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Pretty much just warp back to the Nexus and explore other archstones.


Like all of em?


There are no optional bosses in this game, it's much smaller than the other games. Or is it something else you're confused about.


I dont know when i will get to fight the archdemon or if i have to beat all other areas first


Is this your first soulsborne game? Just explore, be thorough, and go somewhere else if it seems top challenging.


No ive played them all accept sekiro just a little confused by this one😅


Alright well, think of it like ds2 then. A bunch of branching paths and one path that leads to the endgame. Just without the interconnecting world of course, and a quarter of the content lol.


Hmm alright


Have fun! And with sekrio as well when you get to it of course.


Thanks man from what ive tried sekiro might be the toughest for me😂


Go give Dragon God your thicc booty and then come back.


For clarification, I think they mean if you go along on the same archstone it will be too hard. At this point it's probably time to hit up the second one. It's really tough, but that is what I did. Ended up forgetting about progressing on archstone 1 until I got all the way through the second and partially through the third. When I went back to it, the world was still challenging at my higher level if that tells you anything. Edit: Just to share, I remember on PS3 it was my first souls game and it took me 300 times to get past Flameluerker because I sucked so badly. After the other souls games it wasn't too bad this time.


You have to defeat at least one other arcdenon before you can proceed. But you will have to defeat them all before you finish the game


Simply kill any one of the final bosses in any Archstone of your choice. A message box will appear once you've acquired an archdemon's soul to advanced through Tower Knight door. However, it's recommended you explore other areas until you reach a higher level before continuing beyond Tower Knight door.


Typically want to go in order from left to right, but you can go wherever. Also the miner dudes in the second archstone are weak to stab attacks. The boss is weak to magic.


So my bastard sword wont work well on em?


No. You should go to 3-1 next and grab the crescent falchon first, or just do 3-1 entirely. In this game the difficulty cranks up more based on the second number in each archstone, not the archstones themselves. So 3-1 is only slightly harder than 2-1, but 3-2 is a LOT harder than 3-1. That being said 2-1 is difficult in its own way, because you need magic to really hurt the main enemies. You'll find a great magic damage weapon, the crescent falchon, in 3-1, so I usually recommend new players do that before doing 2-1.


Alright ill think about it because i can kill the miner enemys in 2-1 sorta well with my sword


How far have you gotten though? Killing 1 or 2 isn't the same as killing 10 that are swarming you while a fat official is launching fireballs your way🤣 Not to mention there are quite a few traps that put you in super close quarters with them, or get you running into a whole group of them. But hey, if you think you're doing fine, then more power to ya, just know that when you get to the boss, you're gunna have a bad time if you don't have a bow and plenty of arrows lol.


Ive made it 2 the second room with all the fire lizards and ots not like you gotta fight em all the only ones that attack you are the pickaxe enemies and doggos in the first room also I have a crossbow will that work?


It gets a little moren involved after that but you might be alright if you play smart. Just a vague tip though, don't chase the crystal lizard, it's not worth it lol. The Crossbow will probably work, yea, but an actual bow would be better. Either way upgrades will help a lot. The boss of 2-1 shoots fireballs at you in a long, enclosed hallway. It's really hard to get close enough to hit him with a melee weapon, and he constantly hits you with another attack that makes it impossible dodge and hard to move at all. Trying to kill him with melee is usually a futile effort, so you'll need to git gud with some kind of long range damage.


I beat him with my +2 bastard sword and large shield🗿2nd try😈😈


The game has 5 worlds with each being split into separate parts/levels. So 1-1 refers to world 1 level 1. This is the first level at the end of which you beat Phalanx. 1-2 is world 1 level 2 and is the level that ends when you beat Tower Knight. Basically you didn't have to beat Tower Knight as your 2nd boss. Once you beat Phalanx the other 4 archstones in the Nexus opened for you. So you could have gone to 2-1, 3-1, 4-1 or 5-1 instead of 1-2. To get behind the door after Tower Knight and go into 1-3 you have to beat any final boss (archdemon) in any of the other 4 worlds.


Oooh thankyou does it matter which other world you beat?


Not really no. You can beat them in any order you like. Some are harder than others though.


Alright thanks


It doesn't matter, but the "easy" route the first world of each Archstone, then the second world of each, etc. Nothing is stopping you from doing straight through each one, but doing x-1's and then x-2's is generally considered easier.


No, beating the final boss of any archstone will unlock 1-3 and 1-4 (the final parts of the first archstone). Beating all 5 archstones unlocks the endgame.


I cleared World 2 after killing Tower Knight. Dragon God is a gimmicky fucker so the fight isn’t too hard if you know what to do.


Same, except I got super lost in the Tunnel City, and also died like 10 times to Dragon God because I did *not* know what to do.


I see you've already got an answer to your question. I just wanted to say good luck and have fun, Demon's Souls is a fantastic game (both the orignial and remake) enjoy :)


Hey thanks yo its been pretty good so far the boss runs been a bich tho😅😅


The bridge to tower knight is a fond memory 😂


Fond huh😅😅


1-3 and 1-4 should be the last two levels you do. Do the rest of the arch stones first


You have to beat another boss before you can enter through the big door.


Idk why nobody could explain that boletarian palace is 1-1, tower knight's level is 1-2 and so on. Archstone 2 level 1 is easier than archstone 1 level 2, and archstone 3 level 1 is easier than archstone 2 level 2


3-2 is harder than 3-3. 2-2 is harder than 2-3. 5-1 is harder than 5-2 and 5-2 is harder than 5-3


Finish Tower of Latria is what I recommend. It’s gorgeous but brutal


Pretty much you gotta kill a final boss like the dragon in 2nd arch stone or storm king 3rd arch stone. 3 in my opinion was wayyyy easier than 2 because you can run past the skeleton mfs


Go kill one the final boss of a world, then you can return and go past the fog. The bosses past it are pretty tough tho. Would recommend going thru most, if not all, worlds prior to going to 1-4