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Please no low effort posts. This includes posts that are just a screenshot of another post/comment


/uj Bro should just hop off Destiny and play Sea of Thieves if this is what he wants. But chances are if he did this he'd either get his teeth kicked in by sweats and cry, or lose interest in the game because there's no real chase. /rj I bought the DLC so I should have every weapon for free AND a handjob from John Bungie


I cant think of a single game that even does what he is referring to


Guardians, this is it. The single worst take that ever has and ever will exist for this game. It’s over. We’ve peaked.


uj/ Holy shit, that has got to be the single worst take I have ever seen. rj/ Xur should sell titles.


I Bought the Godslayer Title Week One


You joke but you could pay for a carry. Price was about $1000 CAD to be carried through all 4 weeks. And I guarantee you, people paid it.


Its simple, get good, socialise and find a decent lfg


As a non raider, it’s completely fine that raids have loot I’ll never obtain. Just like it’s fine that trials gives trials loot I’ll never obtain etc etc. If you don’t engage with the activity, why should you get the loot?


This would actually be going further than D2 vanilla did, which as we all know was a smashing success


You can't make this shit https://preview.redd.it/vmcypjsodl6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=168aa551404c9db41dd477fd4fa70d9dd3466a28


That is another atrocious take lol I do think the “Light Fading” timer should go away, though. Like, if you and your buddy are good enough to two-man the remainder of an encounter, you should be allowed to do so.


Don't know why anyone would want this in d2, only reason I was fine with no revives in d1 was cause it was a hard mode and there weren't as many cheesy things that could just one shot you, Ads were less of an issue and most bosses just completely left you alone and a lot of mechanics could be done without 6 players allowing for “clutch” saves which was always fun. I would love to see this guy do the witness without revives tho, that would be amazing.


he means no tokens, ie. infinite revives


Ohhhh shit my bad, lmao that's even worse I just read the big white text and assumed that's what they meant.




That is a take of all time


Ok, but how will this effect LeBrons legacy?


There is no way in hell this dude was serious, right? right...?


nah he was dead serious lmao


Dude just needs to git gud


Even below average. Normal raids are actually not difficult. They’re shockingly easy. There’s more difficult content in this game than normal raids.


Much more difficult *looks at contest salvations edge menacingly*


That’s honestly not a hard raid. Just bring add clear and you’re golden.


Literally the hardest raid race ever and debatably the hardest raid to ever exist


So? That was all on the back of a single mechanic. Or had nothing to do with difficulty. More to do with the fact that streamers are uneducated dummies that don’t understand testing methodology. If encounter 4 wasn’t there it would have been right in line with many easier raids.


Base raids aren’t that hard tho? If you just look up a guide, hell even just find a sherpa, you can do them pretty easily. It just requires some communication. I get some people have social anxiety, but how do you even live if you can’t handle talking to random people casually like this? People might get mad. If they do leave. You will eventually find people who are kind and understanding. Like most jobs require cooperation with people, so if you’re scared to cooperate, how do you live? If it’s that bad then it’s something you will have to work on, and a good way to do it is on something as casual as a game, besides counselling of course. That would be the best way to get through it.


Like I'm a solo player and I can hop into a raid anytime I want and do it I don't understand the social anxiety like how are you supposed to call in a pizza or make a doctor's appointment or do anything that requires talking to someone on the phone? Cuz that's the exact same concept when it comes to talking to someone over discord or Xbox live


It’s crazy how in like 3 years gaming comms went from being extremely racist and bigoted to being non-existent. Dont get me wrong. I am definitely more vocal now that it’s possible to say something without being called a dumb n-word. But just interesting that the bigots got replaced by people with crippling social anxiety.


I have a buddy I play with and a clan, but it’s only us usually who plays. Our clan isn’t super active. So we went into raids together and with the rest being randoms and never really had any issues. Both got all the raid exotics except 1. We met a couple assholes, but when we did we just dipped and found someone else. That was quite rare too. So I don’t really see the issue. Lots of the times people would just let you do ad clear if you didn’t really feel confident enough to do the mechanics, but the mechanics, minus vow and probably the new raid, aren’t too difficult. I’d say they’re a lot more fun to actually do than pure ad clear. So, other than physical and severe mental disabilities, there shouldn’t be much of an excuse. If you are limiting yourself to doing strikes and non communicative stuff in a game like this, then that’s on you. People can’t expect the devs to not reward players heavily for doing end game activities. If there wasn’t really good shit you can get it would feel like there is no point.


Exactly like when I do raids with people I know how to do the mechanics and I have no problem having other people do ad clear Maybe that's me doing my due diligence and watching a raid guide before I jump into the raid so I actually know what I'm doing but regardless I never run into a problem usually with lfg That being said though I have had some assholes that have joined / I have joined that you know kick you right before the loot drops or if you screw up too many times but like you said it's very rare One last thing I'm going to add LOL the destiny is one of the most inclusive games I've ever played there are so many things to help people with certain disabilities so that they can still play the game and get full enjoyment so exactly like you said there's not really much of an excuse


I'm getting tired of having to point this out man. You do not need the perfect role on the perfect gun or the specific best most meta weapon with the best perks to play 99% of the content in destiny. If you aren't going to play raids to get raid gear, you do not need the raid gear to play the game. It's fine to just use seasonal and random world loot pool weapons and armor. You will still be able to play the game well and complete the vast majority of content in the game (oddly enough, including normal mode raids). Going crazy over not having the youtube red arrow super meta god gun for the season is stupid. You can use standard legendary weapons, just find decent perks or craft an aight weapon and you're chill. I have used scout rifles in raids for Christ's sake, you can play your game without needing raid loot, especially if you avoid endgame content like raids and gms.


Also at this point it doesn't even make sense to complain about "meta" stuff being behind le scary endgame content because so much viable meta-defining gear has come recently from regularly accessible low-level content. Scatter Signal? Viable kinetic slot dps special weapon. All you had to do was breathe on the seasonal activity. Rockets with BnS or bipod? Echoes has got you covered rn. Regnant, Edge Transit, Doomed Petitioner. And if you were so inclined you could've farmed Last Wish seasons ago when Kalli was a super easy cheese. And again basically any of the generally great weapons from Into the Light which is free and matchmade. We're well past the days of needing to summon an Avengers-level fireteam just to get a super duper giga-gun. Power creep and just updated perks make a lot of seasonal weapons as good as or better than some endgame gear.


I farmed Last Wish for Apex because I figured there was no chance there wasn’t at least 1 use for a meta rocket launcher in the raid when it came out. Turns out there’s not a single use for a meta rocket launcher. lol. Oh well.


They literally hand you the patterns for Ammit and Taipan and that's two thirds of a genuinely very good weapon loadout for most content right there. Throw in Witherhoard and you're doing great.


This is also very true. Even if each season only has one or two guns that are really solid, and only a couple rolls on each that are "meta", you can fairly easily aquire their crafting patterns and craft a full suite of good gear.


I've got all kinds of goofy-ass trash weapons I just use because I like them. It's fine. This game really isn't that hard lmao


I feel it, I ran scouts for pantheon and still didn't have any issues


The only "hard" thing I can imagine requiring raid loot would be like the very niche adept modslots for Trials..... which like.... Crafted weapons had proven that the pain isn't worth that very dinished payoff-effort cost


Contest raids and nezerec pantheon are the only things that come to mind where you're really gonna want only God rolls of the best stuff


The loot curve should be asymptotic? How the fuck does that even work? Throw in some imaginary and undefined loot in there too.


I love my pink with blue circle weapon https://preview.redd.it/3nnt6xo96l6d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8324bb35a0b4a82d217e47a94f849b779730052


My guy literally just described adept raid weapons. Raid weapons drop from the raid. Adept version drop from master raids. The normal version can be crafted and it’s easier to get a god roll. Master needs to be farmed to get god rolls. Literally a cosmetic skin that requires extra time and a harder difficulty to get. This guy just wants to solo everything (which for many raids is possible if you’re good enough).


Player rolls horrific endgame content take, asked to uninstall the game


/uj How are there this many people who genuinely think endgame content is the enemy How do all of these people genuinely think they should be specifically catered to because they're scared to do anything harder than a playlist strike


The same ppl that complain that FromSoft games don’t have a changeable difficulty setting. They can’t get their head around that devs don’t have to cater their game for them because they’re entitled twats.


Like what do these people even do in this game? Just run strikes 24/7?


You'd be surprised. A lot of people will only do the campaign, patrols and strikes. They just have no interest in anything else but I've never been able to wrap my head around it. If you asked me to play strikes and patrols I'd drop the game within minutes. It's just boring. That's all some people want though.


i NEED the prismatic exotics how the fuck else am i supposed to kill all these fucking dregs in the EDZ???


Solo players can eat dirt and go fuck themselves


Man what I do I only try solo raids never been successful but I do solo dungeons successfully


Im mostly solo but realize that I will have to play with others to get raid loot and shit like i would love to see what these type of people actually do in game


In every online multiplayer game solos can fuck off




I wish your flair was required to have your Bungie tag in it so I could look up these stats laugh at their profiles. Uj/ I wish your flair was required to have your Bungie tag in it so I could look up these stats laugh at their profiles.


that would be actually hilarious. the dungeons are too hard crowd/solo players who do nothing but strikes complaining that the game is too hard


/uj this is one of the worst takes ive ever seen


I already managed to launch the game without choking on my own drool, why should I have to do anything more to get the best loot?


Clearly never played an mmo


/uj It’s also how you make games boring as shit


/uj these people are literally asking for y1 d2


the starting gun being the best gun is one of the things that kill anthem.


Once again the casuals are making me want to kill myself


fuck me outjerked again


The patrol warlords are going crazy this week


I wonder if Bungie ever tried an approach similar to this and perhaps how it went


/uj what exactly was it again i forgor


/uj D2Y1, Prestige raid rewards were all cosmetic, and raid rewards otherwise were barely better than the alternatives. This predictably resulted in nobody giving a shit about raiding because there was no pursuit. "The endgame is the friendgame."


Not to mention you didn’t even have to raid or do trials to get those rewards, just be in a clan who does it and they’ll drop at Hawthorne…what a terrible system


oh right prestige i never did get that spire emote


Ngl I enjoyed the prestige rewards . The best emote in game , sleeper catalyst and it was either merciless or telesto catalyst . Can’t remember which


Telesto from Eater, Emote and Sleeper from Spire Merciless catalyst was one of the absurdly rare strike drops.


/uj please tell me this guy is one of us???? /rj exactly fellow Redditor I don’t have the time in the day to grind salvations edge, Datto told me it was fashion locked and I need more drip


And then people will spin around and demand shaders, ornaments and armor be available for everyone and not locked behind difficult content like Trials or Raids. I'm still perpetually floored I got Reddit Cares'd over saying they should make more cosmetics actually earned and not paid for via Eververse.


You will pay for the cosmetics, and you will like it.


I love how the flawless raid shaders all look like ass but the ever-verse ones slap ,


Deep stone’s is nice, the rest tho🤮


/uj i would bully people that post these out of my lfg

