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The patch notes did bum me out but I still wanted to try it out. Tried out Rogue for the first time and I have been having a load of fun with it.


I didn't even read the patch notes and I'm having a blast too. Trying Barbarian now. I played 120 hours (lvl 75 necromancer) since launch. Not sure if I am a casual or not according to this sub. But they key is to not care about meta, patch notes etc. Just figuring out stuff yourself and enjoying the game is the way to go if you ask me.


>Just figuring out stuff yourself and enjoying the game I did that with Barbarian and ended up hating the game because it feels so weak unless you do the "right" thing (aka follow a metabuild), so your milage may vary


That's the issue with barb you can tank a lot but you just feel so weak against just enemies. I ended up switching late game to hammer of the ancients to help with better damage


The meta-build-or-die-thing is with every class.


Rogues have way more options. As a druid or barb I'm much more limited


No it's not. Rogue is playable in a ton of ways.


What did you try doing and what level were you? I didn't read any build but I read about damage buckets, I went double swing and at level 72 it was still going strong.


I also like how people copy paste builds non-stop then say: omfGGG guys it's so fun. Yeah, it's fun if you specifically follow the only right path set up by developer due to it's developing impotency. However above said concept is not fun at all in general for me to begin with.


Sadly every class feels woefully underpowered.. and sorceres are constantly tapped for mana.... They practically built everything around stacking debuffs for damage... It doesnt make anything more thoughtful or strategic..and +1% on skills/perks.....šŸ«¤ sure makes choices feel significant gg, Blizz......they are so arbitrary. Play the Blizz way or have a bad day....like when they destroyed Survival Hunters in WoW....how dare a spec be able to melee reliably when mobs are up in your face.


Lvl 75 with 125h is definitely a casual. Just kidding, man. And glad to see you are enjoying the game. My old fart gamer side comes here and agrees with all the points raised here, rages about the patch and my sorc state, etc. Yet I login and keep killing mobs at the rhythm of metal. We can also complain and enjoy, I guess


In average you played more than 2hrs a day, you aren't a casual


Being a casual/hardcore gamer is more about your state of mind rather than how much you play. At least if you ask me.


I agree. Fuck meta / following guides online. Do your thing and have fun! (Rogue 72 eternal, 52 seasonal)


Rogue combat is so insanely satisfying. Everything from feeling to the sound


Rogue is the best class in the game. Not because itā€™s the strongest but because itā€™s the most fun and best designed. All of the skills are viable, you can just pick what sounds interesting and never go wrong.


Im playing rogue also but I found sorcerer much more fun. It may be because of the patch. But it feels like The abilities are not very strong. Any build suggestions?




Same. I nearly didn't play season one I was so dismayed by the apparent lack of vision and coherence and just badly thought out nerfs. But I gave it a go. I retired my eternal realm barbarian and I've started playing druid. I'm having an absolute blast, it is a lot of fun. Bear pulverised druid smash. I suspect it'll get boring by 75ish but the levels and gearing up till then are just flat out *fun*. They got a lot of things right, even if the game has become more obviously incomplete on launch.


Have you tried sorc?


Yea, love it


Likewise for me, I really enjoy the season so far.


Iā€™ve moved on to other games until more end game content is added.


Having a blast! Did an old school all night binge with a buddy and hit 50 and nmd. 2 necromancers, minion builds, we are the bone flood that washes the dungeons clean with our 30 person party (14 minions each for 28+both of us). Its great


This sounds great. Looking for another minion? Have no diablo friends so my rogue wouldnā€™t mind acting as archer minion for you guys!


Same, I'm looking to play with someone on HC. The game is super boring to play solo now


I am super down. Add me for some hardcore gaming. Ohbig1#11344


Thatā€™s a shame. played HC only on 2 and 3 but decided to go SC no after all the CC stuns opportunities for the enemy. Good luck and donā€™t die!


Ooh +3 skellies on the amulet crowd represent.


Just started my necro minion last night. What build you using?


Just making it up as we go along. I use mostly bone abilities and minion bonuses, and my buddy uses shadow spells with minion bonuses. We use cold mages, blood golems, and inforget the last tier of warrior skelly, but the one that has a chance to drop a corpse on hit. And for gear we got the +2 warrior skeleton and +2 skeleton mage things (one is +3 cause its on amulet) and minion damage and minion life. Thats top ofy head though. Basically, if it helps minions, pick it.


what build are you using?


I miss lan partys with cold slice of pizza in the morning good timesā€¦


Hell ya! Except now were both old so when i stocked up on mountain dew baja blast for old times sake, I had to buy the zero sugar kind hahaha


I was not no. So I Stopped




Tried it again and got to lvl 25 before I realized there is nothing to look forward to, no legendary drop that I hunt for or anything else to look forward too then I also remembered that I have to get all that renown again and just uninstalled. Doing something productive is more fun than doing an unproductive chore.


I just uninstalled too. The most fun i had with this game the last few weeks was browsing this subreddit for the memes that spawned after every patch. I didnt look forward to this season mechanic at all, tried it out anyways and it didnt catch me one bit. Im sure this game will become good eventually, but im tired of the "ok guys, we have a patch planned that is comming soon, and then the game will finally be fun". Theyre doning this since release (member the "13 pages of patchnotes" patch) and i feel im just getting blueballed each time.


I also uninstalled today and made a new seasonal on diablo 3


Exact same feeling here. I uninstalled last night. Im not here to be played with. Ill come back when the game matters. We got cyberpunked again.


The initial 1-70 is fun yes. I think some people are unaware of how boring 70-100 is though. Screw the patch everyone was upset with, thats not even the biggest problem currently. The LOOT is whats wrong with this game. There's no dopamine rush later with the awful and small list of uniques. 6 uniques with the new season, most being useless. Thats just not exciting. Then Sorc unique is just a slap in the face and the best uniques will never be seen by most.


Eh Iā€™d say 80-100 is where the problems come out. At least 70-80 youā€™re picking up Ancestral loot and finalising your build. Once thatā€™s done it gets boring.


People are getting into WT4 a lot earlier, a lot of people have full build by lvl 70.


I think the main issue is that theres nothing to do at higher levels. No content really


I think a big reason people are mad about the patch is not what the patch included (nerfs) but what it failed to include, which is fixed for the obvious and existing problems you mentioned as well as the many other existing issues.


I hate that you never know something is good while it's still on the ground like you know in D2 or path. If a unique shako or unique battle boots or unique spiderweb sash drops in D2 you know you just hit the jackpot and you get that dopamine rush right away. In this game it's just "pants" "helm" and it never feels good to pick anything up. Just another item that has a 99% chance to be trash and another chore you have to scan over in your inventory to see if it's good.


You re totally right. Rn im having fun leveling my rogue and check out the new stuff. Since i never played rogue before and know nothing about its mechanics i also cant compare it to pre nerf patch. So i dont really care about it. But i know when i hit lvl 70-80 i ll go back to d2r till new season. I just hope one day after a few seasons maybe there ll be a good endgame and itemisation in d4.


Not much, got bored pretty fast tbh. Itā€™s basically the same stuff I did in pre-season, but more boring cuz Iā€™m low level now. Might give it a break until s2


So far I've enjoyed leveling more in season 1 than I did at launch. I feel like part of it is getting the new gems and aspects pretty early on makes you feel more powerful sooner. I'm pretty close to unlocking world tier 3 so we'll see if it stays interesting in the later levels.


This right here. Knowing what to look for has really increased my efficiency on my rogue compared to my main (barb). When I hit 40 I immediately did capstone and was able to complete. It feels like a much smoother experience.


Just beat capstone at 42 with a sorc. Using greater chain lightning and arc lash. Even ran helltide in world tier 3 after, but they were lvl 55+ so the amount of time to kill then wasnā€™t worth the exp rate, or cinder drops. So Iā€™ll jump back down, until Iā€™m closer to 50. But itā€™s nice to know my sorc can take the dungeon at 42. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I was able to get as high as 86 NM on my barb, and I broke his build so many times along the way. I stay away from any meta guides and just go with what looks fun.


Not gonna lie, I always do the same. Slapping random aspects together to see what works, but then I get to a certain point, where I feel like I canā€™t progress any farther in pushing. So then in see what the ā€œexpertsā€ are doing, but then try to tweak their stuff to my play style in a sense, may not end up as OP as a meta build but it works and most importantly, it works for me. šŸ˜Œ


Iā€™d hop up to nightmare and snap a nice weapon upgrade, then hope back down.


Total opposite for me, I sticked with the same class (druid) and it feels much more tedious in S1...




It just take ages to kill something and it's like I'm made of potato chips in terms of tankiness


I had the same problem, was a druid for all pre-season and loved it but I know a lot of my power came from having the right aspects and uniques. Without that, they feel so weak and I didn't want to make that grind again and rely on the RNG gods to bless me. Went with a rogue this time, it's a lot of fun.


What kind of potato chips?


The thin ones


Hm it's all perspective, though. I mained rogue in off season and running druid on season. This mfer tanky as fuck cause I'm used to dying in 1 hit if I don't kill them in 1 hit. Now it's like an actual combat lol.


This is my first Diablo. Eternal character is Sorcerer. This seasonal is Rogue. Been having fun. But itā€™s much of the same as New World currently. Go here, do that, go back to person, and repeat. Hopefully it gets better than it is. Diablo is great but can at times, feel tedious.


That's pretty much what Diablo is. It's intentionally repetitive tasks trying to get the perfect drops. It is extremely tedious. It may just not be your kind of game.


Isn't that essentially what all games boil down to


Honestly, yes. I leveled a druid to level 65~ before the season started. The story was meh, but the game itself was fun. I think the thing was that I progressed at my own pace, and tried builds of my own. Took time to have a look at other classes too. I just started a Necro for the season. I am a bit frustrated and disappointed that I should put 10 more ā‚¬$ to have the right to unlock skins for I game I paid 70ā‚¬$ a few weeks ago, and honestly, I don't know if I will push through the whole thing, as it seems it's quite light in terms of story, new mechanisms, and rewards without the season pass. To sum it up, I enjoy the game, but I am close to stop playing and come back later to have more content to discover. Maybe the first extension?




I just played until I was too exhausted to play anymore. Such a blast. Capstone coming up




I am. Blood necro and working towards OP damage with mist form.


For sure, played Rogue in pre season, now druid. 3 wolves plus creeper with the damage boosts to plant and the creeper Shockwave affix , shred, and trample is fun stuff


Not really the reason is I can't play for more than 15 minutes at a time. I get extremely tired playing. I tested my issue with D3 and D2R and I was playing for hours with no tiredness. Throw in battle bit, any other game I was fine Might be the muted colors, might be the zoomed in feature, idk I can't correct it.




At last, a positive-only echo chamber for the devoted fans to congregate.


"but you are still allowed to whine as long as it is a valid complaint". As long as some rando decides your complaint is valid.


I wonder if ā€œthe character I made 6 weeks ago has been fundamentally broken since launchā€ would qualify or if thatā€™s too high sodium


Ah they made a safe space for corporate bootlickers


The fact that this comment has any upvotes at all is a great example of how terrible this subreddit is.


Imagine being such a loser and a capital G gamer that in your head you equate your position of criticizing a game so valid that anyone who has the opposite opinion can't just have a different opinion, they're literally sucking corporate dick for having fun with a game you're having less fun with. This sub is so full of losers it's unbelievable.


You said it perfectly. Some people on here are just a parody of their negative selves at this point.


If you paid them money, that is the most bootlicking someone can do... here in 2023 and we're calling people who enjoy games corporate bootlickers. Good god how bad do you want to be a victim mate?


They're not bootlickers, they're people who enjoy the game. For example, maybe they're people who haven't been playing ARPGS for 10 - 25 years, and they're having a lot of fun, and they don't mind progression becoming a bit slower.


I like to join a gaming sub to join discussions or watch pics or videos of the game. Sometimes at work, so I get a little excited when I get home to play this game. But this sub is just grown up people constantly crying like fucking little babies, because their toy was taken away. It's fine to criticize, but right now this sub is not about D4. It's a place where adults cry like babies, because they don't have anybody in RL to talk about how they dislike that the numbers popping up in D4 are now smaller. Maybe that other sub is for people who want some D4 content in a D4 sub.


A lot of people forget that if they donā€™t like something others are still allowed. Get 10,000 freshly spanked babies and it sounds like an uproar even though itā€™s a small fraction of the actual player base. Iā€™m aware of what the patch notes said. I agree with like 70% of it. The other 30% can be explained by money streams later down the road. Personally, Iā€™d like to discuss the values and faults of D4 with people that understand that things will change on a daily basis, some good and some bad, without all the outrageous hyperbole and obstinate for the sake of feeling clever, better, or just belittling someone they feel is beneath them because of the softest opinion on the planet. Being objective and non-petulant is not the same as being a bootlicker. I donā€™t care for quite a few things in the game. Those are outweighed by the things I DO enjoy, and being able to admit that allows me to play and overall enjoy my time alone, with friends, and the game itself. These people are crazy and have never been disciplined by a guardian or themselves once in their angry lives. They have no respect for hard work because theyā€™ve never put any in and donā€™t understand the pain of creating something.


Thank you! Need to continue spreading the word so more people join. Every live service game needs a low sodium sub, the main subs are never not negative.


Nice. They made a safe space, but for the weak. Like a kindergarten for casuals.


Calls that other sub a kindergarten. Spends his time crying on this sub about how his video game got bad, like a little child.


Do you know what causal means?


I believe the weak would be the ones that complain incessantly about a video game. So weak to enjoy yourself


Thanks! In ditching this forum.


Rolling a sorc once I'm released from the hospital. Gon' be good. Wife playing sorc too.


I was ice share sorc pre season now trying out a chain lightning build itā€™s a lot of fun!


I'm also having a great time. Just finished the season act 2, not sure how to trigger the start of act 3 though. So just doing cellars and dungeons until that pops up.


There's missions you need to complete check your quest log


Press "U" It Will show the quests to unlock act 3


Itā€™s alright.. levelling in tier 2 was a pain at the start, harder than pre season, but Iā€™m now comfortably farming tier 3. Having to get all the fortresses + waypoints was annoying but thatā€™s done so now itā€™s just NMD grinding which imo is the fun part. Still hate the grabbing objectives shit in NMDs, I tried D3 a couple days before the D4 season started and found Nephalem Rifts to be a lot less tedious than NMDs, just kill magic/rare elites then boss spawns and youā€™re done. Other than the objective bullshit I think NMD is fun.


Ya I think if they removed objectives the dungeons would be way better. They could leave the kill x in the 2nd part for the dungeons without a boss but in the first lvl give is the choice. If im running a gold find maybe I want to full clear. If it is an annoying affix or mob type let me have the option to run to the end. I think removing the objectives would fix some of the dungeon complaints.


Sort of. Made a druid for the season and I am struggling. Level 15 and I just can't seem to get anything to work properly. Mobs take a while to kill and I die a lot. But as I understand it the druid is slow at low levels so I expect to have a better time once I get some levels and nicer gear.


I was until this morning. I'm pretty new to Diablo, picked up D3 a couple of weeks before D4 released. I play on PS5 but the amount of rubber banding, since the update, is driving me crazy. I really want to love the game but I had to walk away earlier.


I've only got about 40 hours with a Druid up to level 54, but my first couple of hours with a seasonal Rogue last night was great, however the Malignant heart mechanic with the re-spawning monster is pretty crap.


Yeah I had fun last night. Just very annoying all the fast travel points need to be reactivated.


not really. did not play 1 hour since patch. didn't even start the season and not planing to do it in the foreseeable future. however you are more than welcome to have fun! this is why the game was made. don't project your feelings of being sick and tired of something onto others who are not raining on your parade. Did I come and tell you not to enjoy your game ? Let me complain about why I am not enjoying my game! Same as you paid 70$ I paid 70$ (played about 240hours before the patch) lvl 100 barb + lvl 100 necro


Yes. Iā€™m having lots of fun riding around parks on my electric scooter and waiting around 6 months until the game will be in a good state and I will be able to install it again. No jokes, Iā€™m sort of grateful that blizzard killed the game and made rest of the summer and autumn free for me.


For now, yes. Leveling a minion Necro currently at 26. Not sure what the late game's gonna look like


meh only thing stopping me is knowing how poorly end game loot is


They made the game objectively worse for no real reason and are telling us to wait at least 3 months for meaningful fixes to problems that have existed since beta but itā€™s great youā€™re having fun.


I went and tried a sorc for S1. Uh, this is fucking suffering. Feel like it can barely handle a handful of mobs (\~10) without needing me to drain my entire mana pool and then run around waiting for more. I had less energy problems on my necromancer because my attacks gave decent amounts back, so you'd think sorc's would have the higher regen + that high on hit regen as well, but no. No they do not. Only 24ish atm, but part of that is just 'cause it's such a slog to play. Dunno if aspects are really going to fix this either because most of the ones I've seen in the codex are completely trash. (15% chance for the lil' zaps to home and go 300% further? So basically never. Worst aspects I've ever seen.) What it should do is "Your charged bolts now penetrate targets and travel 200-300% further." Then have a second one that lets the player create 3-5+ more charged bolts per cast, at minimum. Maybe they exist in the non-codex portion but right now my hope has pretty much bottomed out.


I'm having an OK time. Nothing amazing, but i can log in, play for a but and log out without the worry I might somehow forget what I was working on if I don't play for another week.


Kinda lost interest a week or so ago. Enjoyed the campaign but not that keen to keep playing past level 60ish. The patch helped make the decision to stop playing.


Yesterday I logged in to try it out and see how I felt. After about an hour I was so bored, I actively chose to go do yard work instead. I am not having fun. Grinding renown again infuriates me. All my gold, materials, obols, codex aspects being reset annoys me A LOT. My inventory is already fucking full because of these stupid hearts when only one that I have found so far is good (and it is quite good) Iā€™m trying to give it a chance. But I get mad every time I log in.


Metacritic is your friend


Honestly, I'm bored of this game already.


I stopped playing before season 1. Got my rogue to 100 pre XP buff. Realized that there is nothing in D4 that is different or exciting compared to other aRPGs that I enjoy more. I will try again in a couple of seasons depending on what happens but no, its not fun for me - its a generic aRPG.


Yeah, having fun in other games after uninstalling.


Honestly no it just puts me to sleep šŸ˜“


Honestly: I want to be. But this all feels like a chore and Iā€™m really only doing it all to unlock the time-sensitive cosmetics on the chance that the game becomes good down the line.


Rolled a druid. it's very meh. Wonder if I should try a different character. I also skipped campaign and I just wonder if that is making leveling feel slow


I tried a couple of times this week. I just can't. The game is just too slow and tedious.


Nope, uninstalled.


I have fun for short amounts of time before realising I am pretty much playing a different looking candy crush skinner box.


Skipping this season . Playing jagged alliance 3


Itā€™s not the 1-50 grind that is boring.. itā€™s the end game which is what an arpg is all about. NM dungeons are trash as well as gear drops. Season 1 did nothing to address that.


Having loads of fun. Playing Remnant 2.


Yra. I'm not replaying the game every 3 months.


No , Im playing vampire survivors. Love being and feeling overpowered and FUN


nope only you


Hit 100 before s1, game its not good enough for me to play it again to 100, there are games 10times better on my list that I haven't played. Just my experience and preferences in gaming maybe idk.


nah im pretty disapointed in the game in general, it has nothing to do with the current patch or season. honestly i feel scammed off my money and if i could i would take it back in a heartbeat. it is obvious we have been sold an unfinished product. the only enjoyable thing in the whole game for me were playing the strongholds. everything is else is just, to put it blatantly, absolute garbage and anyone who felt it was ready to ship should be ashamed of himself


Absolutely! Loving my new Rogue and having zero issues.


I am. Level 90 Druid on Eternal. 35 Sorcerer on Seasonal right now. I went Druid becauze I like naturey stuff and shapeshifting seemed rad. Also like minions in games like this, unfortunately that part disappointed me a lot about Druid. Still, I made a shapeshifter build which is super fun (not meta, I never really use meta stuff) and feels great. Went Sorcerer next because I enjoy elemental effects. I was hesitent picking it as my first toon because usually games like this want you to hone in on a single element, which is exactly what I do not want to do. This is what I loved about Kingdoms of Amalur from a thematic perspective: it let you do the focused build, but it also let you do a rainbow build, even having a skill in Elemental Storm I think it was called which sequences them all. After seeing the Malignent Hearts, one of them seems to promote rainbow builds, so I was super excited to play it. I admit, Ioved it until I got to the Key Passives. Nothing seems to promote rainbow builds and in fact the contrary: it tries to make you choose a singular element. I'm still doing rainbow and it still works, but I know once I get to lvl 60ish WT4 that will change. It might even in WT3. I love the style of the class though, the animations on the skills I like are sick. I hope they promote rainbow builds later on. I'm not saying it should be as strong as singular, but even Druid has a shapeshifter Key Passive that promotes wolf+bear combo. I use that, and I know it isn't meta, but it totally works. I clear T90 with it. Slower than your meta build I am sure, but I can still do it comfortably. That's what I want for rainbow Sorcerer.


Classic example of trying it for yourself and not just going by other people's opinions. I'm loving the game and really enjoy the malignant hearts and enemies that spawn again. I like it more than I thought i would and I feel very powerful. It's not a great patch sure, but the game is still.fun.


Why post removed from admin ? No fun allowed xD ?


I got to lvl 40 on my seasonal character. Idk if seasonal content is just not my bag, but I'm sorta in a "why would I care to do the leveling process again?" mood. My first character is still only 98, and needs to be finished off too. Not really sure what my motivation to play seasonal is. To get 666 silver coins that can't buy anything?


Iā€™m thinking seasonal means you have to focus on efficiency. What gets me the quickest to the content I enjoy? How do I prolong the satisfaction?


I donā€™t fucking get why people post shit like this and continue playing, if you arenā€™t having fun (I wasnā€™t), stop playing and do other stuff. You can check back later to see if the things you dislike have changed.




So far, yes! Started with a Sorceress into Season 1, I'm alive so far. Like the tunnels over dungeons


I mean its the same problem as before nothing to do at cap more then hunt a % better roll on a afflix on a gear piece only this time it's 3 months of the season. I think people will get bored real fast a couple gems and a new boss will just not cut it. Atleast in other arpgs like Grim Dawn there are ton of build diversity and crazy amount of fun items and build making items you can find that you also can actually use on other characters while leveling or for endgame.


Man I been waiting for Baldur's Gate 3 since like 2019. My hype for that and Blizzard's astounding fumble with D4 have combined to make this game feel like a goddamn chore. The fun I have in Diablo comes entirely from playing with my friends and has next to nothing to do with this awful game.


It is ridiculous how you still praise the game after clearly being ripped off. Pure insanity. The game released in an absolutely miserable state when you compare it to the quality you could have gotten instead. Keep on doing it. Games will stay the same garbage they are and it seems like that's all you want and need. Unfinished game, unpolished games, bugged, stripped of the minimum QoL. All while the dev teams are under crunch. All that for a 100$ price tag. Cyberpunk, Jedi, Forspoken, Redfall, Battlefield. It baffles me. You could simply grow a spine instead. And boycott buying and supporting these trash parctices. You could just look at it from a completely objective perspective instead. List the facts, weigh the negative against the positives. You could easily come to the conclusion that this game isn't even close to being the state it should be, on release. With Day 1 patch. Not with 30 patches and 4 Seasons afterwards. The fact that this game released at least 6 months earlier than it should. Clearly showing that they simply wanted to please the Stockholders and hit their target release date of 6/6, as if it would be a deep and meaningful date to hit and whatever else goes on in the background. Yet you keeping eating their shit. No, the game isn't atrociously awful and the biggest garbage on the market. That, Gollum earned well deserved. Diablo 4 works. It is playable. And yet there's a huge list of issues. Minor and major. And yet you keep eating their shit. And you defend them for it. It is baffling. Mind boggling. All you do is continuously encourage devs to deliver the absolute bare minimum of quality. Because they can always say it's a GaaS. Or that they needed more time. And you'll keep on defending them. Saying "game will be better when they patch it". Instead of growing said spine, and not buying this shit, to stop this shit from happening, you rather give in to the voice inside your head that you cannot control. That says "keep fucking buying why would I give a shit". Yeah right. Why would you give a shit. About quality. And malicious practices applied to games. MTX, which every hated and despised a decade ago. Which are now completely accepted and will forever be, because you keep on buying and supporting this shit. Games could be so much better. But you rather eat the minimum of shit because you can't for once stick to solidarity and fight these malicious practices. When I pay 100 bucks (which I didn't for Diablo 4) I expect a game to be **finished and polished.** That does not mean I want aaaaaaaaaalll the Season by Day 1. I'm specifically talking about QoL, about bugs, about core systems not working as they should. Content is a completely different thing. And this game does not justify this price tag. The least you could do is voice your concern, agree, stop blaming "haters" and stop fighting constructive criticism. But you are nothing but braindead consumers. Oblivious to the consequences of your own actions, as small as they might be. Consequences that affect not just you.


Still having fun with my crap Barb build in season as well as with my 87 Eternal Barb. Do not care about all the Streamer Clones echoing their opinions.


Absolutely! Just not with D4, but other games :)


No, made it to 79 with sorc, got bored and dropped the game. Even before this terrible patch was released. Maybe it's just not my genre. I kinda enjoyed the main company, but endgame mostly about grind and I'm not a big fan of it, when you just spending your precious time triying to collect items/bis with artificially made low chances and basically you not improving in a matter of understanding or skill




Got bored at level 37 in this season then saw how delusional the devs are with the fireside and have now uninstalled. So yes I'm having fun playing other games at the moment.




I'll buy that for a dollar. Ultimately what I want from my Diablo reddit experience is discussions about the game, be they good and bad elements of it. Have patch notes and news posted in one place and to share ideas. I'd rather not to find a never ending sea of memes and complaints about this game I'm enjoying. That's not to say the criticism is not warranted for the most part with the last patch, but it's a speed bump, not the end of the world.


This right here. It's not that I don't think some things warrant criticism. I do think some parts could use some work. It's just that I don't need to see the same 8 complaints over and over again in every format someone can think to say them.


Oh dang, you're a hero


Re-rolled TB Rogue for this season and am having the time of my life. Stay away from Reddit and make your own opinions on the game I say!


I like carrying legion events on my sorc while typing in local ā€œmy class is unplayable :(ā€œ


Tried the barn today till lvl 10. Iā€™m having fun levelling without the campaign. Feels like a new experience. Also a totally new character as I never played a beta and just my Druid in season 0 itā€™s like an expansion for me


I'm having a lot of fun with it. Still haven't done all the side quests and dungeons, so plenty for me to do, both on my main and my seasonal characters. Tried a rogue and a necromancer so far and am enjoying both.


In Diablo 3 - yes


Iā€™m playing a sorcerer, and I am actually enjoying it as long as I never group with the 1000 rogues in my clan. As long as I never watch them kill things 10x quicker than me, and stand toe to toe with it while I have to run then Iā€™m good.


No fun allowed, D4 bad! I'm playing a Blood Lance necro and SO is playing a Twisting Blades Rogue. We're ripping through dungeons having a blast.


Blood lance is more fun than I thought it would be... spam hemorrhage for a good few secs to get lots of blood orbs on the field, then let it rip because the quill aspect goes *fwoom fwoom melt melt melt*. I did the wt3 capstone solo at level 41 with 0 deaths. That's how sweet blood builds are.


If you're not using it yet, try the Malignant heart that auto procs corpse skills and try the tendrils. It's free blood orb generation :)


Paired with orb generation on corpse consumption.


Thanks for the tips! I've just started playing Necro in S1 and loving it so far (coming from Barb). Have been using Bone build at the moment but must try Blood now!


Yep, leveling up a barbarian. I reached 30 and part 3 of the seasonal goals. So far things have been great!


Ya but Im not sure what to do. Farm Mignant hearts? Or run dungeons? Side quests?


Season journey, you will be doing everything just following that.


Iā€™ve bbeen focusing on the season chapter stuff, has me doing different things


Iā€™m working on my dagger build. Narrows down the choice of dungeons and gives me goals and progressions.


Thanks. Thats a good way to see it. Im doing a necro


Yes I am having a lot of fun. Iā€™m working on my Druid poison werewolf shredder build šŸ˜Ž


No im done with the game


I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m having a blast, but Iā€™m enjoying it some. Mostly Iā€™m not digging early game bear.


Unfortunately, no( Had tons of fun of the campaign and after it. Sorc is only interesting class for me but itā€™s broken. Just deleted the game after some weeks and downloaded on the day of the patch - feeling desperately bored in the game. Iā€™m pretty sure that there will be much more content and build variety in future so I will return. Game is good and has great potential but something is missing for me - especially player power (Iā€™m so starved at resource and no even way to increase it significantly until the latest late game with TONS of lucky hit and cooldowns reduction that is also nerfed atm for some reasonā€¦).


Yup! Having fun just casually playing!!!


Thought I was done had my rogue at 75 , tried barb now in season 1 having tons of fun. Just traversing at my own speed without knowledge on the class.


I played WAY too much today. Level 54, just now going to bed at 530am.


I am roleplaying an incinerate sorc. Hans is purging the corruption from a one screen distance with the Flammenwerfer. Glorious!


Currently trying out a Rapidfire Rogue and feel okay-ish. I think I ll push this char besides playing other games when I have some time left but I dont think I am going to enable the battle-pass this season, some goals feel not achievable in the current state. Also been slaying beasts with randoms in the fields of hatred in harmony, that was cool - not getting rolled by a BiS lvl100 lol.


I just finished the campaign, done the strongholds and a few dungeons and sidequests then I uninstalled. There is something fundamentally wrong with the item system I feel like. I can play Diablo 1 or 2 for hours on end even after 20+ years and still able to find interesting items to progress my character. In this one after like level 50 you have to play for hours on end for like a 1% percent upgrade on a random stat that does absolutely nothing for progression. It is just not fun for me. What I did play was great though, feels like I got my money's worth.


Iā€™m having fun season 1! Made my second character (a necro) and got some vicious malignant gem that makes my corses use a ā€œcorpse skillā€ just by walking passed them. Everything is getting grabbed and exploding from me walking aroundā€¦i felt like nerfs were honestly necessary, at least to damage. The cd and defensive nerfs are puzzling but regardless I still enjoy slaughtering hordes of monsters šŸ¤—


Great game!


Believe it or not, I was having more fun with my sorcerer before season 1 dropped and decided to play another class


Sorc feels good post patch, as someoneā€™s whose been no lifing it lol


Why do you even need validation from others if you're having fun?


You do the exact same content from when you beat the campaign - 100 pretty much. There's nothing there. It's just nightmare dungeons with the most basic monster affix you've seen in every other game. Wow you get to refight elias and lilith..once each.. why the fuck do you want to get more powerful? Do do nightmare dungeons easier? Atleast in the other diablo games you could refight bosses at higher difficulties. Do you actually remember a single boss mechanic in this game? Other than stay out of red stuff? I had to be reminded that duriel was even in this fucking game. They sit on a bunch of assets that are in the game NOW so they can reuse them as an excuse for "content." Half the fucking fireside chat was we will fix it in season 2 or 3. Gee I wonder why, it's not like each season HAS A FUCKING BATTLE PASS ATTATCHED TO IT. Accepting this, from a massive gaming company, is not fucking acceptable. Saving game assets that are in the game now, to use later on to say hey look, we are adding content, is fucking horse shit. All of this is subjective, whatever just ranting, but Accepting this fucking mediocrity from companies this big, that barely has chat functions, btw that's for our protection not because they don't want to moderate it..... when you hit 90+ and have fought the same fucking shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over to do what? Pvp? Lol. Gl


People have no standards anymore. Gaming industry managed to lower the bar so low that a game that "runs" is being seen as a success.


Same. Madeva lightning sorc to try it out due to all the crying and parch notes. So far it's very doable, enjoyable! I like challenge, gonna see how far it takes me. Coming from dudu and bubu (druid & barb) lightning sorc so much fun not having to chase mobs in melee.


Same trying lightning sorc, chain lightning is pretty fun, especially on bosses with the mana regen on bounce!




Yes After uninstalling for ever this garbage game


Not really. Starting from zero feels so slow and boring. cant get myself to play. Miss slaughtering hordes. Now Im slow and have to kill a few spread out fucks one by one.


I am having more fun than in pre season.


I'm having a blast, like it a lot. Just finished campaign and altars before s1. Now on holiday, but planning on doing all secondary quests for s1 and I'm looking forward to do it. I enjoy the lore, the overall environment, just love to stop playing just to take time to look at details in certain places. The community is pretty trashy about the game. But every A+ is like this. You read a lot from unhappy people and not a lot from happy ones. But still, if you skip this part for yourself, it's not really a bad thing for the game. As casual, and loving d4 I'm not too concerned about this so still enjoy the game. And mostly it's still those people seeing and testing the game to it's maximum that are making the game evolve. Sometimes for the bad, but mostly for the good. Nowadays every game need some iterations to be really good, so it ain't shocking that those patch are going forward an backward. As long as devs aren't sleeping, I'm sure the game will be really good for everyone at the end. And at this time, those really complaining will have pass to an other game. Cya


I was, then they boofed up badly, and now im having fun playing Remnant 2 instead! Will come back and check out season 2 when it drops. Remember everyone, its okay to stop playing a game for awhile and revisit it when it receives more love down the road.


Yep. Glad I didn't delete the game and go on a hunger strike to protest tHe WoRsT nErF oF tHE hiStOry oF gAmeS ! 1 ! !


Youā€™re a gamer dad arenā€™t you


Season is really fun. I'm enjoying the necessity of potions. Rogue has a fun aspect that drops potions and I wanted to try it before and it's so fun now. I'm lvl 50 now and just ignored renown so far and it's almost done. I haven't even opened my stash yet.


I am but I am worried about what to do now. I reached level 100 before the season and got fairly bored so made other builds and have used skills I wanted to try. There is not much else to do now other than just do exactly what I have already done. Endgame remains poor and without a goal to have I decided to just put game down for now


Logged on after a week expecting turmoil. What do you know, didn't notice anything different. Still steam rolling tier 30 nm dungeons 15 levels under. Games alot more fun when it's challenging. Keep nerfing blizz. Got 2 mystery chests on hell tide even after dying multiple times, (wraiths one shot) Over reactions as usual!


I like it so far! This patch is quite nice, I also feel a little bit more challenged. My first char on eternal was 200% brain dead from 1 to 100. I like that I also get to see more some boss mechanics I never saw first time because fights are too short! Game feels more fun now imo.