• By -


###############, # ##### ##### ######.


Bro I cannot even type #####.  Bruh all I said was f r i c k And even when you turn on profanity it still censors like what the #### Also explain why e x c i s i o n, a mission in the campaign is censored.


If it censors frick then that's messed up because fuck isn't censored


That’s funny because “fck” is censored too.


At one point it censored the word "is" for me for about a day. Afterwards it allowed me to say it again, so when I tried to tell a friend, and it wasn't being censored, it felt like the filter was trying to gaslight me.


Excision is a weird one, but a word being censored in player chat but allowed being said by a character in game is normal. It has to do with age ratings iirc, player interactions are under a lot more scrutiny so allowing curse words and the like can bump the age rating up


Has cis in it which i guess they may count as a slur


Trans people are normal. Cis people are normal. Neither is a slur they are adjectives


And Bungie has multiple pride flag emblems, they’re not a company I’d expect to suddenly get shitty about queer rights and representation.




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i will never understand reditors, why is this downvoted…


There’s a setting you can adjust to fix this. Just go into the social tab and then ### ##### # ### ##### ## ### ### ######## ### #####. That should solve your issue.


I did that and now its s saying i need ## ## #### ## ###### ### #### #### #### money ### ### ##### to ####### be ###### ###?


Just ##### ### #####, and you'll be saved.


the in game setting only toggles the prior profanity filter, which is in fact still present. This is a second, NEW,uncontrollble filter unrelated to the profanity filter fucking up our chats


"suros catalyst" is also censored


Cabal was censored for me 😂


Our clan used to be called Cabals deep in Uranus. But bungie removed it


Suro(s cat)alyst I wonder why


That word by itself isn't censored though


Yeah it's kind of weird


For me trying to explain to a friend where I was, "long hall" was censored. As was just "hall" The filter makes no sense.


I was keeping tabs of a catalyst progression by typing the % on fireteam chat (I was solo) after every Shuro Chi run. The first couple of times it was fine and then it was only showing ##. Like, why? Am I calling someone a shit head by typing "73" and 3 minutes later "87"? Also, I I WAS SOLO ON FIRETEAM CHAT!


yeah that ##### #### ##### #### ## ### ####


man i ####### #### ###### #### ####


im so glad bungo protects us from 'meanie' words!


not even that bc actual swears like "fuck" and stuff dont get filtered, but then names of actual stuff within the game that are nowhere close to any real word that could be used as an insult are


My clan and I were doing the salvations edge raid and for 4th encounter we type in chat what the inside order of the shapes are. So we will type something like “TCS” for “Triangle, Circle, Square.” Without reason and inconsistently the chat filter will decide one of the combinations of “T, S, and C” is diabolical and will censor it. But you can type it again afterwords and it works fine.  I don’t know who designed this censor, but it’s the worst I’ve ever seen




It’s so d###### annoying


The other day I was with a group and we were waiting on a friend and I typed "ok I'm going to text him real quick" And what posted was "OK I'm going ## #### him real quick."


The reaction must’ve been crazy


So the profanity filter in Settings is completely useless now. Ironic that the exotic class item quest requires a 2-man team to communicate to complete. It's like Bungie routes all messages through a Discord Bot now.


Yeah, when everyone was complaining about the mission and being "no friends?" This was one of my criticisms. Bungie needs to fucking make it easier to talk to people in text and in game if they wanna do another mission like Dual Destiny.


Kinda of a console issue too cuz text chat on consoles is unbearably slow to type since for some reason plugging a keyboard and mouse in doesn't register for D2 on PS5 unless I'm missing some setting to do so manually


Keyboard and mouse is amazing on Xbox. Can even do copy paste commands etc. probably because it runs on its own version of windows or something


This is exactly why lol. It’s not really just it’s own version. It pretty much is just windows that doesn’t let you access certain stuff. Like background wise it runs almost the exact same. So it reads keyboards like a pc. PlayStation just doesn’t have that


USB keyboard works fine for me and my clanmates on ps5, and comes in handy all the time. Not even a fancy keyboard, just an old one laying around. It should show up under devices in the accessory menu, by the controller settings. Keyboard only works for text chat, push enter to open chat box. Tab to tab through text channels (local/fireteam/clan/whisper). Mouse won't do anything for d2.


I did dual duality the other day with a friend. Couldn’t talk in voice. Typed “red hands” as a symbol call out. “### ####”….


Bruh it really is censored 💀


In trying times like this I just tend to flip the words around to bypass the bungaloo censor check. "Hand red" works perfect Also "Black Garden" for me was "##### ######", so I had to give a whole new callout to the random ^(lucky me they were a D1 vet & that I’m fluent enough on the keyboard to type): "Gatelord eye to enter THAT PLACE"


Nah, Bungie puts the messages through the Roblox filter


no,no, the profanity filter still works...ths is a NEW, incompressible filter ON TOP OF IT.


itd be even funnier if it censored the keyboard roll at the end


"No showing frustration! Suppress your emotions! This is a serious game!"


Any chat system that forcibly censors without the consent of the party in question which will be using said chat system without the option to turn off said censor system is an absolute failure and a joke. Especially when it censors things incorrectly.


Honestly I think we should start sending (respectful) reports to [https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/21344091233940-Contact-Form-Feedback-for-Text-Based-Language-Filters](https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/21344091233940-Contact-Form-Feedback-for-Text-Based-Language-Filters) Seriously, be respectful. Don't use an official form to complain like some of y'all do on here. We want to get the bug actually fixed, not have the forms thrown in the trash because someone thought sending death threats was a sane thing to do.


I have submitted a report to them, but have no hope that they will actually do anything about it. It's always about money and what the CEO's say. So having a child friendly chat appeals to shareholders and yadeyadeyada


Did you read that the form is meant to report bugs in the filter? If you seriously think that Destiny is aimed kids, clearly you didn't register all that abstract body horror in TFS. This certainly isn't VRChat covering its ass for teaching six year olds slurs in the public lobbies, *that* is trying to gear towards kids for the sake of shareholders and their ridiculous changes have pissed off a large majority of the community. This is definitely not that.


Yes, I can read. No, I don't think Destiny is aimed at kids, it's why this is so frustrating since this game is rated T for teen and they have added a filter that's straight out of Roblox.


I didn't ask *if* you can read, I asked *if you read*.


Nice words too bad we are talking to a fancy piece of wall that wont give us the time of day


How many alts do you have with that default profile pic and username you got there? Maybe that's part of your problem.


They need to add a “no filter” option in settings. Most of playing this game are adults, bungie already forces you to confirm your age before actually being allowed to play in the first place.


There already is an option to turn off the filter in the settings. The problem is, it doesn't work.


Always the free offerings that get the least dev attention, eh?


it DOES work, the problem is they added a SECOND filter on top of it which has no apparent rhyme nor reason to it.


That doesn’t make any sense, there either is a filter or there isn’t. No middle ground.


there are ***two*** filters now. the original filter still exists, this is the one you can manually disable in settings. Unfortunately, with Final Shape, Bungie has clearly tied a chat AI to the system that is acting as a *second* filter on top of the first one, whether the original filter is disabled or not. enabling the normal filter bleeps offensive terms consistently, and disabling it allows those words though....some of the time.


Just use - - - _ _ _ - - -


Now I can’t say for others since I’m on PC, but I’m pretty sure hyphens/underscores throws the common controller typer off & out of habit when they most likely have a default bind for the space bar on the virtual keyboard. I’m not saying it’s hard to do, but in the instance when they’re probably typing for callouts whilst taking heavy damage, they’ll most likely on reflex hit the space bar bind to get the message sent out faster to get back to playing the game & keeping themselves alive.


i swear the filter is made by an ai. there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why certain phrases are banned


I wrote out our in-game names in order and they censored some of them but inconsistently based on the order. Like sometimes when my name was on my own it'd censor, but in a group it wouldn't, and if I was first in the order it wouldn't




Yea it even censores some number so have fun doing legit riven


ikr?. bro what am i palying fucking roblox?


Fun Fact. "John Madden" is censored. For uhhh, some reason.


It's this ideology that I think ruins a lot of fun and social aspects of the game cause Bungie are afraid of shitters. Obviously some things SHOULD be censored like racial slurs or like anti- specific groups terms, but like not letting people type out a title for their Fireteam Finder post does so much more harm than good in my opinion. I know apart of the Fireteam Finder decision is to not promote carrying websites but like cmon man. Just make some filters for anti-linking and warn people against it going to third party sites like them. I played Warframe for like 5+ years and never once had a shitty chat experience and I can't count HOW MANY shitty chat experiences I've had in Destiny trying to type out how to help people in Fireteam Finder groups is. No, this isn't "Warframe better than Destiny!" but it's more like cmon Bungie, have some faith in your community and ban the shitters. Make a report system for Fireteam Finder titles or report chat messages.


I honestly just think the filter is completly bugged. It doesn't sensor curse words most of the times or even some slurs sometimes, but does censor lots of random words.


# #### #######


###### #### ### ####### ############


I typed my name and chat and a number to signify what position I was in, and it censored my name. But my friends username "Gore" was not censored. I can't understand it.


I'm also getting annoyed by these chat filters every now and then, especially when i can't join someone through discord for whatever type of content.. Simply because the chat filters pick up their name as a bad thing for some reason and censor it, resulting in being unable to join that person/fireteam. Toxic people will still be toxic and find ways to pm you a bunch of garbage if they are angry for whatever reason.. Also, if you were to type "Luke Smith", that also gets censored..


It's ##### ########, ##### ##### ######## but when ####### #### something ###### ## doesn't ## ####, and that's all I have to say about that.


The chat understands someone telling me what to do is hate speech


I said leeeeerooooooy jeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins during the 12 man mission after loading in within the first few mins after the raid was beat And bungie just said ############ #############


"gooning" is censored but "goon" is not


I’m curious did they even think to test this before it went live?


Nope! I've been struggling with this for maybe a year now! The chat worked fine back in WQ when they gave it to us, but they had to go #### it up.


Bro when my team was doing the final week of pantheon it was censoring the number callouts for rivens eyes…. Literally “26” or “79” would be censored. Like bro tf?


It also censors Luzaku... You know, the character they added to the game.


I indirectly caused a wipe because during a raid we needed a specific buff, and typing out "I Do" was censored and ruined a perfectly good run.






Anyone know what handcannon that is?


Yeah it's ##### ########


You sure? I ##### it's #### ########


Oh #### you're right that's it


I kinda wanna know too, looks cool.


i initially thought it was wardens law but ill have to go in game to check


Thank you, I’ve looked through collections and I can’t seem to match it up just based on the gun models


But fr, it's the Warden's Law (adept) from nightfalls


I forget which gun it is but one of the exotics is fully censored in text chat. I think it might be Sunshot?


Damn I don't even have access to chat


# ####### ##### ### #### ### ######## ######


As long as the game is rated T, they're required to have a strict filter.




This remind me that ##### we ##### ## or ###, ## #### ####### into a ### #### ### ##### on Mars


This is as bad as Robloxs filter


And this is not even a children's game! Idk what they were thinking with this filter.


Very skibidi from Bungie not gonna sigma


what the #### fuck


It censored my callouts in dual destiny :(


For dual destiny clock call outs I literally couldn't type 8 or "eight" i had to write 7+1.


SAME! Istg, it will go out of it's way to censor regular callouts. Doing planets during pantheon was such a nightmare for me, I never got any of the other emblems other than the Atraks one because it was frustrating me so much.


How did bungei backwards compatible the infamous censor then again they have done worse


Was typing in chat and the word guy got censored




Fuck is not censored.


Unrelated but what gun is that


Warden's law (adept)


During our raid run it would randomly censor my husband's name. A very generic and basic name. Think something like Dan (fake but illustrates the point)


Luke Smith is censored too...


Shin Malphur is censored lol


I thought a clan mate would want to see my new pc "You probably want to see my #####"


my personal favorite is larry david being censored


I tried typing “boar tusk hood” when I was explaining what I looked like for the 4th encounter in the raid and it censored it????? Like huh??? Had to type “horn hood” instead.


Someone said the word shit in local text chat in the tower I loaded into the other day and it wasn’t censored at all, but I get sent straight to jail for saying my friend’s in-game name lmao


none of my chat filters like that… there should be a setting to turn it off i think


You might as well make it \[REDACTED\] to make it look cooler ,damn bungo


Bungie filter is more strict than Roblox filter


Two and any other form of it is censored too. I'm not even joking


How the fuck are you typing so fast on console


That's a PC with a controller plugged in


No, console with a keyboard plugged in 😭


That's so much worse 💀


Worse? Wdym. Better than using the slow virtual keyboard. You goober


I guess you have a point


It filtered "Nessus" for me last night. Are you alright Bungoo


POV: Roblox in 2017


Its makes no sense why an m rated game like destiny has such insane filters, there was another shooter game I played that was gory and m 18+ and it would sensor normal stuff like crap and I'm just like but why, like I get kids plays these games aswell but like I played gears of war when I was like 11 shit cant be that bad


Yesterday i was doing the 4th encounter and i was typing out names and the game censored the word hunter


Funny thing is it gets worse than this. My friend couldn’t type out the numbers for the dual destiny mission, last puzzle it kept censoring it out


I tried to type numbers and it got filtered why give me it if I can’t at least put numbers down


This ## ### ####### ##### I've #### #####! ,#### ## Bungie... get #### #### ########!


Last night it was censoring "Zavala may"


My guess is the word "come" is triggering it because surely you can't use that word in a way that isn't sexual.


ah yes cant ask for help but someone can auto paste a corn link into chat


Sheldon Cooper is censored fun fact


I #### it's so ######## like it wants me to ### ##### ##### #### suck toes ### ## #######


i had this crazy idea to run some lore pages and dialogue thru text chat and see if this game agrees about its own writing




So basically what you need to do is ######### ####### ## and ########### and then ############


I turned off the damn setting... and it blurred out the word Superblack. I can't even talk about a fucking SHADER because of this ass filtering system that doesn't even do what its supposed to do. Not that that should matter because **I TURNED IT OFF GODAMMIT** Its most telling that it was censoring Riven eye callouts during Pantheon. I mean, L1-5 and R1-5 are apparently lewd, or something. She does have beautiful eyes, but I didn't think they were that hot.


I learned that it has a "smart" filter where if you try to break up a 2 part "naughty word" it will censor it. I was making the mass effect "Let's plot a course, intercourse" joke in a fireteam chat and it censored "intercourse". I tried doing "inter" and "course" and it censored "course". I tried doing "inter", "wdijaoiwjdoias", and then "course" and it wasn't censored. Fascinating tech there, Bungie. Thanks.


GTA v has entered the chat


I remember this video


nah I was running micless dual destiny, tell me why Bungie had to censor my teammate saying “137” 😐


You *do* understand they *have* to have the filter to earn a rating to sell the game to the under-18 demo… RIGHT? I don’t even understand why you’re bothering. *“Oh no, there’s an overly-safe language filter that doesn’t always work perfectly on the text chat of a Teen-rated game that has a famously toxic percentage of players who say foul stuff to anyone”* has to be the single least important complaint about the game, maybe ever. To be clear… I’m not telling you to be quiet. You have a right to have your opinions and express them. But when you express them publicly, I have the right to tell you that your complaint is unimportant.


The fact a human being with a functioning cortex made this comment is scary




The filter is actively hurting players with selective mutism, who use the chat to be able to raid with people and enjoy the content they paid for. It is actually doing more harm than help. The filter fails to filter out actual toxicity and will censor regular callouts, because bungie seems to hate that people are using numbers as callouts. I am expressing my frustration with the filter.