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Is...is that considered a long drive in some places? (coming from an Aussie)


Also asking as a Canadian. Haha.


As a Canadian that was my 1 way commute for like 5 years. Crossing my city takes an hour sometimes (not even accounting for dogshit weather)


Driving 45 min for an 8 hour day is not the same as going and seeing someone for a few hours.


45 minutes *one way* 1.5 hours total commute, more if I had to make a delivery to certain customers. 1000 km days were not unheard of


Ya man usually you gotta come back ha. Also depends on where you live. Driving 45 min in rush hour in Toronto takes a lot out of you vs 45 min in a remote area which is relaxing


Same. Calgary. Lol.


For ops example I’d say driving to Edmonton is too far for a date but if you’re on the north end red deer isn’t out of the question.




You know what they say, Toronto is an hour away from Toronto…


I did an hour commute for almost a year. Fuck that shit, I'm not doing that again. 45 minute drive would be my limit for dating. (Also Canadian.)


Yeah, I lived in the same city as the last guy I dated, and we were about 45 minutes away because of traffic. Not a big issue. (Issue was he was a man-child, but that's another story.)


SAAAAME. I had an ex who lived an hour away and I loved it. He was also a man-child though lol.


Ha! Same here too!


Also, an aussie


Mate, I drive to work 45 minutes everyday one way


Must be a serious relationship 🤣🤣🤣


My uni is 40 mins drive and my part time job 42 min. :(


Oh cool. Hello, there! Also yeah, nah not a long drive. You might not see them every day but you probably wouldn't anyway unless you live together. I mean, Brisbane to Gold Coast is nearly twice that I think. You're good mate.


Yeah I feel the same. Esp if you have a really good connection and one of you is willing to move eventually :-) I don’t mind traveling but I know everyone is different.


i live in sydney and drive further than that to see most of my friends…


Honestly I think it’s all personal opinion no matter where you live. I live in a spread out city and 45 minute drives aren’t uncommon; I just personally loathe any time I have to do it. Driving sucks and I hate doing it. But someone else in my same city could have no problem making that drive.


Honestly it really depends on where you live. I, for example, live in the Netherlands and in an hour I could cross half the country or even enter Germany depending on where I am lol


I live in the Netherlands as well and my boyfriend lives about 35km away. That's 35-45 minutes of driving depending on traffic. I got used to it super quickly and have no issues with it!


Right, so would you consider that a drive too long to be worth it? Genuine question, because that would be fine with me as it would take me to another part of city but I can see how if an hours drive is taking you to another country it might warp that (for lack of a better word) and make it feel a lot longer than it is, if that makes sense. edit: missed a word


Really depends on the person and how well we'd hit it off, but imo it can definitely be worth it. When you are in the first stages of dating it is easy to just meet halfway for example so the distance wouldn't be so "great" to begin with. But once you start about moving in together.. that's a whole other story since you do really have really different areas, the north and south of the Netherlands are really different people haha


To be fair, I live there as well and my commute is also an hour (by train tho). :P


I live in a decently populated area near Denver, CO, USA. 45 minutes is practically “just down the street” with traffic. I drive that far to get to my preferred dispensary, some doctors, the comfortable movie theater, the nicer mall, preferred restaurants, etc. I’m not in a rural area by any means and this is a very normal travel time for me.


I was thinking the same thing. Sydney where I live is such an urban sprawl that 45 minutes seems like nothing.


I feel like it’s only far if you are from a city in the US. I grew up in the country and a 45 minute drive isn’t that bad but my friend in the city think that’s terribly far.


I moved from a state where it took me 20 minutes to walk out of my neighborhood. Where I live now, 30 minutes takes u from one side of the city to the other and people complain if they have to drive 3 blocks.


45 minutes to an hour where I’m from is going to the mall. 45 minutes where I am now is going to Detroit or being in the bigger city which no one wants to do. 😂


Not a long drive at all, I’ve driven farther for work. Just means you gotta drive faster 🤣


lol like the midwest US, everything miles away, why we had muscle cars. 45 mins is nothing.


In some, yes. I lived in southern California and driving an hour to an Diego seemed like a nice inconvenience and never looked forward to it unless SeaWorld or something. After getting older and moving to farm states (Iowa, Nebraska and driving though the US a few times) an hour drive seems completely normal and sometimes close


Lolol that's how long it takes to go from the city to parra 🤣 still Sydney!


I'm Kenyan and I'd consider that a really small distance.


Hell yes. I wish it was only 45 minutes to my bf. We don't live in the same country


How long have you been in a long distance relationship? Any tips. I’m about to move across the country and have been really stressed out/scared about losing my relationship.


A little over 2 years. It has been challenging. But we made it work. It's mostly about trust. If you trust your partner you don't have to worry about jealousy. We talk almost everyday. Watch netflix together while in call. And have dates sometimes where we Video call. Especially when it goes to long for us to see each other. If you into sexting/ phone sex then now is your chance. xD Always god to keep the spark alive.




some tips for maintenance; (from personal experience) set date nights, as if you were going out and have things arranged; maybe same meal or watching the same movie. make sure you still take time for yourself, bc you’re not around them it may feel like you’re constantly ‘getting time to urself’ but sometimes that just ends up being on the phone 24/7 and can rlly take u out of the present moment. talk about everything. like if there’s a small thing that’s bothering you; say it. communicate. when you live with someone you’re forced to figure shit out bc it comes up around them— in case of long distance it can be easy to just move on from something that may be small, but then adds up to a pile of issues and resentment. have in person dates to look forward to. having something to look forward to together is really nice, and it smoothes over the achiness of missing them. sounds like you’ve been in your relationship for some time, but just make sure you guys are clear and know how the other expressed affection (love languages). it was rlly hard for me when my long distance ex partner would want time for themselves or was “too tired to chat” sometimes i took that personally (hard not to do in the moment) if it works, it’s meant to, and if it doesn’t, it wasn’t. good luck!


As a midwesterner that’s not far at all. I’ve dated people half way across the country though


45 minutes is actually the perfect distance to allow the relationship and attraction to grow at a good pace.


This is my favourite comment. Other girls i dated lived 10 mins or less away and we saw each other too often and it wasnt healthy. Im now datimg a girl who is 45 mins away. We see each others once a week. Its very steady but its not getting to that obsessive stage.


45 minutes is nothing if you truly like the person


45 mins is nothing even if you DONT love the person lol. It’s not 45 hours. And it’s not like they are ONLY gonna date at his/her house every single time ?? Like are they forbidden to meet halfway ? Seriously everyone is weird here.


Probably OP is not from the US where such distance is considered pretty short. It's the same in Canada too.




It's considered long in Ireland.




no it's not


Eastern Coast of the US 45 minutes will take you through at least 2 states. Western Coast of the US 45 minutes will take you through at least one, maybe 2 counties. It all depends on where you live.


Or from one side of Manhattan to the other (I think. Takes that long to get across Toronto so figure it’s at least that long)


OP said they’re Australian


This is the correct answer.


Lol welcome to London! But no, it’s not a deal breaker. However, everyone has different boundaries. If this isn’t something you can commit to, then it is, got you! Trust your gut


Same for NYC - interborough dating can be rough but it’s doable.


Oh yeah. I’d drive for a couple hours if I wanted to date them


I would, because sometimes missing them brings more excitement.


I live in the middle of nowhere, unless I want to fuck a tree everyone is 45 minutes away






Hello from alafuckinbama!


lol in the Midwest 45 minutes is your drive to work


Yep! In good weather and no traffic.


Midwest gang 🤝🏾


Snow and gloom one day and 45 and sunny the next 😎


I married someone who lived in a different country. He was here on business! So absolutely! If it is a fit and the person is going to make you a better person, absolutely! You will figure ot out together if it is a fit!


No 45 minutes isn’t long at all, I’ve sat in traffic for that long to get to school. Plus if one of you has a car it will make it easier. My ex use to live about 45 and he’d take the train to me every other week.


I live 5 hours from my fiancé. I haven’t seen her in 6 months. I wouldn’t trade her for the world.


6 months??? Do you not have weekends off or on call all the time?


Do you not prioritize seeing each other?


The dating pool is slim pickings here, 45 mins isn't a lot really & I like a little drive, I guess I'd feel differently if I didn't drive. I just make it known early on that I'm not willing to relocate because of my kids' schooling so there's no expectation down the line.


I was.... Considering dating someone who lives 22h (one way) from me if I travel with a plane, not to talk about the costs. If someone is bitching about a 45min drive just to be with you, tell that person to go to hell


Yes, I have a car. And a motorcycle. I dated a girl who lived about 1.5 hours away. She lived in a beautiful town up in the mountains, the ride was gorgeous. Every time I went to see her I got to have the nice ride or drive + an exciting prize waiting for me at the end.


if you both meet halfway that's only a 22.5 minute trip!


As hard as it is to find someone you really get along with and like, I would date someone in a different state and work to eventually move to the same place


No, its not too far but I've been there and done that... and after a couple months of working full time then having to drive 2 hrs back and forth on the weekends just to spend money on a date and hang out with someone who is equally exhausted as you are, it really starts to wear on you, especially if there's only one person is making the commute... however if you have the right person you won't mind it too much because their presence makes it worth it and if they're the right one they will be ok with just relaxing for the weekend... nowadays me and my SO moved in together are going on 5 years strong lol


Why is this even a question? It takes 45 mins for me to go to school everyday lol 😂 You only wanna date at his home ? He’s never gonna come to yours or date outside ?? Forbidden to meet halfway ? 😳😳


I did and I made the effort into driving to his place all the time because that is what you do when you love someone, but he always had an excuse for not coming over to my place. Never again will I settle for someone who isn’t going to go out of their way for me. Also 45 mins isn’t that bad if you are planning to spend the day with them or at least more than 4 hours.


I had a guy complain he couldn’t date me because I lived an hour away. Meanwhile, my brother is dating someone who lives 7 hours away.


Stares at OP in confused Alaskan


I wouldn’t. But then again I live in a city where it takes 20 mins to get from one side to the other.


Not at all, seems perfectly reasonable to me.


I’ve dated people a lot further than that lol


I live in London and takes about an hour and 15 minutes to see my GF. Really not an issue


LMAO ​ ... ​ Sorry, I live in São Paulo (Brazil).


No I don't have a car


i have a car but hate driving - gives me panic attacks. if it was someone i didn’t already know and like, then no thanks (i.e. someone i met online)


I routinely drive as long if not longer for many things. 45 minutes is nothing.


Episode of a series that about 45 mins with no real benefit or contribution to you life, no probs Real, genuine, wholesome human experience, pfffff fuck that


In a heartbeat. What’s 45 min for the right person?? Listen to some music and enjoy the drive.


If you have to ask this question, you don't like them that much 😂 Me and my partner used take it in turns to travel double that EVERY evening after a long day at work before we lived together - just to spend a couple of hours with eachother before bed time! It's just what you do if you're into someone 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t see this remotely being a problem unless you are 15. Even then I wouldn’t think this is a big issue


I would! I’d date someone who lived in an entirely different country so there’s that too.


A 45 minute drive is nothing if you like them. I used to date someone who lived a bit of a distance from me. We would meet at a 45 minute half way spot often. Neither one of cared about the drive. We liked each other.


Me and my gf live 10 min walking distance from each other. Its the best thing ever especially since we both have pets.


When I started dating my current girlfriend, she lived in a city 2 hours away. We would spend 3 nights a week at her apartment, 3 nights a week at my apartment, and 1 night apart. It was a pain in the ass but also kinda fun going between cities at the same time. Now we live together so it worked out


As long as you drive what's the problem? It's not like they are hours away. Living in a big city I'm generally 45 minutes away from anyone I date.


If she is worth it, then definitely. Even an hour will be cool if she is worth it


45 minutes? bitch, i’ve survived being separated by oceans and continents. i can do 45 mins. edit: that bitch was not meant as an insult to you, OP, i just like saying bitch. like, biiiiiitch. you know?


Sure it's really not that far. Its not like you can see each other every day. Driving 45 minute each a couple of times a week is fine. I think my maximum would be like an hour away and even then it's not that I wouldn't date them we would probably just meet up less often.


I dated someone living 6 hours by bus or.train. It was only one hour by car but the gas isn't for free.


Yes, but I live in the country so that is roughly the normal amount I do.


What is 45 mins if you're going to find someone and be with her/ him for a lifetime?


I dated someone who was 1 day away by plane, so basically yeah. Not sure if I will do it again, due to how badly it ended. Long distance CAN be a dealbreaker depending on how deep your connection with the other person is. Also, 45 minutes distance is nothing.


Already have, dated for 2 years then moved in together


45 minutes really? in nyc it takes about 60-90 minutes for most people to get from work in Manhattan to their homes in other boroughs. The question is more why are you asking the question? Are you making excuses?


Yeah, if I thought there was potential in the relationship, sure. If it was just casual probably not, but maybe depending on dating prospects.


Lmao what? It’s 45 minutes. Why would something like that stop you from dating.


my boyfriend goes to school 45 minutes away. when hes at home he lives 5 minutes away. i always love the 45 minute drive & its always worth it. put a podcast on, 45 minutes isn’t crazy long. just 30 minutes + 15 more. at least its not longer than an hour


If I wanted to go right this second to see my girlfriend I would have to buy a $1,500 plane ticket, fly to another continent that speaks a different language, then probably wait for her to get off work. If she lived 45 minutes away I would really appreciate that hahaha.


The greatest journey is the distance between two hearts. But seriously 45 mins is nothing. A couple hours is still nothing. People literally date from one spade of the country to another. Love is love and it has a unique way of making sure it works when it’s right.


I dated and married a woman who loved 2 hours away, so no. My wife would shit a brick if I started another relationship.


If there was a chance in the future that one of us could move, sure


I would. In northern California 45 minutes isn't that bad.


My bf lived a time zone (and 1750 miles) away for 4 years. 45 minutes is just from here to Bourne Bridge.


It wouldn’t be a deal breaker from me. My bf lived an hour away from me….taking public transportation. 45 mins isn’t so bad. Is it 45 mins driving ??


An over hour commute to work? No problem. But love of my life 45 mins away? Clearly red line deal breaking territory.


Absolutely. 45 minutes is nothing. Sure we wouldn’t see each other every day but unless we’re married that’s not something to worry about


Yeah, but I live in a place where 45 mins really aint no thang Plus my friends live twice as far


Living a big city, 45 minutes is like nothing LOL. Once it’s over an hour it’s a littleeee far


Yes i do it for work so why not love/dating


45 minutes in the Bay Area is fine. Definitely not a deal breaker.


Cmon, 45mins is nothing to the 15hr plane flight I had to see my girlfriend of 2yrs. So my answer is heck no it wouldn't be a deal breaker at all, I think that distance is just fine.


Iused to date a girl 4 hours away from me, one of the best gfs I ve ever had


Its already hard to find a boyfriend even if you dont restrict the pool to your own neighborhood lol. Idk in which country you live, but 45 min is nothing, it takes me longer than that to get basically everywhere


If the right person why not


Yes I would & no it wouldn’t be a deal breaker


My girl lives an hour away


Been doing that for 4.5 months. I don’t have a car so he has to drive to see me/pick me up and we can only see each other once a week due to his work schedule, but I adore him and our relationship has been great so far. While I know it’d be easier to see him more frequently if I had a car (can’t afford one) or if I lived closer, I’m still grateful we can see each other at all.


I do. My state is mostly rural. If you want to date you have to be willing to travel. My bf lives 50 mins away.


45 minutes is nothing. Met many dates within an hours drive of me. What’s the hardship?


I do, and depending on traffic, it could be 35 minutes to a full hour. Every time I'm on that drive during rush hour, I just think, wow, I must *really* like him to sit through this shit


I did it for almost three years and would do it again. Blast some music and have fun on the drive!!


I live in L.A. So probably not lol


I would. I will consider up to an hour. But then I don’t need to see someone more than once or twice a week, if we start dating.


Yea that's a short drive for me I normally even drive 30-40 minutes to get to town


My bf lives 40 minutes away from me. Tinder and bumble both thought that we were close enough to be a potential match. He says his biggest qualm with me is the physical distance (he hates driving). Yet, it’s really not that far in reality. It means I can’t just pop by his house when I need a hug or a quickie, but apart from that it’s not really an issue. I like the drive as I get to listen to my audiobooks and I’ll usually stay a night or two. He drove to me for the first 6 months (I didn’t have a car) and we’d go on a date for 3-4 hours, it worked though.


My boyfriend is 40 minutes away. I’m lucky it’s only that short a distance in comparison for some. If that person makes you happy then it is definitley worth it but be prepared if you have limited access to transport because it can make things difficult at time.


What is 45 minutes lol 😂 dated someone who lived 7 hours away on flight still managed to meet up 2 times a month, distance is nothing if you really like the person


Ive dated a woman who lived 2 and a half hours away from me. I drove up there every weekend.




Lol this is dumb as fuck, 45 minutes isn’t far?


is this considered a long drive? as a londoner, this is short.


Bruh. We live in a society that has cars and cell phones. Distance is a thing of the past. Some people drive 8 hours some people drive 30 min. The real question is, is distance a deal breaker for you?


I absolutely would. I have no problem with driving distances at all. There’s so many states where you have to drive so much to get to point A to point B. However here in the Bay Area people are allergic to driving 😂


Dated people who lived 12 hours away. One of the even for 3 years. Right now I'm in a relationship with someone who lives an hour away. I don't even think it's long distance anymore. 🤷‍♀️


My wife lived 3 hours away over two mountains. She was that worth it.


Yeas. The girls I fuck often live 30-45 mins from me.


We was almost 2 hours away. We lasted about a year. Best days of my life with her. So yeah 45 min isn’t that bad heh 😜


Yes. Living and working in an outlying area where basically everyone is married unless they don't have their shit together enough to get out of town that's pretty much my only viable option. Unfortunately it is a dealbreaker for all the women in the city with much better demographics 45 minutes away from me... I hate long daily commutes so I won't move there but the whole logic behind living where I do was to have the super short mandatory daily commute and be free to do what I want outside of that. It's just been frustrating how all the residents of the city where all the young professionals live act like I'm 3 states away. So I've ended up pretty lonely as a cost of keeping my short commute (and associated extra time for sleep, fitness, hobbies, savings on fuel and housing).


Hell yes! Are you kidding? If I really liked someone I'd easily drive double that to get to see them. It wouldn't stop me from just going on a first date either if I was attracted to them because you never know :)


My girlfriend and I live 40 minutes away from each other and its just enough to make it inconvenient, especially when you factor work schedules into it. Not so terrible on your day off but when you work all day, then factor in 40 minutes there and 40 minutes back, it really puts a dent in it, kinda like you're always running against the clock. Probably the number one reason we've already started the conversation about maybe living together in the near future.


I would date someone who lives 45 minutes from me.


I live in Atlanta..almost everyone is 45 minutes from me.


Honestly, I’ve had guys travel hours to see me, so it wouldn’t be a deal breaker. I had one boyfriend who drove three hours once a week to visit me, and I had guys who wanted to travel from other states to see me as well. If you make distance a deal breaker it will be.


i’m from Vancouver CA 🇨🇦 so it’s all very spread out and it isn’t unheard of to drive 40 min+ to a hookup or date, everything is just so spread out and there is always something to do in each city. Plus, the sky train is fun!


lmaooo 45 mins???? i’m not sure if its necessary or even true but— if u have to ask they’re probably just not worth it in general. my last partner lived 5 hours away i guess some people are more rational than emotional tho and would consider this first, but if i met someone its question of ‘do i want to be with them,’ rather than ‘would i b with someone that lives 45 mins’ and mind u, no license💅 lmao so no excuses


Have you met a lesbian 😅 we do entirely different states... On opposite sides of the country 🤣


You make time for what you truly care about. 45 mins really isn’t that much


Yep, I drive and if they’re the right person then 45 mins is nothing


Woman from the NYC metro area, here. I absolutely date people who are 45 minutes away. As long as I’m not the only person doing the traveling I’m totally cool with it. I can’t imagine limiting myself in that way. The guy that I’m currently seeing lives about 25 minutes away from me, but if there’s traffic, it could easily be 45 minutes. So if I had that limitation on myself, I wouldn’t be hanging out with him, which would be a shame, because I really enjoy spending time with him.


Bruh I travel this every single fucking day just to be able to pay my bills.


45 minutes is cool. My friend had to drive 3 hours to see his girlfriend. I usually stick with a 30-40 minute radius.


I dated a guy that lived 1 hour and 30 minutes away from me for a year. We broke up for reasons unrelated to distance. If there’s a will there’s a way 🤷🏻‍♀️


I did, and married her.


I don't consider 45minutes a long distance, unless you plan on being that bf/gf who's constantly stuck to your partner's hip. It actually sounds like a great distance, personally; far enough where someone won't just pop up unannounced, yet close enough to be able to get there without a problem (as long as you has transportation).


Do. You. Like. Them. ?


45 mins is not far . I love a good drive . Not a dealbreaker


As a Canadian 45 mins is basically around the block


I must be oblivious, but I don’t see what the issue is. I driven around for an hour looking for a parking space.


Forty-five minutes is a pathetically short time to be considered a deal-breaker. I have to walk that distance just to get to my friend's house (none of us have cars), and everything's fine.


Well it’s not like I have a ton of options lol


Considering my bf and I live :55-1:30 minutes away depending on traffic, yea. I would. If you like them, distance is nothing


laughs in Pennsylvania. You'd be lucky if you found someone not related to you within a 45 minute radius


Totally, that’s nothing.


My now husband was 2 hours away from me when we first met. We made that work, then were thousands of miles away from each other with an eight hour time difference, while I studied abroad. In my opinion, 45 minutes is nothing.


I drive 40 min to work so I can be only 40 min from my gf in the opposite direction


I pfft at your 45 mins. My then boyfriend now husband and I had the whole damn Atlantic Ocean between us for two years. And some more countries and seas.




My boyfriend and I live just about that far. At first I was worried we'd never see each other but we hang out at least 3x a week. And he's sweet they he usually drives up here because he likes driving and it makes me nervous. So ya for the right person it's totally worth it.


Only a deal breaker if traveling doesn’t go both ways


The last person I dated lived an hour and a half away. I’m currently seeing someone who lives six hours away. That said, I’m a queer woman. We do what we have to.


Nope! I thought it would be a deal breaker; I had my tinder profile set to show me only people within 20 or 25 miles. I then matched with my bf who didn’t have his location public so he slipped through the cracks even though he’s nearly double that distance from me, but I’m so glad he did. It takes about 50 minutes, but we drive to see each other at least twice/week.


why not ? U know! I wouldn't date someone who ask this question.


My boyfriend picks me up 2-3 times a week and his drive is about 6+ throughout the day back and forth


What a nice boyfriend 🤩


No. I have done it before and it’s a real drag. 45 minutes driving in Florida is like 30 miles away.