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Played against this person recently I got killed, I spotted the weapon name and gave a happy nod to them for having fun. I also use old guns regularly.


Someone who also understands that fun is more important


That’s the main purpose of gaming, too many people forget that


What a gamer


Hip-fire is particularly noticeable on scouts imo. Doesn’t explain everything, but one of my more used PvP weapons is a Hip-Fire/Dragonfly Long Arm.


Yeah, came here to saw that.  Hip-Fire Grip is solid on a High Impact Frame because it lets you quickly get 1-2 taps on an aggressive player pushing you.  You won’t reliably get all 3 headshots with it, but you can definitely clean someone off who’s low but closed the gap.


What initially threw me was that it was a recently unsunset weapon, but the perk combo doesn’t strike me as a pvp choice, particularly with the mod. Also the kill count on it is wild for the weapon that it is. I remember always insta-sharding this weapon.


Yeah, Long Arm! I run a hipfire OS Long Arm.


As I always say, if it works for you and it isn't "godroll", use it.


If you look up the gun, you'll see a very important trait: this gun had scopes. Given the 80 range, odds are high they have the second-highest zoom scope on that thing. Woulda been a range monster with NO perks on it, and there's likely no gun that feels like it nowadays. TC&R was also an annoyingly rare random drop, so people rocked whatever they could if they got it. Guardian's definitely an old hat set in their ways.


The perk makes sense. The major weakness for scout rifle is close range, and having hip-fire grip would make it a lot better when you don't have to zoom-in fighting close range weapons.


I mean, that's a Forsaken-era gun. If you just used it for fun for a bit starting in 2018 it isn't even that much. Edit: I missed the Crucible part, so yeah that is a lot of kills.


I have 836 hours on d2 PVP and 27.5k total kills according to crucible report. This guardian used this weapon A LOT.


You're right, I hadn't had my coffee yet and thought they were total kills, not Crucible kills. I have a couple of guns with a few thousand dead Guardians to their names but nowhere near that amount.


I’m a few thousand away from 250k kills and my most used weapon has 8k. Having 50k+ on a single weapon is insane dedication


I have 5k on Tractor Cannon, lol


I mean… this is a sign that he’s onto something that you’re not.


I don't understand the issue


I have a pointed inquiry....witch queen 150 scout crafted with 2k pve kills on it, lol Has Genesis and adaptive munitions on it. Back in match game GMs, thing was a work horse, lmao.


How is that in anyway comparable/relevant to this persons 56,000 Crucible kills?


Lmao that was so random


Thought we talking about random guns with a lot of kills on it?


Sort of but this is an extreme example of a niche gun with a niche roll and an absolute tonne of PvP kills. Also for your gun 2k kills for PvE is really not much at all.


Well, I haven't used it since Witch Queen also. Do pvp kills in private matches count?


2k PVE kills is just a Saturday afternoon for most players. 56k pvp kills is almost unfathomable.


That can combo for pve was always a trap, you were always 100% better bringing the correct element for the shields you were breaking.