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I wouldn’t say you’re casual honestly. I stopped at pit tier 45 though bc the items and skills just aren’t interesting enough to wanna push further. I’m not grinding for hundreds of hours just to get an extra 1% damage on an item.


How often do you play?


Couple hours a day maybe


That's not casual. Playing every day isn't casual.


What constitutes as casual then? I see people who play non causally are ones that make jobs out of it.


Idk, couple hours a day after work? Guess there’s no real answer for it honestly. Making it to pit tier 99 isn’t casual though. That takes alot of time and effort


True, but do you think someone wouldn’t get there over the natural course of the season? More so if they mainly play? Or more due to how early the new season is? Idk you can still be a causal player who participates in endgame activities. But that’s just my opinion ofc


Never really thought that too far into really. Yea, I don’t think it’s hard to push endgame content as a casual player towards the end of the season, but being tier 99 pit this early just doesn’t seem that casual to me. Who’s knows though 🤷


That’s valid. I respect that view


I think Reddit casuals skew too serious... I haven't gotten to the pit yet. My character level this season is ~60? What keeps me from going further? Time I guess?


Yeah I was gonna say… the casuals don’t even know what Pit is lol.


Yeah finding time to game is always hard. I only reached 99 because I’m on vacation lol


Someone further up saying 2 hours a day is casual haha! Yep casual 14 hours a week on a single leisure activity.


Casually playing while my now 7 week old son is passed out on my chest. Got up to pit 80. Frost orb sorc. Not sure I can make it to my goal of 100 without extreme min maxing with tempers/GA/Masterworking etc


Ha! Diablo 3 was my go-to game when I had a newborn. Very easy to just pick up and put down at a moment's notice.


Precisely hahaha it’s fun to able to just pick it up whenever as well no matter what time it is


Damn bro congrats on the son! And the pit level too! That’s impressive


Thanks so much! First child and the wife and I are beyond happy!


That’s awesome! It’s great to see some heartwarming and wholesome shit around here lol I’m happy for y’all!


LOL super casual parent. I’m playing while cooking dinner for the wife. I feel you lol. I hope you can make it to 100. It seems like it would be hard on sorc, you probably would have to do a little min maxing


Yeah I’m been poking my head in the sorc specific subreddit/discord channels seeing what level effort it takes to get up there and damn does it look sweaty


Oof yeah playing sorc seems to require a finesse. A finesse I do not have. That is definitely my least played class. Good luck dude


I haven't bothered going past 34 and don't really care about fighting torment bosses or Lilith. I don't plan to go much further mostly because I don't find the loop of tiny gains to be much fun or having to run specific builds just to clear content. I'd rather not play content that forces me to min/max or spec a certain way to have any hope of success. I'll spend the rest of the season getting one of each class to 100 finally since I'm enjoying the rest of the game a lot more as of the item changes.


I completely agree. If the top content requires me to worry about everything single affix percentage then I don’t really care for it. I just like to feel powerful lol and killing a bunch of ads does it for me. I tried beating Echo Lilith and I just can’t get past the second phase


I'm having a blast just leveling alt in hell tides right now and I'm finally getting high level enough to enjoy the other classes.


Yeah, previous seasons took so long to level characters I often got stuck on one character all season especially as a casual who played a couple of hours after work. But this season I get to play around with all the classes for once


Yep leveling is stupid fast.. atm on my 3rd char current lvl 96 ( 1 sorc with blizz - stuck at 70 - blizz is kinda boring ngl.. 2nd char is a necro - stupid OP so i lost interest did clear 86 and called it quits and my 3rd char is again a sorc FO - dont plan on pushing - its just fun type of gameplay. )


Yeah I need to give sorc another shot, I have no idea what their game plan is and I find myself lacking so much damage whenever I’m trying to level


I’ll be doing the lvl 200 bosses so I can finish the season achievements. If that wasn’t there I’m happy to do regular Uber bosses.


It’s not boring at all if you’re on hardcore. Every level is a big accomplishment and every boss could be the end


Playing hardcore as a casual is wild! You have guts. I wouldn’t be able to manage the constant anxiety


It makes my limited gaming time more impactful and meaningful


I play maybe 3-5 hours a day for few days + weekends I've gotten a minion necro to pit 85, I've gotten a shadow necro no minion to pit 40. A frozen orb sorc to pit 30 and now I'm doing a bash barb. At a certain point the marginal incremental to push the pit level 2-3 level just doesn't feel fun. Upgrading a 0GA to 1 or 2 GA item doesn't really feel all that different...might help me get 1 pit higher maybe ? The journey of level up the class with a new build feels more freshing


Let me know how bash barb plays out for you. That’s what’s I’m using now. Feels really good. Yeah, but I agree with you having to super optimize your build just so you can do two levels higher doesn’t feel great imo


Bash barb is so brain dead but fun in its own way. I don't even care if a weapon stick has higher DPS. I just slap on which ever stick has bash temper. Jumped into wt3 at level 35 and then wt4 at level 55. It's a very smooth process


Jeez wt4 at 55 lol and I thought I was doing good by entering at 77 hella impressive


Wt4 is recommended 70...previous season most people enter wt4 around 63-65. This season with s tier build is very easy to kill mob 20+ levels. Level 77 is quite behind to enter wt4.


Oh wow lol that’s embarrassing! I went in thinking that monsters in wt4 are by default lvl 100. I have a lot to learn


Don't worry, you just figure things out. This season is quite forgiving in terms of power and exp to level. So just play however you like.


So you’ve played like less than 30 hours this season? Crazy good rng then I’m guessing


Not particularly good RNG, none of my character have any GG gear.....minion was just so easy all the way to pit 60 with minimal effort since I play minion every season I know what I'm doing.....and once I had a necro the shadow one had all the gears. The sorc was just easy fast clears in helltides. I did abuse the bug for helltide spawns with all the stacking incense and pots but honestly they should just make it a feature because it's so much better. Also 30 hour sound way too little....maybe closer to 60 hours at least because I'll get Sunday afternoon to play another 6 hours


Grinding 70 for mats, but feel like ‘what’s the point?’, as I have most of the decent-ish gear I need and a shako, so I have everything covered except for greater affixes on gear and other than that I don’t feel like grinding just for that..


Yeah I’m debating whether it’s worth the time to farm for greater affixes and I’m struggling to find a reason for now so I totally agree


And once getting good GA item to just brick it with bad tempers / sorc here /. Feels bad man.. so far bricked like 30 items and kinda got really bummed about it.


Ugh yeah, it feels like RNG would be on your side with all the re roll chances just to watch all of them disappear to nonsense affixes. 30 items is truly tragic


That answer and merit to those answers can really vary by build. Someone may just copy one of the super OP classes/builds and reach a high level without really trying or grasping a mastery of the class or even the game. And someone could have a great mastery of the game, but not use an OP /META build and reach their wall at a much lower tier. That said, humor is by telling us what class and build you’re playing Mr casual. If it’s not one of the season’s OP METAs I’ll commend you.


I have no idea what Pit level is supposed to be actually considered top of class. But I definitely fit into the first criteria you mentioned. I just copied one of those OP builds and I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m new to Diablo and just wanted to feel powerful without doing my homework lol. Does looking up strong builds no longer make me casual?


You craftily dodged the question 😉


Definitely a barb


Did a 103 today, but I've had covid so I've had some time to play.


Wow what build are you using? How are you surviving??


I was playing necro, then I got on the barb train. Full thorns, leapquake build. I've got 220k hp with shout and I can just stand in everything. Damage is starting to fall off though. Gotta do some more work on my gear


What???? 220K hp??? How is that even possible lol how long does it take to kill bosses, I can image the damage is lacking at that point


Depends on the boss. The sharpshooter is almost impossible. I hit harder as I scale hp, so I need more! I just hop up and down let the boss hit me.


Oh my goodness that sounds so insane. I need to see that in action. I’m gonna go look up some videos on. It sounds like just my build


Good geared thorns barbs have like 500k hp 😄 possible to one shot all bosses. Its a weird build


Yeah I have to look that up. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of that


89 and just because I don't find the content engaging. I don't find the content engaging because the gear grind is rng, you may never get what helps you scale higher, and if you do, the masterwork has limited attempts to get what you need. It's too rng to really care about when it's within the time frame of a season. I think season 4 ends in just a little over two months. That's a lot of grinding, time, effort for something that won't matter in a couple months.


Totally true. That’s how I see it too. I’m not a big fan of too much RNG. Why should I spend hours grinding for the CHANCE at getting good gear. Just for it to mean nothing in a few months. I play monster hunter Sunbreak and the rng for stats and skills on armor is basically the same thing and I hate it. Essentially no control on what you get


Yeah, like I get playing games where gear has short life cycles for new content, IE, I played ffxiv for a long time. The gear you get basically has two purposes, parsing logs and ultimate content. Once the new raid tier comes out, the only thing that matters for the near future is the gear for ultimate. Diabo 4's equivalent to that seems to just be pit runs, but they're only giving you the season to complete it. In my eyes, making the season matter... give challenging content, like put runs, but also make the gear obtainable. You see streamers whose sole job is playing diablo 4, or whatever game, who can't progress. How is that balanced for the 99% who can't do that?


The more I think about it guess it boils down to player retention. They really just want players to play their game longer and longer because if you’re not playing any other games, then you can spend all your money on blizzard.


Yeah, and that might work in the short term, but I'd be surprised if the retention for back to back seasons is decent. The value of effort and reward for a play session just isn't there once you've put the time in. I might feel the same way if you could get the gear you wanted, finished pit 200, and finished the content, but i guess it's the same point. You could play the game, never reach your goals, and stop playing, or you could play the game, reach your goals, and stop playing. If the end result is the same, cater to having fun. I like the grind, but I do get bored grinding for nothing.


I never really thought of it like that.. yeah that’s how you get pretty bad burn out. By the end everyone is at the same playing field and all that grinding was for nothing long term.


Yeah, it seems the model of the game is to just grind gear. I'd just like a way to be able to focus pieces you want and can actually get it.


Can't really get passed 50. I try all classes up to around that level and it just feels so repetitive so fast. Idk, I really wanted to like it but maybe it's not for me


Yeah it does get pretty repetitive pretty fast. What activity do you like then?


I'm a casual. What's stopping me is time to play and lack of good upgrades.


Im at 79, i can still clean thrash easily, but bosses are too tanky, one shots just drain time


Yeah getting one shot by the echoes is so frustrating. I can get to the boss no problem but surviving the onslaught at the boss is a different story


73 last time I tried, but it was a pain. Playing Blizz Sorc, and the problem is that it takes so long to kill the boss, that most of the time it ends up killing me first :/ I think I settled with lv 61 for farming, but I just tweaked my build a bit differently today. Hopefully on monday I'll have time to try it, can't wait :)


I hope the build works out for you. I do the same thing. I farm a few levels under max because I can’t handle the stress of the higher levels lol


I'm on 33 lvl 99 work is crazy right now plus 11 month old. Just for no time :(


I’m surprised that you can find time for gaming at all With a young child like that . That’s really impressive.


111, can't be bothered with farming (and bricking) for more items with more GAs and spending more Gold for masterworking ... also work is starting again next week Build is HS rogue with victimize, braindead easy to play and kinda easy to build and still super fun


Casual: still level 88.


Do you plan on pushing further?


I usually will finish at lvl 100, finish the paragon board (at least lvl 15) and finish the season rewards. But I don’t really keen to grind for min/max, rare stuff like Uber. Everything will be “gone” after the season, and no one care about ethereal. That’s my routine on Diablo 3 too, just do the season, finish all the seasonal quests, get the pet then yeah, just drop to game and play other stuff, and come back the next season.


Wait so the Uber uniques disappear at the end of the season? So all that grinding for nothing?? Oh wow I didn’t know that. I hope you hit 100, good luck to you


It is still in your inventory. What I mean is the at the end of the season, you current character will change from seasonal to eternal, and when you start another season, everything from the previous will NOT bring forward. You need to create a new character for next season. So your Uber will still there but it is in eternal and cannot be used again on next season. You need to farm it again and again.


Made it to 69 (nice!) with a duo of necro’s. I can do 61 on my own but seemingly only 1 out of 3 runs end with time left for me to get the chest. I have 39k health, 30k attack, and 12k armor (working to change some armor to something else since it’s past the cap)


Do you run out of time because you keep dying or because you don’t have enough DPS for the boss? (Or both)


Run out of time because of dying


ive hit 64 and could probably go a little further if i wanted, but i want to get more health first just to be comfortable


I do the same thing. I think to myself, “I’m gunna farm some stats first before I do the next level just to be safe” what class are you playing


i'm on barb doing a bash build. I wanted to do one before learning it was OP and then just leaned more heavily into it


45 solo but never bothered trying to go further seeing as I was only 4/12 on my uniques and wasn’t even at 100 or had fully maxed out glyphs. Iirc I was 95 or 96 then, with only 1 glyph maxed.


Yeah I chose to work on my glyphs first before I made big pushes in the Pit. I think it makes sense


50+ I only stopped cause I wanted to level another character


Yeah, with it being much faster to level characters I find myself just bouncing around to whichever class I feel like playing


Yeah. This is the first season I’m gonna be able to level more than 1 character. Level 100 on my rogue and already 80 on my necro. I’ve got a goal of getting every class fully leveled this season


I don’t know how experienced you are with sorc but good luck! Sorc is the only class I’m struggling with lol I can’t make it work


I mostly play rogue but incinerate looks really fun so I’m hopefully gonna make it work. But I suffered through making bone spear necro work I think I can do it lol


I got to pit 90, can do it quite comfortably, but right now, I kind lost the drive to go any further. Going to level an alt, possibly. But I'm proud of it, I never looked for any optimal builds online, and I'm using a build I created myself. But it's a lot of work. Probably gonna check some optimal builds on my alt!


Oh hell yeah, getting to 90 blind is a feat. What have been using so far?


I'm scared on hardcore mode bc I love a blind playthrough without looking shit up but it's difficult to gauge what I need more of if there are potential one-shot mechanics even if I'm all armoured up 🤣


LOL yeah I get that. There are actual one shot moves and I would not risk it if it were me. It’s always a jump scare when a move just randomly one shots me


Pit 83. One shot mechanics via the sharp shooter just aren’t fun. I’ll go back to upgrade gear, but leveling an alt to 100 has been much more fun than pushing the PIT.


Same here, getting to mess around with all the classes has been way more enjoyable than min maxing for me. I finally touched sorc which I thought I never would


I played around 60 hours so far in S4 so I don’t think I qualify as a casual. But to give you another reference, I play only hardcore, lost one rogue 95 and one mage 96 (I could keep gold and ressources) before passing the 100 filter with my current rogue and I’m now at pit 55. I think I can make it quite ok until 70.


Oh play it safe, I’ve never played hardcore and I can’t imagine losing a whole character to a one shot mechanic. I can’t believe you have the guts to run Pit at all lol


Thanks for your support! I will die eventually if I continue pushing but I’ll try my best to climb far. I’m quite unhappy by the OS mechanics too to be honest, so I’m being very cautious. On the other hand, my friend has a barb with great gear and he has made it to 90. He is still alive, so I’m hopeful too!


Casual here and I have only just hit 21 in the Pit. Not pushing anything, just having fun.


What class are you having the most fun with


Running Necro minion/corpse explosion build. I ran Sorcerers in previous seasons so decided to do a Necro this one. I haven't been seeing many 2+ greater affix items so my build is a bit lacking.


Oh same here, I was debating farming for greater affixes but I’m not sure if it’s worth the effort. Do you feel like you’re struggling at 21 in the Pit so far or do you think you can go further


In the Pit, I have more trouble with the trash mobs and elites before getting to the boss, than I do the boss. But by using a potion of holy bolts, the two floors before the boss isn't too bad so far. I need to get to 31 to get some more mats to get my weapon masterworked to level 8. It's not a perfect weapon but it's doing good so far.


Got to around 49 with both necro and scorcerer and just got bored. I don't see myself doing more of the pit, I'm not a fan of end game diablo.


Interesting, I think I find myself enjoying end game a lot more this season. I just like feeling powerful for once. So you just like leveling characters and moving on?


Yeah pretty much just got to the point where my builds came together with nice gear and maxed glyphs and aspects with a few characters. Might try harder on pits and etc but it just isn't something I find myself caring for.


~40 Lost interest, boring skills, you can't create your own build rly. Blizz made you one and chopped it into pieces for you to find. That's boring. Skilltree is boring. Swapping builds is a nightmare. It's less annoying to levl abother char to 100 than to switch builds. To push high you have to work with sth bugged or not working as intended. When the class/build becomes "irrelevant" because the dmg Source is a bugged Elixier that Invalidates the whole concept i think. You're not playing xy you are playing a holy bolt build. I have another list of things which i think are good in s4 but that wasn't the question so yeah, thats why i stopped


Yeah, it’s interesting to watch the whole end game revolve around what’s bugged and not bugged. I wasn’t expecting that really, is this how seasons typically boil down?


This season had many systems changes, so big imbalances and exploits and unforeseen synergies are to be expected. All things considered, it's insane that everything works as well as it does.


Lmao casual at pit 99 who you tryin to fool bro


Oh I have no clue what I’m doing, this is the first Diablo game I really got into and I’m just copying builds. But I don’t really get what I’m doing. But im learning a lot from this subreddit


103 as heart seeker rogue. At that point thought the bosses become extremely tanky and take longer than the monsters leading up to it.


Yeah it’s so jarring to breeze through the monsters leading up to the boss just to realize you deal zero damage


Did 107, can possibly push 114-116 with this build but pit bores me. It was fun for the first 60 pushes but then it gets old. Has no depth or challenge and it’s just mindlessly bashing the same mob or boss for 10 straight minutes until they die. We really need raids or dungeon crawling that’s more mechanic and/or team play based to make it more dynamic


I’m a Destiny player and the thought of having raids with actual mechanics sounds really interesting to me. I never thought about something like that. I hope a future season has something close to that


Agree 100%


Level 34 as selfmplanned Whirlwind Barbarian. I finished my goals - collected all cosmetics from pass and Iron Wolf quests and rewards and do not plan to grind.


So what do you plan on doing then?


Wait for next season


I can’t get past 31, for all my gear master crafted as best as I can without more ingoliths. Druid werewolf build. Might be a spec thing but I get one shot by not just bosses but also elite mobs leading up to the bosses.


Ah yeah if the elite mobs are one shotting you the boss would be a nightmare. What level are you


I am 100 with all max upgraded gear that I can get with out having anymore ingoliths. I followed a werewolf spec online that said it was good for leveling. Ended up liking it a lot and I have had no problems smashing stuff until I got to around pit level 28 and I’ve tried 31 over 30 times and it’s just not gonna happen. Ended up making a barb versus smashing my computer into my wall.


100 but now that I am playing a barb, I literally cleared Pit level 40 at level 97. Night and day difference. Chances are I built my Druid wrong but I will say I love my barb much more.


I'm at 53. But that was without any advanced gear min maxing at the start. Somehow I managed to lvl up 3 classes to 100. Working on the fourth and haven't taken a further dive into the pit.


Yeah it’s just too fun to level up new characters lol that’s one thing I like about this season


I'm a casual and play solo self-found What's limiting me is masterwork reset costs and finding GA items that don't brick I haven't pushed pit hard yet because I simply can't find the gear I need, and when I do, it's pretty easy to brick them. I'm currently able to pit level 75 and with a push, my gear should be able to get me to about 80. My goal for the end of the season is pit 100 and all uber bosses solo killed, including Lilith.


Good luck with Lilith, I can’t get through her second phase and I thought my gear was good. Though just like you GA items are hard to come by and bricking them is worse


From the casuals: Wtf is the pit?


Pit80. I got sick of the boss difficulty with Dust Devila barb. I could certainly push higher, if I wanted to. Instead Im leveling a minion necro now. The game is a walking sim. :)


Yeah I can’t say I like the walking. I play barb too, I just want to smash


Windsheer druid ,Pit 63.I could push a bit more but its pretty brutal, my gear is 4/12 with average temper rolls. Im currently farming Pit 61 for mats and better gear. I also need to do some helltides for the Iron wolves...


Have you gotten your Uber unique yet?


Nope, i haven't done a single boss run so far.Im waiting for some changes on stygian stones.


In all of D3 I never pushed past 115. I don't expect to push anything here, 40-ish maybe I guess..


Why so far in d3 but not d4


115 was in season 28 where the Altar of Rites was more powerful if I remember correctly, and also kept me going for longer because it was awesome. Most seasons I stop at 90-95, which is really trivial. For now in s4 I'm so in love with making alts that I have 4/5 in WT4 but no 100 yet.


110 or so. Necro. The gear game got boring as upgrades to good 2GA and finding 3GA are rare. Also no real incentive to continue.


Pit 90 here, dont think so going to push more , just farm lvl 70- 75 easy & fast thats all . After lvl up to 12 my gears going to stop .


I think that’s how I’ll do it too. Quick and easy rather than stressing over the higher levels


I was gonna stop at 61 because that's the 3rd material upgrade. I accidentally ran 63 the next time though 😁 Could probably push a further but I'm not a fan of the boss mechanics.


I cannot tell what oneshots me. The worst of the pit bosses is the frost shaman for me atm. He does one specific attack that oneshots me every single time at 50% of his health. I have no idea how to prevent it. I am playing a melee character. On top the abilities of the shadow clones are very hard to see at times.


Yeah not being able to tell what in the world kills you is the worst. I would love if they could tell you what killed you and by how much damage


Because im done, i got so far then thought i’m not grinding for hundreds of extra hours just to get an extra 1% damage on an item upto the last minute then they send my toon to die in a wasteland server.


84 on Necro shadow minions without holy bolts and 60 with lighting storm Druid also no elixir. Similar to others in here, what stops me from going further at least with the Necro is that I just don't find the pit grind all that fun.


84 seems to be really far for someone that doesn’t like it! That’s impressive. So what do you find yourself doing in game then if not Pits


I've "stopped" at 45, though I don't know if I can call myself casual. I've put almost 1600 hours into the game since mid-season , but I also don't play to just blast all the content as fast as possible. I'm "hung up" on 45 cause the build I'm using requires some pretty strict affixes in order to function at high levels in general, and im quite content just farming my 40s til I need better upgrade materials. I plan on making a pit pusher here over the weekend, but even at that, I don't expect to push passed 90 simply due to the fact that I'm in it for the co-op, not to sweat as many builds to perfect as possible


Are you playing sorc or necro by the sound of needing strict affixes


Sorc yes, but specifically the Starfall Coronet meteor sorc, so im running all cooldown abilities. Cooldown reduction is my best friend lmao


Oh yeah that sounds hard to build. I can barely find cdr on any of my gear I can imagine trying to build into it specifically


It's genuinely been a test of my patience and class knowledge, but welll worth it, even if only for my own enjoyment of the class. I'm gonna be working on my second sorc and a minion necro here soon to speed up finishing it off though lol


64 and it hurts my wrist to spam the button so much to kill the boss. Decided to level 3 others and get a sheko and make my life easier lol


What’s a sheko? I’ve heard it mentioned in some YouTube videos. I thought they were talking about Shaco from league of legends


It is the Uber unique helm that gives you +4 to all skills. Very good on many classes even with the tempers and stuff new this patch.


2-3 hours a day. Pit 70+. Time is stopping me, changed my build twice and my gear is not optimal, everything 4/12 mw, none of the gear is more than 1 GA.


113. One shot mechanic is not fun