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It's ok but not great. Generally for endgame PvE you looking for easy proccing with a high damage buff. Things like one for all, frenzy and bait and switch generally excel due to the lack of a kill requirement and a very high damage buff.


it ok but there usally better options, it pretty dead on SMGs thou


why does bungie nerf PvP problems in pve too ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5655)


Issue isn't that it was nerfed because of PvP. Issue is that Target Lock only really benefits from weapons with a magazine-enhancing perk like Fourth Times the Charm or Reconstruction and the Target Lock SMGs don't roll wth those perks. To answer your question it's plenty viable. There's no reason to choose it over Frenzy on a primary, or to just use a grenade launcher or rocket for boss damage, but if you like the perk then yeah it's just fine


Not to mention how quick smgs can be to kill weak mobs it's a fairly unnecessary perk in most content. 


That’s not what happened here.


It's okay, but missing a shot at all while trying to proc it resets the counter. It used to be forgiving, but not after the nerf to it for PvP.


[Pro Memoria](https://www.light.gg/db/items/3605603507/pro-memoria/) with Target Lock and Reconstruction pretty much shreds anything it touches. The main issue with Target Lock is that most enemies die before you can take full advantage of the damage boost, much like with Cold Heart. I'd say it's viable for heavies when you wanna shred bosses or champs but not so much on primaries.


That same gun rolls with bait and switch. Why would you use target lock when bait and switch exists. Edit: according to light.gg target lock is roughly a 25% damage bonus if you unload 100% of the magazine. Bait and switch is 30% bonus for 10 seconds.


You might have a point there, I think I'll test it out on Kali and see.


Report back with results if you can. Target lock is easier to use so it might win out.


I tested Target Lock and Bait n Switch twice: TL 1: 900,488 I got pushed and missed a few shots TL 2: 1,195,802 emptied my whole mag, no missed shots BnS 1: 967,957 (-5K from other weapons) couldn't empty my mag before she killed me, had 20 rounds out of 182 left. Lost time due to switching guns and getting pushed. BnS 2: 1,070, 334 (-5K from other weapons) emptied entire 182 round mag. With reconstruction, extended mag, and backup mag I get 182 bullets total. It seems like TL is easier to use and more forgiving as long as you're accurate. BnS requires you to act fast to make sure you don't waste your time with the weaker two weapons since damage phases are rigidly timed, and you only get only 11 sec of improved damage.


Solid write up thank you. Seems like target lock is the way to go if you’re not concerned with min/maxing and probably leads to more consistent damage overall. If you don’t miss shots. But the punishment for missing shots is pretty high.


Shooting two guns isn’t hard


I didn’t say either was hard. I said one was easier.


I feel like an idiot now. When I was looking at the perks, I completely glossed over target lock BnS has a higher bonus but I prefer target lock on an LMG, less annoying to proc


Target lock is decent for auto rifles, but meh for SMGs and MGs.

