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Different women have different preferences.


Good answer.


It only matters if he has short man syndrome. Then, ironically, it is a big issue because he usually has a chip on his shoulders about it. My fella is 5ft 8 maybe.


Short Man Syndrome is *the worst*.


Came here to say this! So very true. I am 5’8” and most men around my height that I dated would make me feel like an elephant and were very insecure. So my preference has always been to avoid that and go for taller guys. However, I still remember a guy I hang out for several months, he was maybe 5’7” or 5’8” and I enjoyed every second of being next to him! Very respectful, interesting, and a confident man.


You couldn't be more right about that. It actually consumes their entire personality and seemingly influences everything they say, do and feel. They have so much to prove and the more they try to prove it, the more they need to prove it. The way they hold themselves, as if they think tipping their head back and puffing out their chest is going to create some sort of optical illusion and everyone will think they're actually super tall. Having said that, I do feel sorry for them, because one doesn't develop a complex like that just out of nowhere. It's probably a defence mechanism they developed in their schooling years.


This is the answer for me too. I sometimes wear heels when I go out just so easily emasculated men will jleave me alone. I don’t want to intentionally trigger anyone, but if something that stupid will make them pissy, I’d rather not get approached at all


Here's the deal: your height is what it is. You can't change it. One woman prefers a 6'0 guy while another prefers a 5'8 guy. You might prefer slim women while another guy prefers thicker women. You can't control people's preferences so just work with what you've got.


>just work with what you've got. Best possible answer! 😁 (5'7" guy)


They have shoes out there that I see advertised for men to add 2 inches to their height. So I can now be 6-3.


Those elevator shoes have been around for decades my uncle wore a pair in the early 1950s when he married my taller aunt. They were married 50+ years.


Just be careful to adjust your posture when using the lifts/heels. Otherwise, you run the risk of standing like a centaur.


I don't have a preference, but don't lie about it. I've went on first dates with men that were clearly 3-4 inches shorter than the height listed on their OLD profile. The lying was a turn-off for me.


Yeah you are what you are. I say just embrace it


Exactly! The truth will come out as soon as you meet in person anyway.


Ugh just had one this week and I was so sad - not about the height as much as the deception, but yes, I definitely don't want to be the partner who is bigger. I want to feel petite and safe, and there IS a component of physical size in addition to confidence that combines to create that feeling.


Just because a guy is taller doesn’t make you any safer. That is a dumb way of determining a man’s capability. The confidence and being truthful does matter and I agree with that but being just taller doesn’t make you stronger.


To be clear, I said "physical size" not height so I understand and agree with your point re: strength.


I'm the same way. I'm 5'4 and chunky. The only thin guys I've dated were 5'10 and over. The shorter guys were all bigger and gave me that petite and safe feeling without the height.


Well I'm 5 3 so everyone is tall to me, I don't care how tall a man is as long as his not shorter than me


Do you mind we getting to stand together to see who’s taller? lol


I’m 5’4 AND A 1/2!!!




Personally, if a dude is cool, kind and we hit it off and connect, I could given no fucks if he's shorter than me. Full disclosure, I am short for a woman so, it is rare a man is shorter than me, but if there is a short king out there who makes me laugh and makes me feel like a million bucks, I'm in


That's what I would have thought too but I was at a pub in Sydney a few weeks back and this chick straight out said your too short... And she was shorter than me.


That one chick... yes you can't be desired by everyone


Haha it's not the first time. But also I've noticed a lot of woman on dating apps mention it which is why I started the conversation.


It does seem to be a thing, but, like most things, people change their mind when the right person comes along. I personally know women, married to men shorter than them who say they never thought they'd marry a shorter man, but they just fell in love!


Ahhh well, we all have our own preferences. Height doesn't bother me, but it might bother someone else. I mean, some dudes have a real thing for huge tits, no matter how cool I am, I'll never fulfil their preference with these mozzie bites


Guys that dismiss a woman for her boob size are boobs themselves and missing out on a great woman. Those guys are dumb because those women will never have a shortage of suitors the moment they screw up.


Unfortunately those exist and it hurts when those dummies say that. I wonder what those types of women would say if they had a son and he had her height gene and got nowhere near the height of their father. Makes no sense. To dismiss a man because of his height is dumb. There are women who associate being taller with having larger privates which is also proven BS.


For as many women out there who are looking for a "man in finance, trust fund, 6'5", blue eyes" there are just as many women who celebrate *Short King Week"


I don't judge a potential partner by height. There's way too many other important attributes to worry about. I'm not going to miss out on a great man because of some inches.


Came here to say this. I am a 5’9” female


No limits here. My bestie is 6’3, her husband is 5’3, and they’re happily married for 20+ years. My current man is slightly shorter than me, so I just don’t wear heels if I’m going to kiss him while I’m wearing shoes because the angle is awkward lol.


Guy here but I will give you the answer. Women will say they have perferences for this, that or the other. But when they see a guy in the real world who gives them butterflies all of those preferences disappear. Suddenly whatever her new crush has going on is her preference. Attraction is extremely complicated. It does not come down to height, money, what car you drive, what job you have etc. All of those things are superficial. Focus on your physical and emotional strength. Those are universal. A guy that is confident, is in control of his emotions, looks like her could crush you but is gentle and kind won't have a problem with women in the real world. Women want to feel safe, but also want a guy who is going to toss them around in the bedroom. Now if you are into digital dating I imagine it will be an issue as those superficial attributes are all that you can market yourself with. Stick to women in the real world who crush on you.


I'm 6'. My late husband was 5'9" and my boyfriend is 6'. It doesn't really matter unless it matters to you or your partner. My late husband had no problems with me being taller than him and it didn't bother me. Personally, I've always wondered what dating someone significantly taller than me would be like, but alas, at 6', there just aren't very many people who fit that bill.


I'm 5'7". I've never filtered for height as long as he doesn't mind when I wear heels. This has been an issue for some guys.


I have dated shorter men and taller men, as well as those the same height as me. Other things are more important than height but I think somebody massively taller would be a bit awkward


I'm 5'3" and briefly dated a guy 6'6". It was weird. We didn't "do it" and I'll say that even kissing or holding hands walking down the street was weird.


5'3 here and dated a guy 6'10. I was apprehensive to meet him because of his height but I gave him a chance and cuddling was so awkward lol. Holding hands was fine but when we snuggled it felt like I was always in a choke hold. Couldn't see the TV past his biceps or my shoulder could never really relax 😅


I am 5'10". I've been this height since 4th grade. I've been "taller than the boys" for what feels like my entire life. Height does not matter to me personally for a partner. Weight/height/build aren't a measure of someone having a good heart, good character, and solid integrity. It isn't a measure of their kindness, compassion, or empathy. Those things are not a measure of someone's emotional intelligence either.




I'm sure your a great catch. Just haven't met the right person yet


I’m ashamed to admit I do like tall men. Not to say I haven’t dated men my height (I’m 5’8”) but it’s nice if they are taller 😬


Never be ashamed to have a preference! It's perfectly fine to like what you like. This coming from a 5'9" guy.


And I suppose some men wouldn’t date me because I’m 5’8”


That feels silly to me personally but to each their own. I have certain preferences but height isn't one of them.


I am 5'3" and I don't care at all about height. Maybe that's easy to say from down here. 😂


I am 5’11” (6’ on a good posture day). I do not go out with men shorter than 5’9”. It does feel awkward if shorter than that, for both of us. It wasn’t always this way. My first husband was 5’7”. Although he did comment about it here and there, it wasn’t a big deal we discussed very often. I think it is more recent that men are more insecure about it. It becomes a never ending topic. I also find myself bending down to help offset this unconsciously. I have never went out with someone taller than me, my entire life. Not sure why this has happened outside of the average height for men is shorter than me and I am above average for a woman.


> I think it is more recent that men are more insecure about it. I'm guessing that's because half or more of women's app profiles have a height requirement, and often a very unrealistic one.


Height isn’t a huge deal to me. I’ve dated guys my height (I’m 5’6) up to 6’5. As long as he is at least my height, I’m happy.


All I ask is that they are taller than me. They do not have to be over 6ft, but that's nice. Personality, how they treat me, and having a face that I like are way more important to me.


I have some news for you...it can be worse. Much worse. I'm 5'2". Plenty of women will date a man her height or even just a bit taller. You still have a pretty healthy dating pool at 5'8". Mine is very small. But you're right. Many women want tall men, even if they are short. There are people in this sub (as you can see in the comments) who don't care, and my own experience is that there are women that don't care. A woman I met in March (sadly it didn't work out for other reasons) didn't care, she's 5'7". But many, many women do. And many women do tend to not just want tall, but also handsome, if not dark as well.


I’m 5’8”. Ex husband was 5’8”. The height thing is totally overblown


Ooh I got this one guys… Yes, all women prefer AT LEAST 5’10”. Sorry pal, 2 inches shy in every department eh!


Is it sarcasm?




Ouch well that sucks. To be fair I've dates plenty of woman and height never really comes up that much. Guess I must make up for it where it really counts 🤪


If height never really comes up why are you asking this question?


My height doesn't impact my dating life at all and I don't care to be honest. I was more curious as I have seen countless bios stating it's importance.


I’m a tall woman, 5’11, I tend to not date anyone shorter than 5’10. I know this has limited my options which I don’t enjoy but I don’t feel bad about it as I’m sure I’ve been dismissed by men for their preferences as well. It’s not unusual for women to look to taller men but luckily the average height for women is not 5’11 so you’re taller than lots of them (the ones who care). I do not even look at men (on OLD) who think their height is their entire personality, though. (State they’re 6’4 like it’s the only thing that matters) Big ick for me.


I am 5’9” (F) and a curvy gal. I have a preference for men who are at least a few inches taller than me. Generally the guys I’ve dated fall into the “Dad Bod” category, but I am open to other body types. I grew up feeling taller than everyone - I was taller than the boys in elementary school, sometimes even taller than my teachers! I felt like a giant, so for me, I don’t like feeling like I’m towering over my partner. I like to be able to nuzzle into their chest when I give them a hug. It’s OK to have physical preferences. Also…this is just a slight peeve of mine…when I see couples with like a foot of height difference, I’m annoyed. 5’0” ladies could date the 5’8” guys - you’re getting a good 8 inches there which is solid. And leave the 6’2” dudes in the pool for us tall queens 🙏


So if my 5'1 gf meets a 6'1 man who likes her and wants to date her, she should reject him on the basis of leaving him available for a taller woman? lol Not gonna happen. Besides, what if said taller dude prefers them petite?


I’m simply expressing an annoyance. Not expecting anyone to reject anyone, change their behaviour or preferences.


I have a (mild) preference for someone taller than me. But I’m 5’3” so that isn’t hard. My partner is 5’8”, which is just fine. Characters is far more important to me than height.


Where I live 5'8 is probably the norm. I've dated guys much shorter, either the same height as me or slightly shorter and I'm only just 5'5. It's fine, not even a consideration. I'd rather a 5'5 kind funny sweet man than a 6 foot tall idiot 🙃 height only really affects what sex positions you can manage (similar height is actually better imo), and of course reaching things on the top shelf but I have a step ladder for that


I'm actually not that fussy and couldn't care less about height. Probably the only thing I'm fussy on is teeth. If a woman is a bit gummy then I'm probably not the right man.


I like men who are my height (5'7") or a bit taller than that. I don't like really tall men; I prefer to see each other at eye level. I think the most important qualities are intelligence, a sense of humor, education, someone who likes to read, has a healthy lifestyle, has been in therapy preferably or works on himself on his own at least, likes his job or profession, likes to help people, is kind to others, and is empathetic. Tall, dark, and handsome is not enough for me at all. Inner beauty is extremely important to me.


I recently realized that of the happily married women I know, not one is married to a 6'+ man.


I’m a quarter inch shy of 5’2”, and I have to say that height can make a difference in the practicalities of the physical relationship if there’s too big of a height discrepancy. I’ve dated men who have ranged in height from 5’6” to 6’5”, and honestly, I prefer men 6’ and under. My late husband was 5’8”, and that was perfect for me. However, I am more interested in who the person is, at heart, than his height.


At 5'1, I feel it would be hypocritical of me to require a guy over 6 ft. In theory I don't really care what a guy's height is, because it's not something he can control. But in reality I kind of prefer if he's under 6ft. It just makes things easier if there isn't such a big height difference. My last boyfriend was about 5'6 or 5'7, and that was kind of perfect. I wouldn't even mind if he was shorter than that.


I'm 5'11.5" And I can tell you that 90% of the men I've matched with who state that they're 6 ft tall are no more than 5'10" after a week-long yoga retreat and some deep breaths on a clear day.  I've dated shorter and will continue to. ***I just hate when men lie***. (One guy I matched with listed himself as 6'2". I showed up in a boot with maybe an inch and a half heel. I was very clearly looking down at him and he was so uncomfortable! He still keeps playing with his height on his profile. It varies by an inch quite a bit lol.)  In addition, I once went on a string of first dates where each man within the first 5 minutes said to me, wow! You really are tall. One man kept trying to sneak glances at my shoes and then when I asked him what he was doing, he told me he thought I was exaggerating about my height. He then amused that maybe he really wasn't 6 ft 1 in.    So for me, be the height you say you are. Look at my height and reconcile it. And then show up to a date and let's have some fun. I've got great legs. Get out of your head and you could enjoy them!


I'm 5'5" and prefer 6 to 6'1". I dated a man who was around 5'9" for a bit, that's the shortest I've gone.


I think it matters, to those it matters to. I'm 5'8 and I swear I've never even had height come up as a thing, but i'm also acutely aware that I might just have gotten real lucky.


Yeah but it also helps who your dating. I've dated woman with height ranges from 5ft to 5ft10 and I've never thought my height was short. Just started with the dating apps though and there's certainly a demand for tall dudes.


> Just started with the dating apps though and there's certainly a demand for tall dudes. In my experience, that's from women who are taller themselves. A woman who's 5'9" is less likely to be OK with dating a 5'8" guy compared to a 5'2" woman. Luckily, the average height for a woman is like 5'4", so you should be good to go.


I am slightly above average for women but now, I don’t care really! It’s really about how the guy carries himself. The most confident man I ever met was around 5’2” and he demanded your respect and admiration by his presence. I was a program manager at that time and I could smell his cologne from the parking lot, before even he stepped a foot in my facility. The nicest man ever and his wife was taller than me:)


I prefer my partner to be three to five inches taller than me. I'm 5'7" and my 5'11" boyfriend is perfect for me. My ex-husband was also 5'7" and it meant I couldn't wear heels, and a 6'3" ex-BF meant kissing/sex was a bit awkward. That said, height isn't a deal-breaker for me, just a preference.


I’m 5 ft 1… all the guys are taller than me, so it has never be a consideration for me. But I knew guys who dates taller women!


FWIW I’m 6’1” and broad, and they’ve never made any difference in my favour. I’m in Europe, though - maybe it’s much more prevalent in the US?


If anyone has a strict height requirement, men or women, that seems superficial to me. You could line up 100 people who match a particular height target and every single one of them could be a swipe left for other reasons. I’ve dated men who were a couple of inches taller than me and I’ve dated someone who’s over a foot taller than me, with a few in between. Height wasn’t a factor in why things didn’t work out, but I will say that a big difference in height can make things a little mechanically awkward at times.


Haha yeah I get the mechanics can be both if there's a big height difference. I have a friend she's 5ft1 and he's 6ft5. For me that's just bat shit crazy


I’m tiny and men are pretty much always taller than me BUT I always had a borderline height fetish - my physical / sexual attraction was triggered exclusively by men above 6’2, for many many years. Worked on it because it was limiting my options, kinda improved although it’s still my preference.


As a woman who is 5'8, I am in the 95th percentile of women in the US - this means only 5 percent of women are your height or taller in the US. As a tall woman, I mainly look for men who are my height or above, which captures about 2/3 of the US adult men. I've dated men 5'6 to 6'11.


I'm 5'9, close to six feet in heels. Height doesn't matter to me at all. I've found guys have more of an issue with it so I make a note of it in my profile.


Original copy of post by u/therealjuzzo: Hello ladies, We all hear the phrase tall dark and handsome but when it comes to a partner how much does height matter? I'm 5ft8 and have in the past dated someone who was 5ft10 but generally date shorter ladies. I wouldn't say no to a chick height wise unless she's like 6ft4 (there are limits) but I was wondering whether woman as a rule have a preference or whether as you get older it's less a prerequisite. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I never cared until I dated a guy who was an asshole because he was so insecure about his height. Now I prefer not too short, like not below 5’9” I guess but if I were to meet someone really cool who was shorter I don’t think I’d really care


I’m 5’5” and my BF is 5’6”. He is the sexiest man I’ve ever known, and his height doesn’t matter!


Idgaf about height. I am attracted to all kinds - tall, short, in between. I’m a 5’9 woman.


I know several married men who are not tall. Just need to find your person. I tend to be attracted to tall since I have my own complex about being short, but I had strong crushes on a few short guys. They tended to have rather attractive faces and they were popular with ladies. So I guess tall dark and handsome might be an ideal but the handsome part is really what gets a lotta women going.


I like tall men. But also shorter men. There are things I enjoy about both. But it's really the individual. To me, people are only as big as their personalities are interesting.


I dated a guy who claimed to be 5’8”. I’m 5’5”, and when we were barefoot we were the same height. Just own it please. Nothing wrong with short kings! But short man syndrome is repulsive.


None of my relationships failed due to height, but some women get hung up on that. If someone doesn’t date someone due to their height, that’s their decision. Just limits their pool further.


I’m 5’8”, which is a 95th percentile height for a woman and 35-40th percentile for a man. When I wear heels, I’m taller than about 70% of men flat-footed. I’m very used to this and don’t have a deep seated need to feel shorter than my fella. I do have a very strong innate aesthetic preference for a man: 5’8-5’10”, fit, muscled, the endurance athlete look. Thats what I respond to, just unconsciously. But of course the actual human being is more important and I can stretch to finding men from about 5’5” to 6’3” attractive. Each and every one of my small number of relationships has fit this- every man has been between 5’7” and 5’9”. I briefly dated two 6’2” and 6’3” guys, and just didn’t like how our bodies fit together or how heavy they were and so on. They weren’t fat, just there’s a lot more mass than I would want. I’m more flexible on height than I am on the fit look and reality though. These are all my main hobbies and pursuits, and I really care about sharing that part of my life and philosophy etc with someone. Tbh though, I think women do like feeling smaller than their guy. If I was both taller and approached a man in weight, I might feel uncomfortable. I weigh 124 lbs though so that would be one skeletal dude.


I’m 5’6 and my rule is my height and above. It’s never really mattered greatly to me. What’s more important is chemistry and connection!


I'm 5'5" and I'd prefer a man a little taller than me in flat feet, but if I'm wearing heels I don't mind being taller. I was married to a 5'7" man for many years and it was never an issue. My last boyfriend was 6'2" and I enjoyed that too, but he was not a good partner.


I'm a woman & almost 5'7" tall, my bf is 5'5". Exbf of 5 years was also 5'5". Exhb was 6'2. I prefer closer to my height rather than tall now. Cranks my neck to kiss the tall ones. But, personality & compatibility are the key rather than a couple inches in height one way or another for me.


5'8 works for a lot of women if the guy is secure about it and it's just one factor of many that makes someone a good match.


Most women I know just want some someone an inch or two taller than themselves. There are some that have the 6' rule but think that's less common.


I'm a 5'4" woman dating a 5'8" man. Physically, we fit great. He's also the most well-endowed man I've been with. I was previously married to a 5'6" guy. I probably would feel a bit weird dating a man who's shorter than me, but being a smaller woman that issue hasn't come up yet.


I'm a tall woman and don't have a strong preference either way. It would be an issue if someone *makes* it an issue - and I for sure have not been attracted to guys who are significantly shorter than me for other reasons. But it's not something that's been a dealbreaker in the past, I've been attracted to men shorter than me.


I’m 5’10” and have a date with someone 5’8” tomorrow. It doesn’t bother me. However, in these circumstances I would prefer a shorter guy be a little thicker. Haha. I don’t want to crush anyone.


I love feeling smaller and dainty compared to a big guy. With that said, I don't actually care about height or weight. If a guy makes me laugh and treats me like a human he cares about, I'm sold. So long as he doesn't try to stop me from wearing heels, I don't care if I tower over him.


Im 5'3". Height doesnt matter at all to me. I have had lovers ranging from 5'4" to 6'5". Short guys seem to get a little better leverage when it comes to sex with me but that's because our body sizes are more matched. I loved that. I also loved, in contrast, the mismatched size of a taller man when it was time for more gentle moments of intimacy like hugging or being held. The most amazing man I ever loved was 6'1" with a heart the size of Ohio. He could have been 5' or 7' and it would not matter. He was the one.


I’m 5’2”. I’m cool with anyone at least my height.


Height doesn't matter to me.


I'm 5'-4" and dated guys 6'-4" to 5'-8". Tall guys make me feel petite, but it is more awkward to kiss. I would say sex with the 5'-8" guy felt like the best fit. So height isn't always an advantage and probably prefer guys 6'-0" and under. Due to wearing heels, I usually wouldn't go below 5'-8".


Their lips are higher than mine.


You know, I actually don't mind being shortish. Only time it's inconvenient is reaching high cupboards.


It's not just men. I'm uncomfortable with females who are much shorter than I. I'm 5'11" on a good day. 5'8 is fine but men are not always fans of being the shorter ones.


Totally depends on the woman. I (52F) am 5'3" and have dated a range of men from 5'6" upwards. Another friend of mine is 5' (47F) and she'll have no man under 6'🤷🏻‍♀️


Doesn’t matter to me. I’m 5” 3’


I am 5’4 my height filter is set to 5’6-6’3 And the tall end is a stretch, 6’ would be max. I don’t need you to be tall, I just prefer you to be taller than me. But again, if someone else stated that varies for everyone


First day on Reddit, huh?


That's a stupid comment


Don't let women fool you. It matters. Are there exceptions? Of course there is, however most that say it doesn't matter, always follow up with some fine print. "He has to be taller than me in heels". "My BF is 6'2" but I've dated shorter men.". Blah blah blah..,.. if they could choose to add 3 inches or subtract 3 inches, they'd always choose to add. The bottom line for men is that there are other things that matter too. Most of those other things you have control of, so stop worrying about height and focus on those.


I'm 5'5. Bf is 5'11. He says I'm the perfect gf height. I generally prefer taller guys.


Everyone has their own preferences. I am 5'4" and prefer 5'9" and taller. Most of my exes are 6+ft.