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I still don't like the idea of an invocation's downside directly countering its upside. I'd rather it periodically show your aura to the killer, or something


that's fair feedback I did think of that as possibility but realized lockers just hard counter killer aura reading so having a locker nearby just largely trivializes this downside. also the theme for invocations is perma afflicted by a status effect and currently there is no status effect for being revealed periodically this only exists on OoO maybe it could be called **Hunted?**


Could make it Killer Instinct. Or perma crows.


As a killer, Enjoyer; perma killer instinct would make me tunnel that surv out. Alternatively, maybe that specific survivor screams and reveals their location every 30 seconds, then if they are in a locker instead of screaming, it will do killer instinct for 5 seconds.


Not perma Instinct, just periodic as that was riding on the part about having periodic aura reveal being set aside due to lockers. Mostly went that due to Instinct bypassing locker protection, so making it a periodic Instinct would still have it reveal even if you're in a locker.


OK, gotcha. My bad. I like the idea of killer instinct only when they are in the locker. As a counter to trying to cheese the aura.


>Or perma crows Please no. Crows are insufferable enough when it's an afk, even the nicest killer would tunnel them out just to stop the squawking/notifications.


Oh absolutely. Permanent crows notifications would be too much. **Invocation: Suicide Note.** *After completing this ritual survivor gains 3 permanent crows that will annoy the ever loving fuck out of the killer. This survivor can also be automatically mori'd after 2nd hook as if the killer had brought an iridescent mori. On death any depleted item in their hands will be restored to 100% so that someone less stupid can make use of it.*


Perma-oblivious status effect maybe?


i dislike the downside at all! Rather than having a downside, MAKE the time commitment be THE DOWNSIDE. and if the problem is "well players can stack the effect for a faster invocation" well make it not stackable at all, its not like we don't already have situations where people can bring the same perk and its effect don't stack making it completely useless whatsoever. Make it a time commitment, make it be a real highER risk highER reward, and not just be a fifth perk slot that is global upon activation but when active you receive no mither.


I think it's fine to have the downside on weaving spiders considering that it's direct gen progress and I think it makes the perk a lot more interesting (Trade off between BNPing all generators and being no mither for the rest of the trial), but this one and many others wouldn't need a downside at all.


I love it, actually- it intentionally turns invocation perks into “hard mode” perks, kind of like Technician is meant to waste your perk slot in order to help your teammates. I say more of these cooperative perks! Imagine invocation perks that: - allow others to heal themselves and each other faster but leaves you broken - reduces exhaustion cooldown for everyone but hinders you -gives everyone more spaced out scratch marks but you leave scratch marks even while walking


I think a better downside would be instead of blindness it also shows your aura periodically, similar to object of obsession


And let it stack with OoO, so that one activates just as the other ends.


A perk like that would be hilarious with object


With all the talk of Jason last week I had this idea for a Tommy Jarvis survivor. **Invocation: I’m the One You Want**: Upon completion of this invocation, the person who cast it turns to the killer’s direction. Their aura becomes revealed for the remainder of the trial. Stuns inflicted by this killer last 30/40/50% longer. At the moment of completion, any survivor who is injured receives endurance for 10 seconds. That last part is probably a bit too much. But I figured high risk, high reward.


That actually sounds pretty interesting, could pair it with object of obsession or smth perhaps. The last part probably isn’t too bad given how hard it would be to time tho


If you pair it with OoO your aura is going to be read multiple times as you sit in the basement for two minutes playing with yourself.


Good point. Maybe begin it and leave while someone else finished it…?


If you leave the invocation it immediately regresses at a fast rate.


Unless you both start at the same time and then hop off, but I believe this impacts how long the invocation takes to cast by making it even slower of a process.


This perk OoO and discordance, and just hope you get to the basement quickly


You could still do this with perks like Off the record (20 seconds to get to the circle tho), Distortion (you would need to get to the basement within 30 seconds of the beginning of the game) or even shadowstep (but you need a totem) Also you could start the invo and let your friend finish it (would be a very long invocation tho, and you need to be in a swf) Overall, it would be hard or inconvenient but probably not impossible


Nobody said it would be impossible. I was merely pointing out the fact that combo of perks alone would have your aura read while you’re most vulnerable.


I don't understand how this works; stuns inflicted BY this killer are longer? Do killers stun? Or do you mean by the survivor? I'd be down for that


Ugh, I mistyped. Stuns inflicted by the *survivor* is what I meant.


I'd be down for that! That would be a very mean one to do if you're really good at looping! Lol


Idk man this kinda sounds like a noobtrap cuz higher hour killers will avoid that survivor and newer killers will go to them and get fucked to oblivion


To be fair, that’s kind of the point. It’s more of a flex than anything else.


Pls put Tommy in the game 🙏🏻


Now imagine the bully squads....


Yeah, I’m thinking of adding blindness/oblivious as well. But that’s a lot of downsides.


This paired with Alert and Object of obssesion would go hard. I’d love to have something like this to run a full “UAV” build to just constantly give the team eyes on the killer. But yeah, like others said, the downside for you shouldn’t completely make the perk useless for you. Periodic aura reading on you or location being revealed sounds like a decent downside. I like the idea of an invocation perks downside being similar in value to the killer. Like weaving spiders making both sides job easier, in the form of making gens easier, and making a survivor much easier to catch. Here, granting vision for both parties makes sense


Alert and OoO is good, but mettle of man and OoO is better with some setup imo


Kinda useless tbh


If I have aftercare and someone uses this, I’ll be in love with them


I dont think you fully appreciate how much of a gamechanging perk this would be for solo players 1 guy brings bond, everybody can see the auras 1 guy brings Kindred, even if he isnt on hook, everybody can see every other survivor aura 1 guy brings Empathy/Aftercare, suddenly any injured survivor gives the whole team tons of information This perk would be practically mandatory for solo Q


No no there is a better combo. Another player brings mettle of man, and takes the protection hits. Then, they get healed to full, which shows their aura to the killer constantly while more than 16 meters away. Then, they bring object of obsession, so that they are the killers aura while the killer sees their aura. Thus, while the killer is more than 16 meters away, every single survivor has permanent wallhacks on the killer nonstop


Except you can’t see anything cause it inflicts blindness It’s the opposite of mandatory in solo Q. Without the ability to see auras you’d be completely lost and reliant on other people to bring perks that have synergy or else your entire build is for aura reading you can’t use


I dont need aura reading personally. Yeah its helpful, but my teammates need it a lot more than I do, and its not like aura reading perks are particularly rare in solo Q Having 3 teammates that can basically see auras constantly if just 1 other survivor has a half decent aura reading perk would be massive Not to mention, just the existence of a perk like this would make aura reading perks in solo Q a lot more prominent Any player confident in their game knowledge and game sense would use this perk to great effect in solo Q


Not to mention, it says *any* aura, so if one person brings Alert, everyone sees the killer every time they break anything.


That too. Theres a build I was enjoying recently where you can have essentially constant awareness of the killers location: * Alert * Fogwise * Stake Out * Wiretap Now imagine if the entire team could see what I see. They'd never get snuck up on again


Fr. I could genuinely see this invocation being really good with three other aura perks. Sure, *you* don't see the auras, but running like Alert, Dark Sense, and Wiretap means your team will basically always know exactly where the killer is. Or swap Dark Sense for Fogwise


even if all 4 survivors had zero aura perks, survivors would still see each others auras any time a single survivor is downed or hooked you consider that useless?


Considering you are blind and can’t use aura reading perks that would be the whole benefit of the invocation, yeah And especially since you have to spend a minute for the effect Either it should be an invocation without the blindness, or a regular perk with the blindness


Invocation: Pound of Flesh Permanently increase hook timers of all other survivors by 60 seconds. Permanently decrease your hook timers by 30 seconds.


Invocation: Hurry The F Up Increases the speed of doing any other invocation by 1000000%


Breaking the game 101


Wtf? That's absurdly overpowered.


Good in an invocation build and with some good aura reading perk like bond or empathy otherwise meh


the penalty is much more mild compared to being broken so it cant be as strong as giving gens 10 charges permanently. you aren't sacrificing much by being blinded so the reward matches the downside remember if a survivor is downed or hooked auras of other survivors are shown to them that would count for this perk.


Yes and it is good when mixed with other perks, but as it's own kinda meh unless you play in a swf and ur team brings aura reading perks. In solo queue without anything else to synergize it with is just okay.




current weaving spiders is fine, saves 15 permanently of all gens, non regressable


Ig its good in a swf if they have some aura perks cuz the blinded guy doesnt benefit at all from this perk


Now you can be broken and blind!!!


I theorycrafted one for if a fictional character I like, Kayce DeTroja, was a Survivor (basically, a god told this character "hey bestie you're my favorite game character of all time, and everything's gonna be okay", so this perk is flavored as calling on that "perfect fifth" god to have knowledge of everyone else's "story", i.e. their location) **Invocation: Assured Perfection** No matter what harmony you are tuned to, the words of a higher Corevocatrix always comfort you when you're in doubt. When in the Basement near the circle, press the Active Ability button to begin the Invocation, which takes 60 seconds to complete. During an Invocation, your Aura is revealed to all other Survivors and they can join in, accelerating the process by +100% if they too have an Invocation Perk equipped, or by +50% if they do not. Once the Invocation is completed, the following effects apply: -All Survivors automatically recover 1 Health State and gain the Endurance Status Effect for 5/10/15 seconds. -All other Survivors have their Auras revealed to you in white if they are Healthy, or yellow if they are Injured, for the remainder of the Trial. -Your and the Killer's Auras are revealed to each other for the remainder of the Trial. Completing an Invocation disables all Invocation Perks for the remainder of the Trial for all Survivors. “Things may seem bleak now. But I know your story to come, and I am in control of the narrative. And that means, so are you.” -Jupiter Jericho


Ah yes, old Object of Obsession on top of triggering Adrenaline for all Survivors WITH Endurance, what an awesome idea that would totally never get abused...


I'm sorry, I'm new and not very good at the balancing act ;;


Some Invocation perks I thought up the other day. **Invocation: Radiant Benevolence** You would do anything for those around you, even at the cost of your life. A salt circle spawns in the basement. Using the active ability button over the circle will start an *Invocation*. Completing an *Invocation* takes 60 seconds, but other survivors can join in the *Invocation* to speed up the process by 50%. If that survivor also has an *Invocation* perk, they provide a 100% action speed bonus instead. After completing the Invocation, receive the following effects for the remainder of the trial: -When not in a chase, injured survivors passively heal until 30/35/40% progress -Your own healing speed is halved **Invocation: Extrasensory Perception** Locking yourself out of the arcane energy reverberating through the trial allows all others to receive it in spades. A salt circle spawns in the basement. Using the active ability button over the circle will start an *Invocation*. Completing an *Invocation* takes 60 seconds, but other survivors can join in the *Invocation* to speed up the process by 50%. If that survivor also has an *Invocation* perk, they provide a 100% action speed bonus instead. After completing the Invocation, the killer’s Terror Radius is increased by 6/7/8 meters for the remainder of the trial, but you receive the *Oblivious* status effect. **Invocation: Overcharged Escape** Call upon the Entity to donate its favor to others. A salt circle spawns in the basement. Using the active ability button over the circle will start an *Invocation*. Completing an *Invocation* takes 60 seconds, but other survivors can join in the *Invocation* to speed up the process by 50%. If that survivor also has an *Invocation* perk, they provide a 100% action speed bonus instead. After completing an Invocation, all survivors receive the following effect for the remainder of the trial: -Blocked vault locations become available 15/20/25% faster For the remainder of the trial, you block windows after only two vaults.


An invocation perk that tells teammates you are running invocation in the lobby so I can back out before the match starts.


Invocation: 60 seconds All survivors may fully recover from the dying state at any time You now permanently suffer from the exhausted status effect for the remainder of the trial


Overpowered upside with unnoticeable downside...


Honestly, I agree I just more couldn’t be asked to think of a proper downside for the upside.


A downside I can think of is you yourself can't benefit from the free unbreakable, and it takes you twice as long to be healed from dying to full.


my buddy had an idea for a perk like this, but it’s an obsession perk that reveals your aura to the killer every time the killer’s aura is revealed


I really like this idea!


This reminded me of Lethal pursuer


An Aura sharing perk would be cool. Invocation so that your aura reading gets shared with your team. That'd be pretty cool. lol




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I want to make one that takes about 2 1/2 minutes, but makes the killer instantly explode. I know this is a stupid idea, but it would be super hilarious if ghost face just suddenly combusted while trying to stalk you.


Invocation: Booger AIDS (All my perks have this title, I'm bad at naming things) After you do the basement thing for 60 seconds, all survivors gain 1% haste for the rest of the trial. Your speed is permanently reduced by 4% until you are on Death Hook, where you go back to 101%.


Invocation: Leaving Spiders idk makes the killer leave essentially scratch marks but instead it's a trail of spiders. Ooooooooh, spooky.  Downside, there's lots of spiders. Ooooooooh, spooky. /s


I’d love an invocation that transfers a hook state between survivors.


Damn that is damn near useless and you don't even benefit from it yourself. I must ask who is this for, a team can just talk to one another and a solo q survivor gets nothing out of it themself while putting themself at a huge disadvante.


I think that maybe it should work where you are blind for 45 seconds then not for 15 and just rotate like that for the survivor for your invocation. Then it still has the intended effect on the player with out making it completely useless to you


Object would be OP with this.... 


An invocation that allows me to jump onto the basement hook. To pair with Wicked and also to give me the fully useless teammate build with No Mither and Plot Twist. More meme perk value keeps the game fun.


I wouldn't like it disabling other invocations. Just wastes a ton of time and screws over another team mate's choices


Invocation: Bio Time When in the Basment near the circle, press the *Active Ability* *button* to begin the *Invocation*. During an *Invocation* get rid of the crows for 3/4/5 minutes *"Told you to bring markers for the circle"*


https://preview.redd.it/k7zvc7oidg3d1.png?width=432&format=png&auto=webp&s=12dadeb5c9f6c95a9ce70be388e6de7463d59c50 I actually made one a few weeks ago but I'm not entirely sure about it


I would never fucking run this




I feel like an super interesting idea would be one that sacrifices a survivor to instantly complete a generator that has no current progress. In some ways it may seem stupid but it could help in 3 gens or if the killer is just delaying the game. This would mean that you could get 4 done, sacrifice yourself and give your friends a chance out.


An invocation that instantly heals all survivors by one health state. if they want a drawback maybe nerf your healing afterwards.


This perk is bad .


I had the idea for an invocation for Jesse Faden from Control a while back, and they kind of added it with Vecna. After performing the invocation, you can fast enter a locker in chase and then be teleported into the basement. The invocation circle reactivates and you can perform it again, but whenever you're in the basement your aura is shown to the killer. It was called Invocation: Control Point, and the idea was that you'd be cleansing the location and unlocking a fast travel point


This perk sounds decent on paper, but in practice its too anti synergy. This perk works at its best in solo q, the problem is you would be blinding yourself which is bad for solo q and your banking on you punishing yourself to give your random team mates a benefit who may or may not actually make good use of it. Being in a SWF would counter this downside in a big way (as blindness only really effects solo Q). The problem is in a SWF the perk does not do all that much as you would mainly use the aura reading for the killer, but when your in a team you will call out the killer's position anyway and against stealth killers, this does little. It is a cool idea and I think the only super major thing that needs changing is the downside as it is a feels bad to spend that time only to be literally de-buffing yourself. Other then that its nice, but probably would not see much play.


Perk rework time, I present to you this exact idea except Invocation: Object of obsession. Same upside, downside is you become the obsession, and the current object of obsession functionality goes into effect for rest of game now.


While I randomly spitball, Invocation: Pallet palooza Returns 2/4/6 pallets to the map, and reveals the aura of pallets to all survivors when within x meters. The survivor who used this will have their aura revealed to the killer when vaulting pallets/windows (free I’m all ears for the killer on them) Completely unrealistic but I do see them having more use of the invocation mechanic, downside is if the one invocation per game happens and solo queue survivors bringing them hinder each other from being able to use their own invocation


But then you don't read any auras so the perk does nothing lol


Invocation: Auric link. Upon completion you are supernaturally linked to the killer, only one survivor can be linked per trial. Any time the linked survivor takes a hit from the killer, they will cause the killer to scream and reveal their location to all survivors Upon killing the linked survivor, you scream in pain and gain blindness for 30 seconds


That is unironicly the best fan made perk I have ever seen, it seems extremely good for the team while keeping the whole schtick of invocations alive and isn't OP


Invocation Repurpose When a pallet is destroyed everyone can Repair said pallet (takes 10 seconds) And it automatically stands up if you have the yui perk (if not then it remains down) You however cannot repair it and your item depletes 10%/20% faster


I’d like to see an invocation that provides a survivor equivalent to bloodlust.


Please no, we have enough haste effects as it is.


No doubt haste has left a bad taste in people’s mouths. I like this concept tho because it gives survivors a better chance when being hard focused. Nothing feels worse than going down to a killer solely because they have bloodlust.


Behaviour has explicitly stated that bloodlust exists to end chases. Survirors aren't supposed to be able to run the killer forever. If you've gotten a killer to get to bloodlust, then you've already bought your team a ton of time


We don’t have to agree with behaviors design philosophy. A catchup mechanic is nice personally I don’t like bloodlust. When playing killer if I reach bloodlust then I already lost that chase. Why get rewarded for losing chase?


Because survivors aren't supposed to be able to run the killer forever. That would be absolutely MISERABLE for game balance. This is a 4v1 assymetrical game, both sides aren't supposed to be completely even in everything


I totally agree that survivors shouldn’t be able to loop the killer indefinitely. This wouldn’t completely eliminate the killers advantage, they are still inherently faster. Definitely not a perfect concept but I like the idea of an invocation that provides situational haste. Maybe longer sprint burst when hit?


> Why get rewarded for losing chase? Because at that point you've already sunk too much time into a chase.


Yeah but that’s the players fault right? They should invest in another chase instead of chasing the same person.


killer invocation that debuffs people


Eh, any scenario where a perk requires the killer to be immobile in the basement for any length of time sounds like a nightmare to balance


What about an invocation that resets all downed pallets and restores a number of broken pallets. The downside for the survivor is that all pallets you drop for the remainder of the trial break instantly (Kinda like those event pallets we had a while ago). Meaning that you have to get a killer stun or else the pallets are useless.


I liked the idea of doing an invocation and sending all hooked survivors to the basement for easy unhooks. A way to counter camping!


**Invocation: Delete Skull Merchant** When in the basement, you can press the *Active Ability button* to begin the *invocation*, which takes 0.5 seconds. The skull merchant is then deleted from the game for everyone, forever, and the guys responsible get a spanking.


How about none and just do a gen instead? Invocations are killer perks.


Honestly this could be broken imagine using bond or aftercare and then this or maybe object of obsession


Well someone else would have to use it because your blind therefore cannot see auras therefore they wouldn't trigger for other people. This perk does absolutely nothing for you


It has potential, if all survivors have permanent aura to see eachother throught the match, then the downside of this would be the invokers aura would be revealed to the killer at all times foe the remainder of the trial Add on the obsession side of it, and have you become the obsession and obsessions aura is always revealed


One for killer that makes all the survivors broken for the rest of the match if he gets it off


High risk, high reward gameplay


Any perk that wastes 60 seconds of being on gens, is a no from me.