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I'll keep playing My Little Oni until the event is over and when coming to a normal match it thinks I'm receiving a lot of bloodpoints.


i get like 9k bp when i play that mode. how are people getting any more?


That's the idea. Play the mode to get horrible BP and when I go back to the normal mode my mind thinks I'm actually getting a great amount when it's really 40k with offerings and role bonus.


Playing Oni gets me 20K or so if I get the 4K. And the matches are way faster. Haven't messed with Survivor tho.




So its like the usual.


As survivor, being in chase and escaping and, weirdly, uselessly cleansing totems gets you more. The games are also pretty dang quick. As Killer, the bonus is helping a bit. But I think the most I got as Killer was like 19k. The point is the silliness not the BPs.


I think the highest I got was slightly over 10k for an escape. It’s nice cause even if you only get 10k bp tops it’s over in like 5 minutes.


im shocked they dont make it like 10x boosted or something. the gimmick is cute but got old after 5 matches on each side. with no challenges to grind or outfits to unlock i was bored of it in an hour which is a shame. having massive BP gains wouldve been a reason to stick with it


It was old after 1 match as killer and 1 as survivor for me.


Idk I’m having a blast stomping survivors


Me too. I CRUSH YOUR TINY BONES. And I feel like a silly little ant as Survivor. *Tiny screams intensify*


Really? I felt compelled to no longer play it after like the first two rounds with each role. I only have as much time in the event as I do because it's actually kinda fun when SWFing.


As far as I know, this is only supposed to be a one day event, so it's probably not unreasonable for it to only be fun for 10 total matches spanning roughly 5-10 minutes each.


It’s apparently 2 days (48 hours). So until 11:00 am EST on Wednesday.


I just played a match where I looped oni for 3 minutes with only a jane left alive, and she's just hiding. He hits me and leaves me eventually and I finish a gen. I got 2 gens done, 1 while injured and Jane did nothing.


There's a TON of people sharing that exact sentiment since yesterday, and I get that people hope it might hope BHVR will increase base BP gain. But I fear it will instead send the message that they must not be as generous with bonus BP for future events.


Yeah I worry that the devs will take the wrong lesson too


Here's a couple of facts (objective facts IMO) about grind in gaming in general \- As any game with grind becomes older and more content is added, the grind becomes that much worse, especially for newcomers. It is a vicious cycle between new content and more grind. \- There is an extensive minimal amount of grind required to have what any player would consider a decent build, not even a meta build. \- For a healthy player base, you need a steady intake of new players (who don't quit after 10-20 hours) and keep your veterans engaged and happy. \- If you *completely* remove grind or reduce it to just inconsequential stuff like charms, you will lose some player engagement and hurt your player base at higher levels (impossible to evaluate which % though). So with that in mind they must balance how quick it is to grind which keep new players around, but without losing your most consistent players because they got everything and became bored. Not easy to do honestly. I'd add that **Hearthstone**, which has been out for 10 years andwas absolutely *horrible* for new players a couple of years ago, took major steps in being more generous to new players. For one, they decided that there is a **core set** of cards (which changes every year) that is simply unlocked *for everyone for free*. And if you already add those cards? You get golden copies, which look nicer but have the same effect. So *day one*, you have plenty of great cards and can already make good deck, before opening a single pack. Hard to say how crazy that is if you didn't play before that was introduced. Second, they created special **catch-up packs**. A normal pack contain 5 cards, but those packs evaluate your card collection, and depending on how big it is each pack can have up to **50 cards each**! Such a great idea! Imagine if a brand new player got x10 BP, and how early he could start to get decent perks. And many new players would this attract by itself? And how good would that be for the full player base? And what will those new player do once they are hooked (*to* the game not *in* the game)? They will buy licensed content, cosmetics, contribute to faster matchmaking and more reliable MMR. Everyone wins. Anyway, I'd start with that, then re-evaluate base BP gains.


I have 700 hours and my highest prestige character was P6 before the event. The grind of this game is pretty unreal, especially when it's temporarily turned off and you get a taste of what it feels like to have lots of good items/add-ons in your arsenal. I can't even imagine ever getting to P100 on one character.


I've been playing since 2019 and my highest prestige character is Feng at 14 and I still have 10 survivors to unlock.


I'd love to see bloodweb discounts for the first 3 prestiges on older characters. Like lets say Xeno-Unknown are full BP cost, but everything older is like, half cost for the first 3 prestiges. This keeps the extended prestige grind, keeps new characters at the regular BP grind, and gives new players a lesser grind for catching up on all the old characters & their perks. To P3 every killer and every survivor (ie unlock all perks at T3) it's something like 230 million BP. Even half price isn't fantastic, but it's a hell of a lot better.


Wouldn't that just make it feel horrible to play/grind new content and more people would just hold off and wait for them to become discount?


I mean in this case, it would be like a year before they went on cheaper bloodweb. So committed players would definitely not be waiting. It would feel no different than grinding the new content does now. Grinding a few bloodweb levels now isn't *awful*. Grinding a few bloodweb levels on 75 characters is horrendous. I don't think the grind for new characters would feel that bad, most players probably wouldn't really feel that different. But it would have a significant positive impact on new players at the start of the grind.


Adding a base multiplier to a players acct for dbd sounds like a good idea. How would you determine how long that mult lasts for new players? Account days? Number of prestiged killers/survivors?


Dont make it time based, make it until they reach a threshold of total BP gained. Something like the first 10 million BP are gained at x10, then the next 10 milions at like x5 or something. I would also like to have this multiplier be independant for survivors and killers


Make sure it doesn't have hard cut off points though, it should be a gradual slope downwards instead of all at once otherwise you'd just recreate the exact problem people have now but for EVERY new player


I would say give players a bonus that decreases as you spread teachable perks around, or get " x 3 prestiges" worth of prestiges. So if you have all the T1 teachable perks spread around, your bonus is about 1/3rd lower than it was at the start of your time playing. After you have all of the T3 teachable perks spread (or otherwise enough prestiges to have done that, in case you go for P6 on a few characters for their prestige cosmetics), you should be getting 60k BP per game as an "ideal average" meaning some games you get 40k or 50k BP, other games you get 70k or 80k BP. This gives you a steady stream of BP income so you can have a reasonable amount of addons, offerings, etc as well as be able to hit P3 on any new characters that release in a reasonable time frame.


If it is based on BP spent, it means you could hoard BP to extend the bonus beyond the intended threshold. Though the 2M limit does fix that by itself. I couldn't properly estimate what would be a good amount of BP per game or per hour, but of course fron my situation, more would be better.


That is a really good idea. It keeps the current playerbase happy by encouraging more new players into the game


a lot of perks are locked behind locked killers/survivors, some which are paid only and have to be unlocked with auric cells or luck within the shrine. I'm pretty new to the game, I owned it a long time ago but really didnt like it, but I picked it up a month ago, and until the blood event, I had only made enough bp to prestige one survivor. I know that you can use iridescent shards to unlock skills from the shrine, or certain characters, but my issue is that the shrine is just rng, and you barely get a lot of shards either. I've been playing a few matches a day every day, more on the weekend, and I've only gotten 4500~ shards, I just don't really know what else to do aside from picking up a dlc pack/getting auric cells for the first time, especially with the amount of licensed characters with great perks, killer and survivor. i'm sorta just yapping here, but the event was really good bc i was able to finally unlock a bunch of perks for a few survivors and killers, it's just unfortunate that it happened a couple weeks after i got into the game bc I feel really used to that increase in bp. :p


I am the same,.I took the opportunity with this ecent to P1 a bunch of killer, and now I can play basically everything with a decent build. Took me 220h to get here...


The notion that you "have" to have a grind is utter horseshit and always has been. DotA 2 & TF2 are great examples of that. All you need to keep players is a good game and a stream of cosmetic rewards.


I think at some point the pool of basic perks should be extended. Day 1 players should have access to perks who have been in the game for 5+ years. Grinding to get *Sprint Burst* or *Bond* or *Self Care* is outdated, it should become base pool at some point. And getting a new Killer and not have all perk slots until you dump a bunch of BP into him sucks as well. You have to spend precious BP into a killer you just want to *try*, because going perkless is definitely going to suck anyway. What it did for me is to have killers I was eager to *try* but held off because their perks suck, so I focused on Killers with good perks, even those I didn't and still don't want to try. *Huntress* is my best example, I finally put BP in her Bloodweb (her perks are pretty far down the list of perks to prioritize) and tried her out. And she might be my favorite Killer of all! I'm *220h* in!! And that's *only* because the event gave me like 10M BP that would have taken me like 6 months to get!!! When you get a new survivor, at least you know you are doing so mostly to gain his perks, you don't need to "try" him.


Oh man this so much, it sucks even more for killers when you consider sometimes killers will only do well with certain builds or can't use some perks you already have unlocked at all (Like Doctor / Legion and Undetectable perks).


I think dbd players in general are conditioned to believe the grind is better than it is because they tend to draw default reference from dbd itself. I am pretty sure that even if bhvr made bp gain ten TIMES greater, it would still not break anything or make it inconsequential, eapecially since grind in dbd is endless because of consumables. I think this was evident with their bp overhaul which was absolutely too stingy and then some and a lot of people wondered if it's going to end up being too generous.


>I think dbd players in general are conditioned to believe the grind is better than it is because they tend to draw default reference from dbd itself. Really? I honestly think it is the opposite, the large majority of players has a negative view of the grind rate. > I am pretty sure that even if bhvr made bp gain ten TIMES greater, it would still not break anything or make it inconsequential, eapecially since grind in dbd is endless because of consumables. That might be, I'm sure the number of active player increased during the event, it might jolt the player base enough to justify that change


>Really? I honestly think it is the opposite, the large majority of players has a negative view of the grind rate. Negative view, yes, but not the actual sense of reference. In other words, if you ask them, I sense that in general they'd reply with a multiplier that's less than it would be if their sense of scale wasn't affected by dbd's grind. You will find a lot of comments like "I think a permanent x2 would be great", even though that practically does nothing, considering the scope of the grind. But people probably feel like it would be too extreme to think it should be even more, because "well, it's too much now, but it's probably not that skewed". It's an issue of "defaulting" - the problem, however, is that dbd will give you skewed defaulting, since the grind is completely ridiculous given the nature of the game, the type of grind and other things.


These same posts happen after every high BP event. The BP gain doesn't change, but those events keep popping up. Anniversary is in June and comes with tons of anniversary cakes for everyone.


Dafuq, i dont want to pause till june... I really want to play but after 2 rounds it just feels like i get punished for playing "perfect" rounds so i close the game.


Nobodies punishing you. You play games because you find the gameplay loop fun. Play for fun, until the event, and then grind or whatever.


Valid fear. They could easily do both though. Higher base BP and around the same amount of bp in events (so a reduced base increase)


Well that event made me realize they don't really give enough bp per match considering how much it takes to just p1 a character


like scarce exultant thought slimy boast capable overconfident shelter glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel the same way and I’ve been wondering how the hell I was playing so consistently before the event now.


Yeah, at least the next anniversary event is soon


I always felt that Blood Rushes were where the game economy was at its healthiest. there's like 60 characters now, we can do with an increase.


Just make the boost from Blood Hunts/Rushes be the base gain.


It’s so weird it feels like they lowered the amount of bp we normally get but it’s likely just my brain messing with me because I got too used to the 200-300k per match. I brought an escape cake and lived until we were at 2 gens, I was in chase often and got a flashlight save and some stuns. I only got like 40k. With an escape cake. I so sad


It really did feel like they lowered the points. I'm sure it's like you said, just a mental trick, but still. It does feel bad.


I wish challenges granted more BP. 50k minimum, maybe 100k max. Considering sometimes you need to throw the game just to complete your challenge. I'm looking at you "dodge 5 killer attacks"


It feels like I'm earning less than I did before the event. I don't ever recall escaping so many games with like 16,000 points, but then again the matches have been so sweaty that we just slam generators and leave or die incredibly fast. They need to rebalance Point values and earnings. There's over 70 characters for new players to try and level for example and that grind is unacceptable. Score events are the same as they've been since 2017. With a few new ones added but a perfect game giving only 40,000 is absurd, that's like two levels.


The fact an entire generator, arguably the most important thing for a survivor to do, is only 1250 bp is wild.


Same with hooks Killer side. It's weird. Why don't they just increase how much value point giving items give? I don't see how that hurts the core experience any, plus it doesn't feel insulting to get only 10k as Surv if you barely got to play because Killer was an ass, or you're someone who doesn't get a consistent power or has passive power like Ghostface or Myers who never pip well.


A survivor doing a gen solo for 90 seconds should *never* reward 1250. It should be closer to 2500 BP or so and even that might be on the low side.


I agree, double the base bp, the skillchecks bp, and give a bonus for finishing


Na for real, depending on how fast the match is with queue bonus and a survivor pudding i got between 15-80k a match today, and i know survivors barely get any bp already. If anything the event making us realize how much bhvr forced us to grind


I don't even want to play survivor anymore :/ It's not worth to play the horrors of solo queue and only get 10k-25k per match 😔


Find a SWF and stack point items.


I got tunneled at the start of a match and got 6k without even doing anything 😏


Living the dream 😮‍💨


"Obviously we can't do 300K matches forever" But why though? :)


I wouldn't even kind getting 100-150k regularly. I don't have time to just massively grind this game every week so unless we get a good amount of BP for a game, playing this game just seems like a waste when I could just play something else instead and probably have more fun as well as feel like I've actually made some progression


probably so every match isn't 4 survivors with free hit medkits lol


yeap dont want to play anymore now


Yeah it sucks but how do you get a 4k with only 15k points??


Tombstone Myers for example lmao


Yeah this. Some Killers have inconsistent powers or can't spam for free points. Some ideally use their powers passively. It's not the same for a Ghostface as it is for a Plague for example.


> how do you get a 4k Camp, tunnel, Mori, etc. You don't get 4k points by choice.


The only time i find it discouraging is when I'm survivor and the match is pretty much over when it starts because the killer is tunneling me or is acting a bit toxic. Cause at least with the event I could get 10,000 as opposed to 3000 or something if it's real rough. But I dunno I'm usually content with what I get. It was nice getting a lot of points, I leveled up some characters I've been wanting to which was good. Can try some new perks and experiment a bit which is cool. But I generally don't mind getting 10,000 - 20,000 if it's a fun time.


Maybe the answer is everybody gets an immediate 5-10k just for entering the match and moving for x amount of time, then the normal blood points earned throughout the match go on top of that initial lump sum?


I want a minimum 10K BP for anyone who participates in the match. If BHVR thinks adding 10K to the base totals is too much, then just a "guaranteed minimum" with points not being counted until the player reached 10K (or the game ended for them) would be great. Watched 3 players in 7 games leave with less than 5K earned in a match. 2 brought streamers. That's just not a thing that should happen, Imo.


That's a really good idea! And it would help further decentivize disconnects since they obviously wouldn't earn any


I remember stating that the bloodpoint grind in this game was awful and being told I was wrong because "The shard grind is actually worse" or "It used to be way worse, you can get lots using bloodpoints offerings, just play the game!" and I'm like dude you can't play as much as the game requires you to unlock the perks on every survivor. Sure the shard grind is worse and that's absolutely true. And it's also true that you don't NEED to prestige every single survivor/killer to Prestige 1 to unlock all the perks on every character, yet thats something the game entices you to in order to get the most of your builds (Or even if you like a certain character, you are forced to spend bloodpoints in others you might not like because you need their perks or because a challenge requires you to) The survivor bloodpoint grind is even worse than killer mind you, since you are required to do stupid shit you might not need to win just for the sake of getting points, why do I need to get chase points when I'm already doing a gen and helping my team that way if there's someone already being chased? Also why can't that person being chased get any light-bringer points just because they got chased the whole 5 gens? Anyway my message seems to be derailing, I do think the bloodpoint system is flawed overall, specially the earnings and the bloodweb itself completely filled with trash NO ONE likes, with bloodpoint offerings NO ONE uses (And are forced just because the good offerings such as BPS/Pudding/Escape Cake might not appear in 40-50 character levels.. as it has happened to me) Base bloodpoint offering should be 100-200% or change the costs of leveling and rework the whole system (Which honestly would be better overall) I'm looking forward the next bloodweb rework, I really hope I'm not setting myself to disappointment


Survivor in particular is just awful. The devs don't seem to notice or care that killers get significantly more bps on average despite the average match being designed to favor killers intentionally. It's like they expect survivors to essentially serve as bloodpoint pinatas and be happy about it. I don't think this is a good way to retain players long term. Imagine being a new survivor player with no bp offerings and no bonus. You'd be clearing like 10-15k per match on average. Shit is insane and not well thought out. It's high time they increase bloodpoints across the board. Especially with all of the new shit they keep adding. These events show me that people are more likely to play if they get more points.


Yeah, people don't play survivor because it's simply unrewarding. On killer you get 20k even if you lose the match as long as it's not a 3 min 0 hooks game, but on survivor losing means getting nothing. Survivor bp gains need to be seriously buffed.


You have to look at the avg BP gain per hour (and I say this without knowing the data), because survivor who get killed early and get like 10K can move on to the next game right away, but killers will always be there until the end. So it makes sense they make a bit more per match.


I get what you're saying but survivors have to play significantly better to get decent BP. Where killers go get zero hook providing they pressure gens and at least hit everyone and get more. The game definitely favors killer especially in solo queue when it comes to BP gain


>The game definitely favors killer especially in solo queue when it comes to BP gain I stopped playing survivor because I only have fun playing Killer, and the solo queue experience is a big reason why (I also don't care much for sitting on gens or hiding)


it doesn't matter, because it feels bad to get very little bloodpoints in every match. not to mention that survivor games aren't that much shorter than killer games most of the time, the BP gains meanwhile are 2-3 times lower. Nobody enjoys playing short bad matches and getting laughable amount of blood when they can play slightly longer and probably not much worse matches and get double or triple the amount. survivor BP gains are shit and there's no defending it.


>not to mention that survivor games aren't that much shorter than killer games most of the time, the BP gains meanwhile are 2-3 times lower. Well I must either suck at Killer or only face boosted survivors, because I rarely get *twice* as much as them, much less 3 times as much. That was either an hyperbole or my experience is much much different than yours. On a game with 2 kills/escapes, I get like 30K while those who escapes get 22-25K, pretty close. The two kills might get significantly less, but moved on to the next game a while ago too. Which is why average BP per hour is a much more useful metric. > survivor BP gains are shit and there's no defending it. I'm not defending anything, barely pointing out that the fact that survivors who are killed early can move on right away while the Killer cannot, that's probably why he gets a bit more per match. If BHVR increases BP gain I'll be the first to celebrate.


> can move on to the next game right away We're gonna ignore the queue time now?


I only play in the evening and sometimes during the afternoon in the weekend, pretty much always Killer, and the queue is always under a minute in those period, regardless of which role has the BP bonus incentive. Is it much worse than that during other periods? Loading the game take more time than finding a match + everyone getting ready in the lobby


To be fair, killer bloodpoint gain is completely different from survivor bloodpoint gain, survivors passively gain bloodpoints as long as they are progressing the game, not requiring any effort or skill to gain points outside of chase Killer bloodpoint gain isnt static, it's large bursts, the only way for the killer to rack up large amounts of points is to cause alot of harm to the survivor team, for example hitting a survivor is worth 300 points, with an additional 200 for finding the survivor, in the time it takes this killer to do that a survivor can rack up almost 800-1000 points of generator repair passively I feel like survivor feels like it's worth less because unlike killer survivors need to play AGAINST their interests to get max points, while the killer gets points in all categories simply by existing, damage survs or generators for 1 category, use power for a 2nd, find and chase survivors for a 3rd (which is part of the first), and hook/sacrifice survivors for the last Survivors need to repair gens, help each other, escape, AND loop the killer, the last of which is directly against survivor interest, you dont want the killer trying to kill you because most of the time they can fucking do it so it results in killers getting more points outside of dedicated SWFs stacking BP offerings and taking turns looping the killer and doing gens to maximize points We absolutely need a change to how points are gained and a in game multi depending on survival time/hooks


They don't care about survivors period. I stopped playing months ago (last winter event) because every fucker made sure to play in the most disgusting way possible (4 slug for 4 minutes every 2-3 match), it was just the alarm signal for me to finally leave and play a game that respects me and my time. The countless threads complaining about the killers' attitude during the blood moon event made me go "Welp, I did the right thing". 3k hours player btw, but BHVR doesn't give a single shit.


A single good survivor game gives nearly 100k blood points to the team, whereas killer only gives 30k-ish.


The max you can get is 40k. 80k with max role bonus. This discussion is not including bringing bp offerings


I laugh at this, a good survivor playing in a lobby i do well in will get around 30K BP before post match bonuses, while i end up with about 5k more as a killer And survivors HAVE to get chased to get max points, while the killer just trying to do its job gets all categories filling


The survivors also invest 4x the amount of time as a killer if that’s how you’re looking at it. So your argument ceases to make sense because you take 100k/4 based on time spent to earn said BP. Not to mention, in almost no game is the survivors team collectively dropping 100k base BP. That’s like a 4 escape with altruism and long chases for all 4 survivors.


Same, devs do something please i love the game😭😭🙏


Okay why can't we have 300k BP matches forever? Like what's the rationale? EDIT: The replies are cool very nice. But personally I would enjoy the game more if I could actually make builds. I have almost 500 hours as a killer main and I have never used any add ons yet. I don't want to get used to add-ons and then spend money on them when I don't have all the perks rank 3.


Sad fact is that in MMOs we all knew that guy who was desperate for that epic knife for twelve weeks and quit two days after it dropped. Without progression some players simply see no point in a game, which is why basically every new game has what used to be considered "rpg mechanics". So folks can't be allowed to ever "finish" progression. But at the same time, non-event BP in DBD is so low that a lot of folks feel they're not progressing anyway. I have 700 hours and, after spreading points around to get perks, my highest pre-event survivor was P6. That's a Hell of a grind, especially when only the last few levels of the blood web are rewarding in terms of items and add-ons.


Yes, I agree. It's important to make people feel like they're getting SOMEWHERE even if they lose... And losses happen on both sides in this game a lot. You should simply not be punishing losses in any way, is bad design in a game like this. In other online games I still get something even for losing. Why not here too? Why is loss punished by lack of progress here when losses are just a thing that happens?


Player retention. The game lives by active players and that number can only be so volatile, i.e. high spikes in player graph are bad. You need to strike a balance where the grind is not easy enough to get all cool shit in a week ("i unlocked everything, brb when more content"), not hard enough to look unobtainable ("i can't get this ever, later skater"), but just right to keep you invested. During blood moon i gained like 10 prestige levels, while missing most of the event. Think what you want, but that is way too many bloodpoints for casual play.


There are 34 killers and 40 survivors, all able to to prestige to 100. You have achieved .14% of this. Still not enough?


People here are often confusing maximum effort with necessary one. "Able" doesn't mean "need to". And while we're here, "want to" also doesn't mean "need to". Necessary unlocks stop after P1, meaningful - after P3, cosmetic - after P9, and after that there is no point in prestiges apart from showing your e-peen. So the only grind you really *need* is P1 on each character to unlock perks and around P3-P5 on your mains to bring them all to lvl 3. Everything above is personal preference. That's ~80 prestige levels, give or take, which is not that high. Achieving more than 10% of that in a couple of days is definitely too fast.


That's an opinionated answer, not a factual one. You don't get to dictate what's "necessary" as a minimum because the rewards stop a tenth of the way into the grind to 100. What you're saying is people don't get to care about that prestige going to 100 for 74 characters, 7400 total, of which you only got 10, which is about .1%, not 10%. Your personal preference stops when the rewards do. If everything above that is also personal preference, it's essentially unobtainable. So what do you care if you get your rewards a little sooner? Does it matter if it's now or 6 months ago? Someone who cares about getting all 100s will NEVER get it. So either it doesn't matter and just give out insane BP, or it does matter and make all 100s achievable in someone's lifetime. Arbitrarily deciding for everyone based on your own preference of what success means, be it "want" or "need", is irrelevant. It's a game. It's all irrelevant.


>That's an opinionated answer, not a factual one So is yours. Even more than mine, frankly. But i mostly disagree with that statement. Apart from clearly stated ones there are no "opinions" in my answer. Maybe the point about you needing all the perks can count as an opinion. >You don't get to dictate what's "necessary" as a minimum because the rewards stop a tenth of the way into the grind to 100. I don't "dictate" anything. My point is that there are gameplay options (perk builds, items and addons) and cosmetic ones. Gameplay options stop at P3, that is a fact. To get all of them available to you, you need to have at least P1 in every character. And then you want those option to be as powerful as possible, so you level up until all perks are lvl3 on a given character. My only oversight is that all killers need all perks at lvl 3, while for survivors you can stop at one character. You can actually count exact number of levels you need to unlock all lvl3 perks on everyone and there *is* a most effective way to do so. >What you're saying is people don't get to care about that prestige going to 100 for 74 characters, 7400 total, of which you only got 10, which is about .1%, not 10%. I didn't say that. They can care about whatever they want. It is just not necessary to do so from gameplay perspective. >So what do you care if you get your rewards a little sooner? Does it matter if it's now or 6 months ago? Moment to moment - no. As a default condition - yes. Again, gameplay-wise you only need a small fraction of the grind. And if you can get everything in a day what is even the point of a progression system. >Someone who cares about getting all 100s will NEVER get it. So either it doesn't matter and just give out insane BP, or it does matter and make all 100s achievable in someone's lifetime. You can't give out insane BPs all the time because you'll break progression system. Unless it is what you want to do. P100 was never designed to be a goal. It just there to show how many points you sank into the character. Like your age or wealth - not everyone gets to be old or rich, while technically anyone can. You set unrealistic goals and then complain you can't reach them. Life's tough, get a helmet. > Arbitrarily deciding for everyone based on your own preference of what success means, be it "want" or "need", is irrelevant. It's a game. It's all irrelevant. I've never talked about success. Again, my point is purely gameplay-based, IF you want all gameplay options available. Getting to P100 is not gameplay.


> So is yours. Even more than mine, frankly. But i mostly disagree with that statement. Apart from clearly stated ones there are no "opinions" in my answer. Maybe the point about you needing all the perks can count as an opinion. I did the math with a clear goal of the maximum available game allowances available to all players within the game. It's no longer opinion. > I don't "dictate" anything. My point is that there are gameplay options (perk builds, items and addons) and cosmetic ones. Gameplay options stop at P3, that is a fact. To get all of them available to you, you need to have at least P1 in every character. And then you want those option to be as powerful as possible, so you level up until all perks are lvl3 on a given character. My only oversight is that all killers need all perks at lvl 3, while for survivors you can stop at one character. You can actually count exact number of levels you need to unlock all lvl3 perks on everyone and there is a most effective way to do so. Then that is dictating because you specifically leave out prestige 100 *anything* to make the point work, using only your end goals (rewards) as a satisfactory stopping point. And it also does not end at P3 because prestige skins still exist past that. And EVEN THEN, the prestige 50 now is equal to the previous Prestige 3, Lvl 50 benchmark before the 6.1 rework based on bloodweb behavior. If your level three perks were somewhere down in the Prestige 75+ web, I would imagine your argument would be very different, but they're not, so forget everything else right? Mine would continue on as is, unchanged, as it applies to both cases and still satisfy both criteria, yours and mine. I have 800 hours in the game and have only JUST gotten most everyone, survivor and killer, to Prestige 1 and a handful of favorites to prestige 3/4 and I'm probably an "average joe" by no small stretch. Even if cranking out iri's like candy, it's still a slog. If you went to a different game as a new player and the vets told you "Hey, buckle up for 1000+ hours to get bare minimums", I would love to hear your response. > I didn't say that. They can care about whatever they want. It is just not necessary to do so from gameplay perspective. Again, are you or are you not dictating what is relevant here? If anyone can care about whatever they want, then go ahead and say it's too much because you set your fantasy limit bar where the rewards end. Then I'll still call BS and say it's relatively okay because mine ends at the real measurable end limit of what the game can keep track of and it's still just as reasonable. 2 years of non-stop playing to cap all characters sounds like a reasonable goal if someone were so inclined. Laughing at them while giving them the finger because nothing happens between levels 9-100 aside from their enjoyment in the game and reaching the cap is entirely pointless, rude, and insulting. This is 100% "I got mine so fuck you". > Moment to moment - no. As a default condition - yes. Again, gameplay-wise you only need a small fraction of the grind. And if you can get everything in a day what is even the point of a progression system. .1%. That is one tenth of one percent for the few weeks the event went on and, according to you, not even in regular intervals, to reach max on everyone. That is not even remotely close to the "give me everything day one" you think I'm trying to convince everyone of. It's just a byproduct of using your "end game" scenario applying my rationale, so naturally you'd call it wrong. Now I could just as easily say then, "game is done once all characters have each perk, but not necessarily rank 3" because they have the perk... job done. Is it the best version? No, but it's complete. Same applies to your position. "I have rank 3 perks on every character"... job done. Is that the last prestige level? No, but it's complete. > You can't give out insane BPs all the time because you'll break progression system. Unless it is what you want to do. P100 was never designed to be a goal. It just there to show how many points you sank into the character. Like your age or wealth - not everyone gets to be old or rich, while technically anyone can. You set unrealistic goals and then complain you can't reach them. Life's tough, get a helmet. Prestige is the progression system, but you only want to see it's relevancy up to a certain point. So while your quip is mildly amusing, what you want is to have a child with several partners and never see them reach adulthood because your responsibility to them stops at age 18. There is still more beyond that; life doesn't end there. Well for you it does, but that's the dangers of using reality to justify fantasy. And the benefit to a fantasy world is that you CAN have a realistic goal that CAN be achieved no matter who you are! Games AREN'T life! Go outside with your helmet! > I've never talked about success. Again, my point is purely gameplay-based, IF you want all gameplay options available. Getting to P100 is not gameplay. P100s are in the game thus it is a part of gameplay. Cosmetics are in the game and are a part of gameplay. Iron Maiden, Slipknot, movie monsters, and a teddy bear are in the game and a part of gameplay. If you want mechanics as "gameplay", then sure, that's all there is within the code. But that code also takes it to P100. You don't care because there's no "I win" button to physically to press.


I feel like we can do an halfway. As much as the event was maybe too much (though 300k? damn it, I was getting max 180k) what we get normally is too little. And I disagree that if you p3d all charcters you have nothing more to do. The iri shards grind, for example, never ends no matter what, and that will always be a slow crawl. Plus there's p6 to get all outfits, p9 to get all charms, and p100 always there. Nevermind that you will always need bp for more items. And while some hardcore people may be driven away if they run out of perks to unlock, there are several people who are driven away as it is because the grind is way too much for them. Both groups should be taken into consideration. People who play a crapload have no use for bp already no matter how slow the gain is anyway, to be fair, because the amount they play can't be sustained by grind without greatly hurting everybody else.


I agree that default BPs can be higher, especially for survivor. But i don't think it's *that* bad right now, considering offerings, archives, dailies, and queue and rank reset bonuses. My point about P3 is that it's a good stopping point. You only *need* a P1 to have all gameplay tools available to you, with P3-P5 on your "mains" to have said tools at max efficiency. Everything else is purely cosmetic - bloody outfits, charms, skins, P100. I'd like to get more Iri shards though. Store prices is high and the game is so stingy with giving you shards. 21k shards for an outfit? I've only got maybe 80k *ever* in a couple of years that i play.


You only need those, but the others are still goals that can keep people involved and not bored, things people can still work towards that don't make you feel like you alraedy got everythign in the game and there's nothing more to do. But personally I disagree that p1 is enough, I think p3 it's where it's at, BUT I play many different killers and even with survivors I play more than just my main. If you literally only play one or two characters I could see how it'd make more sense. But tbh that's besides the point.


> You only need those, but the others are still goals that can keep people involved and not bored, things people can still work towards that don't make you feel like you alraedy got everythign in the game and there's nothing more to do. "Stretch goals" grind is a different thing though. Players have different tolerance to the grind depending on actual or perceived "necessity". For example, grinding X hours to get a meta perks is bullshit, but grinding X2 or even X3 hours for a cool cosmetic is ok.


Replying here to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1btjtr4/comment/kxxqyf6/) comment by u/HeckleJekyllHyde, because he blocked me like a coward. Real mature move, dude. I was writing an elaborate response, but i won't now, unless someone else is interested. I'll give bullet points, with your level of maturity. * How dare I make a point about not needing majority of the grind by leaving out majority of the grind * Skins are not gameplay * P100 is not mandatory * If you can bully me that it is, why can't i bully you that it isn't? * "P3-50 before = P50 now" is pulled out of your ass and i can prove that mathematically * "Mostly P1 and a handful of P3/4" at 800 hours sounds like a skill issue * Until this answer i never laughed at or insulted anyone here. * "Buckle up for 1000+ hours to get bare minimums" is exactly what happened when i started playing dbd. And also LoL. * "... job done" - argument. Come on dude, you are almost there, just use your brain a little more and you'll get it! * Children one. You're right at firsts part - once they are 18, they are on their own. But you're wrong at the second - life does go on. I'll give them money occasionally (prestige after 3), but only if i have nothing better to do. * P100 is not gameplay. Look up "gameplay". * Take a chill pill, touch grass.


I got two friends back into the game for the event and they each got about 6 prestiges in one night of heavy playing. I don't wanna say that's too much cos it sounds silly. But the grind would be cut by such a silly amount it would definitely push more intermediately active players away.


Some stupid ass bean-counter at BHVR decided that the only path allowed is "more grind > more hours played > more cosmetics seen > more cosmetics sold". What they forgot is that there's the alternate path of "more BP given out > more motivation to keep playing > more hours played > more cosmetics seen > more cosmetics sold". EDIT: Crying about it and downvoting me doesn't change the truth. Literally every game company has come to the same conclusion that more time spent in game directly correlates to more sales.


True, while the event was active i came back after a loooong break, bought 3 survivors and 2 killers plus 2 Skins. Now the event is over, i earn shit so i stopped playing again which results in me not buying skins and stuff


Maybe controversial but to me it’s insane that you can own a character then have to level them up once to unlock their perks on other survivors. If I’m spending real money or iri shards that I grinded for on a survivor, I feel like they should come with the perks at tier 1 instantly unlocked on my other characters. If you think about it, you have to grind for hours and hours just to get a new set of 3 perks (grind for iri shards if you want it for free and then grind again for ~1 million bp to make the perks teachable). How is that even fair.


Preach, brother, preach.


Can't lie the grind on DBD is unbearable, either unlock all perks after first prestige or permanently boost BP gains.


They should just start allowing blood points converted into iri shards. Then at least the horrible amount of BP would be justifiable.


Are you playing for a fun game or are you playing for the BPS'? I just try to have fun, and if I get some BP's with it, fine. If not, fine too.


Maybe they can do a weekday community challenge that activates a 200% bonus on weekends.


If rather get 80k points being tunneled out than 12k points being tunneled out.


I’m a new player who started a few days ago and holy shit I’m glad when I did. I’ve basically accepted I’m not getting more perks prestiged than I did on that event ever. As soon as I saw the difference it was like a much worse hearthstone.




Man I miss 2xp weekends :'( Grindy games should always have a 2xp weekend


Literally bloodpoint inflation we’ve gotten like 500% bloodpoint costs with only a 25% blood point increase


I've been too busy with school to really play the event so I'm just getting my normal amount ez B) (kill me)


It was a shock to the system alright getting 6 figure BP matches easily and going straight to a long match where I escaped and only got 20k~.


Im just glad I prestiged most of my killers atleast to the point where I can make some different builds. The event was very gracious so thats what I look forward to, now I can just have fun and play


500% blood points is actually a living wage for the current DbD. We hate going back because this is the normal amount of blood points required to keep every character with a few items and add-ons.


A rolling login reward with a universal offering would help with morale.


I played every day of the event, brought streamers / terrormisu most matches, managed 20 prestige levels. The grind is real


Same thing happens every time there’s a big blood points event.


We NEED to find a middle ground. I was hitting the cap after 5-6 games, and now I barely hit 200k after 5-6 games.


Yall were getting 200-300k per match? My friends and I were getting 100k, and we were losing our shit lmao


I'm in the camp that we should have BP boosts on weekends. Blood rushes or something. Doesn't have to be the awesome 400% extra, but getting a guarantee for 150% every weekend would at least incentivize weekly play.


People play for bloodpoints?


bloodpoints are the only actual progression in this game, even getting to iri 1 grants you just more bloodpoints


Well I know they're important to leveling up, I just meant it's surprising that's the *main* reason people play


Spoken like a longtime player who forgot what the grind is like. 


I've been playing for years and am still actively leveling up characters for unlockables, but I've never had an issue, especially since the archives were introduced


Gotta get perks somehow.


Perks have never been easier to get. I have to avoid claiming perks in the bloodweb in order to use them later to consume add-ons I don't want. I don't even want to prestige new characters past two anymore for efficiency


Reading this thread is like a glimpse into another world where people treat games like jobs.  How about, you know, playing because you enjoy playing?


Exactly, people are acting as if the only reason they play the game is to hit a quota


The old bp grinding buff and bloodweb buff was super nice for this. Honestly I wouldn't mind endorsements like every live service game ever. Each endorsement gives like a 5% bonus to your total or smtn


Runescape, when they trails has the same problem. It has huge increases xp drops. Makes people question shit. Most games that do huge xp increases events like this end up hurting for a little. It's amazing but then makes you realize how slow tedious shit is. Only games I've ever been okay with is cod & ark with double xp It's not to much to make the base game xp seem bad and they run double xp event so much it makes it seem okay. But yeah going from 280k to 300k blood points to 20k is a wild fucking thing for my brain to wrap around.


See, in Runescape I understand it. It's an old and old style mmo, where the whole damn point of the game is grind. On the other end I feel a party game/matches based game should be something you just log in whenever and have fun, without all the grind.


Never seen so many people complain about the amount of bp you gain till this event, what gives? We get 100% incentives which gives more BP then normal anyways


You should be playing the game because its fun. This constant playing because of the carrots and treadmills should be a warning sign that maybe you should take a small break for a while.


If you're only playing for bloodpoints maybe it's time to take a break for a bit until you want to play just for fun?


Why cant it be both my guy? Progression is fun.


It can be, it was just a suggestion. If a game isn't giving me what i need anymore i tend to take a break.


Tell me you don't play solo survivor without telling me you don't play solo survivor.


I play plenty of solo survivor, i don't know what point you're trying to make there...


I'm starting to think you guys don't really like this game very much


I agree points are low but counterpoint is maybe you did TOO well. Ending the match quickly by let’s say collusion where each survivor let’s you hook them three times (or even just once and then dies on hook) means you aren’t getting many points despite getting a 4 k


Nothing will change if people keep playing this game daily and spend money buying every cosmetic


Honestly the event was getting annoying because I’d have to smash blood webs every 4 games because I’d be hitting the BP 2 million cap. Right now though I’m just playing for fun though so the BP grind is not really a motivation for me


I'd have no complaints if BHVR decided to up BP gains across the board for everyone, it hardly affects me personally at all. In that sense I'm all for it if it helps other people. But I do also wonder if the people who \*only\* play for BP actually enjoy the game at all. Do people not play games for fun anymore?


> But I do also wonder if the people who *only* play for BP actually enjoy the game at all. Do people not play games for fun anymore? You can enjoy the game, and enjoy being time efficient with regards to your progression as well. There are so many excellent games to play right now, that its entirely logical for players who value time put into progression to not enjoy the BP gains of regular DBD.


I think just doubling Bloodpoint gain would be fine. Not too much but not too little. On top of this, Bloodpoint Offerings would still have uses as well. I know some people grind this game to the point where it's not a grind, but not everyone does or can, I think slightly buffing the gain would be fine. I personally wouldn't care either way, because my annoyance with DBD grind isn't the Bloodpoints, but the Player Level XP gain. It's atrocious and discourages me to play because I rarely get characters. It's one of the reasons why I mainly play Killer too. I mean, there's no point in playing Survivor if I barely get to use anything they have. So, I just grind for Killers. I get their Perks, Powers and their Character. They need to double the Player Level XP more than BP imo. But I do get that Bloodpoints after the Blood Moon event feels lackluster.


If you're getting 4k and only getting 13k points thats on you for sweating way too hard. Ease the fuck off if a match is going too easily and you'll get 25-30k every match.




It's pretty impactful still. I don't bring items/addons into matches because I don't want to have a degradation in experience once I spend my 4 medkits on a character or whatever. A significant part of the game I don't participate in even though I have the game for ~3 years. Make that even scarcer for characters that aren't my favorite ones. The grind in dbd is endless and it has significant and essential impact on actual matches regardless of whether you distributed ypur perks or not.


Did you 4k with 4 gens left or no gens left. These things are not the same and dont deserve the same reward.


I think you just need a break. I played A LOT of this game during the game, I imagine you did the same. So I’m taking a break from the game at least for a bit


I feel like gaining bp in such a massive and easy manner all the time would ruin the special part of the events though. I just finished P1ing all of the survivors and my killers. I even started in the second prestige. Sure it feels slower and I agree as the game grows something should be done to counter act how much bf one may need to catch up when they start. But for long term players I'm not too sure. It would make the events feel less special and make your prestige level feels less special


Honestly I feel like it would be cool to “sell” add ons or offerings you don’t wanna use to convert it back into blood points for other things


I'm out until the next Tome, and without some event I'm leaving again after I clear the tolerable challenges in stage 1.


I'm genuinely curious what you need all those additional bloodpoints for so bad that you're sad you won't have them anymore.


I play solo queue and killer. There are 255 perks in groups of 3 by character. Each one has 3 prestige ranks that take \~1.2 mil BP for each rank (85 groups \* 3 ranks \* 1.2 mil per rank = 306 Mil BP), the most you can get from max grades per month is 2. Recent codes have been for 50K. The average match based on the what the OP posted is 20K. 306,000,000 / 20,000 = 15,300 matches. Events like the one that just ended have a massive effect and it felt much more fair 200% and 300% than it does now. I have all characters on both sides at P3+, I have \~1700 hours in game and the event gave me the last 5 survivors I needed maxed for all of them. You can argue most perks aren't worth getting, but DBD is constantly changing even core mechanics at this point - you have no idea what will be good tomorrow and they're always adding new characters too so keeping things at max prestige means you automatically have everything on a new character and only need to unlock theirs. There were people abusing the event, Hens has a video posted under That Hans Guy or something like that on YT of being invited to a farming group that has military efficiency. The SWF was on comms but the killers didn't seem to be but all had an assembly line set up for BP farming. They were getting insane numbers. I never saw anything like that during the event in my games but just playing normally there were regularly over 300K games in the end (that being 15x normal gains according to the OP). I'm more curious why you WOULDN'T want/need those additional bloodpoints.


Once you unlock everything gaining bloodpoints does nothing useful and only exists to waste your time on clicking stuff in the bloodweb. Also, massive amounts of bloodpoints for everyone ruins bloodpoint economy, everyone can accumulate massive numbers of best items and addons and use them every single match. Have fun playing against Blight with double Iris for months, they won't run out of those any time soon.


Prestieging characters. All my killers are at least p1, but most my survivors are not.


Why are you on this sub if you dont even know what bloodpoints are used for?


Since you're so knowledgeable, please tell me what bloodpoints are used for. I only earned like 481 million of them and still have no idea what they're for.


X to doubt


Some people really really love to see number go up.


If you didn't get that much BP and still had a 4k then you probably used unrewarding methods to secure that 4k. ​ Also 13,00 BP for a 4k sounds super unlikely....


Two survivors killed themselves on first hook. Not much I can do about that.


Lol two survivors killed themselves on the hook and you want more BP for that? Just odd to compare BP from a THROWN match to an event match lol.


In the event match I'd still make out with quite a bit, thrown and all. Just a waste of time.


Was there really a need to randomly indirectly call someone a tunneler? Also are we really forgetting that survivors can hookicide and completely deny the other player of multiple BP events? The hatred for killer players in this game is frankly alarming to say the least.


Lol sensitive much? I didn't say anything about tunneling and I prefaced my comment by saying "probably", meaning not 100%. The OP is complaining about not getting enough BP as killer compared to the event matches BUT compares an normal event match of 200,000 - 300,000 BP to clearly not normal normal match. Most likely to bloat the BP divide for their view/post.


Oh my fucking god... Ok, let's pretend he elected to show a "normal normal match" with 30k bp gain. What now? How crucial is this difference?


Why are so many people using the sub to post thru their internal conflict of not getting huge numbers? Do we need a weekly thread for people to just moan into the void?


it's a dbd subreddit.


My motivation to play has never been about bloodpoints, it’s not the bloody-point.


That's okay! We all have our motivation. BP is mine.


The hangover is normal. Maybe take a break. Sounds like you need one. Though I'm honestly very confused - how on earth do you get 13K BP with a 4K? Did they give up?


I’m still getting up to 100k a match


I didn't spend any bloodpoints during the whole event because I didn't wanna be in the bloodweb for hours.




I find it funny how everyone was ragging on the event now they got us yearning for it back


I think killer is probably the best way to get bloodpoints. If I'm doing well I can get 30K to 100K bloodpoints depending on the modifier. I haven't seen that much of a difference. Although I do play a lot.


You play dbd for BP? Play it for fun...


all this bitching is just going to make them more hesitant to do events like this. and i dont really blame them.


You do not have to play if you don't want to.


skill issue


Why? I can't even spend the blood points I get fast enough. There is never going to be a time where I want to run something that I do not have available.