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Bring back the loot goblin portal and have the boss drop duriel mats or Uber uniques


Bring back Gelatinous Sire


Oh hell yeah. That one was ridiculous, and I loved every moment of trying to end the little goblins.


yess was genuinely amazing when you found one i miss that


That’s one of the things I really dislike about D4. There are no cool random crazy stuff like that.


The Diablo team has so many good ideas like this at their disposal, I don't understand why they don't (re)use them. Do they just not know which ideas people liked?


Those ideas need to be made into micro transactions for them to care.


What I think is that they do have ideas. It just takes a long time and a million approvals. It's a huge company and they don't do anything which would not have the widest appeal, which means appealing to no one.


It’s a live service that’s supposed to last years. Expect these ideas to be rolled out periodically over time. That’s what happens when a linear game gets converted into a live service game with “endless content.” If everything is simply dumped in at once like a linear game, what exactly will you be doing that’s “new” in season 12 or season 15, etc.?


Compares to other ARPGs its missing a lot of basic stuff man. Look at Last Epoch. They did a ton of testing and feedback.


When that game launches people will be yelling bloody murder about that one as well. Whatever flaw(s) it has will be blown out of proportion the instant its honeymoon period ends, which could be two days or two weeks.


I've been playing it and I don't think that's going to happen. Sure there will be bugs and stuff but so far it's been pretty smooth.


For starters, the campaign is unfinished and has no plans to be finished close to after launch. It even ends on a cliffhanger. This won’t matter to hardcore ARPG fans but it will matter a lot to casual ones, especially with how hard EHG has been pushing story in its recent trailers. Class balance is out of whack since the later masteries are far deeper and more interesting than the old ones. Runemaster and Warlock will get compared to Shaman and Sorcerer and it won’t be pretty. Respeccing basically works backwards. Early in the game, when you want to play around with different options to see what speaks to you, re-leveling skills takes forever and you can go from having unlocked powerful synergies to just having done minor stat boosts on your skills. Late in the game, when you would normally be expected to have a build nailed down, skill XP comes in so fast you can re-max your swapped skills in 10 minutes. This enforces a feeling of needing to follow a build guide early on even though LE is open and forgiving enough that pretty much anyone can homebrew their own build and still make it through the endgame. These are just a few things off the top of my head. I like LE and I wish EHG the best with their launch, but these things WILL be complained about post-launch. People on the LE subreddit already complain about them now, and those are entrenched players with hundreds of hours in the game. New players will not be so kind.


Yup it has problems and Runemaster is overtuned atm but it’s hella fun. I think many of its problems will be overlooked though because of things like the market system SSF and a god damn loot filter fuck yeah. It’s so easy to ignore many of LE faults just because of a loot filter. Also if you like pet classes it’s light years better then d4. Love my nerco


It definitely is a fun game, but I think anyone expecting gamers to give a game’s flaws a pass on the internet is huffing at least a little copium. Especially not casual players, who don’t really go far enough for a loot filter to become relevant anyway.


Unlikely you can already play LE and most of its pitfalls are already on the table. You’re not getting a drastically different game in a few weeks. That said it even in its current state it’s vastly superior to D4. LE has its problems but far less then D4 and keep in mind it’s half the price.




There's an idea. Would be kinda cool if they just dropped some random boss summoning mats.


Why not make them drop the boss drops (uber uniques)directly? Gives more worth to the goblin and less of the super boring boss farms.


Thats the real vault right there!


Or take me to a place full of cows


Cant wait for the cow level to come back 🙏


I like to kill them on principle. They won’t drop shit so they suffer my wrath.


I'm provoked by their little giggle before they run. They must be smashed.


I wish the little giggle happened in D4. The only time I notice them in D4 is when checking the map..... The giggle was a sign to hunt for it, in D4 they are easy to miss.


I definitely notice their gleeful mumbling when riding around Sanctuary. Instant bonk activated!


In d4 they're on the map, though I'd still prefer the giggle


Glad to know I’m not alone in wanting to smash the goblins ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


Haha lmao. I'm just glad I'm not the only one


I miss the Treasure Realm that happened sometimes in D3.


I'm sure something similar will come in one of the expansions


But we keep saying this about D4: why the hell did they leave it behind in D3? They already had this figured out and couldn’t recode it in the new engine? Seems wild to me.


It is about priorities. Everything takes time, and the executives needed to create profit for their shareholders, so they put the extra stuff on the back burner to get the game out to try and get as much profit out as possible. If they had more time before they released, they probably would have included it, but they didn't. The developers of major studios don't determine when something is going to come out, the executive team does.


I’d assume it also comes down to tone. D4 committed really hard to a darker, grimmer, less funny aesthetic. Treasure Goblins already kind of don’t fit the theme, but a boss fight against a giant tub of lard that fights by running into things and dropping treasure chests on you was probably seen as being too much. It was stuff like that that got D3 labeled “cartoony” and one of the big artistic goals of D4 was to be the opposite of cartoony. It’s the same reason we don’t have a Cow Level.


But there *is* a cow level...


Thus is why I pop into the small caves every now and then. Sometimes you get a loot Goblin cave with like 5 Gobbos in it.


Really? I didn't know that.


Yeah people skip them all the time because ether think they are a waste but there's actually a lot of really cool interactions thst happen in them at times. I still find new things all the time.


That's really cool. I'll start popping in then, thanks.


Yeah any time I see one thst has a tree of whispers point on it I'm sure to jump in. And other times I just randomly see one and say ohh let's go in. I've seen the Goblin lair a few times but many of the interactions I had last season were things I'd never seen before or since. Lots of crazy ritualistic shit, other adventures who tried to jump me, etc... of course some are also just a bunch of spiders or cultists and whatnot. But there's def some cool stuff to be seen.


I popped in for a whisper early this season and found some ritual I couldn't solve. I eventually had to give up and leave. I had assumed it was some new seasonal content ;)


Aren't they only Butcher's detectors?


You get it. If there’s a Goblin in the NMD, there’s a Butcher lurking aboot.


For real?


I mean Blizz never said, it just always seems to happen that way. And now that I’ve told you you’ll watch for it and notice it. But just based on their loot drops, I truly think the Butcher is just a reskinned goblin lol.


I saw the butcher today followed by a goblin. Both only dropped one stupid ring each and gold. Both were useless. Both are very nostalgic but they really should put more value on each!


Vault run this morning.... Butcher before I even hit the portal... Portal in Son of Malphas... near the end of the dungeon goblin running around. It was ass backwards.


In S1 when I was forced to only run NMD because that’s the only activity they had, that’s where I noticed if I ever ran up on a goblin, there was possibly a Butcher hiding somewhere in the NMD. But I never found a NMD with a Butcher and no goblin.


Welfare dungeons need drop stamps.


60% of the time, it works every time.


Only if a rat lead you to one


i ignore them. i aint chasing those lil shits only for them to drop me a worthless blue ring and $47


Treasure Goblins drop a guaranteed legendary if you're level 15 or above.


Which in WT4 tends to be a level 680 sacred set of boots with an immunity bubble


Who cares if it's Normal, Sacred or Ancestral? The opportunity to drop a good aspect for you is what's valuable.


Do you actually get solid rolls on normal or sacred aspects? Mine seem to be substantially lower than my ancestral roles.


You can get a max roll aspect that's really good for you on a Normal Legendary item.


It depends on the aspect. If it's percentage based or time based then a normal or sacred can be just as good as ancestral.


Agreed with the other guy that it depends on the aspect. The thorns while berzerking aspect is dependent on IVL (therefore 925 ancestral for max roll) to get a higher value range. But something dmg percent based like the hota aspect can max roll on a basic legendary. Most aspects fall into the second category.


I main a druid, your funny words mean nothing to me, spinny man


Ok. Ursine Horror for pulverize needs to be high item level. Rampaging werebeast does not, and can maxroll at low item levels. Most aspects can maxroll at low item levels.


You can still salvage legendaries into forgotten souls. It’s a low chance but it does happen


They drop dollars? =)


Baal bucks.


Only used in hell, but there is no hell level in D4 😏 So it's like Monopoly money.


I do the same, they aren't really worth it.


I can't help it I gotta chase em lmao


Well nothing wrong with that :-) You really never know what might drop. Perhaps in the future they can adjust the drops of the goblins to make it worth taking them out.


They already drop a GUARANTEED legendary item. That's reason enough to take two seconds and take one out unless you're already fully geared and stocked up on all the legendary aspects you want.


Well I'll be honest, in my case it's not the goblin's fault. It's the fact that my new druid is level 10, very slow, and cannot take a goblin down without aggroing three or 4 groups of stuff. So for now I have to ignore him lol.


I love those chases where you aggro six packs of elites while chasing down this screeching fella who’s throwing gold coins to distract you as he runs. It’s zany and fun, especially in high level NMDs. And then you get him and have to deal with the angry mob that’s staring at you as you look up from the goblin’s corpse. Ruh-roh


Imagine if you could "Farm" them for super uniques. Not that you could really farm them in the traditional sense. But if they had their own unique loot table. Not their own unique. That would be annoying. But say a greater chance to drop a Grandfather.


They have a rare chance to drop a unique barding for your horse, and a chance to drop some rare ones from other locations.. So they kind of already do, but not something most players care about


They're really trying to make unique horse barding's a chase item and I'm just not seeing it. I mean, I guess they're fine? I don't hate seeing one. But it doesn't move the needle for me at all. Maybe if it was a bigger pool of unique cosmetics that were random drops? My horse only needs so many little outfits.


Have to say that the burning horse drop from Duriel got my pretty excited. That’s a nice one with the burning hoofprints and the little shockwave in front when you start to gallop.


Wait, people actually use those?


This would be great. I'm 61 now on my sorceress this season and don't have time to play much. Last season i got to 82 on my sorc, 73 on my necro and 62 on my barb. I only tried the bosses because a friend invited me. When i saw the process of farming to spawn the bosses, i understood i just couldn't. Not compatible with my ADHD. 🤣


No one loses thier mind if you saw a treasure goblin in d3 now they literally had full rooms of treasure goblins in d3. Treasure goblins don’t need to be buffed but do more unique things with them.


It's kind of wild to me they have not done this on launch, but especially this far into the game. How hard is it to recolor the goblins and have some drop gold, some drop souls, gambling mats, etc.... Seems like such an easy fix to add a lot more variety


They did say they wanted to add more goblins like this I think they are waiting for a decent thing to drop not just materials last time d3 added a goblin was with the first expansion so I could expect the same here. They have been focusing on the roaming bosses aspect Like malphas/butcher that people like.


They do! You all are just too busy bashing on the small caves to realize those tiny little 1 room dungeons can be a loot Goblin cave with 5 gobbos in it.


Yes my point is its only exiting when its a room filled with goblins. I would argue D4 goblins are more exciting than d3 goblins one for one.


Let’s be correct here. In Diablo 3 I gave 0 fucks if I saw a regular treasure goblin by himself. HOWEVER, if I stumbled into a Goblin Rift with 20 of them, big win. If I stumbled onto a Gelatinous Sire, big win. If I got the Gilded Baron or Collector, I mosey’ed right on by.


Early on in a season those gold and gem goblins etc were pretty exciting though imo. They came up huge in the early end game 


Only if they showed up with a bunch of other gobos :p 


Iv one shot them, so no need to chase. And, in WT4 I have gotten minimum a legendary from each one. Sometimes 2.


Legendary is guaranteed anyway


and that’s soooo boring




that’s the whole point of OP’s post lol. Go play diablo 3 and you’ll see how good goblins should be.


The basic ones were still meh. All the special ones could be fun.


even the basic ones give you a bunch of crafting matts in addition to more blues/yellows than the d4 ones plus they still had legendary chances. Not to mention there’s so many different types that you rarely just get a regular goblin, and you also always have a chance to find a room with twenty of them. Oh also bandit shrines and the vault… It’s insane how completely shit they are in d4 compared to d3 lol


I think for me gear is just different in D4. A legendary or two is fine. It's not like they are rare or something and never seen. Plus in D3 they might have exploded with all this stuff....but all that stuff was pointless. You needed none of those mats very quickly. The gear? Pointless when a GR boss is dropping that every run. There was sooooo much of everything the goblins weren't actually special.


Last 3 I’ve killed have been worthless…. Blue and yellow…. No legendary


If that's true, then either you're a low level or there was a regression. In Season 2 (I believe) they made it so that loot goblins over level 35 are guaranteed to drop at least one legendary item


They did. It was 50% chance at a legendary before the update, then in version 1.1.1 they did this: "Treasure Goblins now have an increased Legendary item drop chance from Level 6-14 and guarantee a Legendary item drop starting at Level 15." I have to assume Bruddah is below 15 because I have not experienced not getting one after level 15


Don't bother to explain. He's crying for the sake of attention, or simply did not play season 2/3


One of them was on my new character in season level 28 the others tho were on my eternal and he is 83. No joke, no orange drops. 3 isn’t a huge sample size but it’s still a bit annoying chasing that little shit all over to get boned


You in WT1?


On my seasonal yes. Lv 28 atm


Legendaries aren’t even special anymore. They rain from the sky in every activity. Goblins could drop 10 of them and it would still feel the same. They need to drop summoning materials, small-ish chance at Uber uniques, or bring back the chance for a treasure realm (or something similar and unique), for a fun encounter with USEFUL rewards.


Theybare extremely useful when you're still trying to get all the aspects you need.


Diablo 3's goblins where a bit over the top but the diversity was fun and the portal to the goblin realm was really cool they should add it.


That's whimsical fun, like the cow level, or talking to Covetous Shen. Can't have whimsical in the new, dreary, depressing world of D4.


D4 takes itself way too seriously. Obviously it's supposed to be dark, but if you're always dark and gloomy it makes the setting bland rather than spooky. This is why in the popular DnD campaign, Curse of Strahd, the general consensus is to sprinkle in the occasional comedic relief/lighthearted moment to keep things fresh since it is set in a land of constant gloom. It gets tiring after a year or more It's the same concept as a palate cleanser in food Diablo 4 feels 1-note because the environments are all very similar, the colors are all very unsaturated making everything grey...The melodramatic voice acting and bad dialogue never lets up... There is nothing to give you a break from the doom and gloom D2 was spookier without being so over the top as D4


D1 would like a word with you...


A big difference is D1 is actually good, D4 comes across as trying too hard rather than executing the tone properly.


What in the entitled fuck is this? This has to be a scaling issue. In WT2 they drop 1 guaranteed legendary and not uncommonly 2 or 3. What is a better source of legendaries in WT2 below level 50?


It’s partly a symptom of there being WAY too many loot drops elsewhere in the game


Correct. Sadly the community only wants to solve problems by adding more and more shit, just like back in D3 - so we're doomed for more and more loot drops until a loot filter comes along.




the midwinter's goblins dropped a lot of good loot.


During the mid winter blight they dropped good items towards the end tho


I can 1 shot duriel, but I still never actively tries to kill treasure goblin. If it's in my path, sure. If it runs away, I wouldn't chase it. If it's not in my path, I still wouldn't go chase it.


I kill them for the challenge as I’m a slow coach necro with no movement skills. One just dropped me a ring of the sacrilegious soul today.




I think it's OK as it is now. In early game it's a little annoying to kill one but they dropa a leg and some yellows, which is worth it. In late game their drops don't really matter but you can kill it as easy as any random mob on screen. So it looks balanced for me. But if you wants to make it more meaningful or interesting I'm not against it either. Maybe make them drops more crafting mats (more souls pls!) or give them chance to drop rare cosmetics like D3. Vault could be done, too, but not in the next 2-3 seasons.


They’ve got sharp teeth, I recommend witch hazel to ease the chafing.


And yet i still chase them like a madman


>I dont give 2 shits when i see one in d4 Personally, I really liked them at level 20 or so, where you're not yet completely decked out in legendaries.


You would not lose your mind if you saw a loot goblin in D3 at least not in the last several years of D3s life. If you see a horde of goblins or a gelatinous goblin then maybe but not for a single normal loot goblin


While I agree they could be better now, they weren't all that great in 3 for the vast majority of the time, a single legendary was nothing when you'd see 5+ at the end of a greater rift


I’m just glad they drop a legendary. One step at a time now.


shit at this point make them drop 500k and whatever items. that way at least if the items r shit you got at least half a million in coin. they are “loot goblins” let em have some cash on hand w a few chest plates and a pair of gloves.


I still get grey items from T95+ NMDs lol.


In d3, you don't even lose your mind when it's an entire goblin pack of 30+ goblins on the first day of the season, you're just happy. When did you play it that you lost your mind?


I just ignore them. Annoying as hell to kill and drops weak ass shit


At least some forgotten souls on WT3+….


Bring back the Goblin variations Gelatinous/Crafting et. al.


Goblins should drop a lot of Forgotten Souls, Veiled Crystals and what have you, that would make them a lot more exciting.


let them drop ubers or shards/eggs. Easy.


I only run them looking for the skin. Don’t really care otherwise!


they should drop maps (or fragments of it) that lead you on a hunt to a random spot on the world map.. with X items or parts you should be able to open a special treasure chest or find something.. (it be portals or special items) the world is big enough and the only thing you mostly do is run nightmares or duriel (helltides but that is quick quick and farm) would love to see more engagement with the world (in various ways)


lol yeah late game I literally just run past them. Can't even be bothered to get off the horse.


Yeah they aren't different colored ones or anything and they drop nada. Hopefully they bring it back eventually.


I've gotten a few uniques, sure out of 100 but still, there's a chance


yesterday on a vault I got nothing, not even a blue item, NOTHING !


Also bring back the goblin laughter


i miss the excitement of seeing that one treasure goblin and then chasing around a million goblins like a crazy person to get all of that sweet loot


bring back gobling realm haha


The treasure goblins are fine, we just need the rest of the Goblin family now!!


Yeah I’ve never gone for treasure goblins after initial releases. “We buffed them to have a 50% to drop a legendary.” Cool most legendary items are shit so not worth it anyway.


I avoid them most of the time. I generally play on hardcore and tend to play pretty safe, so chasing a goblin while aggroing half the dungeon isnt great. Also not great is getting an off spec aspect from a sacred legendary item in tier 4 for being “successful”.


In D4 it is the trash goblin.


Loot goblins should definitely be something to be excited about and they should have a chance of dropping something unique to them. At the moment I only get slightly excited when I see one because they can drop a horse cosmetic I don't have.


I want to kill a treasure goblin and get everything in the game! :D


They're basically a mobile resplendent chest. I run by them most of the time, but if they happen to be around, then I'll snag it. >In d3 you would lose your mind if you saw a treasure goblin. Only because the other options for getting loot were more exhausting. D4 has many avenues for loot, so the goblins aren't as alluring. Which is your main point that I agree with. I don't want to run by them like "wtf is the point, it's junk anyway". There needs to be a reason to go out of your way to snag them


I think that goblins should be unique monster that can drop ANYTHING, from rare mats, potions to uber uniques. Moving boosted helltide chest.


D4 Treasure Goblins are on par, maybe bit better than D3 ones. But the thing is, D3 had soo many variants of Goblins and that was actually fun and amazing. In order for Goblins to be on par with D3 as whole we need: Obol, Gem, The splitting gobs, Gold, Crafting material, D4 version of rainbow goblins and mount customization/non combat pet goblins.


They don’t even giggle and mock you anymore. That was the best part.


I want the Treasure Realm


I like the idea of them dropping uniques but if that’s the case I think finding a goblin should be slightly less common than it currently is. Would make it more exciting every time you see one


Don't forget that there's that bug where if you execute them via Lucky Hit they sometimes just don't drop anything. I was confused as fuck the first time it happened.


This is my first Diablo and I already don't chase that ninja either.


they should just bought 70% of D3 system into D4, i still aint plaything this hit until we get Rift/Grift back, NMD are just Gloryfied Quest, who think is fun to play a dungeon alone when u have to backtrack to get the 2nd cube to unlock a fking door, just let me hack and slash, hell give me less loot idk it was a fun pass timer thing, but now it just plain out boring


I love one of the more recent goblin glitches that's come to my attention; executing them with a lucky hit often yeilds zero treasure. Didn't fully believe my buddy who was unfortunate enough to first encounter this since it seemed like pretty egregious bug on the part of Blizzard.  So glad I risk my Hardcore characters' lives to run down those little shits through Helltide mobs just to watch them keel over M.T. Pockets.


I just want their d3 sound design back. :(


You clowns play/support a fully micro transaction game deserve the what you pay for. Real gamers play real games. If a game kills the ‘immersion’ by mentioning real world currency even once during gameplay, the game is built for the typical/average low iq sucker like most of us. Break the mold and learn what gaming is again. Stop supporting these micro transaction games ya braindeads..


Sir this is a wendys


yea, for treasure goblins... they actually lack treasure. its soo weird. I also miss rainbow land. Cant tell you how many times i was about to go to bed and then i would run into one.


Where in D3 is a normal gobo good? He is dead as fast as in D4 and the loot is the same. The only reason to kill one in D3 is the chance to open the portal tbh


the model they use treasure goblins dont look right compared to D3


I don't bother with goblins I just keep enroute to whatever slogfest I was going to.


What if they just drop uber uniques and complete the season?? Is that too much to ask for??


I discovered today If you “execute” them with a lucky hit they don’t drop anything.


I disagree with this. We don’t want this game to turn into D3. It needs the slower pacing.


And I don't remember the treasure goblin being so spongy and has like a fire constantly lit under his ass. They just act differently and agree don't drop shit




They show up pretty frequently, usually dropping with nothing of consequence. They need to tone down the spawn frequency, and increase the loot drop quality 


It would be sick if you could hop into his portal. Like make it so if you kill him with a certain timing from when he opens it you get to jump to his treasure stash


if you played D3 recently no, regular goblins arent exciting at all. But there are "rare" goblins that drop much more loot especially the jelly one that splits into small goblins


Tells you a lot about the loot in this game.


The game drops plenty of legendaries as is. I think if they made him hard to kill and he dropped an Uber unique, it would be worth the chase. Like you could hunt the goblin in packs. LOL!!!