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This is how I lost my teeth. My boyfriend died a few years ago, and I didn't brush for like two years, only showered MAYBE twice a month, didn't cut my hair or wash it, didn't shave, etc. It was horrible. Nowadays I force myself to shower daily and shave every few days, but my teeth are too far gone. I hate it cuz I can't smile in public, eating is difficult and painful, it's hell trying to find a decent job. If you're going to do anything to take care of yourself, no matter how hard it is, brush your teeth. At least once a day. I'm kind of unlucky cuz shitty oral health runs in my family, but still, you don't wanna lose your teeth this way. It's painful and embarrassing.


Lost as in they fell out?


They said died in the beginning


Nope, just decayed down to the roots


How was your nutrition like, i mean our ancestors probably didnt brush their teeth ever and they probably had them after 2 years too


I'm well aware our modern diet is what causes tooth decay. I didn't eat much different than anyone else does. This could happen to anyone if they didn't brush their teeth for years on end.


Yeah I mean I ate like this the first 23 years of my life and now I have depression forever because of it


I'm sorry you went through that, sounds horrible :( I hope you're doing better now. 🫂


honestly, it sounds bad but if i cant i just dont fold my clothes. takes too much time and it doesnt make them cleaner, washed and dried and thrown into the drawer is good enough. helps to save energy for more important things like showering, tooth brushing, cleaning etc. one step at a time i guess


Small steps are still steps


Bed rotting girl here, honestly same though. I mean, I feel disgusted with myself but I live in my bed (more of a "mattress on the ground") and rarely leave. Having therapy once a week has helped, though. If I'm leaving my house I brush my hair, and I try to take a shower beforehand too. I haven't folded my clothes in years, I just toss em all in a pile and dig through it when I need clothes. On good weeks sometimes I hang some of my clothes up at least though. If you can't get the energy to take a shower, try using a wet washcloth. I have problems with seeing my body so I take showers in the dark, it helps. If you can't brush your teeth, at least scrape off the plaque with your fingernails. It's not great, but it'll stop you from getting worse at least. As for clothes... Try to change them when/if you leave the house. I get the struggle but you feel clean and better mentally with a new set of clothes on in a way you can only understand if you've worn the same thing for days.


looking at this, I might have depression. My apartment looks way worse.


No offense but everything in there looks really easy to arrange in 10 minutes max. Do take care of your health though, maintaining your hygiene is the least you can do as a small step towards progress


My life


Not enough effort to help yourself but enough effort to share and post online . You got your priorites backwards. Wish you best of luck