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Who knew all we had to do was give the franchise back to Japan and take it away from Canadians


The Canadians themselves didn’t do bad with 2 and 3 by any means (Inafune was still involved with 2 afaik yes but Blue Castle aka Capcom Vancouver dev’d the game) but man whoever they got for 4 should have stayed away from that


Honestly the interview's for 4 are hilarious looking back at them.


I think 2, Case West/Zero, and OTR were amazing, everything after was ass to me.


Almost like outsourcing a project to the cheapest bidder isn't the best way to make the best games


Joe Nichols is crying in a corner somewhere right now


It may be, but I want to make sure my voice is heard that to truly finalize the "return to form" we need T.J. back, that man IS Frank, It'd hurt my poor soul if we got one of these for Dead Rising 2 and Chuck got re-cast as well (and what if they make an Off The Record mode for the remake!)


The auto save feature turns me off a little bit. The time game and saving mode was a key feature of how this game is made to be played. Anyways if it can make more people like it all good but I think it takes away from the challenge intended for this game and it's replayability. Pretty sure i'm gonna save 50 survivors on my first playthrough with auto save...


Yeah this game will be easy as shit if they don’t make auto save optional. Don’t worry though casuals will find a way to fail and whine even with the auto save feature.


Yeah they should make the Survivor AI 10x worse to make up for autosave


Is it really a return to form if you're just updating an old game?


I think it’s telling that they put in clearly a lot of effort into modernising the game, making it more of a remake than a remaster, and also keeping to the original’s gameplay and appealing to the core fans that loved the first game rather than trying to make it more casual.


The autosave feature is a feature I think makes it WAY more casual. I wanna be clear though, I'm very excited about this and can't wait to play it. Reminds me of what kid me thought Dead Rising looked like.


True re: the auto saving, but I imagine there’ll be an option to turn it off hopefully. But they could have easily tried to go very far into the casual direction, removing the time system etc. I think anything that is better than Dead Rising 4 is a return to form, because that game was a fine example of appealing to absolutely nobody.


I don’t want to be dramatic but I feel like the auto save not being optional will make the game way too boring and easy for me. I’ve been playing DR1 and have 100% on Xbox and platinumed the remaster on PS so I just hope they make it optional for “veterans” like myself.


They said they added this as feature , means it's going to be optional , they are not stupid It's probably juat saves your game after every survivor rescue and boss fight , which you'd anyways on your own


I’ll play it but they disregarded the main criticisms of 4. Dead rising was never this funny game and from the looks of the marketing, it just looks like a dr4 and dr1 crossover.