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Good that you have certifications. I suggest following changes: 1. Remove 10th and 12th education 2. Put certification at the bottom and education second from bottom 3. Keep your header simple. Think of the resume space as a real estate, make sure that each pixel is utilized appropriately. Make sure each word is there only if it is absolutely needed. No fluff 4. Always show what the output was for each of the projects in your experience. For example, "performed various types of cyberattacks... ". What was the outcome? Why was this task important for the team or the business? 5. Always start experience points using past tense verbs that demonstrate exactly what your responsibility was. Prefer using verbs like [https://www.colorado.edu/career/job-searching/resumes-and-cover-letters/resumes/action-verbs-use-your-resume](https://www.colorado.edu/career/job-searching/resumes-and-cover-letters/resumes/action-verbs-use-your-resume) 6. Most importantly, keep your resume 1 page. Remove extra padding and margins and try to fit everything in a single page. Keep it short. Good luck!


Thank You for the detailed information. As per your and other comments' suggestion is this format okay? Technical skills Work experience Projects Education Certificates Achievements I will remove the 10th & 12th education, i thought 12th edu. details was needed for a fresher so i put it up there. Rest all the points noted.


Looks great! There are also tools available online to scan your resume. It tells you if your resume is appropriate for ATS. Just search for Scan Resume for ATS on google


Apply during OFF CAMPUS MASS HIRING prepare for TCS ION NQT EXAM and similar exams .


Okay đź‘Ť. Will keep searching for these


Any other such exams other than TCS nqt?


Elitmus maybe


TCS NQT doesn't work if it's the paid version. I got more than 90 percentile and never got any calls. I just got a few emails for HR roles. However, TCS NQT (free version) which is given by college students has higher success rate.


There are about a million posts on here asking the same thing. The number one rule is to keep your resume to one page and follow a good, column-less format. This is the very bare minimum. You can easily find this with one search.


Make it 1 page


Use faang template available on overleaf.com


Too much space + 2 pages Use wonsulting resume template


Hey man!! I don't have much to say about your resume as I am a fresher myself. I just wanted to ask which of the above red team certs ,in your opinion is the most cost effective. Also if you don't mind can you tell me which online resource was most helpful?? Thanks!


Hey bro! Sorry I can't help you with this. You'll be shocked to hear this but I haven't paid for a single certification. I got govt. sponsorship through Quizathon for RHCSA & AZ 500 Az900 was free for students a year ago And participated in Microsoft build for the SC200 coupon. But when I go for a certification: • Search for my target job profile, filter out the most common certificates • Ask out experienced people, HR's/recruiters • Reach out to working professionals of the field on linked to get more information on specific certs. Good luck with your certification journey! Dm me for resources.


That's awesome man! Very helpful info, didn't know some certs are free for a limited time. Is that a frequent occurence?


For Microsoft yes, keep a check for their events like Microsoft build, skill challenges, etc. Try being updated with IT seminars, events of these orgs.


Noted. Thanks for the guidance and good luck to you as well!


Am not much into red teaming but I heard “Altered Security” red teaming certifications are pretty good.


Oh ,hearing about it for the first time,will check it out!


Use a different template and make it one page


Better remove 10th and 12th details, Kindly follow this order Contact info as header Technical skills Inter or job(reverse chrono) Projects Certificates Latest education details Achievements if any


Don't remove 10 and 12 th details.


I was pursuing a bachelor's when I made that resume so 12th was my highest qualification till that time I gave my last end sem exam 10 days ago. Now I am confused should I remove it or not. Ig I've to wait for other's replies


Harvard has templates on their website. Just follow those. Idk why people are asking you to remove them. Every HR/recruiter I know has told me to have those in mine. But you need to make it a 1 page thing with concise language that's shows what you did and what outcome you achieved.


Also don't mention work from home, you can bring it up if asked in an interview.


- Move each education to single line - Same with Skills, make it a bit compact - Let your experience and project move up - Explain experience and project in short in readable points. Some language looks a bit amateur, pass it through GPT to rewrite in non AI sounding but clearer format.


Thanks! Points 1&2 will surely help in making resume compact.


The order of your resume: put skills first > followed by “GitHub” repo if that’s updated > followed by all the projects . Note: It will be super if you can add recommendation on atleast 2 of your top projects There are many other corrections you can do but above ones are very quick to incorporate


We recommend checking out developersIndia official wiki on **[Creating an Ideal Software Engineering Resume](https://wiki.developersindia.in/community-guides/how-to-create-an-ideal-software-engineering-resume.html)**. We hope it provides some useful suggestions. All the best for your job search, you've got this! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/developersIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make better projects, make the resume single page and put only essentials, no one cares about your 10th grades, remove that and try to make it more tidy.


1. Improve template which will automatically take care of things like spaces (people here mentioned overleaf, you can go there, use resume builder which is free, use any available Microsoft word template) 2. Put on education, internships, projects, certification then rest 3. Resume is verbose 4. While explaining your stuff in internships, Bold important skills and info The main idea is to include important keywords in your resume if it'll be parsed by machine for automatically selection. And also you need to beautify and bold stuff so that the recruiter can directly see what they want Just think yourself as recruiter and edit template


There are tons of such posts already. You could have searched before creating a repeated post


Make it ATS friendly.


I'll give you are very controversial advice and it's untested too, but based on what I know about hiring it should work. 1. Keep resume limited to one page. 2. First thing should be skills, and clearly mentioning what exactly you know about it. i.e. Python : Lib 1, Lib 2 .... DB: MySQL, Mongo.. Containerisation: Docker, Kubernetes, ACS, AKS Cloud: Azure 3. Your experience. List each internship with what technology you exactly used. What you achieved. 4. Certifications 5. Education Use different versions of the resume while applying to different places, be careful to mention and highlight the tech/libs mentioned in JD. Goodluck!


1. A fresher’s resume can never ever be 2 pages. Trust me, recruiters loathe reading resumes. 2. Links at least email should be clearly written on top of the resume. 3. The projects section seems very weird to me. You need to write what exactly you’ve done. “Developed and delivered a live mobile application “ doesn’t mean anything to anyone. You need to put the name of the application as the title of the projects, write what it does and brief about the tech stack in one line. 4. No need to mention 12th and 10th education. You can save a lot of space. 5. Certifications should go in the end My choice of order would be - i. Links including email (top right. With name on top left in big letters) ii. Experience - your internships and what not iii. Education iv. Skills v. Certificates And the rest doesn’t really matter in which order you mention them 6. Projects if possible could be hyperlinked to the websites or at least your repos on GitHub. 7. Your references section doesn’t carry any weightage. Get rid of it. Use a two column ATS friendly template to reduce the footprint of your content on the page.


1 page ka bnaale bhai ise


Honestly you could use some upskilling both horizontally (learn more technologies and do projects) and vertically (learn more of what you have already studied). Secondly dont take it personally. The economy is dogshit rn for freshers. Use this time wisely. Keep applying.


Thanks for your advice. I am now thinking of learning DevOps tech. like Jenkins, Kubernetes, Ansible/Terraform. Anything you would recommend adding to the list?


If you have worked on any CVE's you can mention then. You can also write about your knowledge of protocol like HTTP/ TCP/ IP. Also mention about your knowledge on operating system like linux. Write all you skills and key points in a separate section.


How the f one have 9.91 CG, is it real?


Yeah it's real, got 9.75-10-10 GPAs in first 3 sems, then it dropped to \~9.85 after 5th sem results.


Is it only you or does everyone else has this kind of cgpa?


In my batch (~250 students), it's only 2-3 except me.


Its a pretty badly formatted resume. Pls watch some youtu.be e videos on resume making.


Reduce inline space


Hey all, As a senior developer who is involved in tech hiring for a 300+ employees organisation, just to provide some perspective of how this works on the other side. Whenever you apply through LinkedIn or other job boards/websites, your resume is fed into a system called ATS. And junior HRs who are not completely aware of what the actual JD is will be using some keywords from the JD to query “matching” profiles and still I end up having 200+ resumes EACH DAY. Now imagine the time required to even skim through this barrage of resumes in addition to my primary work responsibilities. As a team, we group in a conference room with around 1000 resumes for a single opening and the first thing always asked by the hiring manager is “Do we have people we know from this bunch?” (These are the referrals which bypasses ATS) - This is where the list becomes from 1000 to a manageable 20 odd with whom the process continues. And with the rest, we quickly skim through (barely a few seconds) to see if something that captures our attention and add around 10 odd to the next process. With the above, you can strategically look at how you can make sure your profile passes on to the next round. You need not over-detail yourself in a resume. During the interviews is where your resume will get 100% attention and the interviewer (including me) will always ask questions around your previous experience and what you accomplished in them


Dude everything is wrong with your resume. Just spend some time online and find out how to create a novel and suitable resume for developer jobs in India. No one can help you unless you help yourself.




It may sound harsh, but BCA That is what is wrong


Yeah Ik companies are a bit leaned to B. tech but given my skiils and credentials shouldn't I be getting at least shortlisted to show my skills.


Companies use a software called Application tracking systems that are automated to rank resumés based on keywords


know any good resume rating softwares besides resume worded for the same ???


Try testgorrila trial version


btw i get a score between 65 - 75 on my resume on resume worded , can this even be considered "hire worthy" ??


No, they have way too many options to consider anyone under 95 on a scale of 100


Your graduation year


Do you mean the recession this year? I am confused.


This is garbage resume. One pager until you jave more than 10 years of work ex..