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Yeah it's pretty easy to come off as needy if you text them all the time, I think most guys like to play it safe


Guys know that once you start a text exchange with a woman, it will likely go on for hours. Guys aren't really interested in talking by text for 8 hours a day. Once you've started, though, it's hard to stop, so some days, it's better to just not start a conversation and get on with your day. It's not that he isn't interested or is worried about being too forward. It's nearly always due to not wanting to spend several hours a day talking about the most mundane subjects. Guys rarely talk to their best friends that much, and when they do its about things they are interested in and they don't need to censor themselves.


when it comes to tinder matches this is what I do if iv noticed I had to start convo more than one day in a row, two days of always texting first in a row and I’ll play the wait and see game if she initiates first, sometimes they don’t and we basically ghost eachother right there, or they do finally text me first and suddenly my confidence goes back up and I now know you’re atleast a little interested.


Tinder, one of the worst for short bald dudes. They see that cue ball and how tall you are and swipe left. 


I do this often for two reasons. First, I shouldnt be the only one starting a conversation. And second, if she doesn't message me it's shows me I'm more interested in her than she is in me so continuing the conversation isn't worth my time.


I try to do this but the same thing happens I get left on delivered. His friends all tell me that he likes me and he gets very nervous talking to me. I’m not sure if I should continue talking or maybe find someone who fits more my wants. Thoughts ?


You should continue talking to him and tell him you are interested to put him at ease and make him feel comfortable. Once he feels comfortable that you are interested and won't think he's desperate or weak for texting you he will text more often. His friends already said he's nervous talking to you. When most guys are nervous, everyone says "just play it cool and be yourself". Many guys "play it cool" to not seem desperate and scare the woman off especially if he's interested. It's so many women playing games with guys or saying guys are desperate for showing any kind of genuine interest so it's mostly play it safe until you know she's interested 1000%.


He asked how my day was and then I responded and then he texted back with a one word text 😭😭 I don’t know what to respond by that


Lol maybe he's just bad at texting. I'm like that. I've had girls think I'm not interested because I didn't text them 24/7 but it's because I have ADD and can get hyper focused on something and completely zone everything else out unintentionally. I operate way better in person. Next time you text just set up something to meet in person. Also some people don't see the purpose in texting just to text. Him reaching out to ask how your day was was probably him making an effort in his mind, if he never does that with anyone else. In your mind it could be normal or not enough effort, because you are used to people doing that. Everyone has different norms/perspectives. Communication is key so you can see how each other operate and don't misinterpret anything.


Yes that is true! His friends said that he has never had a girlfriend and I’m the first girl he’s gotten this excited about which really makes me think that he’s nervous or doesn’t want to come off as desperate. We are planning on seeing each other in person, but I’m on vacation right now and so we have to wait. The short responses and the long replies are confusing sometimes since his friends all say that he is interested but his actions show differently. Maybe I’m just overthinking it haha but your reply did make me see things on a different perspective. I will communicate and maybe over time it will change. Thank you for your insight!! I appreciate it


Question: did he make first contact that first day? And did you reach out the second or were you just waiting for him again? Guys want you to meet them halfway, he’s probably interested in you, but you’ve got to demonstrate interest in him too. Any guy who has dated a little bit knows smothering a woman, more often than not comes off as desperate. She’ll drop him with no explanation if he comes on too strong and doesn’t give her space. Also it sets a bad precedent, if he’s always the one making effort and she doesn’t the whole relationship will be one-sided. He made the effort to talk to you yesterday, it was nice. If she likes him back maybe she’ll reach out today, she might be busy, she might have a dozen other guys she’s talking to, she has agency if she wants to talk to him today, she can reach out too. If she doesn’t then I guess he’s not the one.


Man basically sum up my thoughts process. What is worse is if you have low self esteem or self value you can spiral down out of control. " I'm not good enough", "there's other better guy talking to her" etc etc. and ended up never persue anyone again


If the guy is better, good for her, I hope she’s happy, but he’s likely not. Statistically he’s likely to be very close to you in “quality.” So what that really means is she’s a roster dater, attention seeker, plays around, dishonest. Let her live the life she wants to live, but as sad that you might be that you missed another connection, that’s not someone worth having in your life. As badly as you may want someone, you only want a good someone. No sense in loving someone who’s guaranteed to just going to end up breaking your heart, or being toxic. While people are in their serial dating phase, or if that’s who they are, if they’re liars and users, selfish and entitled, they don’t make good partners, good enough for casual at best, not worth investing in. I’m of the opinion that if you’re not tryna do it right, then there’s no sense in trying. Yeah casual is fun, it’s a good ego boost, but ultimately a waste of time.


At this point, I am just friendly to women. I am happy to chat and give some time to a woman when it is convenient for me but it becomes an investment otherwise. I will stop investing time if there is any flakiness, refusal to accept a date, she is needy/in need, or if she is the type to play games. I find most online conversations with women happen because they either want someone to entertain them when they are bored or they want validation. On a side note, there is common dating advice out there that tells people when/how to text. Some of it includes not messaging for a few days.


I think that 'dating advice' would actually constitute as 'playing games' btw


Being left on read or ignored is lame. Then giving the "busy" excuse is even lamer. Dating rules are stupid.


or... crazy idea.... he was busy




This! ☝️ 💯 I cannot/do not accept being left on read intentionally. It's disrespectful.


or… some ppl are so incompetent they can’t take 5 seconds in their day to reply to a simple text. There’s no job/situation in the world that might interfere with someone for a few days straight what are you a nurse? 😆


Sometimes I look at texts, plan to reply when I get a break, and then forget about it. I’ve lost relationships because of people’s dependence on texts. I would rather step away from my desk for a 15 minute phone conversation than go back, and forth, through text.


People who have ADD might not be ignoring you on purpose, we are just really that bad at getting back to you sometimes.


Ok but most of these people we're talking about do not have ADD


A phone isn't also a leash




I was busy I was sleep them excuses need the stop for both genders


If someone doesn't message me for a few days I unmatch or block lol




I don't play games with texting. If I read your text, I'll get back to you. I don't keep anyone waiting just for the fun of it.


👏👏 Your future ex-boyfriend gives me hope for the next gen,but check this I’m usually 🤐 bc the game is to be sold,not told but here a free bee . What you are dealing with is a form bread crumbing,leaving you just with tiny pieces that could never fill you all the way up, no the goal is to keep you wanting more. With more then half the population claiming they suffer from some form of anxiety,it makes it easier for me to purposely put you in a situation that kicks that amount of anxiety into overdrive & depending on the chick that could be just leaving her on read but when the moment comes for me to end the said situation i created, she will make that “ahhhhh” sound when feeling relief finally again + add a rush of dopamine & now subconsciously those 2 feelings are now associated with the just the thought of me & she wonders months later why she legitimately feels that she actually NEEDS more then WANTS to always be with me. I have now become that source just like any drug & that is all done before sex is even on the table. Bc when the day come & can say I’m actually with it, Is the day it’s no longer about fucking someone’s body, naa it’s about be able to fuck their mind 😈


When im interested in someone, I make an effort to communicate with them in a timely manner and spend time with them. If I'm really into someone, I will clear or rearrange my schedule to spend time with them.


He doesn’t know how to be assertive while also giving a woman space between texts. Or he’s not interested in you. Either way, he’s not a great communicator.


There aren't many great teen communicators


Greta Thunberg is


she'd protest my 'seen' text and that's just too much pressure after a first date


Not a teen


not anymore, but shes been public speaking since she was a teen.


Eeh, while I don't have a problem with her message I'd say that public speaking isn't her forte.


You cannot judge if someone is a bad communicator because they don't text you back right away. I only text to plan events or maybe some very brief conversations once in a while. I have adhd and probably am on the spectrum I need facial expressions and body language for my personality to really show. People only see one side to this coin and it pisses me off, texting a girl im crushing on give me 100x the anxiety than just talking to her in person cause I have no way of judging how she actually feels about what im saying, you can hide emotions to easily over text where in person I can always tell how they feel immediately based off of their physical reaction and tone.


Same here. Im straightforward with the girl I’m talking to right now, told her I’m into her and I’m a bad texter. She’s totally fine with it. We don’t text all the time but talk a lot in person. To which we both agreed is good.


Yupp I 100% agree I'm way better at talking IRL than texting, especially if I don't really know the person.


Genuinely curious, what about this behavior says he’s not assertive? As opposed to just being preoccupied?


I relate to the first one. I'll add he may be nervous or anxious to read what it wrote. I do this sometimes when I'm nervous to read a text from someone I like or when it's something urgent. It's something I've worked on and don't do anymore but I know the feeling. Also do t want to seem too available. Dating is confusing and can suck sometimes and nobody is perfect.


Wisdom from LordMcFarts must not be taken lightly..


If he's interested, he'll show it, because someone who is genuinely interested wouldn't play dumb teenage games of hot and cold.


Words to live by : "If they like you, you'll know it. If they don't, you'll be confused"


Saving this comment to look back on when I'm about to act stupid and desperate tomorrow


it’s ok to ask for clarification if you’re confused too.


needed to see this 


Not in case he is always the one initiating. Happens a lot with women that they put no efford in and then play dumb when the guy cant read minds


i didn’t understand this til i experienced it. and it was like so so obvious


Okay, but does this apply to British men? 😂 They get waaayy too shy, reserved and awkward, and it's just too confusing!


Ya'll gotta stop so much dam texting and reading so much into it. Meet someone out in some grass. Touch that shit. Fuck off the phones


Right? Texting is not a relationship!


I love texting and see nothing wrong with it. I believe if someone is really into you they’d be seeking closeness with you every chance they get. Especially in the initial stages and when you’re not living together someone ignoring your texts is a good indicator they’re not interested


Most people are not going to be really into you when you’ve barely hung out. Feels like a lot of people posting these sort of questions here are in the initial stages of trying to set up dates. So it’s not a huge deal if the other person is taking their time to reply when the convo is basic text-small talk.




Small talk is always so dry over text, noone in the real world is that interesting. Just save it for the date, it will give us more interesting stuff to talk about. If you forget about it before then, it was probably not actually that interesting to begin with.


Ehhh texting is fine but I don't really build connection through it. When I've tried I've experienced ghosting and breadcrumbing, etc but not when I've built connection irl. It's a very different experience imo


I despise texting but i love having one on one conversations in person with people i care about.


Now n days girls will approach you, say they find you highly attractive, ask if you have a gf and for your number. Just to not text you back


Texting will be more meaningful when you're entering the relationship. I believe it is another way to communicate with your love one. And building connection should come from interaction in person. Texting while dating is another whole story just like you said. I do agree with that point. And now people don't really give a call to anyone much anymore. So it's still a main communication channel to many people.


Exactly, once you get into a flow with one person and you start to really understand their personality it's wayy smoother to text. When I barely know someone I get anxiety texting because I need body language and voice tones for my personality to actually show. It sucks that texting is just the standard now, I wish we could go back to phone calls and going on dates being the norm.


Yes, I miss voice call so bad. I get you.


Absolutely. ...I don't take anyone that seriously unless they throw in some old fashioned phone calls and video chats. If you are. Into a guy then make the suggestion to do a video call. Don't get upset unless the guy goes on a minimum 3 dates with you and acts interested.....otherwise you are just a random person he has a connection with. If you need the validation then call/flirt with him if he responds within a day he likes you otherwise he doesn't


Exactly I’m so tired of this talk of you need to question if someone liked you, they probably don’t


I used to text when I was a teenager. I’m 27 and even communicating work through email feels cringe as hell.


He sounds like he's got other things that are more important to him.


I think 24 hrs is way too long to not get a reply from someone that’s actually into you No one is that busy I would think they were ghosting me There is a man that is a regular at my work. He works every single day. He is unhappy with the amount of work he is doing everyday. We went on one date together (I wasn’t interested after this date) and he answered the phone at least 3 times during this date. He apologized profusely but that’s how his life is right now. With that being said, he always texts me back immediately. He has never once left me waiting for a reply. A man that works all day every day, 24/7 so much work that he can’t even go on an uninterrupted date, texts me back. Because he’s interested and it’s obvious. So no one is that fucking busy, okay? It would be different if maybe they were on a plane, traveling for like twenty four hours or they went camping and didn’t have reception, etc. If you’re not getting a text back for an entire day, I don’t think they’re that into you. Or they’re a shit communicator and that’s not someone you want to marry or be with long term.


Sometimes it’s called leading people on, just flirting around for fun, or playing the infamous “games”. Too many people flirt for fun even when in relationships. For me, if I’m interested I would flirt and talk with you a lot. About your self especially. Ask you out on dates. If she rejects me on first date then I don’t even bother her again. Maybe just a greeting here and there but I would be gone from her 100%. But I only pursue people I can see myself marrying in the future. I see a lot of beautiful women but if I can’t see myself with you I don’t even bother, not even a conversation unless it was forced i.e school or work related. He might be doing that because he’s talking/flirting with other women. Or he’s just playing games like almost every men or women lol…


To be fair I think both genders do this. Especially to the person who’s not the main person they’re talking too. If someone did this to me (and they had no excuse) I’d just have stopped being interested. Likewise I would totaly expect this of anyone I did this too, sometimes you don’t even realise if your talking to a few people at the early dating days.


What is the thing you left delivered? For instance, maybe you replied “okay” or “true” or generally things that doesnt require a response. And maybe he sees that as a general natural end to a text. He doesnt want to seem pushy and force a convo that ended, but still wants to show his interest by liking ur story. He’ll probably hit you up again. Or maybe u could send a reel? But generally on behalf of the guy, he shouldnt leave u on delivered or atleast be the one to be the last in text convo


There's a guy that started pursuing me that does the same thing. The last time he started a conversation, I responded and he left me on read. I decided that I was done answering after that. I think people are attentive until the one who they are *truly* interested in comes back around. Then we take the back burner.


Some called life it happening 😉. Texting convo is 💩


I feel that, I hate texting. On the rare occasion I actually get a date from online our conversation is very brief, just some banter with no small talk, then we plan a date. I need that body language and humor for me relies heavily on my tone of voice and facial expressions.


Askin u out, + not ignoring u


Being interested and being obsessed are to different things. Dude has a life.


So I assume this is about texting. Some people take time in between messages. It's hard to say - it could mean he's not interested or it could mean he takes his time. You should plan to meet in person.


Idk that seems weird. I’m the type where if I like someone, all I wanna do is talk to them and be with them, I’m not clingy about it though and I know when to chill out. Honestly though every relationship Ive had had been constant texting back and forth and FaceTiming always. I think he’s just trying to come off as not needy and clingy, wants to give you space but not sure how much is enough. Guys overthink that shit all the time, and if I were in his shoes, I’d want you to ask me why that is, don’t be afraid to ask him blunt and honest questions about where you guys stand.


If a guy likes you he will want to be near you all the time.


If someone stops talking to you, it means they aren't as interested or invested as you think, or they have lost interest. The simple answer is to move on.


I’m assuming he doesn’t want to come on to strong or needy


He is not interested in you. If a man likes you he will not be wasting time.


Try to act not interested. Psychology is annoying but it does exist unfortunately


If I'm interested I'm trying to see you in person asap, then we progress from there - you can't gauge "full interest" over the phone imo


What makes you think he was fully interested in you? Guys can be nice to people and not have any interest in being in a relationships with them. Also, why is an immediate written response necessary?


I think for me personally, there are times where I got dumped for giving too much attention. And also there’s this fear that if I be so invested and interested, what if they lose attraction.


I hide in the corner and avoid eye contact, that’s what I do


"That party was insane last night" Me at the party on a wall:🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️


Talking to someone else.


This is Coquette method for your attention. He could be very good at it. The reason for doing this is he wants you to think about him and eventually make you fall in love with him. By doing so, he will have control over you.


If I'm interested in someone, I don't need to be texting them constantly. If I see something funny or something reminds me of them I'll send it through, but I'd rather we just organize a time to meet up, and have a good time catching up *then*. Rather than giving each other the daily blow by blow as it happens. That said...if someone messages me, I won't leave them hanging for 24 hours or whatever. I'll reply as soon as I see it, even if it's just an emoji.


Woman I don’t find attractive or think would be cool to be friends with get treated sort of like restaurant service staff. I’m super polite, super friendly but I don’t need to know anything about you or care who you are or what you do.


I'm a guy, and women have done this to me quite often. I don't think it's a male-specific thing.


Thank you


Could be he feels that if responds right away and seems super interested, it's a turn off when trying to build a relationship. Could be he loved bombed you and isn't Really interested. Could be he was out with someone else. When I'm interested, i usually respond pretty fast unless the responses I'm receiving are coming slowly, at which point I match the speed of the response.


I engage in subtle physical contact that makes the girl I’m attracted to stand out. For example, most women in my work area wear buns. When I arrived to the area the girl I was interested was at, I greeted everyone with a “good morning/evening” but I’d shake her hair bun slightly only. This would get her attention, AND the attention of the other woman in the area which would then be talking about it to her, which reinforces the meaning of such act. We’re still dating to this day.


He probably heard from pick up artist that you’re supposed to act this way to make a woman crazy about you


I mean...he's on her mind enough to where she's posting about it on reddit and asking questions. Maybe they're right, and it does work on some women🤷


I worry about being perceived as desperate or overly-interested, so sometimes I will deliberately slow myself down in responding. Generally it's far less than 24 hours though.


I’ve seen women do this too. In my experience, if it’s not someone playing games, then they’re simply not someone to take seriously. If you don’t necessarily consider them a stranger, then maybe they’re not on the maturity level, or just the time in their life, to maintain a conversation with you and actually pursue any real kind of relationship with.


He wants you to know he is interested but doesn’t want to overcommit and get rejected or come across as a creep. Nobody wants to be rejected so he likely wants to make sure your into him also before anything more


It’s just a game. Play the game better


he is not interested, just keeping you as an option, if he was really into you, you wouldn’t need to question his behavior


Okay, got it thank you!! I don't have time for this anyway.


Not necessarily true that he's not into you. Women are always looking for signs that a guy is acting desperate. So men have changed the way they communicate with you to avoid that. Plus women do it to men all the time, so it's also reciprocation... there could be a lot of reasons. But if you text him and say that you won't deal with someone who leaves you on read, he will probably respond and you'll find out how he feels.


Do you reach out first sometimes or wait for him to initiate every time?


I'm not him, but sometimes it's just draining having to start, continue, and branch off to new topics all the time with a new person. I like putting my best effort out. Most of my socializing comes in the form of shooting the shit with existing friends, so having engaging unique conversations seems daunting. This feels especially true over texts tbh or if you're leading the conversation or trying to respond to one you're not that interested in. Though that might just be a personal problem. Like anything, the more you do something, the easier it should get.


Playing games


Act like I‘m not interested 😂


Honestly, I act very mocky and playful. Something about seeing a girl boil over reels me in.


If I’m actively trying to make plans to see you. Actions speak louder than words.




When I'm interested on someone I do nothing cause Im a pussy.


I don't do social media so don't unerstand that side of it. But when I have intensely talked to someone before then not replied much the next day or not replied at all, it's mainly to do with conversation fatigue and also being busy. The last girl I dated (and briefly ended up in a relationship with) would keep me locked into a text conversation for hours on end. Some days I had so much to do that I didn't have time to have a conversation that lasted hours. Even if it was small texts constantly throughout the day. It's enough to keep you distracted from getting what you need to get done on that day. This is the main reason I am not a text based conversationalist. Im old school and bearly text anyone and I Keep conversation for when I see the person across the table from me. With these sort of situations you need to try remember people have their own life's and their own things to get done. I think your just over thinking it.


Its not a male thing duh... Even female does that a lot.... I know girls when u talk to them they are like all interested and stuff and even ending words like talk to u later at night and stuff. End up yea u see them online and stuff later on just not talking to you. In the adult world, i learnt one very simple fact. If someone doesnt take initiative to talk to u then they are simply not interested enough to talk to u. Dont bother giving reasons for them citing shy and stuff, if thats the case then they are probably not interested enough vs overcoming their shyness to talk to you. I show my interest by initiating but if you are not reciprocating then i let it go.


When a guy is interested in you you know. When a guy is actively pursuing you you know. If you don’t know / aren’t sure then he’s not.


not true at all


All guys are not the same. Don't listen to this.


You know there's dudes out there that just lack confidence and second guess themselves, right? He could like her but she could be one of them girl's that think the guy should do all the pursuing and she shouldn't have to reciprocate any feelings of interest back so he's falling back and assuming she might not fuck with him like that. It could be a lot of things, that's why we shouldn't 100% assume stuff about people we don't know on the internet. He could be using that tactic on her to get her more interested in him by keeping communication at a low for the beginning so he doesnt look desperate and get her wondering what he really thinks of her. Then he'll gradually invest in her more over time. The fact he's clearly on her mind enough she'll go post about it on reddit seems like it's working


Like a bumbling tool.


Maybe it's better to consider in person actions vs texting. The only texting question would be if he's pushing things to meet in person again imo


No longer interested in dating. Sick of that shit. Single and die alone is what i would prefer that this point.


He’s either not into you or playing games, either way not someone you should be giving your time nor investing your emotional energy into. Everyone has their phones with them almost 24/7 so there’s no excuse to not respond to a single text for 24 hours if you claim you’re into someone. That’s stonewalling. You even mentioned he is liking your story while actively ignoring you. Whether this is a manipulation tactic of his or he’s just not into you, in any case you should move on.


Men are men they watch games


Busy being batman 🦇


They could just be busy. Stop trying to expect that guys should have their world revolve around you.


Most likely has a girlfriend..


This is what is most soul-crushing. What a terrible thing to do.


In my experience, when a person is interested in you, you’ll know. If they’re not really, you’ll be confused.


Do you want to spend your time and energy on someone who makes you feel confused? You get to decide what's acceptable for you. I personally was not available for confusion - if I wasn't sure they were interested, I wasn't interested. Consistency was a non-negotiable.


Did you engage in the conversation with him? Or was it mostly just him talking? If it's the latter then it's possible that he thinks you're not interested and is backing off. If you're interested in him, make that clear or risk losing him, your choice


I talk on dates and ask about her interest and would always text back and wait a day or 2 then ask to go on another date


Probably just clueless dude


How old are you two?


I tell her she looks nice


I’m 19 and honestly guys around my age or under don’t even try sometimes. It may be that he is pretending to be interested.. or he is bipolar and doesn’t like texting all the time.. or he wants to send you mixed signals so you fall for him. Or other reasons but there is no reason why he should take a whole DAY to respond. You can do better


I’m 19 and honestly guys around my age or under don’t even try sometimes. It may be that he is pretending to be interested.. or he is bipolar and doesn’t like texting all the time.. or he wants to send you mixed signals so you fall for him. Or he might be scared of intimacy.. or other reasons but there is no reason why he should take a whole DAY to respond. You can do better


I’m friendly and will tease a bit. Will try to spend as much time with them as possible. As soon as there’s an opportunity to naturally let my interest known I’ll take it. Best way to find out yes or no quickly and not waste time. I feel like it should be easy for girls to know when a guy is interested, but then again you are very complex and confusing


I approached this girl and talked to her first. In the next days she outright ignored me when we encoutered each other. I assumed she’s not into me so I moved on.


I’ll have great conversations about stuff and then drop off the planet with multiple people cause I can only handle so much social interaction and in the case of a crush It’s worse cause you’re either definitely gonna know or you won’t have a clue




He’s overwhelmed


Sounds like he likes you but feels like he needs to wait an "acceptable" period of time to text you so he doesn't look like he's trying to hard or something. You should literally say something to him like, "you know what I think is really attractive, when a guy texts me daily" or however often you want to hear from him. Lol Will this work? Yes, we are actually this ridiculous and simple. He will probably start texting you at exactly the requested time.


Me personally don't invest to much time, I will answer and communication if there's big reciprocation from the other part, I've been ghosted and wasted too much time on people that went nowhere that now I just don't waste time


Guys sometimes get very stressed with work. I work as a resident physician and surgeon and sometimes I don't get back to women, especially from dating apps, very hastily. It's a shame, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. many women want to date a doctor but then somehow want that doctor to be able to communicate and hang out more than their career allows...


I act interested and I also communicate that interest in words and signs of growing affection. I also don't expect reciprocity. My interest and affection are given freely.


Sometimes you read a text and intend to respond, but the right answer doesn’t come to you at the moment. Then you get busy and distracted with other things. It does not mean there’s any lack of interest. Some guys pretty much just blurt out a reply, but others may be more thoughtful about their texting and just don’t fire one off immediately. I think we tend to read way too much into these situations.


I'm stuck between both, so i know why, it's just smh reason. Guys do it because there like wide sperd word among guys that if you text back in 24 hours of a date you seem too desperate and it will make the girl lose interest in them. It's like how sperd among girls guys care if you wear the same thing twice and if they do the guy will lose interest in them He Fallowing like dating steps to make a good impression type deal, pretty sure they even put it in a movie at some point where not to call or text in the frist 48hrs of getting the girls number as for this reason, quote from the movie "makes them more interested in you and makes them think your in demand" Pretty sure it was a rom-com, anyway guys have been doing that for longer. Hopes this helps out. Side note: (he could also just be jerk who plays the field, so careful)


It's not a gender thing. For me it's an adhd thing.


I don’t really understand what you mean…. Say. Again.


why not just ask, and explain what you are feeling? guys are pretty simple, but can be complicated sometimes. being straight up is probably the best way to go. whats the worst that will happen? you deserve to know, its important to you


I tend to play it cool but I’m single what the hell do I know lol


I just tell them. It's easier


I genuinely forget to respond sometimes. I'll read it , then get side tracked. When they message me again, I'm like crap I forgot to reply!


I do nothing differently to when I'm not Interested tbh. These daysAll my social Interactions are just trying to seem normal when I think about. Like dor me it's always like I have role to play ans I haven't figured out how to actually do anything else in social interactions and how to put my thoughts or feelings, or what I want from any interaction forward.


Maybe he's just busy? Or forgot to reply?


If he’s interested, he’ll speak to you. More to the point, he will be making plans to see you. If he’s liking your stuff and he’s online but not speaking to you, you’re just a source of entertainment


Not knowing what to say? He’d rather talk to you in person? But idk.. guess we’re all different… when I’ve liked girls.. especially if it’s someone at work.. I tend to try and act uninterested.. I’m probably more chatty with her if we already talked as normal coworkers or work friends.. I’ll probably flirt.. tease a bit.. but always end up finding ways to avoid her too because I’d get anxious thinking.. what do I say? How do I act.? What if she notices I like her and then stops talking to me? I think it really may vary how close you are or have been with someone… how deeper into someone I am compared to past experiences… in my head im like Venom and Tom Hardy arguing with myself… let her know! No dont! Go talk to her she’s by herself! But what do I say?! I probably get noticeably nervous


Men get busy and have other stuff to do. How long you 2 have been dating?


If I see a girl I like (witch is rare) I don't say anything I keep it completely on the dl then i usually forget about them lol


I rlly don’t wanna seem like I’m being pushy or just into her physically so I try to see if she reciprocates (I’m kind of autistic) so sometimes it’s hard to tell


It shows that's all I can say. The moment I 1st showef intrest in my husband I knew he was into me to because it showed. Men will do lil things to let u know they feeling u. He would walk to my gma house which wasn't but maybe a 1/2 mile to a mile away from his house just to sit with me and my kids and listen to music because neither one of us had a car. He would spend time playing with the kids and helping me around the house and we were just friends. But like I said men do lil things to let you know they into you!


Do you wanna the movie called “He’s just not that into you” ?


He's not that into u ig ..cause guys when they like u ..they'll always check up on u .. sometimes they might be busy but if ur a priority, I promise u they would text and call u ...


It’s not a male thing. Sounds more like an attachment issue. Possibly disorganized/ fearful avoidant attachment style… or maybe ADHD? Just remember Occam’s razor if you start overthinking.


Act like not interested or act arrogant maybe thats the reason im single 🥲😌


Either he’s not interested or he’s trying to apply PUA strategy.


If you haven't met him personally, it almost always means nothing but could develop into something. Ask to meet up and see how the relationship develops. As a woman, I never leave a message read for more than 3 hours unless I'm at work. If a guy leaves me on read for 24 hours, I loose interest pretty quickly and onto the next guy. Most of the time, I will be giving more energy than these guys, and they will make me feel anxious and insecure. My advice: go for the guy that matches your energy. Put this guy on the side and move on with your life.


I don’t believe in signals at all, based on my experience. Just be straight up And expect honesty .


Often even outside of dating, one can answer quick questions, share a picture or crack a joke with little focus, but when more thoughtful responses are required especially when it matters the most - one must put off a response until you can focus. I wouldnt read too much into or even better ask him!


If you've just met and he's already letting a day slip by without a word, pay close attention. Simple acts like saying 'good morning,' sending a 'thinking of you' emoji, or giving a quick compliment are essential. If he can't make that effort, he's not prioritizing you. Consider "Serendipity" and "The Adjustment Bureau." In both stories, the men have a chance at something extraordinary but let it slip away due to hesitation or fate. These movies remind us that life won't wait, and neither should you. If he's not making an effort to connect, even in the smallest ways, it's a sign to prepare yourself because sooner rather than later, a special guy who will value and cherish every shared moment is bound to capture your attention. You're worth the effort and deserve someone who understands that. Don't settle for less. Your time is precious, and the right person will make sure you feel appreciated every single day. I guarantee it.


Being married or in a relationship or just being polite.


Talking to too many other women online. Staying engaged and focused on a good match is hard when your talking with too many at once.


From my experince... when a guy text alot with a woman (if in a relationship its different) he become "text buddy" and its painful


Don't want to come across as desperate


My natural tendency is to be very responsive when I'm interested in a woman. However, I've learned I can come on too strong with that approach. So unless a woman makes it very clear she's also engaged to that degree, I play it safe and leave conversation gaps wherever appropriate. If your last message wasn't a direct question or one explicitly requiring a response, I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to just let the conversation breathe a little bit while engaging with you in other ways (i.e. liking your story). Best of luck!


I don't act any different if I'm interested in a woman. I know that they don't actually want me, so I don't give them any more attention than anyone else. Some men women just use for emotional validation.


Maybe he’s either messaging multiple girls, or he’s playing it cool by making u wait. I do this when I really like a girl. (Rarely)


Sometimes if I’m into a girl it takes more energy and time to respond because I wanna think through my messages to them, if I’m busy I might not wanna text them in between doing this and that and have a text come out rushed. Could explain why he’s liking your story to show interest even though he’s not responding to the current conversation. It’s usually better to have one back to back convo before I’m abt to go to sleep than a series of spaced out half engaged messages throughout the day.


I won’t leave someone im interested in on read for 24 hrs though maybe that’s why im single lol


I’m a reserved guy. So if I get excited/animated when talking to a woman, then that’s a sign.


If he is liking your stories while not responding to your text then yeah maybe he is showing he is not that free. But likes you. Other than that if he helps you every time and talks to you. Finds happiness in small things you do. Then he likes you.


Men can be simple. We don't like you romantically, we just don't like you romantically. No mind games.


Let him know you are interested. Don't play the baby games.




Would you accept artistic attempts of my dick pics? FYI my Johnson is just an abreviated version of what it used to be. It's more appropriately a JS (formerly an active johnson)


Maybe he’s only interested on even days and odd days he’s talking with Gloria … if he can’t even be consistent byeeeeee👋🏻