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I have been using this class item recently and it is very solid, especially for solo play. I use vortex, arcane needles, phoenix dive, and nova. Fragments are mostly personal preference except for the must have of dominance for the weaken grenade. Aspects are feed the void and either helion or lightning surge. You get a ton of grenade regen from the combination of devour and osmio. The neutral game revolves around nade spam and regular gun play with both a syphon mod and firepower to create easy orbs for star eater. The super does insane damage when you combine it with a pre weaken on a boss (from the grenade), expanding abyss on the artifact, and facet of courage for even more damage to a darkness debuffed target (arcane needle). In a damage phase its very simple. You get up to x6 star eaters beforehand. As damage starts you do a powered melee, a nade, and then super. Its a pretty simple setup that lets you start off with some massive damage. If its a stagnant boss, then osmio will regenerate most of your nade back for you to apply weaken again after a little bit.


Thank you for this extremely thoughtful reply.


So in order to properly use this you need a direct impact with a vortex grenade?


You do need to hit the boss, but it doesn’t have to be direct. The lingering damage of the vortex grenades procs the osmiomancy perk. An enemy just needs to be standing in the grenade for the duration of it for you to be able to get the most amount of energy back which is ~80% just from osmio.


This was actually my first class item drop and have been using essentially this exact build non stop. Arcane needle unraveling feeds into the extra damage from light damage on the one fragment along with the nice void buff perks in the artifact.


I’ve been looking for this roll. I like the exotic Khvostov (idk if that’s how you spell it) combined with the fragment of grace you get your transcendence very quickly and the orb generation plus grenade spam makes it quick and easy to get your super. Star eaters with nova bomb hits like a truck for big bosses, I’m sure there’s other options to run. Because I wanted build focused on use of the Khvostov I don’t think it’s ideal for general play, more likely if you wanted a grenade and super focused one you’d probably want osmio and harmony and use an elemental weapon of your choice to get super faster, but I like the roll that you got and honestly I don’t think it would make a huge difference either way in terms of actual gameplay.


One ive been messing around with is inmost light and harmony. Super easy to use abilities and build the super to then swap to the stareater class item.


This is what my friend has been using as well. I have harmony osmi and osmi verity’s but I really like having transcendence as fast as when I use the Khvostov. I think maybe HOID and Osmi would be a good combo maybe but I still have to think on it. One guy I saw did a build with the new exotic chest piece with Khvostov and would use the quick transcendence to spam needle melee over and over for quick suspends and damage. He also had it set up as an anti champion with arc grenade for overload, a side arm for unstoppable, and the exotic provides anti barrier with the melee. Might be worth checking out.


Wait doesn’t this mean with fusion nades I can keep recharging them throughout boss dps phase like it’s starfire protocol again??? If this can be done that’s fucking broken bc we all know how broken that shit was!!


This will not be possible. The exotic class item can only be used on prismatic, which doesn’t have fusion nades or touch of flame to buff fusion nades. It also gives energy back based on hits, so it only gives back lots of energy for damage over time grenades.


Nah Osmiomancy + verity Apotheosis + stareater


I've got the osmio and Verity how should I build it?


Literally just any grenade build with a grenade you like. It’s not that hard.


Probably not solar as I believe this is only a Warlock combo


Even solar works, you get a percentage refund per person healed by the grenade including yourself. Though I wouldn't recommend using it for this.


Prismatic warlock doesn’t have access to solar nade?


Oh I meant their solar grenade option lol. Which is healing grenade. I love that we have solar subclass grenades and one of them is called solar grenade 🙃


No way, healing Grenade works with osmiomancy?


I was just going based off what the data compendium says which is that with spirit of osmiomancy on your class item, each ally healed by the healing grenade grants 12% grenade energy. I could well be wrong but I haven't had the luck to be able to test it personally.


Oh dang :0 if only the new exotic could be used on the class item with osmiomancy


I could honestly see them adding more exotic perks to the pool later down the line and this would be a sick one.


True and that would be cool


Solar works too, just not as well. They made the wording broad for a reason.


Definitely, vortex grenades and a good void weapon like graviton is great


Vortex dont do very good in most lower tier content because Osmio only procs off the tick damage so ads will die before you get your energy. Storm is the way to go in most scenarios, I have been rockin it with Trinity Ghoul or a Arc Conductor Ergo and it puts in WORK


I keep seeing people saying this, and I 100% agree, but it also seems kind of inconsequential. Do people generally build for low tier?


of course they do. People play seasonal content to even the elite players. If someone thing works better in seasonal content compared to master stuff you build for whatever you play.


In harder content vortex is the way and transcendence grenades get buffed as well. Your choice of void or stasis weapons but I prefer void with graviton lance


That’s why verity is paired with it, but honestly verity sucks on every grenade besides storm nade. Verity was hot last season because of grapple made benefiting off it.


Veritys buffs transcendence grenade as well and it’s very easy to keep proccing transcendence. 30 under lost sector was a breeze so don’t sleep on vortex


Sigh. I have a 71 rolled verity sitting in the bank but as an average player who relies on power spam my 71 rolled nezarecs stays put.


>Vortex dont do very good in most lower tier content- Devour lmao


Devour doesn't require void nades


I think their point is that you shred mobs so quickly in the lower content being discussed that the reduced energy refunded isn't noticed. Devour makes up for it passively.


I second this. Made a 30 under lost sector a cakewalk


Vortex, void primary, ashes to assets and that mod that makes orbs on nade kills. Cd on that nade should be literal seconds considering you also gonna run FtV for devour. Btw, that works with normal osmios as well guys. At least the energy refund per hit. Red bars give 10%/dmg tick bosses 50%




Nope! Energy refund is MUCH lower for non-coldsnap grenades with osmiomancy, it's the same between the gauntlets and the class item perk for refill on damage. Tier-1 red bars only give 3% refill per tick and bosses/elites only give 12% instead of the 50% that coldsnap damage will get you. Also, the vortex grenade has a 0.8 second cooldown on damage ticks giving grenade recharge on a single target. It's still really good, but can be frustrating to get that full cooldown back if you're used to using coldsnap grenades for the fifty percent back on damage ticks.


It works on non-prismatic right? If so, you can run grapple grenade with melee orbgen AND nade orbgen arm mods. One kill will make both, and with the right class item mods you instantly refund the full grapple even without tangles


class items are prism only


Found this out last night. Quite unfortunate


It was crazy watching Mactics go on an almost 10-minute rant on hos Apotheosis + Stareater is bad, because Apotheosis is just bad overall because Prismatic can't take full advantage of it.


Mactics also used to say Wishender was a worse version of Arbalest. He has some pretty garbage takes. There's a reason his recent build videos are mostly viewer-submitted. And after seeing everybody else is using it, I wouldn't be surprised to see him change his mind and say StarEater/Apotheosis is the best combo, and it *will change the way you play Destiny, f o r e v e r*


Weird take, honestly. There's better classes for apotheosis 100% - but the reason this synergy is good is there isn't really any better alternatives. Ophidians could be okay to make swap rotations slightly faster, but I think the difference would be negligible and I'd rather have ability regeneration. I just watched the video to hear his perspective before posting this comment, and he does have a point but I still disagree, I dont see what a better alternative would be. On bosses like witness, having multiple void nades allows for constant uptime on weaken which will increase damage immensely across the group (no need for div and hunters shouldn't be on tether vs this boss). I think people forget you can swap your loadout whenever you want on most activities, I'd only be running star eater perk with a second damage perk to swap it out after a damage phase.


Yeah. I have an Ophidian Star Eaters. Still in the hunt for HOIL or Apotheosis roll though just for these reasons you talk about.


A little late but I like the synergy between Apop in the sense of with Heavy handed or Firepower I can immediately generate a orb of light on a nearby add and with Font of Wisdom Kickstart my next supper. I think HoIL is better but Apop is a nice auto refill for all abilities People are also only using Vortex when Storm Grenade exists too and is better boss DPS


osmioverity is the wave ngl


The number of massive damage threadlings I am tossing is absolutely insane.


spirit of apotheosis overrated asf


It would go good with Harmony when you’d be getting an extra super. I don’t really see the synergy with star eaters though.


Needlestorm + threadling grenades with stareater+apoth and the new raid exotic is great


I have both. But the one I want is OP’s I want the faster grenade for ashes to assets boost to get my super faster


You gonna hit the boss with multiple vortex grenades and waste time you could be using to shoot a gun? Sounds like typical blueberry lfg behavior.


Is apotheosis star eaters any good?


This is my chase. Osio is a tremendous neutral game perk and pairs fantastic with a demo weapon. Star Eaters let's Nova bomb hit for over 1 mil. Idk what the other people are going on about. Yeah Apop is nice but you're entire exotic is limited to 10 seconds of gameplay based around a super. I would want this 10/10 times. Ontop of other factors like outside of a raid after super Microcosm pretty much melts everything there is 0 reason to want Apop.


The trick is to have 1 roll if it so you can hotswap to it when ur about to DPS then swap out of it when you're done.


So you’re going to swap to it once your super is full. Get 6 orbs. Then use your super, use the 10? Second buff to grenades and melee and then swap back? That’s fat more complex than Pyro or TC.


except you don’t have to swap back until after dps is over, so it’s FAR SIMPLER than popping your super to start dps, opening your menu to swap gloves, and proceeding with dps. this you can do behind a wall before and after dps




why did you get downvoted this is literally my plan moving forward


The average Destiny 2 player on this subreddit apparently can't perform simple motor functions 😭 Understandable if you're on console tho, heard those things take forever to swap loadout.


You’re getting downvoted because you’re talking about wasting a ton of time hot swapping during a boss dps phase when you could just be shooting your gun and actually helping your fire team. Just throw a nova, then shoot your gun. You don’t need to be throwing multiple vortex grenades at a boss because only one will do damage.


1. Who says I'm swapping DURING dps phase? You swap before it. 2. Who says I'm using Vortex grenades? 3. What if I'm just using Tractor Cannon to improve my team's damage? Gally?


So you’re gonna throw storm grenades at a boss? Or threadlings? And if you’re using tractor or gjally you could use a sniper or a fusion rifle depending on the encounter and pump more damage than storm grenades will give you. This isn’t that hard.


or, get this.. i could save my ammo for other phases and get the exact same/more damage output with abilities alone. this combo isn’t for people doing strikes, generic nightfalls or anything remotely easy in the game. this combo is for people solo’n dungeons, doing low man runs. where every single bullet matters and being able to get as much damage out as you can WITHOUT shooting your gun is beneficial. until you’re playing at this caliber you probably won’t understand the benefits. if you aren’t hot swapping gear at all before this, you most certainly won’t understand the benefits we may all be playing destiny 2, but the skill levels in this game as vast. this being an option opens up warlocks to be able to quickly solo a lot more content. and yes, we will 1000% be throwing storm grenades those things cook now. it’s not fusion but it’s free damage being able to do an entire dps phase using 2 or 3 tractor shots is kind of a wet dream, and if you want to sleep on it the rest of us will enjoy it for you EDIT: let me add to this. ykno what hunters are doing right now, and honestly for a very long time? hot swapping to celestial for golden gun damage. ykno what that takes for a hunter? you need 2 helmets and 2 of another piece of armor (probably a class item now for neutral play) this hot swap is again FAR more complicated than swapping 1 class item for another, and yet this is meta.


No wonder you need the tractor lol makes sense now.


glad i could help you understand 😉


It’s not a super well-synergized roll but it’s not a bad one either. Both perks are just inherently good on their own, but they don’t enable each other the way something like Osmio + Verity might. Any grenade works, but Vortex arguably has the best grenade regen of them all with all the Vortex hits proccing Osmiomancy. And any super works with Star-Eater, Nova Bomb and Needlestorm are the best for quick damage. Other than that… build it however you want lol. My recommendation is to always run Feed the Void, because it’s that good. You could argue that Osmiomancy gives enough grenade energy back on its own but Feed the Void enables you to drop it on trash mobs and still get it back quick.


Cold snap has the best regen of the grenades vortex suffers the problem of killing things to fast. I can get my cold snap grenade back in 1 second.


That’s only a problem in easy content like pale heart patrols and such. As you get into harder content, vortex becomes king with its aoe weakness application on top of the constant damage ticks


That and the transcendent nade should benefit from it.


Transcendent does not work with osmiomancy unfortunately


GMs come out in literally one week and then osmio with vortex will be able to shine.


why is killing things too fast a problem? Devour exists


Osiomancy isn’t benefiting you then.


I still fail to see the issue. Devour allows you to spam nades against ads, and in the event you fight a larger enemy, osiomancy will get your grenade back.


Or you can use cold snap with them. Get it back every time. Get bonus shatter damage and lock down CC.


Vortex and storm nades are both more lethal and entertaining.


And don’t really give you full benefit. You’d be better off with a different exotic


No?? It refunds a majority of your grenade on tankier targets, and devour bridges the rest of the gap


i actually like this roll more than the ones the hive mind is chasing (which i also have). osmio is so good on its own you don’t need anything else grenade focused. verity / starfire don’t really add much. i think you just need to add supers to your ability spam loop to take regular advantage of star eater, instead of saving all for boss dps. grenades -> super (assets to assets + firepower) -> grenades (innervation + devour) -> repeat been using with arc grenades (with jolt fragment), strand melee (for three charges), and for aspects feed the void and either helion or bleakwatcher. kicks ass and am actually using instead of getaway artist everywhere.


This is the way. I very much prefer this roll over apotheosis/star eaters. Grenades roll right into a nuclear nova bomb.


yes, think apotheosis is overrated for boss dps since grenades like vortex don’t stack. osmio can prob regen fast enough to keep one on boss the whole time accomplishing the same thing. would like to hear from someone who has actually tried it.


I was lucky enough to get both and have used them both a fair amount over the past week. Although apotheosis has the novelty of blowing your load after nova bomb, I vastly prefer my osmiomancy roll. The gameplay loop of tossing void nades with ashes to assets in order to get your nuke of a Nova bomb is much more fun, engaging and allows your roll to be useful outside of boss damage.


Honestly I’d say yes. Osmio is great neutral with star eater being great with Nova bomb


This is exactly what I'm chasing. It's great utility for an all around build that doesn't rely on matching weapons and abilities. I plan on running this with Storm Nades, Arcane Needles, Phoenix Dive, Devour and Hellion. I have Inmost Light and Star Eaters to make do for now but I really want this roll.


I have this one and it's definitely kinda quirked, vortex can pretty much feed itself indefinitely if you hit enough dudes or one dude with a big enough health bar and who doesn't love 800k nova bombs maybe besides the guys having their shots blocked by it. I had the weaponless bug during a GM Excision and was just spamming grenades and nukes the whole time instead. Facet of Dominance for perpetual weakness grenades and Courage with Arcane Needle can make the Osiomancy part pretty good by itself. Add Bravery if you want free volatile weapons/devour with Feed the Void.


This was my first drop and honestly I love it. I'd like an apotheosis/star eater for hot swapping to on dps phases. I'm not going to breaking my back chasing for it though.


Everyone saying there’s no synergy are idiots, the way you get max damage on star eater nova is to apply weaken meaning you want to run vortex grenades. You can’t stack vortex damage so apotheosis is useless. On top of being a good neutral game perk, especially in endgame with beefier enemies, osmio can allow you to get your grenade back on boss damage so that you can apply weaken again after the super and go crazy with a void heavy.


Apotheosis does what you describe even better though. You throw grenade, throw super, then you immediately have grenade back instead of waiting for osmio to get it back which isn't a guarantee. There's utility in Apotheosis for group play where you are able to extend the weaken duration for as long as the buff is active, so your teammates can do more damage. Or you can use it like a sunbracers and hit multiple groups of enemies. Osmio would be better for non boss scenarios or solo play. I tried the osmio build on prismatic though and I wasn't a fan. I think it's much more effective on void since you can overcharge the vortex grenade and extend duration. I agree that Apotheosis isn't as good as it seems, because we can't use fusion grenades. But it's still better than any other option for boss scenarios if you want to take advantage of having star eaters on a warlock.


Isn’t the apotheosis buff only 5 seconds? And even the normal prismatic vortex would last like 2/3 seconds so I think you would only get like 1 extra vortex out with apotheosis and then have zero neutral game benefits. So technically you’re right it would be slightly better damage at the time of super but I don’t think the trade off is worth it. Maybe as a swap exotic though.


Yeah its a bit underwhelming all things considered, i just dont see a better option for bosses. I start out by Phoenix diving for slice on the call, then shoot boss to darkness debuff, arcane needle for unravel, then vortex nade for weakness, nova bomb, then vortex again before using weapons. Right now I use supremacy and graviton to proc bns apex, but by the time I get to apex rockets the vortex is over. So with apotheosis I have another vortex ready to throw before I fire my rockets. Whether or not the action of throwing 2 extra vortex grenades is worth it or not vs just dumping ammo, I don't know. But in a shorter dps phase I'd just use bipod and dump rockets. For any non boss scenario I use osmiomancy and harmony. If I had an osmiomancy and star eaters, that might pair well in stuff like onslaught. But like I said, so far I'm not a fan of osmiomancy on prismatic.


Ya that’s a fair point, I haven’t done a lot of testing with it yet but I was hoping that osmio would give the grenade back if all the ticks of damage hit the boss. I’m gonna play around with some combos like if you have grenade kickstart active before the boss phase and then after throwing the first vortex and nova use phoenix dive to proc bomber and hellion. I’ve also found that osmio doesn’t do well in easier activities as the adds die before the perk can proc but it seems to be performing better in higher end content or when I throw it at a major where it’s doing damage for the entire length of the grenade. The nice thing I’ve heard about stareaters/osmio is that you can use it in the neutral game and then if you hot swap to stareaters/apotheosis it will keep the stareaters stacks.


for general play: Y E S I've seen a lot of ppl mention Apo + Star eater but that shit aint bussin. As IIRC mactics said it, whats going to do more dmg, spamming your storm nade or hitting the enemy with your heavy? Only part where I'll take apo is for a euphony build, but i think playing pure strand is the go there


this actually gets better the harder the content. osmio gets more ticks for regen and situational supers are needed more (along with the damage buffs)


Absolutely. Atm I'm going: Storm nade for easy content Vortex for harder content This works pretty good


My first roll I got, I honestly have been asking around if there are better and keep seeing the same things you are getting here. But the thing is I am actually happy with this roll. Osmiomancy let's me have great gameplay outside of my super and then Star eaters buffs the hell out of my super. It feels great without being all or nothing on just ability spam or just super. I get some combos work for both but this just feels like a great middle ground to me and I don't think I would put on a different one.


Yes this is it. Anyone hyping up apotheosis is huffing copium. You can’t damage a boss with more than one vortex grenade. Storm grenades on a boss are ehh. The other options aren’t even in the running. And let’s be honest you’ll be running arcane needle and you only need to hit one to add sever to a boss… they are not used for dps.


A build that uses grenades and emp rifts. Prolly something like recluse for indom and devour.


This is my current roll and I love it, with vortex I basically get the grenade back. And my super just smacks hard. It really just boils down to what you want though, in my case it is perfect on my build


I've been chasing either osmio/inmost/necrotic with star eater but have only gotten star eater with stag or ophidean. though the osmio/verity roll i got absolutely smacks with max stacks of verity i really want that star eater for quick nova damage to justify a one off super to buff microcosm. Seriously got stag star eater 3 times in a row, like 8 or 9 times total its super annoying.


How would star eater work with stormtrance super?


Great neutral game roll. You could 100% slap that bitch on and forget about it, just play. Definitely the roll I'm looking for.


there is no best class item its how u wanna play the game regardless of how sweaty a boss dps is...


i would like to get the quest done for one but am a solo peasant


I got synthos/necrotic today. Idk but I’m doing the felwinters nuke build and it’s hard to switch off.


I prefer osmio + synth. My build has a great loop of vortex grenade and lightning surge and having an exotic perc that benefits both really ties into my loop.


I grabbed stag an star first try for my lock. I'm content


Nice ive been rocking Stareater & Apotheosis it's been great


Man all these rolls and I can't find my gd mic. Nice


Throw down some Firepower mods and these might cook together Otherwise it’s two good perks that don’t really help each other. Good but not amazing


yes BECAUSE this give you great neutral gameplay to get star eater stacks with, then you can throw on an apotheosis/star eater before the boss to destroy it i am currently hunting this roll to go with my apo/eater




Pretty good, it’s super op if you get two perks that effect the same thing though. Like osmiomancy and verity, or verity innermost, osmiomancy innermost. Etc.


Back to grind.




Don't listen to this, these two traits are great by themselves despite not having real synergy. You can chase osmio/ verity or hoil/verity for Uber juiced nades but that's about it other than the apotheosis/ star eater roll which I'd still pass on for the roll you have as it buffs your neutral game.


don't listen to this... agrees with my statement...


Did you miss the part where I said that was a great roll? If you're going for great neutral with juiced super, this is the roll. If you want super juiced nades then, sure, chase verity.


its have a good roll

