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I saw a good hack that I've kinda adapted. When you get a delivery inside a box you can fill that up and get rid of that. I'm doing that now with recyclable bags, coz I have too many of those now.


Such great ideas here! As a volunteer donation sorter at a couple of different charities, I can say that receiving donations in boxes, bins, and tubs is far superior to trash bags, which are difficult to stack and are unwieldy to sort out of.


Whatever it is, make sure it is also donate-able. 


I have a box - I always have one - in the living room for disgarded items. My son has learned to toss in the things he no longer wants or no longer fits.


This! It is a system that also works for my family. We put ours in the garage.


Boxes from Costco. The ones that aren't too cut away


I also use the paper bags that I get from the grocery store.


I get regular deliveries of large boxes with toilet paper. TP has a home and so every month I get a new large box to fill with items to declutter. When it's filled, I can easily chuck it in my trunk and take the whole thing to a donation center and I don't need the box back.


I bought about 6 laundry baskets for $1 each from the Dollar Tree. I fill a couple up when I'm decluttering and then take them to Goodwill. They take everything out of the baskets, put the items in their bins, and give me the baskets back. I put smaller items, like jewelry, in Ziploc bags so it doesn't slip through the slots. I also use grocery bags I've saved. When I'm not using the baskets for decluttering, I use them for cleaning up around the house. I have enough baskets to be able to dedicate each one to a specific room. I get the baskets out and go room by room looking for things that are out of place. I put those items into a basket I've assigned to the room they belong in. It saves me a bunch of trips up and down the stairs and running around the house. Keeps all of the clutter contained until I can sort through each one.


I use the free tote bags we get from various stores bc I was going to declutter them anyway. And the larger Amazon boxes. Large trash bags for clothing.


I just buy some cheap boxes from walmart. they aren't very expensive. Chewy boxes work too - my cats need prescription food so we get a lot of those boxes.


42 gallon heavy duty construction bags from the hardware store.


I get boxes from my job (McDonald's) and then fill the box taking it to my favorite thrift store


I just have one bag and when it's full I donate the whole bag. Keeping things lying around in boxes and bags is a total disaster for me.


Absolutely! Once the box, bag, bin, etc. is full it goes in the car. Once it is in the car it goes to the donation place. No hanging around the house becoming new clutter or whining for a second chance.


Amazon boxes. Diaper boxes. My new thing is for every medium/large box that come in, I fill it with donation stuff. I'm slowly decluttering.


I have plastic boxes that fit under the beds (no boxsprings) then I transfer to a plastic bag when donating.


Liquor stores here have great medium-sized sturdy boxes


Check with your local Cable company. I run a warehouse for a cable company, and I ALWAYS have good sturdy boxes that new equipment comes in.


Old plastic tote, no lid. I used cardboard boxes before the lid for the tote split. Don't buy cheap thin plastic totes. It's fake frugality.


Paper shopping bags. Fill them up and immediately donate the contents.


Yeah, Amazon box, Chewy box, etc. Ask them to save a couple of boxes at the grocery store instead of crushing them. Liquor store, too, is good. Grocery/Walmart bags, trash bags.


I use storage bins or baskets that used to hold stuff I’ve donated. Now I donate basket and all! I suppose that when I’ve donated my last empty bin, I’ll start using Amazon boxes. I certainly receive plenty of them.


I have a small trolley that I take to do the weekly shopping. When I find clothing or linen that I want to declutter I put them straight into the trolley. There is a charity clothing bin that is in the shopping centre, so it is very easy to drop them off for donation before I get the groceries.


Laundry basket


My aunt and uncle gave us a gift in a fabric tote bin years ago. It sits on a shelf in a closet and holds the items that are ready to go out until I can bring them where they need to go. If I didn’t have that, I’d use a cardboard box. For items actively leaving my home, a paper bag or a cardboard box are my first choices but if none are available, maybe a reusable bag (I imagine thrift stores may use them) or if I have to, a garbage bag.


I use see-through Hefty garbage bags for clothes, hangers etc. Pretty cheap on Amazon. I also use Amazon boxes and reusable shopping bags that are extra.


I like trash bags. I buy different colors for keep but put in proper spot once that spot is cleared, donate, recycle, and trash. I know at a glance then what each one means.


We reuse boxes from Amazon and Chewy, and just keep one by the front door at all times to drop items we're taking to the thrift store. When the box is full, it gets taken away and replaced with an empty one. Stuff that's being thrown away gets bagged and taken to the dumpster. Stuff to recycle goes in the city recycling bin, no bags.


I like using empty copy paper boxes from work. They are sturdy and have hand holes and a lid.


When I had a big purge, I bought archive boxes that are along the same lines.


I just bought moving boxes at Home Depot. They're $1-$4 dollars each depending on size or Canada/USA based. That way, when I have the urge to declutter, I have a box already.


I use reusable bags. I have so many because I always forget them (plastic bags are banned where I live so you have to bring your own bags) so it’s kinda like a double declutter hahaha I get to declutter the bags I no longer need or want and I put all my items in there. Now to be fair I donate almost everything to goodwill so I don’t sort etc so I fill up a bag - I can be big or small - and then it goes into my car and then I just give everything to goodwill.


I have a collapsible crate about the size of a milk crate that I call my Buy Nothing Box. When it's full, I photograph everything and put it up in my Buy Nothing group.


I post to my local buy nothing group and put it on the porch for whoever’s interested to pick it up. Usually I get rid of things within a day or two, and it goes to someone who will actually use it


Ikea bag, then move to the trunk, then drop off at thrift shop


I use the plastic or paper bags from the grocery store. Or bags I’m getting rid of.


I use plastic bags for all donation


We use Rubbermaid bins and the local salvation Army will do a bin swap so you get an empty bin to bring home to fill with more donations.


I got my boxes from the liquor store.






It depends on the size of the items, but I have a lot of craft supplies so that gets cluttered. I got a big cube shelf and pink cubes (theme color of my hobby hole). I got tiny chalkboards that have holes in the top and strings from dollar tree and used them to label the cubes and tie them onto the handle part. The plus side to this is you can put the cubes in whatever order you want because they’re labeled! I also use big cloth bags that are rectangular and have a zipper and a clear top to store things like sheets, extra towels, my scarves, winter pajamas all under my bed. Hidden storage is my go-to! ETA: oops I think maybe you meant things you’re getting rid of 😂 a lot of retail places will give you boxes if you ask.


You can get construction grade 33 gal bags. I throw everything in there and donate. You don’t need anything to throw away. Fill up small thrash cans and take out to the outside trash. I have two receptacles from the city instead of one. I throw lots of junk in the second one.


I use reusable shopping bags that are getting old and ratty. Then when I donate the organization gets a bag that can be reused.


I use either the regular size white trash bags or the large black trash bags for most things. If it’s fragile or breakable, usually I have a empty box from printer paper that I can use to transport it.


Also trash bags, random boxes from things we’ve purchased or no box at all just put in the garage until it is time for them to go away.


I usually keep a handful of cheap Walmart moving boxes (about $1.50 each) around, or have some freebie produce boxes from Costco. When I need to declutter, I start a new box, when it's full, out it goes.


I just save a few boxes and keep them in the car for when I pass a Goodwill.


I picked up big zippable bags that are reinforced from Amazon. Fill it up, dump it at the donation place. I got six to keep them in areas which I declutter a lot so that it goes straight into the donations bag when I get the “why do I own this?” Impulse.


I get cheap reusable grocery bags and bigger, stronger, but still relatively cheap IKEA bags. I grab some whenever I happen to be there. I have a drawer of reusable bags and use them for lots of stuff. When I donate stuff I put it in the bag and just donate it, bag and all.


I love the ikea bag idea! They’re so functional and not too pricey to donate. And do you know ikea will deliver them to you free of charge? Score!


Boxes come in, boxes go out. I've been keeping the boxes we get from Amazon (or where ever) to use for donation boxes. We have certain things we buy from Amazon and Chewy monthly, so we always have plenty. Smaller boxes are easier to manage than larger ones. I keep one in the mudroom and one (or more) upstairs.


When we were in the thick of it we got carry-out every Sunday night from a restaurant that used nice handled bags. I had all week to fill it up before donating it the following Saturday. If the restaurant got generous and gave us a second bag full of chips, then I tried to do both bags.


I use collapsible crates. Sturdy and large enough to fill with books, but fold flat when I'm not using them. They come in several sizes, and some can stack.


If you’re near an ikea, go buy 10 or so of their bags and keep them somewhere easy to grab. I also buy moving bags from Amazon and always have one open for stashing giveaways.


I get brown bags when I go to Whole Foods even though I have reusable bags. They are sturdy...especially when doubled. I also volunteer at a food pantry several times a week so am always on the lookout for the perfect size and sturdiness of boxes. I save them and offer them to people who are moving.


In a more maintenance mode now, I put things in my ottoman. That way it's visually "away." When I have the time / energy to deal with it or the ottoman's full, I post stuff on Buy Nothing. But sometimes people flake or they're uninterested so it's a bit of a project...this way it's still visually away while I'm dealing with it.


One of the things I began doing was purchasing containers of food. Usually large boxes, but whenever I buy say, coconut oil, I analyse the jar as well because I can wash it and use it. I don’t mind paying a little extra for a food stuff if I’m going to keep the container. Plus yarn is cheap (in the grand scheme of things) and it’s nothing to hook up (crochet) a jar cover or lid decoration or whatever. I find baby wipes to be ideal for this. You can reuse the containers and scrub things. Just wiped off your makeup? Rinse the wipe real quick and wipe down the counter too. Your feet got dirty walking barefoot on the patio? You can rinse the wipe a bit and wipe down the floor too. Your doggo has a scraggler? Wipes to the rescue! But don’t reuse those.


The container itself must be donatable. Unloading items at the donate place would just give me another chance to change my mind and keep the stuff.


I'm in maintenance mode now. I have a big plastic tote in my basement. As I declutter, items go in the tote. I periodically bring it to Salvation Army. They take the stuff and give me back my tote. When I was doing BIG decluttering, I just loaded up my car's trunk and backseat each weekend. Then did a drop off. I didn't bother boxing anything, but I did bag clothes.


We use laundry baskets. The fact that we need baskets to do laundry serves as a nice reminder to get the stuff over to Goodwill or wherever it's going. :)


I put things in ready to let go of on the desk in my entry way as a first step. Then i box or bag up depending on how I’m letting it go - bag up items for porch pickup via buy nothing and box up items to be dropped off at a thrift store (usually using Amazon boxes).


Costco has tons of good sturdy boxes


I bring my Costco shopping home in banana boxes. Banana boxes go with the donations.


Banana boxes are awesome for this. Sturdy, stackable, endlessly reusable! Get them from many grocery stores who sell bananas


I get mine from grocery stores like Aldi (smaller sized) and Sam's Club (larger sized and sturdy).


I have banker boxes I bought at an office store years ago. Most items will fit in them. When I donate, they take everything out at my request, as I use them for carrying groceries.


I actually buy those giant blue ikea bags and always have one going. When it's full, I take it to the charity shop.


I use Amazon boxes and if I have to use multiple, I will.


For stuff I'm donating to charity? Large shopping bags (as I don't drive boxes aren't convenient). That said I get a lot of parcels delivered so rarely lack boxes and bags!


My husband works at a print/publishing shop so usually paper case boxes. Sometimes diaper boxes.


I keep a laundry basket around- then transfer to boxes or bags when I have enough.


Bags!! I don’t have a lot of boxes laying around either.


Costco has free boxes. They are sturdy.


Reuse boxes and trash bags


Depends on your purchasing habits. For instance, I have a case of water and juice shipped to me monthly (Amazon subscription) so I'll typically have two boxes that are easily big enough for a lot of things I might donate without taking up *too* much space in my trunk in the process. For really little things that I don't want to wait to fill a larger box, I scour the clearance aisle for small plastic totes, like the shoebox size ones--I've bought a few that were marked down due to missing lids, and twice bought a pack that were on clearance for like $3 for 10 totes. I can also use these around the house but I'm buying them with the expectation of donating them along with their contents so they don't add to the clutter. Only time I've ever needed to look for anything specific was when I needed jewelry boxes (the small cardboard ones sized for a single necklace) or was getting rid of whatever trading cards I couldn't sell--I'm very into "donate in the same condition in which I'd want to buy it" and that means making an attempt at protecting fragile items rather than just dumping them all in a box.


Just reuse shipping boxes. Also if you shop at Aldi you can get boxes there too.


I set up a metal shelf as landing zone for this stuff and put a few boxes so I can sort thing by type. I have a box for e-recycling, other special recycling, books, clothes, etc. when I have time or when a box fills up I deal with it.


Shipping boxes from things I've purchased, plastic grocery bags, paper grocery bags, other bags/containers I am going to donate, etc. I would never buy a container to hold decluttered stuff as that kind of defeats the purpose. Ask neighbor for boxes or a friend you know who gets lots of packages. Larger items don't need a box.


I have a couple of small trash cans that I’m donating, so miscellaneous stuffs go in them.


This is probably a bad answer, but I usually wait until an appropriately sized box arrives and then load it up. I will sometimes keep things in plastic bins temporarily while waiting for the arrival of a box.


Even smallish boxes work. I am in the maintenance phase of decluttering, so there aren't huge loads anymore. If I get a box in the mail, I keep it for a few weeks (be careful not to let boxes become clutter though!), in case I find any clutter. Honestly, I mostly used bags, even for non-clothes stuff. Sometimes I will declutter enough from a container that I no longer need the container. So the stuff goes right back in and the whole thing goes. I use grocery totes too. Those I will empty at the donation center though. They don't seem to mind, as everything just goes into a big bin.


I keep a box in the corner of dining room. If I come across something that I immediately know I don’t need but don’t want to trash, it goes into the box. Once a week I post all the contents to my local buy nothing/free stuff page on FB


It’s a black foldable crate that I got at Costco


If you have a gas station nearby ask if they can save you a few boxes on delivery day.


I use Amazon boxes for glass or fragile type stuff so I can donate the whole box, and a stack of large plastic storage bins that I use for staging ‘shit I might donate’ and then go through the bins periodically and then they turn into ‘shit that is actively being donated’ and I use them to transport the things to the donation site. 


I have, “conveniently”, so many grocery bags that I also need to declutter so this is a win win situation for me.


I use my meal kit boxes, or a grocery bag I'm also decluttering. I have a basket in our front closet for donations we come across over time, and when it fills I keep the next meal box and empty basket into a bag/box and take to the store.


Meal kit boxes are so good! Very sturdy!


I always seem to have an excess of reusable grocery bags, along with the larger ones from TJ Maxx et al, so I fill some with donations and the population gets back under control for a bit.


Black trash bag so you can't see what's in and re-think. Also, if I declutter storage items (I had a cabinet just for storage boxes!) then I put items in a box and it goes by the door, ready to go out.


Haha-I️ use clear trash bags so that I️ know everything is meant to be donated, but I️ might now switch. I️ just know to never use white kitchen trash bags-one move we ran out of boxes and used white trash bags and some things got thrown out that weren’t supposed to!


We mostly used boxes from the monthly Chewy order and Dad's inventory shipments. Obvs, this meant having a schedule for getting things OUT so we weren't over-run with boxes! If I did not have access to those boxes, I'd look for people giving away boxes on FBM or similar.


Depends, but our "on the go" donation box is usually from a liquor store. When full, we just donate the box and all, and start a new one. Clear bags for clothes.


I donate in cardboard boxes and shopping bags (soft fabrics) - depends on the items. I get boxes from Dollar General and a local hospital (food service area). Daycares also get boxes. 😉