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I had one dumbo open every chest in rpd and gave an unknown pretty much 75% of the map with aura reading.... it was rough.


I’ve had some of the best and worst teammates I’ve ever seen in solo q


Just making sure I'm not misunderstanding this. Do open chests count for aura reading via weave? Or were they dropping items?


Items in chests do not reveal auras, even if you put them there (by switching with yours). They do, however, give you Oblivious on pickup.


Was healing someone, they stopped me healing them to pick up an item from a chest. When they switched it for their item it did pop the perk emblem up as if the item was put on the ground. It only last for the one second of the switch animation. But I'm sure the killer got an aura read during that time.


The only way I could think of that happening is if an opened chest generates a "dropped" item for the survivor to pick up, which just sounds like really janky code interacting in a predictable but unintended way.


Was it in the event? Cos if it was they were probably just getting the BP, and I think the chests open themselves at the end of the timer?


I've been 99ing chests ready for that card to come up so it's easier to get the 5k bloodpoints. But the amount of people who jist open chests when they see them, knowing full well that this is a thing during the event, is crazy to me


btw i didnt know items in chest give aura read)


They don't. It's actually one of the worst ways to mess with Vecnas using weave, because you can also put your item down in any magic chest with a hand item in it. So you could theoretically open every chest, and still have no auras on the map if you're really careful about it as a group.


Wow didnt know that either, so Vecna chests are the trash cans?


It’s bold of you to assume they’re paying attention to their HUDs.


I see all the icons on my HUD but I rarely know what any of them mean. Some are too detailed to even identify/understand at a quick glance as well (I’m a pretty casual player)


Yeah this It's so annoying you can't mouse over buffs/debuffs you have applied And you can't see what Hexes are in play once they're triggered What you missed the 0.5 second notification that tells you what Hex it is? TOO BAD KID, LOOK FASTER NEXT TIME


*cries in console player*


You can read what the perks do at the end of the match.


Not much help during the match if you've not seen it before


you'll know for the future though


You overestimate my memory for as many perks as this game has


Not really, you don't see those perks that often, and unless you play a lot, you'll likely forget what each one does


One thing you realize pretty quickly is how people don't use HUD info at all or at the very least don't pay enough attention to it. We'll make it users know the pain of someone runnin halfway across the map when all you're trying to do is heal them.


True, thank god we even get a HUD notification. I never bring items so I never see the franklins popup, so luckily weave tells you when it can see you or I'd be screwed.


You never bring items? Why?


Idk, when I started with the game I never really selected items. Now it's become a pretty strong habit and it almost feels weird to run items. I know how useful they can be and I've been trying to use them more recently, but since I never usually use them, I always forget to get value put of them and then I get sacrificed and it's gone.


Repair speed add on commodious/masquerade toolbox is pretty easy to get value on, just use it up on the first gen you see


Yeh I know toolboxes are pretty easy to get value with. I just space it every time and I'll find myself at the end of the match with full charges lol


Same it got hard for me to use items due to them being wiped when you level up your Prestige.


Not OP, but I only ever bring an item when it's for a challenge. Otherwise I don't bring one because I tend to hoard my items/offerings/addons


I just bring a single brown medkit to heal myself if needed. If you bring the strongest items it'll help you escape a bit more until your new mmr puts you against people that you have to use it with.


Games give you more than enough BP to just buy a level and get several items… if you wanna cheap out on your teammates, at least bring a gray item


Because most of my characters I don't have leveled particularly high, and I spend most of my bloodpoints on killer these days. Bringing items every game eventually depletes my inventory and forces me to buy it all back. I had like 3 BNP's on my survivor main and maybe 5 commodious tool boxes, finally brought them both one match. Immediately lost BNP to Grim Embrace, regretted even considering bringing an item. Lol.


That’s wild to me considering you can get multiple items from one level and games now give you more than enough BP for that


With how random items are I can only bring so many on a certain character before losing my stash unless I invest BP in them again. I'm still not done with prestige 3 on all my killers so I save up often instead of splurging on items. My survivor main is Rebecca at like prestige 12 or so right now and I've only seen like 3 or 4 purple flashlights after all those levels on her, hence I've never touched those. But also I haven't been playing survivor as much, so there's that too.


During this event, just pumping some into my main resulted in tons of cobblers and event boxes/kits/lights. Before that I could understand not wanting to burn items but they are throwing so many at you right now it's crazy.


I stopped, so I'd get better at the game naturally. Then I just became a hoarder.


Tbh sometimes I also oversee it since it's on the most unimportant corner where your perks are you mostly don't look there unless you got nothing else to look at or you randomly notice the red things.


There’s a very good chance people don’t even know what the icons mean. I’ll be honest, I’ve been playing on and off for over a year and honestly, I still don’t know what 90% of the diamond icons mean. The game really should find a way to include the name of the effect somewhere. At least that way, people can look it up after the match and know for next time.


That's true, this game has been around so long, the amount of perks and effects is wild. They added the ability to read your own perks by pressing escape, surely they could find a way for survivors to read status effects.


Yeah I came here to say this. I don't fully understand the picture but does this mean when you open chests with those killer perks active it gives them a wide aura reading? Because I had no idea lol. There's loads I don't know, I'm like 600 hrs in so not a crazy amount but. I don't know what a lot of the killer perks do and if people don't play with those specific perks on killer, how will they know? The game don't tell you anything really ahah


The right red icon is Franklins demise, it just means that if a killer hits you you will drop any carried item The left red icon is vecnas perk weave attunement which lets the killer see survivor auras within 12 metres of any dropped item Open chests aren't included in the aura reading though


Yeah I've seen/understood these perks haha cos they seem to be in every other game! I just guess I don't understand the meme of pointing at the chest tbh lol


Well, if you see something strange happening in the game like an unknown status effect, you can just look at the killer perks post-game. I do that as killer, and it’s a bit more arduous since I have to go through 4 survivors to see which perk was messing with me that game, so I’m sure with survivor it is a bit simpler given there is only one killer.


I mean, AFTER the match they can look it up lol. You can see the killer’s entire build.


I was playing with some friends and we got this combo, we just put every single one of our items in the corner of the map in a lil pile


I kind of hate that a downed item with no charges is like a lost pen in the grass. I can't see it. I legit spent 10 seconds once trying to grab a franklin's toolbox out of a gen. Good luck without a landmark or on multiple floors of an indoor map.


This perk needs to show survivors the auras of any item currently revealing them. It shouldn't be strong just because of how hard items are to find, especially small items like keys or on multi-floor maps. Maybe bump Weave's numbers to compensate, but I feel like even with its current numbers it would still give lots of opportunities to get value from its auras and oblivious proccing multiple times, especially brought to lobbies with full items and/or other perks like Franklin's


Weaves range is already huge. 12m is basically the size of shack no need to bump it. I agree though that survivors should be able to see the aura of the item dropped.


I think this is the only nerf that it likely needs. Also holy shit trying to find the freaking item that's screwing you over then realizing it's a key in a pile of weeds...


I just use object of obsession, infinity aura reading for me too.


Thats actually genius. I'm gonna do this from now on. Killers gonna be livid lol.


As a killer I’d be happy knowing you spent all that time fucking with items and not doing gens lol. Perk was still worth it in that case too. ;)


Let us have fun :(


Lol itll take like 30s max.


See, I’d think y’all were collecting them as a gift pile, and let yall go :)


Lol I was trying to do that by myself one match to get the aura reads away from gens. Gotta little mini row of weave icons popping up.


Killer made you waste time then


In exchange for killing two of his perk slots? Worth it


That's more consistant than Hex perks at least imo. You could run 2 Hexes and they both get nuked in the first minute of the match due to terrible spawns and RNG. The item drop combo will take the survivors at least a bit of time to figure out since it won't happen until they drop something and have to scramble to adjust.


It’s really not that much time wasted once you’re aware of it. You don’t play survivor much, do you?


Its still not that much time. Also bringing up hex perks is just....random. The argument is whether or not the time spent killing the two perk slots is worth it. Not whether or not the combo is stronger than running two hex perks. And in the end removing two perks from the killer espicially two perks that are typically the back bone of the build is always going to be worth it


in terms of slowdown this is a very bad way to go around making survivors waste time, plenty of other killers do this basekit (ex. pinhead, pig) and you can add hex:plaything for added time wasting and get much better results instead of wasting 2 perk slots in exchange for a few seconds of survivors running to map edge


You wasted 2 of his perks, he wasted your items. It's a zero sum exchange.


Better consistency for time wasted than Hexes at least.


I mean they turned out to be friendly, we were just fuckin around n shi


I don't know why I'm being downvoted, I was just pointing out that making the effort to drop items far away is still benefiting the killer. It is still good counterplay as it then makes 2 perk slots for them less useful but it still gives them at least some value.


It’s Reddit, people see one downvote and they all dog pile.


I pickup items and take them to the edge of the map where no one runs when I see these perks...


I try to do that too, but then it's feels like I become a janitor because apparently my teammates need to open every chest lmao


Dont even talk about how killer can roughly guess which corner you might be going to after you pick up the item, let alone catching you offguard in a possible deadzone when you are on janitor duty


This or they need to get their item back, good thing I don’t bring items


Any time I do that, I usually just end up getting the killer on me. I feel like a lot of the time if a killer knows you're moving items to make it less strong they end up going to you as often as possible.


today i was injured, dead on hook so i decided to run towards the nearest corner of haddonfield to heal myself got to the corner, ready to use my medkit when boom the prompt to pickup a masquerade toolbox popped up... "WHO LEFT THIS HERE?!" i screamed as i turn back to see a lich flying to my position i died


Anytime I see that fruity little bastard of an icon, I go on a mission to find the item, put it in a doggie bag, and take it to the farthest corner of the map. Have fun with your auras you slut.


upvoting for how genuinely great this comment is thank you


“My auras, what will I do without my auras?”


I may lose my aura reading but I don't have to deal with your sabo or flashlights Still worth it.


I only brought a brown medkit with some gauze damn it! You still have to deal with the perk Sabo in a lot of cases :p if someone brought Alex’s, they likely took Sabotage as well.


I tried suggesting in the surveys and feedback for them to do what they do with perks and give you perk descriptions in the escape menu for things like hexes that pop up and perks you were recently affected by. As I have trouble remembering or knowing perk abilities unless its spammed to oblivion in my matches


When i see the edgelord hand i find the item and run it to a corner


Weave atonement?…… Know I think today I will butter my fingers and face only franklins killers


Bold of you to assume I know what every single perk does and the icon associated with them


There is a bunch of perks to try to learn I'll give you that. I just find it funny how my teammate's primary concern is getting another item when they know the killer can just knock it out of their hands again. The aura reading is just the cherry on the cake.


It's a very popular one right now, you can read about it on the endgame screen. It's always a good idea to know about your opponent's tools.


This perk combo is so damn simple though. Literally just, hit survivor, they drop item, you see aura around the item. Super simple and easy to remember


I don't run dramaturgy for nothing alright???


To be fair, this is a huge struggle for new players. Starting the game in 2024 and trying to memorize each and every survivor and killer perk name and effect by their icons is rough. I'm a pretty new player and a killer main and I don't even know what these perks are, I must not have the killers yet. If I saw these icons as a survivor, I'd sigh, knowing I'm probably about to die to something I don't understand, and play like normal. Not saying your point is invalid, players should know these things and will learn them over time. I guess I just really wish there was an option to see what these perks mean in-game for new players: the game is giving us the information anyway, so why not?


Right? If they adjusted it to be able to read our perks, it should at least give players the ability to read what the status effects names are. Even if it doesn't read out what the effect is, it would allow players to google the status effect's name.


Honestly yeah, just having the option to turn on the name of the perk under the icon would be such a nice feature for new players! If that existed, I'd quickly Google the perks and have their effects up on my other monitor and change my game plan accordingly, instead of being forced to fuck around and find out. There's 264 perks in the game right now. Learning and recognizing them is definitely a barrier to entry, and having that option would help a ton!


Oh holy shit that is a powerful perk during an event that spawns all sorts of extra chests lol


This combo has been incredibly effective for me, mostly because many survivors have no idea wtf they're doing. So many people will just sit in the range of an item doing gens, healing, or actively trying to hide from me as I approach, even though the perk notifies them that they're being revealed. Every once in a while I'll get a coordinated team that dumps all their items in a deadzone, but most of the time I get players that obviously didn't bother to read the new perks.


For survivor mains who play casually it can be tricky to remember all of the killer perks and what they each do I played against this perk combo for the first time a little over a week ago and was so confused on how killer always had eyes on me and I couldn’t identify it as any of the usual aura reading perks, no nurses, bbq, no where to hide etc but I saw that little icon on the corner from time to time and just didn’t understand It wasn’t until after the match I read the killers perks and figured out what it was, during that same session I went on to play against that same build 4 more times! I knew at that point how to play around it but my teammates didn’t always understand, I just think it’s too new for some people and in time more people will catch on, but it is quite hard to remember all the killer perks and survivor perks when you never play killer ; there are just so many to remember! On a side note, I only have like 480 hours in the game and my husband has maybe a quarter of my play time if not less and I’ve been quite proud to start hearing him calling out perks recently, even if he doesn’t quite understand the names, like if I call out “killer has surge!” Then later on I’ll hear “ugh he’s got the perk that makes gen blow up when persons on ground” lol at least he knows what they do.. he was quite shocked to learn of nurses calling recently, he was not a very happy Steve when a nemi kept finding him when he used his med kit haha


Right, that's kinda what I'm getting at. Noticing the icon and taking the extra step of reading the perk in endgame is something I think a ton of players haven't bothered to do yet. Vecna's been out for the better part of a month, and it seems like quite a large percentage of players still haven't figured it out. Maybe the perk isn't being used as much as I assumed. I'm used to the playerbase at large adapting quicker than this.


Yeah any swf will counter it instantly. But I pretty much solely do solo queue and it appears I am the only one that knows what weave does.


I mean what else can you do? If you’re not the one who dropped the item then you have no idea where the item could be


You get the Weave (Vecna face) icon when you're within 12 meters (and thus revealing your aura to the killer) of the dropped item, even if you're not the one who dropped it. So you can try to find it, or if it's not in a gen, at least not hide around it.


I have a love/hate with Weave Attunement. I like the perk itself a lot. I think it's s great, but I hate how it synergizes so well with Franklin's that you pretty much want to bring it if you want to get max Weave Attunement value since I know how unfun Franklin's is on the Survivor side (Survivor Main)


What do you mean with : > the perk notifies them that they're being revealed" ? I only played against it once and I thought the notification stayed there to tell me that the killer had this perk Was I not paying attention to the notification or could he just see me all over the map ? It's scary


Notif only appears when your aura is being revealed/you're within 12 meters from a dropped item.


Up until the last patch, Weave was showing up on your HUD as a buff, which made it even harder to tell you were under a killer perks effect.


Wait it works with items in chests? For some reason I thought they didn’t count if they weren’t actually on the ground.


No it doesn't work with items in chests. Meme is about my super helpful teammate that seem to have an irresistible urge to grab every item from chests when going against this build.


I love this combo. I always run Distortion, so at the start of a match I'll drop my item. No WA? Then I pick it up and move on.  But several times I've intentionally dropped my item just to purposely trigger WA and my Distortion, giving me no scratch marks for 10s. It's like a portable Dance With Me whenever I want, as long as I have stacks remaining. Drop item, pick back up, move out with no scratch marks.


Drop item, pick back up, move out with no scratch marks, get Oblivious, get jumpscared by the killer in the next corner...


If you need to rely on TR that much, then you must lose to every Ghostface, Myers, Sadako, Pig, Dredge, Chucky, Skull merchant, Tinkerer, Trail of Torment, Unseen, Beast Of Prey, Hysteria, Plaything... Sometimes we use things like our brains and HUD to get an idea of where the killer is, how they can move, if they are already in a chase, etc...


It was a joke, sir. And I see it happening a lot when playing killer. The survivors loop themselves and end up running right back into me XD There's a reason Hex: Plaything is so popular, I guess lol


The absolute dread when I see those perks when my most frequently used perk is dramaturgy


Boon: Shadow Step is pretty effective in countering it


Nuh-huh, the play here is to ignore any counterplay and just bitch about it until it gets nerfed.


Where was the bitching though? Did I say it was broken or needs a nerf? I must have missed that part of the text that I wrote. Just like how you missed the words solo-queue. The counterplay requires moving items which is then countered by my teammates opening chests and adding more items to the map.


I don't believe this was targeted at you... I think he was just referring to the average DBD player or in other words the teammates in your meme


I suppose, just came off a bit hostile and bugged me a bit. If it wasn't aimed at me I apologize. If it was, go stub your toe or something? 15 hail Mary's perhaps?


Yeah, it wasn't targeted at OP


And honestly, this perk is pretty weak by itself, so it would be a shame to see it nerfed. It needs to be paired with franklins to actually be good, that or you have the dumbest teammates possible that don't pick up their item after the charges are spent.


This. Oh, when a survivor depletes their item and if they actually drop it, you'll see aura around it. Big whoop. But who's to even say they drop the item in a good spot for you? That's why Franklins is literally needed for it to even be viable at all


I'll bite. What's the counterplay?


Take the item and move it to a corner of the map, don't leave it in the middle of shack.


While you're not wrong, calling it "counterplay" is a bit dissmissive. * Even with Weave Attunement by itself, it's a lose-lose situation. If you don't pick up the item - it is permanent aura read. If you do - you've shown yourself to the killer and got Oblivious, meaning they know where you are and you don't know where they are. Pretty strong, but i can live with that. At least you got to use your item first and can keep an empty one. * Enter Franklin's Demise. Now you lose even more. You aura is shown fo longer, because you have to walk to it. You *have to* bring your item into a corner of a map and leave it there. Which means triggering aura read twice and being Oblivious for most of the journey, i.e. being an easy target. * Here lies my main problem with the combo - items can be hard to find even when you know their general location. Franklin's basically makes it so you can't even logically guess in what random nook that darn toolbox is. Good luck finding a firecracker on a swamp map. You lose even more by spending a lot of time in plain view of the killer. Personally, all i want from Weave Attunement is for it to show item's aura when yours is read (so if Distortion procs - item is not shown). It doen't change any of the lose-lose situations, but at least it makes funding items less frustrating.


The killer can see the aura of the survivor right before they just picked the item, but they won't see where they're headed so it's not that much of a problem, even while oblivious. And if it's only Weave they don't have to worry about the perk for the whole match. You can also do that while they killer is busy, that way you'll be sure that you won't receive the aggro. There's a bunch of people on this thread saying that this is what they do, some even bring object to take advantage of the perk themselves. I'm not confident enough on my looping, but I've been bringing Plunderer's Instinct so I can easily find the party chests and that has helped against Weave. And about your proposed change I wouldn't mind that tbh.


The counter play is always run distortion , that way you don't reveal your aura while looking for the item  to move to the corner .  Then listen to people bitch about distortion 


Distortion is my mainstay perk in any survivor build. Funnily enough, WA+FD combo burns through tokens like a hot knife through butter, and since you're Oblivious you can't get them back for a long time. Killers: run 4 aura reads Also killers: DiStOrTiOn is a bAd fOr tHe gAmE


Same with Distortion or Boon Heal+Shadow Step, put all those pesky items in the boon range. Plus weave attunement tells you that your aura is showing, when other aura reading perks don’t.


You KNOW BHVR gonna nerf it because of this combo despite the fact there’s counterplay


nothing quite like seeing those two red diamonds constantly show up and wasting a bunch of time looking around for the offending item (a flash light in a clump of grass)


I'm still hoping someone in here will explain what these are and what this does.


Franklins/flashlight drop: drop item on hit. Weave attunement/vecna hand: dropped items show aura of survivors near them


Bless you


So is the idea that by grabbing more items to replace the old ones and having them just get dropped around the map in random places means that the killer can see auras like everywhere around the map?


pretty much all


Lmfao literally me I was like idk what this post is talking about


But I want the brown med-kit DYNO.


Green key, take it or leave it




Weave attunement isn’t strong. Franklins needs a rework


The wording on this perk is trash though. It's confusing cause at first I thought it was just whenever it gets depleted but it's even if you put down the item yourself. They need to make it so survivors see what is exposing their aura. It wastes so much time looking for it if you aren't the one who got it dropped. People saying it's a weak perk but the icon shows up twice if you pick up the item, so am I now aura read while holding this medkit AND oblivious? I just don't even bother with items anymore because every killer with this combo I've run into is also a total jerk.


My object of obsession would like a word with you.


My Undetectable/Blindness would like a word with you.




Because killers can’t find survivors without running 4 aura reading perks AND add-on’s.


Oh, have we moved on from complaining about regression perks, then? Aura perks are the hated ones now?


Considering all the people who want Distortion nerfed, yes aura reading is the new hate train.


Have you even been paying attention to the community lmao yes people are tired of aura reading


Damn, give me a heads up when they move to stealth perks.


Weave should be buffed to also show the auras of all survivors holding items.


Why is there no timer on this ability. It's just poorly designed imo. They always release these packs with OP perks so people will buy them.


Honestly they should bring back the old franklins demise. The one that if item is not picked up in 90 seconds it's destroyed forever. That wouldn't gut the perk without franklins but would nerf this combo.


Yeah, glad they nerfed aliens info perk in time for this to replace it. In 9 months they'll finally admit it's problematic, nerf it to something reasonable that it should've been at launch, and then 3 months later add another solo queue destroyer info perk


No timer because they didn’t know it would be paired with franklins. By itself, it’s mid at best. But franklins makes it actually strong


Because literally everyone and their mother was complaining that Vecna’s perks were garbage


That's why now OoO is in my build


Damn right! You can get like 3 gens worth of looping just on shack this way.


All fun and games until the pig crouches...


Today I went against a vecna and I immediately dropped my item in map corner on first sight, sure enough he had that perk combo... my team wasn't so quick on the uptake however, one just gave up on first hook at 4 gens, guess they didnt wanna bother with the arduous task of placing their item at map edge


That’s a really good meme


I saw more build variety on Blights during the Ruin/Undying meta lol.  Every single Vecna I’ve faced since his release, bar none, has run these two perks.


My duo and I started putting the items we ran across in far corners of the map


I'm still kinda new so no promises I won't do this. Plus idk what those mean


I didn’t know it tells them 😭 omg I will not be using this combo wtf


Okay maybe I’m underestimating how good this would be


I was ghostface on the game with the vecna peek, nurse's calling, all ears and discordance. I knew where the survivors were almost anywhere in the map. That perk is crazy on two story maps.


then i address this issue, 2 weeks ago, people just downvote me, they say skill is meh and dont need to be addressed and easily countered


Does anyone know if this applies to items inside chests? I don't mean the chest items in general but the item when the chest is first opened and it's sitting in it. I'm just not sure if this counts since it technically isn't a dropped item. I assumed it didn't, but this image makes me think otherwise.


I'm not sure about that, actually a good question. Meme is more about them opening the chests and taking the items only to get hit again shortly after.


My gamer they won’t know unless they actually have an item that gets hit off them or dropped after use.


Weave notifies you anytime your aura is being read regardless if you had an a item or not, which is nice. But usually my teammates have already had an item knocked out of their hands and for some reason feel they need to get another from a chest.


It’s supposed to yes but it’s bugged not to show on your UI if you didn’t have an item.


This is just not true. I barely ever run items and can still see it everytime it's used. Idk if it only glitches on certain people but I haven't had that bug even once in my last 40 matches so I'm skeptical.


*Laughs in distortion*


Me running object as part of my chase build anyway = 😎


How dare they not immediately know what a new character's perks do? You're legally obliged to click on each new character and read every addon and perk description every time you log in and there have been at least one update.


Idk man, even without the new perk, is it your first instinct to go open a chest after a killer knocks an item out of your hand? Even before weave, opening chests against franklins was just a waste of time. Plus with how common the new perk is, all they have to do is read the perks of the killer they just faced and they'll see it at least 1-3 times a session.


Literally one of the worst perks to come out for killer from a survivor side. Literally no effort to get free aura cause someone uses/dropped an item. It's not as bad for regular DbD but for the event it's a fucking joke and encourages survivors not to bring items


I was playing a Vecna last night with those exact two perks and I was playing a Quentin with Pharmacy and Plunderer's. Before I realized that we had given Vekkers everything he needed to destroy us, he took out Steve and Jane and got Sable and I to death hook. I think he realized that he wasn't getting enough value out of this match, so he opted to juice with Sable and I for the rest of the match. I ended up getting 400,000 BP.


Since this is fairly common I started using Object permanently.


I like this, as killer it's a huge advantage, especially with sloppy butcherallowing me to control where items drop, but as survivor, it's easy to counter by just moving all items to a corner of the map


I run these two perks and it's amazing that people don't seem to realise what's happening yet. Like seriously it tells you I have weave on your screen when I see your aura. How have survivors not figured this stuff out yet? The game is literally telling you I can fucking see you and yer still hiding behind a rock.


Im begging please stop giving survivors even more ways to genrush


Lol git gud


Please stop giving the survivors gen rushing perks


Just gonna say this: Weave Attunement should only work when the Item is dropped due to either the Survivor dropping the Item manually or Weave Attunement itself. Franklin's should absolutely not fucking work with it.


That would literally kill this perk. Like, how can you not realize how weak this perk is by itself.


I've swapped to killer for the rest of the event, tried this combo for many matches; this is easily more value than spirit fury, enduring... like it's not even close. Matched with condemn slug Sadako or passive slowdown Pinhead has been wild. Many DC's, felt bad, not bad enough to stop. Even with Twins and being Victor half the time the value is still insane. After I play enough to be able to define in detail why it's wrong I'll probably shelf that combo forever lol.


Dude. Using that combo with Pig + Friends til the End + Hex: Plaything + Longer Search Time add-ons was disgusting. Especially when all of the chests on the map would open.


Yea, anything will feel strong when survivors don't counter it. That's like trying to ban uppercuts from boxing because some boxers don't know how to counter it. It's literally so easy to counter to. If you see the indicator, take the item to a dead zone while killer is in chase. Ez


Piss off, ghost!


Just run object


I've been non stop running a build that includes these 2 perks. It's insane how much value I get from them. Towards the middle of the game I usually have full aura reading on 2-3 gens. So, it's a real easy lockdown from there. It's astonishing how many people try to go back for their items too. Sometimes I'll even let them grab it, just so I can smack it back out of their hands in a more beneficial area for me. I've actually had a good amount of survivors rage quit right when they see I have these 2 perks.


Introducing: the only killer perk that allows survivors to grief eachother with new unique lethal sandbags, intentionally or not.


Best perk to come out in years. Love it.


They need their wall hacks because they're not used to skilled gaming


Survivors when killers devote half their perk slots to a single gimmick that has simple and effective counterplay.


Survivors when the killer has any kind of ability that helps them Survivors when they've had the advantage through all of dbd, but don't even know it (tbf, solo q does really suck for survivors)


Im pretty sure at least 75% of survivors don't read read up or study killers perks or what they do given the ignorant comments they make on this sub sometimes so ofc they gonna do stuff like that.


I mean this is party why I watch certain youtubers. When big perk combos like this happen you can bet they're gonna run it and they explain the build.


What's the schedule? If we're complaining about this now, what are we going to complain about next?


The schedule is to complain about solo queue today, tomorrow, and every second Wednesday of the month.


OK, fuck queue! It's un-fucking-fair.


That's the spirit!