• By -


Calm Spirit stocks plummet


Doctors partying in every hemisphere right now


Indeed we are


Me who only runs calm spirit to screw with doctor mains : That's cute




I always used the addon that reveals auras when madness increases, so it wasn’t even that big a deal to me.


Distortion stocks rise by 80%


Up from 343874%


Idk if Dist was ever unpopular considering BBQ, Floods, Pursuer etc being so hot lol


Yeah but now it’s gonna be basically auto assign


Back to Distortion baybeeee


Shadow Step users rise up!


I'm glad honestly. Calm Spirit is the kind of perk that can be fine when it's niche, but it's unhealthy as a meta. It counters too many very specific things for it to also counter one of the most popular meta perks. Not even taking Doctor into account, a low value perk like Spies can only ever have any value to anyone because survivors typically aren't expecting it and therefore aren't countering it. Meanwhile, Distortion counters a single common effect, so it's expected that survivors will have it, and the game is designed around that idea (i.e. there isn't a killer that requires aura-reading to function). This was definitely a healthy change for everyone involved.




They could have just made it so box progress wouldn't get lost though.


Ds animation added! I was just thinking about how odd it was that it doesn’t have a unique animation despite being so old


Need the RE cast especially jill to hit the killer with a roundhousekick or a leg head grab


Leon's gotta suplex the killer.


Leon has to do a random backflip after


I'mma need a sick one liner from the RE characters like:  Jill: "my turn, bitch"  Leon: "No thanks, BRO" Chris: "SHEVA!! C'mon!!"


Chris gets a special line when someone else has the claire skin which is something like “Protecting the redfield bloodine!😎“ after stunning the killer


If he sees Leon stun the killer, he tells him to fuck his sister.


When it’s Wesker specifically, Chris has to say: “Suck on this, Wesker”


Wasting 5 seconds of the stun just to show dominance


Chris just summons his pet boulder


We just need a healing animation now, it's the same since 2016 and even games like L4D2 have it better.


While yes I agree something about a survivor giving you head or back scratches is funny. Or my favorite: grooming you like an ape to heal you


i’m assuming they are going to start selling moris then?


Probably at some point, because it would be weird to view moris on store if there's only one for each killer, OR just keep it there for new skins like Naughty Bear


Or maybe for skins with exclusive moris just like Naughty Bear


They better redo the original first person moris before they start selling them.


Honestly it'd be easy to have an option to view the moris in first person as well. Smashing someone's face in and removing their tongue in first person as the Oni would be rad as hell.


I think they're talking about the moris for some of the oldest killers, which have very poor-quality animations


I'd hope they update animations since the current moris look like they are from a ps2 game


Depipping is no more! Great update.


This is my favourite update out of all of them! Not my fault that I’m loaded up with crappy players.


I thought it was absurd you could depip if the killer left or is afk the whole match.


Or hard tunneled out of the game at 5 gens.


This is unironically the thing I'm most excited about from all of this.


I would've just been happy if they'd instituted a few more safeties like "killers cannot depip if they get a 4k", a thing I have seen happen multiple times. Alright, still, not complaining.


This. I'm so glad they have finally made this change.


> [CHANGE] Adrenaline no longer causes you to wake up when facing The Nightmare. I think I just filled the cup...


All 4 Freddy players are happy now


we up 💯




TIME TO PARTY https://preview.redd.it/37fmwpkf93rc1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a19ed93a805de37f8f3239bcb50aab5d715e7bd9






Freddy mains when we go from being the worst killer in the game to still being the worst killer in the game (the strongest survivor perk in the game doesn't invalidate us anymore.) [zoinks (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQ2IXEUCjmU)


We take what we can get


I literally had this happen in my game 2 days ago when I was facing a Freddy.


DS Animation? Great! Now where is the shoes off animation for Low Profile, BHVR??




When feet pics in DBD 🤔


that would be such a good buff


I don't main Twins so I can't comment on that, but overall this update looks like a major win.


As someone who just played them for shits because they got unkillswitched and ran into a quad P100 squad, this change feels good. Makes the killer not rely on a slugathon, the fact that you could land hits and be punished for it felt awful. I'll miss the killer instinct aspect of it but honestly the rest of the changes make it better since survivors can't hold the power hostage anymore, can chain a few hits if people are clustered and the transition from Victor to Charlotte looked so much faster. Not to mention she gets haste if he's latched to something.


Killer Instinct was a key aspect of what made twins playable for me so I’ll need to learn a new strat and get better at my lunges.


Looks like you can still just plop Victor somewhere and use him as a radar to monitor a choice gen or key area. He's only losing KI when latched on a Survivor. And that isn't that bad either as since now he only latches on a downed Survivor. Vic still on the guy? He's likely alone. Vic kicked? There's at least 2 Survivors there. Not bad info potential really. Though Im curious to how hard it is for Vic to secure a down. He's stunned for a decent bit after hitting someone to give them a good head start and he doesn't have good tracking by himself. So it might be a pain to double tap someone.


a major tWin


I’m gonna miss sniping teabagging healthy survivors at the exit gates with Victor. If you don’t know survivors can’t leave when Victor is on them, and you have 10 seconds to catch up and m1 them. I’ve gotten 2 kills this way.


I wonder if latching onto a dying survivor will prevent them from escaping, though?


Maybe I'll actually see them in a game then


Hell, maybe I'll start playing them!


I played twins for a long while and this looks AMAZING! My only question is, if victor doesnt cling onto you when you injure and you cant kick him, how will he work now? Cause i'd much rather play victor all game and switch back to charlotte when i am ready to do any finishing blows and hook.


My assumption is you just continue playing victor, if you get a successful hit you probably get a hefty slowdown/cool-down but can’t be kicked and can continue chasing the same survivor.


To me it now looks like the intended playstyle is hunting down the survivors as Victor and then using Charlotte to hook them. My only worry is there's now a bit of incentive to get Victor latched onto a weaker survivor to give Charlotte the edge against a more troublesome survivor with the big haste buff - which is actually kinda cool, but it'd suck to be that bad survivor.


Every part of that looks like a Twins buff. What remains to be seen is if they fix bugs.


I'm bad at this, but I was thinking it'll probably ultimately make them weaker, but feel better to play as and against. Obviously the transitions being sped up is a buff. i think the inability to slug multiple survivors makes them weaker, but healthier. I think they're probably good changes.


> Removed the ability to lose a pip. I posted about this a while back and I am so fucking happy to see this change. My god. Thank you.


Honestly, best change in the list, and there's a lot of good ones.


Sensational change. For me, personally, it'll make me expand and learn other Killers without that added salt of de-pipping if I do have a rough game. Also happier to try less sweaty builds more often


Also means no more encouragement to play super vicious when on a threshold.  And it's a massive break for solo survivors who want to push grades. 


Yeah, Survivors will FINALLY not be punished even further by the way the Killers' play. Getting tunneled or camped? You're getting 0 BP but at least you're not losing a pip.


This. If I had one or two pips to go I would usually bust out with one of my mains and their nastiest build because it would suck to get dropped down by having a sometimes "okay" match, nevermind ones where you get washed. This will definitely mean I won't feel inclined to do this.


I can finally reach Iri 1 as solo survivor yay. I tried last month but I got to gold 1. It took me like 4 days to get iri1 as killer playing normally lol


I didn't even know this was on their radar. It's really great.


I've been begging for this ever since I played the game, I'm happy to finally see it too


The problem I had with pip/de-pip was that in every game we started off strong the killer would DC. I would get no pip… and the next game I’d get tunneled to shit and lose a pip. It felt like unnecessary punishment for when the killer rage quits. This update has made me so happy.


I'm pleasantly surprised to see that de-pipping is being removed. I found it frustrating to try getting the Gold Survivor I achievement (and, by extension, the Iridescent Survivor I achievement) since I only play in solo queue (so making any sort of progress would take a while, and I only had a month before it reset entirely), but now, I might be able to get the gold one! (not sure about the iridescent one, but we'll see how it goes)


Yeah. I did get gold a bunch of times but never iri. But whenever I got into gold it was typical to just keep serial depiping 1 pip before iri so since then I stopped caring about piping cause it's way too stressful. So happy we don't depip anymore! More BP.


No more depips. LET'S GO!


Im more hyped for the weekly free reward in the shop 👀


Slow your role. Sure it COULD be a free weapon or something. Maybe a charm or icon. But it could also be 5 rift fragments or 10k bp. I think itll be mostly meh with Better rewards during specific times like October but i wouldnt get TOO hyped.




If it's free, it's for me.


It's super easy to get to Iri 1 as killer but was such a grind as survivor as how your team performs also affected your pibs a lot. I'll enjoy this change stress free!


Securing the last pip before the next rank always made me play so fucking sweaty. It'll be such a nice change to not have to worry about it.


Tentatively optimistic about the Twins change. I’d need to see how she feels but removing Victor’s crushability after a hit and speeding up Charlotte to get downed survivors seems p good


I think they’re going to be slightly stronger than before but less slug reliant so they’ll likely be more fun to play as and against. The adjustment of some of the clunkiness of swapping is all great imo.


%10 haste too lol. She's going to be storming like hell


Now if they give this to Trapper when someone gets trapped, I would be VERY happu Edit: happy


https://preview.redd.it/s828x84163rc1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4d1303ff921fe50c55ef94688ee227cb1ee13c Who is this??


It’s likely Vittorio, the cheek tattoo looks fairly similar. https://preview.redd.it/dqxpj0eej3rc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=08a1524201bfe4033dab1df516413427754b9658




young Deathslinger I think


Dibs on that rap name.


So Ultimate Weapon basically now just a better Darkness Revealed.


I mean, it always was, but now it's at least "generally better" than DR, rather than "ten times better". DR still has a lot of utility compared to UW. It affects the entire map, and functions properly while you're Undetectable. Additionally, because of this nerf, it has a much more forgiving cooldown, so can be used more often than UW. So all in all, UW is still better in some regards, but now it has more areas where DR outperforms it. For example, due to all of the points above, DR's still significantly better on some Killers like Dredge.


Agreed, UW isn't "strictly better" at all. DR is more useful on killers with map traversal. Especially now that the Haddonfield rework indicates BHVR is looking at locker spawns in their updates.


Darkness Revealed will still be better for long distance aura reading which was its main use anyway


Gonna be an auto include on huntress


depends on the killer. Dredge prefers darkness revealed due to his map wide teleports. Could imagine the same for freddy though lockers are rarely close enough to gens


Do we know when this will go live?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


The PTB is next week, so it should come to live servers around April 23rd.


Thank you from the top, bottom, left, right, and center of my heart for removing depiping. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to get a game that is completely out of your control and to be rewarded by a goddamn depip.


This update ain’t bad actually


I've said it before and I'll say it again Behavior has consistently been knocking it out of the park for pretty much over a year now. Can we stop being so pessimistic and negative?


Honestly they still need plenty of ways to go, I love them and the game, and these changes are amazing and it’s optimistic to see so many nice changes more constantly. But they also have a tendency to forget about stuff that goes wrong or stuff about lesser used characters. Remember when they made Pyramid Head an S++ Killer without prior notice, realized it was probably the most random and biggest PTB killer buff they ever did, and then reverted it, never touched upon him again and left his add-ons intact, which is the thing he actually needed a revision of? And then he got a camera shake glitch on PC that hasn’t been fixed to this day? And then Huntress of all killers got a buff? Granted this example is before their Watch List existed, but Huntress (and Blight) was just recently. They need to up their game for things that’ve been on the shelf for literal years. Developer Updates are always nice to see though, and I’ll always be a BHVR supporter lol, I just want this game to get even better.


Happy for no depips and finally a store update (6 years without any updates though??), and weekly gifts. And my boy Victor ofc!


I think we all know the “weekly gifts” are just gonna be bloodpoints or maybe an icon at most but it’s better than nothing!


* **\[CHANGE\]** Adrenaline no longer causes you to wake up when facing The Nightmare. ![gif](giphy|l4FGni1RBAR2OWsGk|downsized)


The one person playing Freddy will rejoice.


Hm, seems pretty standard- Removed depips? REMOVED DEPIPS?! HOLY LORD! It's a miracle!


solid update <3


Twins changes are interesting. Using victor to chase another survivor as a 125% charlotte might be pretty strong Also fortnite ass shop😭


If the shop is smooth now and not sluggish it'll be worth it. Even on PS5 the shop runs like ass.


Honestly they deserve a really good buff after so many losses since release


Twins buff seems interesting, It sounds like you are supposed to use them like legion? Idk how I feel about that. Haddonfield change is good Adrenaline change seems fair imo, being full health off hook in endgame can be brutal. DS change is nice against high tier killers, I guarantee people will complain in a month or two when people weaponize it against trappers or pig players. Fortnite item shop


>Fortnite item shop With free weekly gift! I'm not complaining (I will begin to complain if they end up removing individual character shops that we have currently).


Free weekly emblem/charm ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Honestly you know what? I'll take it. Lol. Because frankly most games don't give anything free to their players so even something small weekly is still nice.


Anything is better than nothing my friend


I....I like emblems and charms. I change mine up regularly.


Maybe also some of the old cosmetics that would have never been brought back? Like Ace's purple shirt? Some of the old Prime Gaming rewards?


Adrenaline nerf is just a soloQ nerf SWF will just 99 the gen, unhook and then pop gen right after unhook solos will pop last gen while you're on hook and then not take hits for you in endgame


Fortnite item shop


The main reason I run adrenaline is because I’d get tunneled off hook 90% of the time when all gen’s were done. I tend to get a lot of saves and I guess that gives them the right to tunnel and camp to adrenaline was my way of countering it. A little sad about the nerf honestly :(




Random HSR Moment lol




THE TWINS UPDATE HAS ARRIVED!!! As someone who plays Twins the most, this is great news! Solid updates all around as well, especially the changes to Haddonfield.


Seems like a huge quality of life update. Love it! Cant wait for it to come out!


RIP Hug Tech Blight you will not be missed 🙏🏻


dear blight, get fked hahahahahaha


It brings a tear to my eye, no more getting 180d! (Hopefully)


DS is back, Blight can't hug tech anymore, Depip is gone, holy crap that's a good update. Ultimate Weapon is obviously a nerf but also there's an interesting buff to it, now that it shows auras instead of screaming, this means you can actually use the perk without the survivors knowing about it, will be good for stealth and ranged killers! Twins change seems interesting but makes me think there is now no reason to ever use Charlotte other than for picking up downed survivors? Now that you can injure AND down the same survivor with Victor, you might as well just do every chase with the little guy lol.


Ultimate Weapon still makes survivors suffer from the blondness status effect so they'll still know


Unless they were already blonde to begin with.




Please don't fix the typo. I'm laughing at the idea of the survivors getting blonde hair if the killer opens a locker.


*Get hit by Ultimate Weapon in game* “I could really use a pumpkin spice latte right now”-Blonde Claudette


🦀🦀 DS IS BACK 🦀🦀


That 2 second is actually going to be worthy of running the perj again. Super nice!


I am genuinely curious to see how much the removal of depips is going to affect the games. I feel like a lot of killers (myself included) will play a lot more relaxed, because they won't have that hanging over their head. One or two pips away from grading up and you're not having a great game? No matter, just finish the game and go to the next one. Instead, with depips, it was start finding a way to at least safety pip, even if it's by doing things that you don't necessarily like doing. I know my own playstyle will at least slightly change now that i don't have to worry about them.


Agreed. I know when I play on survivor and have had a couple rough matches in a row I end up playing far more stealthy than I normally would for a bit. I don't even mean to, it just happens while I'm trying to avoid depipping, but then reset happens and I play bold again. Looking forward to not feeling like I need to hide just to safety pip. Hoping this also reduces people just going next thinking "I'm losing a pip anyway."


As killer, I basically never have to worry about de-pips, since pips are significantly easier to get compared to survivor, so even if i do de-pip, i can just pip back up pretty quickly Will definitely help survivors way more


So distortion will be staying in my builds


Ultimate weapon is just darkness revealed now? What’s the difference?


Darkness revealed reveals people who are near a locker. Any locker. New UW reveals people who are near you as you walk after opening a locker (was it for 15s?)


Ultimate Weapon still only shows auras when a survivor enters the killers terror radius. Darkness Revealed only shows auras if the survivors are by a locker but are not limited to terror radius activation


it follows your terror radius, not reveals anyone around lockers


Darkness revealed is map wide but shows you auras of people within 8 meters of you. Ultimate weapon shows you the auras for people in your terror radius after opening lockers for 15 secs.


Very good changes, not much to complain about :) May i ask if we can get an update on the Surv prestige not being shown for the killer pre game, we had a short duration test going ages ago, since then no more news about it. The current System is still discuraging people from playing the characters they spent 100 Million bloodpoints on to get to P100, i dont think people should be punished for their dedication to one character. Would love to hear some good news regarding this :)


Yeah I was a Leon main until I was stupid enough to P100 him. He has 900 terrormisus on him that I feel like I can't use :(


/u/DeadByDaylight_Dev, Any details on what the free weekly gift can contain?


1 bloodpoint


Stay tuned!


Ultimate weapon is becoming basically a new Nowhere to hide.


So you’ll randomly go blind and know the killer has UW?


We'll have to see how it plays out, but I think the most controversial change to the twins is that downing a survivor forces you to latch onto them. Maybe the switching time being less and the added haste will help, but I could see there being frustration about having to catch back up with Charlotte all the time.


The switch time and haste are big. As it is now you still have to catch up with Charlotte to hook anyone who was downed, but you had to manually switch and then trudge her across the map. Now there will be an auto switch when he downs someone, and you'll have haste to get there faster. It's definitely an improvement.


Twins changes look good but I expected… more? What about that update took them literal YEARS to make?


Blight's hugtech is dead. Today we celebrate. No more depipping!


really need to see what that blight change actually means


- Twins rework looks amazing - Ultimate Weapon and Adrenaline nerfs aren't too hard - DS is viable again - Haddonfield rework sounds good - Depipping will be gone - Unexpected store changes which look good BHVR is chaining W updates and this is amazing. Now THAT is a pretty good job (so far)


Hug tech is dead? That’s a massive nerf for blight. 5 second decisive is cool too I guess


Blight mains moving back to nurse now


I guess Momo's streak probably would have been killed either way.


It was always going to be fixed, the ~~tech~~ bug was never intended


Blight loses hugh tech. BHBR: minor change Lol


W update, can't wait to try this out


Holy Fucking W BHVR! If Twins bugs are also ironed out this is an 11/10


They cooked the hell with this one. No more stupid ass double vault houses https://preview.redd.it/9iym7byca3rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=947ef728c3131864ebe141b4df9e536c4d895cf2


Wait, in the 1st store pic, are the 2 bottom left pics teasers for a new collection? I don't remember Yun Jin having that hat 😍


Cool I can actually switch up my standard survivor loadout. Just gonna swap adrenaline for DS lmao


Please add charms to the store! Some of the free Rift charms should deserve a chance, I need the tamagotchi one in my life, please!


Since unknown’s chapter release the game has suffered from a lot of lag issues and massive connection spikes. Is there any fix on the way? Or is it a known issue?




>***\[NEW\]*** Victor’s Pounce now latches onto Survivors when they are put into the dying state. Other Survivors can crush Victor during this to help the dying Survivor. Victor will automatically return to Charlotte after 20 seconds. ***\[NEW\]*** While Victor is attached to a Survivor or holding a Survivor in a locker, Charlotte gains a 10% Haste effect. This effect will be lost prematurely if Charlotte hits a Survivor. I called this change well over a year ago. They called me crazy, but I figured this was how they'd move away from the slugging playstyle. Considering he can't be kicked anymore after injuring someone, I'm interested to see how they're gonna balance around it. With him being so fast, and the pounce going so far, it makes me think that Victor is going to be able to quickly hunt down and two tap survivors, which I can hear complaints about already.


Does view mori animation mean we could possibly get customizable moris?


so ds is just back


No, it’s got the same conditions as before, just with a 5 second stun. It won’t activate unless you tunnel before all 5 gens are done.


And with a new animation! (I will use Decisive strike solely for the animation)


Exactly. I still get excited over the vaccine animation they added for Nemesis.


I’m not complaining, I might start playing more survivor again.




Hey, at least it’ll stay disabled once all gen’s are completed


Distortion gang rise up


The shop reminds me a little of the Fortnite shop ngl


Twins update seems like it turns them into more of a fast injure killer with the option to down in certain situations like Legion. Whether that’s a good thing I’m not sure but everything else in this update is great.


Much smaller change to twins than just expected. I thought we were getting a Freddy style ground up rework but this still seems promising. For sure feels like a rework that you need to feel to know how good it is


> minor update > removed the ability to lose a pip Don't sell yourself short BHVR! Amazing update thank you <3


It took THREE seconds to switch back to Charlotte?!


I think this looks pretty good. While i do hate taking a decisive to the face, i know it's my fault it happened so i don't mind it being buffed. The nerf to the speed boost of Adrenaline seems kinda too much maybe? I think just the other two changes would be enough. And thank fuck for the UW nerf, did i like running it? Yes, but it was such an unhealthy perk, at least now it seems more balanced with the lower duration and bigger cooldown. And i hope the 7 Twins players are happy, to me, an outsider, it looks really good.


As a blight main, I hope this update doesn’t make him collide into air molecules. If it doesn’t, unironically best update ever, the amount of games I lost on mothers dwelling and haddonfield because none of the FUCKING ROCKS AND TREES work, causing me to slide, waste time, etc, are too numerous to count Also no more hug tech, I couldn’t care less honestly, I always saw it as a bit niche anyway


Im… actually fine with the adren nerf It’s probably as balanced as ever now!


I use adrenaline rarely so it wont affect me much, coz i dont see the end game 70% of my matches lol. But is it too unbalanced to make a perk that only activates during endgame strong ? Now if you are hooked by any chance, your chances of getting value from it is even lower. Guess it is just me but it seemed fine the way it was.


I agree, the price for getting the perk to activate was the possibility of it never being used and costing a perk slot. I saw no issue with how the perk worked besides the Freddy thing obviously.


u/[DeadByDaylight\_Dev](https://www.reddit.com/user/DeadByDaylight_Dev/) Have you thought about The Twins achievement ? Since Victor cannot latch on survivor, it would be impossible to complete it