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You’re not serious right?




but tbh i think just one or two of these would be great :3


Just ignore the EMPs for a sec. Everything about Singularity's power is over complicated and requires far too many steps. Just to teleport NEAR someone for the CHANCE of getting a hit. Meanwhile, take Huntress, right click. Bam. They're injured. Two discreet actions and they're down a health state. If you're gonna make a killer that's more involved than that, they better do much more than give you the chance to m1 them for normal damage. You're asking people to 1. Aim a projectile at valid spot on a wall that will give them a good angle. 2. Switch to the camera. 3. Aim at them again. 4. Switch back to Singularity. 5. Aim and 6. shoot them a third time. Again all for the CHANCE to M1 them. So two more steps. 8 steps, and aiming several times, to cost them a single health state. Versus: 1. Right click 2. Aim and release and they're down a health state. The difference in what they're asking from Singularity players, and what they get for it, versus a good Killer like Huntress, is ridiculous. Artist has the same problem to a lesser degree. A bunch of extra steps to maybe injure someone after two birds. These are both killers designed by and for survivor mains. Singularity is bad from the ground up because you're asking people to do way to much just for a hit.


i 100% agree


I think you are overdoing it here, soma family photo (or at least a lesser haste) I absolutely agree with. The EMPs however are fine as they are and the exposed effect sounds like a silly iri add-on which is not needed either, because the current ones are already pretty good and more interesting then exposed


I get that Singulairty is frustrating to play, believe me I’ve tried to play a bunch, but I don’t think any of these ideas are good. The haste one sounds good on paper, especially if you’re struggling to get hits in Overclock mode, but as someone who’s gone up against a few good Singulairty’s, the dude is almost impossible to shake off in a chase anyway. You get distance, and, assuming you aren’t in an indoor map and/or can’t break line of sight, he aims and teleports to you and starts the chase all over again. Giving him a base kit haste would be nice for newer Singularity players, but simply just all but guarantee hits for better ones while being impossible to shake off. Now given how hard Singularity is, why not guarantee a hit for going through all the bells and whistles of his power? Again it’s because of the massive difference between newer and more experienced Singularity players. He has a relationship with his playerbase in the same way the Nurse does with the rest of the Killers: you give general buffs to him to help the newer Singularity’s (other Killers) and the more skilled Singularity’s (Nurse’s) become unstoppable. The second idea just completely fucks over people who need to cleanse their pod midchase. As frustrating as that is now, atleast they’re slowed down slight as they do it. Making them take so long to use it would make it so they’d need a teammate with an EMP nearby to cleanse for them. In other words, good luck getting that done in SoloQ. The third idea is equally awful. Again it just complete fucks over people who just so happen to be holding an EMP in chase. And why wouldn’t they be holding an EMP if they’re slipped streamed or have cameras they want to get rid of? Singularity is simply a really hard Killer to buff.


good points this is just some ideas i just had a wanted to know what yall think so thank you. and from what i know his ablilty takes a lot of time to set up compered to others and ageist people that know what there doing he's hard not picked and loses a lot. so thank you