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Davids adept is harder


Agreed. No stealth value on him whatsoever. He’s so loud too.


But No Mither quiets you... mostly... sometimes.... if you're 50 feet away from the killer...


*Best surv perk of the game* *Worst surv perk of the game* Totally ballanced, as all things should be


I have a clip of a doctor walking up to a locker i had hid in to ,i would assume, listen if i was in there. I was running no mither, this is not happening, hyperfocus, sprint burst and a key with blood amber and beads with macmillan offering as claudette with blackberry skirt, violet jacket, and p3 head. He then walked away without checking locker.


That’s crazy.


It would be impossible if jesus had no mither as teachable


I know. Still makes me salty about the iron will change…David/Jesus/Bill are just not viable anymore.


Poor Ash is screwed too. The man is loud enough as is when he’s running. Worse if he’s injured.


At least he’s funny.




Yeah, David is the only survivor adept that is actually difficult.


You could argue that Dead Hard kind of acts as your "healthy" state, but yeah.


Can't you just hide until the hatch spawns? Or do you need to leave out the exit gate?


It's generally agreed upon that anyone that enters a match with the goal to wait till their team die for hatch is a undesirable move.


Hatch counts, that's how i got Bill adept


At least you have one perk


this is why, when i play killer, when i see a david using no mither I assume he is attempting to get adept so I always give them hatch. It's very rare to run into no mithers, so its my assumption that is why they are using it.


Even if they’re not going for the adept I don’t mind letting no mither players go, only thing with priority over them is Cheryl since she’s my survivor main and I have to let them go if I can.


Oh goodie. I’m playing Cheryl w no mother, break down, Boil over and flip flop. You’d be Sprite how many killers leave me slugged bc of Boil over 🧐


>Cheryl w no mother yeah, something like that


I'm a weirdo in the sense that I'm more likely to kill/mori people that play the survivors I find attractive..


I’m fine with killing the attractive ones but it just feels like a betrayal whenever I kill a Cheryl so I try to avoid it.


Still never as hard as any killer's adept in the first place. The discrepancy between the difficulty of adepting Killer's compared to Survivors is just stupid.


killer adept should really just be 3 kills. there are archive challeges that are literally just that, 3 kills with only these 3 perks and they're so, so much simpler


Survivor Adept: See that gate? Run. Killer Adept: Get four kills, chase as long as possible, pressure gens as hard as you can, break every pallet, break every wall.


It's amazing to me that you can be TOO successful while trying to adept a killer and fail because of it. You need to get the 4k, but not too quickly or you lose out on needed points.


I don't know the math, and maybe it's changed in the last year or so, but I've got adept with 3 kills (11 hooks). I think it's because I was new to the killer and matched with new survivors. I don't sweat too much as killer, so I always let the last one go, but I try to hook everyone twice before killing.


The numbers depend on what rank your at. if your in ash its pretty easy to get a few in before the merciless bar gets too high. Thats why people say to wait for rank reset to go for it.


I managed to get a 4k really quickly once and not only did I not get a pip, I actually lost one.


I'm still absolutely pissed about a time where I got a 4k at 3 gens. Almost 4 iris, except time around a hook and just barely less than necessary BP screwed me


BP has nothing to do with pips, and therefore nothing you do with the adept achievement?


Correct me if I'm wrong here Doesn't BP effect how much you pip? Or at least, they correlate? If you do a lot of BP raising things, your pips go up. Or maybe I'm just dumb


No, BP has absolutely nothing to do with pip. You get pips from its own point system, which you can read at the end game screen if you hover over the emblems. If you chase a survivor for long you get more chase BP bit if you end chase faster you get more emblem points. As survivor if you co-op gens you get more BP, but fewer emblem points.


Not only that but any killer with an instant down power gets screwed over HARD, because you can only afford to "skip" like 2 health states or else you miss an iri emblem.


Yeah more like,you see these 3 guys here ,one is going to dc,one is going to kill themself and the other one is doing challenges have fun and try to escape Killers really think they constantly playing swf's,like it's that ez,cap


Yes but a survivor DCing can actually make it harder to adept a killer. Way to show your one sided-ness.


Same with survivor. As long as you go for killer adept after the grade change, it's super easy as killer. Survivors are also more dependent on their team. (Unless you get lucky with hatch)


I've done every adept. Surviving is just way easier than getting merciless killer at any grade. Though neither is super hard after grade change, particularly if you do them when the killer is new and your mmr isn't high with it yet. But survivor *is easier* because setting yourself up for hatch once a game goes south is trivial.


Considering how easy playing killer is now(over 60% kill rate for most killers), it's really not that hard to get killer adept, definitely harder than trying to get few survivor adepts in solo queue. When ranks was a thing, killer adept was considerably harder if you were high ranked, but now with rank reset, it makes it a cakewalk. You can essentially tunnel 1 person out at the start of the game get adept killer easily at rank reset.


Yes but the discrepancy between killer challenges in the tome and Survivor ones are equally stupid. It evens out. I have them all and I think it's fine that there's different things being different for different sides. I personally also struggled more with surv achievements than killer. Yes that includes Myers 4 mori achievement.


I got David’s adept on my first try against a Clown at rank 1 (before the MMR update). All due to some rockstar teammates To clarify, I’m not trying to say it’s easy


was able to adept him with an afk killer


... and I chose to do his adept upon release of the Oni...


Had 2 friends trying to adept him and we were having no luck for so, so many games it was getting stupid, so they did twin David's while I had a different shirt and ran his perks in solidarity. I convinced them to change their names to try and get pity adept, so they changed their names to something like "plz I'm bad at david" and "adept me daddy" and I changed mine to "adept other 2 plz". First game we got the killer (deathslinger) walked up to us, nodded, and proceeded to meme despite burning a mori. The fact you have to change your name and hope the killer will take pity and meme to let you escape really shows how difficult it is to get his adept lol


For real. If I spot someone being cute and clearly communicating a challenge of some kind I will always do it. I wish Killers had more ways of communicating it like I feel bad if a killer is going for adept and we stomp them. I'll happily help people get their challenges and achievements


Eh. I like when it happens naturally. Like playing killer. See surv do something really dumb… look at surv I’m chasing. Back at stupid. Back at other surv… 😂 or when I’m playing survivor, killer catches me hiding. Crouch tip toe (obviously) around the corner. Run to give flash light. Back to corner… peek at killer


But you have the Chad factor of bringing no mither, if you do alright the killer with usually respect you in my experience and let you adept.


Do David over, huntress, myers, cannibal, billy. Basically have to play without a power. David just needs to escape


Killers that don’t get emblem points like plague and twins have it harder


Or an killer with instadown powers can’t get enough chaser emblem. Took forever to get bubba adept since you can’t use his chainsaw.


I got it first try but I used the brown addon that makes his chainsaw worse but give more devious points. The funny thing is that it often 2-shots survivors real fast anyway since it ticks pretty fast. So sometimes you get near-insta downs from the power anyway but 2 "hit" score events rather than one.


The way I got adept Cannibal was by hitting them first and then use his chainsaw. It's counterproductive for winning but you get points for brutality and deviousness for that.


i got adept plague my first game as her, her perks are a little scary


Good perks, but using her power basically makes it impossible to max brutality emblems


At Least they have something to work with. Hag’s perks can disappear 2 seconds within eachother. Hag’s Adept is basically playing with 0 perks.


Hag is Hag. One of the easiest adepts. Hag is low A, high B tier. If any of your totems lasts more that 5 min, you should be golden.


never complain unless you’ve gotten billys adept. it literally forces you to not use your power to down and extend chases just for the emblem. the newer maps also shit on billy really fucking hard due to all the random clutter BHVR thought would be amazing to add, especially into some loops.


And plague adept almost requires you to play as an M1 killer only, because her emblems have always been Janky and using green puke actively hurts you


so is freddy's except his power is MUCH weaker


David literally has to play the game on hard mode?


Laurie literally shoots a flare at the sky whenever Object of Obsession is activated.


Play no mither and see how the killer wont leave your ass, even more if it is a david with DH, since it basically confirms the adept try.You will be hoping for a merciful killer


If you changed your in game name to Adept David, I'd get you to 2nd hook state and slug ya when I came across you to prevent you from doing gens, but be sure to give you gate at the end.


Literally the best way to get a adept you're struggling with is to change your name and beg for the killer to take pity on you lol. Without fail I would get the adept within like 5 games. Had 2 friends trying for it and I convinced them to change their names to be like "plz adept" Kind of names, we all kitted up as David and Literally thr first game we played after so many failed games the killer nodded and memed


>Literally the best way to get a adept you're struggling with is to change your name Cries on console with no name changes


Dunno about xbox but you 100% can change your name on playstation. First times free.... then it costs like maybe 5usd idk it's 8 bucks here


Yeah I meant willy-nilly like on steam. $10 per name change isn't quite the same.


Oh I know, it'd ridiculous. And we have to pay a monthly sub just to play online like wtf


\-No Mither adept getting up from the slug continuously-


Yep! Like I said I wouldn't go out of my way, but I've had a lot of no mother Davids just step in front of me while I'm not in chase and I'll take the easy hit.


Ill tunnel a No Mither survivor out of the game as a survivor if they cant play for shit with it. Its not hard to play injured, but somehow its always the shitters running No Mither.


Ironic that you’d say this. I literally had a game last night with a random David, and the killer kept slugging him and not hooking anytime he was found. At first I thought it was just a weird strat by the killer, but after like the 3rd time I think he was just letting the David get up.


No mither builds usually run DH I thought. If he doesn’t have resilience then it’s more likely


At least that flare also tells you where the killer is, with no mither, you are literally cutting your chances of survival in half.


I use that perk willingly all the time. I would say there’s only about a 30% chance the killer isn’t busy seeing you, plus you always know which aura perks they have. If you hide behind a gen, it’s also almost impossible to see your aura through it.


And that flare can be ignored many times due to being on a chase... And is supposed you also see the killer as well so you have info. David literally loses 1 health state the entire match.


Just don’t be the obsession easy Peasy /s


Hag isnt even that hard, and laurie comes with information AND anti tunnel. The hardest adepts by far are david and trapper


Personally I think I got my Hag Adept first try and I was shocked I got it so fast


It took me a few tries because I was getting so much value of Devour Hope that chaser emblem was silver most of the time


This is why I wish adept killer achievements were “kill all survivors in a trial” instead of “achieve merciless killer.” If you absolutely stomp the survivors and the game ends too quickly you won’t get it. You have to do EVERYTHING right lol


Sometimes you have to babysit the survivors and beg them to not DC or suicide on first hook. When I got Adept Onryō I was lucky that the system awarded me both a DC and a mori at the same time.


Hag for me was the hardest killer adept. I had to try for it a lot of matches.


Also did it first try.


i had a way harder time getting adept billy than trapper and still haven't gotten nurse yet because i apparently suck as nurse


Thats only because billy is actually kinda hard to play, trapper is basic but his power sacrifices half of the game setting up. With bikky its easy because you can get around the map and make chases really easy even without saw downs.


Trapper at least has agitation and brutal, the worst killer adept is probably wraith, poor guy has no useful perks


Yet wraith has a decent power with good addons and doesnt get screwed over by wasting the start of the game setting up.


Probably just a skill issue on my end then, my trapper adept wasn't too bad to get, but wraith has been impossible for me so far


Yea wraith is one of the easiest killers to do adept for because his hit and run strategy goes perfectly in line with what you need to do to get a merciless victory


I got a Wraith adept on accident like my third killer game ever when I started. I’m very lucky.


Everyone bitching about survivors who can just get hatch with an offering after hiding all game in the worst case, when plague adept was almost impossible because using your power almost guaranteed you wouldn’t get it because it didn’t count as you injuring the survivors when your green puke took them to broken.


Oh thats right! I completely forgot about how difficult plague's adept is🤦


Of the base game ones Hag was an initial nightmare for me. Coming back a year later doing dailies for her it hasn't been that bad.


Most of the OG surviors who dealt with facing Hags all the time have left the game. Few survivors left understand how to counter or bully her, so she stomps on randos then gets bullied all day by SWFs in high MMR. Used to main her for so long, then that update that added a bug to delay attacks after teleport, made her unplayble for months. Only killer I have spent money to buy skins for and has sat unused for a couple of years now. Shes in an odd spot of seemingly way too strong against bad players and food for SWF to play with.


Kind of reminds me how Sadako is.


Yeah hag isn't that hard. The only hard part is devour hope can make you not get enough emblems if it doesn't get cleansed (insta downs are bad for chaser).


David has gotten a lot harder since the Dead Hard nerf, but it’s still doable. You just need to Gen rush and get lucky. Trapper is similar. A good Trapper knows how to set down two clusters of traps so that you can convert an area into a fortress once you hook someone there. Add two traps to a zone with two already there and you can guarantee a snowball.


That might be the optimal trapper strat but doing it doesnt get your adept because you dont kick pallets or get good chases. I never said it wasnt doable just that its one of if not the hardest to actually get.


Really? David? I’d say Ash, literally nothing of his is good.


With david you are injured the whole game. At least with ash you can make decent chases without relying on the killer having good ping.


Hag? Not difficult? Seriously?


Yes. She is a very strong killer that doesnt take that long to play well with. All you need are range addons, and to have basic totem defense. Hag isnt even unfun to play either, she is fun to play but no one plays her which is why she hasnt been nerfed


I think the difficult thing about hags adept is not actually winning, but getting the points for adept. Devour hope actually hurts ur chaser emblem, both with instadowns lowering the number of hits and non death hook moris lowering hooks as well.


No one said that you actually need to use devour, slug and get gen defense, proxy at a distance so that you dont get stacks, dont mori people, etc.


I think OP is playing on-release Hag


Now this, this would make sense


The Hag is in an almost perfect spot right now: strong but not op. The reason why she’s not seen as often is because her play style is kind of an acquired taste. Surprisingly she has a small but very dedicated fans. Her major downside is that she can be incredibly obnoxious to verse, and you can’t change that without completely changing her kit


all of her perks are useful. I got her adept the second time I played her. Devour put in some work.


Unironic skill issue


How is laurie hard? You got Ds, OoO and Sole Survivor (aka wasted perkslot). And Hag hast Ruin which isn’t particularly great, Devour Hope (one of if not my most favourite perk but risk/reward) and Third Seal, can be strong but will most likely be not gamechangeing.


hag shouldn't be difficult, but every single game i play either as or against one at least one survivor DC (aka no adept)


Try going for killer adepts after the grade rollover on the 13th, the requirements to get merciless are way more lenient when you're in ash grade.


DS is only useful for tunneling killers Sole survivor is only somewhat useful if the killer has BBQ and MYC. Object of Obsession basically has Laurie shout “HEY, IM OVER HERE” Hag literally has to work with 0 perks (Devour is decent but Third Seal is pretty useless, Ruin is only partially useful to prevent genrushing (but they’re gone almost instantly).


Object doesn't act like this anymore. Half the time killers don't even notice you have it.


Uhm i dont see how Sole Survivor helps to counter MYC, could you please tell me? OoO only activates every 30 Seconds (if youre the Obsession which is likely when using it) Personaly ive never been really bothered by it, quite contrary it has helped with looping and knowing the killers location across the map (if hes not undetectable, but most Killers aren’t), but okay. Hag can Trap her totems or at least protect them + even without any perks she can lockdown and defend a area (eg a 3 gen) really well.


I also find Object kind of helpful for calling out aura reads and if the killer is running I'm All Ears than you completely nullify it (unless it's Nurse). Obviously Distortion is better but idk why OP thinks Object is that much of hindrance. Even back when it displayed you to the killer when looking at him, you were still rocking Old DS.


Third Seal is strong on uncoordinated teams.


Third Seal is actually game winning if it can't get cleansed. You have no idea how powerful permanent blindness is until you've gotten fucked with it.


It triples the amount of time survivors are slugged from my experience on both sides.


Hag also has a really good baseline power and strong addons. Nowhere close to hardest adept lmao.


Good power? So basically doing Tic Tac Toe on the ground is good? Her traps practically do nothing.


Right I forgot every power that isn't Nurse Blink or Blight Charge is bad.


Hag’s power is she can mark a small area anywhere on the map and teleport to it but only when it’s triggered. Which can then be negated by crouching. Ghostface can inflict the exposed effect, Pyramid Head can hit through walls and has a built in Mori, Wesker has an anti loop ability, Freddy can teleport to any generator, Bubba has a built in instantdown. Hag is basically an M1 killer.


Really? I thought Laurie was pretty easy


Not w Shit teammates and decent killers


How is Laurie’s at all hard lmao


Object of Obsession makes it so you can’t hide at all and that the killer can see you everytime the perk activates.


I know what object is I run it a lot Lmao, super fun perk which helps a lot in chase. It’s also is aided by sole survivor which can help with hiding. Laurie probably has one of the easier adepts lol


The easiest survivor Adept is Feng. Lithe helps with chases Technician can help when you suck at skill checks Alert is basically a better Spine Chill.


That’s probably second, but Technician really bad and hurts newer players. I’d say Meg has the easiest with the 3 strongest perks


Meg is the easiest for sure. Agreed she has the best 3 perk combo of any survivor in game. Bill was second easiest. Technician's gen progress punishment is horrible. If you need technician go practice in tutorial mode.


Maybe a hot take but I think any survivor adept is quite simple and a lucky hatch or just a good team can get it done easy Killer adepts I believe are much harder requiring at least a little knowledge of the killers power Also ever seen Wraith perks? hag's look s+ tier next to them


Not a hot take at all. Killer adept literally forbids you to play too well. Which is quite sad if you compare it to survivors who rly just need luck or good teammates




Funny enough Ruin might be her worst perk after all it's nerfs. but yeah she has some good perks. maybe guy is getting unlucky with totem placement


Even with unlucky totems that's still wasted time for survs plus her baseline power and addons are strong enough to win a game.


Ruin is almost totally useless


Melodramatic much?


It's completely true.


I got Laurie's with old Object of Obsession. I had to spend the entire game looking at the ground


Have you tried adept plague


Both are quite easy. David is far harder for survivor and for killers Trapper is much worse.


Wraith is also quite painful if you are not low mmr anymore. I had to play 10 matches to get the adept and it really was painful to play with 3 perks that won't help you at all (I love Shadowborn though). But it was also my fault for not playing with good add-ons though


Hag was actually super easy because devour hope. Guarding devour forces unhooks to reach their maximum, and you get easy m1 downs. Survivors will almost always go for devour hex cleanse which slows down gens. A little slugging here and there keeps progression low. I got hag merciless during devour bug, and mori'd all four survivors for the first time since I started playing the game. I wouldn't consider hag the hardest adept.


I play an all hex legion w Devour hope and world mori all 4 by the time they finally cleansed the 4th totem if luck and Was on my side and I guarded them especially after it’s revealed to them. Usually got my last few downs by patrolling my least couple totems. I even moried a toxic clicky feng as Legion w DH after I Moried her team. Did it right on the hatch. 😈


I imagine the difficulty comes from survivors knowing you're doing your adept when they see Ruin and Third Seal in play. Also, while Devour Hope is arguably the most powerful snowball tool, it has the drawback of netting fewer emblem points because you're only getting one hit instead of two, and killing a survivor would skip hook stages too.


>and you get easy m1 downs The problem is that instant-knocks from Exposed penalize your Chaser emblem, since it gains points for each health state you take but doesn't compensate for instant downs.


I think Nurse and David are the hardest to adept.


but nurse is nurse


I'm sure she can be a lot of fun to play as, I just get my booty hole obliterated whenever I play as her.


She has a high-ish skill floor, but once you are decent with her, getting her adept is pretty simple because she's just that good. It's not playing with Wraith or Freddy where you are playing an okay or bad killer with shitty perks that can't really help out. Nurse's perks aren't really that helpful but she's so strong that you don't need them.


You can use the addon to make her an m1 killer.


Im sorry, but survivors shouldn't be on this meme.


Neither should Hag.....


Survivor’s adept is the easiest thing to do


Plague is harder than Hag.


This meme is just wrong. Laurie’s personal perks come with aura reading, minor anti tunnel since DS kinda blows now, and aura hiding. Wasn’t that hard to get before the changes and still isn’t. Hag’s perks aren’t terrible, the thing is if you play her correctly you won’t get enough chaser points to actually get merciless, since the optimal way to play Hag involves pretty much zero chasing. That’s what makes her adept hard to get. David and Trapper are infinitely harder. Trapper’s perks have been hardcore power creeped. Brutal sucks ass, Agitation is only useful for “backpack” builds, and Unnerving Presence can actively work against you if survivors can hit skill checks (most can). And for David, all I have to say is “no mither”. Biggest handicap a survivor can put on themselves.


any survivor adept is easy in comparison with any killer adept. just right now i have tried clown, i have purposedly act dumb when i had 3 people on hook so the fourth one could unhook so that the game doesnt end and i get the damn achievement. ended up killing 3 and the fourth one of course finds hatch instantly. look at the emblens and... 1 iridiscent, 3 gold, and all 3 gold one were so close to iridiscent that it was not even funny. but only 1 iri, so no +2 and no merciless and i dont get the adept. in other match in gideon meat plant as clown, i manage to kill 2, and the third one dcs before i can hook, the fourth one finds hatch instantly and... again, not adept for those two hooks that i miss. and clown at least has a good power, i cant use the cenobite chains to save my life, i cant even win normally with him, how am i supposed to win mercilesly?


Pinhead's perks are great so you're not hobbled by them like some adepts. Between the box's natural slowdown and your perks Pinhead isn't too hard.


I did my adept Laurie first try lmao, without any prior experience to any of her perks.


Hag? Hag has no trouble getting 4k even without perks in average games.


Hag is one of the easiest ones Hex: The Third Seal is such a powerful hex. Especially in maze like maps like Racoon City.


My brother in christ wraith's perks make you feel like you're having a fever dream


At least his Adept doesn’t go out the window the second ONE of his hex perks get cleansed.


Wait... you don't actually think because one of her totems get cleansed you can't get adapt right?


Laurie? She was so easy a get out of jail free card and a fun info perk. I mean if you suck at chases it could be harder but not crazy hard


I don’t remember which survivor I struggled the most with (I don’t think I had a particularly hard time with any of them) but for some reason, it took me so so long to get deathslinger’s adept.


Idk. Maybe not solo que but in a swf, OoO is incredibly strong. Ya they see you but you see their location and you can tel your entire team too.


Plague is really hard to adept not because of her perks, but because her chase times are so long at the start that getting merciless is frustratingly difficult on her. Any of the setup-heavy killers (Trapper, Hag, Demo) have that problem tbh


The plague, what is the hardest one for me?


David and Clown were way tougher for me


Hag would probably be one of the easiest tbh she has like 3 really good hex perks or ruin at the very least used to be good


That the thing. They’re **Hex** perks. If even one disappears, it’s game over for your Adept.


Not really. It’s actually beneficial for them to cleanse Devour Hope before the final stack.


Hag isn't hard lmao. If you need help just put on rusty shackles/dried cicada and bring yourself to midwich/the game. Got it my first try.


That’s mean. 😵‍💫 I like it 😈


Am I the only one who has gotten adept Laurie first try, even though the killer was on my tail like 70% of the game? I also see people saying David is hard but I don't super see why. I definitely did NOT get him first try, but it wasn't hard.


David? :4


*Plague has entered the chat*


Hag? NOPE. Plague? Hell the FUCK yeah.




Why hag? Like not clown?


David and ghostface have entered the chat


Idk, I think Myers is quite difficult to adept.


I got his adept yesterday.


OP really hasn't tried adepting that many characters yet and it shows. These are both really easy examples, comparatively.


Hag how? Even one hex getting cleansed takes out your possibility of getting Adept. Bro, I’ve adepted every survivor but Vittorio (because I literally just got him 20 minutes ago), I’ve got Shape, Pyramid Head, Pig, Freddy, Nurse, Knight, Wesker, Sadako, Huntress and Dredge. Nurse was hard but none of her perks are Hex perks.


How does a hex perk getting cleansed mean you can't adept? Hag is one of the more powerful characters even with zero perks, and she has really good add-ons if you're having trouble. I'm starting to think you don't even really know how to adept, the only requirement is that you have the 3 character perks equipped and you get a merciless victory (aka double pip), so it's also easier to do right after reset.


Tough play style to lean. Counter intuitive. A good sword swf will have gens done or almost done by the time she sets up


Adept Laurie first try. It was still very painful.


People complaining about david just shows that they arent chad enough to use his perks.


For me, Demo was hard to get adept and this was before he got buffed and his perks (except surge by a little) were pretty bad at that time. And for survivor I’d go with Steve


David and Nurse for me


I got hag's adept my second game with her ever. I wasn't even trying to, I was just running her perks cuz I was low level with her. And the only reason I didn't get it my first game, was because I could only run 1 perk.