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Make sure you don’t ignore major red flags just for the sake of procreation. That way you won’t find yourself in some shit situation few years down the road.


Don't do online dating idk


Male 39, would not put me off with the right person.


I’m 37 and I still want kids. If it puts off men so be it. I put it in my bio on apps. It attracts the right ones. Sometimes the wrong ones bc they can’t read apparently haha but that’s their problem. 😆 Currently seeing someone that’s 28 and he’s looking to have kids soonish so hey you never know. Lol Best of luck out there. 💞


I feel ya OP


Are you meeting men online?




They're not pulling away bc you want kids. They're pulling away bc they're just looking for casual. When I did OLD, I found a lot of men are not really there to do more than just hook up.


You can get sperm donor n freeze your egg. One if my friends did that, she froze her egg 10 years ago


I think women in their 30s wanting kids is pretty normal. I've seen profiles of women in their mid 40s looking for the same thing. If you meet the right person who also wants kids it'll work out


It really depends on what your timeframe is




Reddit babies in the making


Are you The Nick Yang?🤭


Are you securely attached? Ok looking (tbh not really an issue), do you enjoy romantic stuff? Do you work in on or around something you enjoy or are you adaptable and clever? Have a few good very well rounded friends? Would you sign a pre-nup? Would you sign papers declaring everything 50/50 kids included and get it court ordered? Do dogs like you and do you like dogs? Most creatures for that matter... Have you experienced spiritual awakening and know what individuation means? Are you an active listener? Do you love yourself unconditionally? Do you respect actual boundaries? If one of.these doesn't click. Nope. If you understand and are getting a little excited and live in Australia, let's hook up!


I'm in the same boat except a year older . Unfortunately there are a lot of average men out there these days that you wouldn't even want to have kids with..It's far better to wait and have kids with the right person rather then just anyone because you might miss the boat.My step mum had my half sister at 43/44 no issues all round.Theres still time.