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I mean in all honesty I think a lot of the complaints are fair and valid. It's cool if those things don't bother you but it's good to have a discussion. A game will never get better if everyone just ignores all the bad parts of it.


I dont mind that, when the discussion is okay. When someone tells me I am wrong, and should feel bad for liking the game... they can fuck right off. Yea, that happened multiple times the last week. People telling me I should "think like them, or I am wrong." That stuff has to stop. The inverse for it can also be said. Just because someone posts something they like about the game doesn't mean they need to troll, shitpost, and downvote it into oblivion.




Holy shit. They made one of these for cyberpunk 2077. It was fun, but at the same time frustrating. The regular sub was toxic, but still had positive and negative. Low sodium subs just become a circle jerk “everything is awesome” and they lose their shit at the slightest hint of someone not sharing in the enthusiasm.


Toxic positivity is just as bad as toxic negativity.


Yes! Completely agree.


Agreed. But this sub right now you can't even say the words "I like..." without getting trolled or shit-posted.


It’s literally just the inverse. It turns into a giant, shilling echo chamber.




yup it's still the same toxicity but now the scale is tipped to the other side. Humans are so predicably bipolar sometimes lol actually you could even argue it's worse bc even tho this sub can be overwhelmingly negative it still allowes for both opinions of the game, where as [r/LowSodiumDiablo4](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumDiablo4/) activly bolsters one side and holds down the other.Moderating what count's as a valid opinion is weird.


Yep subs like that are even worse because its just a more confined echo chamber


Wtf are you guys talking about man


Nothing man, just take the blue pill and go to the safe subreddit where everyone is mandatorily positive all the time.


That’s literally not the case though, you look stupid trying to exaggerate it like that but that’s normal for this sub.


There is like 5 “I like this game” posts on the main page of that sub 🤣


Jesus... this comment chain just turned into this sub... we can't like the game we want to play. Sorry I don't like exactly what you like. Should I get your yelp reviews to sync to mine too now? What should I type up as a review for the newest Mission Impossible? Gotta be part of your "it crowd" now. Can't like what I like anymore. You do realize how your logic crossed the line right?


Watch out buddy your sodium levels are rising.


This sub is nutz. God forbid anyone having a little bit of positivity in their Diablo experience.


God forbid people who don't like it have a place to communicate their frustrations too?


Trust me, the tantrum throwers haven't had any problems with having a platform to whine and cry on


I too love ridiculing the opposition without realizing the massive hypocrisy in my words


Lol right. I want to see some post with gear pics and build talk but there is barely anything and when there is it’s followed by a stream of whining about the game. The game has its ups and down like most things but people be too focused on the BS right now.




I'm not complaining, i was merely pointing out the irony. But you do you dude. This is exactly the problem with moderating negativity too. Bc half of you can't even read half a comment without being offended.




yeah, that's what you call a opinion and not a complaint.


Yeah, they end up pretty creepy if they last long enough. Cult-like




It’s, by definition, a circlejerk sub. They ban users for negativity.


All of Reddit is a circlejerk. The upvote/downvote system guarantees it.


I often agree but this sub is pretty divided


Thanks, I can unsubscribe from here now!


Peace amigo




Agreed. Subscribed, unsubscribed. Thank you so fucking much!


See ya






Off to your safe space.


Goodbye to this shitty ass sub. Thank you so much!


Enjoy your toxic positivity echo chamber.


I will, and not looking at this sub has already made the game more fun. Who wants to hang out with a bunch of negative Nancys all the time.


Oh..... I like that a lot! Hahahaha


Thanks for posting this! Beat me to it.


Thank you so much for this. Now I can leave this shit hole of a sub.


Sweet. Thanks for that. Unsubbing this mess now.


Thank you!


This should be pinned.


Start your own subreddit, with blackjack and hookers!


You play the game.


So true. I hadn't played in weeks, came to the sub last week and saw the world burning and thought 'oh wow do I even log in?'. Logged in and been having a blast the whole time. Just stay in game if you're having fun, because everyone's too busy enjoying their time to shitpost and camp reddit for karma.


People like to be part of communities that enjoy the same things together.


Wonder why that doesn't exist on this sub.


It's pretty funny. You can check out the elden ring sub reddit and it's overwhelming positive. Why? Because elden ring is considered by most to be an overwhelmingly good game. Then you come here and it's the complete opposite. Why? Because the game is considered overwhelmingly bad. "IDC I'M HAVING FUN!"




Wonder why there's no built-in community mechanics in diablo 4? But I guess I can't complain about that because the game is already good enough.


You can make positive post.


\> In all seriousness, what do we do if we still like the game and play? I want to post stuff and see content for those of us still playing and enjoying. Blizzard forums ? And post what ? There is nothing to post, the 2-3 good things at top were already posted 1000 times.


Keep playing? Why do you care so much what internet strangers say about what you enjoy?


Malicious? That's so ridiculous.


> breeds discent and malice lol "discent" isn't even a word, and malice is such a dramatic word to use for describing people complaining about a video game they are disappointed in.


I hope you find the echo chamber that is right for you.


In the game, that’s all we have left. There are a couple of positive reddits but they get about 2 posts a day.


Come to r/LowSodiumDiablo4 and add a post! We've increased in size by like x12 over the past few weeks -- all subs start small!


Is it circlejerky ? Like i dont like 100% hate for a gMe but im always open to valid and thought out criticism.


It will start out that way 100% because of its purpose to escape criticism. You can tell by the current top posts. Doesn't mean it will stay that way but we've seen how other circlejerk subs on this website have turned out so I don't have a lot of faith in it.


You get banned if you post negative stuff so yes its is fundamentally a circlejerk sub


There's always a different vibe when a low-sodium sub starts, because the explicit intent of the sub is to avoid the negativity. But that being said, we still get top comments like this. People aren't necessarily looking to avoid criticism, they're looking for some level-headedness in it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumDiablo4/comments/158zjxl/comment/jtcxgqh/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumDiablo4/comments/158zjxl/comment/jtcxgqh/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Fair enough. Sounds good though, ill join up 👍🏻


Yes. If it is anything like the Halo one, it just turned into justifying everything the devs did and intentionally overlooked critical flaws. And now, like halo infinite, it is mostly a dead sub.




Perfect, stay here if you think this sub reflects reality.


You are still here?


Noice! Just joined that and left this sub, best thing ever!


I was just about to ask if there was a low sodium, similar to Destiny.


Just joined myself looking for some of this advertised level-headedness


Thanks, I needed to get away from this sub


You go to Hell, and visit Lillith's Condo.


Saw an article about how path of exile 2 might get a huge marketing push very soon, in attempts to grab unhappy D4 players. Never played the first one but an interesting thought nonetheless


That would be amazing for the players: two companies competing and making their games better and more enjoyable to play


> or just post the same shit repeating what someone else said a day ago and what exactly is this post then?


I tend to not like the lowsodium subreddits, instead of toxic negativity it’s toxic positivity, annoying both to different degrees. The class subreddits tend to be better however. Good feedback on specific areas of the game, while still for people that genuinely want to play it and play it well. While hopefully having fun along the way.


Use the in-game chat or matchmaking features to find others who are still playing and enjoying the game.




I keep seeing people complaining about complaining. But if they have good things to say about the game why don’t they just post them themselves? Why aren’t any of the people happy with a mediocre game creating their own posts to discuss it?


Every time I've made an in-depth post about what I find good about the game, I get personally shit on. Not like "here's where I disagree", but I get called a fanboy, bootlicker, or some other pejorative... This occurs *even when I say the criticism has merit*. Then I'm engaging in "copium" by saying I like the game in spite of its many flaws. There's absolutely no winning with this crowd.


nothing is stopping you from posting here lol


I mean, just play the fucking thing I guess. Can you candy gamers not scroll past posts you don’t like? For every “hate” post I see, there are just as many, “yeah but an incomplete product can still be fun *to me!*” posts. Mostly I just see ARPG veterans complaining about some very valid problems, with both the release state of the game, as well as the ongoing “maintenance.” If you or anyone else can play this game for 100 hours and enjoy it as is, then bully for you! I’m legitimately glad that you had fun. But for many of us, either familiar with the franchise or at least familiar with actual, quality additions to the genre, there is still a **lot** of work to be done before this game can come close to matching the success of its forebears. And shouldn’t that be the goal of any sequel? To *improve* the product? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I do believe that at some point D4 will find the sweet spot. And I very much look forward to that time. Until then, I’ll slow roll through the co-op campaign with my gf, as she’s interested. And otherwise I’ll be going back t Grim Dawn to scratch that ARPG itch. But until then, by all means, enjoy your saltine experience and money-grubbing cosmetics.


Agreed it's pretty silly because there are a variety posts that go from critiquing the game, suggesting QoL improvements, straight up dogging on it, dick riding blizzard, and others praising it. Looked at the low sodium sub recommended in chat and it gives mad cult-like circle jerk vibes.


No. You have to change the sentiment on this public forum for my own benefit because it makes me feel bad. /s


Absolutely. There are way too many marshmallow-soft gamers present here. Mention something negative and they downvote you into oblivion. If something on Reddit bothers someone, it’s really easy to ignore and not engage in it. The frustration is the fault of the frustrated.


Can you salty old fucks not scroll past posts you don't like? Look it works both ways.


They do. I haven't seen any posts in this sub complaining that people *shouldn't* post positive things. That doesn't exist.


That would be a valid response, if the premise of the original post wasn’t “wHeRe Do I gO tO fInD aN eChO cHaMbEr?” Nice try though.


Yet you came here to tell OP to shut up and listen to the echo chamber of salt. You'd laugh too if you could understand the irony.


Except you’re missing the point. (And apparently you can’t define “irony”) This sub (all subs, really) are for discussing topic, or a series of topics, about a specific thing. I’m all about breezing past a post I don’t agree with. Especially when the counterpoint has been made ad nauseam. But this post was literally about running away to a “safe space” where you low expectation players can huddle together and be content with a poor product. The way the game gets improved is by players staying engaged. But if you’re happy eating a hamburger (when you ordered a cheeseburger), and you can ignore the pubic hair on the patty, and the kids crying at the next table, and the clown sexually harassing people by the ball pit— then congratulations! You are, apparently, blessed with diminished expectations.


Bitcher bitches about bitching. Thinks they are above it all by bitching more. you are too funny




cant even help yourself lmao


Just commenting because of the absolute insane analogy you had to use to justify your point. It’s always something insane or “shit in mouth” related analogies with you people? Why? You guys all look and sound crazy over a fucking game! That’s what everyone is tired of


Not according to up/downvotes… (Time to find that echo chamber, eh?)


Wtf are you even saying


Don't bother, self awareness and irony is lost on terminally online folks that make gaming their entire identity.


Well this is a place to have discussions about the game, and they just made the game less enjoyable for a LOT of people so it's understandable why this sub is the way it is.




Passion is present for this game. Hopium and Copium are both fleeting, yet present concepts. This game has felt like a letdown to a lot of franchise-lifers; these posts are going to continue until the game gets better, I’d bet. If you enjoy the game, just enjoy it without the validation or guidance of others. Reddit has always had the tendency to turn into a mob mentality and this sub is no exception. I hate the current state of the game and obviously, a lot of Redditors do too. Just like reviews, the vocal majority are always the ones that dislike something; the ones that are quiet are the ones that are enjoying the game and playing it rather than talking about it on Reddit.


Holy crap, your post survived! I made a similar post and unsurprisingly it was down voted into oblivion. I'm so sick of people on this sub pretending the entire Diablo community is united in hating Diablo 4. There are plenty of people who enjoy the game. But the majority of this sub hates it, which is really bizarre. And they keep dissenting opinions suppressed. If you hate Diablo 4, go away!


There are millions (possibly only hundreds of thousands now) of Diablo IV players. Almost everyone is starting to encounter the same problems, one after the other. Someone right now is puffing their cheeks out in a sigh of boredom, and is clicking on "submit a thread" to vent. The class subs (at least Sorceress) seems to be a lot more positive if you want to discuss class particulars. Not sure about game particulars. I'd say just post here and if it might encourage others to post positively too. I'd say that Diablo has a hugely passionate fanbase, and those fans want to see the potential of this franchise be realised. Not some half-baked, pretty turd. It's been released way too soon, and as a result Devs are fumbling around trying to fix things and losing the trust in the players. I'm just grateful BG3 is coming out so I can forget about D4 for a while until/if they decide to fix what could be an incredible game worthy of its name. Edit: typed negative instead of positive! Oops.


You're really lucky you didn't play New World then


New World was on it's whole own level of terrible. I don't think anything in that game worked the way it was suppose to.


I played it, and somehow I think D4 is more disappointing (mostly because New World is cheaper and not made by Blizzard). Mostly because I had lower expectations for it. New World is by far the worse game of the two, don't get me wrong, but I'm more disappointed in D4 than I was in New World. Especially because I bought it for like 1/5 of what Diablo cost.


Stop making the game better for me by complaining so much! wahhhhhhh


It’s crazy because it was all toxic positivity here in beta. Every critique was met with a slew of knights protecting blizzards honor. Even in preseason. Sorry the community found flaws in the game and are vocal about it. It’s the only way to get change to a game we want to love.


Yea not going to lie I'm about to unsub from this. While there are legitimate issues, that are going to be fixed, the level of stupid complaining has reached extreme levels.


Maybe if the sub is filled with people complaining about things it's because there is actually problems that are not being addressed? The reason people complain is to throw massive amounts of backlash at the company developing the game in hopes they might get off their ass and fix their game, also that they learn a lesson in releasing an early access game for $140 from a AAA studio with 3 previous titles under their belt.


Blizzard made $666 million in the first week of release. There are roughly 800k people subscribed to this subreddit. Even if every single subscriber bought the ultimate edition, it would account for only 12% of the first week's revenue. What I'm saying is that the complaints here massively overestimate their importance to the company. There are legitimate issues that I hope get fixed, but making this sub a shithole isn't accomplishing much.


But this subteddit can act more like a poll. In real 5 polling to project election outcomes or the opinions of a nation, they dont interview every single person. A decently accurate representation of opinions in the us can be gathered from just a few thousand people. Is it always perfect? No but for the low stakes of diablo 4 sentiment 800000 people would be more than enought to guage overall sentiment since if 50% of people in this subreddit dislike the game then it would be garfetched to assume 50% of everyone who played duslike it. Even with a large margin of error, like 10% still would indicate that a large pertion of people dislike the game


This is literally every sub when a new game comes out. As I’ve gotten a bit older, I actually try to avoid ALL forums/discussion about the game on release. Because the people who like the game are playing it, not online crying about every little thing.


Voicing legitimate issues with the game is fine in my book. Things like rubber banding, certain affixes/aspects not working properly, etc. But damn, all the bitchy posts crying about seasonal content not being what someone wanted it to be. Gets annoying


What do you mean they didn't double the games content in the first season released a little more than a month after the game? D4 bad


Right? I get not being satisfied and there are issues, but this sub acts like the game is completely unplayable for every single tiny problem. Enough already, I want to see content that helps me enjoy and get more out of the game - strategies, build tips, etc. Not another "I hate the horse cool down!" post.


At the risk of sounding like one of the people you dislike, there aren’t really build tips or strategies that are broadly applicable. Build tips boil down to take good stats on gear and be efficient with paragon - anything more specific than that is probably better asked on a class specific sub. Strategies similarly boil down to be efficient and don’t waste time on anything but NM and helltides. Also don’t waste rerolls/good aspects on mediocre gear and don’t waste time picking up things that can’t be an upgrade to your current gear. That’s it. That’s how you build and strategize in the game.


Bruh there is a post about how bad it is that you have to click the hearts to spawn the monster to kill and how it takes too long. What is that, maybe a 5 second process? This sub knows no ceiling on whining and complaining.


dont you think there is good reason why almost every post is like that?


Reasons? Sure. *Good* reasons? Lol. No


Lol no. Ermuhgerd!! They added 2 seconds on the leave dungeon timer!! My world is collapsing as we speak!! Those are my favorite.




While not game changing enough to complain about it, it is worth complaining how stupid of a decision it was for them to do it in the first place. They couldn’t even explain why they did it.


So if a dev makes an idiotic change that doesn't make sense, the community is only allowed to ask questions and express concern if it's a game breaking change? Constant, minor, bad changes should just be brushed under the rug?


No by all means, throw your tantrum.


Funny how people are in the comments claiming it's an echo chamber because everyone is negative, while there's simultaneously people mocking and completely dismissing any criticism without even a hint of actual discussion


I’m all for criticism and the betterment of the game. That is not what a majority of the posts are covering. Just whining and being volatile with zero solutions or suggestions and just do not blizzard. When you’re screaming your head off about 2 second extension on leave dungeon, that is not constructive criticism. There are few who provide actual tactful criticism.


People aren't just "screaming their head off". They are asking why. And there's no answers. The solution is just don't do it! The complaint is that increasing the leave dungeon timer simply makes the game worse and less enjoyable, so the solution is just don't do it.


Not even noticeable.


Ach, one of those posts of "You don't give a shit about the game and are just complaining. And I'm too stupid to recognize that you care about the game but I'll chuck you in the complaining boat". If you've got happy stuff, then post it. Nobody's stopping you.


Unhinged, touch grass


This was the same with fallout76. The moment the hate-train is gone. The subreddit is good to use for all D4 enjoyer.




> YOU DISCUSSING THIS GAME?!?! GUYS THIS ISNT THE ECHO CHAMBER I WANTED Holy shit, the irony here is palpable. This sub is now basically a karma farm for posts complaining about the game. It's not as if people are brining up new insights or new problems. It's the same issues rehashed ad nauseum. Fuck me there were three or four threads about the meaningless Metacritic user score and all got thousands of upvote. This subreddit is absolutely an echo chamber, its just a predominantly negative one.




I get you’re trying to be funny and it’s not hitting. But one echo chamber over the other isn’t it.


I found it very funny tbh.


lol ok


Do you enjoy small stashes? Do you enjoy long mount cooldowns? Do you enjoy being forced to play 1 of 2 builds in order to progress in the end game? Do you enjoy not finding a single upgrade for 20 levels? This game is fun, sure, but there are also a lot of unfun things. People wont make a reddit post just because the games not that bad. Most reviews for any company are either really good or really bad. If service is mediocre people dont bother. If there are a lot of bad reviews on here, maybe theres a reason for that


you could just stay here and actually participate in the countless build posts, instead of just complaining, but that would take effort so go join the "the game is perfect" circle jerk community instead


One of the elite companies in gaming history releases a sequel to one of their iconic franchises and it's a piece of shit. Of course the entirety of the internet is ripping it. The problem here isn't the people with actual standards bro.




See... stuff like this makes me wonder who pissed in your Fruit Loops. So angry.


One would hope you'd play the game


If you like the game you..... and I know, this sounds crazy...... go play the game


For once I'd like to see one of these "complain about complainers" posts actually give some examples on how they are having such a great time in-game. It's always "omg I'm having a blast" or "I don't get all the complaining" then shitting on everyone else.


Its called a community for a reason, i know your probably used to echo chambers my guy but humans vary in both opinion and taste. if you dont like views contrary to your own i dont know how you coped as long as you have in the world. for real, just post what you want and it'll attract the people whoa care about it. or just play and not give a shit about reddit?


If you want to post something positive, post something positive. Literally nothing is stopping you. Or do you want someone to make the echo chamber for you?


The game would be considerably worse without those complaints.... And after the worst patch in the history of gaming, i dont think there is anything else to expect The sub was full of positivity the first days


That's reddit :(


A) not every post is shitting on the game B) those people have just as much right to post what they want as you do C) telling people who just paid $70-100 before tax, to just "move on" from a game they paid for because you don't like seeing posts criticizing something you like is pretty fucking shitty and selfish D) complaining about the complainers doesn't add anything meaningful to the discussion one way or the other and is just more complaining


What does complaining now add to the discussion exactly? Rationalise and cope all you want, it's pathetic behavior.


D4 devs have LITERALLY said that the current "discussions" are what lead to the massive changes coming and the reason they won't be doing anymore giga nerf patches. So I think it added, and continues to add, a lot of value to the game. If people didn't express themselves, the game would be worse off for it. So fuck off with the "pathetic behavior"


I’d probably go somewhere where you can get your head checked as no sane person who enjoys games could possibly like playing D4. I’m not even in the camp of “got my moneys worth” as I bought Ultimate Editions for me and my wife plus the collectors edition, the only part that was value for money was the collectors edition that came without the game.


Grown man just actually asked for a safe place because people are critiquing his video game. No fucking shot lmao.


KingGothalions Chat


that /lowsodiumD4 crap = where all the blue sheep hang out at. Its sad to see the gamers from this gen be ok with incomplete products. No wonder companies dont care anymore and get away with shit like this.


A psychiatrist


"This sub just breeds discent and malice", I apologize for wanting my $70-$100 AAA game with in game cash shop and paid battle passes to have some level of quality...


Shouldn't you be on the game playing it if you love it so much. Like you know Reddit is a place where you go to complain. Clearly since here we are. Zzz.


Gotta have something to do in class. Lol




Shut the fuck up. There are some good criticisms of the game. But a majority of y’all are just wailing banshees enjoying the echo chamber.


the class specific subs are much much more about the game itself


Straight to jail. If you don't like the game? Believe it or not, also jail.


Discord is best place for actual discussions about builds and the game, stay the hell away from this cesspit


Go to the class subs, they actually discuss the game over there. /r/d4druid /r/d4rogue /r/d4necromancer /r/d4sorceress


Play it for longer until all the flaws smack you in face and you end up right back here.


Level 57 in seasons and just it made it to WT4. I still enjoy it.


Don't worry about 90% of the hate posts are just karma farming. It will die down here soon. I mean the hate posts have already cut in half.


I’m convinced I’m going to hell for liking this game 😂😂😂 this Reddit is nothing but shitting on it all day every day.


People just want the game to be the best version of itself. Just because people complain and see shortcomings doesn't mean they aren't enjoying the game in whatever way they can. A (legitimate) complaint has 100% more value to a dev team than someone making a post like "I'm level 41 and having an absolute blast" or some such thing.


Most of the posts here are just bitching.


Yeah this sub is a fucking joke. Go to the low sodium sub to get away from here.


Maybe the discord? I haven't checked but I'm sure there's positivity spots there. Or in-game.


What level are you? I think context might help. You're probably typing this because you haven't reached end game. That's when you'll figure out why this sub dislikes the game.


" Sadly though, every single post on the first 2 pages of this sub, is just shiting on every single piece of the game. " It's not shitting on the game. It's just the harsh truth. Play the game more and you'll eventually realize all those people "shitting" on D4 are correct in their statements.


I remember last season everyone one said the no lifes that blitzed endgame in a couple days were shitting on the game for saying endgame was boring Then people got there and realized they were kind of right


the chinese people testing the beta already said there was no end-game and no fun items, it just took a while to catch up to the west. there were lots of leaked footage and it looked just as bad as it does now and that was months ago...


I agree. Can the people who don’t like the game just… I don’t know, go play something else? Leave this sub and let those who do enjoy the game communicate. All I see is people complaining. If it’s that bad then leave? No one is forcing you people to play or be in this sub.


diablo4dads sub


As others have said r/lowsodiumdiablo4 is a good sub, but posts like this don’t help either. You’re doing the same shit they do, like how many of these posts have there been in the last few days? Everything is either bitching about the game, or bitching about bitching about the game (what you’re doing here).


Even as someone who has shared some critiques (because I want to participate in conversations that could result in positive change), I completely agree with this. The rage is completely disproportionate to the state of the game and the value proposition D4 offers. The complete disrespect toward the developers is painful to see. When I imagine someone saying some of these things and with the tone used directly to a developer irl, it's rage inducing. Critiques are good. Critiques are: Here's what I don't like and why Here's how I would change it Most of the posts on this sub are not critiques. They are rage posts. There seems to be a huge disconnect between game communities and game developers.


Totally agree, this place is a cesspit of no-life nerds trying to make other people feel bad for liking something they don't. Imagine putting that much time into shitting on something instead of just doing literally anything else with your life.


The negative narcissistic people are always the loudest but they only represent like .001% of the daily user base lol