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We talk about ideas, not people.


I'm sweating looking at that outfit. Fetterman's a big guy and DC is humid af.


i'm glad i don't live in D.C. between the humidity and the fact that it seems to be the only place left in America where you're required to wear a suit and tie to work every day...my dry cleaning bills would be freakish lol


polyester fabric šŸ™


Seersucker as well


Game recognizes game


Wearing a hoodie in mid June in DC is insane. Adding a tie is on a whole other level.


And adding a suit jacket too is also insane.


Republicans donā€™t actually like Fetterman, they just think they can use him to create division in the Democratic Party. Ā  Rubin is doing what his party bosses are telling him to do. Ā He never strays from the script.Ā 


Uh, maybe? Idk I think the recent Republican love of John is genuine. Been seeing a lot of them hope he switches parties.


Why? He's not useful to them as a Republican. His tenure in office hinges on him running against Mehmet Oz


Fetterman switching to the GOP would be incredibly useful to them. It would give them another US Senator and a leg up in winning this seat in 2028.


John is not anywhere close to a conservative. This is extremely wishful thinking on their part


He is running for re-election in four years, which is a long time for him to change his opinions even further. Also, I feel like if he does decide to switch parties, it will be out of survival rather than ideology. We had a GOP Senator a few years back named Arlen Specter who knew he was going to lose renomination so he switched parties to try his luck in the Dem primary. It failed, because PA Dems wanted an actual Democrat to run, but even so, the primary was close. John's popular in GOP circles and is getting vilified in liberal circles. I think his path of least resistance to another term would either be through the GOP, or to, you know, stop being a fucking idiot.


There were other reasons Arlen Specter loss. Like Joe Sestak ruining things after Obama had stuck his neck out for Specter. I would bet a decent amount of money that Fetterman is not going to switch parties. Like $1000 if given the chance. Heā€™s also much more popular with democrats than you think. Heā€™s not going to face a serious Democratic challenger. Some loser from the AOC left who gets 15% of the vote. If the squad canā€™t beat George Latimer IN NEW YORK over Israel, they arenā€™t going to stand A CHANCE in Pennsylvania.


Things have the potential to change over four years, but right now if someone like Summer Lee ran (essentially PA's AOC, happens to be from John's hometown), she would probably lose a primary against him. It would have to be a big name, more moderate Dem. My dream candidate would Matt Cartwright.


How is it that PA with a population of nearly 13,000,000 leaves voters having choose between likes of Oz and Fetterman? (Yes I know same problem exists national level presidential candidates)


IMO its simply because it takes so much money to campaign that people rarely win without either DNC or RNC funding and they would never support


We desperately need new political parties. Between special interest groups having hijacked DNC RNC and fact we have diverse population over 330 million citizens the 2 political party system isnā€™t working. We need IMO two additional political parties otherwise weā€™re headed serious trouble near future.


Ranked choice voting is an immediate improvement that should be in every election. It's why Sarah Palin isn't still haunting the halls of power


Ranked Voting certainly helps voters better understand the candidates but end of the day special interest groups/higher ups DNC RNC still wield incredibly unhealthy influence over our congressional members so few willing go against them. Two new political parties started clean with connections only to their voters we could start to salvage our democracy.


Ranked Choice Voting Publicly Funded Elections Fuck Parties Vote on Ideas Build Coalitions to Move Ideas Forward


Add in Election Day as a national holiday. Also serious promotion of Primary Day, Here NY we have extremely low turnouts for Primary Day. (DNC RNC both want low turnouts for Primary Days)


Yeah but implementing ranked choice is actually doable. Convincing the two parties to dissolve of their own volition will never be electorally possible


Wouldnā€™t ask the DNC RNC to change, what we need two new political parties clean slate. In perfect scenario one left one right. Everyday Americans becoming more more aware that Uber wealthy/special interest groups not only controlling our politicians but destroying our democracy.


they have been saying this for decades now and i've always said that the way the election system works pretty much prevents third parties in the U.S. from being anything other than a way for leftists to hand the Republican Party multiple wins (see 2000 and 2016)


Because Fetterman had some progressive street cred until the Tree of Life shooting and 10/7, then he decided AIPACā€™s money was more important - heā€™s a mediocre nepo baby who was going through a progressive phase anyway - now that heā€™s on the government teat, heā€™s gonna be just another neoliberal puppet. And because republicans ran terrible candidates and their voters just went on name recognition - theyā€™re running another carpetbagger this cycle, and itā€™s a guy that LOST to Oz in the primary last go around. And once again, their voters wonā€™t care that heā€™s a hedge fund guy who doesnā€™t live near them or care about them.


I'm getting very strong Tulsi Gabbard-esque vibes from Fetterman i remember back in 2016...Tulsi was one of the most vocal Bernie supporters, and she even did a song and dance at the DNC to decry what was basically just a sham coronation for Hillary Clinton but then look at the route she went. I wouldn't be shocked if Fetterman does the same fucking thing


I mean, America's population is 320 million, and we get to choose between Biden and Trump.


I like Fetterman


The verbiage Fetterman uses defending Netanyahuā€™s Govt that of a fanatic which is a deal breaker for me.


What has he said that makes him sound like a fanatic? I'm open to hearing information that I haven't before that might change my mind about him.


Because they're morons that saw one quote out of context. He's still very solidly a Democrat.


It's far more than one quote, but yeah, his voting record is still very liberal on nearly every issues besides the border and Israel.


Is there a way to see Congressmen/Senator voting records?


yeah its not very fun finding what youre looking for but its all online and available. one place to start is https://www.senate.gov/legislative/votes_new.htm


Agree with the first part, disagree with the second. Dave isn't getting a script from anyone. He's a nobody. Everything he does is an attempt to gain traction online with people who are willing to send him money, i.e. right wingers. He's desperate for relevance.


I think plenty of centrist Republicans like him well enough. Probably similar to how centrist Democrats liked McCain. I'm Independent and I like him a lot - not from Pennsylvania but would vote for him for sure.


They were of course apoplectic at him simply wearing shorts a few months ago and said he was clearly the most mentally unfit Democrat. Now of course, all that has changed is his position on genocide.


Ah, the coveted Dave Rubin endorsement. Dave "Kingmaker" Rubin.


Go through Dave's Twitter for last 48 hrs and take a shot anytime he mentions being sane


I feel like Dave has a Word-of-the-Day calendar and ā€œsaneā€ came up recently. Hence is need to work it into EVERY discussion


He is literally shaking with sanity right now.


My Wife tried this out and now she's black out drunk and she's not responding.


The sanest Democrat is AOC but Dave would never admit it.


Being pro-bombing kids = Sane.


Republicans don't care about kids. They would rather kids starve than raise taxes on the 1%. You'll never convince people, especially people who don't care about kids, that Israel is doing the wrong thing.


Youā€™ll never live down the absolute a$$hattery youā€™ve demonstrated here and elsewhere on Reddit. The internet is forever friend, and you have beclowned yourself. Iā€™m šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ you donā€™t vote, nor ever have. Go back to sucking your thumb and building your pocket pu$$y for the week


There must be a gas leak in here. This canary is going crazy




lmao, Oh i absolutely vote, though I'm in CA, so my vote doesn't really matter. I've voted in every single election, I've even voted for school board. lmao. And this is reddit. All I would have to do, is log out, create a new gmail and never log into this account again. You're almost as brain dead as the guy who had a stroke.


Take your fuckin meds boomer, reading this gave me a bigger stroke than Fetterman


Legitimately what are you talking about?


Being pro-terrorist = fuc%ing loser


Noa's home.


Iā€™m glad for her. Can we quit killing kids now?


He literally is in the "Why I left the left" pipeline and had admitted that the brain injury he got from the car crash he was found at fault for, is the reason for why he's leaning more to the right. Edit: Forgor about the stroke, THEN the car crash


Literally brain broken


I remembered after his stroke all the Republicans were laughing about how Democrats all have broken brains... then started praising Fetterman when he suddenly took a hard shift right...


He said the stroke is what made him conservative, if we are lucky, the car crash will reverse the brain damage


Thaaaats it, forgot about the stroke somehow, yeah hopefully.


Republicans are so funny


He has LITERAL brain damage.


Fun fact he said that brain damage made him more Centerest the best clip i could find https://youtu.be/Mx5tY3O4skw?si=p5YSJj7SFjdU3eXI


I mean it definitely turned him more Zionist, thatā€™s for sure


Anyone else find it funny that Fetterman had a stroke that led to permanent brain damage and took a hard right turn shortly thereafter?


Man. They hated this guy a while ago


The stroke turned him into a genocidal maniac.


Only took brain damage from a stroke to see things from the right side.


Like Hack to know if someone sucks; Dave endorses them.


He isn't endorsing John though, he's giving a back handed compliment towards him.


Dave "Hard R" Reuben




Until he remembers Fetterman still agrees with 90% of the party platform Fetterman would chew Rubin up and spit him out


He's closer to being the Marjorie of Dems


Edgelords are now real.


Even the lamest of Democrats is head and shoulders about you Rubin, youā€™re an imbecile


That suit hoodie is actually based


The people that listen to rubin for news are pretty dumb.


Dave wants to blow him.


I don't think he could name 10 Dem senators


Must be that brain damage


Heā€™s a big ol bag of nothingness. Oh and he dressed like an idiot.


Dave Rubin is a liar šŸ¤„ He goes on his show to tell everyone heā€™s having a baby with his HUSBAND. The magats blow his stream up that day. Dave Rubinā€™s IQ might be below 50 Trump for prison 2024


self hating gay man said what!?


I love him!


He says one thing taken out of context and suddenly the sides switch on him.


Funny how he hated him when he didnā€™t realize he was faking being a progressive. Looks like he found a real kindred spirit


I always heard he just doesn't want to be labeled as a Progressive, are there certain positions he's switched on or something?


Dude ran on being a progressive actually, many who campaigned for him felt betrayed by him.


I understand that, but then after a while it seems like he just doesn't care about the Progressive Label so much, but did he change his views on anything? If he actually hasn't changed his views in anything I don't really understand why people feel betrayed


Well I havenā€™t followed him much but from my understanding, members from his staff from the start quit because Fetterman apparently back down from some of his stances that he ran on


It takes a fully brainless man to be looked up to by the right wing nutters. This guy is a trashy sellout.


Next President


Two years ago I was saying this. Not now I'm afraid.


This faux suit hoodie shit is so stupid. What is this the third time he's done a toungue in cheek hoodie suit combination? Just wear one or the other! Election time is over, enough with the attention seeking meme shit. Also is he like medically required to wear a hoodie?


Ah the flip publicans...... Rare but thriving phenotype


People suffering brain damage seem to become more conservative.


Hamas was labeled a terrorist organization when JF was a child and has been considered a terrorist organization his entire adult life. Are we suprised heā€™s on the side of the country thatā€™s fighting the terrorist organization?


Someone needs to remind him what happened to the gay people who supported the Nazis.