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Yo, one question. Why would you receive sex because it was expected of you? That sounds.... Not good at all. Almost like rape😣. I get the getting somebody off though i would never be anywhere close to someone i don't know. I like pleasing my BF, it makes me happy to be able to be good enough😊. I think the feeling about sex and lust and live are all different things. I think you get satisfaction of getting people off like you would like a hobby, it's nice to get results😋 be it an extra goal in sports or... This.


It wasn’t rape. I just did it cause I was young and that’s what I knew sex to be. I knew I didn’t like it but just thought I had to do it. I do kinda view it as a hobby tho😂😂. I just wondered if I still classified as Demi cause I still don’t get turned on by it.


I think so. And i meant rape against you, not from you😅. From now on, plz don't do anything because society or pear pressure tells you to!


Thank you! I won’t!😊


Are you me 😭


I think I am😭


Girl let's be friends fr


I’m up for it! Online friends are always welcome


Yes— the ego thing. Idk why but it always felt like a fun bisexual flex to be able to make both men and women climax! It is like a skill I have a lot of confidence in, and have from about the time I realized I had the capacity to be interested in both men and women. Funny enough I always thought it was super normal that my previous partners didn’t just automatically turn me on, it’s like my own internal power play games would turn me on. I still feel like I’m the gatekeeper of my own sexual attraction but it’s definitely a leftover symptom from my long history of ignoring that I wasn’t enjoying sexual acts. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes! I like knowing that I’m “cultured” in different cuisine 😂😂


It me 🥹 I loooove getting people off, it's fun. I've not done it without some decent connection. But ain't no one getting me off without a deep connection, that's for sure.


Yupp! I know if I’m not into the person it doesn’t do anything for me but I can definitely put the Effie in for someone if I find them cool or to be a vibe