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Recently had a game where a pig had a full slugging build and proceeded to bleed all of us out. Since I was the last one to go down, she sat on top of me and kept humping me for 4 minutes. We weren't toxic or anything, she downed all of us in the first 2 minutes of the game.


A tale as old as time. My bet is that killer got stomped last match and took it out on an unsuspecting group. Really a bummer. Meanwhile that other group of survivor is off clowning other killers. It’s tough and the killer sucks for it, but it’s the vicious cycle.


It's just weird because I feel like I'm at an MMR right now where killers are trying to play comp level while I am celebrating looping for more than 30 seconds lmao I don't know, there's so many killers that go in specifically to slug or tunnel at 5 gens.. barely have any fun anymore currently, so I guess I just need to take a break. Which sucks, because I love this game.


This is the only game that I’ve ever had to take MH breaks from


I would not recommend playing Rainbow 6 Siege or For Honor then 😂


Noted!! 😂


Also league would be a good idea to avoid


✍🏼also….. league….✍🏼 got it!


Valorant as well, especially if you're a minority.


I’ve only ever played one game and got harassed for sucking even though it was literally my first game ever. That game told me everything I needed to know about the community. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the League of Legends tree.


I dont even play val and i can attest to this from eye witness


I know this is not the place, but what's the state of For Honor nowadays? The game have fallen off the grid it seems.


I'm on a break rn and every time I see clips or stuff comes up on reddit/social media it reminds me why the break should continue 🙃


There are two MMR brackets. Babies just spawning into the game, and everyone else.


Time to play killer! Which side will you join? Playing fair? Stomping? Killer is in a great place right now, but as you advance survivors get really really good. Give the other side a try and play how you’d want a killer to play.


Hahah, I wish I could. I do play killer sometimes, I love plague! But it gives me insane anxiety, that's why I always have a base respect for killer mains because I could never.


you can look at killer like the game master of DnD: you play the baddy so that your little survivor players can have their thrill. they love you for it! you set the stage for them, you put challenges in front of them, you spook them. thats where they get their entertainment from


Okay that's an adorable way of thinking about it


That’s how I look at it. I used to be more stressed playing killer but it’s the other way around for me now. You have control over the game. Sometimes I’ll play very seriously and then let them go. Sometimes I’ll just mess around. Sometimes I’ll go in for the kills. It really depends on my mood and my killer. The good thing about killer too is that you can literally just go afk if the survivors are being toxic. Don’t have to worry about teammates.


i’ve started playing more killer and one thing that helps with the anxiety is to go anon and just not pay any attention to the end game chat.


Or play on console and there is no end game chat!


Most of my problem is in the loneliness of it. I also get quite scared playing survivor but since I always play with mates and can Talk while doing that I'm fine. As killer, you're just sitting there playing the game. Somehow I can't do that with dbd I just get too anxious 😭


omg wait same. I always play surv with a friend because I get SO scared playing by myself lollll. When I play killer I go in with certain goals (one hook per person + finish challenge, usually) and I always play friendly and usually buddy up with at least one survivor in match. Idk maybe things like that can help it not feel so lonesome!


Sucks to be a killer in high level. Sucks to be a survivor in any level. Less you play with premades.


Yeah I getchu mate. This is why I argue that this game is killer sided with the amount of gen slowdowns there are and how you can win if you play as dirty as possible as a killer. There is a reason to why there are killer win streak that span all the way to the hundred figure. Meanwhile, a solo survivor individual escape played by Ayrun only gets to 16 max. This game has so many variables in RNG involved. People still don't understand this, saying is the survivor sided makes the least amount of sense for the past 2 years of the game. Fairly balanced in some games on both sides depending on maps, spawn location, pallets etc.


eh, you are forgetting the swf angle. imo its swf > killer > solo q


People who 'punish' players for the actions of completely different players, are the stupidest MFers.


Couldn’t agree more. BUT it’s usually what happens.


Reminds me after a Knight kept trying to slug everyone at 5 gens all the way to 0 in a solo queue match, we ended up getting 3 people out (not including me, I'm pretty bad on survivor.) Endgame chat, the Knight said a ton of censored stuff and "take the L" when I said GG... He had the Third Seal hex, Sloppy Butcher, and Coulrophobia. Solo queue is atrocious.


It’s a common cycle in this game. SWF gets shit on so then they bully the next killer they get. That killer gets pissed and bullies the next group they play against. Then they get matched with a strong SWF who bullies them and the cycle continues.


I'm not above a little BM to annoying and toxic survivors but it's always case by case. If I get galloped the previous game that's thay game. I can't understand taking it into another with random people.


I'll never understand this logic (tho it's true, unfortunately). I only do that kind of stuff as killer (very seldom) if they are a super sayan bully squad with four flashy and just basically antagonizing me with no justification. *Then* I can get pretty nasty and not feel bad about it ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Song as old as rhyme, survivors and the beast


My exact thoughts. People aren’t just toxic out of the blue. I’ve seen killers go their “favorite build” and then get stomped then proceed to go Skull Merchant on Lery’s.


I mainly play killer, and I will admit iam guilty of this, I try to be nice and give hatch to last victim, but when I get tbagged at every pallet or people sit on killer shack the whole game, the next game I won’t even bother trying to be nice. I feel it goes both ways. Both killers and victims will have a toxic opponent at some point and cause them to be not so nice the next game and it’s just an endless loop.


Bhvr doesnt see this as toxic sadly. We need another flashlight situation with cote. Bleed him out for 4 mins and tea bag him.


Seriously, if you hump someone while they bleed for 4 minutes you really have a problem.


I have no idea why she did that. It was both wasting my time and hers.


Definitely. I guess she should use that time going to a therapist.


Most killer mains imo yall need to chill. We're all gamers what happened to having fun?


That's just typical pig player behaviour, sorry for your loss though, I've been the victim of that as well.


Used to love pigs but I think ever since they buffed her she's just more popular and so there's also more "bad apples".. but the whole day was cursed, directly after I got tunneled by a nemesis at 5 gens 😭


So I only started playing this game during the chapter with Sable and Unknown and I don't understand why people have this whole thing with "boop the snoot" and pig is cute and friendly because I have never met a friendly pig, they always be the bleed you on the floor or slug for the 4k type people. Also her power straight up is not fun to play against since its that "lets go gambling!" meme and prevents you from playing the game.


I've been playing again since Singularity chapter (just played a bit when the game first game out) and back then most pigs were very cute and tameable. But they gave her a very needed buff, which made more people play her. Just as a tip, with the reverse bear trap it's not a gamble, once she puts it on you it's a secret roll of how many chances you need to get it off. I believe it's always between 1-4 tries. So you can just run to the closest ones to you and hope.


"Boop the snoot" was more common when the pig was weaker. People who play weaker/non-meta killers tend to do so simply because they enjoy playing that particular killer, not because they want a super-optimal 4k at 5 gens (not to mention the fact that a 4k at 5 gens would've required a truly nightmarish amount of sweat on pre-buff pig). If you wanted a super-optimal 4k at 5 gens, you played strong killers like nurse, blight, wesker, etc. Now that pig's stronger and can more realistically obtain a 4k at 5 gens, the people who want that have a larger pool to select from. It's just the law of large numbers, I guess.


Makes sense. Me I just play killers I can 4k with without needing to slug. Don't matter if I 4k at 5 or 1 gens as long as it can win without playing toxic.


Makes me so sad, as a Pig main who has mained her for the last 4 years. D8 Love playing her, hate playing against her because the new gen Pig players are absolutely miserable humans, lmao. |:


Report them for that. Did the same thing just today. Got slugged for 4 minutes, and humped on. Reported them and got the action taken for griefing popup a couple of hours later. Keep reporting these toxic assholes, BHVR is actually trying to do something about it, regardless of what you hear from others.


Really? From what I heard they keep saying that slugging is a valid thing.


I think there’s a bit of confusion because people use “slugging” to mean anything from “left me on the ground for a minute to catch the teammate that they just saw duck behind that wall over there” to “left me on the ground to bleed out while humping me for four minutes”. One of those is a valid strategy, the other really isn’t.


common misconception. Action taken just means someone looked at the report , not that anyone got a punishment.


I think we played the same pig...


I only played with a friend, so two randoms. Were you on toba landing? Lmao


We had a ghostface do this exact thing last night too. Like same exact thing.


Imagine if it was the same player lmao


I wouldn’t be surprised lol


Meanwhile the devs took out clicking a fucking flashlight for "toxicity"


I thought they reduced the speed of clicking because of epilepsy.


Pretty sure they also took that out because of the flashing light problem?


lol I literally had a pig do exactly this to me last time I played. It’s really pathetic how common this is


These are the games I think of when ppl talk about how survivors are the only side that can exploit the game. I've had this happen to me so many times over the years, and waiting them out is never possible because end game as a solo player is basically impossible. If they have any perks to slow down the exit gates, or it's a killer with good map coverage you're completely screwed. They can also stand on top of the hatch and prevent you from using it, once they see you they close it and game over.


Literally the last two days I had two killers with a knockout flogging bleed out build. I want a give up option half way through the bleed out so fucking badly.


Typical killer behavior 😒


Report and go next. Sorry that happened.


I'm just trying to figure out how a whole team got dropped by a pig in 2 minutes tbh


A 45 second dc timer goes way faster than bleeding out


If you can DC. I used to have awful internet and had frequent network disconnects. My ban timer passed 24 hours at one point.


My game has been crashing so much recently, no idea why, and I've been getting banned for hours now Edit: and before any of you try to help (which I appreciate) there's no error codes, and the only other post I found with a similar setup to me found a solution in something I already tried, I've also ran steam through the terminal so I can see the exact output of what's happening but I haven't gotten any responses to a post I made with the output so I haven't gotten anywhere. Also my PC has a 7800x3d and 7900xtx, so it's not like my PC can't handle the game


Im on the same boat, my dbd experience is playing until my game crashes and i get banned again. Nobody else seems to have the same issue.


Rightttt it’s like, some people do have network/stability issues that can’t afford to DC during a toxic round


Yeah… uh, you might want to stick to PVE games if your Internet consistently has problems and you know you’re going to get disconnected THAT much…


I moved. Just saying it can be a barrier for people.


So ridiculous. People have spent a ton of money on this game and being unable to play because of unforeseeable circumstances is ridiculous. You can kill yourself on hook in 20 seconds and there are bots now, literally what is the point of the penalty anymore


Unforeseeable circumstances? Did you read the last part of my comment? These people know that they're currently having Internet issues yet they continue to queue up for PVP games. Just stick to single players until things improve, there's plenty of good ones I could recommend... Also... it would be better to fix why people leave instead, people will just go back to mass DCing if you get what you want and the penalty was removed, this happened a few years ago when the penalty was removed as an experiment, and it was quickly being abused by babies. You'd just be creating a different problem by "solving" another.


Problem is consistency, dc timer adds up disproportionately to the amount of games where you’re slugged or someone gives up on first hook


I use the three strike rule, if I’m in three games that constitute me wanting to disconnect I’m no longer having fun and go do something else while the timer runs


yes, it's a bad game mechanic.


I see so many posts about slugging saying just play a game on your phone, or go do something else. The thing is, there shouldn't be a point during an actual match that you can just walk away from it. That is a horrible mechanic that just isn't healthy for the game.


It's usually the side who can't be slugged who thinks it's fine. Hoping they update it someday.


^ This. The people that disregard Survivors' complains about shit like tunneling, camping or the biggest offender, bleeding people out, are mostly **Killer only** players who don't have to experience that shit themselves, since Survivors don't really have the tools to actually stop them from playing the game.


I try to explain that to people but it's always "yeah but high MMR bully squads can blind you a bunch!" I can still hit them when they're overly altruistic because they always are. You never lose the ability to defend yourself or try to counter.


If the killer refuses to kill the 3rd survivor and isn't in a chase with the 4th. Then, the 3rd slugged survivor should be allowed to sacrifice themselves to reveal the hatch or let the doors open faster. Punish the killer and reward the victim.


Hard yes on this. i care less for the 'how to' and just want a way to end a match if I'm slugged.


Unbreakable base kit. But have it on a timer that you can pick yourself up after like 1min. That’s 3 pickups per match per person MAX. And if that situation ever happens. It’s on the Killer for forcing it. Especially now that hooks respawn.


I'd be 100% ok with this and I'm usually killer


I still don’t understand why they scrapped basekit unbreakable smh.


I don’t know for sure. But it was ~supposed~ to come with the Mori changes. It’s a little fuzzy so forgive me if I’m wrong. But people rioted for both changes. So I think they abandoned it. If I remember right. They said they still had plans to implement but it’s been quiet since.


It was way to strong in the state that it was on the ptb. It denied any form of slugging at all.


it was absolutely gigabusted. Tbh survivors should just get an option to bleed out manually on the floor if they feel like they are gonna be left. I don't see a reason why you would want to buff a class in order to deal with griefing, when you can instead just do something against the griefing. Thats like giving killers basekit Bloodwarden because some survivors like to waste time at exit gates. Doesnt make sense to implement that


Often one of the only strategies against a group of good survivors


It would be nice if your health depleted rapidly if you let go of the recover button


Or make it a separate button cuz you’ll just bleed out fast af when crawling, Scott kind recommended something like this, a button to make you die faster that’s all


Or if you keep holding it after 99%


Yeah, there's differences in slugging for pressure and slugging to bleed out


Maybe a system like self unhooks where you can attempt to get back up. If you fail you lose 33% of your bleed bar.


If I can't slug my body to an area where I could potentially get up on my own, I'd like to see something where if you and another slugged survivor find one another, you can help get each other back up.


Cue half your teammates instantly bleeding themselves out the second they get downed for the first time


Can we make a petition somewhere to support this? Because if we had this I'd genuinely play survivor more.


Nah die faster option is the only fair thing


I like this idea


oh wow, another way to go next without getting a dc penalty


yeah why not self escape instead


Honestly, at this point basekit Unbreakable doesn't seem so far out there anymore. For example, you can recover last 5% with the same speed as previous 95%. Maybe toss a 3 seconds Endurance and Haste, but you can only get those if you recovered entirely by yourself. Killers can still tactically slug, even for 4k, but it's no longer a 4 minutes bleedout.


Ah yes, the age-old adage of “use this perk to counter bad killer behavior” instead of, say, reworking the bad killer behavior. Dunno what else I expected from the replies. At this rate, we’ll need fourteen perk slots to run all the perks we need to counter bad killer behavior. “Just run Calm Spirit,” “Just run Boil Over,” “Just run Unbreakable,” etc.


How does boil over or calm spirit counter bad killer behavior, should they just not run screaming perks and not hook people?


How am I, an individual, supposed to rework bad killer behavior?


Hack your way into dev account, DUH!


just stop pretending perks are enough to combat bad behavior.


How is calm spirit and boil over countering bad killer behaviour


Question? Is it tunnelling if I’m letting the person who got unhooked run away, but then like 2 mins later down them and hook them again specifically because they just aren’t good at hiding? Am I still tunnelling or is that more of a skill issue on them?


I usually leave them until I've hooked someone else, or until they've been healed. More points for more hits, and survs get heal points win/win. But I always find someone else if I can. But that's a personal choice. Getting shut out of the game like that sucks.


Oh shit, I didn’t even think of that. For me I’m prefer to get them hooked quick and pop gens. Once they’re unhooked I just let them go so they can heal and reset


I dont think its tunnelling but ive seen survs call it that even if its like 10 minutes later and they just happen to be seen again


No - tunneling is when you find one survivor, hook him, camp him, wait for unhook, down him again and repeat until they die. 3x hooking same survivor in a row. If you go for someone else in between its not tunneling ( or find him somewhere).


Ahhh okay. There’s a few times teams have flamed me for “tunneling” meanwhile I just smacked 2 gens, got 3 injured and then hooked them a second time 😂 I can definitely understand the frustration for a survivor who may be newer to the game and simply trying to learn


We shouldn't have crude "fuck it, go next" bandaid fixes to unfun game mechanics like slugging. Those game mechanics should not exist in the first place. It's honestly a bit baffling we see weekly requests for these faster bleedout or forfeit *solutions*, but barely any asking for an actual fix to the problem. The killer having the power to force players into extended inactivity by just leaving them on the ground, and removing them from the game extremely quickly (tunneling) are problematic and outdated mechanics with the game that should be removed outright and not be addressed with bandaid fixes like anti-tunneling/slugging perks. Of course this would not be an easy fix that would come with obstacles and balance issues, but it's far preferable to the alternative of just shrugging and adding yet another way for players to kill themselves and go next without a penalty.


But it's hard to find a solution to those problems that competitive SWFs can't take advantage of in an offensive way. That's probably why they haven't implemented any solutions. I personally can't think of one except the bleed out faster idea.


It's hard, yes. And if DBD was an abandoned game kept alive as a passion project by fans, I'd argue a bandaid fix would be the most realistic and ideal solution. But DBD is a massive game with a surprisingly large studio behind it. And so I think it's perfectly possible for them to find a solution.


Are you new here? BHVR will just drop a new Nea skin or nerf pig or something. Slugging and tunneling have been issues for nearly a decade now, I’m sorry but BHVR is never going to fix them.


because there is no way to fix them without upsetting the survivor base. its not just, tunneling and slugging for fun, a lot of the time youre doing it to prevent a ds after someone rushed you after being unhooked. sometimes you have to go around making sure there are no flashlighters because " look away" only works on like 3 maps and only if you arent lucky enough to down someone at an outside wall. the choice between hiding at the end game when youre the 4th, or giving yourself up to the killer, because its only toxic for killers to actually fully complete their objective. do we remove the new flashlight save perk to make it so its easier to pick up immediately? ( flashlights are the same as instadown addons, but super easy to come by. and apparently not toxic) do we add more time to all the gens so that tunneling and slugging isnt necessary? do we add in crows on any player that has not progressed the game for 30 seconds? to prevent the last two players from just hiding? remove the hatch all together and have the 4th survivor morid if there is more than 1 gen remaining? do we add in a healing debuff by % each time a survivor is injured to make it so it takes more time to heal as the game goes on if the killer is playing well? at the end of the day, players arent looking for whats fair, they just want it to be easier to win.


There’s no way to fix them without upsetting the *killer* base. The trade offs you’d consider necessary are what would upset the survivors, but I would gladly trade pretty much anything from the survivor toolkit if it meant I’d never get slugged or tunneled again.


I'm a killer main and I'll never understand killers slugging and bleeding everyone out. Like how is that fun or rewarding? Not to mention you get way less points that way???


Just had a Chucky who was using a perk to prevent seeing survs in dying state and slugged us 1 by 1. Real fun.


I liked Scott’s idea of having some mode you can put yourself in where you crawl faster but bleed out faster. Certainly better than just alt tabbing and waiting for the timer


there should just be a "give up" button or something but sadly i realise how many people would get mad and impulsively click it


I just don't get killers that bleed out survivors. How is wasting your own time, on top of 1-4 others, enjoyable? I get slugging a survivor to the bleedout point when it's an adept or a 4k tome challenge...you don't have a great alternative if the hatch is at risk while hunting for the remaining survivor. But just bleeding out to do it...you gotta have an extremely empty life or something.


Idea: What if you could sacrifice a hook state to pick yourself back up? If you're downed and fully recover to about 90% (the usual recovery time before you need help from another survivor), a button prompt comes up to sacrifice a hook state for an instant pickup (or instant death if you're on death hook). You can either wait to be healed per usual or you can keep the game state progressing if you choose. This prevents four man slugs, but also keeps the same altruism we have now for healing down survivors.


I like this! I really really do! It needs tweaking since it has too much benefit for survivors (like a free unhook) and you stilll have the option to stand up with other perks or by other survivors. I would increase the time it takes to fill the bar by yourself, maybe reduce it when is done by other surivors (numbers should be tested) since you will be able to stand up by yourself and contribute to the objectives and/or save other survivors, but we don't want it to be harder for your teammates to pick you up. It has a lot of potential as a new mechanic since they can develop new perks to reduce the timing for survivors, and increase it for killers. There are already some perks that would be compatible with this mechanic and would be very interesting to try.


Honestly this is the only good solution I've seen so far. It adds a risk/reward, basically acts as a "forced hook", and doesn't give survivors an even quicker "die on hook".


I like this a lot, but I think we’d need to increase recover time slightly. 


True! Maybe it could be tied to a separate timer (similar in look to the anti-facecamp timer) that tics up every second and after X amount of seconds, you can pick yourself up for a hook state.


Had a Billy do this in one of my games. Slugging build, bleeding out, bm’ing me and my duo. Could’ve ended the game soooo much sooner but he refused to. Every time he got in chase with me or my duo he’d drop chase to immediately go back to whoever he had slugged at the time because he couldn’t down us with his chainsaw. We eventually went down to just him M1’ing us for attempting to save our randos :/ (despite his slugging play style we still managed to get down to like 1 gen lol) In the end this Billy goes into enc and says “there’s no good players in pubs man” and for us to get better at the game. tf dude lol 💀


It's not fun for most killers unless they know they are ruining your fun and wasting your time, great community we have.


Just add a suicide button after a certain time maybe? But what if someone tries to pull an unbreakable play but just as they see opportunity the whole team pressed the suicide button?


Recently had a game where a Wesker tunneled a Feng Min TTVer right out of the beginning of the match, still 5 gens and then tunneled the Cheryl at 3 gens and then left David to bleed out while trying to find me. David died while bleeding out because the Wesker didn't want to pick him up (he was death hook) and when Wesker finally found me and downed me, he decided to run back and forth over my body so you can probably guess what they were trying to insinuate. I feel bad for the David and I literally couldn't pick him up because Wesker was just there...standing menacingly. So yeah, I agree with ya. 4 minutes it's way too long, especially when killers pull those types of shenanigans.


Why on some of my builds I have Unbreakable. It has its uses tbf. Other than that if it’s clear the killer is just leaving your team on the ground then go and put the kettle on or something.


Scott Jund came up with a good mechanic called "push limits" You can press a button to crawl faster but it drains your bleedout bar 4x as fast.


To be fair, they've tried to fix this in the past, but the methods they used caused worse issues. We had the worst PTB known to man where survivors got basekit unbreakable and killers got basekit Mori. Both were exploited to heck. The unbreakable was exploited because survivors just brought hook cheese builds, and then couldn't be slugged to be punished for that. Or brought perks to decrease the time required before they could get up. The mori was exploited by the best killers in the game to end matches in 45 seconds. I think basekit unbreakable could work. But they'd have to change a lot of perks to accommodate it and I just don't think they want to. Because they couldn't just change the perks like unbreakable, they'd have to change perks like boil over or flip flop.


There is no need to basekit unbreakable. If all survivors are slugged and cant get up, just kill them. Problem solved


Did you not read my comment? THEY TRIED THAT! It was exploited by the strongest killers, to end games in 45 seconds. It was part of the hell PTB.


They tried insta killing all 4 survivors of they can’t get up?


during the PTB with finishing mori and basekit unbreakable, if all survivors were downed the game instantly ended. This went exactly as well as you'd think and just resulted in nerfing weaker killers and buffing sabo massively while giving the S tier killers an alternate win condition that could end games in less than 5 minutes with no incentive whatsoever to go for hooks and play killer the normal way.


Game is over if 4 survivors are downed and have no way to pick up anyways. Having 4 survivors slugged is super hard and survivors have to miss play badly.


imo as a mechanic to prevent killers from letting survivors bleed out, 1 minute after hitting the 'find help' section of recovery, you should be able to get up by yourself.


A few days ago I was playing killer and two remaining survivors decided to hijack the match by hiding and not doing gens. I took a break for 30 minutes and they were still hiding. So I found them and let them bleed out on the floor, it was so satisfying 😂


suicide mechanic where i stab myself would be good


If I have crows on me and I'm still knocked down on the floor, I want an option to hold a button to bleed out faster. I've had so many matches end like this cause the killer was being a baby


Unbreakable should be base kit *


If you use task manager to kill the game you won’t get the penalty.


Craziest thing for me is that the devs dont consider this bannable I reported a killer that bled a survivor out IN THE BASEMENT and they said "sluggin" isn't bannable, sad that they allow this type of behavior


It blows my mind that this game is going on its 8th year and stuff like this is still in the game. Literally no one wants to stare at the screen and do nothing for extended periods of time. This is one of the many reasons I stopped playing after years. It’s just so boring.


If it didn't have so many licensed characters it would have fell off a long time ago.


They tested base kit (nerfed) unbreakable on PTB and killers started bitching about it like crazy on here.


You always talk the biggest BS here. They removed it because it was accompanied with the finishing mori and killers like Blight could end the game in under a minute as well making unhookable builds super oppressive. It was a shit system which was abused by both sides.


>You always talk the biggest BS here Lmao what? 99% of what I ever comment or post on this sub is heavily upvoted so this is furthest from the truth. Welcome to the block list tho, at least I’ll save you from seeing my comments moving forward ;) >finishing mori The two features being in the same PTB is entirely irrelevant. They’re separate features intended to serve completely different purposes. The finishing mori was to present a cinematic feel while the base kit Unbreakable was to test anti-slugging.


To be fair, killers complained about DS being too strong and BHVR ended up nerfing it. If killers can't play like scum they will always complain.


There needs to be basekit unbreakable after being on the ground for 1.95 minutes, especially since the next update is removing hooks being permanently broken after a survivor is sacrificed on them, where they respawn after a minute. This basekit unbreakable can be deactivated once the last gen is completed, like the anti-camp mechanic. And if a killer REALLY wants to 4K, they can just play normally and burn a hatch offering and likely patrol both doors with no issues.


I get why you want this but that would be another band aid fix not addressing the core problem. Its not a proper fix and DBD has so many issues like that being covered up by bandaids. For some reason BHVR would rather add perks or lackluster changes instead of properly fixing game issues. Camping? They added the anti face camp mechanic but now killers just camp at 17m just out of range. Tunneling? Basekit BT helps but its on a short timer and only buys you a single hit at best. Slugging? Hope you're running unbreakable and even then the whole team would need to be running it to get any kind of value The issue is BHVR promotes so many unhealthy game mechanics that shouldn't exist. The other issue is killer players are so accustomed to playing with those bad mechanics that its impossible for them to play any other way. The idea of camp/tunnel/slug being removed is something they can't handle or accept. BHVR has put the game in a bad state that any fix will result in a lot of people complaining, even if it made the game healthier.


Fucking A that last paragraph should be pinned to the top of this sub man. Too true


You mean the company that reworked Skull Merchant to prevent 3genning, then removed 3genning entirely making that rework redundant... doesn't know what they're doing? Just like the Twins rework that was made to prevent slugging, only to literally make them an S tier slugger, they clearly know what they're doing lol


On the topic of bots- since there are bots now, the DC penalty should stay at a fixed time instead of increasing however it does. The reason for the dc penalty was bc it was meant to discourage dc’ing since it left people screwed. But now that the bots do more than the people who tend to dc, nobody is being screwed, so the penalty should stay at like less than 30 min. If we’re being griefed, we shouldn’t be forced to stick around or go afk in order to not be penalized. There should still be a penalty simply because otherwise everyone would dc and the bots aren’t 100%, but I’ve seen people get banned for a week before due to having spotty internet connection or people who have been banned for a few days because they kept getting griefed or tunneled.


Why would anyone wants to play with leavers. Fix game problems, instead of letting leavers unpunished. Noone like to play with bots, thats why its PvP game.


If anyone is getting week long bans due to their shitty internet the should be playing pve games. People aren't getting banned for being griefed they're getting banned for DCing and if it happens that often it's likely on them.


You misread my original comment, because I never said anyone was getting banned for being the one who is griefing. Different topic entirely. I actually have a long comment at the end of the thread that explains in more detail other scenarios that would call for a DC that shouldn’t be penalized. I played DBD before fiber got installed, why should I have just given up on a game that I paid for just because my internet became unstable? Some days it wouldn’t go out at all, others it would go out several times. They don’t send out a schedule that tells you when your internet will go out……. If schools can accommodate students whose internet failed during an exam, why can’t GAME DEVS figure it out? It seems you’re really into the idea of people getting unjustly punished for things outside of their control. You don’t seem to care about people, only your own personal experience. Try thinking of others sometimes, you’d be surprised how much happier you’ll be not just sitting there thinking only of yourself.


If you hate the role, you should probably stop playing it. Honest advice.


This. Uninstall the game. Play something else. If enough people do this maybe BHVR will get their shit together.


Fun fact, literally NOONE thinks it a good design choice, so keep making posts like these people that’s how we get changes


hot take, but being able to fully recover from the dying state should be basekit, maybe in exchange for making it take a bit longer. Perks that already let you recover can be reworked to increase recovery speed. If you're on the floor for that long, you should just be able to pick yourself back up


They already tried this and it just resulted in people exploiting unhookable builds


ah, that makes sense. Can't have a good thing because it enables the most annoying build to succeed


Yeah sadly this game has very delicate balancing and many changes have 100 unintended consequences


So instead of buffing hook locations or nerfing annoying unhookable builds we’re just back to square one. Great job.


Instead they *buffed* unhookable builds lol


Every time someone posts this I can't help but picture some barely sentient automaton watching their monitor/TV intensely while they're on the ground with no way to get back up pressing every button and being frustrated that nothing happens instead of just doing something else for a few minutes. Sorry, it's just so funny.


The point is you shouldn't have to have a back-up game ready to play. This shouldn't be an issue and yet it still is somehow.


Why is empath in your name, but every comment I read of yours is just making fun of people? Doesn't really seem empathic to me.


Completely off topic rant. But the concept of an “empath” is stemmed from a science fiction novel and is not all based in real psychology. Empathy is a skill that while innate can also be strengthened and improved. People who call themselves empaths are always suspicious to me, because they often claim they feel exactly what other people are feeling. It’s very presumptuous and as a therapist myself I’d always encourage people to ask what others are feeling instead of assuming. /rant


Sorry but what a shitty game this must be that you have to stop in the *middle* of a match and go do something else. Lol. The cope of the DBD community is unreal.


If you're on the ground with no way to get back up it's not the middle of a match. The match already ended. Killers have to do the same thing when the exit gates are open or when the last two survivors hide. As they did for 20 minutes during one of my matches yesterday. That's five times the time it takes to bleed out but there isn't a massive army of survivor-only players to upvote posts about that while massively downvoting anyone who isn't licking OP's feet so nobody bothers farming karma with it. Regardless of the state of the game, it's funny that people are too stupid to do something else rather than foam at the mouth looking at their monitor for less than the time it takes to pee once every 30 matches.


Yeah a game should definitely require you to do a secondary task IN GAME in order to make it bearable. Great logic buddy.


now that we have bots disconnecting shouldnt bave a penalty imo. i think killers should be allowed to disconnect in place of a bot as well


The reason this hasn’t happened yet is programming a killer bot is 1000% more difficult than a survivor bot


Only ones against 4 man bleedout situation solutions are cucks, don't bother with them. Majority of players in this comment section live off of solo queue/pub killer salt, hence the kneejerk reaction. Further proving just how awful pub community is.


If all remaining survivors are slugged and nobody is able to get back up, I agree that all survivors should be immediately sacrificed. The animations are already in the game, just reuse the one for when a downed survivor runs out of EGC time. However, if there is the chance for a comeback, the survivors should be made to take advantage of it or accept the consequence of needing to wait for the bleedout timer to finish.


Idk but me personally, I just got back in the game,(dropped it around the time that Nicolas came out) But in the last three weeks I’ve been playing I’ve noticed this a lot, in situations where the killer gets two kills, they’ll slug the third survivor and look for the last one, most of the time I’m either the one who got slugged or the last survivor standing tryna finish the gens while avoiding the killer or sometimes try going for the rescue although ik that’s a bad play, but it’s just a boring game experience, anytime killers do that 9/10 they’re actually pretty bad killers who shine when playing against solo queue survivors, this issue has persisted in my solo queue experience, who knows if they’ll ever come up with a solution, But an idea I had is that once two survivors are dead, the remaining two survivors both get one chance each to pick themselves up and can be used anytime they choose to use it(maybe it can be disabled once exit gates are powered? If it needs balancing), so they can pick themselves up on their first time getting slugged or get picked up by the other survivor while saving their one shot of unbreakable for a more strategic play But idk just an idea I thought about


I once again will say that the easiest way for the devs to counter slugging. Is to give everyone the ability to pick themselves up. Make perks that do that currently able to do it faster or get up full health or something.


remove flashlights, sabo, and pallet saving and you have yourself a deal


You would have to remove sabo and flashlight, flashbang saves to compansate that. With body blocking with endurance and DS..


You know, in Killer Klowns From Outer Space, they have an option to let the humans die faster if they get cocooned. Maybe DBD should consider that.


I’ve been saying we need a bleed out option.


I'm usually too busy staring at sexy survivors at 5 gens


I was going to post this myself, it would be so nice to have, who wants to stare at a screen for 2? minutes unable to do anything.


that’s why i always run unbreakable or power struggle if they decide to pick up even if most of the time i don’t need it. i don’t dc because i don’t want to be punished for it lol


I recognize why this would be a good addition for those toxic killers but I garuntee that some survivors will intentionally bleed out and then bitch about bleeding out


I agree! No drawbacks to letting us die quicker if we choose


Need to make i couple bleedout options. Make it so when the last gen is done you can choose to die, or when you reach half the bleedout time you can bleed yourself out etc


People would DC more. But if everyone is slugged then it would be good to have the option. Or at the least give some base kit unbreakable