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what bothers me is that Tim's doesn't say brother, jason really went like "he's the best of us, but we're NOT related"


Happy cake day!šŸŽ‰


To be fair, Jason didn't really meet Tim until after he came back from the dead. He doesn't have that same familial relationship with Tim that he has with Bruce and Dick.


Jason met Dickie like 3 times before he died. They never lived together, not one day.


I mean he met him more often than that. Jason teamed up with the Titans a few times, it was implied that Dick went on skiing trips with Jason, Jason had Dick's number and even used it and Dick for also Jason just didn't live very long as Robin in comic and outside of it. There was for example way more time to properly show Tim and Dick's relationship since. I think their relationship can be interpreted either way since Jason's time as Robin just isn't as established as the other Robin's. I also have a brother with whom I never lived together because of age+parenting agreements, we still see each other as siblings. I also have a blood sister whom I don't really count as a sibling, because we barely know each other, sibling relationships are often complicated.


>I mean he met him more often than that. Jason teamed up with the Titans a few times Jason went on exactly two missions with Titans and he didn't interact with Dickie there at all, except for in the very end when Dickie got rescued and went "Nice one, kid". >it was implied that Dick went on skiing trips with Jason Trip. Singular. One photo. One photo, which doesn't fit into the timeline of Dickie not coming to Gotham at all because of his issues with Bruce, but I allow this post-death retcon. >Jason had Dick's number and even used it and Dick for also Give me the page when it's said Jason used it. He gave him his number in their first meeting. And that's how we get the number three for the amount of the interactions and that's including one post-death retcon. >since Jason's time as Robin just isn't as established as the other Robin's. Jason time as Robin post-crisis established as the time Bruce and Dickie didn't talk for 18 months and Dickie not coming to Gotham at all. You need to twist yourself into pretzels to come up with a scenario that keeps the drama between Dickie and Bruce but also have Dickie and Bruce's new kid, who was his replacement and a complete stranger to him going for a skiing trip. >I also have a brother with whom I never lived together because of age+parenting agreements, we still see each other as siblings. They weren't even adopted in post-crisis before Jason died and Jason was the only one adopted after his death out of the two. For these complete strangers of different ages, living in different places and eventually having different legal status with Bruce to see each other as siblings is asking for a lot from me.


I hope I didn't get my memory scrambled with non-canon stuff, but I remember some recon in a Nightwing story that had Jason call Dick right before running away to find his mom for Angst reasons. If I'm not making this up, it was definitely to long ago to remember the story. I unfortunately can't find it right now and don't really have the time to look for hours for it :/ Also Nightwing Year One had some cute interaction between the two. tbh I also prefer the non-brothers interpretation for the (and because I prefer Jason as villain & him having a deep relationship with more characters than Bruce kind of kills that).


>in a Nightwing story that had Jason call Dick right before running away to find his mom for Angst reasons I personally can't recall this, so if some avid Nightwing reader passing by would recognize this and give us an issue that would be great. But either was it would be another post-death retcons, because in aDitF happened no such thing: https://preview.redd.it/sgi0ql6xjk9d1.jpeg?width=1381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fbd519c3969059f8d50d12e7caae9609c08178f >Also Nightwing Year One had some cute interaction between the two. Nightwing Year One replaces their original first meeting so it doesn't add to the count :D But for making Bruce a child abductor, Dickie an attempted cheater and Jason someone who says he doesn't care about collateral damage among civilians Nightwing Year One is proudly called by me a crime against humanity. Man, am I enjoying being loud and dramatic XD >tbh I also prefer the non-brothers interpretation for the (and because I prefer Jason as villain & him having a deep relationship with more characters than Bruce kind of kills that). It just I *really* enjoy my drama and Dickie not really caring that much of that child he didn't know and not caring to know him because of his bullshit with Bruce right until he died is *chef's kiss* drama. How it went down with Jason later influenced how involved Dickie was in Timbo's vigilantism and all of this is a whole story on it's own. I don't mind people writing some kind of relationship between Dickie and Jason ā€“ but it pisses me off when DC just retcons without much consideration for how would that even work in timeline.




This is their first meeting, not aDitF.


That would make sense, yes, but I distinctly remember Jason calling Tim his brother in some comics. Once in RHATO he said that he has four brothers, even counting Duke (who Bruce was fostering at the time) so canon Jason is not one to gatekeep the term "brother"


>even counting Duke I love when clueless hacks make characters who had fewer interactions than I have fingers on each hand declare each other brothers. Tell don't show.


Should have written bad man


Say it fast. Really fast.


Badman. Badman. BADMAN. Holy shit. Brb I'm getting my high-tech suit of armor so I can fight against him and all that he represents.


>ā€œThe one who got to grow upā€ Skill issue bozo


Just so you know, this is from DCeased, the same saga where Jason>!tied Zombie Joker's corpse on the hood of the Batmobile and Gordon had to tell him to maybe not show that to a group of already traumatized kids they were trying to save!<


Premise so edgy I can cut myself with it


Honestly, DCeased Jason's storyline is perhaps the least edgy one. Tree Lobsters forever.


When are Zombie Apocalypse Alternate Universes not edgy?


for the last time its called "edging" https://preview.redd.it/8bj4ekvlbh9d1.png?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d68287be1f7cf6fcffc4a4659f28479a0cee30b




For the last time, itā€™s called SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OUT OF MY HEAD!


DCeased wasn't, Cazzam forgives all.


Yeah but thats Jason for you. Plus, it's a treat when he finally gets to fuck up the Joker.


he misspelled Jarro


Bro canā€™t stop whining even when making grave markers.


Batman should hit him again so he stops talking


ā€¦with a crowbar?


It's a Batbar when Batman does it


An asbar


It worked the first time


"OOH A REUNION! Let's get some pictures. First we'll have me and Bats, then one of you two, then one with all three of us, then one with the crowbar..."


And he was right At the least not have CR7 haircut like Damian


Dude looks like he's going for the Vegeta in GT cut.


WTF does critical role have to do with this??


Nah it's all Taylor could think of


Talia, sweety, wtf are you wearing in a zombie apocalypse? Also, this is exactly the same thing as this and it sucked that time too: https://preview.redd.it/0iiczrxypg9d1.png?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c172f562a74b2298e904426d74b010ddb355fd7


The idea that Jason wouldn't know "which one" he is is fucking laughable. He stakes his entire identity on being the one who does what the others won't.


None of them would say that, none of them would describe each other like that. It's not them talking to you ā€“ it's Tom King.


Well yes they're all bad but that one detail stood out to me


Iā€™m glad they made it subtle who wrote it. It easily couldā€™ve been too on the nose depending on what was written on the graves like it couldā€™ve been bad and come across like a parody of Red Hood if they made it like really obvious and tried way too hard to make it obvious that Jason wrote it. Thank goodness they made it subtle to add complexity to his character.


Fraud recognizes Fraud




Defend Taylor's Jason? No, thank you. Jason-haters, you can have a go at him.


Makes sense. Jason *has* been dealing with a lot of head trauma since 1988. It's clear he never fully recovered.


Best of us might mean normal. Like Tim was an actual person before he became part of the family and is the only one who could conceivably leave that lifestyle.


Who is that next to Cassie?




Fuck you guys, I like this


What is this


Can jason just not be himself for 2 seconds


we take holidays but the only thing we canā€™t leave behind is ourselves


oiiiii Batman is a RIGHT BASTARD, isnā€™t he??




So where was this from




So Bruce, Tim and Dick are dead??


DCeased. zombie elseworld saga from 2019 and etc




Why? This is clearly an elseworlds, itā€™s not that difficult to understand




Not every elseworlds has to be majorly distinct from Earth 0. Itā€™s not that deep. Itā€™s also not really a Batman comic considering he dies in the first issue. Many elseworlds are identical to Earth 0 but with a few differing details. This also came out a few years before Shadow War. But also like, child sized Jon Kent back there should have been a clue.


this comic book looks like another comic book these comic books all gotta stop looking like comic books


You mean on distribution side?