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In DB he shows his Driver License to Chi Chi which says „Muten Roshi“. So it is indeed his name. We‘re talking about a manga where people are named after food and underwear after all.


Funnily enough, "Shen" in Japanese is only referred to as "Crane Hermit". I don't think he has a name in Japanese. (Ironically, "Shen" was the Japanese name of "Hero," the guy Kami possessed in the World Martial Arts Tournament. Shen literally just being the Chinese reading of 神 Kami (God). I think they realized they needed to make this more obvious in English by Hero being another word for a "Guardian" I guess.)


that was filler, and it’s not his name because it was assigned to him when he earned it, so he had to have a name before.


Excuse me? https://twitter.com/nykomajin/status/1509100593608261637 It is definitely not filler. And if you use the original language for reference they say „Muten Roshi“ before.


she never says what it says tho. the actual image of the driver’s license is filler.


They call him Muten Roshi just beforehand and then he shows his driver license to prove it. Yes, we don’t see it. But how could he convince her if the license would‘ve said „John Miller“?


it could have said kane sennin. regardless it’s a gag and it’s a bit weird to read it as “that is actually his real name”.


his name is jackie chun but this is a secret


That would be hilarious if that was true.


people have been calling him kame sennin or muten roshi for so long that he can use his real name as a disguise


You have to be friends with him to know his first name


His name just actually is Master Roshi. You can see it on his driver's license.


Same reason Toriyama generally doesnt seem to give out many family names or address other points like the earthling dragon teams parents etc. Just superfluous background info rather than what he is going for.


How many characters have names...? He's a master...he doesn't have a name, just like Kami doesn't have one...it's mysterious.


Kami is technically "God"


That's not his "name"...


Actually, in Japanese, it is. They should have translated it because calling him "Kami" isn't really correct. That's why Everyone is so shocked when they hear that Gokuu is training with "Kami-sama". Calling him "Kami" makes no sense unless you know they're talking about God.


Yea a’ight but you’re missing the point, it’s still not his ***name*** Katatz didn’t name his child “Kami-sama”


I love how surprised everyone is in the dub when they hear Kami as if that was the name of the boogie man. The didn't have problems with using the word Devil or Demon, so it's kind of funny that they try to censor the significance of the title of Kami-sama as the "Guardian of Earth," as if anyone knows what the heck that would refer to. Hm, other half is "Demon King Piccolo", embodies only good, pure motives as a result. Has a job at a floating temple extremely high up in the sky. Wanted to provide humans with hope by creating the Dragon Balls, able to perform miraculous life giving powers to bring Shenlong (Shenron - God Dragon) to life and back to life. Describes the nature of his job being unable to get involved directly in the affairs of humans. I know why they censored it but it's funny how they talk about this being as if they are all aware of the concept but are unsure if he actually exists or not. Like, who else fits this description? It's not even like a specific God or anything. Plenty of cultures and religions have some concept of a creation story or a deity that oversees the Earth. Even if you can't read the 神 on his shirt that literally means God or Deity, I still feel there are plenty of hints given to even English viewers about his true nature. To Goku's friends who just heard Goku casually mentioning going to "Kami's place" for 3 years, they couldn't have known anything unless they knew what Kami means. Lol


I know, it really lowers the impact of who Kami/God is in the original DB. I was in Japan when this episode premiered and while I knew very little Japanese, I knew that "Kami-sama" meant "God", and seeing him as a being seemed like he was the actual "God" of the Bible. The name has that level of impact since there haven't really been "gods" in the story, other than Shenron meaning "god dragon", as you pointed out. He also has the Kanji on his outfit, further hammering his point that this is who he is. Later they changed his identity to an extent, but when Shenron tells them that Gokuu is up in "Tenkai" (Heavenly world) being trained by "Kami-sama", the best translation would have been to use the name "God" as it's used in Japanese. Calling him "Kami" and have everyone react so strongly makes no sense at all. Thanks for being someone who sees this!!


Lol Totally. You realize that Goku has gone from being the little monkey boy in the woods to being a servant of their world's God, gone to a heavenly plane to train to destroy the Devil. In that context, the story feels more weighty while being hilarious than Goku just kind of casually drops that info, but no one can really doubt what he means since, well, Goku is terrible at filtering his thoughts. Haha


His name isn't God... God is his title...it comes with the job, he's still just the nameless Namekian. Kami is used in place of a name in English, because characters not having names is apparently too hard for children to grasp. Also calling things God is taboo.


Some titles are names, like "Coach". The word "God" is used as his name in OB DB. I think what happened was Toriyama changed the story and "God" became a Namekian, but in the original story it was unclear so he really seemed like God.


The time Toriyama "changed" the story would be when Kami was introduced... Remember...Kami was only revealed to exist at the very "end" of the Piccolo arc. So he was closer to the 23rd tournament, which foreshadowed his alien background. And Kami's introduction literally came with the information that he split himself from his evil within in order to become "God" in the first place. So even back then it didn't seem like a name.


Videl even points out it's a coincidence that she and Gohan both have a forename and surname given it isn't necessarily the norm. Though I'm not too sure if that exchange is canon or not.


She doesn't have a surname... She was talking about Gohan and *Goku*, not Gohan and herself. And why would it not be canon, it's in the manga.


She’s the daughter of Hercule Satan in the dub, so her name would be Videl Satan


Actually, her name is just Videl. Just as Bulma is just Bulma. Neither have surnames. The Son family is the odd one. Videl has never ever been referred to as Videl Satan by anyone except western fans.


>except western fans hence why i said “in the dub”


but the dub doesnt matter. neither Hercule or Satan are part of Mr Satan's name. Mr Satan is a stage name. His name is just "Mark".


also it’s pretty shitty to tell someone their preferred form of media “doesn’t matter”


Look this is the thing man… DBZ Abridged matters to myself and a great many people. But it also doesn’t matter at all in the context of discussing the actual series. (Yes, I’m going there.) I and many others genuinely put Funi’s version in a similar wheelhouse, and imo we’re right to do so… because it’s full of crap that’s just *wrong*, as the above exchange shows (to say nothing of the general quality level which is another conversation). From straight-up facts/info to more subjective things like character personalities and dialogue. It may sound crazy, but the U.S. version of Dragon Ball is not a reliable source of Dragon Ball. I don’t care if I sound like a weeb zealot. I grew up with Funi’s version too, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s N/A as far as in-depth, in-universe discussion goes. I know it was the greatest thing in the world when you were in elementary school but still, please try not to take this as a personal attack against you & your sensibilities.


> the dub doesnt matter to you. it’s what matters to me. and given OPs original post i’d say they were only interested in talking about the dub in the first place


The dub...doesn't even use the "last name" conversation in the first place. I don't remember how she connects Gohan and Goku in the Dub, because the dub didn't keep Goku's family name of 'Son'.


The dub refers to Mr. Satan as Hercule Satan, with Satan as his last name. His daughter, Videl, would have the same last name as him. Logically, that makes her name Videl Satan. They don’t have to have a conversation about it to point that out.


...the point is that it was irrelevant to tell me that when the comment I was responding to wasn't talking about the Dub. But whatever, she's called that in the dub...ok, thank you.




"Brief" is not a family name; it is the given name of the father/doctor, Brief. We've outlined a series of family names (and what are also *not* family names!) in a special article over on *Kanzenshuu-* [https://www.kanzenshuu.com/tidbits/family-names/](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/tidbits/family-names/)


It kinda pisses me off that it's just Brief and not Briefs. Like, what? Are they gonna introduce his cousin pant?


I meant to say...how many "don't" have names?


There are a lot of characters in the series who were never given real names and are only addressed by their titles (e.g. Roshi's own sister "Uranai Baba"; Kami; Kaio). Roshi isn't an outlier.


Roshi and his sister are human, so it’s a but different in their case. Toriyama revealed the original names of all the human Androids.


I know they're human, but they've still lived for hundreds of years and, thus, appear to have some level of enlightenment that's given them quasi-immortality. And yeah, I know he revealed the original names of #17 and #18. But that doesn't mean he has to for *every* character who's typically addressed with a title or alias. Besides, #8 was apparently born human (according to certain databooks), yet we don't know *his* real name.


he did. :) Jackie Chun ;)