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As long as you don't have a huge emotional attachment to the previous games. I don't regret buying it myself. But it's not Dead Rising with Frank West. It's Undead Walking with Hank East.


Well. They don't walk, so it's false advertising.


My favorite part of all these DR4 comments is all the funny new names to slander DR4


Insults is one of the best ways to let peoples' creativities fly.


Despite the awful attempts they made to 'recall' Willamette and even make much sense with regards to the other games, the story is fun to play through, similar gameplay to 3, and the final boss is actually pretty fun imo


I actually agree with you. Despite it's problems, I still found the story to be interesting, and the last boss to be really fun, much like you did. I also enjoyed the gameplay despite the lack of a day and night cycle


I’d wait for it to be a dollar


I actually went to a market once and someone sold their disk for 50 cents, LOL


Over hated game the Christmas theme is unique…but buy it digitally it’s almost always on sale for 8 bucks with tons of dlc the disk won’t have…the voice actors do suck ass in this Frank East lol






Not even for $1 :(


No bc it’s DR4




Wait for it on sale on the shop so you don’t need a disc


Go for it.




Probably? If you want to play it sure. Personally worth playing no. There’s far too many outstanding games out right now imo to dedicate your limited time to playing this one, the psychos suck, the atmosphere is bland imo and seasonal. If I want to play dead rising I’ll just replay one of my favorites 2 or 3


I wouldn’t even play it if it was free💀




It's not worth being paid $10 to play it


If they pay you $10 to take it.... it's still overpriced.


Didn’t like the game at all


I wouldn't play it even if it was free


It's not worth even touching. Don't even


It is absolutely drenched and oozing with that post- 2016 lazy, shovelware, cash-grabby, corny dialogue, and boring childish gameplay trend that basically ruined single player games for a while. I beat it and felt apathetic. I can't tell you a single thing that happened in the story except for the very first part. Ask me about dead rising 1 or 2 and we can talk all day. I think that's the difference. I don't think it's an age or nostalgia thing either because I didn't even beat a dead rising game until I was 21.


I find it so bizarre to ask these kinds of questions in the internet age back in the day you had to go based on magazine reviews, photos, demo discs and word of mouth I found literally 10 in depth reviews on YouTube about this game… But to answer your question sure it’s worth 10 bucks. I got it on sale for 20


Under a few conditions. 1. Do you have any fond history with any of the other Dead Rising games besides 3? 2. Do you like the way that Frank West was portrayed in Dead Rising 1/Case West/Off the Record? If you answered yes to either of these, then no. 3. Do you like mindless zombie slaying with the backdrop of a Christmastime midwestern town? 4. Do you like the idea of goofy weapon crafting with little basis in reality and more so entertainment. If you answered yes to either of these, then yes. Take this for what you will, I have always been on the far opposite end of the fanbase's opinions and actually like this game, but I will never say it's a game for everyone.


Seems about worth it for $10, the case looks like it's in good condition.


Tbh normally I'd wait for a digital copy to go on sale, I grabbed DR4 with DLC for 5 bucks on the xbox. Worst game in the series but.. 10$ or lower is not a bad price.




Everyone will say no if 10 isn't much to you Try it out you'll have fun but it misses the mark as a dead rising game on many levels. Prepare for a good bit of disappointment.


Even if it wasn't I wouldn't be crying over $10


$10? Who doesn’t have $10? I wipe my ass with $10.


Dude, have some respect for your butthole, these bills have seen things...


It’s an army and the chief reference


Haha, didn't get that one, I was just trying to be funny


I’d say it is. It’s no DR1 or 2, but if you want mindless fun I’d say go for it


Personally I thought it was a fun game, I liked the vibe and running around killing zombies with crazy weapons, the game left a lot to be desired but it was fun and in my opinion better than dead rising 3


Oh HELL YES it is.


I would grab it


If it was worth a dollar, you would be regretting that one dollar.


Do it!


Bought it when It released, big mistake honestly, it ruined the game for me, and had a horrible ending, but for 10 bucks I'd say it's an alright deal tho lol


For what it’s worth, I’ve played every Dr that’s existed, including 4. I personally enjoyed it, so I would get it but it seems other people didn’t as much.


5 dollars at most.


If you go in just for the gameplay and pretend it's not part of the original dead rising story you'll really enjoy it, it's a very fun zombie killing game just a dogshit dead rising game.


Nah. I played the first 2 hours and it's not dead rising at all it's like some generic third person beat'em up featuring zombies.


***(Copy/Paste of a good description of why DR4 is crap)*** It's just a huge tonal shift with Frank himself being almost nothing like how he was originally, originally being a helpful man out of his depth, in the non-canon DROTR being more fun and sarcastic, then in DR4 being an asshole. Gameplay wise the new combat system was something alot of people hated, with the loss of inventory management and not being able to pick up and throw any item, the game restricting items to certain modes of combat was a huge loss, and the small amount of combo weapons is a downgrade from DR2 and DR3. The exo-suit was also a huge jump and made the zombies loose alot of their threat. Willamette also doesn't feel anything like it originally did, with the mall getting a full rework, losing any realism it once had. Lastly the removal of Psychopaths, unique boss fights with a load of personality, in exchange for forgettable maniacs. TLDR: It lost almost everything that made the Dead Rising games so loved in exchange for weaker and worse features.


For $5 this late after its release? Maybe. But $10? Ehh, still not the worst deal. But it's really detached from the feel the previous games have and just feels like its a shoehorned sequel riding on the coattails of the prior games made with their signature passion and flair...it's uninspired, at best. It does have its good points, but they are few and far between. Maybe spend that $10 towards Disco Elysium next to it. Or don't. It's your money, and I'm not your mother. You are your own person.


Nope that's too much for that trash game. Maybe $2 and that still might be too high.


Giant yes...I loved it...didn't buy for a while due to negative reviews but got it for 5 bucks on sale and had a blast


Its a fun game if you play it at face value both 3 and 4 wer abit meh but still enjoyed them none the less but 2 still the best


If you're a big fan I'd say worth it for the laughs




I've never been more happy about a studio closing down than Capcom Vancouver. What they did to this franchise and how they marketed this game will forever be in my memory. Honestly 10 bucks is about the max I'd pay for this but even then I don't think its worth it.




Yeah you might as well grab it while it's that cheap it's worth trying at that point


No joke wouldn’t take it if it was free honestly one of the worst games I’ve ever played


Catching the black plague is a funnier experience.


For a fun game to kill shit, yea. For a dead rising game, no. Don't think of it as dead rising and it's at least some zombie bashing, and that's always fun.


He love Mini Golf, but he's never covered wars


I bought it at $3 and I still felt scammed.


For your collection yes,as a video game no


It’s decent honestly, I personally enjoyed it. It’s a better action game than a dead rising game