• By -


My biggest sin is, during the Bone Chill event I pelted Maurice with Snowskulls. I was promptly told off by a brave Yun Jin player and was put into the timeout corner and pelted with Snowskulls myself. [Proof of my sins.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z3xRQW6loE)


https://preview.redd.it/xy00dxzncupc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3226d83b7d459ca1e524b2e1b8b246a6c1dcad8 You pelted the best boi. For this sin, yee shall not get the exit gate this match... I hope yee learned your lesson.




Oh dude I still have that video saved. Shit was hilarious.


There was one night my girlfriend and I were playing and going for adepts; we ended up getting a Trapper who was really lagging behind. Couldn't get any downs, got one finally and was flashlight blinded. We had a Claudette and a Feng who were running with him, didn't do half bad but eventually started tbagging and clicking him as soon as they realized he couldn't hold up Jumpcut, both of the idiots finally step in a trap while we're opening the gates and go down. Would've been fine since they were first hook but neither me or my gf were saving their asses. Not very pleasant EGC, said we "bailed on our teammates". Have a video somewhere though of my girlfriend and I laughing as we left them


Yee may escape. The sin here falls not on yee, but on thee who teabagged. Yee may escape, but infinite blood warden for them. Smh.




A couple of months ago I got paired with a twitch three-man SWF. They bullied the life out of a demogorgon, even when he just stopped playing and stood still after I got a gate open. Well...he got angry enough to keep playing and somehow downed all 3 of them. I left laughing bc I thought the demo deserved the 3k. They lit me UP after that game lmao, the salt was insane 🤠 I think I ruined their poor stream


my biggest (recent) sin is, i was goofing doing killer challenges for the event tome on the unknown, and the remaining nea was doing everything in her power to be very cute to get hatch and then door (offering me items and giving me silly plot twists), but i saw my chance to get adept and had to kill her. sorry, babygirl. any other trial and she could've lived.


A sin of this magnitude is hard to forgive. Thou hath a cute survivor before yee, and yee deleted her. Yee may attempt to escape due to the circumstances, however yee won't if caught by me.


i also play steve babygirl harrington✌️😝


hell yeah, the one babygirl to rule em all 💪


Steve the hair Harrington


I accidentally hooked the same person 3 times in a row because everybody in the lobby wore the exact same thing


This is onnith them. If thou expects thy killer to keep track when they all look the same, then this be on them. Thou may escapith.


I still felt bad about it


I did the exact same thing. I still feel bad.


I play anti hook builds. But i don't complain if i get slugged.


https://preview.redd.it/wgqvuwo57upc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509e495b5a4a37d5efbe0cfa53a1fbe54469d1b1 If you complained, it would have been closed. I dislike going against it but as long as you accept repercussions, I forgive your sin. However, if you teabag at exit, it is revoked with blood-warden.


Also forgot to say i mostly play in solo queue, so its probably even worse considering i don't get as much value as i want. I'd close the door to myself for not helping my teammates enough.


Use two anti slug perks and two anti hook perks I am a flip flop power struggle player


My biggest sin, I must mention it was an accident, but once someone dropped their item, I nodded, they window vaulted towards me, and out of instinct I grabbed them, I should have let them wiggle free 😔 if you’re the player who had the Pig do that to you I’m srry 😭


https://preview.redd.it/b0bbwek68upc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130334a4520c502ce651e294a36d6fd66ab8d4ef It was an accident. We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, it is just important we learn from them. You may attempt, only cause i have a soft spot for pig players, and it was an accident. Stay booped.


Idk. Bro saw the item drop, nodded, grabbed, carried all the way to hook, hooked, and then was like oh shit my bad


Yeah there's like 5 steps they could've stopped at 😭 not an accident


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion Jimbo


There needs to be an equivalent of "don't feed the animals" signs in the entity's realm for friendly killers... they can't help their instincts. Survivors need to be more careful


Ong. Don’t feed the pig your medkit. Will not end well


My sin is that I almost always open the exit rather than 99ing it... most of the time, it's accidental from not paying attention but also just cause I'm impatient and wanna leave for them safe points


https://preview.redd.it/xrpwh6kc2upc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93fc2d4be490aecf05d9f1ebbf2d7d3970e5692e Sometimes, it's a good thing to leave it 99'd. Not always but sometimes. You may attempt to escape the exit gate, just, Don't let me catch you.


Honestly this is fair. A 99’ed gate has gotten me killed more times than it’s helped


I found a gate left at 75% the other day that got me killed. All three lights were on so I assumed 99%. Most unfortunate.


Thats so tragic. There’s so many times I have been in chase and the second it took to finish the door got me killed.


Tbh I can't moan cuz it was my own fault. Was doing the three sabos in killer's TR challenge but it was against tombstone Michael, so he had almost no TR until endgame. I was following him around sabotaging and he saw me as I did the third, but I couldn't make it to the open gate. Thought it'd be easy to get to the other gate and escape, but nah, 75%. :D


I feel like a 99'd gate *needs* a person ready and waiting to open, so the injured Survivor being chased by the Killer can have it open just as they get there, with the added bonus being able to take protection hits or body block for them.


Exactly. So imo if someone can’t stay at the door to be ready, just open it.


People are so scared of blood warden they don’t realise they could just open the gate and let it play out whilst hiding in the map.


I think the effectiveness of 99ing depends on the killer. I died in a very close match against the clown recently because the second it took to open the door was just enough for him to catch up.


if im going to unhook i just open it. if im gonna take chase or attention ill leave it closed


Before you could close the hatch I once held a game hostage sith Object of Obsession and Sole Survivor when a killer bled everyone out at 5 gens until he logged out


https://preview.redd.it/i8pg6gfx4upc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b955350bf22269b47d5a365436a37e6f2bf44596 Due to the killer bleeding everyone out instead of going for hooks.. you may attempt to escape. Please do not hold the game hostage again no matter what heinous acts the killer did. If you teabag though I revoke yee with blood warden.


Thank you father, I will reflect on this and give 3 Hail Mary's.


I think you mean Hail Maurices.


Sometimes I accidentally teabag bc I adjust my fingers on my controller and instinctively hit my triggers. Im sorry to all the killers ive accidentally teabagged :(. Im also sorry to all the survivors that have to watch me swing at the air sometimes


Mmm, yee is forgiven. It was an accident. If you slip up and do it at exit gate though, I shall revoke, accident or not, and yee shall meet blood warden.


Bringing midwich and RPD offerings because the maps looks pretty 😵‍💫


As a casual midwich and rpd lover. Yee may escape, however if yee brought RPD prior to the third floor being deleted to abuse the third floor hooks, yee hath sinnith!.. yee may go.


The third floor was so awful lol, I didn’t want to even play it when it dropped because of the performance issues 💀


There was a third floor?


Yeah In the library, it was unbalanced though and it used to not even have hooks there so a lot of survivors would bring boil over to be a pain. Boil over was also buffed at this time


I've never played RE and I don't think I played DBD during that time, maybe thay third floor coukdve been reworked into something?


Ohhhhhh I got all excited about a third floor having played RE. But now I recall the library. It wasn’t that exciting. But I understand how it would have been annoying in that case. Suddenly I want more RE x dbd


I used to go to the killer and commit hook-suicide when I needed to leave matches early, even if it hurt the team. I did this specifically to give the killer points, and to not lose points myself. This has only happened two times. Both were shameful, because the killer would have likely lost had I been there to assist instead of forcing my fellow players into an unfavorable 3v1


This was probably before they added bots. If so, yee may escape. However, if yee do this while there are bots, then yee hath sinnith, and yee get no exit gate.


Twas indeed before bots; six long years have passed since my sins, yet they haunt me still.


Well he mentioned not wanting to lose BP, so bot or not if he dc'd he'd lose them


my biggest sin is I one time was in a queue of 4 players in discord call right at the time doctor was first released and our goal was to not interact with the game, hide and switch lockers so we wouldnt get crows. 20 minutes later the killer quit the game. pretty funny when you think about it, but that poor killer....


https://preview.redd.it/yxvbr0rkaupc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00bf7f2caacdb53aac9fcfd3a8ae7ee23a79543a You may attempt to escape. However if I catch you you're cooked. I will let you attempt as we all sometimes wanna do shenanigans.


I teabagged on purpose once in 5 years of playtime. I had a moment of weakness.. I remember it like that was yesterday. A hatch standoff I won against a Bubba on the old asylum map.


Mmmmm, yee may exit. Since yee didn't have a moment of weakness for 5 years.. one slip up is forgiven. If you teabag at my exit gate? I will blood warden you and revoke my friend.


Jumpscaring Survivors is my guilty pleasure


Sinnith forgivith. You may exit. Tea bagging and jump scaring me with pallets shall leave thee on hook though.


My biggest sin is being a side objective goblin ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067) 1 gen at least gets done from me, but after that I roam for saves, chests, bones, or join in Invocations. For Nostromo specifically, I look for the key card at the start every time.


Everyone may dislike you, however, I do enjoy seeing side missions gremlins. You do sometimes save my hide. Sinnith forgivith, you may escape.


…the key card?


It opens a door in the main area for a chest that gives a purple item every time. The body with the card can spawn in a few set areas, you have to crouch over them to pick it up. I just like doing it cause it's neat, however I've gotten away with Plot Twisting in there lol


That's amazing! I had no idea. Time to bring the airlock offering! Thanks for explaining. :)


I opened an exit gate while a person was on hook and 2 were on the ground slugged and I left


Were you injured?




https://preview.redd.it/otfmilyy8upc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8fecd0b33007472b2aca4e79ae8053a121951f8 No exit gate for yee. However, if you learned from the mistake, then I suppose we shall reconsider next year.


Playing the Knight


YOU SINNITH, NO GATE! (kidding, you may escape)


When I was newer to killer I slugged at 5 gens and t-bagged as ghostface because they were an obvious swf that literally all brought petrified oak and toolboxes and boil over... I feel bad now but at the same time lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/qgbss0z35upc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8253e85d678d75552017b618e24efbefd921489a We have all been there my friend. Sometimes we play ghostie and go against a swf with the most heinous intentions. I will forgive this sin, however, if you teabag me at exit gate, I revoke yee with blood warden and noed.


If it makes you feel better, when I was still very new to the game, I didn't know what tunneling was yet so the first time I brought a mori, I tunneled the shit out of the Survivors just so I could see the Mori. Now I only bring moris if I have a challenge that requires it because it just feels stressful when I bring one because I feel like I have to get value from it or else it's wasted


My biggest sin: Had a killer tunnel, BM, and face camp right off the bat. Did it to 2 people in a row. There was no hope to complete gens at that point and the BMing really grinded our gears so we did our best to just waste his time Edited for more detail


Yee may exit. The bming must be returned to bring balance to the force. But you're a better person if you just take it on the chin and don't let it get to you.


Bless. Thank you for this gift


My biggest sin is that I tend to camp in the Endgame Collapse, especially if I got no kills during the game, so that I can try to secure one last kill


It is endgame, we all get sinnith when endgame and no hooks happen. Yee may escape


Thanks, I have one other sin to confess My second biggest sin is that I once slugged a SWF to death, but to my defence they were all running Boil Over and body-blocking to prevent me from hooking them


Also dismissible. They were intentionally trying to troll, yee may escape still and hath been cleansith of your sinnith. Exit gate for yee


I do that too 😭 I apologize for it profusely but I know they can't hear me.


I’ve failed so many times at pallet saves that i don’t even attempt them anymore, i just watch as they get carried away


Mmm, practice makes perfect. You may escapith, but please practice. Thou will get better with timing


My biggest sin is sometimes I tunnel people with flashlights because I have light sensitivity and it hurts my eyes. I don't mean soft tunnel I mean HARD tunnel. I know I could run lightborn but I don't wanna waste a perk slot just because my eyes are sensitive.


Mmmm, thou has a pass. Yee may escape due to faults not of yee own.


Bless you sir


I started playing when Sadako came out. I was playing friendly while I learned the killer. The survivors were farming with me and let me hook them all. I didn’t know about the mini mori and as I went to pick someone up to hook them, I accidentally mori’d them instead. I was so ashamed of myself I went and stood in the corner for the rest of the match. And I didn’t play killer again for another month. It’s been 2 years and I still haven’t forgotten you Mikaela.


Damn.. it was an accident. The important thing is we learn from our accidents.. you may attempt the exit.


My biggest sin is playing Skull Merchant


https://preview.redd.it/sv64ah2o1upc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76bbb9a5e81a72043cb8748a06d27c52d47342f4 Playing who you like isn't a sin, it's how you play them, be free my dear skull merchant player, be free.


Yeah but that's the worst thing I have ever done (you know what survs think about her)


It's okay, Don't look back my friend.. don't look back.


I run Obsession-switching (Nemesis, Friends till the end, Furtive Chase) builds, which prioritize chasing/hooking the obsession, a lot and will prioritize the new obsession even if they have just been unhooked. (Basically: Actively "tunneling" whoever is the obsession while using perks, that randomly change the obsession).


It sounds interesting, however I'm not too biggith on tunneling. Thou may escape for creativity.


I used lightborn in a squad full of flashlights


Not a sin. Have an exit gate.


My sins are many and varied, but my most common sin is making the goofiest builds ever that all but guarantee I am throwing for yucks. Most recent killer build revolves around making survivors constantly scream: Ultimate Weapon, Infectious Fright, Desthbound and Face the Darkness, but with add-ons that cause or increase undetectable status so I can time it to come around the corner BEFORE U.W. goes off. No, I don't play doctor with that build. I have *some* decency... As survivor I play alongside friends with a No Mither/Plot Twist combo. We like to confuse other players by instantly hitting the dirt all at once. I don't personally think we deserve mercy for that.


I keep making period jokes about the Blood Moon event.


SAME, i called the blood thingies blood clots😭


As Killer: I befriended Meg after killing her teammates, I carried her to hatch, I closed hatch second before she could crawl into it, I downed her again(she had adrenaline), I carried her to gate to reveal 4 stacks of no way out, I downed her again and I hooked her. As survivor:I denied Myers 4k with tombstone(I was hiding in the locker). I feel bad because of it.


https://preview.redd.it/6v8ghl12aupc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a24a903434bcadcab2ae4bc4430ebd536bcf5b Mmmm, no exit gate for yee. If you repented, I may consider letting yee go next sin you commit. If they had been toxic, then maybe.


That rollercoaster for Meg is absolutely fucking diabolical


Bro is the ~~devil~~ the entity 😭


These are both heinous


I didn't DC agaisn't a 3 gen chess merchant.


I used to let the last survivor go a lot, but that was around the time I used to run NWO a lot too. The amount of times I would close hatch, find them and take them to the gate only to realise there wasn't enough time left was soul destroying. It wasn't intentional, but it sure looked bad from their perspctive.


Mmmm, intentional or not, for their pain, you must attempt to escape. However if caught, yee shall not. Sinnith forgivith however please tread more wiser.


I usually always sacrifice myself so my team can escape but a few months ago I intentionally abandoned my team since I had the opportunity to escape and finally complete my daily challenge and the matches before that I was playing against a bunch of tunneling killers so I was already pretty frustrated.


.. mmmm, your good deeds have saved you for this exit gate. You may proceed


I play Legion (I only use Feral Frenzy when necessary)


https://preview.redd.it/r6oir0ei4upc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6e378c80f824a6f90032e85ca2205f81cae023 Playing legion is not too big a sin that can't be forgiven. You may leave, if you teabag though, I will revoke with blood warden lol.


Thank you, kind sir 🙏🔥


sometimes when last hurt survivor is alive and i closed the hatch i let them open the exit but i down and sacrifice them


Mmmm... No exit for you.


oh :( (i deserve it anyway)


I steal peoples items by putting my shitty items on the ground and nodding and i dont give them back.


You're the one who stole my flashlight huh!? Nay I will not have that! No exit gate for thou! /j (you can actually leave I would've laughed.)


*nods furiously*


When I’ve reached rank one as a survivor, I run diversion all the time and throw pebbles at teammates working on gens.


... No exit. You have sinnith in a new way I thought not possible.


Yes, I know there’s a special level in the entity’s realm for miscreants like myself. I accept that and collect my pebbles whilst cackiling.


This is actually hilarious


My biggest sin is probably to like Skull Merchant


Not even a sin, exit gate.


The rest of the community won't like this one


My sin? If i see 4 flashlights in the lobby im slugging at least a bit, idc. I always try to go for the unhooker, not the unhooked, but if that guy's despawned off the face of the earth, then sorry if you're all thats nearby, but im going for SOMEONE in sight


Just.... Just use lightborn-.. but anyways no exit.


Nah im not gonna use one of the limited perk slots just cause all 3 other players flock to me as soon as i get a down


I vomit on people running out of the gate because I'm a sore loser.


My biggest sin is that I use a crosshair when playing the huntress


My biggest sin is that I didn’t wait for demo’s return and bought a license key


Sometimes when I play survivor on really dark maps, I spend my time searching for gens and in the end I almost contribute nothing bc I can't see shit... also I bump into walls way too much


I will throw the game if you continuously try to heal me when I plot twist especially after me wiggling away from your heals 10 fucking times.


Honestly… teabagging at the exit gate is the worst thing I’ve done. >.< And I only did it because all my friends got tunneled out for doing gens together


A Meg and me were being chased, Meg decides to drop the pallet in front of me (I got behind her cuz she was injured I was not u know take a hit) after that she unhooks me practically in front of killer (I run kindred) next I got chased and she was crouching, hiding at a vault, blocking my vault. Let me tell you my biggest sin now; I Tbagged the sh.. out of her on her 2nd hook and when I saw another teammate coming I kept grabbing her. She died on her second hook. Since then; if ur a Meg and in my lobby, get out safe while u can. When Im killer; I ALWAYS kill the Megs first.


https://preview.redd.it/dkn4xg5feupc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a1531fe70d729ad43d9a08c4f52e7a0458ebdf Mmmmmm... No exit gate for yee.. the sin of one meg cannot be extended unto the others. Though it is quite reasonable.


When two survivors are left in a match, depending on whether they are both on death hook, I'll often slug whichever survivor I find first so I can lure out the other survivor to get the 4K and a larger amount of bloodpoints.


You may escape, it's what happens sometimes. It is a viable strat. If you teabag at exit though, thou escape is revoked.


Teabagging at the exit gate is a coward’s way of life. There is no risk of being caught if survivors partake; just escape and take the win.


If I'm playing against a team that's clearly better than me, so at most I'd maybe get one sacrifice in the end game, often times I'll just afk. Those teams will typically finish all the gens in the time it takes for me to take a bathroom or snack break anyways, so usually I'll come back, open the gates for them, and maybe give them a couple pats on the bum (I play Sadako) as they leave.


I will allow your escape. However please do participate even if you go against tough opponents so you can get better as well.


Bless you padre


I played Felix Richter Yellow Version


.... No exit for yee. /J


My biggest sin as survivor; sometimes (because of controller) I drop the pallet on a downed survivor instead of healing them when they’re down under it. My biggest sin as killer is always bringing a mori. I get tired of always bringing people to hooks and I love watching the animations.


I tunneled several survivors without knowing what tunneling was


My biggest sin that I still regret is I was playing piggy and they all booped my snoot but I ended up booping all there heads off (this was a few years ago we're she had really strong trap add ons and I think they were one we're it took you like a minute to do a box so they all died to traps) I should have let them live but I didn't that is the biggest pig sin


My favorite actual style of play will forever be basement Bubba. Either I get a chill match of actual murder or the survivors get a dopamine rush of getting all 4 out in the tightest clench they could have ever imagine. It's a win win


Mmmm.. you may not exit. Only do to the goth fetish... In game though you may.


I changed it only because of Sable. Flair was Basement Bubba for years before that. I'll also say I have had games where I "mess up" so survivors could escape. Just to imagine the rush of how close they were to death


You are one of my favorite bubba players, but the flair has sinnithed you.


My biggest sin is that I always try to remain altruistic till the very end but i sometimes accidentally lead the killer to other players mid-chase.


Spent a few weeks trying to destroy all totems in a match in the hopes of the Killer having noed and it not triggered. Happened a few times and I’ll never live that down.


...mmmm.. thou is forgiven. We all had that totem hound moment. You may escape.


My biggest sin is that when me and my nephew play together I use the flashbang perk to save him when he eventually gets caught since he likes looping killers around.


My biggest sin is that I spam L2 when I am playing doctor.


We all do you may escape.


I was playing a friendly nemmy but in the endgame I decided to Mori Jill to be lore accurate, I then apologized in the EGC


You were playing the part... Good work. You may escape


I killed a man in 1996


No. You may not exit. Not without some lore details


My biggest sin is that I will craft and give others flashbangs


That is not even a sin, I am proud of you. You get hatch


when i first started playing, some ttv guy unhooked my friend and didnt take a protection hit (killer came right back to hook), so i let him die on the 1st hook. he decided to spam my messages so i reported him and got him temporarily suspended from his account (i think minimum is 1 day).


Damn.. I mean... Why though? No exit gate sorry. I get what he did but no exit.


I was playing chucky and I got grim pantry twice in a row and DCed both times


i play a lot the game, bot sides, but when i play as a Killer i dont respect any glyph o survivos codes. am a bad guys indeed XD


Bleed out a Sabo Squad with 4 hook offerings and all with Sabo tool boxes. This was at 5 gens. 


I once was playing Pyramidhead and got down to the last two survivors. One had been leading me on fun chases, the other hiding in lockers and stealthing. I hadn't seen the hider the whole game, everyone else had tried to play as a team except for this one guy. Hider gets a crow, I pull him out of a locker and hook him as the other survivor appears. I down the survivor, smack the gen closest to the hook and let him wiggle. Position myself between the gen and the hook, stick my sword in the ground, and shake my head any time the good survivor gets near the hook. Hider eventually sits the entire time on hook (full stages), good survivor finishes a gen and I let him go.


I used to be an urban evasion Nea main 😔 I have since atoned for my sins and run a gen/healing build.


I enjoy playing Skull Merchant.


I abandon any generator I am working on no matter the percentage to go get any means value. If you leave the pallet un-kicked, I will buttle it.


I purposely use detective Tapp so I can crouch and hide anywhere on dark maps.


Left my brother for dead to save myself😂.


It's hard to recall honestly, but I'd say my biggest sin is tunneling ttv's. No hate against them. I just expect them to be good players, and my instinct is to get them out quick to make the game 'easier' later on. That being said I love ttv players 90% of the time they've been really kind and chill to talk to post game <3


I got adept bill by leaving 2 people on hooks (one of them was on first hook), i had almost escaped for the achievement 3 times and was at the 99ed gate after cleansing noed and just said, i cant risk another game for the achievement, sorry you 2 im leaving I took my achievement at the cost of 2 other players


I run No Mither.


My biggest sin is, when my girlfriend and I play and I have to unhook her, I just stand in front of her for a good ten seconds and slowly shake my head at her before unhooking her. I also follow her around the map as much I can between gens and healing to slap that ass. My second biggest sin is flirting with every Deathslinger I meet in the wild.


I use Thanataphobia on Legion.


my biggest sin is carrying a survivor to hatch just to close it and sacrifice them. those sacrifice during endgame challenges are pain for everyone involved sometimes.


My biggest sin playing the doctor, had 3 people p100 switch last second and spam flashlights at me. Managed to get one hook and stood just in range to spam shock to prevent unhook. This was my 4th match of the day and every game I didn't manage to get a kill due to survivors stun, blinds etc. I was securing my kill, actually managed to 4k this game, but I felt wrong for doing so through getting rid of someone this way.


My biggest sin is proxycamping a bot. I was doing the red glyph challenge and someone dropped out. I let the other players live but claimed the bot as my sacrifice.


Survivor poobed the snoot when I was pig and I mori'd them immediatly after


When I play pig I don't just Become Friendly when people try to boop my snoot, ESPECIALLY if it's midway through a game that the survivors were losing. At least commit to the bit, don't use it as a free win ticket when you feel like it


My biggest DBD sin is when a friendly killer downed my gf I t-bagged her before helping her up


i accidentally tunnel people sometimes bc i cant remember who i hooked🙁


I intentionally fail the first skill check and go hide to see who the killer is lol


When im blending bubba or pyramid head i try to take a sniff


My biggest sin is taking out my frustrations on the next team. I usually play "fair" as killer, but when I get slapped in the face by a sweat lord SWF team, I bring the fucking pain on the next team. I know it's not fair, but going against a good swf is the single most miserable experience I've ever had in a video game, and absolutely stomping someone is the only way I can put it behind me.


Mmmm, it happens to me too, you may attempt the exit gate, however, if thou does this unprovoked, none for yee.


I was playing a match with the intention of 8-hooks and letting the survivors go, but gens began flying so I tunneled until I got to 8-hooks for more pressure then let everyone go.


https://preview.redd.it/v4cp5no1bupc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212cc30d7641301b12e89c79b28cc3fbacf6c66f We all have those matches. You may escape due to the swag of your pfp. Tea bagging results in a blood-warden, noed, and mori though. Yee may escape otherwise.


My sin is I slug survivors with flashlights,I've been bullied way too much to ignore them now,I'll usually pelt them as huntress or give them reverse bear traps as pig.


Mmmmm... I want to play a game, Yee may attempt to escape, however, if I catch you, yee shall not.


When I get to the exit gate and about to leave I always give two little crouches as a GG to the killer and my teammates... but now I'm ultra paranoid that the killers assume I'm teabagging them 😭 I'm so sorry