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Absolutely do not do that. You’ll get it in their head a create a problem where there probably wouldn’t have even been one. I’m not saying that size doesn’t matter but I think it matters less than a lot of guys think it matters, so try not to worry about it so much.


There’s nothing less attractive than no self confidence, which is what this screams. You don’t need to tell her, let her make her own conclusions.


Exactly you gotta own everything you have and not care one bit about negative thoughts you own who you are and that’s what’s hot.


Yea besides so long as you got hands and/or a tongue you can get the job done.


Not necessarily true


Do not. Pretend confidence. Many women I know actually prefer small size. You just need to keep trying until you find one of those. It’s not that difficult. What you DON’T want to do is come off as having 0 confidence, and as a result you end up scaring away that girl who actually prefers small size. Do yourself a favor and stop overthinking this. It’s not a big deal


Meant to post this as a direct reply to OP, sorry!


Yes and no, I'm just about average at 6 inch but I made it a point to get good at foreplay. Not a lot of women seem to care about your size, if you ate them out like there was no tomorrow. Hell, I still have small scars on my scalp when I get really tan from an ex's fingernails. What I'm saying is, if you're insecure about your size get good at foreplay. Look at fetlife, there's a ton of meetings and classes to find on there(buried behind a ton of explicit images XD). I took a few classes(loved them btw) about stuff I really wanted to know: additions to going down(sparkling water at room temperature was unexpected XD), edging partners, shibari,...


How does this scream no self-confidence? I wouldn't think merely being objectively frank about something unchangeable would imply no confidence. If anything, I'd find the candor an implication of *high* confidence. And of consideration (if under appropriate circumstances). There are a lot of things for which someone might say, "If this thing about me is a dealbreaker for potential mates, then I might as well be upfront about it, as a courtesy to them and/or to me." Seems a perfectly reasonable question for a confident person to want to address in earlier stages of a potential relationship.


Dude, no. Talking about your dick to a woman you're not sleeping with yet is creepy. Personally, *that* would be the dealbreaker for me - not penis size.


It will be received as no confidence. The assumed narrative would be something like "It's small and girls usually leave me when they find out (because I don't have enough other qualities to keep them around)" It can also be received as "you seem like the type of girl that really cares about penis size (and don't value other qualities as much)" Both of these will scare away girls that don't care about your size or prefer your smaller/average size. So it's a lose/lose situation for you If they really care, they'll just leave when they find out. So don't get emotionally invested before this stage.


talking about your genitals with someone before you have sex will probably seem creepy to the other person.


Yeah listen to this person.


I gotta agree. To answer your question though, I wouldn't bring it up. Confidence matters more than the dong you're packing. When you do whip it out, don't try to act like it's big. Many women won't care about your pork sword but acting like it's a monster or trying to get compliments for it will not be received well. Just be you and don't sweat for petty things - pet the sweaty things.


Serious question, are you POSITIVE that you’re not “up to par”?? For many years I thought I was small until multiple people told me otherwise and in fact said I’m pretty fucking thick. Fun dick or good dick is what I get told. 


best compliment i've ever gotten was just right lol like i was fucking goldilocks




That’s a thing actually I’ve told my bf it’s like fate cause he’s the perfect size for me 😂


This. I thought i was below average. I never measured. I used standard condoms and they rip often. After 10 years of sex life i measured because i thought i have the wrong condom size maybe. Turns out i need a bigger size than you get in regular stores. Mens self perspective is really bad when it comes to dicks


It had me so fucked up in the head that condoms would make me limp. Thinking something was wrong with me 😂 I could get store bought large condoms, but they had to be the tapered variety to accommodate the tip. Nowadays, here in the states you can get a variety of sizes through ONE condoms. Was able to find my size and it’s nice to have something that properly fits. Have a vasectomy now so I don’t need to worry about kids. But being poly it’s good to keep condoms in my backpack just in case!


Same. I don't look at other dudes dicks to know what's big or small, but In my hands it seems small. To a woman... well, otherwise. But I've also lost women because I'm too big so if anyone wants a bigger dick just know it's not all that fun.


Lol Fun or Good dick - I heard weekender and boyfriend dick. Once I had that explained to me I much prefer having the boyfriend size.




When the sex is fine but physically it takes you a week to even consider getting on that horse again. Weekender. Naturally there are going to be outliers, but I’d say most women don’t want that in the long run. Boyfriend dick is more approachable. Good dick that doesn’t put you out of commission. A good daily driver.


Hook up


Boyfriend dick??? That’s a new one 😂


It’s old as old


Nah that’s been around for ages


Yeah, statistically my length and girth are average but I could definitely see some women thinking it’s small. Feels thin in my hand :(




"Some" women - I have never met these women. Have you met these women? Sure, they exist, but not to the degree that statistically earns the word "Some." It's really rare that women want a huge dick. They're gross and painful.


You’re right. From what I’ve been told, it’s fine once or twice but there’s more to sex than size. You have to be able to please someone with what you got, can’t do that then you’re not going to keep anyone around.  I’ve only ever encountered one person that specifically wanted a “huge dick” and they really weren’t the best person. Also the only person that wasn’t happy with my size. Which is wild in hindsight with what’s been said about me hahaha


most women really and seriously don't care, man. Penis size is so much more important to us men than it is to women (at least most I think.) You know what's important to women more than anything else? YOU as a person! How you treat them, how you make them feel emotionally, how you make their heart flutter, how much they trust you, etc etc etc... THAT shit is so fucking important to women that those things alone can wet their panties lol.


Sooooo true!!!


Feels thin as opposed to what?


the other dicks he's held, obviously




Average is what women want, typically. You're actually literally complaining about being a perfectly normal human being.


Keep in mind, your hand is likely bigger than women’s hands. So it’ll feel bigger in ours.


My dude is average and he's the best I've ever had. I was shocked he was concerned I wasn't enjoying his size. His feels small in his hand because he has big hands. He feels amazing in mine. Say nothing, be confident and be a giving lover and you will be fine. Remember the average vagina is only 3-5 inches in length. There's a reason average dick is around 5.


Some of the best sex I have ever had is with average or below average peens! Big is nice, too, but sometimes guys just show up with a big D and think that's all they need to do. You can be a mind-blowing lover with smaller equipment. It all in your energy and attention. Don't worry about it and just go have some good sex, enjoy yourself!!


Do you know women have small hands?


Well if it makes you feel better, I have never broken up with a guy even though he is small. We've had to be creative, but again was not a deal-breaker. I cannot say that about someone I dated that was extremely well endowed. When it got to the physical stage of discovering each other's bodies. I pulled the rip cord and said no, not, nope, can't do it. I need to go home. And that was the end of that relationship. Pain is not pleasurable to most women.


Average is more than fine. Stop overthinking it. Instead, watch Caitlin V videos, study, and practice how to be a great lover until you can get a woman wet just by touching her. That's all you really need.


Of course not. Gotta have some confidence my man. Not everyone is carrying a big ol thunder stick and most that do aren’t any good with it anyway. They bank on size not skill. Most women would rather have a average guy on the thicker side then a ball bat as big as a forearm. Be amazing with your mouth and fingers is where it’s at. Then learn to use what you got the best you can. It’s all about listening and paying attention to her body language and for god sake If you find something that she Is loving keep doing it don’t change it in the middle.


AMEN!!!! BTW..I'm a woman.


It's not as important as you think, don't bring it up at all. Get good at eating a girl out and i dont care if you have a micro penis a girl will want you.


To be fair, all women are different. Some women really want penetrative sex and don’t care as much about oral. The point is that everyone is different and doesn’t care about the same thing.


We need to r/askwomen about the oral thing


I'm a woman. I prefer penetration.


I am a woman. All women are different.


That’s still nowhere near Infinite. You added 2 more variables and one of them is more of an auxiliary. There was a survey where I think something like 60% of women though a 5 inch penis was too small. That’s a huge amount of overlap to simply say all women are different. I think the right way to think about it is “all people are different when you scrutinize them but are largely the same”.


U either like oral, penetration, or both. That’s not exactly some infinite possibility.


Maybe people like neither and like toys. Maybe they just like fingers. Maybe some combo. Maybe other body parts? Infinite possibilities for what people enjoy in bed.


I'm a dude and I have never liked oral so I get it.


Agreed. Not all guys are hung up on BJ’s. Nothing wrong with a good one but I’m not gonna lose any sleep if my SO doesn’t want to go there.


Yea, it's prob more that, I can be turned on by the intimacy of it and it if it turns them on, but I'd never ask for a BJ for the pleasure of it specifically. I'd much rather a hand job while makinf out haha.


As a woman, I like both but if you are good at oral it will definitely make up for size. I would look past size for the right person. Putting genuine effort in makes a huge difference.


I'm totally agree here. It's not very important, and if the person you're with makes a big deal out of it they're probably not a person you want to be around anyway.


Yep! Get really really good at it and she won’t care at all! Once you get comfortable with her, you can use a dildo once you’re done if she’d like some bigger penetration.


I'd say no. If it is that important to them, they can ask ahead of time. To be less flippant, if you are having a frank and honest conversation about your sexual side with your date, it might make sense. But generally people just have a few drinks and start making out, and that's how they find out.


I've never encountered a woman who asks ahead of time, not even among those who care about it. And I've definitely encountered many women who ask me (early on) if certain physical traits of theirs are an impediment to intimacy. (And among those who ask, I've experienced the full range of very self-confident, to barely self-confident.) The OP's question sure jives with my experiences!—with genders switched.


Can you share what physical traits these women are asking about? Like, "are you an a$$ man or b00bs cuz I don't have.....?"


Usually something less obvious on the surface, like, "I should tell you my boobs sag from having kids," or "Do you care that my breasts are different sizes?" or "I've got stretch marks on my [fill in the blank]," or "I squirt a lot and that's a turn-off for some guys." I've gotten all of these, from women where the mood is heading toward bedroom activities (that day or in the near future), but where we haven't shared that level of physical intimacy quite yet. And I've experienced times where it was good that we talked about some things ahead of time, so that there weren't impediments to intimacy, or negative assumptions if things don't fit the romantic ideals Hollywood has presented us.


Why are you so obsessed with penis size? The majority of men have average sized penisis and it's rarely an issue if ever. As long as you aren't a micropenis most women won't care


Or a donkey cock. Women typically don't want that either.


Right. Porn has definitely skewed mens perception. Like 90% of guys junk is acceptable to 90% of women.


Then I must be on that bottom 5% XD


It's possible the one girl that rejected you was a porn addict.


True! Those hurt and feel like natural childbirth again...NO THANKS!


I'm not laughing, OP, I'm really not. Not at you. I'm laughing at the heaps of lies that men tell each other, and that pornography tells you. I'm not sure why men insist that they know what women want more than actual women do, but there you go. Don't listen to that nonsense. Do not listen to men when it comes to what women want. Listen to women when it comes to what women want. Yes, there are SOME women who care about getting the biggest dick they can find, but they're REALLY rare. I'm a woman, I fraternize with other women, I know for a fact that we can't figure out why you guys care so much. Sure, there IS such a thing as a micropeen, and we're talking itty bitty when hard. But there is also such a thing as just too big. I'd go for the former 10/10 times. The latter is not comfortable, the sex is bad. You can always be good in bed with a smaller dick. But you can't possibly be good in bed if your dick causes pain. Keep this in mind, young Jedi.


How to be good in bed with a smaller dick? I’ve only had sex twice, and both the times I’ve been dumped the next day for my dick being small for her


That's the thing about generalizing what women supposedly want. You ran into a couple size queens. There's no way to know in advance. OP really just needs to play his game with confidence.


Use other areas of your body. Funnily enough women get orgasm based of stimulation why do you think lesbians can make women come better than men gotta use your tongue fingers n treat her body like a work of art till you find that sweet spot


Toys, hands, watch some oral tutorial videos to improve your skills, lots of foreplay. For myself and most women I know, penetration is nice but a lot of us won't get off from it alone. Gotta get creative ;)


Learn how to lick your girl from one end to the other, get in there and munch on dat ass, and lickity lick... Mmmmmmmhmmmmmm yum yum stuffs... Take care of your girl before she takes care of you, that's how I roll. I'm more interested in making my lady feel fanfuckingtastic, in other words, take control and own that shit! Your girl will thank you for it.


I prefer to bust out with “surprise!”


No don't say anything about it. My ex would constantly go on about how his was small and it got annoying!


Pending you pulling out a penis the size of a literal tic tac, If a woman is going to have sex with you by the time you pull it out she’s already decided. Y’all worry too much about it on this thread. She’s not gonna pull a ruler out and say you must be this tall to ride I swear.


No don’t omg. Sex is about so much more than the physical — it’s about your emotional connection, how you express intimacy etc . Size is not destiny


Also, even if we're just talking physical, if you don't know how to use the equipment, nobody will enjoy the experience. You can have the biggest scalpel in the world, but that doesn't mean shit if you're not a trained surgeon. And if you are a trained surgeon, you know damned well that a huge scalpel isn't always necessary, or even recommended.


Definitely hate the larger scalpels. Rather have an average size scalpel with a surgeon who focuses on the patient's needs.


Instead of thinking of it as small, think of it as multipurpose. I’m currently dating a coke can of a dick and honestly, while it fits in one spot, it won’t fit in the other two and that’s disappointing for me. I really like the dude, so I’ll accept these limitations, but I would prefer a multi purpose dick over a coke can. Also, in my experience, the men who have been on the smaller size and recognize their limitations between their legs have had great game and been throughly enjoyable lovers, so that’s been a none issue for me too. Fact is you can’t change it, so work with it, and try and focus on the perks of being on the smaller end. And if someone is cruel to you because of it, be glad they showed their colours early cos ya don’t wanna be dating a cruel bitch!


I've only been with one guy who actually had a small penis. Probably only 4 inches at most when hard, but it didn't stop me from dating him. It was never an issue and we still had fun. If you are worried, try to get good at going down. You will be fine. Most of us just want a sweet guy who treats us and others in his life well.


I’m sure it doesn’t matter. I’ve had a guy with a big dick and hated it. Not comfortable at all. I had sex with a guy that was on the smaller side and it was a good experience. He also gave good head. I sometimes went back to the smaller guy on multiple occasions because it was really good. Don’t tell her she will make her own conclusions.


fun fact, big penises are actually ornamentation like a peacock’s feathers. they signal strong blood flow to partners, but aren’t actually beneficial in any way


I see the pic of it from a previous post you made. From a gay man’s perspective, it’s fine, and I’m a bit of a size queen at time times. Length is fine, girth is fine. It’s quite nice looking actually.


Not me running to their profile to see what they're packing xD From a woman's perspective, I say it's a nice package as well.


It looks like a great size, perhaps very close to the perfect size that one poster called Goldilocks. Sexual compatibility involves more than your penis size. It’s about what your partner wants and likes. It’s about understanding what works best for both of you together. It’s about a connection.


I think it looks nice as well…


Hah! Now I think he just made this post to subtlety get us to look at his dick.


Yes, he’s just looking for validation


Really? Im 100% hetero and by everyones comment im curious whats his problem and how his dick looks like lol. Well played, well played.


The dick is fine, it’s not porn star, but it’s not small either. Check his posting history if you want to know what a woman, who’s seen a bunch of dicks, thinks what “A fine dick” looks like. Seriously thou, most folk, and especially women, don’t really care about dick size, unless it’s really small or really big.


For the most guys the direct approach works the best: "Why would you want a bigger dick if you cant slam it all the way in or use it all?" Which in most cases makes guys think "hmm.. if i had a bigger dick than i have right now, i could not use all of it, so why even bother" I think for women, foreplay is 80% of the job done. If shes dripping along her thighs, ready to receive you, even fingers could do the job. Im always sad when people talk about sex as performance, competition and not an activity to play together and see who will be most aroused out of the two. I have been in long term relationships and i had occasional encounters, there was not one situation when i thought "wonder if my dick is enough" instead of "i wonder how many things i will do to her". I think the remedy for such guys is just one person who would let them show that dick size doesn't matter that much. Edit: Looked at his dick and i dont see a problem lol (my eyes)


This is probably TMI but … I’m a small woman, 5 foot, weight fluctuates, from skinny to normal. When it comes to length…. My body will adapt…. I can’t be “slammed” for the first couple of weeks, but 6 months down the line, I can take it without chronic pain. Which I think is appropriate as I don’t want rough with a new lover, trust needs to be built for that kind of sex. Girth … as long as we have decent “warm up”, PIV is fine, but it does affect PIM and PIA. They are much harder for me to adapt to … would take a lot of work, and I’m not sure I am willing to prioritize that when there is other things that can be done. Personally…. I’d prefer a multi purpose dick, one that can be used all around *smile* I agree with you, pleasure comes in many many forms, for me it’s about the connection, the human. If he’s small, there are positions I can be in, and toys that can be in me. If he’s girth big …. He better have a great personality :) because I can’t enjoy a full range of the physical. *grins*


"When it comes to length…. My body will adapt…. I can’t be “slammed” for the first couple of weeks, but 6 months down the line, I can take it without chronic pain. " Thats adapting to your new partner. Im 17 cm and i cant go all out without properly arousing my partner first. That was my experience. I cant remember the times when i went "dry" because even with the quickies there is some initial levels of arousal. I definitely had some "tight" women in sense that the "tunnel" was short. But that changed with following months. Im not suprised, because those are muscle walls. "Girth … as long as we have decent “warm up”, PIV is fine, but it does affect PIM and PIA. They are much harder for me to adapt to … would take a lot of work, and I’m not sure I am willing to prioritize that when there is other things that can be done." Can you expand on that? I dont follow PIM and PIA part. I encountered women who could not come via penetrative sex, but they could come via other means, which is oral or teasing and edging. There were also women who claimed they could not come via penetrative sex but they did with a good foreplay. Also most common thing i hear that women dont pleasure themselves. I find communication really important, especially in bed. I can teach most of the things, but i think that if the person itself does not know where it feels "good" then im pretty much blind in this. "Personally…. I’d prefer a multi purpose dick, one that can be used all around *smile*" Not too big, not too small. Not too thick, not too thin. Pretty much the description i get most of the time, besides "boyfriend dick" or "perfect smooth dick". I also know that there are dicks that are considered ugly and pretty, which is mindblowing to me lol. "If he’s girth big …. He better have a great personality :) because I can’t enjoy a full range of the physical. *grins*" Oh, why is that? The feeling of uncomfort?


Size is not that important. You just have to be skillful and know how to work with what you have. Sex is more than just PIV. Use your mouth/hands and make sure she gets off.


The answer is heck no. And don’t fixate.


As a woman I don't think that's necessary. I've been with different sized men in my life, ranging from a legit micropenis to a 9 incher. It really doesn't matter that much. Just make sure you have an appropriately sized condom, and make sure you please her... Penetration is nice but most women don't climax from that. Use your hands. Use your tongue. Experiment with toys. If I like a man enough to be having sex, I'm not going to change my mind or be disappointed if he's small. Particularly if he's skillful and considerate.


No, but you should let them know ahead of time about your fart fetish and that you are talking to escorts. 🤷🏼‍♀️. The average vagina is 3-6”, so it’s excessive to have any more than that. I think 7, is to painful. 100% times more concerned with how you are with your tongue. Don’t tell women anything about your size. If they are only after hook ups, they might ask for a pic. I don’t know if you are looking for long term. Women that are super shallow are the ones that will ask for a pic.


You think so? How soon should I ask her to fart in my face?


Ask her if she thinks 4 inches of snow is a lot


Hmm, someone I was dating only told me seconds before I pulled down his pants. I was glad to have a quick heads up but if he had disclosed it much earlier, it would’ve felt weird and gross.. Would have made it feel like a much bigger problem than it actually was. Honestly I was personally relieved, I’m not a big fan of having anything big inside me so I felt more relaxed after that. It’s easier and more fun to work with than a big one, whether we’re talking about holes, hands or mouth. He was also very giving and caring and sessions with him were always long. So good. So just concentrate on the things you can do and can change rather than on things you can’t do or can’t change.


No, it would be weird to talk about penis size when you haven't got very close.


Never apologize for your body


The best sexual experiences I’ve had have been with men who are a bit smaller. I had a man fuck my head up once. Got me into that position where my calfs were up on his shoulders. You know that one. 😋 Anyway he was just the right size to hit me right in the right spot. My god that man got had me up in the stars with Neil Degrasse Tyson I’m telling you. Another thing I’ve noticed is that men that are bigger, especially if they’re not in good shape physically can’t get it rock hard the way I would like it. Something to do with the amount of blood flow needed to keep a bigger one hard is not enough. But seriously you don’t have to have donkey to get in some cat. Use your fingers, use your mouth. Pleasure her entire body and don’t just focus on vagina penetration. Most women I know prefer oral sex done right anyway. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT BRING UP YOUR DICK SIZE! Don’t try to drop it in as a little casual tidbit in conversation either. If you get to the point where y’all are getting frisky, she’ll see what you’re working with and decide for herself.


men should be less concerned about size and more concerned that they think just ramming us hard like in porn from the get go like a jack hammer is pleasurable for me. The best sex I ever had was someone who teased me so hard I was begging for it..like ... can you guys focus more on your techniques please .


No not really? If you're insecure and all maybe you can talk about it before the first "sexy time" if it helps you being less anxious, otherwise I don't think that's necessary ?


Focus on being seductive, passionate, and focused on her needs, rather than your own body.


Look. It's gonna be an issue if you make it an issue. Just be confident, make her cum five times with oral and your fingers and by the time you get to PIV she won't be able to understand whether it's big or not (slight overexaggeration)


1. Size is important to SOME women as in the VAST MINORITY 2. Are you sure you’re even small?? Every guy I’ve spoken to who think they have a tiny dick are all average sized. But because they’re not the size you tend to see in porn, they think they’re small Most women’s vaginas are surprisingly narrow and only a few inches deep, for most women it’s incredibly easy to hit against her cervix…. Also….DON’T HIT A WOMAN’S CERVIX. It fucking hurts!


What % of men on here have no idea what a cervix is & why it'd hurt? LoL but also 🤯 We gotta make Anatomy a mandatory class in middle & hs...along w banking/finances.


Nooo don’t say anything. And it’s not important as long as you know how to use it! Take it from me, my bf’s size is small but he’s a TOTAL freak in bed and no one satisfies me more than he does


No, don't tell your partner. I am with a partner who has a small tool. He is such a good lover and everything he does pleased me. It depends on how your partner is and lots of communication!!!


Instead of that, get really good with your mouth and your hands. Know how to work that button like a pro. Then, no matter how big you are, you'll give a girl a good time. Odds are you're being unfair to yourself and have set your expectations too high, but there's nothing wrong with knowing how to actually make a woman orgasm before you've even put it in.


Size isn’t a big desl


No, absolutely do not, unless you have a micro. Focus on the connection and the buildup. When it gets to sexy time, focus on her. I promise, a mature woman does not give a shit. Also, my black book is pretty extensive, I've had more issues with it being too big than too small. 5 inches is enough. A lot of women can't even fit more than that!


Seems like an awkward way to go about it.




I wouldn't.. it's better to find out later than to reduce your chances altogether. With all the subs and posts here that have so many people saying yes it matters.. it can be disheartening, but every person is different.. Just show that you are interested, and go with the flow.


Unless you are significantly below average, I promise you that very very very few women gaf about your dick size. Are you actually SURE you are not just average but think you are small because of porn or shit you read about? The average dick is not even 6". I';m not sure about girth but I know it's not massive either lol. If I had to guess, you are either average or slightly below average, bro. I thought I was small for sooo long until I started having sex and you know what? It turned out I was far from it and totally average! Some women do love or prefer the larger dicks but most prefer average to even slightly below average; and even more women literally don't care as long as you are good with your hands/fingers, tongue and tenetive to their body and pleasure. I actually think bringing that up is a sure fire way to get shot down. It shows insecurity and as if your penis size is all you care about and it's part of your personality. Which both are unatractive to women.


Big is definitely more of a problem. My current partner is too big and it puts me out of commission. I would rather stay in the foreplay area most times and if penetration lasts too long, it’s a real issue. But it’s funny because at one point, because of porn, even he thought he was small. The first time we got physical, I literally said “holy shit” and almost noped out of there. Point being, connection is more important than size either way. In a hook up situation, I would be more likely to decline for someone being too big than too small.




As a gay guy who's had plenty of lady friends tell me about what they like in bed, I can tell you most girls don't want a monster dick. Nearly every woman I've talked to has told me that they actually prefer a more average sized dick and that length isn't really the key, it's thickness. Provided you don't have a micropenis, which it doesn't seem you have based off of comments, I think you'll be fine.


Big fucking No. Women don't have dicks and like the surprise. Also it makes them think you have confidence problems. They want their prince charming to be confident.


Women are normally more worried about how they look to their partner. I think focusing on having fun and not taking things too seriously will help you get over the idea you are too small. I know guys think all women want a big dick but it is not always the case. It is easier to devour something that isn’t too big!






Hello, Small McDickerson here, the right one won’t care. Nothing further to discuss! Ps. My wife is very petite and was very relieved that I had a small junior for as big a dude as I am.


While every woman prefers different things, it’s generally all about confidence. Penis size or your penis in general is only the most important thing if your idea of sex is just unceremoniously sticking it in and pumping a few times until you come. Get really good at foreplay, oral, etc, and by the time you work up to penetration, she’ll be enjoying herself too much take specific notice of size. Don’t psych yourself out—remember, confidence and owning what you’ve got is sexy. My breasts aren’t big, but I choose lingerie and bras that compliment them, not hide them, and I’ve never gotten a complaint. 


How small? What you think is small might not be that small? Also get good at oral


Hell no, sex is a roll of the dice, we all take our chances and hope it goes well. Don't be out here giving penis disclaimers, you're better than that.


Nope. You’re just a squirrel trying your best to find that nut. If she likes it, then she likes it. If she doesn’t, she doesn’t. You don’t have a condition. You have an opinion of it. You’ve got to work on building yourself up and also learning some unforgettable foreplay.


unless you rocking a micro penis, this question is silly. even then, you can please a woman way more with your words, hands and mouth and you ever could with your pecker. so, i don't see any need to tell them. they will find out when the time comes.


I have a quarter inch less in length, a bit less girth than you and a curve to the left. I never had any issue or complain. Your dick is perfect don't stress about it, no women is gonna categorized it in the "small" category. And no, don't talk about your dick.


If you never want to see that woman again, then yes say that.


Get good at foreplay bro, and own that small dick.


You shouldn't. It's just an insecurity living in your mind rent free... besides... most women worth being with are able to feel pleasure with dick between 3 and 8 inches


Tear it up bud! Most women don’t climax of penetration! Get creative! Get some toys! Have fun and don’t worry about it!




Buddy, most women don't care about size.


Hey bro you want my philosophy: does it work properly when you pee? Does it get up easily? Does it fire away when it should? Does it have anything disease-wise wrong with it? If no is the answer, then who the fuck gives a shit. There are other ways to please. Ways that should probably be done first a few times before your endowment takes a ride. As I’ve heard it, being particularly well endowed isn’t always the thing people want. Check out this [Collegehumor video](https://youtu.be/vnuu6RUU8jM?si=j-91IgjNy5Sb1tBi).


I know where you're coming from. If you "wasted her time" because of that she deserved to have it wasted. Plus, the porn industry inflates perceived average size.


Maybe if you have a micropenis, but otherwise if it’s just below average I don’t think it’s a big deal


no...eat pussy really good and show enthusiasiam...and nothing else matters... in most cases


Never disqualify yourself; unless you are not interested ofc


Saw the pic on your profile. You’re average - meaning that the majority of men on the planet have the exact same as you. You’re fine, and that’s more than enough to be incredibly pleasurable for your partner. If this worry is impacting your dating life then you should speak to a therapist about it.


Your dick is totally fine. Not small, not massive. You need to work on your confidence


A. A lot of yall really overexaggerate what the "right" size is. Many men who consider themselves small are actually very average or larger than they think. You're probably overthinking it. B. Your perception of the size doesn't ultimately matter when it comes to the actual hanky panky. Larger men are not desired by all women: It can be incredibly painful for a lot of women. Some women are smaller, some women have some limitations due to how their internals are naturally arranged, etc. You'll be perfect for someone. Also...wouldn't advise just advertising your dick size. As someone else said, some might misconstrue that as lack of confidence, but again, referring to my first point, you could just be sabotaging yourself. Let your partner decide whether you're endowed or not. Personally, I care more about if he knows how to use it properly, not the size itself. Size can mostly be worked with, but if you ain't got not rhythm or idea of how my body works in tandem with yours, size ain't gonna fix that. A larger weewee doesn't automatically give us more pleasure. Again, for some of us it can be incredibly painful, and if you're not careful, you can even cause injury. Relax, my man. Yeah, you'll probably find tons of partners you're not compatible with. But there's tons you will be.


I'd say no. That would imply that all women think the same which isn't true. Instead, let her get to know you from the inside out. Let her see your character and charm. Confirm compatibility between the two of you and that you both want the same things in life. If she becomes emotionally connected to you and falls in love with you, it won't matter. Now if you are talking about friends with benefits only that's a different situation.


Only if it comes up


It’s the motion of the ocean that counts


As a woman who has talked about that topic with her female friends before, size is not the main factor making sex good. Besides it‘s the girth not length that feels good, and as long as you know what you‘re doing and do the work to please her, you guys can still have amazing sex even if your penis is on the smaller side


No this is the most unattractive thing when people point out their insecurities and put a spot light on them. Let woman fall for your whole self.. don’t rush into sexual encounters let them build feelings toward all of you. Then when it comes down to finding out they will already care about you as a person and your penis size won’t matter as much. Obviously for some it may be a deal breaker regardless but those woman can dip and not let the door hit them on the way out. The ones who take more importance with who you are and care about you will like you regardless. Don’t cement the idea your penis is small, pretend it isn’t and make up for it in oral and caring about her pleasure in all ways. If you do that your ahead of 75% of men either way.


Hi , women here …. Plz do not ever tell a women that! For the love of Gawd! Plz interact with actual women, who prefer technique over size!


Do not do that


Uhhhm maybe only if they are making sexual jokes or flirtatious. For a person like me, it is a major red flag when men get sexual early on. So even though you wouldn't be saying anything provocative, it's just kind of a topic that I feel like shouldn't come up until you're at that point in the relationship. And not every woman is going to care. So my thinking is, if you wait to bring it up until she brings up the topic, then at least you'll know that she'll feel comfortable talking about the subject, rather than it coming up at random when it's too soon


A good attitude and eagerness to please are far more important than inches. Besides, size is really more of a “foot-in-shoe” type thing. Not “bigger is better”. Sex is all about figure how each of your two very individual bodies can work well together and what eachother likes. Not how far off of a “standard” each of you are. I dated a guy with an objectively small penis for years, at first it was like a learning curve, some of the things I was used to with prior partners wasn’t as conducive but just took some tweaking of positions to find the right spot and even some positions that hadn’t been enjoyable with prior partners now worked and became really enjoyable. After we split, I went out and got myself a tiny dildo. 🤷‍♀️


Sure... right on the first date during dinner after the salad. .. you know how guys have a weiner...I have a teiner.


A lot of girls will usually say some shit like size doesn't matter to them at some point or another so just keep it to yourself unless yall are openly talking about it already. You don't put 'small PP' on your dating profile for multiple reasons lmao


It isnt even about the size!! Its dead ass how u use it. If you know how to put it down, etc you will be just fine trust


Me and most my friends prefer that 3-5 range. Most women don’t want something massive it’s painful, it’s hard to get the whole thing in my mouth you know it’s just a little easier.


Hmm what an interesting question. I just got out of a very short lived thing with a man who had the smallest penis of any man I’ve been with. It was really rather small. And I was surprised when I first saw it! But I was happy to give it a shot. In fact, I preferred it when I gave him a blowjob because for the first time ever, I didn’t gag! But he was just bad in bed all around. It wouldn’t have been any problem at all if he would have been good in bed, but despite my trying to communicate to him what would satisfy me, he just wasn’t getting it. He wasn’t any good with his fingers or his mouth either. And he came so fast. We had sex a few times, so it wasn’t like I just gave up on him the first go around. I guess my point is, having just experienced the smallest penis I’ve encountered, that wasn’t an issue at all compared to his total lack of skill and passion. I don’t think you should say anything before hand, but be open and in tune to your partner and willing to talk about it if she wants to. Good luck!


Depends. How good are you with rowing the boat 🚢? I don't concentrate on it. I more care about if the man makes sure we are both satisfied. Practice endurance and well be open to toys as well.


She doesn’t need to know until she wants to know. How would you respond if a woman texted you saying how you really need to know about her fear of abandonment, trauma dumping and clinginess before you even get to know her? Probably a bit overwhelmed? That stuff matters but there’s a time and a place for it. Giving disclaimers about stuff you’re insecure about is just not a wise move in general. Besides, you can’t do much to change your size, but you can do plenty about how you feel about it. Don’t let it hurt your confidence, keep your head on straight. Not being well endowed isn’t the end of the world, being insanely insecure and terrified of what women think of your size is, not even just for your dating life but for yourself in general. Who knows, she may really like you and never bring it up OR you may find size isn’t actually an issue at all. I used to worry about size myself and then I started getting to know and dating women and none of them were worried about it, they were happy with it actually. So don’t put yourself down, don’t stress about it, in fact your stress and insecurity is hurting you more than size is. Don’t bring it up, don’t even stress about it and you may find women actually enjoy being with you anyways and that it’s not even an issue. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot before you even get started!


And your IQ, your after tax income, your porn addiction, and how you and your boys have 3 gamer nights a week... Almost no one cares about your size, it's not the meat, it's the motion. Learn how to turn a woman on... If she's got a problem, it's her problem, she's swimming in the shallow end...


put it this way- you are way more likey to get anal than the more endowed men, means yiu can have fun with 3 holes instead of just 2


No don’t do that. You’ll come to find out that most women don’t really care about dick size as much as you think they do. And saying that to her would in my opinion be a pretty big turn off it seems kind of pathetic. Have fun man and relax it’s all in your head.


Know what to do with it - because here's the thing. Size is subjective (despite it being objective). "How big" they like it really depends on who they've been with before, if they enjoyed it or not.. etc. So though you can measure size literally, in reality it really depends on what they're experience is different sizes. So don't say anything. Don't feel bad about your size at all. Just confidently own who you are and what you got. (I was with a man for a year, we were so into each other, and it was the best sex I had and measurably he had the smallest I've been with... at 3.5) don't underestimate the power of laughter, confidence and genuine interest in people! Good luck on your awesome sex life


Curious, why just 1 year?


No. It'll probably creep her out that you're already thinking about your penis.


My man, you need to not focus on that but on who you are as an individual and what you have to offer to a relationship, which goes way beyond sex. Be confident in yourself.


Penis sizes are like boobs, they are all different sizes and no two are alike. I can tell you from personal experience with small and large, it's not all about the size. If you truly enjoy pleasing a woman, that's what they will remember. Too many men are selfish in that situation. Afterall, there's a reason the nerve ending in the Vag are at the opening 😂


There was a guy who was able to hint at being well endowed as part of a witty flirtatious banter. That was fun for me, and it did make me think about it and anticipate finding out. Was confirmed the first time i was in his lap making out and felt him .. getting happy...through his pants. Hot! He never mentioned it again and didn't need to. There is a threshold where it becomes a turn-off. Another guy I dated mentioned it often, like a selling point. I was actually really into him and was looking forward to when we could be comfortable enough to be intimate. ....but then he kept mentioning it. "I have a big dick", "idk if you can handle my cock", "youre gonna fall in love with me after you feel my cock...cus its so big" ....blah blah blah and dont forget i have a big cock! Even pulled it out to show it off like a prize pony. Asif it would make me suddenly forget all my standards and drop to my knees in worship 🙄 As if a big cock is so rare and precious that it can substitute a genuine connection. I was expected to forget all else since he had that one thing. Went from DTF to 🥱 . He never got to taste my 🍑 (which I never bother to brag about because she speaks for herself 😉. Anywhere the point is, if you want to say something, do it in a cute or oblique way and let her imagination run wild


I wouldn’t do that man. It doesn’t matter most of the time. Im not particularly well endowed yet I manage to date some really hot girls and they usually crave alot of sex. My ex girlfriend is Thai and probably among the hottest girls I’ve ever met, and she still calls me for booty calls. If you focus on being a good lover, it doesn’t really matter


Let me tell you a story. I was convinced my entire teenage life I had a very small penis. So much so that I avoided sex. Eventually, hormones took over and I couldn't help myself, to discover I'm pretty BIG. My point is that it's a pointless head fuck. We think it's important and it changes our behaviour when it doesn't matter and you might not be small to her. She might have spent the last 10 years with a man who has a micro. You don't know and it doesn't matter either way. You have a penis she has a vagina. Make magic. P.s. be great at oral and never be scared to ask how you can better pleasure her. That kind of insecurity doesn't fly. You got this brother.


No lol that will turn her off. It is what it is bud don’t worry about what you have you gotta just own it. Confidence is king.


Tell me you ONLY talk to men without telling me that you only talk to men. Every ACTUAL woman here is telling OP that people like you are wrong about what WE WANT. But sure, you think you know better. Tell me, how as your experience been, as a woman? And I'm sure you'll follow up with "LiEs!" which will instantly tell me that you've never, not ever, actually had this conversation with a living female in your entire life.


lol I have you are crazy


How many inches cuz my limit is 5 to 8


You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with your penis size. You need to be more confident of yourself. Your penis is fine. It's 6 inches. 6 inches is a good size.


Only if she brings up what she expects sexually. For example, if she says she has vaginismus or that sex is painful, she might want a warning to set her expectations or prepare ahead of time with dilators for example.


What that mouth do tho


I'm a black man and I'm not well endowed it's five inches when hard. I'm 50 years old and never had a problem just gave confidence...don't be lazy put in that work foreplay is the key...if she don't like you're size move on to the next ....someone will like it


You should send a picture before you send your first text message. /s Some women won’t care some will.


You’re tryna get him blocked before he even has a chance to sniff the P. Lol




If you suffer from micro, probably. Do all women care a great deal? I have no idea. Has it been an issue in the past might be a more adequate way of looking at it, and your situation.


I’m a 37 year old female and a man who kinda makes fun of his own self whether it’s a small penis or whatever and laughs it off Is very attractive to me. Of course confidence and a great sense of humor makes up for it in my opinion.


Yeah of course. You should definitely tell women ahead of time. The same way yall should be talking about your sexual health and making sure yall on the same page with that is the same as talking about what you like about sex and how you want to be satisfied. Honestly for me I rather a guy send me a picture of his “you know what” so that I know what I’m getting myself into. I have the choice to walk away and not participate or I might like what I see 🤷‍♀️I like transparency so I like when a guy is very upfront from the beginning.


No if it’s too small for her, she will decide for herself. Believe me, if a lady likes you, she won’t care. If you’re a selfish lover, you’ve lost though!


You don’t need to be well endowed to be good in bed. Show her you are the man and own her like a rag doll. If your manhood is not enough, tongue game is where it’s at.


No! I'm a woman and matched with a guy on app and set up a time to meet up. Then he immediately started telling me he was short and a little over weight, then sent me a pic that wasnt on the app. I literally didnt care but be kept going on about how he *really* looked. I was like, dear god, how insecure is this guy? And broke off the date. Just trust the rest of the stuff (convo/chemistry) is enough!


No bro. Absolutely not. Girls dont even know the difference bw 5'10" and 6' tall. Size is not a problem. Foreplay matters more. If you can get her hot, thats all you need to get her hooked. Ive had girls tell me they hate well endowed men bc in their mind, they think by having a big penis all they have to do is jab it into their p*ssy and expect the girl to like it. Meaning they dont even try. Focus more on vibing with her, getting comfortable and playful with lots of foreplay that YOU want and she'll like. You'll be seen as dominant.


That should’ve been done as soon as you introduce yourself