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Any Means Necessary is unreal, there is a surprising amount of killers who will just leave pallets. I never see We'll Make It, even though that perk is one of the best healing perks in the game


We'll make it is awesome and I've been running it non stop recently, with all the killers that immediatly come back to the hook and try tunneling the unhooked immediatly that extra healing speed is super useful.


Whenever I try it, the first person I unhook decides to go on a journey to he other side of the map for some reason.


Hate when they do this. I been running reassurance, kindred, borrowed time, and we’ll make it. Fun unhooking build


No Babysitter/Gaurdian? It kicks ass for rescue builds since the rework.


I always just stand there watching them after I chase them for the first 3 seconds.. like... you don’t want the heals? I have a feeling those people are the ones who will make “STOP TUNNELING” posts after they speed run to the killer.


Maybe their running Resilience? I always run resilience because I like the boost. I just hope they add a feature where you can communicate while playing. Like I don’t need a heal now, Don’t rescue for when you have Deliverance or Save me now when you’re close to reaching second stage.


Lately, I've had so many Killer beeline for the hook once I've been unhooked and then tunneled. So I've found it helpful to at least run away from the hook and hide behind something to get healed. Takes a few extra seconds but helps with tunneling. Across the map is excessive and unhelpful.


We’ll Make It is incredibly strong. Any time I have a healing challenge, it’s in the kit.


Don’t leave home without it!


Every time I swap 'We'll Make It' out for another altruism perk, I regret it 2 minutes into the next game.


I use We'll Make It for healing challenges. Pretty much everyone let's me heal them immediately when they see I have it


Where my We’ll Make It + Second Wing gang?!


Hag main here. What's a pallet?


ANC is so underrated. Not only can you reset palettes, giving you back the biggest tool in the game, but you have map wide aura reading on downed palettes. As they fall, you'll know where the killer and whoever is being chased is. Plus points for each reset, same amount you'd get from Blast Mine, but BM takes a lot more work now. You can throw down your own palette and reset it in seconds, with a short cool down.


Deception. One of these days i'll get it to work


So it’s totally a waste of a perk slot just like diversion, but I’ve been fooled once or twice by it. And fuck does it make me feel stupid


Red Herring is very fun to mess around with


Haha, I tend to favour Diversion over Red Herring but I once equipped it for a challenge and a Blight left me a +rep for "fooling him with the fish perk".


Best perk to fuck over your teammates by making them hop on the gen thinking it's blast mine/wiretap and then dying after the killer comes to the gen because of the notification


I like quick and quiet. So many situations where it saved my ass and left the killer super confused.


Quick and Quiet + Lithe + Dance With Me = freebie escape from chase using most jungle gyms. Pair it with Iron will or Bite the Bullet and a medkit and it means dissapearing even when injurred. That is my go to "I can't loop for shit and don't want to die within 5 seconds of chase music starting" build lol.


> Iron will Sadly that won't work with Lithe, Iron Will doesn't work while exhausted :(


Squidward: I’m coulrophobic. Patrick: What is that? SpongeBob: It means he’s afraid of coal! Squidward: No, it doesn’t! Patrick: Carbon emissions!! Global warming!! SpongeBob: Stop it, you’re scaring him!


Fixated (I think it's called Self-Aware now?). It not only allows me to cover more ground while I recover Sprint Burst (which feels so much better to use with it than without it), I can ~~cha cha real smooth~~ walk back and forth just behind the edge of a wall so the killer has zero idea that I'm there on the opposite side of said wall respectively. Doing that is so much fun. The extra 20% walking speed is no joke.


Preach!! The number of times I've gotten away from a killer because I've been able to move faster than they expected without leaving scratch marks is insane. Or being able to just hide around objects killers are checking around because you move so fast quietly.


The quick walking around objects has saved my ass more times than I can count. It's insanely good with a stealth survivor.


I literally won't run a build without it anymore. Being able to get to unhooks or away from gens without scratchmarks, pairs well with any exhaustion perk, lets me set up fake-outs by seeing my own scratchmarks, stealthing around objects, getaways in jungle gyms, it's all way too fun. It's better than urban evasion imo for stealthing with way less risk to the other survivors dying on hook or going to second stage. (I'm definitely *not* salty about urban evasioners who don't know their own speed........)


People dunk on Leader but those faster heal times and watching gates fly open make it worth it to me. It’s part of my main build (although it is the perk I switch out when I want to goof around).


Breakdown. It’s not always useful, but it gives my teammates a better chance if they go down rescuing me


I would agree with this. definitely more unpopular than bond. Great perk


It’s on almost every build I use.


I just assumed it was unpopular, I never see people running it in my games


It’s definitely not popular, but it has its fans. I recently commented about it in another thread and it got a couple hundred upvotes, but I don’t see others using it often. That’s for sure.


I never see it, honestly. The two times I've seen it in games it completely fucked me over, especially since one of the games it was two people running it on dead dawg and all my scourge hooks went down. It's a lot longer to respawn than you'd expect 😅


As a killer, I hate this perk so much


My SWF buddy puts this on every build he plays, it’s fairly easy to squeeze some value out of it


I run it on my main build. My SWF friends and I are fairly combative survivors as is, but when a camping or tunneling killer tries to play as such and I’m the one being unhooked, it’s much easier to flashlight or sabo save a team mate.


Bond, necessary for solo que


Bond is good but I prefer aftercare by a hair. That two-way aura reading that works across the entire map? Mm! And when you got it active on 2+ teammates?? SO good if you’re an information slut (like me)


I don’t like aftercare as much cause it gets me repeatedly sandbagged.


I‘d actually love two way aura reading perks if I knew that people wouldn‘t run to me when they get chased


I like bond to run to the claudette crouching in the corner


100% valid. Also urban evasion neas.


The amount of soloq folks who run bond and then lead the killer to teammates in chase on purpose is disgustingly high. I'm on deathhook!! I am injured in a gen!! _you haven't even been hooked once yet! Leave me alone!!!_


lmao that information slut line got me spittin coffee


That’s why I go for kindred and any means necessary! Love being able to show everyone where everyone else is and see where chases are leading to


Bond with open handed is awesome too. If one person on the team has open handed, aura reading is better for the whole team. I usually use it with another aura perk too to make it extra helpful like windows or visionary


My go-to build for solo queue lately has been Bond, Open Handed, Kindred, and either Alert or Fogwise - just knowing where everyone is most of the time makes such a huge difference in gameplay for me, I can make better decisions about where to loop, can find someone to get a heal, etc, it’s the best.


I like to use empathy for similar reasons just gives you a bit more map coverage, can't see people who aren't injured but still helps to get heals, and you can see where people are running after they get injured in chase which is helpful.


Kindred is way way better for SoloQ. Giving information to your team while you're on hook or receiving information while others are on hook is way more important than seeing your mates during non-hook phases.


It’s sooooo good


I always use bond no matter what. Even in duos


I have been running bond a lot as well with my build.


Bond isn’t unpopular at all. Not meta sure but it gets use and a lot of top tier survivors swear by it. I see the appeal but I’ll take kindred 100 times out of 100


Bond is also a great sand bagging perk. Love selling out survivors for hatch 🥲


Weak opinion, bond overrated


Deja Vu ... 100% I don't know if its popular or not but I love it


same you end up seeing where gens are and get to try and remember where the last ones are. It is a must have esp paired with hyper focus, fast track, and stake out.


Literally a better Visionary, Deja Vu based


When I was very new to the game, I didn't understand what was the use of it. After a couple of hours, I started to see how it's one of the best perks on solo queue


As a good perk to make a good teammate on Solo queue it gives boosts and let's you help your team when they are... not paying attention to their generator completions for 3gens.


Perfect for beginners


I definitely like deja vu but I have a slight preference towards detectives hunch in case I’m up against a ghostface running ruin, huntress lullaby, undying, and devour hope on a map where I’ve never seen a totem once in my life.


Blood echo https://preview.redd.it/dau5aqhftn3a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa843280fc225bde5de388374a3c984478ea779


This, Blood Echo is truly one of the perks of all time. It even synergizes with Barbecue! Such a perk man


Yeah, I'm All Ears is quite underrated. The only downside is that sometimes it gets wasted by a very obvious vault. But the fact that it can let you see through mindgames, or a complete lack thereof, can be a lifesaver. Especially on indoor maps with confusing terrain. Personally I'm quite partial to Fast Track. It's one of those perks that won't get you much value in every match. But it gets stronger the more your team is falling apart, and can be used to completely reverse the momentum of a snowball. Your team is trading hooks off in the distance and suddenly you come in with half a BNP's worth of progress to instantly slap on any gen you want. Better than Potential Energy in almost every way.


Im all ears, lethal persurer go brr on pyramid head


I pair this combo with nowhere to hide on my main build and it works incredibly well in indoor maps!


Lightweight. Just love the idea of it. I've lost a lot of killers where I should have easily been tracked, and it's generally useful when running around doing gens without giving a glaring heads up to the killer that I'm in the area when he's patrolling by.


Love using lightweight with overcome or lithe in a chase. It’s a lifesaver


When I play killer lightweight always takes me by surprise and is honestly more impactful than people think


Lightweight is fantastic but not sure I’d say it’s unpopular


Most say it's not good because you don't really know if you're getting use out of it due to a lack of feedback.


Those players are not looking backwards lmao. I've watched quite a few killers stare at the ground going "wtf are these scratch marks" after they lost me.


I feel like it takes up an extra spot. I used it a lot before I got lucky break and otr


I tens to favored preventative perks over reactionary. That's why I never liked NOED as a killer. Rather build in a way where they aren't opening the gates.




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I would counter you because I run predator a lot


Detectives Hunch. Combined with a map I always know where gens are and if we're getting 3 gen'd.


Came to post this. Absolutely priceless for finding hex totems as well




You can see all your teammates, take a hit for your teammates AND see who's getting chased. It's definitely an underated perk


Spine Chill, I feel naked without it.


Pre nerf I would agree for sure


It DESTROYS stealth killers. And with how popular stealth killers seem to be these days, it's a must have for me too. Even when it's not against a stealth killer though, I love having it just so I have a better idea of if I need to hop off my gen or not. I don't run perks like sprint burst so unless I have line of sight to the killer, it's often hard to tell if they're barreling towards my gen or if they're just in the area. Spine chill removes the guessing.


Are we playing the old game here? Is Spine Chill not dependant on Terror Radius? It was really bad post-patch.


The actual "how far are they" bit works with terror radius. But there's another mechanic where the icon itself lights up or goes dim if the killer is in a certain radius of you. That part doesn't need terror radius, and works when the killer is undetectable. That little bit of info is more then enough to counter a killer like ghost face.


Is when the killer has direct line of sight with you, so GF counter


So Whispers for Survivors? Cool.


Spine chill was altered. I'm 99% sure it no longer works against stealth killers


It doesn't give you the exact range but the icon lights up when a killer gets within spine chills radius. That part is independent of terror radius, and works when the killer is undetectable. The actual "how far are they" bit works with terror radius, and doesn't work against a killer like ghost face. But the icon will light up against a stalking ghost face.


Empathy, the perk's range is nearly map-wide on every map, and when a survivor is injured you can get so much information off of them (with a little bit of game sense and map knowledge). You can get info about who's being chased, what pallets are being dropped, who can heal themselves and who can't, I don't know why more people don't use this perk.


Jeff perk that hide ur aura, im going to keep it in my build all time after a game against deathslinger with No way to hide and bbq i guess.




This is my new favorite perk. You can also use it to deduce some Killer perks and warn your SWF. I almost always run Overcome and Circle of Healing. I was running Reassurance but I got slugged enough to go back to Unbreakable.


Light-born. I don’t care what people say about it being a useless perk it has saved me a lot of headaches.


I love Lightborn just to see the flashlight attempter slowly realize that oh I’m not blinded oh I’m still coming to hit them


In a way, the fact that so few killers run it helps it to be a better perk because nobody ever expects it.


Lightborn and Starstruck is probably what drugs feel like


Same for me! I'd rather run a 3 perk game than be without light born.


It's super underrated, I love the look on their face when they know they can't blind me , oh man so many people disconnected because of it lol .


It’s also great when you get a group of clicky clickys and they continue trying to blind you because they think they just missed. I’ve gotten a lot of downs that way.


I legit just can't stand the blinding animation, it actually hurts my eyes and can trigger a headache. I'm all for realism but I don't being blinded IRL too so I almost always run it.


Kindred. Without it I feel lost. It's absurd how strong Kindred is on soloQ. You get to know what your teammates are doing and can see where the killer is headed. What else could you ask for from an information perk.


I physically can’t take it off my builds


It's an addiction at this point


I feel like I need therapy for it, but even then I still wouldn’t want to and wouldn’t be able to


I just like head on it’s so funny to watch a killer get stunned from a locker




I LOVE to use it as Doctor, so helpful to know when to use static blast


No One Left Behind makes it almost trivially easy to get your team mates out of the match. Also Hope, 110% killers stand almost no chance against you once all the gens are done.


I also swear by No One Left Behind. It helps you potentially locate gates, as you may see your team opening it or tbagging at the exit gate. It lets you know where the person in chase is so you can take a hit if required to help them leave. It stops silly hook stand offs by being able to unhook super fast On top of all that it gives 50% healing speeds. Super underrated.


Third Seal heckin slaps. Whether you're slugging, playing hit and run, or just hooking folks normally it annoys survivors and sometimes leads to them not knowing where to go to heal/unhook someone.


Third seal + monstrous shrine + undying is just evil




autodidact is almost like a minigame of trying to get all five stacks in one game and is super fun to watch someone's heal progress go from half to full instantly


Idk how popular it is, but Bite the Bullet is in every build I run.


Desperate Measures. I love yeeting people off the hook and having a baseline healing boost.




Pretty much replaces lethal pursuer and you get value from it all game.


Red Herring. Shit’s so funny to me.


Small game, never see others use it and I find it extremely helpful when I got overzealous on and I find a hex. Though it sucks to more then one floor maps, it’s still a favorite of mine


Shadow Step. On some maps (like RPD) it’s insane but even just having an area where you can easily lose chase is so good. Also hide from BBQ etc.


Spies from shadows


For survivor: Alert is pretty darn good. It not only lets you know where the killer is in chase. It also helps you find gen locations. Flashbang is just fun no matter if I win or fail a save or blinding the killer. Blood Pact is my favorite survivor perk because I like getting the zoomies. For killer: I use Floods of Rage quite a lot. No one really expects it. Underrated aura perk. Bloodwarden is my favoriiiite perk in the game. So fucking satisfying to pull off 😈


‘pretty darn good’ ‘so freaking satisfying’ there’s no way people actually talk like this


what does commenting this achieve for you other than being rude for no reason


It’s funny and I want to see if people talk like this irl or if they’re just being weird


Detective's Hunch. Instrumental in keeping my team from 3-genning themselves, and it helps me find totems way easier than small game, which is great for finding hexes and the best place to set up a boon. And I guess the synergy with maps is pretty cool too, even though I never use them.




Shadowstep. It really hurts killers. Hides aura and scratch marks easy escapes on a well placed boon


I don't know if I'd call them unpopular but Lightborn and Iron Grasp have very high value, much more than you'd think. Both are powerful tools that help you ensure you get your successful hooks which both helps your score and helps secure kills. Iron Grasp is good in 100% of matches and Lightborn only gets value sometimes but when it gets value IT GETS VALUE. You'd be shocked how many survivors will just stand there beaming you in the face with a flashlight as you march up to them and cave their skull in.


Iron grasp is really bad. Agitation does everything iron grasp does but x2


I've tried both extensively you will lose survivors much more often with Agitation. Agitation is only better on an open field, in any situation where you can bump into something Iron Graps destroys it and its WAY worse if they have Boiled Over.


if you struggle against boil over, turn your camera and walk sideways, moving into their struggle push. there you go, you will never suffer from this perk getting you stuck again.


Yeah I don’t experience that at all


Maybe stop bumping into things?? Really isn''t hard lmao


Technician. Despite playing the game ever since the Stranger Things chapter came out, I still fuck up some skill checks.


Idk if it’s unpopular, but I love dissolution


Brutal Strength/ Fired up. The faster pallet kick makes looping just a tad easier and fired up let’s you vault and pick up faster to prevent pallet saves. Love both of them in my gen/pallet kick builds.


Wake up. I swear up and down that perk has saved my ass so many times


I love that perk too, soo many times killer closes hatch and i open it in time to escape before they get to the gate


I never see anyone else running Counterforce. Although I run a totem build on survivor, I see the other ones (Detective Hunch, Inner Strength and Overzealous) sometimes, but never see anyone running Counterforce.


It’s because it’s info component is pretty bad. Telling you the furthest away totem promotes multiple cross map trips which wastes a ton more time than it’s faster cleanse speed saves, plus increases your chance of getting copped by the killer


Deception and Aftercare. Godly perks. Aftercare especially, easy to activate on multiple people and lasts a long time. I rarely see people use it, but games when I use it usually end well.


Mad grit And Hex third seal


Desperate measures can come in very clutch I'm a Felix main if you couldn't tell


Hex: The Third Seal has gotten me many hook states because people forget where the hook bubble appeared lol It renders Windows of Opportunity useless as well as other aura perks and can buy you valuable time if you have to slug one Surv to chase another


My beloved Distortion My beloved Soul Guard My beloved Reassurance My beloved Build to last (that works greatly even with a brown medkit)


Dance with me has incredible value if you can break line of sight. Combine it with lithe, quick and quiet and lightweight for the ultimate runner combo.


Calm Spirit! 60% of the time, it works every time


Surveillance is extremely underrated in my opinion. Especially with gen-kicking perks being the meta right now. I can’t even remember the last time I saw another killer run it.


Surveillance + Hex:Ruin is so good


Ngl, power struggle gets you instant respect for: A using it and B, actually pulling it off


Power Struggle. 9/10 games it's worthless but that 1 game when it works is always amazing


Object of Obsession (With Mettle of Man) It almost never pays off but I dont care. When it does its so fuckin funny.


Potential energy. People keep forgetting you can stealth a gen if you get a token on one gen being worked on and then go to a gen in the midlde without any progress.


Most killers will kick gens before entering a chase, so blast mine is an excellent way to protect both yourself and your progress


I’m still salty they nerfed blast mine, I had so much fun with this one and I liked the way you could say to your team “look, this gen is being worked on” by lighting it up too


Dying Light, pretty good slowdown mid to late game, either you get more stacks or the only survivor not affected by it becomes unable to help or progress the game.


same i like it cause its the only means of slowdown that doesn’t really have a counter other than the obsession just straight up dying, i use it with sloppy butcher or gift of pain to partially negate the bonus they get too




fast track


Tenacity. While with other perks it’s alright, generally there are much better alternatives. But like…whenever I take it off….I never get picked up…


Flashbang. It’s in most of my builds.


I don’t use it as much now, but Lightborn. Used to never go into a match without it. Not just because of flashlight protection but you see auras after they try to blind you which is super helpful. I feel a lot of people forget it does that.


Diversion. I usually can use it a few times and escape a few chases before the killer catches on.


Breakdown. Fuck your scourge hooks, and fuck you farming teammates!


soul guard, i dont use as much anymore but i love that perk and it has come in clutch in certain situations that i dont think i wouldve gotten out of without it, also taking the hit for the person picking you up is cool


Lucky Break, I never see it used




For survivors: Aftercare For killers: Hex: Blood Favor


Lightweight is goated


Aftercare. A bit of a thing to get it to work but it's good to know where your teammates are throughout the match granted there's probably a better version now but I still like to run it


Parental guidance is a top pick for me cause I love stunning,blinding then just disappearing and if I’m using residual manifest then they can’t see gens and are useless for 30 seconds


I've started using this lately and I think it's seriously underrated and I never see anyone using it.


I barely see anyone run Fixated/Self-Aware but it can really throw off killers, yes even mid-chase if used right. I like Stake-Out too, and yes I think its good on its own not just paired with Hyperfocus. Same goes for Distortion, which I feel like everyone KNOWS is a good perk, but you still barely see it for some reason. On the killers side, BBQ seems to have really fallen out of popularity but its still a really good info perk for high-mobility killers. Brutal Strength can be a nice filler perk. I barely see I'm All Ears even though it can make for some great mindgame plays. And finally, Whispers, which can save you tons of time looking for survivors and patrolling the map.


Tinkerer. Having survivors being pointed out when they're about to complete a gen is a flippin godsend. I honestly ignored it completely at first until I saw someone recommend it on this sub, and now I absolutely love it


Boil over. I swear it’s a huge time killer when the killer decides to tunnel you😂


Urban evasion was a crutch perk for me for a long time. Being able to circle an object while the killer circles it too and barely avoiding their line of sight is so fun. Also hilarious.


Starstruck for sure


when I get that notification I dc immediately lmao…I’m jk but I already know the game is going to be horrible


This perk slaps on any killer imo bc it so strongly discourages hook bombing


I play vigil just for the off chance i play against these kinds of perks its so funny when the expose runs out early but still get hit when their perk is still technically “active”


I assume you play nurse?




Starstruck on wesker goes crazy


Agreed re: Coulrophobia. Love the rework. I like to pair it with Overwhelming and Distressing if I see a bunch of items in the lobby. It’s like a really baroque version of Franklin’s.


My go to Wesker build is coulrophobia, distressing, overwhelming and sloppy butcher. If you get me on an indoor map with that build your odds of getting healed falls to almost zero.


Saboteur. I rarely see anyone use it but it’s practically on every build I use. I like the high chance that the killer will drop the player and chase you, letting another player heal them up and preventing a hook. Downside is when the other hooks are too close or the killer changes direction as you sabo. It’s just a fun perk for me.


Darkness Revealed doesn't seem super popular but I get a ton of value from it




No that’s no where near underrated, it’s perfectly rated an amazing


Circle of healing


Franklins 😌


Self heal no one uses it when I play


Circle of healing and prove they self sadly, if I don’t bring those the percentage of games I lose is higher it feels by a lot. Helping bad teammates get out of the game faster or be productive again makes my solo q life manageable. It feels like when I don’t bring coh no one else does and I’d much rather bring a tool box then a med kit anyway, it’s dbd rules if you bring a med kit you’ll get a plague anyway, if you don’t bring coh no one else will and they won’t heal you, just like when you bring deliverance and get hooked first. Dbd rules we don’t make ‘em