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Nova bomb DPS build (ft. Worldline Zero)


I dunno why you’re arguing with people. WLZ has been dead content since we got eager edge. Its only use was mobility, and now it’s not even needed for that. A leggy sword with any damage perk is doing way more. Especially if you proc your Wolfpack rounds sword first.


Wait, can I use a Wolfpack Ergo Sum to give *my own* legendary sword Wolfpack Rounds???


Yes, and with the wolfpack round update the little sprites now match the color of the damage




Cult following of the Worldline, I believe in its damage


Clear a raid buddy


Wlz could probably easily trio dsc


Then how about you show its damage?


They did show its damage ...With Transcendent grenades, ~~Hellion,~~ Unravel, and SES Nova Bomb to make it look better...


Uhhhhhh on a better note there was no Hellion!


Oh, my mistake. So only everything else. You should've added Hellion and maybe some loadout swapping to get Arc Souls if you wanted to truly make Worldline look better than it actually is by surrounding it with ability damage.


[Here it is](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) without everything else. The original video was just super unoptimized


Zamn bro, why do people wanna believe it's dead so bad


Because I believe it’s not


Good idea, then I’ll repost this to see everyone’s positive reaction!




Amazing; people want to dunk on you and when you prove the viability they all avoid acknowledging being wrong. Destiny community has meta-rot where they refuse to acknowledge things outside the meta can be good.


It does seem like it. Thank you for the positive comment, there are very, very few.


It’s not so much “outside the meta” as it is “the worst sword in the game”.


Yet he showed it can do 2 million damage solo in multiple videos; way more than Lament and others. It's 100% an "outside the meta" thing.


They showed 2 million with abilities added. So that’s [2,250,000-746,000 (nova)]x0.85 (weaken from the grenades) gives us 1.2 million in a 20 second dps phase. 1.2/20 gives us 63,750 dps if OP isn’t using surge mods. That’s a little better than Bastion (if you don’t use melees at all), assuming my conversion math is right.


Dude, you didn't even look at the video in this actual comment chain where he shows JUST sword damage? And in a real damage phase, you'd use abilities too, so the output would be even higher. Again, this a weird thing where it's off meta so people are maulding over this.


Okay, so going by that video, OP deals, at best, 90,000 dps (assuming one surge, instead of two or three). While that’s not worse than the average special, it’s just not better than an actual damage weapon. The reason people are commenting isn’t because they’re mad or annoyed or whatever, it’s just kind of a dumb post. It’s not even like a rotation, OP just posted a 40 second video of them using one weapon as intended. It didn’t get a buff or nerf except for the universal ones given to all weapons, afaik. It’s like someone posting that pellet shotguns can be used to deal with orange bars - stunningly unremarkable, and devoid of any useful information.


Ergo sum does 2.9m damage and it's just special ammo. [https://youtu.be/MxowLAp4nn4](https://youtu.be/MxowLAp4nn4)


I knew this was Aegis when the other guy called the video “just a spreadsheet” 😂 Equally hilarious how he’s taking the goalposts backpacking through Europe in order to justify the fact that he either didn’t watch or just plain doesn’t understand Aegis’s methods, evidence, and results.


Aegis is probably the best no-BS systems YouTuber we’ve ever had.


Dude is super under rated. No one provides receipts for their claims like Aegis.


I see you’re also a man of culture who enjoys damage testing videos with no “YYYYAAAAHHHH!”


Cross still conveys useful information sometimes though.


Oh, nothing against Cross - just poking fun a little


Datto giving his thoughts after booting the game up 5 mins ago “time for everyone’s holy opinion kiss my feet while I ruin the lfg with dogshit advice”


Ironically aegis is actually wrong in this video. Casters don’t get the full 51% damage while transcendent. Love the guy but nobody’s perfect and his calcs are definitely off in this one.


Does ~2.9m damage on what enemy? And in how much time? I watched the video a bit, all I saw was the spreadsheet but I didn’t see exactly what it was on. Also feel to try this yourself and see if you can beat my damage. If you do please send me the results I would be pretty interested


2.9m total dmg, so using all ammo over 7 combos. which isnt really a good number to go off because you can get more ammo with the catalyst. it had 168k dps. also in that spreadsheet there is a worldline zero dmg test. it does 2.2m total dmg and roughly 41k dps


I can outdamage this with Falling Guillotine, a tether, and Expanding Abyss/ Argent Blade.


Worldline, zero DPS build.


Instead of arguing with everyone, use one of the many b&s vortex frame swords with the same build and get back to us.


Or use ergo sum. I managed to hit 1.94m second try despite everything being a complete mess. No solar surge, no feast of light, forgot to weaken before nova, and I was messing up the attack combo. With better execution I’m pretty sure it would out damage this by a fair amount


What’s an easy way to proc weaken for dps?


For every class you can pop down a void grenade on prismatic/void For hunters you also have tether and melee Warlocks prismatic grenade also gains for the weaken fragment so is also viable for it If you’re doing special or ability dps only then tractor and heartshadow as well


Facet of Dominance or Echo of Undermining


Or stareaters and goldtusk on hunter , should be a one phase or a hell of a lot closer to it than this. Even just using lament would easily outdamage this, or literally ANY surrounded sword if you leave up some adds? Any legendary with a good damage perk tbh.


Frenzy/ Surrounded FG go brrr


Definitely. Haven't got that one myself but it'd be cracked for this. Still wouldn't beat goldtusk I don't think, but it'd surely come close. The numbers I get on Crota with goldtusk is insane, I'd love to get my hands on this roll and see how it competes.


I'm still playing around with it as I haven't really used swords since RoI when Dark Drinker was meta on Aksis. I have a couple FG rolls, including Frenzy/ B&S, but I know enhanced Surrounded gets a hefty damage boost. I also just got a Wolfpack Ergo so I've been trying to get that combo down.


I got a wolf pack ergo too but it's an aggressive so I'm not too bothered with it. Trying to get the caster polaris but no luck yet, and the wave frame riskrunner for add clear too. Closest I've got is a wave frame cloudstrike. The relentless/whirlwind roll on FG is good for when you can't get surrounded going (and aren't on hunter, as I always use goldtusk on hunter for all my sword shenanigans since it's so good, there's no requirements to activate, and amazingly ammo efficient). I use this FG on my lock sometimes. Seems to do better than the warlock sword with the same roll.


What perks on Goldtusk do you use? I think I have the pattern but I've only ever crafted a Bequest. Also, is Aggressive the best for wolfpack Ergo? I have one of those and a wave frame but I was holding out for a vortex roll. Sorry for all the brain picking, like I said, I'm newish to swords again.


No aggressive on ergo doesn't do it for me, that's why I'm not using most of the drops I've had because bungie seems to think aggressives suit me lol. On goldtusk it's relentless whirlwind. Even with jagged it has a base reserves of 70 and you can spam light attacks for days and just pepper in the odd heavy about once every 10 or 12 lights. Like I said it does amazing work on Crota. I've been close to 10 mill with this and stareaters.


Haven't tried Lament since last balance change. Still goes hard?


Yeah they only nerfed the healing AFAIK, no damage changes.


Charged heavy got a damage hit iirc


You're right I forgot about that. Still gonna beat worldline by a margin imo.


The best dps one I got has whirlwind frenzy on fallen guillotine. Good enough to try?


Whirlwind frenzy is actually really good right now. Wolfpack round can stack up your whirlwind blade right now removing the biggest downside of whirlwind. Still won’t beat surrounded frenzy but it should be pretty on par with bait and switch


Alright, good to know. I’ll test it and send the results here once I’m avaliable


Need a fallen guillotine rn


Nova + Prismatic + Unravel and any heavy should do that.


OP fighting for his life in the comments lol


Comments doing more damage than his "build"




Fight forever, guardian I’m actually chilling with the comments though, it gives me something somewhat interesting to do. Especially while having an oath of loyalty sword to the dang sword.


Yikes cool build but there's way more damage potential with other weapons. I'd rather 1 phase him instead of 2 or 3 phases


Might as well use Thunderlord.


Enjoy your worldline guardian


Thank you! I love my Worldline.


Sweet build. I know all the comments are saying there are better options (which there are for DPS). Worldline Zero has always been hot, dog-water for anything except movement tech. Yet, to me, it is still one of the coolest exotics. I am always down to try a build with.


Thanks! I actually just finished doing a Worldline dps test, without prismatic or nova bomb, just sword. Its results will absolutely shake the hatters resolve (ok this may be a bit of an exaggeration).


Have you added 25% to the total of non surge weapons? It’s arc stasis surge this week so those weapons are doing 25% more damage Edit: surges are going away (for lack of better words) in normal raids and dungeons tomorrow so try the dmg testing of non arc stasis weapons again, they will be doing 25% more damage


[Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) were my results. If you factor in the surge, it’s a bit more than 1,600,000


Also it’s not hot dog water :( Here’s its [dps by itself](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD), no nova, no abilities, no debuffs or large buff (like well)


I meant that more historically. They have given it some hefty buffs in the last year. Its still a sword tho and if I am playing solo then I usually go for something that doesnt put me at the kind of risk




You were doing well until your worldline led off a cliff.


Wtf is this jank dps


Exactly that, jank dps lol


What’s the point of this?


this is abysmal


It’s not the best, but it’s crazy unoptimized [This](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) is what Worldline can do by itself, no star eater nuclear bomb, no debuffs, no transcendence, no unravel, no grenades. Just Worldline damage.


Thanks for sharing. I am no expert, but I was under the impression the only niche that worldline zero fills - compared to our staggeringly good legendary swords - is burst DPS. The double heavy attack does more damage in a second(?) than any other sword. The reasons it sees very little use are: 1. I cannot think of an bosses where swords are suitable in which the damage phase is only a few seconds (Warlord's ruin final boss floats; Caretaker needs you on the plate etc etc) 2. If you need arc heavy close-range burst DPS, Legend of Acrius is usually better + safer. 3. Swords are generally good at *total* damage, not generally *burst* damage. So worldline zero is fighting its model. 4. Bequest will do 98% of what Worldline Zero does without costing an exotic. 5. Now you can get an arc Ergo Sum with Wolfpack rounds, you can get so many benefits using that (e.g. free ammo when transcendent, boost allies, reliable ammo from special finisher etc) which outshine worldline zero anyway. For example in your damage phase here, had you put a transcendent grenade down and used ergo sum, you would have tonnes of heavy ammo ready for the champs and next phase. All that said, it is a nice damage phase you did here solo, and the burst damage Worldline puts out is pretty underrated I think (esp looking at the other comments here lol)


Very good overview, thank you. Although I will always stick to my Worldline. It’s just my favorite. Although that’s been made pretty clear by now from the comments lmao


Except the sword didn't do shit. Feast of light x6 nova did more than the sword ever will. I love worldline. But its damage is hot. ass


Lmfao this shit is so weak. I could do more DPS with a ballyhoo.


Send a vid. I desire watching you doing more damage. Specifically, with a ballyhoo.


I’m just sayin dawg, this video is more of a joke than it is you trying to be serious. You showed an ability dump rotation with a sprinkle of Worldline Zero, an exotic that is not known or even used for any form of DPS, and expected us to be amazed you did less than 1/3rd of the bosses health? Nothing about this video is impressive, and you dying on your hill of thinking it is, that’s what’s funny about this whole post.


It does [good damage](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD)


Homie no it does not lol. There’s so many other options that do more damage than this. The wind up of you having to sprint back and forth for the heavy charged is a huge waste of time, quit lying to yourself.


But it’s worth it. You did watch the video I linked right?


I did, and it’s most certainly not worth it. You’re three phasing a boss, potentially 4 phasing a boss with very terrible damage when you could optimize it with much better weapons. If you’re doing this for fun, cool, but I’m letting you know, this sucks.


This looks so ass lol


They did 1 3rd of its health in 1 phase, idc about if other things are better, that's good damage


If they had used any other dps heavy they would have done a lot more, most of the dps came from abilities and nova


You could literally see the health bar, the abilities barely did half Also, I literally *just* said I'd. About other damage


Dude with zero raid clears and no clears at all of warlords showing us how he can do like 600k damage with a sword over a full damage phase like that's good is absolutely the wildest thing I've seen on this sub.


Bruhhh there’s no way he’s arguing this hard about dps and has zero raid or warlords ruin clears


He has some failed attempts of Vault of Glass from 2021 and 20 full dungeon clears with 0 Warlords or Ghost clears. You know when like an international event happens and suddenly every 50 year old republican woman on facebook is an expert in geopolitics despite zero practical experience or knowledge? That's this guy with DPS.


I bough warlord like yesterday or something idk. I have only used it for dps tests. Beating a raid with my friends is an impossibility though. Anyways I love my sword, don’t care what others say I will love it forever.


And I love Coldheart, but I'm not here making a sub optimal dps build, posting it to reddit and spending an hour "defending" it cringely advocating that I'm part of some cult that uses the weapon I just use it when I can and stay happy with that


Maybe you should loosen up a bit and try it, you might have some fun. I know I am.


Yea, loosen up. Like spending 2 hours on reddit defending garbage dps and pathetically claiming "I'm having fun!"


If all your friends use your advice I can see why


They don’t, and they do lower dps. Think whatever you want about that


The best part is where you thought it was so bad after the damage phase that you killed yourself.


I am floored to see someone, in the year 2024, arguing that Worldline Zero is going to do better damage than other sword options. It doesn’t have a damage perk! Literally just use the Lament? Or any legendary sword with any damage perk? I’m not exaggerating when I say that absolutely any other sword in the game will do more damage— almost all of your important damage here was the Nova and abilities.


>I am floored to see someone, in the year 2024, arguing that Worldline Zero is going to do better damage I mean, that's why I clicked


lol good point, because same. Although the baffling part isn’t so much someone trying/testing it out and posting about the results, as much as insisting that it’s better dps than other options. Not trying to be mean or anything, it’s just strange and surprising to see.


Yeah I have just vowed to always use the Worldline as my weapon. It’s kind of just my thing, it’s what I do. If I’m always using it, it must be good… right? I didn’t need to sound so insistent in my comments, but I’m pretty fine with it actually, it’s pretty much what I do with my friends to (insisting Worldline does meta dps).


I respect your passion for Worldline.


Thank you


What about this is a "dps" build


The dps. This video is also super unoptimized. [Here’s Worldline by itself](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD), without star eater nova+abyss+that one fragment , without transcend, without grenades, without debuffs.


Why are people being dicks in the comments? All op did was show word lines damage. Is the sight of the sword a trigger for people?


I think it was mostly the comments I made defending the sword, but even then I had to defend the sword in the first place so…


Hunters can do more damage than this whole damage phase with one punch


If I saw a blueberry using worldline in a post I put up I'd actually laugh


That's not bad at all. For that fight I use my locks class item with stag and star eater. Prismatic with nova on an micro. Can pull off 4.2 mil if done properly.


Oh that’s dope. Stag star eater would be super cool, having damage resist would make sword dps much safer!


I got lucky af. It was my first pull for dual destiny.


This damage is ass. Many special weapons can put damage this without a super lol


Really now? And this video is super unoptimized. Here’s literally [just Worldline](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD), no super, no transcendence, no grenades, no debuffs Also you sure a special can? Maybe the Still Hunt but idk. Also it’s way harder because you need to hit all your shots while being flinched.


You can definitely use something that's fun to you, but you can't hide the fact that the DPS of Worldline is not as good as the other options. My main issue with this "DPS" build is that most of the damage is done from the heavy attack and you have to run back and forth just to achieve the burst damage. In a raid setting this just doesn't hold up. Your teammates will be constantly swinging their swords while you have to run away from the fight just to contribute a fraction of their damage. I could see Worldline being a fun option in low to mid tier content but in most high tier content it just doesn't hold a candle to other swords like Ergo Sum, Lament, or another legendary sword. Like I said, you can definitely use what is fun to use, but if someone on your raid or dungeon team asks you to take it off after a few failed DPS checks then you should have something else handy.


I think it’s dps is good though. This video may not be the best to represent that though. [Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) is a good video I got to represent Worldline [Here](https://imgur.com/d8fimVa) is The Lament, in comparison That’s with no well of radiance, no banner of war, no debuffs, no star-eater nova bomb. Just surges and seasonal mod to buff sword damage.


Do you mean Surges on armor or activity? Surges in an activity apply a 25% damage increase. So essentially without an activity arc surge Worldline Zero did 1,529,133 damage. Conversely Lament did 1,150, 858 damage. That's only a 7.5% increase Edit: Bungie is also removing surges from endgame activities so Worldline will still be at the bottom of the list. Do what you like, have fun, it's just a game, but don't try to debate damage numbers just because you think you're right when the data is available for everyone to see i.e. Aegis.


Surges on armor. But factoring activity surges makes Worldline go down to 1,631,086 from 2,038,845 . That’s ~42% more than The Lament, which is really good, especially by itself, especially considering it’s better at dealing with non-boss enemies better than the Lament, and it’s an arc weapon which will proc amplified which is nice.


I see, still you should probably take another look at Aegis. When it comes to DPS on any weapon, he knows what he's talking about. Also, and this is the only reason I commented, the fact that you have to run back and forth just to achieve "good" damage is inherently not good. You're essentially reloading your sword when you could easily use a legendary sword with Relentless Strikes and Whirlwind Blade and keep swinging.


I don’t understand the problem with running back and forth. If you could load a rocket 3 times as slow but it did 5 times the damage it would be good. Also running away is optimal because it reduces boss stomp damage and dodges attacks.


Most people are using Reconstruction so they don't have to reload. Also, why run when you can just block with the sword. If you wanna use it, then do so, but there are better options for DPS and Total Damage


There are better options, but Worldline is one of the best for DPS. Blocking ruins everything due to how the energy system works now. And when I run I’m not running just to run I need to do it to use the attack, away is just the optimal direction to go as the attack places you back at the boss.


The numbers don't lie and it's just simply not true. If you want to use it then ok, but the fact that you keep trying to convince everyone that it is just shows that you're not listening. Also any exotic that requires you to run from your target instead of continuing damage just isn't good. Also, I think you may be confusing DPS for total damage. Edit: You also haven't cleared any raids so idk how reliable you are when it comes to talking about DPS numbers.


I just don’t do raids, they are not hard. I could lfg one if I even really need a specific piece of loot, or just try really hard to get friends online. I tried vault of glass with friends before and the hard part was communication, not the difficulty. Besides playing raids doesn’t relate to dps skill, there are plenty of players who suck at PvE that can do raids, and there are many solo players who don’t bother with them. I still don’t know what your talking about with the 1 second of sprinting. Essentially you’re just saying “any weapon with a charge time or long reload time is bad”. I already proved to you its damage capabilities, and clearly it’s not bad. And I meant dps, not total dps. If you want total dps for some extra long dps phase there are other options.


Starting to hate this dungeon first boss super easy with my hunter one two punch but the second boss is the bane to my existence can’t seem to punch him as easy or double golden gun him with up messing up and dying


Share setup for this build


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/DcUBRZ5) is the build. Spirit of the star eater on the bond. The chest and leg armor mods matter, the rest you can change, but make sure you are generating enough orbs. Use any weapon with slice to debuff bosses for better survivability. You don’t have to use a glaive, but I enjoy it. You can also change lightning surge, the reason I’m using it is because I have spirit of the assassin as my second perk.


All the people in the comments talking about “WeLl OtHeR SwOrDs dO MoRe” Man what happened to having fun man. 😭


Apparently we don’t do that here in Destiny. On another note I haven’t seen anyone beat [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) damage with any other sword yet. No debuffs, super, transcendence, ect.


I love WLZ but it's not the cause of most of the damage here and if anything highlights the desperate need for overpowered recently introduced weapons and frames to be brought back in line a little and for "dead content" like WLZ and others to be made relevant to the current game. It's an Arc sword; give it Blind or something.


I would like if it got jolt, and if there was a way to change the way it tracks onto enemies. So you can choose to not lock on to the first enemy and mow down a group instead of hitting only the first one.


This sub done turned into a clown show


So I looked at your just Worldline video and you have argent blade on and a radiant buff. I can't tell if you have a radiant buff or not in the lament video but I did see that your armor charges fall off on that video so if you're using surge mods on your legs that can cause an inconsistency. I just did some runs on the same boss, no surges, no argent blade, no debuffs, no self buffs besides weapon perks, only capping 1 lantern just to make it easier and I got this. Worldline: 678,000 Lament: 799,000 Request w/ Vorpal: 801,000 Falling Guillotine w/ normal and BnS: 878,000


Okay but why not literally any other sword, I could make a jotunn dps build too but I’d do more using indebted


Worldline does way more than this video shows, this is super unoptimized. Also even if it didn’t do a lot of damage just think about it a little bit, there are a few answers to that question.


My bad, any other sword with eager edge


Stop dickriding this sword man, most of the damage comes from abilities. Damage would sky rocket if you used anything else (bequest, guillotine, wolfpack ergo)


Most the damage comes from the sword. And no I will not stop my support of the sword.


Then only do sword dps and prove it man, don't use any abilities and just do sword dps Roughly 800k comes from ses nova, you pop all 3 melees for unravel and you're constantly throwing nades and getting shatters, at least 60-70% of your total dps is abilities here


[I did it](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) This one is for the lesser sword, [The Lament](https://imgur.com/d8fimVa)


These videos were taken this week, no? That means Worldline is getting a 25% damage boost from surges that wouldn’t apply to the Lament. Try this same comparison next week and report back.


Comparing the videos lament is under further behind than just the surge buff, by quite a bit. 2m on world line without the buff would be 1.6m, which isn’t bad seeing as there is no super or debuff. Lament is only 1.1m with the same limits. I assume there is some other confounding factor though, like leg surge mods or something. It is interesting that worldline didn’t do so terrible though. But I’m still not going to use it.


I ran 2 arc surge when using Worldline, and 2 solar surge when using Lament. The Argent Blade seasonal mod was used for both, and I made sure to have max charge before the dps phase started.


I know when I'm beat, 2 mil is genuinely shocking coming from worldline of all things. I'm pretty sure some legendary swords could still out dps but I'm not gonna keep yapping about it


I know! It’s amazing to see it. I don’t have any strong legendary swords so I can’t test it myself sadly. The world may never believe me but I know the truth, Worldline is good!


Ok I will go try. Although note that by doing that there’s no debuff. The debuff is not really ability damage, as the damage that’s increased is the swords damage.


I'm assuming you're talking about weaken, which also affects your abilities damage lol




I out dps'd this with bns attrition orbs slammer. Most of your damage here is just the nova. Use a better sword.


No you can’t, no it didn’t


Yes I can. Yes it does. Just cuz you don't have one doesn't mean you gotta argue nonsense.


Ok I will show instead. This is without star-eater nova, without debuffs, no transcendence or grenades [Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) You are right, I don’t have one. I would test it if I did. If you could test it for me that would be great.


Ill try to get a record tonight but no promises. I take him slightly under half hp with bns nova all the good shit. Sadly still a 3 phase cuz I can't get my super back between two but hell way better than the 5 phase I was doing on warlock pre tfs


Thank you for testing! Yeah getting super back is hard, especially if you’re going for star eater nova. I will like to see your full dps rotation, but also the sword by itself (using surge mods).


Pretty similar to yours honestly but a little less waiting between choices. I also just mash tf out of light attack through the whole 10s of bns and take my "approach the boss" time to pop him with my other two weapons (stuoud high handling is key)


OP is one of those people that "ask" for opinions or what can be done to improve. But only wants to listen to anything that leans their way. Any counterpoint is an act of aggression and can't be true because their world would be rocked. Advice OP, step away from the computer and maybe, just maybe, step outside and meet people.


Where did that come from lmao Also I never asked, people just talk


Look out, lads! New meta incoming! :D Jokes aside, I'm not sure why the Destiny community feels the need to shit on stuff like this. Looks like you got a solid three phase setup there with a fun and unique weapon that you enjoy. Which is pretty cool in my book. Good on you, and thanks for sharing OP! :) I've got like 20K kills on my Worldline Zero. It's a fun toy, even if it doesn't dominate damage charts. And more than anything else, I'm here to play with fun toys in a fun sandbox. **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯**


Because they are saying its good and acting like you can't do any better and then arguing with anyone that says otherwise or suggest better options. Of course you can use whatever you want and of course this is usable but posting it to reddit acting like this is some crazy damage is just wrong.


I appreciate the comment. I understand why people are downvoting many of my comments into the void, but even still many of the comments shitting on this came before those, any many probably came before reading comments at all. On a different note, I have 0 idea why you specifically are getting downvoted, your message consists of a short joke and promoting having fun in a unique way.


I've come to expect it of Reddit, haha


Yeah, it sucks here sometimes. Also I actually proved Worldline can do things [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) which is pretty cool ([Lament](https://imgur.com/d8fimVa) for reference)


People are hating cause OP is acting like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand


Not a solid 3 phase because 80% of his damage was Nova Bomb and that won't be ready for second phase. With this damage and need of nova bomb, it's a 5 phase at best.


They did it again with no super and no debuffs. They got 2m damage. Without the weekly surge bonus that’s 1.6m which isn’t terrible for undebuffed straight weapon damage.


The video attached to this post clearly shows a nova bomb and grenade and debuffs.


The other one OP posted doesn’t have that stuff


The other one is not what that guy responded to. Regardless, 2M surge buffed is not something that is hard to do with a sword on that boss. Goldtusk breaks 3M in that same circumstance and its a legendary. The point isn't that he's not doing 2M, the point is dozens and dozens of legendary weapons can do better and this has no place as a build to pitch to people. Only a guy with, again, zero raid clears and not clears of the last 2 dungeons thinks this is good.


Send me a video of any other sword doing more than that unbuffed and undebuffed (surges+argent blade is fine). [Here’s](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) the one the other guy was talking about I truly don’t think this is going to be beat. Even Legend of Acrius by itself probably won’t out dps this.


This is a sad view of the D2 Reddit community. Let the man have his fun.


Honestly though


Just looks like a lot of work for not even bis. Seems fun, but it definitely would be more of a gimmick build than anything I take seriously.


idk why ppl are mean this is sick


Because 80% of the damage is nova bomb and abilities and neither OP or anyone who thinks this is good have grasped that.


Just look at the damage the nova did, then check the rest. I know prismatic grenades were going off at the same time but they really don’t add that much dps. You can see how much the Worldline is doing


Nova has been tested with star eaters, worse case scenario it did 900k of your damage there.


I will fact check this, I didn’t think it did that much


Dudes who have damage tested this game for a decade, with significant experience both doing damage tests and playing the game at a high level, have already done the work and made numerous YouTube videos with millions of views explaining the math. You're not gonna discover anything we don't already know.


I’ll get back to you once I go do it


I say this bluntly, but not to be mean, you used a damage super, grenade, and melees to stack unraveling and did less damage than I do with just my grenade launcher in one phase, then you came here and posted it like it was good DPS. You need to spend less time investigating yourself, and more time reading up on what the community at large has already figured out with more testing than you could do in a lifetime. Millions of people doing these encounters over and over is more data then you'll ever get. The reason no one uses worldline isn't because it hasn't been tested enough, it's becuase 24 shots of edge transit doing 90k or so total per hit is about as much damage as you just did with a super added on top.


A it a ~950k minus a vortex and strand melee damage (I used them for the necessary debuffs)


[Worldline is good by itself](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) No abilities, no debuffs, no super


Bro look at his comments, he’s acting like nothing is better than worldline zero but he’s refusing to accept that it does no damage and that novabomb by itself hit most of the numbers, everyone is telling him there are plenty of legendary swords that are better and even providing proof and he just doesn’t believe them


Thank you People dislike me because I have just vowed to always stick with the Worldline. I do my best to make it as viable as possible, I know it’s not the meta.


>People dislike me because I have just vowed to always stick with the Worldline. People dislike you because you're too insecure to admit you're wrong, You probably realized your video is useless, so you're moving the goalpost to "I was memeing the whole time lulz".


How much dps is good


I'm curious; you saw how much damage Worldline did after you asked for a pure damage output video, then turned around and made this comment. The projection is strong with you regarding being insecure because you were in fact wrong. Getting over 2 million damage with WLZ was more impressive than you guys wanted to admit, but because it's not meta, decided to be douchey. Ironic isn't it?


Bait used to be believable.


This is not bait. I truly believe this is a good weapon for dps. Here’s some [definitive proof](https://imgur.com/gallery/worldline-dps-no-nova-transcendence-XqNCdGD) [Lament](https://imgur.com/d8fimVa) for reference


Sure you do, bud.


Believe what you want, I haven’t set this thing down since I got it on Mars. I actually have a 3d model of it because I like it so much