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I think they should just be removed entirely. If they exist at all, maybe make it so there's only 4 or 5 map offerings. Each offering has a chance of specific realms. That way you can try to send yourself to a specific map in order to make the game heavily in your favor, but you also have a chance of screwing yourself over. This also reduces the ridiculous number of map offerings that take up green spots in my bloodweb.


They're unlikely to remove them after all this time and the sheer amount of offerings that would remove would severely effect the bloodweb. I just think that it making it a map ban would help many a build that gets messed up by a particular map, or ones that disproportionately mess up a specific killer like eyerie does with Trapper.


All they need to do is reduce the chances of being sent to that map. If all 5 offerings are a map offering for the same map, then it’s 100%. For each offering alone, only 20%.


They used to have these alongside the regular map offerings but they removed them slightly after the first anniversary. When I was levelling Ace last year I hadn't touched him in so long I still had a Fuming Cordage (brown swamp offering) in my bloodweb.


To be fair the survivor version would have to ban specific maps and the killer would have to either get 4 bans, or at the best least the option to ban an entire realm.


That would make them entirely useless. Look at Garden of Joy. It's a good map for survivors, but absolutely no one uses it cause if you get Greenville instead it's ggs.


Honestly? I'm glad there's two maps tied to Ichorous Loam now, I've not seen an Ichorous offering trying to send everyone to THE MOST SURVIVOR FAVORED MAP IN THE GAME in ages now. Good riddance, nobody except the most sweaty people even used it.


I'd be fine with that if killers couldn't burn Hawkins, Midwich and Haddonfield with guaranteed chances of getting them.


Double iri forever docs on their way to hold 4 victims hostage on the game for 20 minutes of hell


I task manager teched like three doctors doing this yesterday lol


Buddy don't blame me for burning Lerys, I just wanted to play Scratched Mirror Myers. :(


Good, I honestly *want* them to be useless. A map provides such a strong advantage that bringing a specific one can nearly gurantee you a win. No offering should be so strong that it should be able to determine the outcome of a match before it has even started.




Good. If people are only using them for advantages when Survivors can bring more than Killers, they shouldn't exist. If people just want to send themselves to character-appropriate maps or want to test something or pursue a challenge, those are valid reasons, and also probably 1% of map offering cases. I'd MUCH rather have players just pump up the stakes with binary choices like that than assuredly send themselves to a place where they'll have an advantage.




it wont happen because they would have to refund BP for every map removed. they had to do this for Hawkens across every survivor on each account for just that map when stranger things left and some survivors got 10s of millions BP.


Bloodpoints aren't real money, they can give as much it as they want. There's not a physical limit to how much can exist. They could just add easily turn the removed offerings into other offerings like cakes/puddings to offset the loss


BP is perk teachable progression, you think everyone would madly be playing this event non stop if werent for the isnane BP everyone is trying P3 character for their teachables, or even get their main to p100 cause the grind is so much less then normal if you just give everyone max BP people will play less that's not say they won't play at all just less. the devs know this that why there's a BP cap.


Scratch mirror myers weeps reading this


As much as i love SM myers, killing that playstyle is a small price to pay for salvation.


I wish he was good elsewhere ;-; but the fact he only works on certain maps shows how bad the build is even if I wish it was better.


The build works on open maps. It just *really* works on indoor maps


The reason they'll never do that (though I would fucking like to stop seeing Eerie offerings) is because there's too many achievements on singular maps.


i honestly don’t think that’s enough of a reason, part of the rng is the challenge


That would be the most asinine achievement without offerings. Every game I have a 1/30 chance of getting Disturbed Ward, that I then have to escape without getting hurt. No, no thank you.


Or every survivior's favorite: Outbreak Breakout. 1/30 chance, then they have to do all the gens, then they have to be the one to open the gate. 20 times.


That was a weird one for me. I actually got patently lucky and got it with twenty offerings, after getting 11 gate openings playing naturally.


That's a perfectly understandable achievement if you had to do it once, but who the fuck thought "nah let's make them do it 19 more times"? Such a blatantly absurd achievement, especially when most of the other ones require a single match


Then delete the achievements. There's no reason why something so meaningless should impact game health. Alternatively, learn to live with the fact that achievements mean absolutely nothing.


Counterpoint: learn to live with the fact that map offerings aren't going to change the sway of a game by that much.


Except that's factually incorrect? LOL It is without question that I will have an easier match on Haddonfield than I will on RPD as nearly every killer on the roster.


idk I feel like every RPD I play is just a killer stomp. I don't see why youtubers shout that it's such a bad killer map all the time.


Well, I'm not a youtuber and I'm speaking from experience, so that's cool?


Yet as killer I have significantly easier games on RPD than on Haddonfield. We both have different experiences.


Even if you have a 100% chance to get Disturbed every match, nobody wants a teammate who would potentially throw the game for an achievement. Map offerings are bad. Achievements that encourage people to grief are bad also.


They don't encourage griefing. Stealth is a mechanic in this game, and I'm frankly annoyed that it's being pushed to the side in support of circling a pile of boxes the whole game.


Lmao yeah sure dude, care to share your plan for unhooking someone who is getting proxy camped without getting hit? Trying to avoid detection is one thing, almost everyone does it, but just avoiding getting hit at all is entirely different.


First of all, I wouldn't. I'd just plug gens and let the other two unhook. I'd still be carrying my weight. When I did the achievement I got two unhooks and personally completed two gens.


That's anecdotal, since you yourself point out that you rely on others to pick up the slack. Literally nobody wants a teammate that they can't rely on for unhooks when a normal player can both sit on gens and take a hit when necessary, be it for the sake of looping or saving someone else.


You do you, boo.


Will do, honeybun. Perhaps one day achievements won't encourage people to ruin games.


personally i’ve been able to complete all the map achievements because i’ll do them in the first week of release, idk if just has higher odds when it’s new, but if you’re an achievement hunter id imagine you play the game fairly frequently to do the same


I got the platinum trophy, I am an achievement hunter. Unfortunately such advice doesn't really stick when talking about maps like Disturbed Ward, given it's like, seven years old. I had to burn a lot of map offerings to get the Hemophobia achievement.


Which is kind of stupid considering how negatively it affects many players, both those who aren't trying to get achievements (have to go against map offerings) and those who are trying to complete all achievements (have to rely on them or rng to complete those achievements). I understand this is from the perspective of behaviour but it still doesn't benefit anyone.


Oh believe you me, I'm right with you there, but that does seem to be the reason. People grinding for outbreak breakout ruining it for all of us.


Hopefully they can do what they did when stranger things got removed and changed the achievements in some way.


That’s just a problem with achievements/trophies in MP games in general. Having to rely on whatever opportunity the game gives you to have a chance of getting the trophy/achievement you want. And it kinda makes people “selfish” for focusing on getting them rather than making the “better play” in whatever MP game they’re playing.


Given there's also achievements tied to specific killers, as in survivor achievements related to facing specific killers and doing X, that argument doesn't work since you can't force those. Plus you can get all the map ones just playing without the offerings.


I’ve gotten all of them without ever using a map offering. There’s no way to tell either if someone is using one to do achievements or to have a build specifically for that map that will make you miserable


Protip: If you see a map offering you don't like, you can close your game before the match starts to dodge the game and not get a DC penalty.


I know, I just really don't like doing that, only really do that if I'm in a bad mood and they do RPD I hate that map regardless of which version.


me when I see a game offering regardless of which role I'm playing lol


I really fucking agree, I would miss the Scratched Mirror Mikeys on Lerys but if it gets rid of some of the most obnoxious strats in the game? Small price to pay.


What about the sacrificial ward?


Make it cancel out single map bans so that survivors can't as a group ban a bunch of killer sided maps to get survivor sided maps but you don't have to have an entire group to stop a specific map.


Eh, no. Make sac wards a yellow offering at most but don't change map offerings


I think I'd prefer a hidden vote for map option after the lobby. Give 3 map choices and let it be a hidden vote. I tried to have fun on SM Myers last night but didn't want to not play a cake. I got Thompson house against 3 p100 fengs in the same outfit and a poor claudette that they let die on hook. Some killers hate indoor maps, but Mikey needs it for some fun.




You could give the killer 4 votes🤔🤔🤔




Maybe the map with most votes wouldn't immediately win but instead its chances to be selected increase


Bringing map bans means you aren’t seeing garden of joy or whatever’s a killer sided map these days ever again


Would probably encourage the Devs to look more at those maps.


I think I'd rather take that then map offerings, at least it would force them to look into maps that overly favour one side


Thank fucking god. Maybe then devs will finally fix them because there'd be numbers behind them


What an original, unique, and insightful post.


Totally agree. This is obvious for Killers, but even survivors can abuse this. For example you can bring a map with a lot of elevations and use BL, etc. Map ban would make a lot more sense.


The only problem I see with it is survivors bringing 4 map bans to try and get a survivor sided map but that's both still down to RNG and better than what we have with 1 person bringing it to get a guaranteed map they can build around.


But it also stops the killer from bringing busted add ons for a particular map.


Outside of scratched mirror and that one zombie add on for myers what add ons are busted on certain maps? Also huntress on midwitch


Well they can ban the most Killer sided maps but that takes 4 offerings and isn't really that impactful. Very different from forcing the most survivor sided map and building your perks around it.


Yeah, wasn't really an argument against it just the only problem I could find with it at the time. Someone else brings up the fact that casuals may want to play certain maps with the characters associated with that map but I don't believe it would affect casuals that strongly.


I think casuals will be more annoyed with the Killer forcing an extremely Killer sided map for himself. Chucky forcing Hawkins or something like that.


Good point, I remember even getting into the game I'd only use it to rig the game for broken maps, like original haddonfield and such.


I wish they would be removed and replaced with a up/downvote system. There are some maps i really don't like to see ever, no matter what build i'm running. allowing to downvote a handful of maps to greatly decrease their chance of appearing would be hugely appreciated.


What if you wanted to explore the new maps that are created? I doubt they will get rid of map offerings. I play the game casually.


>What if you wanted to explore the new maps that are created? When a map is released, it appears more often, and custom games are a thing. You can go to any map any time you want and as many times as you want.


Doesn't feel like it tbh. Not to mention maps get released on Tuesday. Most people wouldn't have time to play until the weekend


They're boosted for a few weeks usually, so weekend players get time with them.


Again, really doesn't feel like it


Map boosts last for at least a week if not longer. And idk about you, but I literally got nothing but the new map every single time I played lol


Ehhhh, I think you're not being completely honest with me but that's alright. It's just a game after all


This is the single most inane thing to form a conspiracy around LOL


Is it now? How so?


Because why on *fucking earth* would *anybody* lie to you about something *so meaningless*?


because everyone is malicious and I clearly get off by spreading misinformation in a video game subreddit _-rubs hands together like a cartoon villain-_


gangstalking tactics are wild now, smh :/


Never accused them of lying, I said I didn't think they were being completely honest. Given my experience playing the new chapter all day, the only time I went to that map was when I sent myself there. Once in the coming days, did I finally get the map without any offerings. Now there could be 2 possibilties. Either I'm just extremely unlucky, which is by nature improbable, or OP wasn't being honest about the odds or perhaps embellished the truth a bit (i.e. didn't play as much as I have, used map offerings)


It's interesting that I would agree with him for every released map in the last few years EXCEPT this latest one. I almost never see it.


Yeah I know right? It probably was due to the other boosted maps throughout before the masquerade


Ah yes. The good ole "I don't have the same experience as you, therefore you are lying/incorrect." Map repeat prevention is turned off after a new chapter and new maps are boosted, this has been a thing for literal years now. I mean, here's someone talking about it for the Forbidden Ruins, the map that _just_ came out? https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1d7hbuk/how_long_is_the_new_map_boosted_for/


Again, never accused you of lying. See other comment for more information


"I never said you were lying" "I think you're not being completely honest with me but that's alright." Yeah man you're just arguing stupid semantics now tbh. You have _multiple_ people telling you how new releases work and there are multiple posts + comments talking about it. You're wrong. You got unlucky, that's just how it goes sometimes. The same thing happened with me and Greenville Square when Unknown released. No, it's not "improbable", there's a % chance to go to the realm and map and you just didn't roll that map. It's that simple, god damn man. Disabling inbox replies now lol


>Disabling inbox replies now lol ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Guess I win lmao


The brick wall in its natural habitat. Seriously, just google it. It's not a conspiracy, it's just a fact. EDIT: Hah, they blocked me. I can't even find their reply. "Guess I win" as they'd say


New maps and reworked maps are always boosted on their launch.




I’m agree completely. I can only take RPD so many times in a row a day before I get burnt out.


If someone sends me to a map nowadays, I often conveniently press the close application button on my PlayStation taskbar during the loading screen. I would much rather take an extra minute to load back into the game than have 420KillerzSukChaseMeTTV with a purple beamer and a meta build take me to their personal favorite map to torment me for their shitty four-viewers-at-most twitch channel. This especially applies when I'm not playing one of my mains and I'm just trying to play someone with a daily challenge or just someone I haven't played in awhile. All of these add-ons should be converted into BP offerings and be done with. I know some people have suggested to make them map bans but honestly if we're having to ban maps that often the map itself is probably an issue more than anything else.




But how many people are really using them to do that compared to the amount of people who are using it to sabotage squad or midwhich nurse. And the achievements being locked to maps are a poor design choice in the first place (imo) as people have to rely on RNG or map offerings to complete them in the first place and are a hassle either way.




It removes a broken tool from players that are abused at all levels to my knowledge and if casual players truly want to experience certain maps custom games will always exist. Behaviour usually boosts maps regularly for events anyway and so if players wish to mess around with a map in public games they can vote for those maps with both sides aware that those maps are more likely.




(admittedly voting isn't the best idea for casuals my bad). But this has been a massive issue for a majority of the games lifespan and has been complained about on both sides for as long, it's far from an issue just affecting me but I wouldn't think that the removal of map offerings would adversely affect many casuals. If they want to see a specific map, it's likely to come up at some point through casual play or they can play with customs with friends. People who desperately want to play a certain map with a specific character are likely fans of a certain property and are likely to be playing that character when that map shows up anyway or want to do it for build reasons which is the exact problem stated. I'm sorry you disagree but I really don't think the amount of people who like map offerings even casuals outweighs the amount of.people who are negatively affected by them.


map ban is completely diff than map pick. if they can just have a map ban like lessen the chance by like 25% or something. then its more of a passive thing.


I'll bring indoor map offerings as soloqueue survivor because I like the aesthetic, not yo be rude, lol


I disagree with banning map offerings for the sole reason that achievements exist for specific maps that might not be possible without offerings. Now, if they get rid of those achievements, sure. Get rid of the offerings.


Given there's also achievements tied to specific killers, as in survivor achievements related to facing specific killers and doing X, that argument doesn't work since you can't force those. Plus you can get all the map ones just playing without the offerings. Takes longer, but they are 'achievable' and thus are valid.


Hell no. That’s a terrible idea since anyone can just decide they never want to touch a specific map again and collectively everyone will start to not want to play certain maps.


And the current don't allow you to do that?


What are you arguing for then dumbass


For the map ban thing but the argument it allows you to ignore maps when the current ones guarantee a map which let's you ignore every map except around 3 if you just cycle through them just doesn't work.


I think just do away with it entirely. Let the entity pick and the take the option from players. If you want to explore or run a certain map, that is what custom games are for. I hate that I have to waste BP on them knowing I’ll never use them.


Personally I don't think it would be practical to do at this point. I hate wasting blood points on them too, but a map ban would at least reduce the problems with them and play some builds with less worry.


Survivors could ban up to 4 realms with killer-sided maps in them, while killers could only ban a single realm with survivor-sided maps. There are very few killer sided maps so survivors could ensure that they never go to Dead Dawg Saloon or Midwich or Haddonfield, but killers will have to choose one of the several survivor sided maps to ban.


Compared to survivors bringing 4 map offerings of the same kind to ignore sacrificial ward I think it's better.


> survivors could ensure that they never go to Dead Dawg Saloon or Midwich or Haddonfield they can literally already do this and with fewer map offerings


Hint: There are two parts to my point.


I only play survivor, I just never have gotten the hang of playing killer. And I never use Map offerings. I enjoy the randomness even though as a switch player my game crashes as soon as we load into the swamp map and that map that has ruines in it and light brown sand on the ground


I wonder if they could just reduce the chance to get the map to 'Considerably' or 'Moderately'


I would ban Coolwind or Badham every match if they changed the offerings to that.


It bugs me that even if you remove map offerings, there's still a 5x greater chance to be sent to badham than other maps


Bro wants to end scratched mirror myers >:(


The only map offerings I use are more survivor sided tbh, but i also only use them when im in solo cue


As a Scratched Mirror Myers player, gimme your indoor map luck. I'd love being able to play him during the event, but I can't since I wanna run Cobblers. But that leaves me with his default playstyle, which sucks, or perma-EW3 which everyone disconnects against immediately. Mostly I've just not been playing him, which blows 'cause I'd love to build up some Cobblers on him, but it seems pointless.


Offerings should just be hidden from either side change my mind


That's actually a great idea. Using a map offering to ban a map...


As a new parent who gets maybe 2 matches per day after the kid is asleep and a person who plays on console 6+ feet away from the TV with windows all over the place (and there is no brightness slider in the settings), map offerings are a god send. 1. I have limited play time. I want to play on maps that I enjoy. 2. The darker maps are impossible to see anything if you have the faintest glimmer of glare on your TV. Those two things combined means I'm bringing: Eyrie, Ormand, The Game, Corn maps, Dead Dawg, RPD, Haddonfield. I don't really care if they are killer or survivor sided. They are maps I can see what's going on and are enjoyable to play.


Yeah, map offerings are a problem, but that's probably not the way to fix it, that would just make them amost completely unused like 60% of the offerings. The maps themselves should be fixed, in my opinion.


the maps should definitely be fixed, absolutely, but DBD is the only matchmade multiplayer game i can think of where a singular random player can make an executive decision on where everyone else is forced to play. like you aren't going to play TF2 and then a Sniper player in your lobby goes "mmm, actually we're all going to *this* map i like because it has good sightlines for my class, fuck the rest of you." it's really bizarre that this has been a feature for nearly the entire lifespan of the game and i believe it is very outdated and should be removed, in addition to those maps being fixed.


Fair point about Sniper. They probably should be removed then, but I hope they think of some other new fun offering. I like offerings having an impact on the match, so with map offerings gone I hope they think of something new.




I play map offerings, but I do it so I get actual map rotation. If they can guarantee their ‘won’t get sent to the same map twice’ I’d be fine without them. But their dev team sucks and even though that’s supposed to be how it works, I’m constantly going to the exact same maps in a row on random. Not same realm, the same exact map. It makes the game so boring to me.


people actually feeling like a map offering is this big of a deal is insane. yall will complain about everything


It isn't on its own but like all things it can be abused and with a community like this, it will be abused, some builds can be entirely ruined by one map and certain builds can be rendered overpowered on other maps. My comment at the end wasn't an example of people bringing broken builds for it just playing a killer that gets affected by it more than most. I think this would be alot healthier for the game.


dawg they're in the game. get better at the game and the map won't matter. that, or they genuinely made an offering to reject all map offerings. this is just a ridiculous amount of complaining


I admit that I don't understand how to play every map well (weirdly due to my refusal to 3 gen many killer sided maps I suffer on) and there a few I could do with learning. But when people much better than me are consistently saying that map offerings are dumb, the Devs have maps like garden of joy and current killer sided haddonfield around and sacrificial ward appears just as much as normal map offerings meaning it's outnumbered by other map offerings. I don't think it's too much of an ask that they're given a look over even if they aren't used every game.


> get better at the game and the map won't matter. Absolute joke of a take. Please return to your shift at the circus.


damn. i'd be that bitter too if i had a skill issue


Pfft. The take really *is* ridiculous. You think that they're no objective advantage on certain maps for the Killer or Survivor? This guy says it better than I do: [https://youtu.be/X-SVcvL6rAI?si=92kPm00PNm2syLDC&t=129](https://youtu.be/X-SVcvL6rAI?si=92kPm00PNm2syLDC&t=129)


ridiculous is saying map offerings shouldn't exist they're circumstantial. ghost face on borgo? yeah probably bad. ghostface on rpd? a total slaughter. is the swf somehow a fucking magic mind reader able to tell which killer there is to use a map they're purposefully bad on? fuck no. had a swf send me to crow earlier today as huntress. best visibility in the game and they got mowed down at 4 gens. if you're scared of map offerings get better. maps are not 'killer' or 'survivor' sided. some maps do better for certain killers than others. there is no map in the game survivors see and go oh wow what an easy win. and you can still 4k as any killer on any map if you play well enough. yall are so cheesy dude. any challenge or gameplay element you don't like you come online and whine about it. the game isn't supposed to always be a complete cake walk. you get shit maps. you will face swfs. you will not always 4k. the entire game does not need to dumb itself down to make things easier for you. this subreddit dude. geez.


I dunno what to tell you. It's a bad mechanic that can win games before the game has even started. Let me ask you this: for what reason should we *keep* Map Offerings? >maps are not 'killer' or 'survivor' sided. some maps do better for certain killers than others. there is no map in the game survivors see and go oh wow what an easy win This is **objectively** wrong. Midwich is far, far easier for Killer than pretty much any other map in the game, for example. [https://imgur.com/anDhNTV](https://imgur.com/anDhNTV) You're making the assumption that everyone that dislikes Map Offerings does so because they don't like a challenge, which is disingenuous at best. People abuse Map Offerings to best suit their build, that is an indisputable truth. They do so by making builds that benefit heavily on the map they choose, and the only counter to this is to bring a Sacrificial Ward, which is a rare Offering that has a 25 other offerings of the same rarity to compete with.


win games before the game has started is fucking insane just admit you're ass


You're a child. You're not even taking the time to read what's being said; I just posted this response. I have given you evidence from a source that *plays the game for a living*, and you're still clinging to your false truth. I hope you pass English class, as your lack of reading comprehension does not bode well for your future.


They need to be removed not reworked.


skill issue


I think offerings that sway or cancel the maps, should all go the way of the Splinter offerings. They wouldn't be that big of a problem if 8/10 maps are balanced so atrociously to one side or the other. And I would much rather these maps get looked at first before retiring the category of offerings but it's probably a big ask when Bhvr still routinely releases gorgeous but unbalanced maps even after 8+ years 🤦‍♂️


Would the green hand offering from killers prevent the map bans still in this scenario unless all 4 survivors play the same ban offering?


Would help stop survivors from enforcing specific maps I'd say it should be cancelled if there are 2 or more of the same, so that you don't need a full squad to stop a map from appearing, but also can stop survivors from rigging maps. Now that does lead to a problem of survivors being able to stop a killer from trying to avoid a specific map, with map offerings decreased strength you would likely see less wards so it wouldn't be much of a problem.


I’d be pretty sad if they did this because one of my favorite playstyles is scratched mirror Myers. But I agree that it would be better for the long term health of the game


i think the majority wants it to change. there is a small minority who abuse it that want to keep it the way it is. but honestly wether its killers or survivors i have mostly seen map offerings used in a semi-toxic way. i think for the health of the game its best they change it.


What about killers getting a map ban but keep it the same for survivors AND nobody knows jack about who they're playing against.


I feel that would lead to survivor groups bringing two different map offerings that would both benefit them and lead to the same problem.