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Teach her commonly used words- yes, no, please, and sorry etc. Then move to sentence structure and build off of that to common words you use everyday. Make a list of the 50 most common words you use and teach her those. Then make another list. Teach her things that help you two communicate first. Knowing how to sign animals is probably not as important as explaining why she has to step away from from a facetime for a minute.


[https://youtu.be/wGVjoCM2PQ8?t=71](https://youtu.be/wGVjoCM2PQ8?t=71) Just keep her aware of different languages so she isn't accidentally learning the wrong thing. Youtube might be a good start.


Make sure you cover grammar if it's different from her spoken language. Teach numbers, then other vocab. If you want a vocab list let me know, I'll message you.


Hey. I don't know in which Federal State you are living but i think there should be a Deaf Association to be present. As for upper Austria you can write them or visit their homepage. For upper Austria it would be [Bildungszentrum der Gebärdensprachgemeinschaft OÖ](https://gehoerlos-ooe.at/). There you can find good teaching materials as like as bound scripts for ÖGS. (modules 1-5). It starts with things like family, please, thank you, sorry, groceries and colors and of course finger alphabet so you can introduce yourself by your name. Module 2 would contain things like shopping, describing a person, describing your own home, describing the way, being ill and a doctor.


[SignTeach Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL7XDpu0vObrFgrDYpqo0ug) Here is a youtube channel that puts out a bunch of videos in a bunch of languages including International Sign and maybe AustrianSL aimed at teachers of various sign languages in order to help them teach students better. Its made for professionals, but you might find some useful stuff there :)


If you have any language teaching book, use that as a reference. Usually it starts with introducing yourself, asking questions and answering them, words to describe your family (mother, father), education/school/work related vocabulary, numbers (!), the time, weekdays, months