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It is more than likely not the cgm, but the diabetes that has caused the issue. I get frozen shoulder, my teeth are rotting due to my diabetes, I now have retinopathy & neuropathy due to my diabetes. And this is due to being a diabetic for nearly 45 years. It does take a toll on the body, over time those higher than normal blood sugars start damaging organs, muscle, bone. This is why it is so important to have the best possible control. As a type 1, I can easily access all of my needed tools, by so many others, like type 2's, have a harder time getting cgms, insulin pumps, ect.


I don’t know about the CGM, have never used one, but I do know about the frozen shoulders - it sucks! I have it with variations in pain level…went toe do & primary Dr was told it is not arthritis and I did not have any type of injury. I was blessed with T1 only a couple of years ago in spectacular fashion ICU and whole works. The worst part for me has been the muscle aches, with minimal excursion, cramps in legs and hands, shoulder pain and massive reduction in strength. It is looking like it is all related to T1.


I can't really think of any way why a CGM would cause those symptoms. Certainly not from the information you provided. I mean, what would lead you to believe it was the CGM? You never even said where you wear it!


I work with “frequencies” for a living and know what RF radiation can do. CGMs being Bluetooth, I would think they are transmitting pretty frequently, and being there is a needle in your arm… I’m just wondering if maybe there could be a side effect?


Radio waves have been everywhere for the last 100 years. Having a CGM doesn't magically make a ton more radio waves go through your body than what's already been broadcasting since before you were born. Also FYI the needle on a CGM is only used to implant it. The part that stays in you is a micro-fine filament (thread) that runs up into the surface portion of the CGM, not a needle. The part that transmits is outside of your skin and just collects information based on the chemical makeup of what's touching the filament. Are you putting your CGM in a spot that's hard to reach? Have you had any signs of infection at a CGM site near your shoulder? Otherwise I'd mention the new pain to your doc and maybe look at repetitive stress in your work/hobbies to see if you can find a source. Don't forget, things hurt more as you get older, so you might just be experiencing life over 30 or whatever.


My only problem is the cgm FL2 looses connection even when I am right beside it


Not from my CGM, but I had adhesive capsulitis( frozen shoulder ) in my right shoulder. Went thru a few doctors thinking it was a torn "insert" (had to go up the chain of insurance) before finally the MRI was finally approved by the insurance It hurt worse than I could explain and severely limited my movement. PT and a few cortisone shots and the pain was better, movement has improved over the last couple years but it's still not like it was before.