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Pancreas started working again?


Lol that’s what I jokingly said to my girlfriend. Although I’m type 1 & that’s not happening anytime in my future


Funnily enough I went through a similar thing a couple of weeks ago where I didn’t need ANY insulin for 2 days. Didn’t know but it was the very start of me being sick. Now I’m 2 weeks in and it is the complete opposite - needing over double my usual amount of insulin to stay remotely in range. Sigh.


I was wondering if I had a virus or infection that was causing this. But I feel fine, not sick whatsoever. *knock on wood* I’m usually pretty healthy and don’t get sick too often. I am very physically active and work a job where I’m constantly surrounded by germs so I feel like my immune system is better than average but you could be onto something I came back from my run and I felt like I pulled a muscle & I was even theorizing it could have had something to do with that even though that makes zero sense. That’s how desperate I am for answers that I have taken out the tinfoil hat theories lol


Took a while after my non insulin days to get hit with the full force of whatever virus/infection this is, and it now sucks and I still feel absolutely horrendous. God speed!


That sounds awful, sorry you had to go through that. How long have you been a type 1 diabetic for ?


Type 1 - diagnosed around 4 years ago


Sorry I keep asking you so many questions but it seems like you’re the closest person to experiencing what I went through. How much is your basal rate on a daily basis. & for those two days you just went without a basal & you also didn’t cover your meals with any insulin as well?


Kept my basal up, and gradually needed less and less fast acting insulin. Had one of the worst hypos of my life (1.5mmol) and just decided to stop any insulin to see what happened. Spoke to my endocrinologist about it and he wasn’t sure but said that it wasn’t unheard of for “insulin therapy has ‘rested’ your pancreatic beta cells”. He did not seem overly concerned as long as I was keeping a very close eye on sugars and as always double checking with a blood glucose meter. By chance I have my yearly clinic review tomorrow afternoon with him and the team so will be asking all the questions there.


After you stopped all of your insulin did the problem of your blood sugar dropping low seem to stop? The theory from your endo seems very interesting, I’ve never heard of anything like this but it seems like this could be happening to me. I am currently waiting for my endo to get back to me via phone call That’s always convenient when you have a weird experience like this & then you’re able to get answers from your endocrinologist


Hey i am a T1 too, diagnosed about 20 years ago, and this does occasionally happen to me, about once every few years. When it seems like i dont need any insulin beyond basal, (and keep getting lows if i do take some) for about 1-3 days. Then afterward the opposite effect as you describe. Sometimes it is a sign of upcoming sickness/cold, but othertimes i have no other symptoms aside from the usual shitty feelings of being high and low.... Just figured i'd chime in and say you and u/DiabeticCumshot aren't alone!


Good to know!


I’ve been through this as well and also the other side when it seems like I need a double dose all of a sudden. I can go 8 months with nothing changing and being 100% in range and all of a sudden I’m on a roller coaster where normal doses don’t do their job. And then adjusting the way I always do for a high ends up in the 50’s. It makes no sense sometimes lol.


Has to be one of the most confusing common diseases known to man


Are you on a pump with closed loop control? Sometimes mine will do this same thing with lows in the night - I’ll eat and not cover for the low, spike high, pump over corrects and then I’ll be low again 


I am on an Omnipod pump but I am a semi new user (3 months now) so I’m not 100% familiar with the terminology. I’m not sure what a closed loop control means. I am currently using a Dexcom G7 sensor (as you can see from the screenshot) & this Dexcom doesn’t yet communicate with the Omnipod


i have been using omnipod for about a dozen years. something similar happened to me exactly once. this is probably 2016 or 2017. i went running with no bolus on board and a temp basal, per usual, but sugar started crashing \*hard\* unexpectedly early during run. i stopped, corrected, and once it was back up, resumed running. but it just started crashing hard again (now with insulin completely suspended). like, harder than i ever crash during normal operation -- crashing like i was going running with a ton of insulin on board. i gave up and went home and then i realized just sitting around i was still heading low with some velocity, though not quite as steep as when i was running. insulin was still suspended according to the pdm. the only conclusion i could draw was that the pod malfunctioned in some way that caused it to either pump or leak insulin even though it was suspended. i put a new pod on, and everything was fine again. the good news it was a one time thing, the bad news is that's the absolute one fucking thing a pod needs to never, ever do. i'm glad i wasn't asleep at the time, glad your cgm woke you up.


Funnily enough I’m stuck between two theories for why this happened to me. Either the Omnipod malfunctioned and was leaking insulin like you said or something about my body being physically exhausted from the back to back days of running caused this to happen. For all I know it could be a combination of both but I sure as hell pray I don’t experience something like this again so I don’t have to find out Should have mentioned that I was paranoid it was my Omnipod so I ripped it off and put on a new one and suddenly the problem went away. Scary to think the technology that keeps us afloat could have such a serious malfunction that could kill us, fucking diabetes


trust me, there are plenty of people running back to back days without problems. back in the days when i experienced the issue, i was banking serious mileage 5 days a week and i've run a few marathons and one ultra with omnipods attached


If this pattern happened for multiple days in a row, then I would suspect that my basal was too high.


Basal has been the same for 8 years now & this has only happened today. I’ve never experienced something like this in my 20+ years as a diabetic


Basal needs change over time. I had to reduce mine after 8 years at the same level, once I found that I was not using enough bolus (thanks to the CGM showing patterns).


You’re 100% right but I’m thinking this issue is something beyond basal rate. I have currently taken my insulin pump off so I am without insulin and my blood sugar still isn’t responding the same as usual. I see from your flairs you have been diabetic for a while, same with me & this is a situation where I feel like my blood sugar should be like 400 however I’m still in range without having any basal on top of eating/drinking so many carbs I go to the endocrinologist at least twice a year if not more & I just recently came from an appointment where my doctor was thinking about raising my basal rate to help lower my A1C but I talked her out of it. This was just 2 weeks ago


I also think my pancreas works from time to time when this happens. I usually struggle with lows post breakfast, eat lunch without bolus, dinner 1/2 or more bolus. Next day is back to normal.


Very interesting theory, I usually am never low on a daily basis. Maybe like one low blood sugar reading per week. Already experienced 4 today


It can change, I have to change it every now and then, sometimes go up 2 or 3 units, others go down. It depends on workflow, stress, depression, etc..


Have you lost a lot of weight recently? That can drastically change basal needs


No weight loss. Been around the same weight for the last year


I've been type 1 since 1995. This has happened to me a couple times in the last few years since I started using the Dexcom. Not blaming the Dexcom although accuracy is also an issue. There are a lot of factors. I never figured it out, but usually this doesn't last more than a couple days for me. I'll adjust my dosages and be right back in the normal "swing of things". Are you sure you didn't have a low carb crust pizza? Are you reality checking your Dexcom with a traditional blood glucose meter? Exercise sometimes affects me for hours after I'm done - i.e. seems like it doubles the effectiveness of any insulin I've taken including basal...etc.. etc..


Yes I’m positive the pizza I had was not a low carbed crust as this is from my local pizzeria that I have eaten from hundreds of times. I actually had another slice of pizza from them two days ago and I shot up high like normally. The Dexcom is accurate as I’m double checking by finger sticking with a traditional blood glucose meter each time I drop low. (I also felt low every time so everything is agreeing that I was experiencing a low blood sugar) I agree with experiencing any type of physical activity + insulin being on board causing big spikes where you’re likely to drop low. However I ran from 7:30pm-9:30 pm last night and it is now 3:00 pm where I am now. So I’m not sure how that could still be affecting me


I’ve actually been having this for the last 24 hours too, I knocked back 100 carbs of sugar to recover a bad low and it shot up and tanked low 4 hours later again rince and repeat until this evening when I suddenly shot up to an uncontrollable high


That’s what I feel like I’m waiting for, the inevitable super high blood sugar reading however I’m yet to experience anything higher than 220. Did you happen to do any form of physical activity before this experience or are you sick ??


I’m just getting over a doozey of a cold , not Covid o did test, but I’ve had a head cold for like 2 weeks now that’s just not shaking fully. Still being sick doesn’t normally cause lows like that. I’m not a big exerciser but when I do it makes me super sensitive to insulin for the rest of the day I normally have to back my background off a good bit


Is the physical activity new for you? My basal and bolus needs scale down tremendously with exercise. When I was working at a summer camp, I was taking 10% of my usual basal and no bolus for my 60g meals. It was absurd. More recently, I went on a backpacking trip and was taking 30% of both basal/bolus near the end. My initial thought was exercise was the culprit but it's weird for that to start all of the sudden. I'd absolutely reach out to your Endo though.


I’ve been super active for 2 years now. These runs I do are something I’ve been doing for 2 years now. However I did back to back runs over the last two days which is not something I do maybe 8 times a year


I've come to accept T1 is a roller coaster no matter how tight control is sometimes. Do you run the same time of day, length, and difficulty often? I know after a really good and tough hike or run, I would often be super low all the next day. Regular difficulty hike or a standard run for me would have me more sensitive for probably 12 hours if I'm doing it in the evening/afternoon. In the morning, there's nothing that can make me low haha. I would also consider if you've had any other changes in your routine that day, maybe you didn't eat enough during the day so your glycogen storage is empty, maybe you are feeling less stressed in the evenings compared to last week, maybe you got more exercise during the day/pre-run than normal? I'm a woman and struggle with hormonal imbalances and issues - definitely possible in men, too, but I am not well read on how male hormonal fluctuations impact BG. My hormones being out of sorts also causes my BG to be really weird...


So I usually run the same amount, maybe once a month I run on back to back days and I always lift weights those days as well. Yesterday was the one time per month where I did back to back runs in the span of two days. However I have never experienced this before on the days where I went back to back with my runs. When it comes to any daily changes I did try a new dinner for the first time, I had veggie burgers instead of beef burgers however I didn’t cover any carbs for these as this was prior to my run so I didn’t want to drop low from having insulin on board on top of doing the run. Other than this I ate what I normally eat on a daily basis which is a very low carbed late breakfast with no lunch as I sleep in pretty late due to my job where I work overnights I am a man in my late 20’s so I’m not sure if there’s any hormonal imbalances causing any of this. Stress wise I feel the same today as any other week, if anything I’ve been more stressed out today because of what I’m experiencing today lol


Are you sure you're not sick?


Not 100% sure but I don’t feel sick at the moment. Just worked 5 straight days on my feet then worked out for 3 hours between the last two days, while also running for 4 hours the last two days


Keep an eye on yourself, I got RSV last year and the first I knew about it was my cat refusing to leave my side and blood sugar that looked like this. I've also had similar patterns from skin infections, so have a close look around.


I definitely could have an infection however this problem seemed to suddenly stop after 15 hours so I wonder if it could be a skin infection if the problem suddenly went away after 15 hours when I never got a diagnosis &/or medicine for said infection


That's entirely possible. I got an infected blister last year, BG went weird, but antiseptic under a plaster solved it overnight.


Have you tried incorporating any new technologies or treatment options into your diabetes management routine? Sometimes a change in approach can make a big difference.


Nothing new within the last 3 months besides the fact that I switched off a keto diet as it was causing my cholesterol to be a bit higher than where it should have been. So it’s been 2 weeks now of me doing non keto but I haven’t experienced this any other day since I switched off of the keto diet


Not glad this happened to you but I am super glad I am not crazy!! This has been happening to me, I am fairly new to the whole Dexcom thing and the past 2 weeks my sensors have been wacky and I have been riding the crazy roller coaster. Am not sure if it was just getting used to how the readings work vs the finger sticks or if my body is just going haywire. Yes it all started when I started getting terrible stomach area pains...after a week thinking they would go away went to the Dr. and they did CT scan and the conclusion is some kind of infection so I am on antibiotics and things seem to calming it down. Wish my pancreas would start working again!


Consistent runner? Maybe the running increased insulin sensitivity afterwards. You eat and spike, if you have Omnipod 5, it can be increasing insulin to fight off the spike and then you crash because you’re insulin sensitive.


I’ve been super active with runs for 2 years now. However I did back to back runs over the last two days which is not something I do maybe 8 times a year


I am a consistent runner and I find that sometimes I get a similar reading situation when I have multiple runs in a row due to overlapping insulin sensitivity and feel like I am not diabetic for weird moments. Could be that.


This is my leading theory. I’m stuck between my Omnipod malfunctioning and somehow giving me insulin without me physically doing it or some correlation from running two days in a row


CGM on the blink?


Checked with a regular blood glucose monitor via finger stick and the sensor was 100% accurate


You are both lucky and unlucky. You're lucky that it's accurate. When mine reports such extremes I am lucky that it's inaccurate 😊


I'll take "Life for $200“ please 😘


If you haven't changed anything about your treatment or exercise and this continues for days on end, then see your doctor about it. RIGHT AWAY.


I often have lower insulin resistance after intense exercise. Drop your basal.


Funnily enough I do the run I went on yesterday (when I experienced this issue) at least once a week, sometimes twice a week & I actually did the exact same run (two days prior) & I’ve never experienced this before


Stronger meal bolus? Diabetes is crazy af. After 20 years it still be playing tricks on people.


Listen to me - the dexcom is like 30 points off (at least for me). I was over giving insulin because of this. I dropped to 40 for the first time in years because the dexxom is not 100% accurate. verify with a finger prick.


Verified all 4 times I dropped low with a finger stick and the dexcom was 100% accurate every single time


That’s what it’s goin on with me it keeps going down even after a meal the thing is I’m A prediabetic not officially yet I’m looking for a answer as well


those reading from 4AM on indicate to me that your sensor was giving erratic readings (lying on the sensor or putting pressure on it does this, among other things). If you look at the trend line and ignore the flase readings, it looks like you went low...your pump stopped basal, and you went high once your readings became accurate again.


Verified all 4 times I dropped low with a finger stick and the dexcom was 100% accurate every single time. My pump doesn’t know my blood sugar as my sensor & pump are unable to communicate


ah darn


No finger prick? In my case, it's from compression on Dexcom CGM when I'm sleeping.


Verified all 4 times I dropped low with a finger stick and the dexcom was 100% accurate every single time


Ohh then that's very strange. Maybe that workout was demanding for a lot of energy and even after. Happened to me before.


Same here. I've lost so much weight.


Average day…


You yearn for the mountains.


I would think that being a diabetic for 20 years, you would know that stress ,what you did the night before, Your body size , And the fact that you just chugged orange juice instead of measuring it, so next time you Would know how much to drink, Has a lot to do with that. 


What are you talking about, I did measure the orange juice, just because I said chugging orange juice doesn’t mean I grabbed the entire bottle and went to town. I measured the orange juice in a glass than drank it very quickly aka chugged the orange juice but that’s irrelevant and you’re missing the whole picture here.




Yeah just when I think I understand it, it always surprises me. Just the other day, I would only give a tiny amount of insulin and it would drop a good amount, but today no matter what I do it won’t listen haha


I’ve had t1d for ~ 6 years. Adult onset very late in life. This happens to me quite a bit. I go through like 7-10 day periods where I don’t have to take insulin no matter what I eat. It’s like it turns on and off. Idk my case is so inconsistent it’s hard to manage. I go low more often than I go high. I’ve asked others and my endo can’t seem to get any real answers.