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How they refuse to just put time to overhaul old systems, mechanics, etc. Something that boggles my mind is that they still don't have a way to view all cosmetics of a collection at once for example Also item balance. Green maps , green keys and purple keys are just so bad


Also the offerings. Luck offerings are borderline useless and could use a change.


Oh absolutely Brown BP offerings, luck offerings, basement offerings and mist offerings are pretty much useless lol


I love how they added hatch offerings, but it actually works against you because now the killer knows you know where the hatch is, so he will be waiting for you.


Hatch offerings are mostly good for slugging, as long as you're not downed on the opposite side of the map from your hatch. Or if the third player is on their death hook, as long as the killer doesn't slug then you're good, since they usually don't loop around the hatch building.


As a Trapper main leave my fog offerings alone. šŸ„²


Especially when you have a single perk like deliverance, which doesn't require an offering and 2 perks just to even start being somewhat viable.


I donā€™t even know what luck is supposed to do


Itā€™s insane they havenā€™t touched the luck stat in all these years


Keys need an overhaul badly. Get rid of the broken key and make it whole. Make all keys allow you to unlock chests faster (Iā€™d say 100% faster) and have it include Wesker/Nemmy boxes. After all, youā€™re unlocking something and you have a key in your hand! I know thatā€™s not a massive change but itā€™s something to make them useful. Maybe also make it so a key always shows you the hatch aura within 32/48/64 meters (green/purple/iri).


Items to counter a particular Killer power is bad game design IMO, but your other changes seem good.Ā 


I mean it's just a key opening a chest as it should, not really different than maps that show the killer's belongings


Yes, they should review their old stuff instead of having a road map fatter than my mom


Time for 2dead2daylight?


Other players. You can play how you want but itā€™s not going to please everyone. Not much the game can do about it but it still gets annoying.


wish people were nicer to their survivor teammates


The killers should just half heartedly chase me and let all four of us win without getting hooked, that's the fair way to play. /s I get annoyed with tunnelling and slugging, but I guess there's no real way for BHVR to fix that.




I actually take a similar role as a a Killer and I exclusively still play killer . But I also see myself as a much harsher, ā€œMeat Grinderā€ kind of DM, someone who can still let you have fun, just expect to have one bad roll end an encounter outright. Which might sound pretentious, but yea I make sure to let everyone have fun because thatā€™s how I have fun. And also because I really like playing it like Iā€™m an actual horror movie villain, and itā€™s partly why I enjoy playing Dredgeā€™s power so much.


>The killers should just half heartedly chase me and let all four of us win without getting hooked, that's the fair way to play. /s It's sad you say this as a joke, but some people genuinely think this way. I had someone the other day get mad at me because "I killed them all before they could complete 2 gens." According to them they didn't have fun because I beat them too quickly, and I was a douchebag killer for playing that way.


Got called out for camping today because I hooked someone, completely left the area for another corner of the map, couldn't find anyone, and came back while three of them were healing each other under the hook. Folks are just wild.


I haven't encountered many unpleasant messages, but the one time that I did see complaining I was told that I had "tunnelled two people immediately". How do you "tunnel" two separate people on opposite ends of the map? Isn't that just playing? Do I need to hook all four players before I'm allowed to hook someone a second time?!


The community.


Especially one side mains. I've met some chill ones, but I've also met plenty who are loud, have crappy balancing ideas, and are generally unpleasant people to interact with


95% of one side only Mains are just miserable loud assholes and awful to be around. Both sides.


I will attempt to boop the next Ghosty I run into. Results pending... Update: - have been hooked every time - more research needed


Realest take ever. People who only play one half of the game are so toxic about the other half and turn every discussion into us vs them somehow, itā€™s insane lol.


I mostly play killer but I try to play a little bit of survivor occasionally so that it keeps me grounded and gives me the perspective from the other side of the game. At least a few games every major patch to keep my views up to date.


I think thatā€™s the best way to be! Even if you enjoy one side more playing the other can only help you in numerous ways (better perspective on what their issues are, helps you play better by understanding their thought process, etc.)


Yeah I started as only killer and after playing survivor i saw how difficult and unforgiving it can be as a baby survivor. Like as a baby killer I could still secure a few kills and feel good. But as a new survivor Iā€™d die so fast Iā€™m like wtf. Made me have a soft spot for anyone thatā€™s a baby survivor, If theyā€™re one of the last two people alive Iā€™ll go out of my way to ā€œmissā€ hits and then eventually give them hatch or w/e


The community downgrades alot of shit. Idk whats worth being happy about or not that entire thing just feels like a massive hole.


Dead By Daylight Twitter is a fucking cesspool. I really appreciate the SubReddit sometimes because it's probably the healthiest community for this game that I know of.


If this is the healthiest I am very concerned


My exact reaction


There are a fair amount of good discussions between survivor and killer mains. The only concerning part is how tremendously horny everyone is šŸ˜‚




I like the silly horror nerd vibes. I tolerate the thirsty monsterfucker vibes. I hate the edgy competitive gamer vibes.


the edgy competitive gamer vibes kills the ambience real quick. I still donĀ“t get why they wanna compete in here when there are tons of esports out there that are actually designed to compete. I guess just for trolling


I started following some very positive DBD streamers on Twitch and it is such a breath of fresh air. It actually got me back into the game after months of feeling burnt out.


This is the healthiest community? Jesus...the bar is low


I feel the opposite but idk maybe I just blocked all the bad actors on Twatr.


People say this a lot but I really donā€™t see it in my games. Annoying games, sure. But iā€™ve never seen, personally, how toxic ppl can get like they do on any social media. My end game chats have been pretty nice and I can only say somebody was a little mean to me once. I hope others can share the same experience as I have had. But i can see itā€™s not universal and thatā€™s sad :(


You're a very lucky person! I play about 70% killer 30% survivor, always say gg in post-game chat and sometimes even compliment good plays... yet I get a lot of hate. My most recent one was a Clown eventually downing me after I had a flashlight save in EGC then repeatedly hit me on hook while my team was leaving, then in chat wrote tons of slurs about my character's (Feng) nationality in all caps, all that becaused I dared saving a teammate. And from the killer's side, just 2 days ago I had an Alan Wake tbag me at every pallet drop, then I did a little headshake after downing him so he knows tbags are lame. That sets him off a lot in post-game chat, felt like that headshake killed his entire family or something. I get ggs very rarely, most players find a reason to complain when they lose.


The constant bitching about the pig "nerf" recently when she is in an overall healthier spot then ever has been boiling my piss


Any killer really. Otzdarva literally said in his last stream that **survivors have it rough**, a Killer main that only has to play one Killer to great effect can do well, but Survivors have to know how to potential run every single killer, he specifically pointed out the difference in looping various killers and how difficult it is for survivors to know all of them. He posted a video about a month ago where solo survivors averaged less than a 40% escape rate, and 4-stacks (**which are actually pretty rare**) didn't even break 50%, **and this was across ALL games from BHVR's official stats, not counting any games with disconnects**. He called out Skull Merchant being way too high in kill rate too. And this is like THE GUY, who does insane Survivor challenge streams and insane Killer streaks and knows both sides like the back of his hand. The majority of killers (And Otz's video confirmed this) are in a healthy spot (or even better than healthy), over 50% of them are over 60% (the intended kill rate) and something like 75% of killers are within 1% of that (59%+). I think the weakest is Doctor with bots using him to farm and he's still something like 56% kill rate despite being dragged down so heavily by afkers. Killers are VERY strong, there's a reason Otz believes if you don't perform well it indicates a skill issue... But some people listen to Truetalent instead.


Killers have changed a lot over the years. Most recent killers are very complex and have a lot going on. Survivor is the same since 2016.


I agree, but I think a lot of it has to do with having a far greater foundation for survivor function than killers from the beginning. I still donā€™t really have a problem with how survivors are in the game, and like you said, itā€™s been stagnant the past 8 years.


It's also worth noting whilst Killer is more complex, there's a huge array of powers survivors go against so it doesn't feel quite as stagnant.


tell that to me last night versing only huntress and singularity


Huntress is fair but I'm pretty sure singularity was one of the least played killers in the game from BHVR's latest stats report.


I think the best thing they could do is take a lot of the new perk types and give them some sort of weak-ish base kit counterpart. A base kit boon effect, a base kit Teamwork effect, base invocation, and personally, what I think is the most important, base crafting. Crafting perks are so undeniably unique and interesting, whether it's putting a literal bomb on a generator or creating slowness traps in loops, crafting is really, really cool, and I think we need some form of it in the base game. It also doesn't have to come from generators. Maybe it could be from the terror radius like pebble, or you could rummage through foliage on the map (which would definitely bring a botony rework), or maybe even sabotaging hooks. Even something as simple as being able to craft addons for your item would be super interesting


I fully agree with this, if I'm reading what you're saying correctly. I feel like survivors should be split into 5 catagories, and each category has a different "base" effect. It could be The Healer (heal speed boost of 3%), The Tank (recover from status effects 3% faster), The Distraction (have a 1% speed boost while running), The Crafter (open chests/break unlit totems, open gate 3% faster), and The Otherworldly (bless boons, destroy hexes, do incantations 3% faster). Each character in each category could have a sub-class name. Example: Claudette (The Botanist Healer), Meg (The Track-Star Distraction), Dwight (The Terrified Crafter), David (The Powerhouse Tank). Etc etc. It would add new flavor to old characters and make survivors more strategic to choose than "ooo I love this new Mikaela outfit".


While the concept does sound interesting, I genuinely feel like we're in too deep to add a survivor class system. How many people would probably get upset because their main they've played for years doesn't have the ability they want? I feel like it just can't be done at this point. Maybe they could have an extra slot in their load out where they choose one of the passives, buy I don't think tying them to characters would be a good idea at this point


the US vs Them mentality and how it holds the game back from actually being balanced properly


This is it, the amount of comments here complaining about the devs favoring killer or survivors is crazy. Obviously the game isnā€™t intentionally sided in one direction, itā€™s just hard to balance such an asymmetrical game šŸ˜­


that and they dont want to balance it bc they people would cry louder and bully the devs into reverting said buff/nerf as they have in the past.,


Yup, I wish people werenā€™t so allergic to balance changes


They prefer fun over fairness. I mean look at the crap survivors and killers find to exploit/abuse they hide it till the devs find it and remove it, I mean remember the locker flashlight strat, almost every dirtbag survivor was abusing that mechanic to get easy wins, when they have something to abuse and exploit they dont want it taken away and that holds the game back alot




Nah, nah, that's a valid experience, you're not alone with this


I really felt the Skull Merchant point


Right there with you.


You say you're new but you spoke like a veteran


average skull merchant match: https://preview.redd.it/q0q4cuh0semc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417708409d312e640ad5e7589c4d7072996aa6d9


Solo Q Ninja here, adding dying on first hook because teammates do not give a damn. Also I get to stage 2 on my first hook, you can vouch i will not struggle at all. There is no valid excuse for a team of 3 to just outright abandon a guy.


The competitiveness. Early days felt like a party game to have fun in. Now everyone takes everything so seriously. Wrong perks? You're a noob. Can't loop? You're a noob


As someone who started from beta, this is so true. When it began it was a fun game to play with friends and scare each other, but now there are so many mechanics that it feels like teaching a fighting game. I introduced a friend to the game recently, and all of his questions really showed me a LOT has changed from the simple game it started as.


Itā€™s unrecognizable. And Iā€™ve played since 2016. Itā€™s just a shot show anymore with devs changing meta just to suit some trend or try to stay relevant. I still play, but not like I use to, and when I do, itā€™s for shorter and shorter periods. I donā€™t derive the enjoyment that I use to.


when scott jund (i think it was him) joked about skull merchant saying: ā€œthe new killer could literally be a cube and I wouldnā€™t care as long as the gameplay is fun, who cares if the aesthetics are goodā€ and at that point i just felt so alienated from the community. A big reason of why I keep taking breaks from the game is constantly feeling like thereā€™s just not a place for me, for someone who plays mainly for the aesthetic of the game and not JUST to post ā€œ360 flip Z trick Blight Flicksā€ or whatever lmao


The disrespect after games. Whether itā€™s killers or survivors, when you already lost and then get hit with ā€œlol trash noobā€ or ā€œfind another game you suckā€ it just sucks


this is my number 1 reason why i just leave instantly after matches, both sides win or lose im back to the lobby


Thatā€™s just something Iā€™ve always hated about the game, I think the community has just always been this way, which sucks because I dig the game- hate messages for ā€œplaying incorrectlyā€ just get annoying after awhile


Yeah, as killer if the gates are open and Iā€™m not on top of them, I just fuck off into a corner of the map so the survivors get no satisfaction of tbagging at the gate, some games ive waited up to 5 minutes before they exited lol


This alone makes playing on console worth it IMO


To be fair, that's not unusual in competitive games. Doesn't just happen in dbd. It's annoying, sure, but just tell yourself you don't care. One day, you won't.


I always get called a cheater for doing well.


I was accused of wall hacking earlier.... with 4 aura perks.


To quote Otzdarva: the lack of ambition with the development team. It's so frustrating to see so many changes to the game that are left alone because the devs seemingly think it's "good enough." Freddy is dogshit because "it's fine as long as he isn't OP." Knight is dogshit because "it's fine we buffed 3 of his F tier addons to be D- tier instead." Skull Merchant kept several of her three-gen addons (Adi Valente, Shotgun Speakers, Stereo Mic) because "we made it harder for her to three-gen" except she can totally still three-gen in large part because Stereo Mic still exists. Maps don't get changed because changing one map every 3 months is fine, and then they go and add 2 more broken maps to the game that have to be reworked (shoutout to how every Year 7 map got reworked :^) ) Black Silk Cord (addon for the map item) still does literally nothing but it doesn't matter because "survivors all bring toolboxes, medkits, and flashlights anyways." Broken Keys are still fucking worthless but it doesn't matter because "survivors all bring toolboxes, medkits, and flashlights anyways." Pig still has half a dozen addons that do jack and shit but it doesn't matter because "Pig still has a good win rate ~~because of low MMR games~~ and everyone runs Bag of Gears and Crate of Gears anyways." Every new chapter comes with 4 useless perks and 2 midway decent ones because it's not like people are going to swap their builds anyways. Can't punish hook suicides because "people will be toxic anyways :(" Can't fix accessibility issues because "it'll nerf the killer's power :(" (and then after years of saying they can't add FoV settings or add colorblind options or change Clown bottles they do it anyways.) Can't add more free perks for new players because if they did that they wouldn't make money off people buying chapters. It makes it feel like Dead by Daylight is being developed to be a product, not to be a game. And look I'm not stupid: I understand games need to make money, and I also understand that there are very passionate people who work on DbD. But when I compare the Dead by Daylight development pipeline to other games it really feels like the objective is to maximize profits and minimize effort. Even other major live service games like League of Legends still feel like changes are made for the betterment for the game while with DbD and BHVR it feels like changes are made either because Twitter complained or because the stats said they needed changes, which is how we get 7 hatchet Huntress and nerfs to Marvin's Blood on Nemesis.


The fact that there are useless items and add ons in the game just baffles me and all the horrible offerings are still in the game with no changes after 7 years. I remember first starting out it felt overwhelming having to learn which offerings and items are worthless and which addons for your favorite killer were horrible.


It's not popular to say out loud (even though Otz himself and many other DBD creators have said it before) but there is a very small minority of people who exclusively play 1 side that scream at the top of their lungs to prevent 90% of the above problems from being fixed. And BHVR historically caters to the people who scream the loudest and thus here we are.


Bro did you just see Otz sent a soyjack to a guy on Twitter who was complaining that The Unknown was going to be strong lol Never saw Otz clap back at someone that hard until today


Do you have a link to it?




The most recent ama is a good example of this. They answered questions, technically. But they didn't really tell us anything.


I've been saying for years how pointless their qna shit is. It's just posturing to show they "listen to the community" while they just say nothing being asked for is being worked on, except the mechanics nobody asked for that they already announced, and they made up a community question about it so they could talk about it again.


It's mind blowing they're paying someone to copy paste > The Dead by Daylight team is aware of this issue, however we can't give any concrete details at this time 200 times


Couldnā€™t agree with your last paragraph more. Especially ā€œthe objective is to maximize profit and minimize effort.ā€ This game has so much potential and could be so much more than it is, if they cared to put in the effort. It bums me out.


This game gas cool ideas lore and gameplay wise but devs sit on their asses. Id rather a team that does too much then nothing because at least somethings happening and money beijg spent does something. Fortnite is on the right trick imo


It's like, Fortnite is motivated entirely by money but at least Epic Games is motivated by *something.* BHVR seem weirdly content to sit on their ass and wallow in mediocrity until the end of time.


The team just layering on the spaghetti code again and again instead of moving it to Unreal and fixing it.


*Nemmy chapter enters the chat* Best example on the spaghetti code. Worst patch ever. Loads of bugs. Basically a nightmare and was unplayable.


itā€™s so weird to say that, not everything gets magically fixed by moving to unreal


Isn't dbd already built on Unreal? Or are you referring to upgrading from U4 to U5?


Lack of gamemodes, community's behavior, how awful the animations look like, balance - issues that still reappear literally years later


I wish lights out that fun mode we had a few weeks ago was something you could do in custom games.


The constant need to come up with new perks and killer abilities provide opportunities to break the game or replace old ones. No one in his right mind will ever chose Freddy or Twins when there are killers like Chucky and Xeno.


Exactly why I chose Freddy and Twins. They deserve representation.


The never ending ignoring of shitty killers. Trapper, myers, pig etc have been horrible for years and it takes such minimal effort to just give them small changes to make them better. Iā€™m not even asking for reworks, just shit like having myers stalk not be limited or trapper to be able to carry more than like 2 traps at base kit or whatever it is (pretty sure itā€™s actually 1). Like it takes such a small amount of effort to buff these awful killers but they refuse to do it.


The Trapper spending 5+ years only able to carry one bear trap as his basekit was a travesty.


I can't wait for someone to replay to you saying "Hey they just buffed Billy shut up!" As if getting a rework *years* after the fact is good enough, and as if they weren't hailed by complaints when his PTB nerfs released way back when.


Hey they just buffed Billy shut up!


Doubling Myers stalk meter and letting Trapper carry at least 4 traps would make SUCH a difference. I main both of these characters and the state of them is seriously painful. I pretty much have to run Iris just to balance them


Solo can feel more and more like a grind and they just keep adding shit that makes it feel worse. (looking at you unnecessary Huntress buffs)


The new player experiance, the game mode never really chaning much. A list of things.


honestly the visuals are hardly holding up at this point and im hoping theyre able to implement a new engine


The game is made with Unreal Engine. They could just upgrade to Unreal Engine 5 and do a graphics overhaul but that would require a huge amount of time and resources when in its current state it's "good enough."


Dbd is in a state where itā€™s ā€˜good enoughā€™ to not look really outdated but the things is the longer they wait the worse it gets. Optimization is horrible. I upgrade my pc and over time the game lags more because it just keeps getting harder to run and thatā€™s not a pc spec issue. Bhvr needs to upgrade their game before itā€™s too late. They have a massive player base now, do it sooner than later. Upgrading the engine when the player base dwindles to a few thousand dedicated fans will just not return the huge investment an upgrade will require If I was in charge at Bhvr Iā€™d be seriously talking about what it would take to upgrade the engine. I would be planning it all out with lawyers for licenses and developers for cost and time. Otherwise your product will just die, and that could be ok if they plan on making another hit game, but Bhvr has failed doing that every time


I play on a low spec machine (laptop). The game runs at 20 FPS which is *borderline* playable. Iā€™d love for the community to be able to use their shiny new PCs on a game that looks stunning; I just hope they optimize the game for lower spec machines enough. I know part of it is my machine, but thereā€™s not enough options to improve my FPS like other games of its time after bringing everyhing down to the minimum and even decreasing the resolution. For reference, Iā€™ve gotten as much as 55 FPS on some maps outdoors; it just makes me sad I canā€™t even get a minimum of 30 FPS no matter how much I tweak my settings. I hope they keep that in mind during this hypothetical engine overhaul.


Specially when looking into distance.


The greed. I don't mind supporting a company, but $15 a skin? 1/4 the price of a full game? really? making default skins boring so you're compelled to buy better ones? making them cost like a month's worth of iri shards. Locking exclusive charms behind a paywall? Not adding more free prestige rewards? The comparison between the free and paid battle pass, and the potential addition of lootboxes to this game speaks volumes about the future of DBD.


This. I could literally thrift myself an actual physical Iron Maiden shirt for the cost of one of the new killer skins.


the dbd iron maiden shirts are $28.50 and shipping is $7 so the greed is on both ends for this too. I'm an avid player of the iron maiden mobile game, and its even worse. 7 years old with day one bugs, popups, ads, lootboxes, $100 microtransaction the works.


i honestly find the "they need to pay the licenses" excuse about how pricey is the game, and sometimes i say, "well it's fair to keep the game alive right" but then i remember, wait, i got it free on epic, but this ain't fortnite, or tf2, a bunch of people had to pay to to even play this game, then spend on killers, and then spend on skins, etc, and honestly i feel it fair since i got it free, but for people who didn't, like your game gets more and more expensive the more licences it gets, and i could even excuse the skins, but having whole characters blocked just feels like an annoyance for people who actually look up for new content. or maybe im just cheap idk


The constant flip-flop of trying to please killers and then survivors. It feels like the game is rarely ever at a happy medium for mid tier players and high tier players. Though, I don't know if it ever could be. Any balancing can't account for survivors either being solo or in a SWF.


A few thousands hours in, hereā€™s the few things that I dislike / hate: - The pallet dropping on killer picking up a surv. It was buggy in the beginning and they never managed to fix it so now you have one frame to hit killer with the pallet otherwise you just wasted a perfectly good pallet and receive stun points. If the killer takes a pallet on their head while going up, surv should fall, period. - Killers have a million ways to make you scream, see you and stuff but none of it is scary. There a few skills that make their aura disappear and itā€™s properly scary when they pop on you while youā€™re doing a gen. - The lag handling and hitboxes.axes that hit you through walls, sprint starts that donā€™t count (5m away from killer but still get hit if they started to strike before you ran). Overall terrible lag mangement. Yes itā€™s hard to program but damn, itā€™s been terrible since day 1. - The lack of balance. Release a new character, make it OP, that char is overplayed, nerfed, forgotten. Rinse, repeat. - Nothing new. Events are always the same. One new huge mechanic was introduced a while ago, boons. Everyone used them. Theyā€™re now useless as they canā€™t balance things. Incantations are coming. Will be broken, will be nerfed and sent to another world. Lights out was fun and interesting for old players, letā€™s see what happens there. - Lack of in game communications. I donā€™t mean microphone but signs. Like your survivor knows two signs, what? - There is so much new cosmetics and killers/survs coming in that I sometimes wonder if they have more designers than devs. And yet, I still play it a lot as I love the format (15 mins a game) and if I forget the 80% of toxic games, the 20% remaining are actually super pleasant.


Everytime I mention your last point I get obliterated here. This community BEGS for more things to spend money on incessantly to the point that the devs would be silly to do anything other than prioritize the fashion aspects, which they have very successfully. It's so odd how much this community basically makes paying for outfits their entire dbd personality and, in turn, the devs make that their priority.


Itā€™s a generational thing I believe. Iā€™m an old gamer and donā€™t care about cosmetics. Iā€™ll pay for skins every now and then to give some money to the devs as I have never played a game as much before. Kids on the other hand. Skins have turned into a social scale. Kids during lunch breaks compare their skins on Fortnite and all games with such cosmetics and shun the Ā«poorestĀ». Itā€™s probably the best way for a dev company to survive these days so I get that they want to sell a lot. Collabs like Iron Maiden and Slipknot are cool and will make them money. Good on them. I just wished they fixed things a bit as well.


For me having a game focus too hard on MTX just ruins the whole thing. I like my cosmetics and appearance within a game to reflect my accomplishments, and anything that can be bought with real money just has all the coolness sucked right out of it. Maybe it stems from seeing those dudes in full tier gear stand on mailboxes in WoW, but it really did make me respect what theyā€™ve done rather than how big their wallet is Path of Exile is the most rotten apple of this bunch, because not only do the skins mean nothing, they also are the only way to not look like an actual strung out hobo with a pot on his head


I fully agree, I've even payed for a few skins but I'm currently saving for Legion's special "IriShard-only" skin, whichever one it is. I honestly wonder why more killers don't have Iri Shard only skins. I'd MUCH prefer to show off an Iri Shard only skin, than one I just had to pay for!


The cosmetics are how they make most of their money, so it does make sense for them to pump them out constantly. But it definitely does feel like they're putting a little TOO much time into cosmetics sometimes, and not the game itself....


Just want to add the new survivor mechanic coming with the new survivor Sable is currently worthless, its a fun idea & looks cool aesthetically but Weaving Spiders is not worth a perk slot in its current state.


The absolute lack of empathy on both sides


Iā€™ll start. I hate how the older the game gets the more they shift away from the horror aspects. The fog and the scariness of the maps are gone


I think part of the issue from playing in 2017/2018 to playing 2020 was a huge shift to aggressive survivor play. The game became far less about hide and seek and more hvae a really good looper win the game yk. The game is far more balanced now imo maybe even a lil killer sided with some of these new perks which canā€™t say I disagree with


The game feels much scarier for me when I'm playing with friends instead. When you play online the tea bagging and body blocking really breaks the atmosphere. Even looping ruins the feeling of the game if it's repeated too many times.


He says, while The Unknown exists.


Tbh he seems more goofy than scary to me, the initial trailers were really creepy though.


The way he flops down and then lifts his head up looks like it's out of a Tim Burton puppet movie. Unknown is hilarious in game, he was only scary in the trailer because his design was markedly different. Why'd he suddenly grow hair and lose those freaky ass eyes?


That is so accurate lmao


He says, literally RIGHT AFTER The unknown starts existing.


That I can't progress my archive quests before getting tunneled out from the game at the very start


Camping, it's gotten worse since the update to prevent it


This might sound like the basic crybaby survivor pov, BUT: there are just certain killers that are so overpowered that playing survivor is no fun anymore. Donā€™t get me wrong: the killers are supposed to be op. But killers that are advantaged in their mechanics, speed, stealth and abilities/perks are just advantaged in one or two categories too much imo. A little more balancing would add so much more fun to it. Struggling and fighting to survive is the whole deal, but thereā€™s ways of doing it in an enjoyable way (like it is with some other killers)


The communities constant push to make the game more competitive. Pubs in DBD are such an insane mixed bag. You could have a 5 hours Huntress or a 10k hour p100 blight with 4 slow downs on a 200 game win streak.


The assholes who play it. Dev's refusal to change things quickly, even though it's very evident they need it. Overall lack of creativity in new perks and powers (mostly applying to Unknown's new perks).


The fact that everything takes so long to fix and there are just so many things that need fixing


There are so many killers who are either just shit or boring and they do nothing to change this. Freddy has been through hell


The way its leaving its horror/slasher roots for shiny maps, funny cosmetics and goofy stuff. I miss what used to make the game special, balance aside.


Disagree. Unknown is a step back in the right direction for me.


a lot of the earlier animations, especially killer moris, are just aging so poorly, that i really hope they eventually go back and rework them


The healing animation has always felt so half-arsed to me


It still scratches an itch, but a few things \> The game got much less scary- \> Some balance patches feel like they go INSANELY overboard with a buff like with Billy (WHAT are those huntress buffs on the pbe), or straight up gut perks on both side in to oblivion. \> Keys barely have a reason to exist anymore, and the hatch is much less fun to play around because it just turns in to a slug fest. (See the above point, hatches and keys got nerfed to the point of barely being a game aspect) \> In trying to make the game more... competitive? it's really just feels like the only people who consistently win are SWF


The playability. You basically need to be always playing the game if you want to have fun, consistent games. You can't buy a new killer and learn them easily. You need a baseline 30+ hour experience with them to handle how good the survivors will be against you. I haven't played the game in months and I don't want to go back because I know my games won't be good as killer because of lack of keeping up experience. If there was a proper bot practice option with difficulty sliders, customisability, and it can be used as a way to learn a killer before going back into online. That would help so much. It would also be a way to bring new players in, and have a way for people to play if they don't have internet. But to answer the question and to sum this all up, I hate the fact I can't step away from the game or try and learn a new killer without being relentlessly shit on by good survivors who are always playing. DbD can be fun when you are playing a killer you know and you are consistently getting good games, but if you stop playing the game for whatever reason, then come back, it's hard to get back into that state, and even more difficult if you're trying a new killer you aren't familiar with, and don't have the best perks, add-ons for and experience with.


1. Lack of Horror Aesthetic. Only thing horror related are the licensed killers from iconic horror franchises. All maps are too saturated and clean looking. 2016 - 2020 DBD was best. Yes, let me (playing as Michael Myers, one of horror's most iconic and scary killers) chase Feng in a bunny hoodie and silk flamboyant pajama shorts and slippers, with Zarina in her bright red Christmas onesie chasing after me with a flashlight. This totally doesn't look ridiculous. -\_- 2. Too long time for the dev's to fix and rework issues/perks and killers. BHVR and DBD isn't an indie company anymore. It is a household name and title, as such their dev feedback and speed should be much faster. No excuse other than greed. No disrespect to the dev's with this point, I'm sure it's hard, I'm referring more to the higher ups. 3. SBMM. Lord please this game was never developed with such a feature in mind. It's only a party game for the players who can't play the game properly, the rest can go suck lemons with constant balance issue debates on both sides as well as complaints about which side is toxic and so on.


If you think removing sbmm would improve the game I don't really know what to tell you


Before SBMM you had a healthy mix of matches. You'd get stomped sometimes, sometimes you'd stomp, but mostly you'd get matches of relatively decent skill. Now most matches are total sweat fests and you're thrown a bone maybe once every ten when the queues start taking too long and they pull in 10 hours players for you to absolutely humiliate, by doing the most basic mind game.


When people hard tunnel 1 person in pubs and ignores every other survivor until it's a 3 vs 1.


The community has always been up there for toxicity, but it's only gotten worse. "TTV" has become three letters I see in my nightmares and if I were less principled, I'd skip every lobby I saw it in.


Stupid selfish survivors and sweaty try hard killers with no etiquette.


Other survivors! Survivors who ditch you even tho you've unhooked and healed them multiple times and it's your first time being hooked... Survivors who stand and wait at the exit gates the entire time you struggle your way to death... Survivors who act like they're going to come unhook you but linger in hiding until you die... Survivors who rage quit a minute into the match... Survivors who quit just cus another survivor quit... like what happened to team work? It's just so rude. The killers have the power/responsibility to be as rude as they can be, but the survivors who deliberately choose to not be team players are the worst. Why do I even play if I can't rely on my teammates? SMH Also, you get extra blood points for being BOLD (even if it ends in your own death!) and NOT for standing around waiting for your team die!!!




God thank you for saying that, everything about her is just so half-assed itā€™s disrespectful honestly lol


The playerbase and community. Just sick of seeing people bullying each other. So I dropped the game for now. Its a shame cus that's not an issue with the game itself.


Everything gets nerfed into the ground


I feel like we all got used to it at some point but something about the animations/interactions in the game realllllly makes DBD feel dated. The fact you can't really do anything fluidly is super annoying and that we have to anticipate random stops or jarring map hitboxes to make the game "flow" better is kinda just shit for 2024. I do wonder if DBD would benefit from a rework/update akin to overwatch becoming overwatch 2 but I have no idea how that would effect the licenses. However I do think we need a new game engine at this point or at least some form of overhaul so the gameplay doesn't feel as clunky as it does. Not that I play much of the game as of late but I've always thought the game would benefit from a competitive mode and would allow better seperation between new/learning players and likely leavers from experienced players who want to take matches a bit more seriously.


This is very subjective, but I'm going to say this anyway. The state of the game is the subject of the whims of streamers and people with influence on platforms like twitter. Some of the changes are very good and make the game more accessible (like the background player), but holy shit some other things got nerfed beyond the grave, like the Decisive Strike, locker saves, etc the list goes on. I feel like everything is killer favored, and honestly playing killer is pretty easy with solo queue players. But it's just me.


" The state of the game is the subject of the whims of streamers and people with influence on platforms like twitter. " This, I had this exact thought some time ago, and it happens in Apex Legends apparently (I don't play though). ​ There are lots of changes that have been made to 'nerf' the meta perks, but players play the game so much that they'll always find a new meta, especially when its a content creator or someone who breathes the game. I'm not against changes in the perks, hell..Even the lights out modifier was a breath of fresh air that I enjoyed. I liked being scared and unsure of what would happen next. ​ Playing as Killer is easy to a point, but once you hit a certian rank, you'll end up hitting coordinated groups in a VC, and there's nothing else you can really do except try to outplay them. I'm hoping they'll bring a co-op killer into the scene eventually (Like Cho'Gall from HOTS.)


Still no sex update


How outdated mechanics and some miscellaneous settings are. Game ran by MMR grade but we don't see it.Ā There are ranks, which practically means nothing but blood points. No cross progression. Terrible DLC and cosmetic pricing. You want to see stats? Sorry better visit third party websites. This just scratch the top of the iceberg.


Idk why but slugging is more prevalent.


I dislike how bhvr leaves the most unfun shit in the game. Mainly super busted addons that open up snoozefest playstyles like pinkie finger, toombstone piece etc. Yes they may be worse than nurse still but its never fun to instantly die when i thought i could bodyblock for a teammate cus thats how the game works 99% of the time


They need a perk thatā€™s like Small Game but for glyphs. The more rifts I do the more annoyed I get hunting for them. I am absolutely willing to sacrifice a perk slot to cut down on time spent uselessly running around hoping I get withing 8m of a glyph.


How is it possible to still have only one game mode? It amazes that they are just starting to think about it after so long


The incompetent developers. It literally took 7 years to address face camping but hey at least we have cool overpriced cosmetics that people still buy for some reason.


The mmr. I used to be pretty good at killer and even more at survivor. Usually rank 4 as killer and 1 as survivor. Took like a 9 month break. I can get back into survivor somewhat easily because I play it with friends, but killer feels impossible to relearn. Every game Iā€™ll play against a p100 swf and get absolutely destroyed. After getting 0-1 kills for 8 games Iā€™ll get a good game with people similar to my skill. Iā€™ll get 2-4 kills and then Iā€™m back into another 8 games against p100 swfs. Itā€™s super demotivating when I just wanna slap people with nemis tentacles.


One hit downs. They need to be flat out removed from the game. If survivors canā€™t even run 3% faster without killer players crying and getting it nerfed - then NO killer should be able to one shot down a healthy survivor. I donā€™t give a single shit about how much or little skill it takes to get it, either.


They seems to take too much time on reworks, for example Twins is next but it took some time and Freddy and other killers need one too , but god we'll wait a while. Maybe small changes like upcoming patch at best. Not to mention that some killers need full addon pass.


how slow the devs are at implementing even very simple-seeming quality of life improvements like the search bar or dealing with problematic yet easily fixable perks/perk combos like buckle up still bafflingly working with ftp. i do think the game has generally been moving to a somewhat positive direction after it was put on life-support during the time of knight+skull merchant release and aggressive 3-gen meta, and i donā€™t expect them to magically balance the game overnight, but it shouldnā€™t take months or even years to fix bugs that affect a basic power of any killer also doing gens just gets more and more tedious


Itā€™s just so..boring? I was so bored of the game I uninstalled it a bit ago. Every match plays out in one of 3 ways. 1. The killer gets destroyed and teabagged. 2. The killer tunnels a player and the player wastes their time leading to a 3 man or 4 man escape or 3. The killer tunnels and the team plays suboptimally leading to a 4k. Some other outliers exist like an AFK killer, farming killer, or a gen camper with SM but those hardly count. On very very rare occasions, Iā€™ll be able to loop a killer plenty, the game is close, and whether I win or lose it was fun, but thatā€™s so rare itā€™s not even worth it. Maybe my nearly 3k hours, (about 1k spent in solo queue survivor) has finally come to get me.


Iā€™m just saying, it should have proxi-chat.


Itā€™s getting boring


The playerbase/community


Not having cross progression (for at least killers/survivors that are owned by them) after what 8 years now? Like c'mon, behavior, it's my biggest pet peeve. About playing on xbox and ps4.


As someone who plays both sides, killer mains. It used to be survivor mains


Lack of cross progression


Honestly? As a veteran, dbd is heavy now. I don't find it boring, it just became frustrating. The Devs are not encouraging a healthy gameplay, and the fault is not with the killers who tunnel/camp or the survs who genrush, but only with the Devs who have not yet understood that encouraging this type of gameplay is bad for the game. In a pvp people will always play to win, therefore adapting the best strategy, but if this strategy is boring for both sides (apart from toxic brats I doubt anyone finds it fun to end a game by repairing all gens in 5 minutes, same thing for tunneling) then the game is not in a good condition. I still have to understand why Devs didn't remove all the crap that speeds up the gens (considering that survs are already fast by default in repairing) and didn't rework slowdowns in a way that incentivize mixed hooks.


The PLAYERS man. There are some fucking degenerates on this game and itā€™s really starting to get to me. Survivors that donā€™t do shit all game and then get the hatch, killers that BM for no reason at all, etc. As a proud solo q survivor player, I absolutely pull my weight and canā€™t stand when others donā€™t do the same. As a killer, I see it from other side and sometimes the survivors are just bad, but sometimes they are straight up trolling and I feel bad for their team.


Game company hates survivor players


I dislike the fact that they just pump new killers and survivors into the game. It's starting to really feel crowded! On top of that they neglect all the fine polishing. They let the core rot. Things really start to feel like they don't care about the game, only how to milk more money with new characters and cosmetics. I don't mind a new killer or survivor like once a year, that seems like a good slow enough pace. They really should skip new stuff for awhile and focus on improvement of the core, the foundation.


Killers that still face camp and tunnel


The ā€˜your fun isnā€™t my responsibilityā€™ mentality of the community. Thatā€™s such a shitty way of looking at it, maybe you donā€™t need to make the game fun but that also means you shouldnā€™t make it less fun either. I donā€™t like how bhvr is removing so many killer playstyles but kept in horrible ones like slug condemned sadako and until recently blights stupidly overpowered addons


The killers keep receiving unnecessary buffs and killer mains are improving faster than survivors. It just means there is a higher density of not fun killers where no one escapes the game.




The new maps that feel increasingly cluttered


Could be a hot take but the constant release of new chapters instead of fixing the glaring issues some of the existing chapters have. I think weā€™d benefit greatly from a full chapter dedicated to just reworking a bunch of perks, powers, addons, maps etc


The fact that people still are trying to cling onto DBD being a casual only game, when every other player vs player game in recorded history has had a competitive aspect to it


DBD can be played casually, that's the thing. I play casually, my win condition is either 8 hooks, 0 kills, or 9 hooks, 1 kill. Some people want to play "'casually" as in, "I want to play sweaty but go against weaker opponents to stomp them."


I've never thought it was casual, but truth be told, I wish there were some sort of option for more casual play. Something away from the TTVs with insane map knowledge and looping tech, away from the killers who know just the right offerings and perks to make things impossible. It's tiring. Dbd is a game I now have to be in the mood for, something I have to be prepared for, because I dunno if I'm gonna come across the most obnoxious gameplay known to man.


Almost everyone is very mean and toxic itā€™s like no one knows that theyā€™re playing a fucking video game.


Thereā€™s a lot of perks, but I canā€™t say thereā€™s a lot of GOOD perks. Not just strength wise but perks that arenā€™t impressive, are overshadowed by something that does it better, or too niche to rely on


They donā€™t fix tunneling regardless how ppl view it as a ā€œstrategyā€ itā€™s a lazy playstyle thatā€™s take the fun out of the game, I donā€™t play dbd anymore since tcm came out but I do keep up with it. Balance is rally bad amongst killers itā€™s like they refuse to buff Myers and they refuse to nerf nurse and blight enough. The balance is bad.


Perks being changed just because of their useage rate. Yes, some of these perks need buffs/nerfs but some of them are ā€˜balancedā€™ & only see such high useage rates because the majority of perks are so niche or outright useless. Work on making more perks viable/worth a slot in a build and you would naturally see a more varied useage rate.


Look I quit the game. I just find getting camped out all the time as unfun. I used to have so much fun playing this game but all the bad decisions the devs make just added up over time and then I realized that I hate this game now and I didn't want to play anymore. You cannot fix this problem entirely... But you could try. The devs are hated in this community for a reason. For example, there was a bugged that randomly deleted everyone's entire progress randomly. These players earned legacy skills and the devs just didn't care to fix it or compensate their long term fans for their lost skins at all. I lost all my progress and after maybe 2 weeks I got bloop points only back. Let's talk about how stupid the devs are and their lack of play testing. Do you know when ghostface 1st came out he had a sound effect players could hear when he started to stalk plays... Really think about that ... A stealth killer that would scream at plays they were going into stealth. The community of this game could use incentives to be more sportsman-like and less toxic in chat. Props to good survivors and killers out there.


I think it has and always will be the balancing. Whoever thought of adding a killer that nullifies all healing perks within the game needs a slap. Why is it okay for a killer to run around the map at mach 1, one shotting survivors but STBFL needs to get nerfed to the ground? You'd think that'd be the most op killer but nope, there's 3-4 killers doing better than that. I'm just sitting here wishing I could play my favourite killer with STBFL but apparently that shit was too strong xdd They're easily able to churn out new skins but balancing they just don't seem to give a fuck about.


Tunneling and slugging. Killer slanting the game more and more. Only listening to popular streamers who main killers. Camping hooks was never the problem itā€™s stupid that they even thought weā€™d buy that bandaid. Survivors get abused into the ground with constant nerfs and killers getting buffs when survivors cosmetics alone clearly bring in the most profit. The biggest complaint I see against survivors by whining killer mains is they made a gesture that was interpreted as rude. Meanwhile people are getting blatantly tunneled out at 5/4 gens or else slugged the entire game and bled out if the killer thinks theyā€™re losing. 4v1 seems like a good argument toward balance but a lot of the abuse happens when there are much fewer survivors standing and itā€™s clearly no longer ā€œsurv sidedā€ the ā€œthereā€™s 4 of youā€ argument is bs when all a killers power can be boiled down to their personal ethics and if they want to honor sportsmanship or not. Survivors will never ever have that luxury. There is no possible advantage to being a survivor over a killer and no abuse contrived beyond ā€œI didnā€™t like the way they crouched at meā€ which is interpretive. And I might add, other survivors are a huge liability because of sandbagging and throwing matches.


Killers tunneling on 5 or 4 gens (2 or 1 i understand). And random teammates giving up first hook or earlier. Sucks all the fun out of the game


The community. Jesus Christ Iā€™ve never seen a casual game with such a heavy opposition to losing. Even CALL OF DUTY players are have better reactions to losing now a days.


The ridiculous amount of perks I have to remember


Lack of creative content, it's nice we finally got a new game mode but at the same time why do we still only have one game mode?