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Join r/leaves. It is helping me as I quit.


Name checks out.


Lol nice catch


Good luck with quitting. I can’t do it and no longer try to.


Same. My living situation stresses me out too bad, and I have anger issues that need therapy. Oh well


Then go to therapy 😎


If you are paying then I'm sure we would go


Exactly what I was gonna say.


Don't be scared. Put me on your insurance plan 😎


Oh damn I’m sorry, I didn’t know this was so unaccessible in the US(?) .. It’s different and way more accessible in my country then, and still loads of people don’t go who clearly could benefit from it (as anyone actually could imo), so I was typing from that view. So I’m sorry for putting it like that.. Only advice I could give then is that there’s really a shitload of info to be found on the internet that can help you. There’s more than one way to ‘go to therapy’, self education is one of them sort of. Especially youtube has so much to offer when it comes to therapeutic subject. One that pops in my mind now is the channel Psych2Go. But really, you’d be amazed how many educating video’s are on there, for free. Meditating also helps, try Headspace for instance, it has quite some free videos on Youtube. Good luck 🫶🏼


Ayo is your username a Mac reference? If so, that song got me through some shit in high school.


It sure is my friend, such a diamond of a song 🔥 Mac’s music was/is also part of my ‘therapy-package’ lol, especially Swimming and Circles ofc but also some of his earlier work.


Self-education can never compare to a supportive therapeutic environment with a therapeutic approach that fits the clients needs. No one wakes up with no education and says “I think I need a trauma-informed, narrative and strengths-based approach to treatment. Let’s YouTube it!”


Bruh. I’m just giving some advice since someone said they couldn’t afford therapy. I said ‘sort of’, because of course I know it’s not fully comparable. But it’s better than doing nothing, right. ‘Oh I can’t afford therapy, now I’ll just do nothing about it’. You read my comment in a negative way and misinterpret it, while it was just a little help for someone who said they couldn’t afford real therapy. Again, it’s better than doing nothing then or flee to bad coping mechanisms like drugs to numb yourself (but make the shit even worse in the end).


I learned that it has apparently been helping treat my epilepsy so I either stop smoking weed and add more medication or I keep my meds as is and keep the weed. I tried adding other meds - was a fucking zombie. So weed it is! More expensive but more manageable, I can actually take care of my family with weed. Benzos just seem like a one-way ticket to a worse dependency than weed, and a tolerance build-up that can’t be fixed with a one-day break or switching up strains.


Heard that. I’ve had unknowingly been medicating my symptoms of severe Complex PTSD for decades. No other medications. Zero regrets.


I don’t plan on quitting but I’m on a long t-break right now and I experienced the same thing during the first 1-2 weeks. The appetite comes back. Your mood will improve, you will get less aggressive. Good luck man, it’ll be worth it


Those first 2 weeks are what keeps me from stopping. My appetite literally goes to nothing, and i have chronic pain so i dont want to go back to needing pain medicine. Idk what to do i think maybe just cutting down could be enough to improve my motivation but its very difficult.


I get morning sickness I'm not pregnant I'm a guy but every morning at work I get nauseous and want to throw up. A small hit from my pen helps me get rid of the nauseous feeling


i have the same problem. i’m 23 and it’s either weed or methadone :/ i know what i’d choose but i’d rather not need either


I’ve been working on cutting down and it’s been really helpful. It’s also a little easier if you take a predetermined amount then put everything away and out of sight. If you decide to take more later you should be careful with your dose (I usually take too much when I’m already high) and only allow yourself to do so once, if at all


But I definitely need a T break before I've taken 100 mg edibles from different brands and none have hit me. I need at least 200 mg and even then I'm kinda barely feeling it




Next you’re going to tell me im just smokin the wrong strain


That was hilarious tho


Oh good to know thanks Doctor annual goose.




Rule #3 - We ask that people do not give unsolicited or unhealthy advice.


I’m 81 days today, it takes a while to get past withdrawal and recenter your life. See if there are marijuana anonymous meetings near you! Helps so much. Proud of you for quitting, you got this 🫶


Congratu-fucking-lations. Amazing to hear about people overcoming. Fucking proud of you both!


How long has it been? I’m on day 12 bleh lol


Day 15, we got this 🫶


Trust me, it gets better. I was a very heavy user. I had to smoke before I did anything. The main thing that got me to stop was how bad it was making my anxiety. I stopped smoking a few months ago and had really bad withdrawals(anger, depression, lack of appetite, etc) there’s been a couple times I’ve failed and smoked again but I’ve learned self control since I’ve first stopped. A lot of people say you can’t get addicted or have withdrawals but you definitely can once you become dependent on it. It takes a while. If you relapse and smoke again, don’t be hard on yourself as it takes time. Progress is not linear. You’ve got this!


It gets better. 2 months in.


Tbh I miss the wild dreams from first days of quitting. Now it’s just normal sleep.


It starts like that but you’ll reach a point you forget weed exists, I used to be high from the time I woke up until the time I went to bed and the “withdrawal” was hell


Were you a really heavy user?


How long have you quit for? It’s usually very hard for me the first 2 weeks, but get easier. Either way, I hope you start feeling a little better soon ❤️


i’m a year and a half in and its the best decision ive ever made. after smoking nonstop every day for 7 years of my life, its so great to actually care about things and think clearly. ur doing great and it really does get easier.


I love reading stuff like this, congratulations on your success!!!!


Good you quit. Give your body time to adjust.


Yep, it'll take a while.


Nothing wrong with that. Been down the same road. Sometimes they might not get it the first few tries, or they might. I’m rooting for em either way.


I quit 2 months ago because I thought I was getting more depressed from smoking a lot but it turns out weed had nothing to do with it bc I’m still depressed af lol so I feel your pain


Totally normal. Took me 6 months to even start to see a light at the end of the tunnel! It’s really hard. I went to a few N/A meetings and also therapy every week to just rant, which helped a lot . Good luck 👍


You’ll be aight. Take a walk, maybe even a run. You’ll be just fine 👍


Same fam


That’ll pass fast. Start working out, that’s what I did


If you quit then it obviously is having some negative effects on you/your life. It’ll be worth it in the long run. Ik it’s not the same (tho I’ve quit weed during times it wasn’t doing good for me) but I started ed recovery and was also so depressed. Seemed silly because I was more depressed recovering/quitting than when I was actually deep within the bad habits. Been a couple months now and i’m really glad I pushed myself through it. You got this!


Tough, I had to tolerance break for two days and mostly slept like the degenerate I was feeling like. On the up and up though, life keeps on rollin’.


Hey my friend it'll get better. For the longest time I had a seriously difficult time quitting myself. It wasn't until I had issues with my bladder that's when it hit the hardest. Smoking only worsened my pain and I hated every second not being able to smoke. Even when I thought It was a good day to try and smoke i would instantly regret even touching a joint. It would start to make me think too much since I hadn't been smoking for months. Made me paranoid when it used to make me feel relaxed and chill. I miss those days where I could smoke bowl after bowl and enjoy a video game or watch a movie. But ever since I've been on some medication like antidepressant plus a nerve blocker I haven't felt the need to smoke anymore. Trust me it took a long time to finally feel okay not smoking. You'll eventually just stop wanting to or needing it. I found I always had an excuse to want to smoke when I first quit but it takes time. Don't beat yourself up my friend you'll get over this rough hill.


Stick with it bro, it will pass


Stay strong


Why though


Marijuana Anonymous


That’s how addiction works


Hella carbs


One week no weed more depressed...


Me too!!!


Are you fresh off it? When I quit, it made things worse for a week or two, but then my brain regulated and I was okay.


It sucks for a while but you got this. I’m almost two weeks off thc, after being an intense smoker all day everyday since before 2020, and I do struggle with nightmares and the sweats but it does get easier. You got this.


It’s because you’re still lacking dopamine receptors from using them too much so everything seems less pleasurable. They will begin to come back soon in a few weeks. Then you need less dopamine for them to fire and feel pleasure.


It’s feels like that now but it’ll pass and you’ll start feeling good on your own. Just give it time and do your best. I love pizza rolls enjoy!


Mood I. Always on edge


Counter the depression with working out. Help make you feel better and keep your mind off of smoking


Yes, join r/leaves! I smoked daily for 9 years dude, now almost 3 years weed-free. People who never had that usage don't understand the complete dependence you can develop to smoking, but fortunately the people on that sub do understand. It suddenly made me feel much less alone, and kept me motivated to not fall back. Also, the beginning is hard but there's no other way than just keep pushing forward through the shit. After a little while, suddenly you realize youre you're not pushing anymore and can just do it effortlessly. Keep going, you got this!


Never had pizza rolls before cuz I live in Korea. Really curious what they taste like (yes, I fucking love food, and I'm not skinny). Dam son, I hope you get through it. Good on ya tryna quit.


The first two weeks suck


I feel you. Took me a good 3-4 weeks to feel human again but it’s worth it.


Man I get it. I felt like that for so long. I’m 7 months weed free now though and I swear my life is so different in the best way. People made me feel like quitting was so silly and wouldn’t make a difference, and they were so wrong


Quitting isn’t the way to replace the habit with something healthier. You’re depressed because your habitual dopamine dose is gone and now you feel the effects. Find something that’s pleasurable and do it


It will be a nine months for me soon, it has been one of the best decisions I have made for both my mental, physical, and financial health. Stay strong friend! Dependencies sucks. I was smoking from dawn to dusk. Had to be high for everything to cope, now I actually am trying to overcome my issues.


I started SSRIs and gave up weed at the same time, it's been close to 4 months and I feel way better. Anxiety/depression are way more in check, I'm not stress/stoned eating at all, and with a healthier/healthy portion based diet I'm basically back to my high school weight. I wish I had made the change sooner.


Trust me when I say this, this sadness is a dopamine reset. Give it a week or two and stay strong!


It gets better just stick through it. I always feel the same way when I take a break and it sucks ass, but all that stuff will go away with a little time. You got this OP !


I wish you the best of luck when people say that weed is not addictive. I believe they are wrong. It's very hard to quit weed. The withdraws may not be as strong as other peoples withdrawals, but they're still there


If you don’t mind me asking, why’d you quit?


keep it up! it’s so worth it in the end


I’ve quit for a year now (not by choice but because it was causing me major anxiety) and your appetite comes back in full force. I’ve gained 30 lbs since I quit.


I’m also struggling with sobriety and some denial. It gets a lot easier the long it goes on, real fucking hairy and kind of scary in the beginning, but you will find yourself feeling ways you didn’t even remember you felt, good ways.


How come you quit? I could never I just cut down a lot. I smoke carts more than actual flower


It will pass - trust me. Stay the course First 3 days are the hardest. After 1 week it gets a lot easier


It’s so hard to quit weed. You’re doing great, sweetie!


CBD helps me