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D2jsp is still going strong! I'm on xbox (really wish this game was cross play :/) but trade on pc/and xbox. Many people still play but I know it's kinda hars/laggy on the switch, and probably more popular on the xbox and pc. Not sure about playstation


PC is very active, Consoles arent active as much Most people play non ladder, and new ladder resets soon. Most people use JSP and traderie to trade and trading in game is still very active (on PC)


I solely play SP on console because online doesn’t have anywhere near the same feel that PC has. Being able to adjust player counts and change the clock for TZ farming makes up for it in my book.


Ladder resets on 5/27 i think (later this month anyway) if it helps you decide at all. I'm on pc so can't help rush but I enjoy running through normal and nm personally so I just do that if I don't have a rush.