever just make things better and not 100% it. Good Luck.


For you maybe, some of us are short and ugly so it doesn't help us, but if you have a good face you should be good


it definitely does


Yes. You'll be more attractive to everyone and healthier and lighter and more confident. So hit the gym, count calories, be consistent, and don't give up easily! And if all that fails, talk to a doctor about using wegovy to help losing weight! I must remind you now: appearances can open the door for you, but to succeed in life.. you also need a strong personality and a good education while avoiding bad habits like smoking, too much drinking, too much food!


Short answer, yes. Your confidence will be boosted and you’ll look/feel better. All women who didn’t want me back when I was bigger, wanted me when I got leaner.


Depends on the person; for me though I value the discipline and work ethic that being fit brings. Therefore I prefer fit men, not necessarily for how they look, but that it reflects their personality and values.


Idkkk everyone is different if a guy is 6'0+ i personally think he should be at least 230lbs...but ik that's not what everyone perceives themselves as looking good and/or healthy at a heavier weight. I think the goal shouldn't be to lose weight but to just get toned.


Being fit and tall is a very good way to get noticed


Obviously … do you really have to ask that? The only people who would say no are the ones who also aren’t in shape, not happy with their bodies, low self esteem. No one in shape who works hard at self care would ever say “I don’t care.” Like attracts like. That said, your first priority should be to lose weight for yourself. Your health. Your confidence. You also get more respected when you are in shape cause it shows you respect yourself. That’s just fact. And it someone loves and cares for you, they would never encourage you to be obese.


I think it’s more about your habits and lifestyle, and less about your appearance. I think most girls just want a man who respects and takes care of himself, and going to the gym and eating healthy is apart of that.


It absolutely will help a lot. When it comes to looks I think women are lenient in certain aspects, but you’re no longer gonna have this “what if” mentality. Just dedicate a few months or a year to changing your physique. You’re tall so you can afford to weigh more plus you’re young and healthy. I would try it once and see how life that way is. If there’s little to no difference so the amount of work isn’t worth it then you at least have the peace of mind knowing this isn’t a big deal If you discover things are better with the effort then you’ve found your solution and you’ll be glad you tested it out Personally it made a difference for me in the sense that I was more confident and outgoing. I felt confident because it gave me the opportunity to see I could stick to something too. It was a big mental health boost. I was definitely more approachable but I am a woman so maybe my experience doesn’t mean much to you


Confidence is what makes you most attractive to women, in my experience. If you’re insecure about your body, and getting fit will increase your self confidence, then it could absolutely be a huge benefit. However if you’re not addressing your underlying insecurities, it won’t really help you, so getting fit isn’t just some magical key to becoming attractive.


Random question because i am confused (as german): where are you from? The height in foot and the weight in kg is really confusing. 😂


Depends on the girl. But do you really even want a girl that shallow? Find a girl who thinks character and integrity are more important. Or at least intelligence and humor. Not just looks. Unless you have a horrible personality, then yeah, hit the gym.


It would break my heart to date a girl who thinks I'm ugly, no matter how much she likes my personality.


Honestly it depends on the person, but I started working out and have lost a lot of weight. I fell in love with the gym and taking care of myself, so to me finding someone who has that in common is important. And to be honest guys who work out usually have nice arms, I love me a man with some nice arms they don’t have to be extremely buff just be toned 🙂


It’s not actually being fit but at least within avg looks, it’s more important that you’re someone that is going somewhere or doing something with your life. Some form of ambition and pride in achievement. If your life is depression and stagnation, well who wants to be around for that? Not saying you don’t deserve love, but you are the avg of the 5 people you hang out with the most. It’s not the only reason but it’s the reason many girls don’t talk about but notice.


It helps your appearance and self esteem and confidence and girls love a fun fit confident guy with a good sense of humor that seems outwardly masculine but has a soft caring side that she gets to see. The girls love jerks is a myth unless they are trying to piss mom and dad off. It's the confidence those guys have that makes them attractive my guy. If you don't like yourself no one else will I'm telling you.


Yes It will definitely help


💯getting in shape will make you much more attractive to women, it is known. I’ve thought about writing a book on the subject.. I was 90lbs overweight, no muscle, glasses and bad teeth. Throughout my latter 20’s I dropped the weight, put on muscle, got lasik and fixed my teeth. For the first time in my life women made eye contact. Since I managed that and to get really good pictures, finally I’m getting lots of swipes and have been with many women 10 years later. Guys I’ve quizzed them, attractive women are incredibly superficial compared to guys. All of them. You can be the sweetest guy on earth, won’t matter if you look like a blob. And size matters. Overweight women can still get dates because men are more accepting. Money more than anything, takes that to get the truly hot ones, still working on that bit. Besides which, getting in shape will make you feel better mentally and physically than you can imagine. Do it for that alone.


The simple answer is it increases your chances


The best advice for you is to get fit for yourself. Them females doesn't really know what they truly like fr so don't base your improvement to satisfy them. They'll come after you when you genuinely look and smell good brother.


As someone who's typically skinny and has bulked before, I found no difference


It generally does help, although there is a minority of girls who is into dad bods. It's not even that most women are super shallow. It's just that there's generally the assumption that someone who works on themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally would also have their shit together, and this would be reflected at least somewhat by their physique. Yeah, being a bit chubby probably isn't going to make them NOT assume this, but being obese might, depending on how it shows. But again, there are women who don't care or judge as much about physique. For instance, I've generally found that bigger women tend to attract bigger men, and vice-versa.


Definitely got more women interested in me when I started lifting heavy. I wasn’t obese but I was skinny and lanky. Bulked up and the ladies all came running


100% back in 2021 i had lost about 35 kgs and dude i kid u not have never gotten that much attention from girls my entire life. I gained back the weight and now the love life is back to arrakis again. It definitely makes a change, don't let them tell you it's not a big deal because it definitely is.


This is a stupid ass question. “Does having discipline and self respect to be physically strong and capable man make me more attractive/better option than the fat sluggish sloth gluttonous version of myself with diabetes” What kinda dumb ass question is this.


I’m sure it can, but I think Personality ultimately is the biggest factor and money also helps


Don’t know about girls, but definitely for boys lol. Gay dude here. Yes, we idolise the gym bod. There, I said it


Yes. I've experienced this for 10+ years, women DO NOT like men who are overweight


When you first meet someone they'll know nothing of you expect for your looks. Your looks will be the only thing they'll be able to make an image of you. A overweight body makes it seem like you don't care about yourself, so it's suggesting a bad personality trait, on top of making you less hot. It is true that your personality is much much more important and if you have the chance to show your personality more around girls, than there's a good change you might get a girl. But! Don't get fit for a girl. Get fit for yourself.


the good thing is, especially these days, most girls tend to be more openminded and find "niche" or "quirkt", unconventional traits attractive. you'll be fine. just make sure to treat them with respect and be a decent human being. your choice to be fit is up to you - do you want to? do you think its worth it if you/others think itll increase your chances of "getting a girl"?


It's not specified, not every girls are same.... Everyone one each taste... mostly fit and money the matters...1in 100 only see the character and personality....


It will make you more attractive, it will make you feel better about yourself which will make you even more attractive, and it will make you healthier which will have further second and third order effects that will, also, make you more attractive. Work out!


"Work on yourself, for yourself." Initially when I first joined gym, I would go there just because my ex wanted me to. He never forced me, but always said I'd have a toned, beautiful body if I decided to join the gym. (He'd later add, ofc you are beautiful even now. But constantly hearing this from him kept making me feel bad). I joined gym and honestly saw 0 progress in 3 months. I was lethargic and tired always, didn't lose weight at all. After I broke up with him, I quit gym too, because it kept reminding me of him. Later I started working out myself, at home, and slowly moved back to gym, this time on my own accord, FOR MYSELF. And it makes such a big difference. Evertime you do something for yourself, it makes you feel more confident about yourself, and that confidence radiates from you to others, which impresses them too. So OP, whatever u decide to do, fo it for yourself. (Am I speaking out of topic?😭)


It helps. I'm short and fat and never had a problem getting dates. It helps that I'm funny. It would help more if I was 6'4" and shredded I'm sure. But I like tacos. Find yourself a partner who likes tacos.


Studies have shown that looks are number one for women. She can say its about personality etc but you want see her dating an obese overweight person etc. If you're 6'4", I would work on my weight and put son some muscle. You should do fine finding women.


Generally it would probably be easier to assume you’re “healthier” are a fitter weight. Although that may not actually be true if you checked bloodwork or other things, I think appearance does matter to most people to some extent and being more fit would likely raise your chances of getting a second glance.


6’4 and 120kg doesn’r sound obese to me at all.?? am i tripping 😂


If you have to ask, you know the answer. You personally think you should lose weight/get fit because it will make YOU feel better and more attractive to women. That makes all the difference. And being fit never hurt anyone. Go get em tiger


Yes. Personality matters.




Probably but personally I'm not attracted to a lot of muscle. I like some muscle but with some squish ☺️ "Dad bods," I guess.


Getting fit used to be enough.


Don't go to gym cuz "girls will look at me" . If ya wanna go to gym, do it for yourself and take care of u. And yes, women like those guys who actually take care of themselves more.




Well not eally ! I was fat and anorexic, but my chances were still few!


It comes down to this "will losing the weight make you feel more attractive"? is that the reason you are or are not having the success that you would like yet? Dating is not a game where the higher the score, the better, though many treat it that way, you can happen to find and hit it off with your ideal partner at any time and at any state of life. The thing that exercise can do for you is, help you with disciplining yourself, putting yourself out there and being vulnerable (at the gym starting out) and puts in a place where you could just happen to hit it off with someone perfect for you. There are a lot of frogs out there (whether you are male or female) and probably more frogs than genuine people when you get onto the dating apps, who knows, the gym might be your place to shine and meet someone


I really hope you can differentiate which replies are coming from a genuine place of kindness and wisdom and not from people who you can clearly tell have been broken down and have not done the inner self work to heal their shallowness. Working out and being active is important 100%, but do it for yourself, and work on your inner voice being kinder to yourself. It all comes with time, consistency and balance and being comfortable in your own skin, no matter your size if you walk with your head held high make her laugh and are genuine and respectful it’ll work out. How you carry yourself and your demeanour and respect for yourself self and others will get you genuine connections and more exciting intimate moments that’s what’s attractive. I was “interested” in a guy for a few days (😅) who only cared about gym and his body, but he was the most self loathing insecure person I’ve ever encountered worst 72hrs of my life🤣


Hate me all y'all want. Only looks matter nowadays.


Yes, obviously. Physically you’ll be more attractive but the equally biggest difference will probably be a mental one. Also you’ll live longer and have a better quality of life. Win win really?


Obviously? The vast majority of women are attracted to fit men or man with a normal BMI over obese men


Speaking from my experience I think once you start working out you actually start to feel confident which plays a huge role to attraction. 23F here


There's no nuance or buts or ifs - if you become visibly fit, you will be more attractive. That's the only answer you need.


Hi! Yes, it makes a difference for girls. I recommend getting into sports.


no I never helps to get fit you know get abs or like muscles yeah yeah most chicks actually and this is scientifically proven disgusted by muscles I'm f\*\*\*\*\*\* joking yes go to the goddamn gym


Is every comment past "yes" even helpful? I think the bigger issue here is you're looking for people to tell you"no it doesn't make a difference. It's what's on the inside" so you can use that as an excuse to continue doing what you're doing. Which is nothing.


You and I are the same height but I've been hitting the gym since 17. I don't struggle with getting hookups but at this stage in my life, that's not what I want. I think finding marriage material is hard for everybody because most people aren't marriage material


Yes. Absolutely. Definitely. For sure.


be healthy for yourself ♡


Visually, yes. Even if you stay a bit fluffy being strong is something girls/women want in a man. No girl really wants to be with a guy who can't protect her. Likewise the most desirable women tend to be fierce and strong themselves and need someone who can match that energy, and will not respect someone they see as weak. You don't have to be wolverine or draxx, that's just a visual plus and that type of body can be hard to maintain without lifestyle changes that can break the bank (lots of really high calorie quality meat consuming days and spending literal hours at the gym daily focusing on pushing muscle groups, no cheating with booze or caffeine in lots of cases, and no sugar which is really hard to quit for most people). The bottom line is, in general people won't read a book with a cover that does not interest them. Getting them to look is 100% part of the process. If your face says 10 but your body says 6 you could improve your self for potential mates by raising the bar for the rest of you so you aren't a disappointing read ;)


Yes. Being physically attractive, and having the personal qualities that lend themselves to a deeper connection. These aren't mutually exclusive. Also, the fact you're taking good care of your physical health, communicates you have some of those desirable, personal traits too. There's even an increase in how attractive you're perceived as, if you go from being good-looking and in good shape, to being good-looking, and having an athletic physique. You're still in the same "bracket" for the most here, but the extra work you put in, to improve on what you already have, it will be acknowledged and appreciated.


>6'4 tall You don't need to do anything lol


Depends. Some do some don't and the rest don't care. My question is what type of woman are you trying to attract? What do you think they're attracted to usually?


Ako na attracted sa Chubby. Ang cute kasi eh.


120kg at 6’4” seems more dad bod than what I picture when I think of the word obese. With that said, some women are actually intimidated by men who are in good shape because it triggers their own insecurities if they are out of shape. Some women hate the idea of a man who is more vain than she is, or better-looking. Women aren’t a monolith. Everyone prefers different things. Some women prefer tall teddy bears. Some women prefer their men in shape. It all depends. You’ll get more attention as a tall dude in shape. More women will also assume you’re a player because they assume other women will find you attractive for being tall & fit. And therefore, you’ll have options. It all depends on how you present yourself.


It depends sa magugustuhan mong babae, kung ano preference niya. But I like chubby person, ang cute kasi.


At 6'4", you already have the foundation. Start with investing in fashion and grooming. Plenty of influencers on the Internet advising on these topics. Once you hit the gym, build muscles, you'll feel attractive. You'll get attention and that'll build confidence.


Maybe, but you will never know.


It is not guaranteed. Not every woman likes lean and sporty guys.


Yes because it will give you confidence and make you gealthy and goal oriented even if you dont get the results you want the effort and the confidence will make you more attractive to more women. But only do it if you want to


i like tall boys:)


Yrs and you being 6'4...you will be swimming in women.


I’ve seen a difference when I take care of my appearance vs not. Both men and women treat you differently.


I think going to the gym to train will change not only your body, but your mindset. Training promotes discipline and a newfound understanding of your body. But the journey should be about improving your health, not just landing a gal, otherwise it won’t be as effective. You’ll gain more confidence and gals love confidence. Good luck on your journey!


It can't hurt. But don't think of it as the only reason you have for not getting girls. My current partner is very encouraging to me to get into better shape. I'm not obese or anything - not even fat (I'm 5'10" or 179cm, around 184lb/83kg) - just wildly out of shape from *years* of not taking care of myself. Note that I said *encouraging*, not *forcing*. Different thing. She's right, of course, that I'd be "more attractive" if I had better posture and took care of myself. She likes me for who I am, thankfully, but she's really fit and would like it if I took better care. She's great like that. I guess my point is that if you do it, do it *for yourself*. In the end, that is what matters - if you find yourself attractive, others will find you attractive.


Short answer Yes… and the long answer is YESSS


Everyone has their own preferences. I have always been more attracted to tall, bigger guys… but blue collar not sit and game types. 🤷‍♀️ they make me feel petite and protected… and I can enjoy eating hotdogs instead of salads with them


When it comes to attraction, physical appearance plays a major role. However, there's more to it than just looks. Women are also attracted to qualities such as confidence, self-control, and discipline. **A fit lifestyle can promote these traits, making men more attractive to women.**


Yes it can.


OP, you shouldn't do it to impress anyone or to get a girl instead focus on yourself. Real women are attracted to the men who are ambitious and take good care of themselves plus the hobbies they pursue. This is something that will make your personality. And trust me buddy, an attractive personality is visible from just your walk itself. So, don't do anything to impress anyone but to look in the mirror and say, "You deserve everything!"


Yes most of the people in this comment section are not telling the truth. It will chance everything bro. You will have more options, more than the guys that are not in shape by default because no one works out really.. some go the gym but are still weak because they wont put in the real work consistently to get the results they want, get jacked and your confidence will skyrocket and women will admire you. people that disagree will say otherwise because they are still among the weak and don't really understand the looks and attention you get from all women of different ages and races and the feeling of know you are top 5 strongest in the room 95% of the time because no one works out.


Of course it helps gain initial attention


I mean it helps with me like I can be attracted to a man that is overweight but I am very attracted to men who workout especially if the man is muscular. They’re body just looks like a work of art to me and it’s impressive when a man is able to discipline himself that he can stick to a workout and put in the hard work necessary to maintain such a physique.


Hitting the gym and yoga studio will help. But you have to be able to hold a conversation with women and be confident.


Yes. It's not going to get you a girl on its own. But it makes it way easier to get your foot in the door, and a lot of women won't date somebody obese at all.


I’d say so, I’m a person that likes to keep fit, so I feel like I’m more likely to get along with someone who does the same


Hard yes. I’m a relatively attractive girl who goes to the gym 4-5x a week so I’m pretty toned. At this point, I would ONLY date someone else who also goes to the gym/engages in some type of exercise on a consistent basis. I refuse to be the only one in-shape in my relationship


**A healthy, physically fit body should be considered part of your overall attractiveness**, but it's not the only factor that determines whether or not you're attractive. The way you look is important, but it's not the only thing that determines your attractiveness.


Confidence matters more then anything. Sure being fit can help but gotta be confident in yourself.


I'm going to be fully honest, I never cared about someone being "fit." Dad bods are usually what I find myself leaning towards. I have dated guys on the larger end and guys who were into MMA or into body building. It's really just comes down to the personality for me and how well I'm being treated. Be you, have confidence, and be a good person to her. This will make you attractive.


It helps but it isn't everything. You may still struggle if you're poor, socially awkward, or are East Asian or South Asian (probably not the case if you're 6'4, but I'm speaking generally), though being fit will give you better opportunities with women than not being fit.


Yes, absolutely. It will not only make you more attractive, but the list of things it will do for you personally is invaluable. Highly recommend.


In general, the fitter you are, or really the more "normal" you look, the more people will find you attractive. It's just the law of averages, most people are attracted to average people. That said, not every woman is attracted to the same thing, I've dated very skinny guys to obese guys, I've been with men shorter than me and some over 6'. For myself, and a decent number of people, I fall for a good personality and then find the person now attractive over time. Also I can tell you for a fact if you lose weight the general population will be more attracted to you physically and you'll get treated better in general. I lost ~90 pounds and have more or less kept it off. I'm still obese technically, but I get so much more attention, but much of it is unwanted tbh (I'm 44 F).


Yes, but not in the way you might think. Sure it'll make you a bit more physically appealing, but even though women do like that it's WAY less important for more than anything beyond getting your foot in the door, and just like guys women have a wide spectrum for what they find physically attractive in a man beyond the stereotypical stuff. The advantage that getting in shape REALLY gives you is making you feel healthy, which makes you feel better about yourself overall, which breeds more confidence, which makes you seem more attractive and viable as sexual and romantic partner for women.


Women who **demonstrate kindness and empathy towards others** are often seen as attractive. This may involve showing compassion, understanding, and support towards others, and being willing to listen and offer a helping hand. Kindness and empathy create a positive energy that draws people towards them.


Yes getting fit is absolutely the preference over being a big tall fat guy. Anyone telling you otherwise is full of shit…


YES if you are in America then you are in a very superficial society. You don''t have to be right but you damn well better look right. 120kg at 6'4 you most likely look decent. As a 6'4 frame can carry 260+lbs very well if you have a decent build. So for context let say if you were 5'9 260+ and If you are from America and you are Fat/over weight you are hated and will be looked upon with disgust. That is just fact. I mean you may attacked women that like a fuller figured man. But you are going to need to be rolling in major cash flow if you want a chic that is fit. Some pretty women with normal BMI may like you , but you better believe every man that is in better shape than you will try their hardest to convince her that she should be with them over you. Even her girl friends will ask her why are you with someone like that. He is gross you can do better girl... so on and so on.. In this culture you can do drugs, you can smoke, you can not wear your seatbelt and people will be okay with you bad vices... But damn if you are over weight they think you are the worst most disgusting person in the world. So keep up the good work slim down some more and you will be just fine.


Yes!! With your height and a small bit of gym....girls would melt for you! Tall, muscular and young will 100% get you a girl no doubt!


It can, but don't get fit for that reason. Get fit to get healthy and feel good about yourself.


Yes! And for many reasons besides looking better. Your commitment to your health is attractive at that point to others. With that said, I would go to the gym for other reasons than “look good for girls”. It’s about your health and keeping your quality of life high as you age. If you’re someone I’m dating and you told me that your only reason for getting fit is to be attractive to other people, I would not like that reason. But if I saw how passionate you are taking care of yourself - it would inspire me too! Also, I don’t care about any super duper fit person. Just a person you can see they care and they’re trying. I can’t date obese people because I’m not and obesity usually reflects a lifestyle that’s not my thing. (Sedentary, bad food choices etc).


All I can say is I changed up my lifestyle. While I initially lost like around 20 pounds, I replaced it with muscle and I overall look more toned. I have noticed way more attention from women, with smiles and actually willing to hold conversations with me. I will say though don’t just do it for women, your body will thank you for having a good diet and workout routine. It’s amazing how much better you’ll feel on a daily basis, and post workout I’m in such a good mood it feels like I took 2 shots of tequila lol. You being 6’4 is already an advantage, so having a great body will only make it better.


1000% yes.


The answer is right in front of you: Yes. When it's obvious you take care of yourself that can be an immediate first impression!


Yes 100 percent. I’m a 27 year old female and don’t really date overweight males. Why? I value a healthy and active lifestyle and if a guy is overweight that signals to me that we don’t have the same priorities.


Everybody is nicer to more attractive people that includes attractive bodies. Jobs are easier to get, partners are easier to get. Strong men command more respect and are looked at as natural leaders. There’s a video of a bodybuilder putting shopping carts behind the cars of people who didn’t put them away. And nobody confronts him, nobody mouths off, they look at the ground and submit to him and put the cart away. Clear example of how alphas command respect. Overweight is widely viewed as lazy and lack of discipline. 20/20 did an episode where equally matched men and women applied for the same job. Wore the same clothes and even looked similar. One was a model and one was an average looking person. Not ugly or unattractive in any way. And the model got the job every time. So yes.


Markers of health are a universal base of outward attractiveness across the board. This is independent of gender and culture


I've lost 150ish pounds, you can 100% guarantee that it changes peoples perspective of you. I've had more compliments in the past couple years then I've had my entire life.... And I'm not even close to be considered athletic.


It does make you more attractive but the only thing that really matters a lot IMO is having REAL confidence in yourself. That means when you look in the mirror or think about who you are what what you do in your life, you don’t just THINK you’re great, you KNOW it. If you can get yourself to have this kind of attitude around women they will be attracted to you like bugs to light. I can’t explain it, but I know it’s true bc I’ve experienced it the last 1-2 years after never having a ton of success my entire life. I started doing really well with my job and I’m in a relatively good place personally, but my relationship with my wife is on the rocks. I have noticed all of the sudden a lot of women, even much younger women, love to be around me now. They’ll randomly touch me, smile at me in a real desirable kind of way, not just a “smile to be nice to you bc I feel sorry for you” kind of way. Women get almost giddy while talking to me or texting me now, even attractive married women or like 9s and 10s in their 20s. I really can’t understand it, but the only logical explanation is that I’ve gained a ton of confidence in myself and who I am and partially as a result of that I’m not intimidated or nervous around incredibly attractive women anymore. In fact, I love surrounding myself with smart attractive women now both professionally and personally. So the key is CONFIDENCE. However you can make yourself confident in who you are, do that.


coming from a fit girl… yes it matters. what your body looks like matters to an extent. i genuinely care about what i eat bc i want to take care of my body and i want my body to take care of my mind. so i am attracted to fit men who clearly feel the same way towards themselves. eating junk food, fried food, over consuming/gluttony are all unattractive to me when it is in excess. so yeah just caring about your body from the inside out, shows! 🤘🏼


For sure, fit attractive young men help you not only in your career but popular among young and old


I don't mean to be rude but my first thought when I read this post was "what do you think??" LOL, is being more attractive going to hurt in any way? If anyone is saying otherwise it's lies, this is really just common sense. Being fit will also help you live longer and feel better, there are SO many reasons to get into shape attraction from the other sex is only the tip of the iceberg


I think as long as you’re making an effort to take care of yourself physically, emotionally and mentally, many people will find that attractive. Most importantly, do it for yourself. EDIT: I workout for my mental health mostly. A toned body is just a bonus.