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I don’t even play destiny anymore but holy shit was that really 5 years ago


not quite. 4 years, 3 months


Still shadowkeep feels like it came out 1.5 years ago at most




It's like there's been a consensual shift in the community in terms of parting with our money and such. I still think we should be able to grind our previous passes, especially in Shadowkeep, where Seasonal Content was removed per season rather than per expansion, because I paid for all 4 passes, but only ever grinded to 100 for Dawn. And if it wasn't for Season Pass Pass, I would've lost my Virtuous Helm (back then I didn't use my Titan very much).


I'm with you. I've lost out on so many cosmetics from seasons because I had irl stuff to do, even though I paid for the passes. I wish more games would let us keep them to grind later if we've paid for them.


halo infinite does it the best


Those people are braindead


I also play ESO and their shit is priced like this. People just need to understand that’s what the market is


The problem is, I ALREADY BOUGHT THE FUCKING PASS 4 years ago. AT LEAST give me a BD option considering already shelled out $10 for the whole pass that included the armor they're now selling for $15. It's straight up corporate fucking greed. Edit: just so I understand... all of you are happy bungie is doing this and are completely ok with how much it costs.... right? Pathetic.


If you got any part of the set at all, it's discounted for you. It's not their fault you didn't actually play it when you bought the pass for it. Sounds like a bad monetary investment on your part. "I have a life and a job and this and that", yeah so does almost everyone who plays the game except for the younger folks which isn't a lot. Don't buy the pass if you KNOW you won't have the time to complete it. Bungie put the armor in eververse for people who never had the chance to get it at all. Sure it's price is higher, but so is almost everything in the store. People asked to be able to buy the sets, and now that Bungie made it possible those same people are bitching. Here's a thought, DON'T BUY IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR IT.


So you didn't complete the season pass back then, and should be gifted the armor now? You had to **earn** the armor with the season pass. It doesn't work like that. This is nothing more than straight up entitlement.


It’s also a problem that you had to earn it in the first place in a limited time. If people pay for a season pass, they should be able to complete it even into the future. It’s bad for consumers for it to be limited time and it’s not entitlement to say it’s bad. Also, it’s not like people are EARNING it, they just spend an arbitrary amount of time grinding for something they already paid for.


I mean isn't that just about ANYTHING in gaming? Spending an arbitrary amount of time running a dungeon for an emblem? Spending an arbitrary amount of time for a shader? Spending an arbitrary amount for time for an achievement? That's video gaming, I don't complain that I need to loot 50000000 goblins to get the "goblin gobbler" title in a different game, because it's an arbitrary title. It's arbitrary armor, that people who unlocked it get to wear. People who didn't play, for whatever reason they may have, don't have it. Plain and simple. I liked the armor so I did stupid XP bounties and such to unlock it. Why should someone who didn't do that get it? They paid money for more than just the armor. Season pass models are stupid, I agree, but not because people didn't have infinite time to unlock something.


^ imagine sucking bungies dick THIS hard. It's four year old armor. I paid for the pass that contained the armor. I was not allowed to earn the armor after December 10th 2019 despite paying full price for the pass. I have kids, and a job, a mortgage, and apparently a better life than you, and I was given 71 days to grind 100 levels. Other games let you continue to grind the pass. Destiny tells you to go fuck yourself. Kick rocks.


I agree with the spirit of what you said, but the personal attacks (kick rocks, better life that you, blah blah)....yeah fuck all that.


Aren’t you able to transmog it?


You’re assuming that the people who are asking are the ones complaining. You have no proof of that nor a good reason to think that.


Right, because it's two distinct groups of people. The people who said they'd pay if they brought it back aren't in the comments here, they're in Eververse buying silver. And the people who balked when those original comments were made didn't bother to comment then because "yeah right", but now that it actually happened they're upset about the predatory monitization of it.


Im buying them, and i encourage anyone whos thinking of both buying them or not. To keep this important piece of information in mind. It's optional.


This is literally the only seasonal armor set I've wanted since it disappeared. Glad its back, and cost me 600 silver for the remaining pieces I didn't finish. To the people that are butt hurt about it, I'm not a big fan of Bungie these days. That doesn't mean I won't spend my money on the things I want.


Yeah I'm convinced you're not cool on this sub unless you complain about this game endlessly. D2 fanbase is full of very confused ppl.


Because the people that say they would buy, and people who are pissed they missed getting the sets for bright dusk are not the same people.


People who paid for the season should be able to earn that shit


Why? They had every chance to earn them in the season like everybody else. Their school, work, life etc is not Bungies problem. Hell I work two jobs and grinded out my 100 ranks easily. I fully respect that Bungie is giving people a chance to buy it later. Truth be told it's probably not even for their benefit. They are probably selling them for new comers or returning players that missed a season that missed out on those skins.


Yes. This!


10 to 20 dollars for the whole bundle that includes all subclasses, not the same price of a season for a single transmog set. AND HECK, buying the season actually give you all armor sets for each subclass.


Fuck i'm old.


It’s wild that SK came out during my med school days and now I am in residency 2nd year that’s when TFS will drop I literally grew up with Destiny franchise


And now you're a cardiotharassic surgeon, still don't have vex mythoclast!


I wish first one was true though Second one definitely is


![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) The real shock of this post is that Season of Undying is technically 5 years old(but actually only a hair over 4 years old: October 1st, 2019-December 10th, 2019). Regardless of how you look at it, that hurt man why you gotta remind me.


I'm more concerned that it was 5 years ago


Good thing I got all the shit from Undying when it was out then ![gif](giphy|loXji8Lsu9tPX0JT8m|downsized)


I too love forcing FOMO into new players


Its cosmetics, calm down


>Its cosmetics, calm down And thats how the get away with it




Yeah, people really freak out about the silliest things nowadays. Here's an absolutely wild thought. Maybe just don't buy it if you don't want it?


I did my homework too




Thing is, rereleasing it makes me value it less and makes me less likely to buy things in the future.


I forgot to grab them on my titan and hunter, shame we can't go back to those passes to claim unclaimed stuff.


There’s a plug-in on Firefox that lets you do that so long as you completed it you can claim stuff you forgot


just don’t buy it


Surely that solution would suddenly start to work after almost half a decade of this situation just getting worse, right?


Because despite what the annoying loud people here say, people are in fact happy to buy it.


Personally I don’t mind paying a small premium for something I would otherwise not have been able to enjoy. Nothing wrong with that.


Has it gotten worse? Armor ornaments are the same (only now we can transmog) and the battle pass has only gotten better value not less. Also gotten easier to finish IMO.


It feels imo 1 step forward, 2 steps back. Transmog was great when it was finally added, but it came with the original grind that they were basically forced into shortening after the outcry against it. But eververse has gotten worse especially when considering what you can earn vs what you can buy. Cooler shaders are added, but you have to spend silver/bright dust if you wait. Event mementos are cool, but other cosmetics earned in-game have slowly phased out to be only found in premium event cards/eververse. Semi-seasonal dungeons are great, but you have to spend an additional cost to play them. Biggest one was them selling that bundle pack recently for in-game materials, which not only felt scummy on its own but also super predatory against new lights due to the fact they were all things you can easily get in-game anyway.


>Event mementos are cool, but other cosmetics earned in-game have slowly phased out to be only found in premium event cards/eververse. Those were always silver only bundles though. >Semi-seasonal dungeons are great, but you have to spend an additional cost to play them. They’re also drastically better. Shattered Throne was “free”. Want to list the loot it came with unique to it? Wish ender. That’s it lol. No armor, no weapons. I’d rather drop ten dollars a dungeon to actually get loot in it. Otherwise I feel like everything you listed is just more stuff added. Not necessarily what we have getting worse.


I guess I misremembered the event cards vs what was earnable in past events, I could've sworn you could earn certain cosmetics that have been relegated to event cards before but gotcha. For dungeons, that's what I was saying is that yes they've been "better" but when you're already paying for a season+expansions, it feels kinda weird to have to spend more money to play them after everything else you have to pay for. There's content that has been worth the cost arguably, but this is with a not-the-most-well-received expansion that has cost more than any previous and includes less content you to play from said expansion. And then there's been more things the past few years that have been added that you have to purchase instead of being bundled in the seasons/expansions as before including straight up in-game materials/weapons to purchase, with decisions to the base game that have been arguably hit-or-miss.


>but when you're already paying for a season+expansions, it feels kinda weird to have to spend more money to play them after everything else you have to pay for. But it’s the same price bundled? Dungeons are included in the annual pass. >that has cost more than any previous and includes less content you to play from said expansion. It cost the exact same as last year though? It’s included the exact same amount of content, arguably more since it came with new subclasses.


It's not for us. It's for a small group of people with disposable income. I've read they make a couple million per armor set. They're going to keep dropping them.


well, as a company, would you just stop doing what’s been clearly working? fuck no, that is just dumb. plus it’s meaningless cosmetics which IMO, there’s plenty of armor sets in the game already that look sick as fuck.


Certified 45% revenue moment


The problem with that argument is that it's a reductive statement with none of the nuance being considered. If it ***was*** an actual pay2win item or weapon or some silver only "I win" button, you could use the same argument - "Just don't buy it", Yeah but you know fucking millions would and it would alter how the game is designed going forward. In this instance, armours are part of what people paid for - Regardless if they had the time to finish the season at that time or not or the fact that you "don't own the game, just a license to play the game", They should still be able to earn it for bright dust if they own the season. This is a bad precedent because as we're all well aware, there's not a single slippery slope argument that bungie haven't eventually dove in head first and milked. So the slippery slope here is anything from "you can only get raid armours during the opening weekend, silver only after that" to "armours are now sunset, you need to transmog everything otherwise you lose it" Yeah you can choose to not pay, but there will be those that do, and while YOU might be okay with that - the point of a forum like this is so that people can (and absolutely should) voice their opinions on it.


But that Titan chest piece though, wish they'd let is buy just the armor set we want and nothing else 


That’s what people have done already.


How is any of this pay to win? Opponents will be so blinded by your drip they don’t shoot? Was replying to OPs comment before it got buried. “Bear in mind that the season passes were less than 15 dollars, which included all 3 armour sets alongside the exotic ornament and other bits of pay to win garbage”


Maybe the OP is taking "undying" a little too literally?


Nah, style points are what matters.


Nothing in the post says pay to win??


Who says its p2w???


Imma assume he was talking about all the materials you get. Which you otherwise would have to do high end content for. But even then that's a farrrrr stretch.


Where do you see p2w?


Still it isn't as bad as what Apex is currently doing.


Close to 200 euros for the buster sword lol.


Here we go again...


You'll never learn Bungie. You'll never learn.


I started college during undying and couldn't play enough to get the ornaments. Im not thrilled they're 15 a piece, but im really happy they are back. I've been wanting them since they came out.


^ same boat-only season I didn’t get lvl 100 on. I’m not forking over the cash but man it sucks


Same bruh! The fact you cant use BD to obtain hurts me even more


Just don't buy it.


This set was free with the dlc at the time. Even if it hadn't been free it costs 500 silver more than the original season. Regardless of if you buy it or not it's bullshit to sell it like this


Wtf are you talking about? These were never free. You had to buy the season pass.


Well he is kinda right. When shadowkeep released, they gave it with the season pass cause it was a smaller than the other dlcs.


It's still not free though. It costs buying shadowkeep when it first came out


I always hated that marketing talk of "*Free* with a **purchase** of this"




give smart then




It's a re-release of a cosmetic only item, and THIS is what we're calling shitty mtx? There have been posts and comments for a long time specifically of people stating that they'd pay for these if brought back... and you expect Bungie to say no? People keep buying it is LITERALLY the reason they keep doing it. If people didn't ask for and subsequently repeatedly pay for these, bungie wouldn't spend the time and effort to make them. Just like every other cosmetic mtx.


I’m sure they spent lots of time and effort to rerelease old cosmetics for an absurd price. Don’t blame them for reselling it, but the price for a single set is just insane considering they were already made. It is basically free money for them


Oh, absolutely, and I'm not gonna be among the people buying it. I don't know that I've spent $20 on cosmetics total in the history of this game. (I farm the shit out of bright dust during events. This dawning netted me 6k+). I just think it's silly to complain about getting what was asked for at the exact price it should be expected to be at given all the information we have.


> How about Bungie stop doing shitty MTX. Ever think of that? Bungie is a corporate entity. Yes, they are "nicer" and "friendlier" (in regards to things like exploits and community contact) than other corporations, but they are, at the end of the day, an Entertainment Business run by profit seeking execs. The only chance in hell for Bungie to stop doing shitty MTX like this, is for people to not buy it.


Its a corporate entity. The purpose is not to provide quality goods or services to a consumer base. The purpose is to generate profits for shareholders. Quality goods and services happen to be a good way to generate profits. Ultimately, reissuing old content for money generates profit. Its useless to argue against it.


What a stupid answer.


Bungie makes this stuff and prices it this way because people buy it. You don't want to pay that much for an armor set? Cool, then don't pay that much for an armor set. It's really that simple


Deadass like I see this and I’m really wanting to buy the set. It’s that titan chest-piece I’ve wanted so badly before so now that I see this I’m excited for my day off work so I can buy it


People begged for it to come back for literal years. It comes back at the same cost as the last reprised Seasonal ornament set, at the same cost as the rest of the Eververse armor. People are upset and confused. Is the price high? Yeah. But it's consistent with what we could expect from Eververse armor and the precedent set by the last Flashback reprisal of Season of the Worthy sets. But at least the option is there for the next month or so if you missed it back in the day. I wish it was just a permanent addition rather than FOMO 2: Electric Boogaloo, but it's better than them never being available again.


Can we ban low effort posts complaining about eververse items?


That's a lot of banning


it needs to be called out


What needs to be called out? People constantly saying they will pay for these sets if they came back and Bungie saying ok?




Because the season pass was ten dollars and came with all three sets, it wasn’t 15 dollars per set


Then play during the season it's released... These are the same cost as previous reprised sets iirc and the same cost as other sets. I don't understand why anyone would have expected differently.


How about giving people the option to buy the entire pass now and work through it? You'd still be paying for less since you don't get the seasonal story. This is price gouging, plain and simple.


They're the same price as all other similar sets. I don't like the prices either and that's why I don't buy full sets. People asked for these, and they are being provided at the same price as the others like them. Why anyone had an expectation for anything different is odd. Is this the best implementation, god no. But the level of vitriol and talk of it being toxic or "the reason the game is shit" is hilarious. It's cosmetic mtx that people literally asked for.


People have every right to complain if something isn't to their liking. Its like wishing on a genie. Sure you'll while technically get what you want but with a twist or at a cost. And it may not be THE reason the game is shit but the aggressive monetization certainly plays a part.


Perfect opportunity to put them in the core playlist activities as a treat for players... "NO, NO, NO! MONEY!"


This has just been par for the course in D2 for ages. It's sad, but at this point, anyone playing the game should either just accept it or leave the game. It's not going to change, it will only get worse. I've argued against stuff like this in games for years because it would set a precedent, and it did. It's never going away, far more people are ok with it than those who aren't. It sucks, I hate it, but it's here to stay. I haven't played since Shadowkeep. Sunsetting and removing paid content was the killer for me. I still feel bad for any new players when it comes to the story. However, I like to keep tabs on D2 now and then because I get that urge to start playing again, but every time I do there is some new controversy, removed content, community wide outrage over changes, etc., etc. This is what Destiny has become. Queue the downvotes and *"Why are you even still here if you stopped playing?!?"* comments in 3...2...1...


And it’s only one set, as opposed to all three if you had bought the season pass back then. Absolutely and mind blowingly ridiculous that anyone would be ok with this.


Honestly I hope they bring back a few sets I missed out on.


Were gonna get downvoted but I agree, ill happily spend money on sets I dont have, i heavily enjoy the fashion side of the game. Theres a ton of cool armor out there. This community is so mad that cosmetics cost money lol.


For real, I’m not saying I’d buy every set but there’s maybe 2-3 I missed out on that I’d def pay for. I love this game and happy to support it. *shrug*


ive really been enjoying them putting the old sets in for all the seasonal activities, dawning, guardian games, ect. Allowed me to snag some really sweet armor pieces that i considered gone for good. I actually got my hands on my bucket list warlock helm thanks to this last Dawning.


Happy they are doing it so the fomo brigade can shut the fuck up and buy it if they feel like they need it so badly


Y’all complain about fomo and not having access to past seasonal items and they finally bring something back and you’re complaining about price. I swear nothing is ever good enough for this community


Yes, because one armor set costs more than the entire season pass + seasonal content.


Im actually glad theyre doing this. I was extremely busy during that season (on top of joining late) and as such only managed to get 2 of the pieces for hunter. So its only 900 silver for me (iirc its 1500 normally, and if so, each armour piece would theoretically be 300 silver each) Granted i wouldve much more enjoyed a way to earn the stuff i didnt get for free (even if it were just something like doing ada bounties or a selection of triumphs) or hell, even just allow us to level up past season passes once we reach level 100 on the current one (granted itd probably be something like "1 pass active at a time" so you cant level multiple passes at once)


15 dollars for one eververse set. Same as most. 15 dollars IS absurd, but we should be pointing that out as a whole, not acting like this is abnormal.


Dude, it's 15 dollars for a game cosmetic that does nothing but make you look different, don't buy it if you don't want to lol


We haven’t had ‘bright dust armour’ in 2 seasons! They could’ve at least brought it back for dust and silver!




Obviously the people that said they wouldn't mind spending $10-$20 on older seasonal sets aren't the people complaining now, Jesus Christ


This community is so overwhelmingly and mindlessly toxic and negative about literally everything Bungie does ever that I'm absolutely certain you're wrong on that.


better make a post lol, so silly


They must be super desperate to get those profits up


Good thing I got it 5 years ago then...?


People spent money AND time to unlock as they came out, so they have to compensate somehow. Bungie should take the ornament sets off the season pass and tie them to story completion instead.


I wish they would add it permantly ot the store instead of limtied time again, tax seasno is not that great


"oh, that's cool! Vex have an aesthetic i've grown to like kinda recently, so let's take a look at what we can get he-" \*no insane Bright Dust price equivalent, all Silver or nothing\* "oh, okay...guess i'll just go fuck myself, then"


15 dollars for content i already paid for but didnt grind for 5 years ago


I bought the season but didn’t manage to get to the helmet. It’s a piss take I’d have to spend more money to get something I’ve already paid for. The ornaments should be bright dust.


Idk - like couldn't they package it up in a limited time mission so that you felt you were getting more than just recycled content? I mean, run a short mission from season of undying that every time you run grants an ornament piece. Throw in the old lore entries and create a new lore tab for folks who weren't around for undying as this is obviously who it's aimed at. I get people want the armour and are happy to pay for it, I just want more value for money is all. Is that too much to ask? Edit: So I checked and assuming you had none of the ornaments or eververse items on offer, that's like 8000 silver. That's easily £80 in UK money assuming you're being efficient in buying silver. That's. Wow. That's a lot of cheddar for old baubles. That's way more than the season pass cost. Shit that's about as much as buying the game itself. When did Destiny turn into Fortnite?


They'd maybe meet their projections if they lowered the price of everything in the store. People will buy them in flocks if they are $5 or so


Oh no its the exact same the last two years eververse sets what a total shock and horror. My guy just dont buy it, its clearly not in the store for you


Last time I checked bungie isn't holding a gun to your head telling u to buy it


So did you buy it anyways or are you just here to tell the class what 2+2 is


How else are they going make up for there managments poor decisions?


People on Reddit: "OMG I would totally pay money if Bungie brought this set back!" *Bungie brings the set back. *Reddit: "WTF, we have to pay for this? Why is Bungie so greeeeeedy!"


We wanted it for bright dust


destiny fans are so funny bro “don’t buy it” like you are the reason this games shit


this legit would've been the perfect opportunity to start small in regaining player trust by offering the option of purchasing them with bright dust. tone deaf ass company remains tone deaf


How is this different than any other eververse armor purchase?


It’s not, but that won’t stop the children from getting their knickers twisted.


**Everyone a Few Months Ago**: Man I'd pay real money to get those old sets back, you don't even need to put them in a pass at this point its been so long. **Now**: Wow, look at this BS, selling us shit from 5 years ago. WTF man. **Edit**: I get that it would have been much better if Bungie had taken the Halo Pill and let us attach old passes to the end of the new ones. I was a huge fan of the idea myself. But we're also right around the corner from the new version of seasons, so no idea how things will work now anyways. **Edit 2**: Things, not Thongs


Overcharging for stuff that was 10$ is a bad thing


Not surprised they'd overcharge tf outta us for this shit. So looking forward to quitting this game completely after Final Shape tbh.


No cap I’ve been wanting that Titan set for ages (I fell off the game halfway through that season) I bought it without a second thought




I already got all 3, the only set I'm looking forward to is the virtuous set?


Dead game


Bungie gotta bungie, gotta make that money baby, lets farm that fomo


My displeasure is that it's all just continuously recycled. Gear and weapons have been stale as fuck for years in my opinion. And some of the shit I did grind my nuts off for can now just be purchased for the most part. 2nd half D2 is just fucking lame man. So much potential still exists, let's hope it turns around. OP is right tho, $15 is a very high price point for most people, especially for recycled drip.


I'm where you're at, feeling apathetic. I love the game, it feels so good to play, but they're neglecting a lot of things in favor of eververse, which I understand cause it makes them money, but it's just disheartening.


"Just dont buy it", "no one cares" and "im gonna buy all 3 sets" mfs when everything in destiny gets shittier and more expensive (they are wondering what made bungie become so lackluster when it comes to quality control)(definitely not their fault for enabling such behaviour)(no sir)


I find it hilarious that a lot of people don’t grasp that a part of the reason Destiny is in the sorry shape it’s in is because of stuff like this. Bungie went from making a decent game that happened to have a cash shop to making a cash shop with a game tacked on to it.


It’s isn’t more expensive though…it costs the same as any other Eververse set


Its a blatant scam. Its indefensible.


"Just don't buy It" In fact we already paid for these items


It’s crazy that you used to be able to get all 3 sets for 10 bucks. 15 for one is just outrageous and I can’t believe how many are okay with it. I get the whole “just don’t buy it” thing and I agree but this is just a scam imo.


No, a scam is when people aren't honest about what you get in return for your money. Like buying fake tickets or goods you never receive. They're pretty clear about the cost of these sets. It's expensive for sure, and that's a fine reason to be disappointed if you wanted a set but that doesn't make it a scam. If they were gonna give away the sets then (some) people who bought the season's pass and unlocked the sets by investing time would be upset. People just love to bitch.


I mean 15 for all 3 sets is reasonable to me but 15 just for one is just nonsense imo. Heck even go the Halo Infinite route and bring the pass back for 10-15 would be even better than this.


That's just an unrealistic expectation considering the other prices in Eververse. You have the right to wish things were cheaper or free of course, like Bungie has the right to ask however much they want. Personally I think I have only bought like 2 cosmetics with Silver left over from buying a season's pass some time. I've had 600 forever now. Only thing I've ever been really tempted to buy was the Feline Fancy emote but that was 1000. No emote or other cosmetic is worth the equivalent of 10 bucks to me. Ended up getting it from a random eververse engram.


10 bucks and a considerable time commitment to grinding in a small window unless you're a fool or a child you'd recognize that's a bit more than just dropping a tenner


Eververse item bad, free item good. We get it that's the standard take.


Seeing how many people defend it here, it's easy to understand why they keep pushing shit like this


I kinda now feel d2 fans deserve the shit state d2 is in right now. Bungie knows they can keep feeding people shit and they will happily eat it and then defend Bungie like they are Bungies PR team.


D2 players defend Bungie's shitty decisions more than Bungie


no, it’s the fact people are buying it that makes bungie sell it at those prices


I agree it's a lot of money buuuut you have no obligation to buy it at the end of the day


Please stop buying this crap people.


I fought that fight for years. There are far more people ok with this or actually encourage it. Which in my opinion is worse. The fact that Ubisoft stated they earn more revenue in a year from micro-transactions than all digital games sales, or that Take 2 stated micro-transactions mad up nearly half of its revenue is proof it's here to stay and never leaving. I hate to say it, but we lost.


They will not put this revenue back into the game. We’re already seen that. These people are suckers.


I guess you didn't have to be there.


This community is fucked.... sunk cost fallacy bootlickers.


A season I bought but didn’t finish but still have to pay for this now if I want it haha


We have $15 Armor Sets in the Eververse Store from launch D2…


"why are you mad that they're selling skins from a season you paid for before bro without even the option for bd just dont buy it bro" even when the game is at its worst state, the lowest player retention possible, the whole internal shitstorm at bungie even, people still dedicate a fraction of their time in their daily lives dickriding this company ​ it's all so tiresome


I dont understand how these guys keep diggin themselves in a deeper hole.


Well maybe you should have played then. Alternatively, it’s cosmetic, it’s not like it’s pay to win.


"Of course! I should have just gone back in time and played the thing before i even knew it was gonna get scrapped/before i even started playing destiny!"


mods can we ban this guy


you "don't but it" morons are the reason this game sucks


Damn I didn't know cosmetics are what make this game fun. Here I am enjoying gameplay and shit, damn my bad.


Yep I'm not surprised people were crying about missing this set because they didn't play Shadowkeep well now if they want the drip this good they have to pay up lol luckily this doesn't affect me because I played Shadowkeep even if you hate this game the challenges are so easy you can finish most season passes pretty easily by just playing a few hours a week the only set I'm missing is seraph


You’re lucky you’re even getting it to begin with, it shouldn’t even be sold, but whatever makes Bung more money gets okayed, even if it ruins the exclusivity of stuff.


destiny players deserve to be fleeced


Holy shit about half of yall in these comments sound fuckin miserable. Just find a different damn game to play, this is nowhere near that deep.


They’d get more of my money if these skins were 5$ or less.


bungie is so generous


You know you DON'T HAVE TO BUY IT JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE SELLING IT, right? I sincerely hope you and everyone else understand this


I really dont get it. We could have almost identical situation like with "biosphere explorer" set that would drop from core activities. Same could be here. That definitely would encourage players to play. Instead we have this. Silver only. Not for bright dust purchase. Missed opportunity i think.


I would never buy one set for 15 dollars. But I would buy probably a lot more if they were like $3


Clearly you are not the target audience dot dot dot


Nice! Thanks for the heads up, gonna buy it when I get home


bungies only concern is your wallet, they don't care about anything else. anything to stay independent, a totally avoidable situation ☠️ gonna get down voted into oblivion again but anyone still playing this game is just a fucking sheep for bungie.


The fact your next comments after this was on r/Overwatch, a subreddit dedicated to a game which went from completely free to play to $20 every 3 months and a paid story, is a beautiful example of ‘rule for thee but not for me’…


i don't have overwatch installed right now either & have barely played it at all since ow2 released because of exactly those reasons. i follow the game out of hope that eventually the model will change again & because i still have a passing interest in it, much like with destiny.


Destiny is free to try, I liked it and bought every dlc for 5€ each (steam), considering the PvE/PvP contents and replayability, I'm very happy with it.


If they’re in the same boat, then why is every comment you make on an Overwatch thread actually positive whilst every comment on a Destiny thread is some combination of calling people bootlickers, sheep, or shit munchers? and also [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/6HYs7XArm3)…


horrendous take


Yea i didn’t play during that season so I’m buying the warlock set $15 dollars LOL dawg I’ve spent more in Honkai star rail and other gacha games on waifu skins it not the end of the world just don’t buy it.


Bungie is out of their got damn minds with those prices.


Cool. Don’t buy it. Incredibly easy to do.


Great, they’re doing this again