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That was an excellent summary of your experience... šŸ‘


Thanks friend! Took a minute to spell everything right, last night was a hoot


Yeah I was home texting back and forth with a few friends, while we were all listening to the stream of it. Definitely sounded awesome. And seeing some of the videos today on YouTube, that screen just takes it to a whole new level šŸ¤Ŗ.


Itā€™s like riding soaring California at Disneyland with the dead taking over the visuals and sounds. Drums space was fucking crazy.


Right on šŸ‘. Are you heading back in tonight?


Sure am! Sat too!


Have fun then šŸ«”šŸ˜


Will do!šŸ¤™


Exactly but with better visuals and sound. I did find the very strong seat haptics to be a little overdone at times but nevertheless opening night was out of this world good!


Where can a person find these streams?




Mixlr.com just put dead and company in the search bar you'll find it...


Gotcha. Thanks folks.


There's one on archive but it sounds fucking awful. I've seen dead and co before and I dk if they're just rusty or the recording doesn't translate to the sphere but fucking yikes. I'm guessing the experience has more to do with the rave reviews than the music because just wow. I've listened to every incarnation from Phil and friends to dog to the other ones. What I just listened to was not good. I enjoyed Mayers playing before, but his blues noodling and attempts at jamming just aren't working. The harmonies for the vocals are all off. It's bad man. I'm sure in a few nights they'll get back into the swing of things.


I listened to it because I won't watch any videos for spoilers, and the people talking just annoyed me so much. I don't disagree with your take away, but I always listen to the first show of a "tour" that I have tickets for and I seem to always have some reservations after listening, and then the boys end up cooking. I imagine that the novelty of the venue is as distracting to them as it is for us. The tempo and the face melting are bound to pick up.


I'd imagine that's a possibility as well


There was a stream?


Audio only


Someone on the Dead and Family Tour page on Facebook streamed the entire show.


I heard about that yesterday, and looked on the website, but I couldn't see where to start the stream. Do you have to use the Facebook app to watch a stream?


Where did you find a stream?




Always a hoot Bob, Always a hoot Supposedly Jerryā€™s last words to Bobby after that last night in Chicago the last time they ever saw each other, (supposedly)šŸ™ Awesome breakdown babbles- Konnichiwa


Curious what you thought of the playing? I was there tripping balls and could not be happier with how it went, there may have been some nerves from the band a few times in the first set but it seems like they just exploded once set two came


They came out playing hot for stranger, but the mix was off and I think it was messing them up a bit for the first set. It definitely got better as the night progressed though. Canā€™t wait for tonight.


Mix was definitely off. I was in 405 too and noticed this as well. Bobby had a bit of an echo for the second set. Jeff was very low in the mix during Franklins and overall I thought the first set was a little quiet. Quality was still incredible.


I think theyā€™re still figuring stuff out. I have a feeling theyā€™ll get better with each show.


Oh yeah Iā€™m not complaining, it was incredible. I expect them to have it figured out a bit more tonight.


Me too Iā€™m really excited to go back tonight


Mix? No that's Bobby's horrible tone


I don't know if the mix would mess them up. They really can't hear anything the crowd does.... the "mix" is so unique and specific to every section in the place. It's crazy but you can literally have a completely different sound experience just a few seats left and right if something is off.


Having the crazy sound system that they have, itā€™s gotta be near impossible to make sure everyone is hearing the same thing. Some of the band members just seemed quiet at parts and Iā€™m no expert by any means, I still thought they were beyond excellent.


I thought they sounded off as well and didn't have much energy in FLS. I think the Sphere has got to be really different from any other venue.,even with a sound check, once it fills up it can need adjusting I know the crew and band are experts but still the Sphere sound system is a whole different level. I am a musician and I am sure as many other musicians on here can attest, adjusting to a venue can take a minute which usually doesn't affect a performance that much but still needs tweeking.


i was also tripping balls (on accident), did the bathrooms look insane to you too?


Yes dude the way the stall doors were designed made it look like they were fucking waves or something, the bar was fucking mesmerizing as well with the spiriling lights


thatā€™s hella validating to hear hahaha, truly a wild experience


On accident? šŸ˜‚


Pretty sloppy


Outstanding review, I was hoping to read some good ones. Was it chilly in the Sphere? You need like a light long sleeve something or was it ok? You throw your pen in the security bins or keep them in your pocket? How did you find Vegas overall? Like with the show being early did you find decent dinner around the Sphere or ??? We are in 309 and 2 night of ga next week, can't wait. Appreciate it!!!!


I usually feel hot, especially in crowds, it was chilly in the beginning, after the music started and I started moving it wasnā€™t bad. My mom went and got a sweater from the merch booth because she was cold. I just held my pen in my hand with my phone and they didnā€™t even bat an eye. We just door dashed l&l Hawaiian bbq to the hotel before the we left for the sphere. $50 for 4 people so not terribly priced and the food was great. I hope you have a great time! The view from the seats is amazing, canā€™t speak for ga though!


I was in just a little tank top and shorts and I was pretty chilly, Iā€™m gonna wear a big t-shirt tonight and that should be good lol


Thanks! Coming from the East coast and with that said I think I'm gonna bring a thin sweater. Enjoy tonight!!!!


No problem friend!


I'm from the east and I run cold. I was warm in GA in shorts and a tee all night but hey it could have been the party. Outstanding night.


Nice thanks. Iā€™m thinking ga is usually pretty hot, so seats sweater, ga none. Glad you had a great time!!!!


Ga is way oversold and crowded


Thank you for the breakdown! Iā€™m seriously considering a solo trip to Vegas for the 4th of July show. Nervous about the possible motion sickness, but I think if I can find lower level seating it would be okay.


Definitely recommend going, it can be pretty jarring but itā€™s definitely worth it. If you think it will be too much then go for at least lower than 400ā€™s.


Yeah, I was thinking of doing the 4th show also, and I am terrible with heights. I almost pulled the trigger on some 400 level tics. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the info, I will have to find something lower, sounds like I would have been miserable up there.


Whoa. Finding an empty seat on the Hub and making it yours as it starts is fucking brilliant I had edibles and a guy said he had his mushies nabbed. I got the vape and my mushies in each night (Phish) After seeing three different guys tumble down a row in 408 heading out, post show across two nights, I watched a guy take a header down seven rows before he could come to a stop. Security had him and he seemed ok? Stairs beat all at the end heading out. Escalators rule. Cheer on! I'm on team Sit the Fuck Down All Night Long. I can only imagine how amazing it feels as Micky and Jay thwack the skulls Go early. Stay late.


What time did they come on? Also someone mentioned they are playing the same set list every night? Doubt this is true. But will they repeat each week (same set list on the Thursday show each week, etcā€¦) ?


They started playing at 7:35, I keep hearing the same rumor but their entire philosophy is never being able to do the same thing twice, why would they start doing that now? I think people are over thinking it and trying to be negative for no good reason.


Roughly when did it end? Glad you had a great time


It ended at about 11:30


we needed to put this rumor to bed. oteil already said they're nor playing the same set list every night. please stop assuming they are.


Iā€™ll weigh in on this, the visuals werenā€™t so specific that you couldnā€™t interchange them. I also imagine the speed of the visuals can be altered producing a different feeling. Shows can totally be unique with this theory


exactly how i felt. for example the hell in a bucket visuals were reworked from the GD movie and they could easily redo US Blues like the original.


Yup and SOTM could be Throwing Stones, the cowboy songs are obvious, the day glow stubs anything from the 60ā€™s. As a Vegas resident it gave me the feeling Iā€™ll be going to many shows.


Who assumed that?


Some heads with creative imaginations


Doubt it will be entirely repeated setlists but it will very likely be the same 50-60 songs mixed up across three shows each weekend. and the visuals for the respective songs will be replayed


Which isnā€™t a whole lot less then their normal tour rotation. I think the visuals will have some flexibility too.


They played a 113 songs on the Final Tour. See tour stats on setlist.fm


Maybe they do. Maybe not. Probably not. And I think thatā€™s fine. 1. Reality is most people are experiencing it for the first time. 2. Even those who are experiencing it againā€¦.. I would want to see a lot of those visuals again.


But why? It was clear last night some of those visuals could be used for a variety of songs. Some songs had their own unique visuals but others just had a giant screen or similar.Ā  I'd be shocked if they played any number of songs less than they did last tour.Ā 


Not sure what you mean by ā€œany number of songs less than last yearā€. The visuals may seem generic or transferable but they very likely (and seemed to be) loosely tied to the tempo and timing/sequence of the songs.


Love it. Shakedown was at the Tuscany lot?


Yes it is. Thereā€™s lots of shirts, cool memorabilia, and cover bands but thereā€™s a ton of security and police walking around.


Think itā€™d be easy to find some extra curriculars at the shakedown?


Not particularly. Though I did find some fun stuff on my walk from the Tuscany to the spherešŸ˜


we're you top of 405 of bottom? wondering if it helps at all


I was row 12 seat 13 so kinda in the middle


Did most people around you stand up or sit down most of the time?


Most were standing, I was one of the few that sat most of the time


Gotcha. Thanks. Was your view obstructed by the people in front of you standing while you were sitting?


I couldnā€™t see the stage and a little bit of the bottom of the screen when the guy in front me stood up but I was looking up most of the time anyways so it wasnā€™t that big of a deal


Sphere is owned in part by James Dolan, the msg/beacon theatre guy. My understanding is they wanted it built it more like a theatre than an arena. If youā€™re ever been to a broadway show holy hell the rows/seats are steep. I was in 305 for phish and yes, it was steep but not like some of the nyc theatres.


Hey - 305 row 14 for Phish here! We were neighbors. What a time we had! Itā€™s steep, but personally I never felt unsafe at my seat and could dance with some abandon. But if you are sensitive to heights generally, I get it and maybe Iā€™d have been more trepidatious in the 400s. I agree with the comment below about opening your eyes after having them closed. Have a great time OP!


R16 on the end! I felt the same way. Safe. I went in thinking somebody would dump a beer on me(its practically msg). The whole place felt strangely spacious. I simply walked down to the floor and up into 400s and Iā€™d rather be in 200 or 300 tbh


Iā€™ve never been to broadway or theatre shows at all really. Itā€™s just a bit overwhelming when you first get there and I hope it isnā€™t too much for some people to enjoy the show.


Be careful if you dance with your eyes closed. Open them slowly. I sometimes close my eyes for a moment. I almost fell over due to the massive immersive screen


Are people up and dancing in the 400's? I know it's steep, so I'm worried it will be too sketchy to dance.


Almost everyone around me was grooving in the 400ā€™s, not too crazy but definitely movin


Love you!!! Thank you!


Love you too buddy, happy to help!


Did anyone go to Brooklyn Bowl Pham art?


Phan art is Saturday only for these runs


Ok thank you


What time did the set end?


About 11:30






What time did the show kick off ?




Thank you


You betšŸ˜


Were there lots of legit cheap tickets floating around shakedown or else where?


I heard a couple people saying they would sell for face value or less outside


With all tickets being digital, the days of tickets floating around shakedown are all but over.


This isn't exactly true. My buddy scored a free ticket outside the Hampton Coliseum for Phish in 2018. It was a digital ticket on somebody's phone. I agree that it is a little different from the days of paper tickets being hung on trees or thrown around shakedown, but it does still happen.


How was the view in the 400s, still pretty immersive or from up there? Honestly not too worried about being able to see the band lol seem em all plenty of times closer up, really want to make sure Iā€™m getting the full sphere experience!Ā 


If you donā€™t care too much about seeing the band then the higher up the better to see the screen. I was blown away by the immersion it felt like a dead themed roller coaster


Hell yeah. Dead themed roller coaster.. I can get on board with that!Ā 


Not loud enough. Not enough bass at the right time


How was the experience in GA?


Canā€™t wait til they drop Standing on the Moon with that documentary sequence. Canā€™t wait til next Sunday!! Thank you for the breakdown this helps immensely


Happy to help! Hope you have as good a time as Ive had!


Whats the Owsley scene like will I have any troubles finding him


What's the dance scene like? Are you able to move around and groove if you're not in GA? Don't think I'll be willing to go if I have to stay put in my seat the whole time


There were plenty of people dancing in front of their seats and on the stairs, I was too nervous to dance too much but I still did a little bit, I was just dancing in my seat for most of it though.


why shakedown only oncešŸŖ¬?


After I walked through and got a shirt and a hat I didnā€™t feel a desire to stick around. Too many cops. I know everyoneā€™s different thereā€™s just not many extra curriculars going on so I feel that after youā€™ve been through once or twice thereā€™s not really a need to go back.


Set list?


[Dead and co set list Sphere May 16, 2024](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/dead-and-company/2024/sphere-at-the-venetian-resort-las-vegas-nv-33abb801.html)




What time did you get in/how was it getting in? And when did music start?


I went in on the pedestrian bridge right at 5:30 and was in my seat before 6. Music started at 7:35 and they ended around 11:30. Getting out was super easy too there are several paths out of the building.


There right now. Can you tell me if the show started right on time at 7:30?


The steepness was tough. I had to grab my seat back a few times while getting down. Then at a certain point I forgot to care until I had to walk back up the stairs.


Beautiful ā™„ļø looking forward to June 2024 shows at athe Sphere Dead and Company


Thanks for sharing. I bought 400 and I hope itā€™s not too much for me. Seems like the place is huge and the stage is quite small, right? Excited but nervous.


Thank you for these tips! Much appreciated āš”ļøšŸŒ¹āš”ļø


Whatā€™s the nitrous situation like?


Not gonna find it at shakedown, and I didnā€™t see any before the show. Just gotta poke around thoughšŸ˜‰


None in the parking lot but found some on the street on the west side of the sphere, across from the big Ferris wheel. I think Koval?


Was anyone checking tickets for entering different sections....I'm in the 300s....was debating hitting the floor at set break


Iā€™ve read the floor has wristbands


How was the jams? Ofc everyoneā€™s gonna geek over the visuals and the layout, but any pov on the music? Did it suffer for the visuals?


I heard at phish it took a while to enter the reserved seating line to the venue? Any trouble this weekend?


Appreciate these reflections! Glad you had a dope time


Best show Iā€™ve ever been to in my life! I sat in the 100s, it was definitely amazing to be so close to the stage. If I were to return in June or July, I would get a seat in the higher sections because there is an obstruction of viewing the entire visual experience on the screens. Regardless of where your seat is, you will be mind blown, you will be so grateful to experience such an insane group of talented musicians playing at the, in my opinion, most advanced venue of our entire lifetime. I recommend reading ā€œHow Music Worksā€ by David Byrne, as he includes discussions and reflections about the evolution of experiencing music, and I was then floored to realize that it has progressed even further because of the creation of the Sphere.




D&Co bot wrote this?


Just got done reading and thought the exact same thing. This has to be artificial, but why?? Training?


Absolutely friend! Itā€™s nice to have an idea of what youā€™re walking into and Iā€™m happy to help! Canā€™t wait for tonightšŸ˜


Glad you had a good time, but we have different opinions about last night. We were in 109 32, which I thought were good seats until I went there and sat down. My ticket stated limited view. That limited view was horrible I could only see the bottom of the screen my buddies show me a video from 300 something and they had a way different show than I did. We are in the 300ā€™s tonight hopefully it wonā€™t be another sleeper tonight I want it fast and hard


Dang Iā€™m sorry about your view that sucks man. Tonight should be a better view for you from the 300ā€™s. Iā€™m hoping for a Bertha opener tonight!


https://preview.redd.it/mi0nz8mxh31d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca52c088081e34c0e9250646e406effc670da218 Dead nuts centered about 20 rows from the top. Saw U2/UV last show from section 208 and much preferred 406. Stood for the whole Haight-Ashbury sequence. Was looking straight up as the satellite zoomed past. Flashed back 45 years to a show in Des Moines IA. What a longā€¦.


Glad you had a good time rich person.


I really did thanks!


This is a solid dork review


Thanks buddy!




you're a peach.


You must be new here.