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It’s properly rated among Lynch fans. I can see how people who are not predisposed to liking Lynch would have a hard time with it


right, it's a masterpiece. it's cool op watched a good movie. no, it's not underrated


I remember my high school German teacher called it a “demented movie” after I said that Rammstein was on the soundtrack lmao


I’m predisposed to love Lynch, and really dislike LH. I won’t make the case why, but it’s at the bottom of the heap for me.


I mean it’s one of the only Lynch films that didn’t impress me immediately after I’ve seen it but it grew on me a lot. Love certain aspects like the Madison house and the Mystery Man.


Same. This and Eraserhead (yeah, yeah. Don't crucify me) don't do anything for me.


Eraserhead is completely different experience after you experience parenting first-hand. You might think its just some weird shit stacked on top of one another - but it's kinda straightforward underneath the nightmarish imagery and dream logic.


I only saw Eraserhead when I was in high-school and I feel it has a better place in my head as some surreal barely remembered nightmare. That being said I thought it did what it needed to do lol


I hate Eraserhead with a passion


It’s my favorite film by him for sure and it always has a spot in my personal top five films in general


Inland is my favorite, but Lost Highway was until it came out and ranks second. I love LH, the vibe is so dark and cool. that soundtrack and the overall noir feeeeeeelllll is such a dream.


The soundtrack is peak '90s industrial music, too


It was produced by Trent Reznor!


We all know he went on to compose Oscar winning musical scores, but was this his first major picture he did soundtracks for?


He produced soundtrack for Natural Born Killers in 1994.


Which also started Balthazar Getty


Still the best RDJ role. Man, his character is so easy to hate even when there's two mass murderers in the same frame.


The soundtrack is top tier as far as 90’s soundtracks go


Driving in the countryside on a summer night, convertible top down, Lost Highway on the stereo.  Well, let's just say it's pretty damn good.


the ending with the rammstein playing was so fucking cheesy tho. almost ruined the movie for me


As a Lynch fan, I like it more than Blue Velvet. It is my third most favourite Lynch film after Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks season 3.


It's absolutely his most underrated film, especially after "Fire Walk with Me" got eventually the recognition it deserved. I think it's getting squashed a bit between the milestone that is Twin Peaks and the more "polished"/less gritty/more critic-friendly Mulholland Dr. However, themes and tropes present on MD (and later, on Inland Empire) were first explored on Lost Highway (mind you, without the comic relief found on Twin Peaks, which probably helped making it more mainstream digestible), and while MD is still brilliant, LH to me is the better movie.


I agree. You definitely have to see *Lost Highway* before *Mulholland Drive.* Both have similar themes of jealousy and obsession and even similar critiques of organized crime in Hollywood. Both are movies about living in a fantasy instead of reality. Even the famous "driver's ed gone wrong" scene was filmed on… Mulholland Drive.


Tbh Lost Highway is still pretty funny in a very goofy Lynchian type of way. The entire scene with Mr. Eddie and his Mercedes is a good example of this. The film is pretty quotable, “This guy gets more pussy than a toilet seat.”


It’s not my favorite of his, but I do really like it. Some really frightening shit in there 


Definitely. I don’t know if it’s considered horror, but it had moments that unsettled me more than any horror movie ever could.


Plus some hilarious moments too. "Pete, I just wanted to jump on and tell you that I'm really glad you're doing okay."


I want you to get a drivah’s manual. AND I WANT YOU TO STUDY THAT MUTHAFUCKAH!


This is one of my favorite scenes from any movie ever!


I honestly found that scene frightening as shit. I took it as Mr. Eddy basically telling Pete that he is onto him and that he is in deep shit now.


You haven't seen the two I would rank as the best. So where it ranks with fans is probably more about the strength of all his films not that this one is particularly weak. Just if you're making a list you have to put it somewhere.


I think it's the only one to really engage in horror proper, but I would still say it's not quite.


I think it’s underrated. I think it’s the cooler older brother of Mulholland Drive.


It's definitely one of his best.. absolutely. I'm my opinion.. Maybe it's my age. But nothing tops fire walk with me. The twin peaks return came close though.


Yes. There was a backlash against Lynch in the 90s following the huge success of Twin Peaks (the show). FWWM and Lost Highway were dismissed at the time by critics who felt like Lynch had become too artsy and inaccessible. They were wrong, of course, as critics so often are.


Fire walk with me, lost highway, then Mulholland drive is an amazing run of films. How has he never won an Oscar?


He did win the honorary Oscar in 2017 I believe. Regardless he should have definitely won one for the work on his films prior to that.


Don’t forget the straight story!


You’re about to experience why Lost Highway often gets lost in the shuffle.


Lost Highway is one of my absolute favorite films of all time.


It's essentially the male, heterosexual counterpart to Mulholland drive and it's great. Though not my favourite Lynch, there's a very specific deranged energy to it that I really dig.


David Bowie agrees and says he’s also deranged :)


I love the ghost character scene I’m at your house right now. I recently bought the 4K disc and projected it on a huge screen. What a treat- I’m going to watch the new 4k Blue Velvet this weekend.


The film is excellent. In my essay on the subject, I make the case that *Lost Highway* takes place in the same "universe" as bad, exploitative movies from the mid-'90s like those of Quentin Tarantino and Oliver Stone, and if you think that Lynch is trying to emulate that style rather than comment on it, you will probably dislike it.


I like Tarantino


Okay, great. Lynch doesn't. That's the point.


It's kinda a proto- late stage lynch. He's toying with ideas and concepts he that he will later evolve in objectively greater works like Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks: The Return. Parts of Lost Highway unavoidably feel dated or tied to the specific conventions of the time, specifically the Marilyn Manson shock iconography and the heavyish death metal music. It's an important step in his progression as a visual storyteller, but he does the same tricks better, later on


Agreed, and I also think the middle third is a little dull, although I think the beginning is terrific, and the end is pretty strong too. Plus it deals in a lot of the same themes that Lynch used more effectively in Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive. I like it, but it’s very middle-of-the-pack Lynch for me. That said, the scene with Robert Blake is one of the most compelling things that Lynch has ever put to film.


Beautifully said


Thank ya kindly :)


I like yer style, dude


I have my moments. I do love lynch tho. No one does what he does. He's a singularlarity. A unique aesthetician. His art, style, pacing, off-kilter performances, sound design - all of it melds somehow and the work then becomes more than the sum of its parts. his work so often evokes something uncanny deep inside you, he's probably the filmmaker that comes closest to truly communicating the Sublime. Like, he's basically this weird drug, and i can not get enough of it 🙃


the ending w rammstein was so cheesy


By today's standards, yeah mostly. It was shocking and new at the time, but not timeless


yeah i just compare it to eraserhead and mulholland drives endings and it’s SO underwhelming. great movie though


His best and most cinematic. I love all of his movies. I ADORE Lost Highway.


It's my favourite Lynch film, and I find it to be the most re-watchable too


Always loved it


It’s my favourite of his films


Go watch those other two then come back and tell us.


Are the other two better?


I think the entire LA trilogy are back to back to back masterpieces. Inland Empire is one of my top 5 favorite films of all time, but Lost Highway and Mulholland Dr are on about the same level for me. All 5 star films nonetheless. It’ll depend on your personal preference, just watch both and see what you think!


See, of course, as with all things it's a matter of preference and everyone will have a different take on that. To me, while still absolutely great, they are not, so...


Immeasurably so. Edit: though Inland Empire might take a few views!


Lost Highway is great- my kneejerk reaction is to say it's an easy top-five. But Lynch's portfolio is so goddamn stacked that once I start filling that top 5 out, I run out of room a lot faster than I expect. I think it still squeaks in after Wild at Heart, Fire Walk With Me, Eraserhead and Inland Empire, but I can respect someone who may place it after Elephant Man, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, or even Straight Story. There just aren't enough 'stinkers' on Lynch's resume to pad the bottom of a list, so Lost Highway sometimes comes in last.


Yeah so far the only bad one was dune. I have a feeling I’ll never enjoy that film or come back to it. As weird as it sounds that was the David lynch film I’ve found the most confusing so far.


That's pretty normal, I'd say. Even Lynch doesn't stand by Dune. My understanding is that his original cut was pretty well received by the cast and crew but then it got butchered into what we have today. I'd be interested in seeing a director's cut if such a thing were possible, but I suspect Lynch feels too negatively about it to revisit.


The longer the better with that film. I was weaned on tv version and better for it


I watched dune as a child and it amazed me, so I love it. Got me into the franchise single-handedly. I’m sorry Lynchbhad a bad time and I understand why, but that’s his experience not ours. I’d say only the script is bad. The acting and set designs are amazing. I didn’t realize Stilgar and Big Ed were the same actor until embarrassingly recently. He for one has such great line delivery in dune. Freddie jones as thufir: he’s famous from British tv and always a delight. The baron - best scene chewing I know; a legendary performance.


Very excited for you watching Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire for the first time. Mulholland Drive is my favorite movie period. I have two friends who could not sit through all of Inland Empire, while I was disappointed when it ended, wishing it had been longer.


I think something like Straight Story is the only Lynch that can really be called "underrated" and that still might not be true.


Certainly underrated. i was very lucky to see it on a big screen a few months ago, what a fantastic experience.


Excellent movie, probably in my top 3 with Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire


Yes. It is my absolute favorite it as an energy none of his other films quite have it is peak Lynch in my opinion.


It’s my favorite. I’ve honestly never seen anything quite like it. Never felt so much like I’ve been transported to another world by a movie before, especially when the world in question is just some crazy guy’s mind.


I only watched it for the first time this week, I’ve seen every other feature by lynch besides the straight story and it’s one of my favourites now. It fucking rocks, I only have mulholland drive and fire walk with me above it


It’s amazing. Most sane people are in agreement.


I thought everyone that loved Lynch loved Lost Highway.


It seems that it is after I made this post and read the comments. I guess I looked too deeply into the critical reception and saw that it was one of is lowest rated, but the critics rating the movie most likely aren’t lynch fans.


Lost Highway is like the most Lynch film that ever Lynched or THE ULTIMATE LYNCH MOVIE - David Foster Wallace was right


I have come to like it, but it's more of an analytical appreciation of the storytelling techniques and ideas behind it. I wouldn't call it a well-told emotionally engaging story.


It’s in my top 5!


I love the beginning and the end of it but the middle part makes it slightly less perfect than other Lynch movies. If it continued to be as horrifying as the first half hour all the way through it would easily be my top pick


I think so, but that’s my opinion. I think it’s easily his best film, and at the same time Mulholland Drive is overrated and is good but not in his top 3.


If you hafta ask… then yeah…




I love this one. Haven’t watched my 4k disc yet. I’m really looking forward to revisiting it.


It’s the superior prototype to Mullholand Drive (his most overrated).


I think it's properly rated NOW, at the time it was seen as disappointing and too confusing even for a Lynch movie. Honestly my biggest criticism of it is how "of its time" it feels, so to speak. The emphasis on VCR technology and the very overt late 90s industrial soundtrack make it very specific to that time, whereas Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive have this weird timelessness despite the heavy 50s influence. Same with Eraserhead, which feels like a reality displaced from our own. For me it's like a 4 out of 5 when taken in consideration to the rest of his movies. It's relatively low on my personal list but in terms of movies in general it's a very strong film.


Out of his LA trilogy I think it’s the easiest to follow, but it’s so sexy and has such an allure that the others don’t have. I rate the entire trilogy as 5/5, but I think Mulholland Drive has the perfect mix of surreal and what the fuck moments combined with a logical flow that makes it easier to digest for most people while also wanting to dig deeper and find more. Inland empire, especially at its 3 hour long runtime, can seem very daunting, and is much harder to follow. I’ve rewatched all of them several times, but at this point Lost Highway is the one I want to watch the most.


I’m still trying to work it out over 20yrs later. That’s how great it is.


Movies like that are the best imo. The ones you can get something new out of every viewing and still not get it all.


Absolutely. Songs are often like this. Movies rarely are.


The Lynch trifecta: 1: Mulholland Drive 2: Lost Highway 3: Blue Velvet


I like it significantly more than I did when it was released.


I absolutely love it!


Wild at Heart is probably the most underrated by Lynch fans though it's my favorite Lynch work. It didn't win top prize at Cannes for nothing.


it’s good but your favorite? it seems just like a standard wacky plot with a lynchian touch to it


Its really good and probably underrated by critics not lynch fans idk. That being said you have two of his best left to go


Yeah I probably looked too deeply into the critical reception which isn’t a good way to gauge how the target audience feels about this.


Gratifying to see so much love for it here. Like some others, it's my favorite Lynch. But it's tough for me to say exactly why. No, it's not just the nudity - it's just got a certain factor, it's like a unique beautiful nightmare, a rock and roll type energy that even surpasses WILD AT HEART because it's so successfully mixed with horror and noir. Just endlessly fascinating and totally sensual.


It’s so good.


I recommend fans read the script. It is awesome!


I had/have never knew that Lost Highway was overlooked or dismissed. I too find it to be one of his best, I think because it’s got the lynchian dreamlike surrealism but you can also piece together the sense of it all when you watch it a couple times, especially when you have the knowledge that Lynch had the OJ Simpson case in his mind; he was fascinated by how this guy killed his girlfriend and her lover but went about his life cheerful and without a care in the world as if he was in a fugue state. This is what helped me tie the story together and made me enjoy the movie even more.


Yeah, rewatched after years, lit candles w no lights on, ha. Blown away, just the cast alone, great acting, effing Richard Prior! I like how part of the inspiration was the OJ Simpson trial. Love the seeming same universe as Twin Peaks too.


Yes I think it is. Honestly most other Lynch fans I know haven’t even seen the film. 🤦🏿‍♂️🤣 It’s my favorite of his.


Definitely not underrated anymore. I also used to think so, but not now. It's in my top three Lynch films.


Depends on the crowd but among Lynch's fans then it's hardly underrated


No. It’s good but definitely not even top 5 lynch films. I think fire walk with me is definitely his most underrated. Blue velvet is somewhat overrated to me.


Lost highway had the most visceral impact on me. Idk it's hard to explain. It felt like a nightmare. Some of the imagery felt seared into my brain. Similar to how deja vu feels odd and different, this movie felt like that. It felt like a weird nightmare I personally experienced. It was like in my head for a week the way parts of that movie felt. Mulholland Drive was really cool, also had it's memorable and mentally jarring aspects. But it just felt like a cool movie. Blue velvet also just felt like a movie. None of them felt anything like lost highway. 


I think it's better now than when it was originally released. Now it has an extra layer of 90s weirdness that makes it even more unsettling, instead of being just a part of the 90s neo-noir thing (which lynch probably somewhat inspired with blue velvet).


Massively underrated. It's one of my favourites too - and one of his scariest. Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive are understandably at the top of most people's lists, but LH is just as good, if not better.


I find it kind of boring, honestly. Mostly because the protagonist isn’t at all sympathetic and it’s obviously just a dude in denial. It has a trippy structure, but not much stands out to me. Now, INLAND EMPIRE, I think is actually underrated.


I agree with you, downvotes be dammed. There’s zero lightness in the film to counterpoint the dour oppressiveness, unlike Blue Velvet. Many of its ideas defy analysis, unlike MD (which is a difficult film but yields to investigation). And the duality idea is so much better explored in MD and to an extent Inland Empire.


I’m a big Lynch fan, but Lost Highway is not a favorite of mine.


It’s my favorite


It’s my favorite Lynch film personally no.




Nah This Movie stinks


Yes, but why?


Nope. It sucks.


Kind of just trying this out on the fly here, but in my head some of Lynch’s works are “warm” and some are “cool.” Blue Velvet and Eraserhead are definitely warm. Lost Highway and FWWM are definitely cool. Mulholland Drive is probably warm, but I haven’t seen it in a while. Elephant Man is slightly warm. I tend to like his warm films. Maybe you prefer cool. Maybe this doesn’t make any goddamn sense.


1st third: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd third: ⭐️⭐️ 3rd third: ⭐️


I love the mystery man scene ofc and Bill Pullman is amazing but its my least favorite from Lynch


I think the problem with Lost Highway is that it’s Mulholland Drive but worse


Exactly, I see it as a poor rough draft of ideas better explored earlier and later in David’s career.

