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The only way for Parker to redeem himself is to cuck MJ & start banging Paul.


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No, he should cuck both MJ and Paul


i miss when peter would get the shit beaten out of him and instead of thinking "yup thats the parker luck" he'd go "this is bullshit GRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" and willpower through it so he could get *Freaky* with his wife


Spider-Man fans talk about Peter and MJs relationship besides all the sex they have (SUPER IMPOSSIBLE)


Honestly, what's wild is that imho you can see that Wells really wants to do a rerun of shit like JMD's run on Spiderman... but he misses the essential aspect of what makes it great. Peter Parker in JMD was flawed, would often lose at first... but he would claw his way back to the light in every respect. He would bend but he never broke. In contrast, you get Wells Peter who is just this incredibly boring wet blanket, lacking flaws and also the willpower to be a better man. Hell, Wells' even misses how JMD wrote villains. JMD wrote a lot of his characters as being complicated, rather than be simple good guys and bad guys. Yet, when writing the villains, JMD never went *"Oh, they have a sad story, so that makes it okay/understandable*" and showed that despite how complicated these villains are... they still caused inexcusable amounts of harm. In contrast you get Wells where it tries to make the villains "complicated" like JMD did, but misses that "Hey, there is a reason that these guys are villains".


That's what happens when bad writers attempt to ape good ones, sadly.


I wouldn't even characterise Wells as a bad writer, he's done some good stuff at Marvel


Hellions is decent. The rest of his stuff is best known for gratuitous violence against women.


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