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The best revenge is living well.  Completely separate yourself from him and find a way to love your best life


The only people who romantically “love” someone who consistently mistreats them are people with low self worth, low self esteem, and low self esteem. So work on those aspects and you’ll stop “loving” him. I put “love” in quotation marks because you don’t actually love him. When you truly love someone you don’t seek “revenge”. ![gif](giphy|lyzH5Ud0qPB6TwgMBI)


Block and move on


Dissappear without warning if you can. Absolutely cut off all contact.


You two are both still leaving the door open to eachother. You either need to close it for good or explore whatever feelings are still there. I'm going through a similar situation with my ex and recently came to this conclusion


For proper revenge, I recommend befriending an elderly Italian priest and becoming the heir to his lands. For his tutoring, learn languages, history, culture, mathematics, chemistry, medicine, and science. Focus in particular on the lessons of poisons and toxins. This will come in handy later. Reappear in the life of your ex in the role of a mysterious Countess. He will not recognize you. Befriend his son, arrange for his kidnapping and then "rescue" him in dramatic fashion, earning you the gratitude of your ex's family. They will introduce you to high society. Gather a household of trusted compatriots to your household. Invite your ex and his family to dinner. Notice the discord brewing in their family regarding the specifics of the inheritance to the next generation. Subtly convince your ex's wife to begin slowly poisoning people in the family, to favorably redirect the inheritance towards her son. At the proper moment, reveal the details and collapse the marriage. A duel will be demanded. Chaos rules. Your ex is publicly humiliated.  23 years after the original betrayal, revenge is served.


believe me you cant take revenge so just stop loving or keeping any contact


Block and move on. Sometimes being mature about the situation and the bigger person feels better than sinking to someone else’s level


It's always a comparison. You think one exam is hard? Wait till you see the other one. You think falling down and scraping your knee is painful? Wait till you get hit by a bus. You need to love something or someone more. Get a hobby. Get that hot body you always wanted. Get a life exploring animal shelters and old folks homes. They give you more to take home than you think. And please don't go get hit by a bus.


The question is, how can you start loving yourself, which, in turn, will help see that you can not allow anyone to hurt you without the consequence of you putting your foot down and leaving.


What do you want? Come have fun and great bwc






You can start by loving yourself. Everything else will fall in place when that happens.


You need to go no contact and completely block your ex on everything. That's the only way you'll get over them and be able to move on. Revenge never helps. You think you'll feel a certain way if you hurt back at them, but if you're in a place of needing revenge in the first place, then they already don't care and your revenge is not going to get the reaction you want and you won't get the relief from the pain you're looking for. It doesn't work. It just makes you look petty and immature.


Hey, enter all those bad memories into karmascore (it's an Journaling app) and then look back and read them everytime you miss him. It's hard but this reflection has helped me. Sending good vibes


"I didn't stop loving you. I saw how you treated me and simply gave up trying." ~some Insta quote


By loving your self I'm sure you are a amazing person that's probably why they keep hurting you sadly .it sucks I know we search our whole lives for love but we have no idea what to look for except we get this idea in our head what we want but this idea doesn't yet exist so we search for something not real and why we search for this non existent thing we could be passing up opertunities that could grow into love but we brush off because it doesn't match what our imagination has created . Love is something Two people create it is built on friendship and trust and it should never be about how that person makes you feel it should be about how you make them feel and should make you happy to make them happy .if they share this same unselfish thought then they will feel good making you happy and it is mutual and unselfish so you won't have to worry about how they make you feel because they will be returning what you put in back without keeping score or having conditions or terms .so in a way love doesn't exist until two people work hard and manifest It to exist together with the same motivation a d built from ground up has to have a good foundation and has to be something that resembles both of you and not just one it can't be a house that is obviously just a woman's but it also can't be a house that is just a man's they have to both understand they ha b e preferences to be happy and meet eachother half way without argument cause would you want to live in a house someone else designed with their interior and exterior preferences in mind . At the Same time you shouldn't feel comfortable living in a house only you decorate and choos the colors and decorations but the one you love has no say so ? That would be selfish and that person would not feel comfortable living there but you would .this is all metaphorically speaking if course but That relation ship should be equally built with good intention and respect in mind being a man doesn't mean he can treat her like shit and ignore her feelings and being a woman doesn't mean she has say so in financial planning decorations home details etc and doesn't make her any less of him nor him any more of her that's all just the way we are taught through media and crap .anyways I'll stop my rant and ramble because I know I have horrible punctuation spelling and Grammer but I always had a way to see things for what they are or should be I was always very intelligent and empathetic to others but still could stand tall and lead by example and protect the ones I love with no fear but for some reason I would find people that would hurt me take me fir granted and want that guy that abused them and hurt them I never could understand that part of it maybe that's just a law of the universe or something .maybe if I stop matching up what I want and start just openly without expectations and without what I want imagined in my mind that I just stop looking and it will just fall in place where I would least expect it and then maby I could get what I need and not what I want and realize it was what I really wanted to begin with . I hope things work out for you .me I'm just going to try and just meet someone unexpectedly in a way I needed and want lol .hope that helps you out


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