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Any support is good support in my opinion


chances this ban will go into place before the june 22nd regionals? Just want to know if i should plan to update my deck beforehand


Nah they announce their changes at jun 20, will probably take some weeks till it gets updated


Makes sense to ban before the tournament season gets underway tbh Imagine having to switch your deck after regionals before a new set even is introduced . Then again , it's basically just as bad to expect people to get a new deck made in 2 days unless it's a small ban list before regionals (easier to replace 4 to 12 cards plus leader, or maybe even just a specific leader) and the big one hits after.


IMO, red bans should be coming, but I think other colors should receive hits as well. Best case scenario would be to have a format where all colors can be represented, ideally with at least two deck strategies for each, and red does not die completely from the hits. Of course, bandai has proven not to be competent enough for this, so my bet is we'll either see a return to the previous format or red will continue reigning supreme despite the banlist.


Oh no. Please don't hit Zenoh. Zenoh isn't worthy of being hit, but Zenoh does limit what some decks build.


Topku ban Inc. Just in time for regionals. Sell your alt art red cards before they lose half their value .


Honestly kudos to the DBS fusion world team for actually reacting fast , one piece team took an eternity


acting fast? dude this is average time for most card games, shit i remember mtg banning a card in a format before it ever released.


My first card game was one piece where they literally took a whole new set to address broken cards so yes this is fast in my eyes


Yep same with ygo, they released a card and had it banned by the next major tournament.


Well YGO since 20 years has prizes 1/10 as good as One Piece or Dragonball, they need to improve alot themselves. Even Lorcans having Seriel Prize Cards now and YGO still goin with their Booster Boxes winning and Playmat, absolute joke sadly


Ygo has had broken cards span years


Pretty annoyed one of my alt arts I pulled had to be a kelfa, I dont even play red and now it’ll be hard to sell :/ Either way good idea, now they need to do law for optcg


Could sell it before this becomes widespread knowledge.


I think kefla gets banned/ limited


And Green goes back to the top lol


As the way it should be


They will probably just make minimal bans to red but I don't see a long term solution that doesn't involve banning TopKu. Even if you hit the power cards now like Kefla he will inevitably become a problem again once people find a new TOP card/combo to break.


Playing kefla for 1 energy isn't a special combo that you can replicate with other cards. People can't just find another TOP card to break, they're already playing all the best ones. The only way Topku becomes equally problematic is if they print a new TOP card with 20k power and some kind of powerful effect that benefits playing it for 1 energy. If they just make sure the powerful TOP cards are 25k, it's super easy to make sure topku doesn't get too broken.


That's my point you either ban all the problematic TOP cards now or just don't ever print TOP cards again. I don't exactly trust them to get it right on subsequent tries either since frankly the card shouldn't have made it through testing. I do not think they will ban TopKu but I also think the card isn't done causing headaches just by banning the current exploits with it.


There's just one problem with your assessment, which is why this has been a tricky choice rather than straightforward. You are correct in that ToPKu inherently restricts design space by his very existence. Every time you print a 20K ToP card you have to ask if he can break it. The issue is...Kefla also falls under the same issue. Every time you print a 3 Drop or less ToP you also have to ask yourself if Kefla breaks it by getting out a second body with a draw. Realistically as of now, I do believe that Kefla in other Red Shells isn't anywhere close to oppressive (and honestly her existence is probably the only way Red gains any ground on a resurgent Green if TopKu gets axed), but I also believe ToPKu is relatively fair without Kefla providing card draw and a body. But both together are a nightmare, and they both restrict design space in the future. Banning TopKu or Limiting/Banning Kefla would probably do the trick for this format. But there's a legitimate argument that very few are mentioning, and that's just doing both hits at the same time to not only preserve this format, but make future design space for Tournament of Power open up once again.


Green counters blue pretty well. Blue tops only because nobody plays green for the most part because of topku


People bang on about Kefla(deservingly imo) but Topku is a huge problem with spitting out a doublestriker(rebrienne) for 1 as well. The possibility of having 5 energy spitting out ribrianne and then double glimpsing is absurd value. The leader at the very least needs an errata.


Bandai tends to go scorched earth on bans lol


I personally hate restrictions, i think bans and eratas are a much better way to fix things


I actually disagree about errata’s usually limitations work better with power creep unless the card was just unreasonable to begin with. New sets add context that can make old cards fair or weak


limitations suck because it leads to "did you see the card and your opponent didnt? you win" and vice-versa. its not good gameplay


Sure by it’s just artificially forcing that for a card as balance. But you see that exact same situation. Oh you’re playing against yellow and didn’t see sinister sickle? Ggs that’s your luck. In TCGs that’s a part of balance. You can add more sinister sickles but then you may see it too much and messes up your combo ratios Now I completely understand it’s not a 1:1 example I get that. But errata’s have their own issues. Maybe it’s “I saw I won” for 1 set but errata’s can also lead to “it’s balanced or bad for 1 set, useless for the rest of the games lifetime” Obviously there’s degrees and power creep isn’t always linear on all cards but I much prefer limitations over degrees especially when it’s a crucial part of the game plan. When cards get limited it’s not always “oh well now I gotta count completely on faith” a lot of times players will find alternatives maybe this card is 80% as good as the limited card but it’s worth running it over that simply because I’m twice as likely to see it. If they put kefla at 1 it damages the strength of ToP Goku and would make him too inconsistent to be the best deck, it wouldn’t stay the same except matches are being decided by who draws kefla (Disclaimer most of the points made here are for argumental sakes, maybe kefla wouldn’t make or break ToPKu completely but the point remains)


Yea. This argument that "limitations means it is lucksack" is just weird. I get where the argument is coming from but cardgames have had those before and you just move on. Also, although unlikely, errata should not be reverse whereas limitations can be if in the future the card is deemed weaker. Reversing an errata could happen, but then at that point they are just doing a bad job.


the whole point of 4-of in a deck is to provide a certain amount of consistency to deck building. limitations sort of just trash that, idk. its a weird solution


Hallelujah! 10 more days woooo


Pls ban Kefla. Pls ban that fucking card. TopKu as a leader Is fine. I mean, having the opportunity to cheat a 20k card Is fine It's good, but not broken.


100%. 1 cost for a single 25k is manageable. But one cost for MULTIPLE 25ks and drawing power is unreasonable lol


they fucked up with the draw support. they created a leader with card advantage AND board advantage. did they not think it would be op?


Yeah there Is a huge problem about card advantage. Kefla should not have the ability to draw a card AND 10k combo Power. I mean, why ? I can save my ass using Kefla and take her back using glimpse and obliterate my enemy. That's unfair


Glimpse is insaneeee. Even with Kefla being banned, glimpse is probably the best extra card in the game


Yep also completely broken to be able to CHOOSE what card you get from the drop. Equivalent cards in green are from Top of the deck.


She's so strong they don't need to use her for combo, or else the game is already over. But yea, it was poor design.


I’ve gone back and forth on who is worse, the leader or Kefla. Both are the problem but the leader I think is still worse, since he can do other dumb stuff like a 55k double striker for 3 energy, and not even lose a card since he still has draw power on his back side. So errata both but leader before Kefla for me


Indeed. The issue is there will always be new tournament of power cards with OP abilities when stacked. A Toppo/Despo combo comes to mind. Or a set of angels, or even just more u6 saiyans being an issue. Heck, even a single 3 to 4 cost double strike that can be brought out by topku for 1 is broken.


Pls juste make the masters digital


They tried but it wasn't possible to program all the cards with their stupid effects taking up the entire card art lol It's literally why fusion worlds exists.


That was their excuse but more complicated things exist in yugioh. They just didn’t want to invest the time into incorporating all interactions as well as 20+ sets of card data. They wanted something that was going to encompass a whole game right off the bat rather than playing catch up with their own physical card game. They also knew that distributing all the older sets worth of cards would be a pain since the plan was to introduce code cards and you can’t retroactively do that.


Well thats also true. They kinda wanted an excuse to dumb it down and undo years of mistakes. Too bad they're just repeating the same mistakes, once again.


Ngl, as much as the masters art is awesome, there’s no point investing in a game with no future and a rep for having super toxic players.


You realize the vast majority of FW players are also masters players?


Exactly lol.


I think the players and the Fandom for dragonball are probably one and the same so making a new card game simply caught some new players for the toxic people to be toxic to.


This is comedy gold. Masters is known for having the most welcoming community out of all Bandai games lol


Master roshi ban and the game is fine. I don’t mind mid/late game pressure. It’s when I’m not even set up and turn 3 rolls around. How many of you have  quit the match when topku drops master roshi back to back?  Exactly. If an opponent gets 2 roshi and/or a hit early it’s over. I think blue (vegeta, trunks and fused zamasu) and yellow vegeta instantly becomes top tier with this change. Decks that do well mid to late game. Otherwise a kefla errata to remove the draw. This should keep topku top tier but no longer as dominant. The elephant in the room is blue. If red gets hit with too many bans or restrictions blue runs unchecked.


I think you are completely wrong. Even when TopKu sees no Roshi, I don't just steam roll them (I am not attacking). I win, but it is still a huge struggle to fight over FOUR Kefla giving them free cards. Most decks cannot compete with the free engine Kefla creates. It is beatable, but I don't think other decks suddenly become top tier when as Blue you are still just praying to draw sickle to survive an onslaught of summons.


Lol. Blue has a good matchup into red. You don't know what you are talking about. The counter to blue is green, not red.


Hopefully they ban the color red.


They have to ban the leader. Otherwise card design solely has to warp around gokus ability. Kefla is good. Makes beerus competitive. The leader is the main problem. I also don't want to see erata in this game. It adds unnecessary confusion. They already turned masters into a word salad that's impossible to follow and added erata. It's not good.


Beerus was competitive before Kefla and will be competitive without it/reduced capacity.


Every other color got decent support this set. Kefla sn't the issue it's topku and ribrianne imo. If they ban kefla they are just putting off the inevitable. Having a spamable advantage engine is the issue.


The advantage literally comes from Kefla not Rib. No one is dropping Rib for advantage. Rib 1 drop is still -1 card. I think hyperfocusing on the last turn of a game instead of what brought the deck there isn't it. I could be wrong, but TopKu isn't even played if Kefla is banned (she shouldn't be flat banned). No one is going to get to 3 life awaken just to drop cheap Gohan or Rib. ------------------- I get maybe wanting to keep Kefla for other red decks. But I honestly don't think she should be at 4 in those either. But we wouldn't know very well since we don't get to see them ever.


You're totally right, no one is playing topku without kefla, as no one is playing any other red decks without it. We're looking for a nerf to topku not a sentence to red decks. And you can hit topku consistency by getting rid of basil and ban the ridiculous finisher in ribrianne. Then Topku has to decide for a 5c +0 combo power double strike that is not a ToP or no double strike at all.


You aren't wrong. But I have never been a fan of hitting *around* the problem instead of hitting the problem itself. MtG does this a lot but it is often for sales or something. You can believe Rib is the problem though sure.


It's not that Rib is the main problem, but I think it's a good way to hit the deck. What would you suggest then that allows the deck to still be played and strong, while not being as oppressive as it is now? My opinion is that banning/limiting kefla will straight up kill the deck and I don't think that's the goal.


I've said one place else, I wish Kefla was at 3 but you could only play 2 lol. Kefla to two is my preferred solution. I do agree it will severely hit TopKu (and a bit other reds) but I think TopKu is still playable. You will have to adjust to either use more Glimpse plays to do the Kefla engine, but if you just get it off twice you are still putting on a ton of pressure. It might be (idk, I don't play Kefla) tough to close with only 2, but having 3+ is just too much pressure for other decks. Other decks can make a choice to try Kefla or not. At worst she replaces herself or is 10k. At best she summons a Gohan and you cut the other ToP stuff out for a sometimes combo.


Oh, maybe it could work but bandai games have only 2 options: -banned -limited to 1 copy So we have to work with these rules, and I think limiting kefla to 1 is still too harsh.


100% agree. If that is the Bandai way I think 1 Kefla is way too limiting. 1 Rib is a terrible solution. 0 Rib would solve some of the problem but I think it would still be an easily Tier 1 deck. If anything, this change would hurt bad TopKu players but good players would be fine. (bad players will not combo correctly to end the game, good players will.)


A ban / restriction so early in the game development is going to ruin the game. We are two sets in and a total pool of \~500 cards. They didn't even release the missing color and all the community does is post incendiary comments all around social media. What's next when they nerf Red? Will the community go after Frieza and ban that too? Then Vegeta, then Broly..


The game is already in a state of ruin and in a very unhealthy state. My locals(which were already struggling to launch) are completely dead. The biggest LGS in my area launched a case tournament soon after set 2’s launch and 5 people showed up…. For comparison for set ones starter tournament over 30 people showed up.


That’s just… not true. See the one piece tcg where they had to restrict cards early on. A warped meta format is much more dangerous than a restriction or ban to make the game accessible for the other 75% of the card pool. The deck objectively and verifiably is running the meta into the dirt and a tier 0 format kills a player base and their desire to participate.




I would understand an errata now with this card pool. Game is extremely young and a quick errata would make much more sense than a ban / restriction. Game design mistakes happen. It's normal.


just make topku not draw a card on attack. simple, remove their card advantage. now they cheat out cards without a big hand and its balanced


Issue is the cards they cheat out also draw, and the card that cheats out also draws ,.then the card they buffed 25k with....also returns a card from the drop.


yeah thats my point. they have hand size advantage and board size advantage. its like, elementary to realize that would be over powered.


Topku to 0 confirmed!


I'm fine with a Basil and Ribrianne ban. The searcher needs to go to make red less consistent and the ribrianne finisher is disgusting. I don't think they should touch Kefla else red decks become unplayable.


Kefla is what makes red annoying


This lol. Yea Rib is the finisher.... but that is it just a finisher. TopKu literally still does TopKu things if Kefla is untouched.


Kefla is what makes red decks playable in the first place. Have you ever had a topku game where you didn't find a single Kefla? If this card gets banned I don't think anyone would ever touch red again. We have to nerf topku, not kill it


universe 6 searcher still exists, which is just as good u can even grab a super combo with it


That is not even close to Basil. That card can search for c17, Kefla, ribrianne, glimpse, Gohan or a +10k combo power card depending on the situation while also providing a 5k combo power itself AND a body to cast glimpse on. You don't always want to look for Kefla, it's so flexible it's insane. I'm fine having that u6 searcher to fill the basil spot anytime.


Universe 6 searcher doesn't give you 5k combo power for using it.


grabbing your super combo or any other the cards you really want and using it for free after roshi is still pretty crazy also plus 15k if you don’t want to search


Banning cards already? I don’t know what the concern is my Vegeta deck has no problem against topku. It’s either I win or they win but it’s a close game. I wouldn’t consider banning cards unless it’s an overwhelming defeat.


I guess its easier than doing any actual work on the nonexistent anti-cheat system


Anti cheat? In my over 500 games I didn’t see one cheater and I don’t think there is anyone.


Whatever helps you cope


Can you show us some proof of cheaters?