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backflip is boosted heavily by bad connection. for a normal player afterimage is better, use that its spammable if you miss, gets u out of failed stamina break combos keeps u safe etc. backflip can be used if ur gonna be annoying and run all game or if you need to spam the shit out of the move to counter a cheeser, just block after it it gives you a free pb


Honestly, Ultrasonic blitz is really the best strike counter against melee attacks. Super god shock flash is dumb and broken and honestly you are a meanie for using it. The best strike counter against ki blasts however is straight up Shadow Crusher. Use that move against anyone with a beam ultimate or a ki ultimate that leaves them open in their animation and they are done for. As for Ki blast counters, eh. I mean the only one that really comes to mind is God breaker since Change the Future is (sadly) a worse version of Shadow crusher that is best used against non ki beam type supers like ki balls and stuff. And the other ones have a gimmick like Counter impact which is good but it lets you avoid a melee attack to then have the choice to do the ki blast or not afterwards which most people will do the kiblast. God breaker can legit stop Strike Ultimate moves because of the stagger and the damage is great for it. Don’t use pressure sign unless you are ok with occasionally whiffing the move and getting sucked into an attack anyways if it’s against an Ultimate or succeeding the dodge but the kick does no damage in the middle of their ult and you just stand there awkwardly charging up your attack to break their guard but the animation finished and they just evasive out or you missed out on your free guard break. Also Ultra sonic Blitz can also stop strike Ultimates, so really it depends on both your build and which one you prefer to use. But yeah I tried using backflip before, I don’t see the appeal, shit barely works for me too so I’m assuming people use it online because the netcode barely works and makes you have more invincible frames which really won’t even last that long before they just pummel your shit wide open and you sit there like an idiot with a surprised pikachu face when your opponent just goes through your “invincible strategy”. Now a defensive move that isn’t a counter however, I would recommend either After image (or phantom fist since I think that’s a better version?) or Super afterimage which lets you move around while being hard to hit which is perfect if your opponent stamina breaks you but couldn’t land the combo in time before your character recovers or to avoid Ultimate or supers when you don’t have enough stamina to use your evasive or your evasive is more of a combo like Bloody counter or Hyper movement.


Burst Rush is also nice because the slam on the kick puts them down long enough to do a Super Kamehameha or something of the like


Omg I totally forgot about burst rush. Yes that is a great counter too


The only people I've ever seen use backflip "effectively" are either delusional "pros" with bad internet or lag switchers, usually people who attempt to use it with 4-5 bar internet look like they suck at using it. Just another reason we need this game's netcode fixed, even though they've continued to neglect it and lightly tap on it for 7 consecutive years at this point.


I like angry shout. I find it funny when your first reaction to getting hit is yelling out in anger


I can’t be the only one who uses Sudden Death Beam? It’s like Instant Transmission but better


Iirc SDB has one or two "flaws" in it that pushes it away from the radar of most people (because sweat), and it is that someone can vanish or evasive away from the counter before they get damaged (similar to pressure sign) and it takes longer to both teleport (for the purpose of the counter) and to act out of than IT (because counters need endlag so people wont spam it) thus making it relatively easy to punish once you learn how I still use the move myself on my freiza race though...its fun to instill fear my opponent


Afterimage is better than Phantom Fist. Backflip is only good for dodging basic attacks


Flash Fist Crush


He likes backflip so much he did it out the window. I like to think unprompted


Not a single mention of Armored Boost. I must be the only person to use it.


I raise you Kai Kai and Assault Vanish


Assault Vanish is great if it didn’t take both Ki and Stamina


probably takes Ki for the “holding” aspect


Its good for dodging a move from gohan beast


I run back flip on timid types and XY earthings.


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure backflip was way better in the beta too


I remember I once made almost an entire preset around things like Dragon Burn, Pressure Sign, Shadow Crusher, Evil Blast, etc. My friends were not happy with me.


I religiously used backflip when I started out. I don't even use it anymore. Just use burst rush


Giant form namekian with backflip is funny if not particularly OP- break own stamina, whirligig away


Only the first roll has I frames and it doesn't have FULL I frames which means with a bit of timing (especially if you see it coming) it can be punished fairly easily. Super afterimage or Kai Kai are way more broken for giant namekian because super afterimage is just better (but costs ki) and Kai Kai give you way more I frames and a very short recovery time that allows to use another one before the opponent can even hit you. To compare, Kai Kai is close to the nimbus' dodge in term of annoyance and unfairness, but only on that one specific situation.


To be fair, I only use backflip for comedy against the AI where they try and melee you but usually whiff. If I’m doing a scary/serious PQ I usually rock super guard and then blue tornado as an ult- if I’m being harried immediatley upon break I used super guard to just wait it out (and I can regen 90% of my stamina bar before it runs out) and if they aren’t immediately in my face Blue tornado plonks me at the flight ceiling ready to fall on them in giant form.


Oh I see, was talking about serious PvP, not PvE. Everything is broken in PvE due to the very stupid AIs.


That’s fair- I have no interest in PvP because the various shenanigans basically negate the most interesting aspect of the game for me- making weird themed characters and throwing them into fights alongside other players


After image strike?


Phantom Fist either barely works or makes you an untouchable monster depending on latency


Yeah phantom fist is what I used to run before. It is pretty strong vs "predictible opponents" where it is basically a counter + a way to regen stamina quickly. Vs a laggy player it's unplayable tho, due to the fact this move has a rather long startup for a counter and the fact active frames are quite short. Timing is key but unplayable in a laggy match.


Instant Transmission since XV1, honestly gotta try backflip though


Instant transmission is quite bad in XenoVerse 2, or at least very niche. Most fights are at melee range unlike XenoVerse 1, and IT only gives you blast immune frames, but it leaves you wide open to melee. It's not unplayable but very niche.


That's a straight lie, I use it all the time in close range to mess with my friends


Test it yourself. I use this move enough to know it doesn't give melee invulnerability on startup, just blast. You can easily get interrupted by the long startup. Instead of calling people lier, try it yourself first dummy.


I know it can get interrupted, but that's pretty hard. I've done it online on countless occasions


He does have a point though. No i frames on start up + lag = some very interesting exchanges in online battles. That being said: when it works as intended (little to no lag in online battle) it’s an extremely versatile move that has a ridiculous amount of situational uses (faves still being IT’ing the enemy vanishing/escape moving my combo and IT’ing enemy energy ulti’s). The problem is there’s just safer counter moves out there that both have startup i frames and good frame data in general (backflip lmao) so it makes instant transmission less viable.


It’s cheap and should just be a game mechanic instead of an entire move.


Am I the only one that uses god breaker?




we might be one of few


I hate Backflip. At least make it cost a ki bar, or a stamina bar


Phantom Fist is fucking goated. Change my mind.


Pressure sign is the goat


best defensive move is feint crash real ones know


I like afterimage.


Is assault vanish still good?


Demon flash strike is the new way


It worked the same but then I used front flip it gets me out of ultimates alot


I think they mean the super attack, not the evasive skill.


Use it as a combo cancel, you have iframes in the middle of the backflip. Single backflip only, triple has either none or very few iframes. It’s one of the strongest skills imo.


I like backflip, it's kinda ass in combat but it looks cool.


Super afterimage GANG